Keywords: Photochemical vapor generation (PVG) coupled on–line to atomic absorption spectrometry using a flow injection
Photochemical vapor generation mode was investigated for the determination of total Se in garlic and nut samples. In the presence of low mo
Selenium lecular weight organic acid solutions, Se(IV) is converted by UV irradiation to volatile species which are
Photochemical reagents
transported to the heated quartz tube atomizer. Formic and acetic acids were tested as photochemical reagents
Atomic absorption spectrometry
and a mixture of 1.5 % (v/v) formic and 5 % (v/v) acetic acid was the best alternative. Central composite design
Garlic and nut was employed for parameters optimization. The effect of potential interfering elements such as hydride–forming
elements, transition metals and nitric acid was investigated to ascertain possible effects of the matrix on Se(IV)
signal. Under optimized conditions a detection limit (LOD) of 33 ng g–1 (3σ) was reached. Samples of garlic and
nuts purchased at a local market were analyzed and Se concentrations spanned the range 0.36–248 µg g–1. These
results were compared with ICP–MS measurements utilizing an elliptical joint confidence region (EJCR) with
bilinear least squares analysis, and good results were obtained.
1. Introduction (SeMet) is the major species in food. It is found in cereals, grains, and
soybeans. On the other hand, methylselenocysteine (MeSeCys) is mainly
Selenium is an essential trace element that is naturally present in detected in Se-enriched garlic, onions, and wild leeks.
different foods and added to others, and also Se is present in some di Chemical vapor generation (CVG) is a well–known, efficient and
etary supplements. It is a constituent of more than two dozen seleno consolidated sample introduction technique for the determination of a
proteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone variety of elements at trace and ultra–trace levels. Without any doubts,
metabolism, DNA synthesis, and protection from oxidative damage and hydride generation (HG) based on the chemical reduction of the analyte
infection (Sunde, 2012). This metalloid is a very important and inter with a reductant such as tetrahydroborate under acidic conditions is the
esting trace element in terms of human biology and health being food most popular and well established CVG technique for trace elements of
the principal route of Se to enter the body. A special characteristic of Se IV− VI main groups (e.g., As, Bi, Ge, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, and Te), Hg, and Cd.
is that it can be essential as well as toxic for humans having a narrow The HG of a variety of transition metals was also reported (Marrero and
range between deficiency and toxicity (Dumont et al., 2006). This dual Smichowski, 2002; Pohl et al., 2014; Sturgeon et al., 1996).
behavior and other characteristics have led to Se becoming a permanent Nevertheless, in spite of the important advantages of HG for sample
topic of study. In this context, it is of prime importance to develop introduction, it is worth mentioning that solutions of NaBH4 are quite
methodologies for its determination at the levels that Se can be found in unstable, and that the large amounts of hydrogen generated during HG
food samples. As regard Se species in foodstuffs, selenomethionine process produces instability of the atomization source, especially when
* Corresponding author at: Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Gerencia Química, Av. Gral Paz 1499, 1650KNA–San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
E-mail addresses: smichows@cnea.gov.ar, patricia.smichowski@gmail.com (P. Smichowski).
Received 26 June 2023; Received in revised form 11 October 2023; Accepted 13 October 2023
Available online 16 October 2023
0889-1575/© 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J. Palatnik et al. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 125 (2024) 105765
plasma sources are employed for detection. Interference associated to the formation of volatile Se species such as carbonyl, dimethylselenide,
the presence of transition metals in the sample that by interaction with and diethylselenide depending on the acid utilized. When formic acid is
the NaBH4 provoke its catalytic decomposition is another drawback to used as photochemical agent the volatile products of PVG are mainly
mention. SeH2 and SeCO (carbonyl) in less proportion. In addition, when nitric
In the last years, greener sample preparation and introduction acid is present in the reaction media the only volatile product identified
methods avoiding the use of corrosive and hazardous acids/reagents as was SeCO (Guo et al., 2003c).
