Lesson 8 – Application for Employment
Lesson 8 – Application for Employment
Lesson 8 – Application for Employment
o A job application letter or cover letter is a type of personal business correspondence which states
your intention to work in a particular organization.
o This is a letter that accompanies your resume and highlights the strengths that you have listed.
o It is written after polishing your resume.
PROSCPECTIVE o It is sent along the curriculum vitae when you apply for a company that
is not currently advertising.
1. HEADING/INSIDE o This contains the full name and title of the hiring manager of the
2. INTRODUCTION o This part opens the letter and specifies the position that you are
applying for.
3. BODY o This part emphasizes your strongest points and shows how you meet
4. CLOSING o This part of the letter is where you request for an interview.
I. INTRODUCTION o This part opens the letter and specifies the position that you are
applying for.
II. BODY o This part emphasizes your strongest points and shows how you meet
the employer’s needs.
o It is also essential to highlight the benefits that the organization will
get from accepting you.
o Go back to your resume, and then select the qualifications which you
believe is most fitting for the job. Look for ways to connect your
experience to practical situations required in the job posting.
o You can also use this part of the letter to showcase your personality.
Choose the best instances that reveal your ability to lead, work in a
team, and communicate.
III. CONCLUSION o This part of the letter is where you request for an interview. Remember
to sound enthusiastic and appreciative, and do not forget to include
your contact information.