BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY Practice Ways to “Maglalatik” for Boys at “Maglalatik” for Boys at Itik-
DYNAMICS A. Phone Camera Control of Noise Itik-Itik for Girls folk dances Itik for Girls folk dances
II. CONTENT B. Point and Shoot Digital Pollution
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages The 21st Century MAPEH The 21st Century MAPEH in 21st century Mapeh in 21st century Mapeh in 21st century Mapeh in
in Action p.53-59 Action p.153-160 Action 6 pages 150-152 Action 6 pages 226-230 Action 6 pages 226-230
4. Materials
downloaded from
A. Reviewing Let the pupils show and What is photography? What are the effects of a `What are the fundamental `What are the fundamental
previous lesson play their brought noisy environment? dance positions? dance positions?
and presenting instruments.
new lesson Let them identify the
sound of each.
B. Establishing a Have you experienced Show a camera o cp camera. Do you want to have a Warm-up exercises: Warm-up exercises:
purpose for the listening to a loud Sharing experiences on how to peaceful environment? 1.head bending 1.head bending
lesson music/sound? use photogrphy of those How? 2.neck twisting 2.neck twisting
What can you say to the assigned in photojourn 3.arm stretching 3.arm stretching
sound when you are in the 4.arm circling 4.arm circling
public market? 5.trunk bending 5.trunk bending
How about the sound 6.hip rotating 6.hip rotating
inside the church? 7.half-knee bending 7.half-knee bending
Original File Submitted and 8.jumping 8.jumping
Formatted by DepEd Club 9.jogging in place 9.jogging in place
Member - visit 10.inhaling-exhaling 10.inhaling-exhaling
depedclub.com for more
C. Presenting Presenting the table of “ Showing different pictures Show pictures of practicing Present the video dance of Present the video dance of
examples/instance Dynamic Signs with their ways to control/manage Maglalatik for Boys /Itik- Itik Maglalatik for Boys / Itik-Itik
s of the lesson Meanings” (p.53) noise pollution for Girls for Girls
D. Discussing new Giving activity sheets to be Discuss the principles applied Discuss the pictures by I DO I DO
concepts and reported to the class by in photography. group. Demonstration of each Demonstration of dance
practicing new each group after 1.Contrast dance steps of the teacher steps of the teacher
skills #1 discussion 2.Emphasis
E. Discussing new Group reporting showing Group reporting Suggest other ways on how YOU DO YOU DO
concepts and how to apply the dynamics to practice ways to control Demonstration of the pupils Demonstration of the pupils
practicing new in using instruments noise pollution
skills #2
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other