well as high pressure and temperature have gained popularity. From the The purpose of this study was to develop an optimized, sensitive,
pioneering studies of Sturgeon and his group (Guo et al., 2003a,b,c), cost–effective and green method using optimized mild reaction condi
photochemical vapor generation (PVG), utilizing free radicals generated tions to generate volatile species of Se for its determination in different
by a photo–redox reactions in the presence of low molecular weight real food samples. Multivariate techniques were performed to determine
organic acids has appeared as an interesting and powerful alternative to the critical conditions of the experimental parameters.
traditional chemical HG methods for sample introduction (Sturgeon,
2017; Yin et al., 2011). 2. Materials and methods
For analytical purposes, this technique opened novel routes for
introduction of chemical elements into atomic spectrometric sources. It 2.1. Instrumentation
was applied to generate volatile species of inorganic Se at room tem
perature using ultraviolet radiation (Guo et al., 2003c). PVG has All measurements were made using an atomic absorption spec
extended in scope to a broader range of elements including nonmetals trometer (AAS) PerkinElmer AAnalyst 200 provided with a quartz cell
such as alkyl halide generation (Leonori and Sturgeon, 2019). Briefly, in covered with an electrically heated mantle. A Se electrode less discharge
PVG the analyte is converted to a volatile species by the addition of a low lamp (PerkinElmer, Norwalk, CT, USA), was used as radiation source,
molecular weight organic acid (photochemical agent) to the sample and operated with a current of 280 mA, at a resonance wavelength of 196.03
subsequent exposure to the action of UV radiation. The generated vol nm, and a slit width of 2.3 nm.
atile species are conducted on–line to the detection instrument in a flow A schematic diagram of the instrumental set–up for the
of inert gas. In general, low–pressure Hg discharge lamps are used for UV–PVG–AAS system employed in continuous on–line mode is shown in
irradiation of the media to induce PVG. Different acids have been tested Fig. 1. In detail, a HPLC quaternary gradient pump Jasco model
as source of reducing radicals including, formic, acetic, malonic, and PU–2089 (Jasco, Easton, MD, USA) and a syringe injection six–port
propionic (Guo et al., 2003c; Nováková et al., 2017). valve (Model 7725i, Rheodyne) with a 200 µL loop were used to inject
In subsequent years, other authors reported the successful applica and propel samples/reagents/blanks into the stream of the reaction
tion of PVG to the determination of different elements/species in a di medium at a flow rate of 5.0 mL min–1. The photoreactor (PR) consists of
versity of matrices using different instrumental approaches. In the last 3.4 m long polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tube (i.d. 1.0 mm/o.d. 1.5
15 years, research on the generation of targeted volatile forms of As (Gao mm, JQ Industries, Argentina) wrapped around a germicide low-
et al., 2015), Bi (Vyhnanovský et al., 2021), Hg (Covaci et al., 2017; Gao pressure Hg vapor UV lamp (254 nm, 15 W, dimension 450 mm, Phil
et al., 2010), Mo (Šoukal et al., 2018), Se (Campanella et al., 2016; da lips). The PVG reactor was covered by wrapping it with aluminum foil to
Luz Potes et al., 2019), Te (He et al., 2018) was developed to improve prevent operators from UV radiation and also served to increase the
the detection power. In the case of Se, the presence of low molecular efficiency by reflecting UV radiation. Argon with a purity of 99.999 %
weight organic acids (formic, acetic, propionic, and malonic) leads to from Air Liquid (Buenos Aires, Argentina) was used as carrier gas. It was
the conversion of inorganic Se(IV) through UV irradiation, resulting in introduced to the system through a “T” connection inserted between the
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the instrumental set-up for the UV-PVG-AAS system employed in continuous on-line mode.
