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vet Government of Telangana REGISTRATION AND STAMPS DEPARTMENT ‘No.:2315-1-6098/2023 ate: 27/10/2023, CERTIFICATE OF TRANSFER/ MUTATION As per the powers conferred on the Sub-Registrar under Sub-section 2(d) of Section 104 of Telangana Muncipalities Act, 2019, and based on the documentary information furnished by the Applicant, the following transfer fs effected in the records of Pochampally Municipality. | VETN/Assessment No. 2125802806 _ [Survey No. [612/00 eaaeee Plot No. _|12,a3/WESTERN/P - | District i _ | YADADRI BHUVANAGIRI | ULB Name [POCHAMPALLY MUNICIPALITY Locality - POCHAMPALLY - NARAYANAGIRI - 1L STATE BANK OF INDIA STRESSED ASSETS ‘Transferor ( Name of previous PT MANAGEMENT BRANCH -Il. KACHEGUDA. D. | ‘Assessee in the Tax Records) 'SREENIVAS (REP BY ITS CHIEF MANAGER CUM __ | AUTHORIZED OFFICER) (S/o. D.SAIRAM) | ‘Transferee (Name of PT Assessee 1. KALLEM RAVINDAR REDDY (S/o. KALLEM | | now entered in the Tax Records) MALLAREODY) | Document Registration No. - [2315-8098/2023 [01] | Document Registration Date 26/10/2023 | Note: 4. This certificate does not amount to regularization of unauthorized constructions, if any or made against sanctioned plan. 2. This certificate will be deemed to be canceled, Mistake of Fact. 3, This certificate does not amount to regularization of occupation of government lands or objectionable lands. 4A This certificate is made based on a undertaking furnished by the transferor and transferee. In case the details furnished by them or any one of them are found tobe false, they/he/she shall be able for cvl and criminal action. SS ‘Of Sub-Registrar (BIBINAGAR } SUB-REGISTRAR SRO BIBINAGAR it comes to notice that it has been obtained by Fraud/Deciept or a CERTIFICATE OF SALE (For immovable Property) (RULES — 86 9 (6) of the security Interest (Enforcement) rules, 2002). The Sale Certificate is made and executed on this the 26" Day of OCTOBER 2023 at S.R.0., Bibinagar, YADADRI BHONGIR DISTRICT, TELANGANA STATE (Whereas ‘The Undersigned,State Bank of India, Stressed Assets Management Branch — Il, 1* Floor, Commuter Amenity Center (CAC), TSRTC Bus Station, Kacheguda, Hyderabad, Under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of jecurity interest Act. 2002 and in exercise of the powers conferred under section 13 read with rule8 & 9 of the security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002) by its Chief iManager cum Authorized Officer, SRILDSREENIVAS S/O. SRID.SAIRAM, aged '49 Years (Dob: 26-05-1974), R/o. H.No.6-7-13, Subhash Nagar, Beside Nirmala Birudaya School, Nizamabad, Telangana ~ 503 002, (Aadhar No.9324 5091 8476, Cell ‘No.9849081791), sold on 28. 1023 behalf of the State Bank of India (Name of the Becured Creditor / Financial Institution). i Authorised Officer Contd.2 i OF WIA act Bs Fer SIATEBANC I 2 pe : i Ke Peibey ' 7 2098 /2023 TELANGANA Mine ° . La Weearatseay slo Je. Mana (eddy LICENCED STAMP VENDOR Lino. 2ats.ooareote "Ao Bhoaden(Sehand wy RL, No, 23-16-014/2022 . H. No. 5-96/1, Bibinagar (VEAt), Yadadri Bhongir Dt, Cell: 965255003: 486 2 IN FAVOUR OF Sri. Kallem Ravindar Reddy S/o, Sri .Kallem Mallareddy, aged about 33 years (Dob: 04-04-1990), Occupation: Business, H.No.11-19, Gunamgaari Wada, Bhoodhan Pochampally, Pockampalle, Nalgonda, ‘Telangana ~ 508284. Aadhar No.5575 6213 (0577, Cell No.8099955503. below secured in favour of State Bank Hyderabad, standing in the name of dit facilities availed ‘The immovable property shown in the schedule of India, (@SBH), Himayat Nagar Branch, ‘SmtSantosh AgarwalW/o. Sri.Vijay Kumar Agarwal, for the cre by M/sRishika Cottons Pvt. Limited.,The auction has been knocked down in favour ofStiKallemRavindar Reddy,whose name has been mentioned above for Rs.17,25,000.00(Rupees Seventeen Lakhs TwentyFive Thousand Only).The undersigned acknowledges the receipt of the amount of Rs.17,25,000.00(Rupees Seventeen Lakhs Twenty FiveThousand Only)being the sale price in full as the highest bid amount in the e-Auction Date:28.07.2023and handed over the delivery and possession of the scheduled property. The sale of the scheduled property was made free from all encumbrances known to the secured creditor on deposit of the money demanded by the undersigned. DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY Alll that Open Residential Plot bearing No.12 & 13 (Western Part) admeasuring ‘ownships — 4, PST — 4, 500 Sq.yards or 418 Sq.mts in Sy.No.612/e, Padma: Pochampally Village and Mandal, Yadadri Bhongir Dist, within the Limits of Bhoodan Pochampally Municipality, Block No.17 (Narayangiri), belonging to SmtSantosh Agarwal W/o. SriVijay Kumar Agarwal vide Doc No 2169/2008, Dated : 25.04.2008, registered at office of The Sub Registrar, Bibinagar and bounded by - Consisting of TwoPlots; Plot No. 12 Consists 450 Sq.yards Plot No.13 (Western Part) Consists 50 Sq.yards) NORTH 60’ Wide Road SOUTH Plot No.7 & Plot No.6 EAST : Plot No.13 (Eastern Part) WEST Plot No.11. con.3 -pa ara te Bs For STATE BANK OF NDA ae sare en eh , erties en seen Ki ,Pediob zy ay List of Encumbrances: In Witness whereof the Author Ea None as known to the secured creditor sd Officer of State Bank of India and Auction PURCHASERS have set their hands of this Sale Certificate with free will anconsent on the day, month and year first above mentioned. WITNESS: - Da Place: Hyderabad bse halla abaelns cnsetarai & Xinreog Sen Bean eee Sant Bre ycerabad Chief Manager Cum Authorised Officer, State Bank of India SAM Branch — II, Kacheguda, Hyd. ee ERTIFICATE OF SALE PLAN OF THE OPEN RESIDENTIAL PLOT BEARING NOS. >) 12 & 13 (WEST PART),IN SY.NO:612/A,SITUATED AT: NARAYANGIRI VILLAGE , POCHAMPALLY MANDAL, YADADRI BHONGIR DISTRICT. BY ITS CHIEF MANAGER CUM AUTHORIZED OFFICER:- SRI, D. SREENIVAS S/O SRI. D. SAI RAM AUCTION PURCHASER : KALLEM RAVINDAR REDDY S/O KALLEM MALLA REDDY REFERENC! SCALE: N.T.S nee TOTAL AREA \TE: aan ‘SQ.YARDS: 500 DATE: EXCLUDED: (— SQ.METERS: 418 N ooo ee e 60-0" WIDE ROAD

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