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Generation of whistler wave by parametric

decay of lower hybrid wave in a complex

Cite as: AIP Advances 11, 115022 (2021);
Submitted: 21 September 2021 • Accepted: 23 October 2021 • Published Online: 16 November 2021

Amit Kumar, Ruby Gupta and Jyotsna Sharma


Kinetic theory of parametric instabilities of lower hybrid waves in tokamaks in the

electromagnetic framework
Physics of Plasmas 27, 042503 (2020);

Analysis of the plasma transport in numerical simulations of helicon plasma thrusters

AIP Advances 11, 115016 (2021);

RHEED analysis of the oxidized M′2M xXyene sheets by ablated plasma thrust method in
pulsed laser deposition chamber
AIP Advances 11, 115019 (2021);

AIP Advances 11, 115022 (2021); 11, 115022

© 2021 Author(s).

Generation of whistler wave by parametric decay

of lower hybrid wave in a complex plasma
Cite as: AIP Advances 11, 115022 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0072235
Submitted: 21 September 2021 • Accepted: 23 October 2021 •
Published Online: 16 November 2021

Amit Kumar,1 Ruby Gupta,2 and Jyotsna Sharma1,a)

Department of Physics, Amity School of Applied Sciences, Amity University Haryana, Manesar, Gurugram 122051, India
Department of Physics, Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi, Alipur, Delhi 110036, India

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

The effect of fluctuations of dust grains on the parametric up conversion of lower hybrid waves into a whistler wave in a complex plasma
is studied. In a complex plasma, which contains ambient magnetic field, the lower hybrid pump possessing a large amplitude decays into
two modes: a whistler wave mode and a lower hybrid wave mode having low frequency. Furthermore, a ponderomotive force is exerted
by the lower hybrid pump and whistler side bands on the existing electrons, which drives the lower hybrid decay mode. Furthermore, the
coupling of v⃗1 , the oscillatory velocity of low-frequency lower hybrid waves, along with the density perturbations, produces a nonlinear
current, which drives the whistler mode. The growth rate Γ (sec−1 ) of lower hybrid waves scales linearly with the amplitude of the pump
waves, and it increases as the amplitude of the lower hybrid pump waves increase. Moreover, the dust grain charges influence the instabil-
ity appreciably. Our theoretically observed growth rate decreases with the increase in the relative density d(= n0i /n0e ) of negatively charged
dust grains, while it decreases with the size of dust grains a(μm). The growth rate varies inversely to the electron cyclotron frequency ωce ,
and it decreases as ωce increases. The results presented in the article are efficiently able to elaborate the basics of the whistler wave exci-
tation in complex plasmas, space plasmas, processing in solid state plasmas, fusion plasmas, and laboratory plasmas as well as industrial
© 2021 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license

I. INTRODUCTION are used in satellite missions, as observed by Moullard et al.4 and

Huang et al.,5 magnetospheres, and laboratory experiments.6–8
Complex plasmas,1–39 which consist of positive ions, negatively Baranets et al.19 have performed experiments and observed that
charged electrons, and dust grains, exist in the laboratory, in space, with modulated and unmodulated charged particle beams, Cerenkov
and in astrophysical environments. A variety of electrostatic and radiation and cyclotron emission of the whistler waves can be pro-
electromagnetic waves propagate in fluid plasma. The interest in duced. Kraft et al.20 studied the interaction of an electron beam (den-
studying the whistler and lower hybrid waves in multicomponent sity modulated) with a magnetized plasma, which produces whistler
complex plasmas is growing very fast these days. A whistler wave waves, where a whistler wave and beam wave can be excited at the
can be defined as a low-frequency electromagnetic (EM) wave pro- same frequency when the beam velocity is different from the phase
duced in the magneto sheath, plasma sphere, and terrestrial fore- velocity. However, when both these velocities are equal, then the
shock and seeded by lightening in thunderstorms.1 This wave is maximum amount of whistler waves can be emitted. The whistler
circularly polarized and lies in the audio frequency range. It travels wave emission by an electron beam (density modulated) over tran-
along with the earth’s magnetic field from the southern hemisphere sition radiation was studied by Straodubtsev et al.21 The parametric
to the northern hemisphere or vice versa, which was observed by up conversion of a lower hybrid wave (LHW) into a whistler wave in
Cipolla et al.2 earlier. Stenzel3 made a comprehensive review about a plasma was studied by Kumar and Tripathi.29 Here, the authors
the whistler wave related phenomena in both space and labora- observed that the growth rate increases with the amplitude of
tory plasmas. Modulated whistler waves with density perturbation lower hybrid pump waves. The amplitude modulation effect on the

