The COVID-19 infection caused by SARS-CoV2 virus started in late 2019 in China and was declared a pandemic by
WHO in March 2020. COVID_19 infection has not been under control yet. New strains are emerging and posing
challenges. On the other hand, implications and complications of earlier infections so called Long Covid have not been
resolved yet. The COVID infection may affect each and every tissue and organ including vital organs inflicting sustaine
damage. Vaccination significantly reduced hospitalization and mortality rates. Nonetheless, no vaccine offers complete
immunity or zero transmission. There is no terminative treatment or definitive cure for this infection. Beside vaccinatio
supplementary measures are desired for multilayered protection. COVID_19 infection, initial impacts, mechanisms,
implications, and potential countermeasures are discussed.
Keywords: infection; decontamination; long covid; herbal; remedies; inflammation
The COVID-19 infection caused by SARS-CoV2 virus started in late 2019 Infiltration of SARS-CoV2 into human body
in China and was declared a pandemic by WHO in March 2020. Most
countries have experienced a few surges of the pandemic by now. Alpha, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 infection, primarily
Beta, Gama, Delta, and Omicron variants have been circulating around the infiltrates the human body through respiratory droplets, aerosols and indirect
globe. Omicron with over 50 confirmed mutations is currently the dominant transmission as discussed in the earlier articles (1, 2). A general overview of
variant disseminating globally. As of 18 December 2023 (WHO report), how it enters and spreads within the body:
EG.5 (Omicron sub-variant) remains to be the most reported Variant of *Inhalation: The virus enters the body when individuals inhale respiratory
Interest (VOI) globally. While JN.1 sub-variant of BA.2.86 has been droplets and aerosols expelled by an infected person through coughing,
designated as a separate VOI apart from its parent lineage BA.2.86 due to its sneezing, talking, or even breathing. These contain viral particles.
rapid increase in prevalence in recent weeks. Presumably JN.1 is
approaching worldwide dominance. During the period from 13 November to *Nasal and oral entry: Once inhaled, the virus primarily targets the
10 December 2023, overall increase of 23% in hospitalization and 51% in respiratory system. It can bind to specific receptors ACE2 (angiotensin-
ICU admissions of new COVID_19 infection was recorded amongst the converting enzyme 2) The ACE2 receptors, which are found in the nose,
countries reporting consistently within the current and past reporting periods. mouth, and lungs. The ACE2 receptor is widely expressed throughout body
EG.5 sub-variant tends to infect the upper respiratory tract, causing a runny including in the respiratory tract, heart, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract.
nose, sore throat, and other cold-like symptoms, as opposed to lower *Attachment and invasion: The spike protein on the surface of the virus binds
respiratory tract symptoms. JN.1 symptoms are fever or chills, cough. sore to the ACE2 receptors on the cells' surfaces, allowing the virus to enter
throat, congestion or runny nose, headache, muscle aches, difficulty human cells. This process enables the virus to infiltrate and infect the
breathing, and fatigue. It is important to note that the symptoms can vary respiratory tract's epithelial cells.
from person to person, and some individuals infected with the JN.1 variant
may exhibit mild or even no symptoms (asymptomatic cases). Primary *Replication: After entering the cells, the virus releases its genetic material
reports suggest JN.1 is resistant to XBB.1.5 vaccine sera, if so, it is a variant (RNA) into the host cell. The viral RNA is then used as a blueprint to
evading immunity to date. It is also possible for symptoms to overlap with synthesize new viral components and replicate itself within the host cell.
common respiratory illnesses. The key point is that COVID-19 is airborne
*Transmission and spread: Infected cells release newly formed virus
and highly contagious. Principal transmission and penetration routes are
particles, which can infect nearby cells in the respiratory tract. The virus can
through the respiratory system.
further spread to other areas, including the lungs, throat, and bronchial tubes.
