(Ebook) Intelligent Instrumentation: Principles and Applications by
Manabendra Bhuyan ISBN 9781420089530, 1420089536
Satya Sheel
Satya Sheel
Department of Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
University of Petroleum & Energy Studies
Formerly, Professor of Electrical Engineering
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
Copyright © 2014
7200 The Quorum, Oxford Business Park North
Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2JZ, U.K.
The first chapter includes the basics and scope of the subject while
the second chapter on system specifications and tools provides
background material for understanding analysis methods and tools.
This may be omitted if the students have already undergone a course
in measurements and control.
The third chapter provides background of measurement
principles, errors and their analysis relevant to instrumentation
systems and techniques to achieve desired quality. This may be gone
through briefly for students who have undergone a course in
electrical measurements. Chapter 4, 5, 6 detail the principles of sensors
and transducers in detail, to be utilized for application to common
physical variables later. The transducers constitute the interface
between the real system and process with the electrical signal domain.
Their application to common physical variables will be the subject
matter of chapter 7.
Chapter 8 includes signal conditioning which is one of the most
important activities responsible for improving accuracy, sensitivity,
linearity and convenience of use by adding processing capability.
Developments in electronics have contributed very significantly in
modernizing the instrumentation systems. Selected topics from this
chapter should be used depending upon the background of students
i.e., very little for electronics engineering to almost whole for
mechanical and chemical engineering students.
Last chapter on telemetry and networked systems includes the
content matter to complete the flow of information i.e., from field to
control room. This includes various data transmission schemes in
practice along with current trend towards computer-based data
transfer network systems and the standards. These topics are most
often not included in the undergraduate text books and discussed
only in brief to provide a complete scenario. At the end data
acquisition systems (DAS) are included in brief.
It is strongly felt that data acquisition aspects should be covered in
detail but if it is difficult to cover in one semester then it must be
recommended for self-study as an assignment.
Also included in each chapter are solved examples to illustrates
the application/computational aspects and problems for exercise are
provided in all chapters with answers to selected problems included
toward the end. At the end of each chapter, a list of references has
been included for more detailed study by interested readers, along
with a bibliography at the end. Glossary of the important terms has
been provided to assist the first time reader of the subject to avoid
Satya Sheel
Preface vii
A Instrumentation Symbols A.1—A.4
B Compensation of Lead Resistance by
Muller’s Method B.1—B.2
C Basics of Operational Amplifiers (OP-amps) C.1—C.9
D Units and Conversions D.1—D.2
E Thermocouple Tables E.1—E.14
F Journals in Instrumentation Engineering F.1—F.1
G Websites for Data Sheets, Component
Manufacturers and Technical Information G.1—G.4
H Answers to Selected Problems for Exercise H.1—H.15
I Glossary of Common Terms I.1—I.6
J Bibliography J.1—J.4
Subject Index SI.1—SI.8
Instrumentation Systems
For understanding the instrumentation, their systematic organization
and analysis, generalized approach is useful, as it makes possible to
describe the operation and performance of the system, without
referring to specific hardware.
A general instrumentation system can be categorized into two
major classes - analog systems, dealing with the information available
as continuous function throughout, and digital systems handling the
data information in digital or discrete from. Both of these types will
have three major elements as shown in Fig. 1.1. These include:
(a) Input devices
(b) Intermediate devices
(c) Output devices
Input quantities (also known as measurands) from the process, for
the most instrumentation systems are non-electrical. Therefore for
measuring, manipulation or control, it is necessary to convert them
into an electrical signal. An input device performing this role is known
as transducer, and may involve the use of primary sensor. These are
discussed in detail in fourth chapter onwards.
The intermediate devices stage consists of an assortment of
electronic assemblies to perform variety of useful operation such as :
(i) Signal conditioning of the signal obtained from the transducer is
performed with the help of amplifiers, attenuators, filters, signal
shapers and converters, data converters, multiplexers, transducer
bridges, linearising and other processing units for suitable calibration,
transfer and display etc., with avowed objective to meet the typical
requirements of the system under consideration, so as to bring the
signal into a format and level suitable for next stage to transmit for
local/remote display, monitoring and control purposes.
