I. Hitamkan satu alternatif jawaban yang paling tepat: A, B, C, D, atau E pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan !
1. Boy : You will attend the scout activity this D. to open an orange juice bottle
afternoon, won’t you? E. to have a drink
Girl : I’d love too, but my motorcycle is being
repaired at the moment. The following dialogue is for questions 6 to 8.
What will the boy likely respond? Zaidan : I have a task to make a caption, but I am
A. Are you certain about the information? confused about what to write. Do you have any
B. Don’t worry, I’ll fetch you at 2 P.M idea?
C. I’m dissatisfied with the last activity Syaiful : Why don’t you search in the internet? There are
D. I agree if we attend the activity together good captions about nature, life or
E. Poor you motivation as your inspiration.
Zaidan : That’s good idea. Let’s search for them.
2. Boy : Hey, what are you doing? Syaiful : Look, this nature caption is very good and the
Girl : I’d like to take the book on the top of the words are well arranged. I really recommend it for
shelf, but I can’t reach it. your caption.
Boy : Which book? Zaidan : You are right, I don’t have pictures about
Girl : That one. It’s entitled Creative nature. Anyway, look at this caption! It’s about
Ideas. Boy : …….. the spirit to start days. I think this caption is
How will the boy likely respond? good and has a deep message.
A. Don’t worry. I’ll take it for you Syaiful : Yeah, but this caption is not interesting because
B. I think the book is interesting to read there is no picture.
C. I believe many people will read the book Zaidan : You’re right. What do you think about this
D. I am proud of having a friend who likes friendship caption?
reading Syaiful : Awesome! The picture and the words are
E. I’ve read the book interesting and it has a good message. You can
use our picture when sitting on the bench at the
The following dialogue is for questions 3 to 4. park, captured from the behind
Man : Let me carry your luggage, Ma’am. Zaidan : Wonderful! Thank you for your suggestions.
Woman : Thank you. Here’s your tip.
Man : Thank you, Ma’am. Have a nice stay.
6. What are the speakers doing?
3. What does the man offer? A. They are doing their assignment
A. Carry the bandage D. Carry the luggage B. They are discussing Zaidan’s assignment to
B. Prepare the schedule E. Book a flight make a caption
ticket C. They are searching or captions in the internet
C. Tell the receptionist for their wall magazine
D. They are taking pictures at the park for captions
4. Where does the dialogue take place? E. They are writing a caption about spirit to start
A. At the post office D. At the hotel days
B. At the airport E. At school
C. At the bank 7. What do they call a good caption?
A. It is contemporary
5. Man : May I have a glass of orange juice, dear? B. It should be written by a popular person
I’m so thirsty Girl : Sure, Dad. Wait a second. C. It shows a clear picture without words
What does the man want? D. It contains a good message, an interesting
A. to get a glass picture and meaningful words
B. to have a breakfast E. It contains full-length sentences with simple
C. to make a glass of juice pictures
attended the meeting
8. What caption will Zaidan make? D. Fery was not invited to the meeting but he came
A. Environment E. Fery was invited to the meeting.
B. Spirit of life 15. You the job if you were not late to the interview.
C. Friendship A. would get
D. Nature B. would be gotten
E. Motivation C. would have gotten
D. would have been gotten
The following text is for questions 9 to 10. E. will get
Friends give us the courage to lift the darkness in 16. We would get the tickets,
our heart, Give us light to keep moving, A. weren’t there so much rush at the cinema
Show us the B. because there were so much rush at the cinema
amazing world And C. there were not so much rush at the cinema
D. if there isn’t so much rush at the cinema
9. What is the message of the above caption?
E. although there were so much rush at the cinema
A. It shows the beauty of the word
B. It persuades the readers to be brave
17. Fortunately you assisted to push the car. If you
C. It shows the value of friends
hadn’t helped him, he with you.
D. It motivates the readers to do better A. will get angry
E. It shows how important our lives are B. would be angry
10. “…. Make our lives cheerful.” C. would have gotten angry
What is the opposite meaning of the underlined D. should angry
word? E. would get angry
A. Jolly D. Lithe
B. Woeful E. Shrill 18. If Rani were not busy at the moment, she would go
C. Cozy out with me, said Maria.
11.Zidny : “All lights are off. There is something From Maria’s utterance we know that Rani with her.