COVID_19 infection has not been kept under control yet. New strains are
*Systemic spread: In some cases, the virus can spread beyond the respiratory
emerging and posing challenges. On the other hand, implications and
system and enter the bloodstream. From there, it can reach various organs
complications of earlier infections so called LongCovid have not been
and tissues in the body, potentially causing systemic complications.
resolved yet. COVID_19 infection initial impacts, proposed mechanisms,
implications, and potential countermeasures are discussed briefly. When the virus enters the body, it can invade the cells of the airways and
lungs, causing inflammation and damage. The main reason for the decrease
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in blood oxygen levels in COVID-19 is due to the impact on lung function. 2 persistence in specific cases, it is important to note that the presence of the
COVID-19 can lead to a condition called acute respiratory distress syndrome virus alone does not necessarily explain all the symptoms associated with
(ARDS), which is characterized by severe inflammation of the lungs. This Long COVID (6). The specific mechanisms underlying Long COVID are
inflammation can cause fluid accumulation in the air sacs alveoli, which are not yet fully understood. Other factors, such as immune dysregulation,
responsible for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood. The systemic inflammation, and organ damage, may also contribute to the
presence of fluid and inflammation within the lungs can impede the transfer persistent symptoms experienced by some individuals.
of oxygen from the air into the bloodstream, resulting in decreased oxygen *Immune system response: The body's immune response plays a crucial role
levels. In severe cases, this can lead to a condition called hypoxia, which is in controlling and eliminating viral infections. In some cases, the immune
defined as low blood oxygen levels. Hypoxia can manifest as shortness of response against SARS-CoV-2 may persist even after the virus is no longer
breath, rapid breathing, or even respiratory failure. Furthermore, COVID- detectable. This ongoing immune activation and inflammation might
19 can also cause blood clotting abnormalities that can impede blood flow to contribute to the persistence of symptoms in Long COVID.
the lungs. This can further exacerbate the oxygenation problem and
contribute to lower blood oxygen levels. It is important to note that *Tissue damage and dysfunction: SARS-CoV-2 can cause significant tissue
individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions or other underlying damage and disruption in various organs and systems, including the
health issues may be more susceptible to severe lung complications and respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, and immune systems. This
lower blood oxygen levels when infected with COVID-19. Monitoring damage, combined with the virus's ability to persist in specific tissues, could
oxygen levels and seeking medical attention if there are concerns about potentially contribute to the development of Long COVID symptoms.
decreased oxygenation is crucial for managing the infection effectively. (3)
*Dysregulation of immune system and inflammation: It is speculated that
Dysregulation of immunity system Long COVID may involve a dysregulation of the immune system and
sustained inflammation. This chronic inflammation may result from the
SAR-CoV2 virus primarily affects the respiratory system, but it can also persistence of viral components, ongoing immune response, or immune
have a negative impact on the body's immune system. dysfunction. The combination of tissue damage and immune dysregulation
* Inflammation: The virus triggers an immune response, resulting in might contribute to the persistence of symptoms. (7, 8).
inflammation in the lungs and other organs. While inflammation is a natural Common symptoms of Long COVID
response to infection, excessive or prolonged inflammation can damage
tissues and weaken the immune system. Long COVID refers to the collection of persistent symptoms and health
issues that can last beyond the acute phase of a COVID-19 infection. Long
*Cytokine storm: In severe cases, the body may overreact to the virus, COVID affects a substantial portion of individuals who have had COVID-
leading to an excessive release of immune signaling molecules, cytokines. 19, with studies suggesting that around 10-30% of patients experience
This "cytokine storm" can cause widespread inflammation, leading to organ prolonged symptoms. This means that a large number of people worldwide
damage and interfering with the immune system's ability to fight off the may be experiencing long-lasting health issues, impacting their quality of life
infection. and overall well-being. The magnitude of Long COVID at a global scale is
*Immune cell depletion: During the infection, the virus can directly infect challenging to determine precisely due to various factors such as inconsistent
and kill certain immune cells, such as lymphocytes. These cells play a crucial definitions and reporting methods, variations in healthcare systems, and
role in orchestrating the immune response, so their depletion can weaken limited longitudinal data.
