Redox Reactions
Reactivity Series
Role of an Electrolyte in an Electrochemical Cell
An electrolyte is a substance that conducts electricity when
dissolved in water or in a molten state.
It provides the medium for ion movement between the electrodes.
Converting Chemical Energy into Electrical Energy
Electrochemical cells convert chemical energy into electrical
energy through redox reactions.
Electrochemical Cell
A device that generates electrical energy from chemical reactions or uses
electrical energy to drive chemical reactions.
Components: Anode, Cathode, Electrolyte.
Voltaic Cell
A type of electrochemical cell that converts chemical energy into
electrical energy through spontaneous redox reactions.
Example: Zinc-Copper voltaic cell.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
A type of electrochemical cell that converts the chemical energy of
hydrogen and oxygen into electrical energy.
Produces water as a byproduct.
Used in electric vehicles and as a clean energy source.
Uses of Salts
Salts are used in various applications, including electroplating, water
softening, and as electrolytes in batteries.
Protecting Metal Surface Area from Air
Corrosion is the deterioration of metal due to chemical reactions
with the environment.
Protection methods include painting, galvanization, and using
sacrificial anodes.
Converting Electrical Energy to Chemical Energy
Electrolysis is the process of using electrical energy to drive
non-spontaneous chemical reactions.
Example: Electroplating, where a metal is deposited on a surface
using electrical current.
Purity of Metal
The purity of a metal refers to the absence of impurities.
High purity is essential for certain applications, such as electronics.
Using Electrolysis to Purify Metal
Electrolysis is used to purify metals by removing impurities.
Example: Copper purification in the electrolytic refining process.
Extraction of Metals
Metals are extracted from their ores using various methods, including
smelting, roasting, and electrolysis.
Example: Aluminum is extracted from bauxite ore using electrolysis.
The movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area
of low concentration.
Important in electrochemistry for the movement of ions in electrolytes.