AIP Advances 11, 115022 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0072235 11, 115022-1

© Author(s) 2021

nonlinear interaction of electrons with parallel propagating large frequency, and plasma frequency of electrons, whereas the last term
amplitude whistler waves in a dipole field was investigated using the shows the electron cyclotron frequency.
two-wave model by Tao et al.30 Katoh and Omura31 studied The lower hybrid pump wave transmits oscillatory
the effect of inhomogeneity of the background magnetic field on velocity v⃗1 to electrons. On linearizing equation of motion,
the process of whistler-mode chorus emission generation. They we obtain
observed that the small spatial inhomogeneity of the background
∂ v⃗1 e∇ ϕ1
magnetic field results in the small threshold amplitude for the = − v⃗1 × ω⃗ce . (2)
growth rate of nonlinear waves. Miyoshi et al.32 presented the super- ∂t me
posed epoch analysis of comprehensive datasets related to whistler ∂
Replacing ∂t
by −iω1 and ∇ by ik⃗1 in the above-mentioned equation,
wave–electron interactions. For this analysis, the authors have taken
we get
the relevant data of the magnetosphere more than one solar cycle
period. Gupta et al.33 observed the interaction of an electron beam eik⃗1 ϕ1
with the whistler-mode waves in the magneto plasma. Here, the − iω1 v⃗1 + v⃗1 × ω⃗ce = . (3)
growth rates and dispersion relation of whistler waves in the pres- me
ence of oblique as well as parallel electron beams are calculated by From the above-mentioned equation, we obtain the z-component of
the authors using first order perturbation theory. The physics of velocity as
the parametric process can be understood as a lower hybrid pump
wave consisting of frequency ω1 having large amplitude and wave ek1z ϕ1
v1z = − . (4)
number k⃗1 transmitting the oscillatory velocity v⃗1 to electrons. As a me ω1
result, it decays into a lower hybrid wave (LHW) having character-
Multiplying Eq. (3) by ω⃗ce , we get the perpendicular component of
istics such as frequency ω and wave number k⃗ and a whistler side
velocity as
band wave of frequency ω2 and wave number k⃗2 , where ω2 = ω1 –ω
and k⃗2 = k⃗1 − k.
⃗ Both these modes exert F⃗P , a ponderomotive force,
ek1x ϕ0
on the electrons, which drives the low-frequency lower hybrid wave. v⃗1– = − x + iωcê
(ω1̂ y). (5)
me ω2ce
The electron perturbation density is generated due to the coupling
of the low-frequency lower hybrid wave with the oscillatory velocity
Now, the large amplitude lower hybrid pump wave decays into
v⃗1 to produce a nonlinear current, in the k⃗1 × B⃗s direction, driving a low-frequency lower hybrid wave (LHW) and a whistler wave.
the whistler side band wave. The emitted whistler waves propagate The potential of a low-frequency lower hybrid wave can be
opposite to the direction of a lower hybrid wave (LHW). In the written as
present article, the effect of charge fluctuations of dust grains on
the parametric conversion of a large amplitude lower hybrid wave ϕ = A exp−i(ωt−kx x−kz z) . (6)
(LHW) into a whistler in plasma is described. The numerical analy-
sis of the process and the growth rate of instability in the presence of The electric and magnetic field for a whistler mode can be written as
dust grains is presented in Sec. II. Section III presents the results and
discussion of the work.
E⃗2 = A2 (̂ y)exp[−i(ω2 t−k2 z)] ,
x + î