1.4 INSTRUMENTATION : Theory and Applications
tation. As shown in Fig 1.2 the main elements of a control scheme for
one of the variables of the system are indicated.
Signal Process Variable
Desired Output
(c) Bourdon Gauge Type Pressure
Monitor for Large Mechanical
(ii) Pneumatic type has been the common choice in chemical and
oil industry (commonly referred to as process industry), steel plants
and many a section of power industry. In this a physical measurand
As mentioned earlier, the main objective of intermediate devices is to
meet the requirements of the system. After the choice of appropriate
transducer, the signal conditioning stage is needed in most cases. The
selection and design of this stage and the subsequent one is simplified
by using standard devices and design procedures. For this signal
conditioning equipments are specified to provide standard output
signal for transmission to control and display devices.
The design of instrumentation systems around an established
standard provides distinct advantages in design, assembly, recon-
figuration, operation and maintenance. Commonality of spares and
thereby saving in cost of inventory, the reduction in training needs and
avoidance of special fault diagnostic aids are other advantages that
automatically follow. In a typical large process industry such as oil
refinery or entertainment electronics industry the common standards
1.8 INSTRUMENTATION : Theory and Applications
Measurand Controlled
+ Output
1.5.2 C urr
Curr ent Loop T
urrent elemetry SSy
Telemetry yst ems
(a) Series connection of display/control devices with the
transducer as shown in Fig. 1.4, with the total resistance
limited by the consideration of the current controlling source
characteristics, or several of these as in Fig. 1.4(b), each output
device being a current sensor.
(b) Separately powered connection, is designed with transducer
providing the current (see Fig. 1.4c), or, as two-wire operation
with signal wires also acting as the power supplies
These are generally economical as a suitable local supply can be
used, to meet the demand of current for display devices too. In these
systems, the transducer is required to act as a current sink and adjust a
regulator to provide the correct magnitude of current in correspon-
dence with the value of measurand.
An instrumentation arrangement for temperature monitoring produces a
4-20 mA signal with an indicator and recorder connected at the (monitoring)
control room.
Show the interconnection and state assumptions.
A voltage supply of appropriate value is connected as shown in
Fig. ex. 1.1. The chosen supply should be able to maintain a load
independency say upto 600 Ω, so that the voltage supply needed
Vs = 40 mA × 600 Ω = 24 V
Suppose the devices to be connected are standard device i.e. with
definite input resistance say for indicator 200 Ω, for recorder 150 Ω.
This provides a gap of 250 Ω and more devices can be connected, also
1.10 INSTRUMENTATION : Theory and Applications
The current trend is to convert the data received from the process
into a digital format and make it plant wide available through a
communication bus system as also to interface with computer for
storage, processing and display in a chosen format with efficiency and
flexibility. The details of such digital interface standards are discussed
in Chapter 9.
1. Doeblin, E.O. - Measurement systems (MGH).
2. Fribance, A.E. - Industrial instrumentation fundamentals (MGH).
3. Holzbock, W.G. - Instruments for measurements and control (East-West
4. Eckman, D.P. - Industrial instrumentation (Wiley eastern).
1.1 What is the role of instrumentation engineers in industry?
1.2 What are the building blocks of the instrumentation channel?
1.3 What is a legacy instrumentation system?
1.4 What is the difference between measurement and monitoring?
1.5 What are the objectives of monitoring?
1.6 Identify the major inputs in any industry? Explain their role with example.
1.7 What can be the advantages of off-line behavioral analysis?
1.8 Explain the live-zero concept and its importance in current telemetry.
1.9 Why is current telemetry preferred over voltage telemetry in industry?
1.10 Explain the operation of synchro transmitter-receiver pair operation for
position telemetry.
1.11 What are the other devices available in synchro family? Explain their
application in instrumentation and control.