J. Palatnik et al. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 125 (2024) 105765
outlet of the PR and the borosilicate gas liquid–separator (GLS), (part dryer (Virtis, New York, USA) Model 6 Lyophiliser 12 L. For nuts, firstly
number M055G003, PS Analytical, UK), internal volume of 10 mL. they were ground using a mortar and pestle. Subsequently were dried at
Argon flow rate was controlled on–line by a flow–meter (maximum flow: 60ºC until constant weight. After this step, a 6775 Freezer Mill cryogenic
250 mL min− 1). To facilitate Se atomization, the outlet of the GLS was grinder (New Jersey, USA) was employed.
mixed with a flow of H2 (auxiliary gas) introduced in the transport line The pre-reduction step was performed by adding to the dried sample
through a “T” connection between the GLS and the quartz cell. Hydrogen or calibration standard, 300 µL of concentrated HCl; then 2.5 mL of
gas was generated by a Canberra Packard model 9100 Generator DDW were incorporated into the flask and heated in a water bath
(Schwadorf, Austria). The volatile Se compounds generated were (85–90 ◦ C) for 30 min.
transported from the GLS to the atomic absorption apparatus through a Samples under study must be necessarily put in solution before
PTFE tube. PTFE tubes of various inner diameters were used as con presenting them to the analytical technique selected for analysis. Three
necting material in the system. For pre–reduction of Se(VI) the samples procedures were used and compared:
were heated on a hot plate (LabTech EH20B). An EthosUP (Milestone,
Bergamo, Italy) microwave apparatus equipped with 15 Teflon–PFA • Procedure 1– For formic acid solubilization, aliquots of 50 mg of
vessels was used to digest food samples. powdered food samples were weighed directly into polypropylene
An ultrasonic bath (Testlab, Buenos Aires, Argentina) was used to tubes and 5 mL of HCOOH were added. The mixture was placed in a
extract the Se compounds from the samples (frequency: 40 kHz; power: thermostated (60 ◦ C) ultrasound bath for two cycles of 30 min each.
160 W). Then, solutions were centrifuged at 4200 rpm for five minutes. An
An inductively coupled plasma single quadrupole mass spectrometer aliquot of 1 mL of the supernatant was transferred into 15 mL
PerkinElmer model NexION 300X was used for Se determination in food volumetric flasks, for the pre-reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV) and finally
samples for comparison purposes. The instrumental parameters adopted brought to the mark. All experiments were carried out in triplicate
are summarized elsewhere (Londonio et al., 2019). • Procedure 2: Microwave–assisted acid digestion was also imple
mented in the preparation of food samples. To this end, aliquot of
2.2. Reagents and chemicals 500 mg of each sample were weighted into the digestion vessel and a
mixture of 8 mL HNO3 (65 % w/w) and 1 mL H2O2 (30 % w/w) were
Deionized distilled water (DDW) produced by an Arium® Water added. The MW digestion program used was as follows: temperature
Purification System (Sartorius, Goettingen, Germany) was used for the ramped to 220 ◦ C for 25 min, maintained at 220 ◦ C for 20 min and
preparation of all solutions. All reagents were of analytical grade. finally cooled to room temperature. After cooling, the vessels were
Concentrated nitric acid (65 % w/w), hydrochloric acid (37 % w/w) and opened and the digested solutions were transferred to polypropylene
hydrogen peroxide 30 % (w/w) (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) of vials and evaporated to almost dryness on a digestion block (90 ◦ C)
analytical grade were used for sample treatment and/or preparation of to eliminate nitric acid. Dried residues were subjected to the pre-
the standards. Nitric acid was additionally purified in a sub–boiling reduction step and redissolved in water to a final volume of 15 mL.
distillation system, Distillacid BSB–939–IR (Berghof, Eningen, All experiments were carried out in triplicate.