We develop a theoretical model of lower hybrid pump waves k⃗2 × E⃗2
B⃗2 = , (7)
containing large amplitude propagating through the dusty plasma ω2
having equilibrium electron density n0e , ion density n0i , and dust
grain density n0d , with the magnetic field along the z direction Bs ̂
z. where ω2 = ω1 − ω, kx = k1x and k⃗2 = k⃗1 − k⃗ = (k1z − kz )̂
z. Since ω <
The charge and mass of electrons, ions, and dust grains are (−e, me ), ω1 , kx = k1x , kz < k1z , and k2z and ω2 are positive quantities, the
(e, mi ) and (Qd , md ), respectively. The lower hybrid pump wave whistler side band wave propagates along a direction parallel to the
potential22 is presented as applied DC magnetic field. After simplifying the equation of motion,
we obtain the drift velocity v⃗2 for electrons,

ϕ1 = A1 exp−i(ω1 t−k1x x−k1z z) ,

(1) v⃗2 = − . (8)
k21z mi me ωce
ω21 = ω2LH (1 + ),
me k21
The whistler side band wave and lower hybrid pump wave exert a
ponderomotive force on electrons,23–27
ωpi 0i 2 1/2 0e 2 1/2
where ωLH = ω2pe
1/2 , ωpi = ( 4πnmi e ) , ωpe = ( 4πnme e ) , and
(1+ ) ∂ V⃗ e e
eBs me + me V⃗ ⋅ ∇V⃗ = −eE⃗ − V⃗ × (B⃗ − B⃗s ) − V⃗ × B⃗s , (9)
ωce = me c
represents the frequency of lower hybrid waves, ion ∂t c c

AIP Advances 11, 115022 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0072235 11, 115022-2

© Author(s) 2021

where V⃗ represents the total drift velocity of electrons and B⃗ in0e e2 ϕ1 E2x k2 k1z k2 kx
e = [( 1x − )
represents the total magnetic field (static magnetic field B⃗s plus the 2m ω e2 ω2ce ω2 ω1 ωce
whistler magnetic field B⃗2 ). k2 k1x k1x k1z kz
Equation (9) contains the nonlinear terms that create a pon- −( − ) ]. (15)
deromotive force on electrons and is given as ω2 ωce ω1 ωce ω

e Here, electron susceptibility can be written as

F⃗p = −me V⃗ ⋅ ∇V⃗ − V⃗ × (B⃗ − B⃗s ).
ω2pe ω2pe k2z
χe = − .
Karpman et al.24 calculated the ponderomotive force in a more ω2ce ω2 k2
effective way as given below:
Similarly, ion perturbed density is
v∗2 ⋅ ∇⃗
v1 ] − v⃗1 × B⃗∗2 ,
m e
F⃗p = − [⃗
v1 ⋅ ∇⃗ k2x n0i eϕ
2 2c n1i = . (16)
mi ω2
where ∗ denotes the complex conjugates. Applying the values of v⃗1 ,
v⃗2 , and B⃗2 , we obtain the ponderomotive force as The dust perturbation density may be written as

e 2
[−k2 v1z v⃗∗2 + k1x v2z ∗ k2 ⎛ ωpd ⎞
F⃗p = −
v⃗1 ] n1d = − ϕ, (17)
4πQ0d ⎝ ω2 ⎠
e ⃗
− (k2 v⃗1 ⋅ E⃗ − k⃗2 v⃗1 ⋅ E⃗2 ), (10)
Similarly, the dust charge fluctuations can be written as

