ulangan b.ingg

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A. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!

1. I _____ a book yesterday. a. read b. reads c. reading

2. They _____ to the beach last weekend. a. go b. went c. going
3. She _____ her homework last night. a. finish b. finishes c. finished
4. We _____ pizza for dinner yesterday. a. eat b. ate c. eating
5. He _____ to school by bus this morning. a. go b. went c. going
6. They _____ a movie last night. It was very scary. a. watch b. watched c. watching
7. I _____ my bike yesterday. a. ride b. rode c. riding
8. She _____ a new dress for her birthday. a. buy b. bought c. buying
9. We _____ to the park after school. a. go b. went c. going
10. He _____ his teeth before going to bed. a. brush b. brushed c. brushing

B. Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi bentuk past tense!

1. I play football every day.

2. She eats an apple every morning.
3. They go to the movies on weekends.
4. He studies English every night.
5. We swim in the pool every summer.

C. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dalam bentuk past tense!

1. What did you do yesterday?

2. Where did they go last weekend?
3. When did he finish his homework?
4. What did she buy at the store?
5. How did they travel to the beach?

D. Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan kata kerja dalam bentuk past tense yang tepat!

1. Yesterday, I _____ to the library. (go)

2. Last week, she _____ a new book. (read)
3. They _____ a cake for his birthday. (make)
4. We _____ to the zoo last Sunday. (go)
5. He _____ his bike yesterday. (fix)

Nama :

Tanggal :

A. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!

1. I _____ a book yesterday. a. read b. reads c. reading

2. They _____ to the beach last weekend. a. go b. went c. going
3. She _____ her homework last night. a. finish b. finishes c. finished
4. We _____ pizza for dinner yesterday. a. eat b. ate c. eating
5. He _____ to school by bus this morning. a. go b. went c. going
6. They _____ a movie last night. It was very scary. a. watch b. watched c. watching
7. I _____ my bike yesterday. a. ride b. rode c. riding
8. She _____ a new dress for her birthday. a. buy b. bought c. buying
9. We _____ to the park after school. a. go b. went c. going
10. He _____ his teeth before going to bed. a. brush b. brushed c. brushing

B. Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi bentuk past tense!

1. I play football every day.

2. She eats an apple every morning.
3. They go to the movies on weekends.
4. He studies English every night.
5. We swim in the pool every summer.

C. Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan kata kerja dalam bentuk past tense yang tepat!

1. Yesterday, I _____ to the library. (go)

2. Last week, she _____ a new book. (read)
3. They _____ a cake for his birthday. (make)
4. We _____ to the zoo last Sunday. (go)
5. He _____ his bike yesterday. (fix)

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