Germany). • Procedure 3– Microwave–assisted acid digestion for Se determina
A stock solution of sodium selenate (Na2SeO4 in HNO3 from Merck) tion by ICP–MS: Samples were prepared as described in Procedure 2,
was used. Solutions of formic (HCOOH) and acetic acid (CH3COOH) but after cooling the digested solutions were transferred to volu
were employed after appropriate dilution in DDW of the respective metric flasks and DDW was added to reach a final volume of 15 mL.
concentrated reagents (HCOOH, ≥88.0 % from Anedra, and CH3COOH
99.9 % from Biopack). Nitric acid, HCl and H2O2 were used in different 2.5. Analytical procedure
steps of the analytical procedure, as extraction agents, for pre–reduction
of Se(VI) and for microwave–assisted digestion of food samples. The PVG of volatile species of Se was carried out using a flow in
Standard solutions of As(III), Co(II), Cu(II), Fe(III), Mn(II), Ni(II), Sb jection mode system. Solutions of Se standards or digested samples were
(III), Zn (II) of 1000 mg L–1 (Merck) were employed in the study of in injected into a 200 µL sample loop through a six–port valve. Then, the
terferences. Diluted working solutions were prepared daily by serial solution loaded in the loop was injected into the carrier solution flowing
dilutions of the 1000 mg L–1 standard solutions. All glassware and at 5.0 mL min–1 and transported to the PR where they were UV–irradi
plastic bottles used were cleaned by rinsing with DDW, soaking with a ated. The irradiated solution was mixed with Ar (120 mL min–1) using a
10 % (v/v) HNO3 solution for 24 h and then rinsing several times with T–shaped connector and transported to the GLS to separate the volatile
DDW. All samples and standards were stored in polyethylene bottles Se species from the liquid phase. After the GLS, the vapor was mixed
(50 mL) or Falcon® tubes. with H2 (5 mL min–1) and transported through the transfer line to the
quartz cell. The generated volatile Se compounds were atomized in the
2.3. Samples analyzed AAS instrument. Signal peak area was used for quantification. The whole
procedure took about 1.5 min. A diagram of the experimental system
A total of 16 samples (garlic and nuts) were analyzed: employed is depicted in Fig. 1. More details are given in the Instrumental
(i) 4 samples of garlic (Allium sativum L.) purchased in a local market Table 1 summarizes all optimized experimental conditions employed
in Buenos Aires, Argentina (identified as G1–G4) in this study.
(ii) 4 samples of garlic enriched with Se (identified as GE1–GE4).
Selenium enrichment experiments of garlic samples are described 2.6. Optimization of experimental chemical and physical variables
elsewhere (Pérez et al., 2018).
(iii) 4 samples of nuts (Juglans regia) purchased from a local market in The effect of different parameters on the efficient generation of
the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina (identified as N1–N4). volatile Se species was assessed for achieving the best performance of
(iv) 4 samples of Brazilian nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) purchased in a the system. For all the experiments of the optimization step, a solution
market in Belém, Pará, Brazil (identified as BN1–BN4) containing 100 μg L–1 of Se(IV) was used. All tests were carried out by
2.4. Sample preparation PVG efficiency is highly dependent on the type and concentrations of
the organic acid selected. In a first approach, variables affecting the PVG
Garlic samples were lyophilized and homogenized using a freeze of Se were examined separately. The critical parameters influencing the
J. Palatnik et al. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 125 (2024) 105765
Table 1 species of Se to the atomization cell. Therefore, two factors and five
Instrumental details and operating conditions of the PVG-AAS system for Se (IV) levels full factorial design (FF) were selected requiring a total of 25
determination. experiments.
Instrument Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 200
2.6.2. Multivariate optimization The efficiency of the UV–PVG system was estimated by the ratio of
Two experimental designs namely, Design 1 and Design 2 were the sensitivity between the developed PVG method and conventional
tested: HG–AAS using sodium tetrahydroborate as reductant and the recom
mended conditions indicated by the manufacturer (Table S1).