wrong with the fuse. Can you help A. goes
me?” B. went
Choirul : “I wish I knew about electricity.” C. didn’t go
The undelined expression tells that D. goes
Choirul ... about electricity. E. doesn’t go
A. know D. do not know 19. ______ her shyness, she would have become a great
B. knew E. does not know teacher
C. has known A. She had overcome
B. Had she overcome
12. If I knew how to play badminton, I would join C. If she overcomes
the badminton club. This sentence means…. D. If she overcame
A. I can play badminton E. If she would overcome
B. I join the badminton club
C. I don’t know how to play badminton 20.If we don’t hurry, the meeting by the time we
D. I play badminton in the badminton club get there.
E. I don’t know the badminton club A. would have started
13.Amin : “What would you do if you were B. will have started
accepted in Harvard University? C. will be start
Mira : “I would have video call with you D. will start
everyday, talking about the atmosphere E. would start
What does Mira mean? 21. If I had a lot of time, I would study
A. She studies in Harvard University Germany. From this sentence we know
B. She has video call with Amin everyday that .
C. She is not accepted in Harvard University A. I have a lot of time, so I study Germany
D. She knows well about Harvard University B. I studied Germany because I had a lot of time
E. She talks about atmosphere in Harvard C. I want to study Germany because I have a lot of
University time
14.Aldo : Did you attend the meeting last Monday?’ D. I would like to study Germany, but I don’t
Fery : I would if I had been invited. have much time
The underlined utterance means . E. I had no time to study Germany
A. Fery didn’t attend the meeting
B. Fery plans to attend the meeting For question 22 to 25, choose the correct words to
C. Fery knew about the meeting and he complete the text.
Happiness is not about who or what you are. It (22) C. August
……. the amount of (23) ……. and peace in your
heart, just (24) ……. and feel free, you will find (25) 31.Refer to the chart shown with Question 6. Which
…… in your heart. month shows the greatest increase in rainfall
22. hedges blocks D. introduce compared to the preceding month?
A of depends E. s A. January D. October
. on dismisse B. March E. November
B s C. August
23. A. Free D.
freely Questions 32 to 33 are based on the following chart.
B. free E.
C. s
24. A. fly D. flight
B. flies E. flown
C. flying
27. What is the text about? 34.Prizes are to be awarded to the best pupils in each
A. Successful hand class of an elementary school. The number of students
B. Dreams against fear in each grade is shown in the table, and the school
C. The utmost success principal wants the number of prizes awarded in
D. A type of successful people each grade to be proportional to the number of
E. Ways to achieve success students. If there are twenty prizes, how many
should go to fifth grade students?
28. According to the text, we should have….
A. Utmost success D. Ability to fly Grade 1 2 3 4 5
B. Talented hands E. Annoying fear Students 35 38 38 33 36
C. Bigger ideas A. 5 D. 3
B. 4 E. 2
29.“ …. to achieve utmost success in your hand C. 7
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Possible D. Permanent The following text is for questions 35 to 37
B. Absolute E. Reasonable 180 Students Flash Mob for the Environment
C. Satisfying JD. As many as 180 students participated in a flash mob at
Jl. HR Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, to raise awareness
30.The chart below represents the average about environmental issues on Sunday.
amount of rain falling each month in the During the flash mob, titled “One Man, One
town of Tegulpa. During which month of Tumbler”, students taught onlookers about the need to
the year does the most rain fall? reduce the usage of plastic bottles by using tumblers.
A. January D. December The participants, a mix of high school and college
B. April E. October students, danced as a part of a series of shows called
“Eco Ways for the Future” (Ecoture) that promote 2019. As you can see from my enclosed resume, my
environmental awareness. experience and qualifications are suitable for this position.
“Ecoture aims to show how important it is to I graduated with a major in accounting. Having three years
protect the environment. It also aims to provide work experience in diverse financial position with national
information about recyclable products,” said Kartika companies, I have gained an extensive insight with this
Nindya, Ecoture’s coordinator, on Sunday, as quoted field. My current position at PT Smart Light is Financial
by Analyst. I am able to carry out a wide range of commercial
“At the end of today’s ceremonies, we will create processes. I have gained an understanding of financial
a petition to show the commitment young people instruments and accounting software.
I have the ability to work under pressure and as a team member.
have toward becoming environmental heroes,”
You will find me to be positive, motivated and hard-working,
Nindya said. Ecoture previously held a giveaway of
keen to learn and contributable. I believe that with my
2,000 plants on 25 March, during the car free day
positive attitude and strong work ethic, I would be very
at Jl Thamrin, central Jakarta suitable for the advertised position.
I am available for interview any time and can be reached on
35. What is the text about? my mobile phone or e-mail, as reflected above. I look
A. Students’ participation in a mob on forward to the opportunity of an interview.
environmental issue Thank you for your consideration Yours sincerely,
B. Students’ ideas about the need to reduce Taufiq Ahmad
C. The importance of protecting the 38. Why did the applicant write the letter?
environment A. To apply for a job
D. Students’ creation of petition for the B. To inform of a job interview
environment C. To explain about his-self identity
E. The distribution of 2,000 plants on 25th D. To give information about a job vacancy
March E. To ask for information about job vacancy