dQ1d n1i n1e

F⃗p = f⃗p ϕ1 E2x , + ηQ1d = −∣I0e ∣( 0i − 0e ),
dt n n

where η = 0.01ωpe a λDn n0i is the dust charging rate, a is the dust grain
e2 k1z k2 k2 k1x k2 k1z
f⃗p = − [ (̂ y) + i 1x
x − î y+
̂ (− − z].
)̂ size, λD = ωvthpe is the Debye length, and vth is the thermal speed of
2m ω2 ω1 ω2ce ωce ω2 ω1
The frequency response of electrons on the ponderomotive force is ∣I0e ∣ n1i n1e
and Q1d = [ 0i − 0e ], (18)
given as i(ω + iη) n n
∂ V⃗ e⃗
v ⃗ where I 0e is the electron current.
me = −eE⃗ + F⃗p − × Bs ,
∂t c Now putting all the values from Eqs. (14) and (16) in Eq. (18),
we get
which provides the perpendicular and z-component of velocity as
∣I0e ∣eϕ k2 k2 k2
ek– ϕ 1 Q1d = [ i x 2 − e x 2 + e z 2 ].
v⃗– = e 2 (ω̂
x + iωcê
y) − e 2 (iωF⃗p– + F⃗p– × ω⃗ce ), (11) i(ω + iη) m ω m ωce m ωce
m ωc m ωce
Substituting the values from Eqs. (13) and (16)–(18) in Poisson’s
equation, we obtain
ekz ϕ iFpz
vz = − +
me ω me ω
, (12) ∇2 ϕ = 4π(n1e e − n1i e + n0d Q1d + Q0d n1d )

k2 ein0e e2 ϕ1 E2x k2 k1z k2 kx
where subscript – represents the perpendicular component. Solving ∇2 ϕ = 4π[ χe ϕe + [( 1x − )
4πe 2m ωe2 ω2ce ω2 ω1 ωce
the equation of continuity ∂n
v) = 0 for density perturba-
+ ∇ ⋅ (n⃗
tions, we obtain k2 k1x k1x k1z kz k2 ω2pi eϕ
−( − ) ]] − [ ]
ω2 ωce ω1 ωce ω ω2
n1e = nLe + nNL
e , (13)
n0d ∣I0e ∣eϕ k2x k2 k2
where n1e is the electron’s perturbed density, nLe is the perturbed + 4π[ [ i 2 − ex 2 + ez 2 ]
i(ω + iη) m ω m ωce m ωce
linear electron density, and nNL
e is the perturbed nonlinear electron
density, Q0d k2 ω2pd ϕ ⎤

− ⎥. (19)
4πQ0d ω2 ⎥
k2 ⎦
nLe = ( )χe ϕ, (14)
4πe After simplifying Eq. (19), we get

AIP Advances 11, 115022 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0072235 11, 115022-3

© Author(s) 2021


⎢ ω2pe k2z ω2pe ω2pi ωpd iβω2pi n0e k2x iβω2pe k2x iβω2pe k2z ⎤⎥
⎢1 + 2 − 2 2 − 2 − 2 − 0i 2 2
+ 2 2
− ⎥ϕ

⎣ ωce ωk ω ω (ω + iη)n ω k (ω + iη)ωce k (ω + iη)ω2 k2 ⎥

2 ∗ 2
iωpe eϕ1 E2x k1x k1z k2 kx k1x k2 k1x k1z kz
=− [( 2 − ) −( − ) ]
2me ωk2 ωce ω2 ω1 ωce ω2 ωce ω1 ωce ω . (20)

ε1 ϕ = α1 ϕ1 E2x

iω2pe eϕ1 E2x k21x k1z k2 kx k1x k2 k1x k1z kz
α1 = − [( − ) −( − ) ]
2me ωk2 ω2ce ω2 ω1 ωce ω2 ωce ω1 ωce ω

The coupling of oscillatory velocity v⃗1 with low-frequency density write ω = ωr + iΓ and ω∗2 = ω1 − ω∗ ω∗2 = ω1 − ωr + iΓ = ω2r + iΓ and
perturbation produces a nonlinear sideband current, expand H2 (ω) = iΓ ∂H

k2 ek1 ϕ∗ ϕ1 ω2pi μ2
to obtain the growth rate Γ2 = − , (28)
J⃗NL = 1 2
[(1 − x + i ωcê
)(ω1 ̂ y) ∗
∂ε1 ∂H2
8π me ωce ω2 ∂ω ∂ω