immune defenses against the virus and other pathogens. While vaccination has been shown to greatly reduce the risk and severity of
*Immune system exhaustion: In prolonged Covid-19 cases, the immune COVID-19 infection, including the development of severe symptoms and
system can become exhausted from continuously fighting the infection. This complications, there have been cases where vaccinated individuals,
exhaustion can impair the body's ability to mount an effective immune including those who had mild or asymptomatic infections, have reported
response, leaving it susceptible to other infections. Long COVID symptoms. Long COVID is a complex condition with a wide
range of symptoms and manifestations, but some common symptoms
Furthermore, COVID-19 can also cause direct damage to immune cells, associated with Long C OVID are:
particularly those in the respiratory tract, which are critical for defending
against viral infections. The virus may impair the function of these immune *Fatigue: Ongoing, persistent exhaustion and lack of energy.
cells, compromising the immune response even after the infection is cleared. *Shortness of breath: Difficulty breathing or feeling breathless.
Studies have found that certain components of the immune system, such as
T cells and B cells, can exhibit long-lasting changes or dysfunction after *Brain fog: Difficulty concentrating, memory problems, or difficulty with
COVID-19 infection. There may be alterations in the levels and functioning cognitive functions.
of these immune cells, which might contribute to the prolonged symptoms
*Muscle and joint pain: Persistent pain in muscles and joints.
and immune deregulation seen in Long COVID. Additionally, COVID-19
can have impacts on the innate immune system, affecting the body's initial *Chest pain: Discomfort or pain in the chest.
response to infections. This may result in continued inflammation and
immune activation, even after the viral infection has resolved. However, *Headaches: Frequent or recurring headaches.
people with underlying health conditions or compromised immune systems *Loss of taste or smell: An altered or complete loss of the sense of taste or
may be more susceptible to these effects (4, 5). smell.
SAR-Cov2 persistence in body system and LongCovid *Sleep disturbances: Insomnia, trouble sleeping, or disturbed sleep patterns.
The persistence of SARS-CoV-2 in the body and the development of Long *Anxiety and depression: Mental health issues, including increased anxiety
COVID are areas of ongoing research, and our understanding is still or depression symptoms.
It's important to note that PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a
*Viral persistence: In some individuals, SARS-CoV-2 can persist in the body separate condition that can develop as a result of experiencing a traumatic
beyond the acute phase of infection. This can occur due to several factors, event, including severe illness or the emotional impact of the COVID-19
including viral reservoirs in specific tissues, immune system dynamics, or pandemic. While PTSD can occur in some individuals with a COVID-19
viral mutation. It has been suggested that the virus may persist in certain infection, it is not directly associated with Long COVID itself. The
tissues, such as the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, or even the central symptoms of Long COVID and the experiences of individuals may vary
nervous system. While some studies have reported evidence of SARS-CoV- greatly.
Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Page 3 of 6
Relationship between inflammation during COVID_19 infection and COVID-19 infections may experience cardiovascular symptoms or
LongCovid complications during or after the infection. For instance, even mild
COVID_19 infection can cause vascular degeneration and arterial stiffness.
In general, there are two major types of inflammation, acute (short lived) and
chronic inflammation. Primary symptoms of chronic inflammation are body Kidneys dysfunctioning
pain, fatigue, insomnia, gastrointestinal complications but chronic COVID-19 infection can potentially impair kidney function. The kidneys
inflammation can have serious implications and complications including play a crucial role in filtering waste products and excess fluids from the
tissue damage, frequent infections, autoimmune diseases, increased risk of blood, maintaining electrolyte balance, and regulating blood pressure.
cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, impaired healing, increased COVID-19 can affect the kidneys directly or indirectly, leading to various
cancer risk, mental health concerns. Chronic inflammation typically refers to kidney-related complications.
long-lasting inflammation in a specific tissue or organ. If left unresolved,
chronic inflammation can release inflammatory molecules into the Some of the kidney-related issues seen in COVID-19 patients include:
bloodstream, leading to systemic effects and contributing to systemic
*Acute kidney injury (AKI): It is a sudden loss of kidney function that can
occur as a complication of severe COVID-19. AKI can manifest as a
As far as COVID_19 is concerned, there seems to be a potential relationship significant decrease in urine output and an increase in creatinine and blood
between inflammation during COVID-19 infection and Long COVID. Both urea nitrogen levels (10).