• Experimental Design 1 consisted in the optimization of the volatile Se
species generation, and its transport (from the GLS to the atomiza 3. Results and discussion
tion cell). The four variables included in this design were (i) acetic
acid concentration, (ii) formic acid concentration, (iii) reactor length, 3.1. Sample treatment and evaluation of sample digestion procedures
and (iv) temperature of the inlet solution. A four factor–central
composite design (CCD) was employed for modeling the response An adequate sample preparation is a key step when PVG–AAS is used
surface. for Se quantification. When Procedure 1 was applied to garlic samples,
• Experimental Design 2 consisted in the optimization of the flow rates an analytical signal corresponding to a recovery of ~ 20 % was obtained;
of the two gases: (i) Ar, employed to transport volatile species of Se to respect to the signal obtained using MW-digestion and ICP-MS quanti
the GLS, and (ii) H2, used for reduction and transport of volatile fication. However, when the same samples (Procedure 1) were measured
by ICP–MS, the recoveries were ~90–110 %. Similar results were
J. Palatnik et al. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 125 (2024) 105765
reported by Lopes et al. when formic acid was used as extractant (Lopes increased with the increased concentrations of both acids. The presence
et al., 2016). According to Thiry et al. (Thiry et al., 2012) Se in food of acetic acid resulted in a less pronounced dependence of the signal on
samples is present as selenocysteine and selenomethionine (SeMet). The acid concentration.
lower recovery obtained for PVG–AAS compared to ICP–MS measure It was observed that the mixture of both acids increased the effi
ments could be attributed to the mild conditions used in PVG; it could ciency facilitating the photochemical reduction of Se. In this context, a
happen that the amino acid molecules remain practically intact and that multivariate optimization was carried out as described in the next
therefore the pre–reduction step was not as efficient as expected. section.
However, it is reported that Se(VI) may be present which is unreactive to The Ar carrier gas flow rate used to propel the sample through the
PVG and that the direct PVG does occur for selenocysteine and seleno transfer line to the GLS determines the liquid–gas separation efficiency
methionine (Suzuki et al., 2012). On the other hand, when Procedure 2 of the volatile Se species. This gas also significantly influences the at
(MW digestion) was tested, recoveries better than 90% were obtained. In omization of the analyte in the heated quartz cell. The addition of a
this case, after MW digestion, an evaporation step was also introduced to stream of H2 is necessary to achieve an effective atomization; it is due to
eliminate the HNO3 used for digestion since the presence of NO–3 pro the generation of free radicals necessary to atomize SeH2. A rapid
duces severe interferences in the production of volatile species of Se removal is advantageous to avoid decomposition of the generated spe
(described in detail in 3.4, Interference Study section). cies. Both gases produced a significant impact on Se signal.
The Teflon transfer line between the GLS and the quartz tube was
3.2. Screening studies for the parameters optimization kept as short as possible (about 30 cm). However, no significant differ
ences were observed at greater lengths (up to 75 cm). This fact is in
Screening experiments showed that formic and acetic acids have a concordance with that reported by Guo et al., who reported that once
significant impact on Se response; the intensity of Se(IV) signal formed the volatile species of Se they are very stable and does not suffer
Fig. 2. Empirical response surface fitted for Design 1 with quadratic polynomic: a) 3D visualization of fitted surface for acetic acid and formic acid; b) 3D visu
alization of fitted temperature and reactor length; c) area predicted by the model vs actual measured value.
J. Palatnik et al. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 125 (2024) 105765
any losses during the transport process (Guo et al.; 2003). 3.4. PVG Interference study
Fig. 3. Empirical response surface fitted for Design 2 with cubic polynomic: a) 3D visualization of fitted surface for H2 and Ar; b) area predicted by the model vs
actual measured value.
J. Palatnik et al. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 125 (2024) 105765
solutions, respectively. No significant interference from Co, Fe, Mn, Ni, Table 3
Co and Zn was detected when 1.0 mg L–1 were present in the Se con Recovery test for five selected food samples*. Data are expressed as means
taining sample solution. On the other hand, when concentrations of concentration standard deviation ± standard deviation (n = 3).