ω2pi where
+ (1 −
x − iωcê
)(ω1̂ y)]. (21) ∂H2∗ ω2pe
≈ , (29)
∂ω ωce
Linear current density at ω2 , k⃗2 can be written as J⃗L = −n0e e⃗
v2 , that
is, ⎡
⎢ ω2pi ω2pe k2z ω2pe ωpd iβk2x ω2pe
ε1 = ⎢1 − 2 − 2 2 + 2 − 2 + 2 2
n0e ie2 ϕ1 E2 ⎢ ω ωk ωce ω ωce k (ω + iη)
J⃗L = . (22) ⎣
me ωce 2 2
iβωpe kz 2 2 0e
iβkx ωpi n
The whistler sideband wave equation can be expressed as − 2 2
− 2 2 ]
(ω + iη)ω k ω k (ω + iη)n0i
2 2
ω22 E⃗2 4πiω2
2 2
∂ε1 2kz ωpe 2ωpi 2ωpd 2iβω2pi n0e k2x iβω2pi n0e k2x
∇2 E2 − ∇(∇ ⋅ E⃗2 ) + = −( 2 )J⃗1 , (23) = 3 2 + 3 + 3 + +
c2 c ∂ω ωk ω ω (ω + iη)n0i ω3 k2 (ω + iη)2 n0i ω2 k2
iβω2pe k2x 2iβω2pe k2z iβω2pe k2z
− + + . (30)
ω2 4πiω2 ⃗L ⃗NL (ω + iη)2 ω2ce k2 (ω + iη)ω3 k2 (ω + iη)2 ω2 k2
(k22 − 22 )E⃗2 − k⃗2 k⃗2 ⋅ E⃗2 = (J + J ). (24)
c c2 Using the values from Eqs. (29) and (30) in (28), we obtain the value
of growth rate as
On simplifying the wave equation, we get
∣A1– ∣2 ω2pi (ω1 −ω)ω2pe k2 k1z k2 kz k1z
[ ω1x2 + (ω1 −ω)ω1
+ ( k2
ω (ω1 −ω)
+ )]
ω2 ω2pe ω22 i(ω2 − ω)k31 cω2pe ∗ 2 4ω2 ω ce ω1
[ 22 − ]E2x = − ϕ ϕ1 Γ = , (31)
c ω2 ωce c 2 2me ωce ω2 , (25) AB
H2 E2x = α2 ϕ∗ ϕ1 ω2pe
where A = ωce
ω2 ω2pe ω22 i(ω2 −ω)k31 cω2pe
where H2 = [ c22 − ω2 ωce c2
] and α2 = − 2me ωce ω2
. 2k2z ω2pe 2ω2pi 2ωpd 2iβω2pi 1k2x iβω2pi 1k2x
B= + + + +
Taking the complex conjugate of Eq. (25), we obtain ω3 k2 ω3 ω3 (ω + iη)δω3 k2 (ω + iη)2 δω2 k2
iβω2pe k2x 2iβω2pe k2z iβω2pe k2z
H2∗ E2x

= α∗2 ϕ ϕ∗1 . (26) − 2
+ + , (32)
(ω + iη)2 ωce k2 (ω + iη)ω3 k2 (ω + iη)2 ω2 k2
Multiplying Eqs. (20) and (26), we get
where β = 0.1πa2 n0d vth is the coupling parameter that defines the
H2∗ ε1 = μ2 , coupling between dust grains and plasma.