acute COVID-19 infection and Long COVID can involve a dysregulated
*Renal inflammation: COVID-19 can cause inflammation in the kidney
immune response, leading to inflammation throughout the body. In the acute
tissues, leading to kidney damage and impairment in their filtration function
phase of COVID-19, the virus can cause a severe immune response in some
individuals, triggering an excessive production of pro-inflammatory
molecules. This exaggerated immune response can result in widespread *Blood clotting disorders: COVID-19 can increase the risk of blood clot
inflammation and damage to different organs, including the lungs, heart, formation, which can affect blood flow to the kidneys and potentially result
kidneys, and blood vessels. In severe cases, this inflammation can even lead in kidney damage.
to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and multi-organ failure.
*Pre-existing kidney conditions: Individuals with pre-existing kidney
Long COVID, also known as Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection diseases, such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) or kidney transplant
(PASC), refers to a constellation of prolonged symptoms experienced by recipients, may be at a higher risk of COVID-19-related kidney
some individuals after they have recovered from the acute phase of COVID- complications.
19. Notably, these symptoms can persist for weeks or months and include
fatigue, brain fog, breathlessness, joint pain, and inflammation in various However, certain factors, such as pre-existing kidney conditions, older age,
body systems. and severe illness, can increase the risk of kidney-related issues in COVID-
19 patients.
Mounting evidences and reports suggest that the persisting symptoms in
Long COVID might be partly related to ongoing inflammation. The initial Mitochondrial dysfunctioning
acute inflammation triggered by COVID-19 infection can sometimes persist COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory illness affecting the lungs. However,
even after the virus has been cleared from the body. This persistent there is growing evidence that the virus can affect other organs and systems
inflammation may contribute to the persistent symptoms experienced by in the body, including mitochondria in severe cases.
individuals with Long COVID.
Mitochondria are the energy-producing organelles within cells responsible
Cardiovascular complications after COVID_19 infection or during for generating adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the main source of
Long COVID cellular energy. SARS-CoV-2 can directly enter human cells through the
Cardiovascular complications can occur as a result of COVID-19 infection, ACE2 receptor, widely expressed throughout body. Once inside the cell, the
both during the acute phase and potentially during Long COVID. Some virus can cause various disruptions to cellular processes, including
individuals may experience direct involvement of the heart and blood vessels mitochondrial dysfunction. Several studies have reported that SARS-CoV-2
during the active infection, while others may develop cardiovascular infection can lead to damage to mitochondrial membranes, decreased ATP
complications as a long-term consequence. production, and altered mitochondrial morphology (11). Mitochondrial
dysfunction can have profound effects on cell function and overall health.
Here are some cardiovascular complications associated with COVID-19: Insufficient ATP production can impair the normal functioning of various
organs, including the immune system, which is crucial in fighting off
*Myocarditis: Inflammation of the heart muscle, which can weaken the heart
infections. Additionally, mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to increased
and affect its ability to pump blood efficiently.
production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are known to cause
*Pericarditis: Inflammation of the lining around the heart, known as the oxidative stress and damage to cellular components. Furthermore,
pericardium, which may cause chest pain and other symptoms. mitochondrial dysfunction and increased ROS production can trigger an
exaggerated immune response, leading to excessive inflammation, often
*Blood clotting disorders: COVID-19 can lead to an increased risk of blood referred to as a cytokine storm, can further damage organs and disrupt normal
clot formation, which can affect blood vessels and potentially lead to physiological processes.
cardiovascular events such as heart attacks or strokes.
