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A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan

In Mathematics 3

( Emery D. Torres )


At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

a. visualize, represent, and convert time measure from seconds to minutes,

to hours, and hours to a day and vice versa.
b. appreciate and maximize the activities in given time.
c. performs and complete the activities in converting time.


Topic : Conversion of Time

References: K-12 Mathematics Curriculum code: M3ME-Iva-8

Enjoying Life with Mathematics pp. 327-332

Materials : Real objects (Analog clock), graphic organizer, cut outs, number
paper strips, calculator

Values: Use Time wisely!


A. Preparatory activities
A.1.Review: Tell what is it!
A.2. Motivation

Show the following illustration

Eros watched his favorite movie “Finding Nemo”. He loved the

character of Nemo especially its color. The movie is 240
long. If an hour is equal to 60 minutes how many hours did
watch the movie?

Ask the following questions:

1. What is the title of the movie Eros watched?
2. Who is the favorite character of Eros?
3. How many minutes long is the movie?
4. Do you know how many hours did Eros watched the movie?
5. How did you come up with the answer of two hours?

A. Presentation

B.1. Do you know the different time measurement used? Do you know how to
convert time?

B.2. Read again the short story and answer the following.

B.3. Discussion

Eros watched his favorite movie “Finding Nemo”. He

loved the character of Nemo especially its color. If the
movie is 2 hours long and 60 minutes is equal to an
hour. How many minutes did Eros watch the movie?
1. To determine the answer, the learners will provide the solution and write it
on the
show-me board.
Using the analog clock, one member of the group will turn around the clock’s hands,
while the other member will count and take notes how many turn they make.
show me board)

*1 hr = 60 minute
2hrs= 1 hr = 120min
60 min X 2
Or 120
2 x 60 = 120
Eros watched the movie
for 120 minutes.

*Present the solution and the process to the class by any representative/s from the

B.4. Guided Practice

The learners will be called to present their work in front.

Guide Question:
How did you come up with your answers?
Group 1: minutes to seconds.
Group 2: hours to minutes.
Group 3: hours to day.

The teacher may say the following:

• 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds.
• 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes.
• 1 day is equal to 24 hours.
• To convert larger units to smaller units we multiply the number of larger
units by
• To convert smaller units to larger units we divide the number of smaller units
Developmental Activities
Using the Analog Clock, show that there are sixty seconds in a minute, and sixty
in an hour and that the long hand indicates minutes which should be said and
after the hour that complete a day.

1 minute= 60 seconds

1 hour= 60 minutes

1 day= 24 hours

INSTRUCTION: Complete the following

sentences. Choose the right word in the box.

Second Minute Hour

Divide Day
Multiply 60

1. A _____ is a short amount of time.

2. A ________ is equal to 60 seconds.
3. An hour is equal to ____ minutes.
4. A ______ is equal to 24 hours.
5. To convert larger units to smaller units we
_______ the number of larger units by 60.
6. To convert smaller units to larger units we
_________ the number of smaller units by 60.

Guiding questions:
1. How can we convert minutes to seconds?

2. If there is 3 hours, how can you know how many minutes are there?

3. How many hours are there in 1 day?

4. Brian leaves his house at 6:30. He walks to school with some of his friends.
arrive at school at 6:45. How long does it take them to walk from home to school?
time elapsed time is____ and how many seconds when it converted? ____
B. Generalization

Present to the class the output from each group.

C. Application

Answer the activities about real-life situation in converting time.


INSTRUCTION: Convert the following time

Convert the following between seconds and minutes.
1. 10 minutes = seconds
2. 700 seconds = minutes
3. 100 seconds = minute
Convert the following between minutes and hours.
4. 120 minutes = hours

5. 5 hours = minutes
6. 540 minutes = hours
Convert the following between hours and day.
7. 3 hours = day
8. 24 hours = day
9. 5 days = hours
10. 3 days = hours


Make an essay about the importance of converting time and how to use time

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