∣A1– ∣2 ω2pi (ω1 − ω)ω2pe III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

μ2 = − (27)
4ω2 ω
For numerical calculations, we have used the following exper-
k21x k1z k2 kz k2 k1z imental plasma parameters relevant to the beam plasma system:35
×[ + + ( + )]
ω2ce (ω1 − ω)ω1 ω (ω1 − ω) ω1
≅ 10−3 ,
i 1/2 ωpe
∣A1– ∣2 k21z /8ω21 ( m
≅ 1, ωce
≅ 1, ω1
≅ 10, the electron
0e 10 −3
In the absence of the pump wave (μ2 = 0), ε1 = 0 and H 2 = 0 give the density is n = 10 cm , the magnetic field Bs ≈ 300 G, ω1
linear eigen frequencies ω = ωr and ω2 = ω2r when μ2 ≠ 0. We may ≤ 90 MHz, k1z = 0.07 cm−1 , k1– = 0.45 cm−1 , and ∣A1– ∣/c ≈ 10−3 .

AIP Advances 11, 115022 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0072235 11, 115022-4

© Author(s) 2021

FIG. 1. Normalized growth rate Γ/ωpi versus frequency of lower hybrid wave FIG. 3. Growth rate Γ (sec−1 ) as a function dust grain size a(μm) for the same
ω/ωpi . parameters as used in Fig. 1.

transients events. In Fig. 3, we theoretically observed that the growth

Using these parameters, we have plotted Fig. 1 and observed that rate Γ (sec−1 ) decreases with the increase in dust grain size a(μm)
the normalized growth rate Γ/ωpi decreases with the increase in fre- [cf. Eq. (32)]. As the size of dust grains increases, a large number of
quency ω/ωpi of the lower hybrid wave. It is due to the fact that electrons become attached to the dust grain surface so that the elec-
the oscillatory velocity of electrons is a few percent of the phase tron current decreases whereas the ion current is increased, which
velocity of the lower hybrid pump wave. Our theoretical results of reduces the growth rate of instability. In Fig. 4, the growth rate
Fig. 1 are similar to the theoretical observations by Kumar and Tri- Γ (sec−1 ) as a function of the amplitude of the pump wave ∣A1– ∣
pathi29 (cf. Fig. 1). In Fig. 2, we have plotted the growth rate Γ is plotted. Here, we observed that as the amplitude of the pump
(sec−1 ) as a function of d(= n0i /n0e ), the relative density of neg- wave increases, the growth rate increases. This can be explained
atively charged dust grains. We observed that the growth rate Γ as follows: when the amplitude of the pump wave is increased, the
(sec−1 ) decreases with the increase in relative density of dust grains. lower hybrid wave is allowed to decay parametrically because of
The presence of dust grains in a complex plasma and their shape, the presence of large electrostatic components in a direction per-
size, and density modify the growth rate. The size of the nega- pendicular to the magnetic field. While at a high power, the pump
tively charged dust grains can vary as (md /mp ∼ 106 − 1012 ) and wave decays non-linearly into a low-frequency lower hybrid wave
can be charged up to Qd ∼ 103 –105 by several charging processes and a whistler side band wave. On further increasing the ampli-
such as electron and ion plasma currents, photoelectric effects, and tude of the pump wave, the lower hybrid wave becomes para-
metrically unstable because the oscillatory velocity of electrons is
greater than the sound velocity. Hence, a pump wave decaying into a

FIG. 2. Growth rate Γ (sec−1 ) as a function of relative density d(= n0i /n0e ) of
negatively charged dust grains. FIG. 4. Growth rate Γ (sec−1 ) as a function of dust grain density n0d (cm−3 ).

AIP Advances 11, 115022 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0072235 11, 115022-5

© Author(s) 2021

strong candidate for radio frequency heating in a tokamak as well.

Therefore, our theoretical results can be used as a diagnostic tool
for detecting small scale density fluctuations in small tokamaks and
laboratory plasmas with high spatial resolution.38 Our theoretical
results are also applicable to elaborate the whistler wave excitation
phenomenon in Earth’s and planetary magnetospheres.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.

The data that support the findings of this study are avail-
able within the article and from the corresponding author upon
reasonable request.

FIG. 5. Growth rate Γ (sec−1 ) as a function of the amplitude of lower hybrid pump 1
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