Pancreatic beta cells dysfunctioning
*Arrhythmias: Irregular heart rhythms or disturbances in heart rate that may
occur during or after COVID-19 infection. There is limited evidence to suggest that COVID-19 infection can potentially
affect the beta cells of the pancreas and subsequently impact insulin
*Cardiomyopathy: Damage to the heart muscle, which can result in heart production. Although COVID-19 primarily affects the respiratory system, it
failure or other cardiac complications. can also lead to systemic inflammation and affect various organs throughout
*Vascular inflammation: COVID-19 can cause inflammation of the blood the body, including the pancreas. Some studies have reported cases of new-
vessels, increasing the risk of conditions such as deep vein thrombosis onset diabetes or worsening of glycemic control in individuals with COVID-
(DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE) (9) 19 infection. The exact mechanism by which COVID-19 might affect the
beta cells is not fully understood. It is hypothesized that the immune response
However, it is important to note that these complications can occur in severe triggered by the virus, along with the resulting inflammation, may play a role
COVID-19 cases or in individuals with pre-existing cardiovascular
conditions. Nevertheless, even individuals with milder or asymptomatic
Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Page 4 of 6
in damaging the beta cells. Nonetheless, there is also evidence suggesting the susceptible to subsequent infections. In fact, not only every COVID_19
virus may directly invade the pancreas (12). infection is harmful and risky but also increases the risk of LongCovid.
Damage to neurological system and cognitive function As mentioned earlier, COVID_19 infection is ongoing global threat.
Vaccination may not be sufficient to stop the disease and its consequences.
COVID-19 infection can affect the neurological system and cognitive A multilateral approach or multilayered protection is desired. Besides,
function in some individuals (13). This is known as neuro-COVID. The exact decontamination of the respiratory system and oral antiviral of natural origin
mechanisms are still being studied, but it is thought that the virus can directly as proposed before (1), turmeric solution, widely available and affordable
invade the central nervous system, leading to inflammation and damage to worldwide, may be partially helpful as explained below. Turmeric solution
brain cells. proposed here may be considered as a supplementary remedy partially
The exact mechanisms by which the COVID-19 virus reaches the brain or effective in treating LongCovid patients depending on individual condition.
affects the neurological system are still being studied. However, there are a Health benefits of turmeric (Curcuma longa)
few proposed pathways through which the virus may potentially access the
central nervous system (CNS). One possible route is through the Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which is believed to have
bloodstream. The virus enters the body through respiratory droplets and numerous potential health benefits. When consumed as a turmeric solution
primarily infects the respiratory tract, but it can also enter the bloodstream particularly, curcumin can provide the following expected health benefits
and circulate throughout the body. This can allow the virus to potentially (14, 15, 16):
cross the blood-brain barrier and reach the brain or other parts of the CNS. *Anti-inflammatory properties: Curcumin is known to have strong anti-
Another proposed mechanism is through direct invasion. It has been inflammatory effects. It may help reduce chronic inflammation in the body,
suggested that the virus may enter the central nervous system directly which is associated with various diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and
through nerve pathways. The olfactory nerve, which is responsible for the certain types of cancer.
sense of smell, has been identified as a potential route for the virus to reach
t he brain. It is believed that the virus can infect the cells in the nasal cavity, *Antioxidant activity: Curcumin acts as a potent antioxidant, helping to
including the olfactory receptors, and then travel along the olfactory nerve to protect cells against damage caused by harmful free radicals. This
the brain. Moreover, there is evidence that SARS-CoV-2 can cause antioxidant activity may play a role in maintaining overall health and
inflammation and immune responses in the body, including the release of preventing chronic diseases.
inflammatory molecules called cytokines. These cytokines can potentially
*Potential anti-cancer effects: Some studies suggest that curcumin may have
cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain, leading to
anti-cancer properties. It could help prevent the growth and spread of cancer
neuroinflammation and neurological symptoms.
cells and may also enhance the effectiveness of certain cancer treatments.