10 mg L–1 were tested, Se signal was reduced. It is important to note that Garlic sample Added Se (µg g-1) Found (µg g-1) Recovery (%)
concentrations of Fe, Mn and Ni of 10 mg L–1 are not levels expected in S1 - 1.7 ± 0.1 -
the samples analyzed in this study. 0.3 1.9 ± 0.2 94 ± 6
Positive interferences were also reported in the literature. In this 0.6 2.4 ± 0.2 107 ± 5
direction, other authors added transition metals at trace levels as sen S2 - 1.6 ± 0.1 -
0.3 1.8 ± 0.2 96 ± 5
sitizers/catalysts for PVG. They include metals such as Ni(II), Cu(II), and
0.6 2.0 ± 0.2 91 ± 5
Cd(II) to increase the production of volatile species of Pb, Co, As, Cl, Se S3 - 1.8 ± 0.2 -
and Te when generated in solutions of UV–irradiated acetic and formic 0.3 2.0 ± 0.2 96 ± 6
acids (Leonori and Sturgeon, 2019). This behavior was used by Xu et al. 0.6 2.5 ± 0.2 102 ± 6
(2018) to enhance the in situ production of Se(VI) by adding Cd(II) to an S4 - 0.8 ± 0.1 -
0.3 1.0 ± 0.1 95 ± 6
acetic acid reaction medium forming a nano–CdSe photocatalyst. In our 0.6 1.4 ± 0.2 105 ± 5
study, no significant enhancing effects were observed for the elements S5 - 0.3 ± 0.0 -
tested. 0.3 0.6 ± 0.0 93 ± 6
There is another group of concomitants that deserves to be studied. 0.6 1.0 ± 0.0 105 ± 5
Nitric and hydrochloric acids are common concomitant since they are *
Se(IV) solution were added to the powdered garlic samples to perform the
frequently used for sample digestion. According to our screening ex recovery test.
periments, the presence of both acids produced an increase in the gen
eration efficiency of Se volatile compounds. Leonori & Sturgeon 3.6. Photochemical vapor generation efficiency
(Leonori and Sturgeon, 2019) postulated mechanisms involving redox
termination of radical chain reactions, especially from oxidants such as The efficiency of the PVG is the fraction of the analyte Se (IV) that
dissolved O2, NO–3 and NO–2; being nitrite interference more severe. In can be removed from solution and determined in the whole process. The
addition, they reported that Se signal intensity increases in the same way sensitivity values of the optimized PVG method and conventional
by the presence of NO-3 or NO2 - anion deriving from either sodium ni HG–AAS were 0.0132 L µg − 1 and 0.0292 L µg− 1, respectively. These
trate or sodium nitrite. According to Mollo and Knochen (Mollo and values were used to calculate the efficiency. In both analytical tech
Knochen, 2020) nitrate, reacts with the reductant radicals decreasing its niques, the efficiency depends on a series of parameters namely, vapor
availability and yielding oxidizing species. When this occurs, the me generation; separation of the volatile analyte in GLS from condensed
dium is no longer reductant and the formation of the volatile species is phase; and transportation from GLS to the AAS instrument. For calcu
quenched. Several authors investigated the adverse effects caused by lation, we assumed that conventional CVG–AAS has efficiency of 100 %
NO–3 as well as the different methods used for the abatement of nitrate efficiency. The efficiency achieved in this study was 46%, which is
interference (Lopes et al., 2016; Mollo and Knochen, 2020). comparable to the value reported by Guo et al. of 50 ± 10 % using acetic
Fig. S1a shows the dependence of Se absorbance when HNO3 was and malonic acids, and significantly higher than the reported efficiency
tested indicating that the nitric acid has a marked influence on the Se of 10–15 % when formic acid was used alone (Guo et al., 2003c).
signal. Our results are in good agreement with those reported by Nevertheless, this value was lower than the 79 % efficiency reported by
Rybínová et al. (2016). In Fig S1b, similar results were obtained when da Luz Potes et al., 2019, who employed PVG coupled to graphite
HCl was assessed. Consequently, in our study, in the MW–assisted furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF–AAS) (da Luz Potes et al.,
digestion of real samples, the amount of oxidizing acids was minimized 2019). The disparity in efficiency may be attributed to the fact that the
and digested samples were evaporated to almost dryness and quartz PR exhibits much higher UV–C transmission compared to the
re-solubilized in diluted HCl. PTFE tubing employed in our study. Nevertheless, PTFE tubing has the
advantage of its flexibility and durability.
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