It is important to note that while the virus can potentially affect the
* Improved brain health: Curcumin has been researched for its potential
neurological system, the majority of COVID-19 cases primarily involve
benefits to brain health. It may help promote cognitive functions, protect
respiratory symptoms. Neurological symptoms are less common but have
against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, and improve mood
been reported in some individuals with increasing rate. Some common
and overall mental well-being.
neurological symptoms experienced by COVID-19 patients include
headaches, dizziness, loss of taste and smell, confusion, and difficulty *Enhanced heart health: Curcumin may have cardiovascular benefits by
concentrating. Additionally, there have been reports of more severe improving blood vessel function, reducing inflammation in the arteries, and
neurological complications such as strokes, seizures, and encephalitis in potentially lowering the risk of heart disease.
some patients (13). It is important to note that not everyone with COVID-19
will experience these neurological symptoms, and they are generally more *Potential pain relief: Curcumin's anti-inflammatory properties may
common in individuals with severe illness. However, even mild cases can contribute to its potential role in reducing pain, particularly in conditions
have long-term effects on cognitive function and mental health. such as arthritis or muscle soreness.
Long Covid treatment! * Digestive health support: Curcumin may aid in maintaining a healthy
digestive system by reducing inflammation, promoting gut health, and
Unfortunately, there is currently no specific drug or treatment that can cure potentially alleviating symptoms of digestive disorders such as irritable
Long-Covid. The management of long-Covid typically focuses on bowel syndrome (IBS).
addressing the specific symptoms and supporting the overall health and
recovery of the individual. Treatment approaches may involve a combination *Antiviral properties: Turmeric has been found to have antiviral properties.
of medications and therapies tailored to the individual's symptoms and needs. The active compound in turmeric, curcumin, has been shown to exhibit
Some commonly prescribed medications for specific symptoms of long- antiviral activity against various viruses, including the influenza virus,
Covid include: Pain relievers, Corticosteroids, anticoagulants, and herpes simplex virus, and HIV. Curcumin's antiviral properties are thought
respiratory medications like bronchodilators or corticosteroid inhalers. to be attributed to its ability to interfere with viral replication and inhibit viral
attachment to host cells. However, it is important to note that more research
Two years after initial COVID_19 infection, 30% of survivors face persistent is needed to fully understand the extent and mechanisms of turmeric's
LongCovid symptoms. Some reports show half of COVID survivors still antiviral effects. (14, 15, 16 ).
have lingering symptoms. Indeed, 50% is a more realistic estimate as the
confirmed/reported cases are usually less than the actual cases. Long Covid Preparation of turmeric solution
includes a wide range of symptoms from mild to severe. That is well over The best combination is about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of
100 million cases of LongCovid worldwide. For people with underlying olive oil, a pinch of black pepper, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in 1 glass
health conditions or immune-compromised, the implications are acute and of warm water. The optimum amount of turmeric and olive oil for one glass
dreadful. COVID_19 infection may result in sequela of infections. The of diluted turmeric solution can vary. To enhance the absorption of curcumin,
reports indicate significant surges of mysterious pulmonary infections, it is commonly recommended to consume it with both black pepper
pneumonia, tuberculosis and other obscure infections along with high (containing piperine) and healthy fats like olive oil. Both black pepper and
hospitalization and mortality rates. Such indirect unprecedented deaths are olive oil have been found to increase the bioavailability of curcumin in the
not often attributed to initial infection of COVID_19. Some of these body. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which can help boost the immune
infections show resistance to all known antibiotics. Herd immunity and system and improve digestion. However, the exact amount can depend on
immunity debt are misconceptions as COVID_19 infection personal preferences, desired flavor intensity, and the intended use of the
suppresses/impairs the immune system making the body system more turmeric solution. Some people may prefer a stronger or milder taste, and the
Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Page 5 of 6
amount can be adjusted accordingly. Drinking a diluted solution of turmeric Antigenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein. Cell,
before breakfast, about 30 minutes to an hour before your meal, may be a 181(2), 281-292.e6.
good practice. This timing allows your body to absorb the curcumin more 4. Hadjadj, J., Yatim, N., Barnabei, L., et al. (2020). Impaired type
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10. Su, H., Yang, M., Wan, C., et al. (2020). Renal histopathological
*Liver issues: Turmeric contains active substances, curcumin, may have an analysis of 26 postmortem findings of patients with COVID-19
effect on the activity of liver enzymes. For people with liver problem or in China. Kidney International, 98(1), 219-227.
disease, it is better to cautious before using turmeric. 11. Pressman, O.W., Xu, K., Mao, X. et al. (2021). COVID-19
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