1.12 Where are the national test house located in your country for primary
calibration of instrumentation?
2.2 ST
These are specified by the following measures:
(a) Accuracy and Error: Accuracy of an instrument or a system is
the measure of the closeness between measured value and the
actual value of the process variable being measured. A precise
term to express the accuracy is error. This can be expressed in
a number of ways. A common approach is to express the
maximum difference between the actual value and the
measured value as % of full-scale deflection (FSD) of the
measuring device, or as a % of actual value of process variable
(PV). Yet another method of expression of the error is absolute
indication of error, e.g. ± 1°C for temperature instrumentation
irrespective of the value. Figure 2.1 shows the relation
between the actual and indicated values in a chemical process.
The error expressed as per the above approaches would be,
(15/65 × 100)% of actual value and absolute error at 65°C.
PVmin PVmax
Temp °C
(300) (200)
For a temperature to voltage transducer, the range of measurement is 30°C to
280°C, resulting in output variation from 0V to 10 V. Calculate the
sensitivity of this transducer.
Sensitivity K for the given data shall be K = (10 – 0)/(280 – 30)
= 40 mV/°C.
The sensitivity being too small for low temperatures if the device
is used for the whole range. In situations where monitored infor-
mation is being used for controlling the temperature at (say) about
233°C ±5° a span adjustment for 200 to 250°C to give a full-scale output
is beneficial providing a larger sensitivity
K = 10/(250 – 200) = 200 mV/°C
This will result in less error for the actual range of measurement
(f) Linearity: This is a desirable property of all instruments and
implies constant sensitivity, i.e. the plot of process variable (PV) and
the measured variable (MV) is expected to be a straight line, defined
MV = K × PV + Y ...(2.2)
Figure 2.4 shows such a relationship for such a transducer and the
ideal expected response, the off-set Y can be positive, negative and
zero. The various types of linearity are shown in Fig. 2.5. In each of
these, the maximum deviation from the ideal linear response
expressed as percentage of full-scale deflection is an indication of the
extent of nonlinearity in the measurements.
100% 100%
2.3.2 St ep or P
Step osition Input
This presents the worst type of input i.e. temperature sensor suddenly
put into the liquid bath and expected to indicate the temperature of
bath correct to a reasonable degree of closeness to true value within
the shortest possible time. Response of a typical temperature sensor is
indicated in Fig. 2.9 (a); Pressure gauge being used to monitor
pressure in a gas tank is suddenly applied the full pressure; etc. Such
inputs are mathematically presented as:
f(t) = K u(t)
and f(t) = K u(t – T), is called a delayed step signal where T is the delay,
see Fig. 2.9(b).
2.3.4 Par
Par abolic or A
arabolic Accceler ation Input
This represents a signal which is rather sluggish in the early period
but rises at a faster rate as the time progresses, as shown in Fig. 2.9(f).
Such signals are encountered in speed instrumentation systems, for
example a motor starting under large load (inertia) starts slowly and
pick up high speed later as also in the case of a passenger aircraft or
2.10 INSTRUMENTATION : Theory and Applications
2.4.1 Definition
Dynamics of a system is specified in terms of the rate of change of the
variables involved when subjected to specified inputs (which may also
have dynamics) and the observation is made over a reasonable period
of time.
For example a general dynamic system as shown in Fig. 2.10 can be
presented by a mathematical model, by the equation:
where, c(t) is the output and r(t) is the input. The coefficients a0, a1,
a2, .... an depend on system characteristics; b0, b1, .... bm depend on the
dynamics of the signal. These coefficients may be time variant/
invariant. The system has the dynamics of order n and for almost all
practical systems n > m. The analysis is simplified if the coefficients are
assumed to be constants.
Since the instrumentation devices-transducers, amplifiers, filters
etc., are generally limited to second order the above equation
simplifies to:
d2c(t) dc(t)
2 + a1
a2 + a0c(t) = b0r(t) ...(2.6)
dt dt
For a simple input of any of the types discussed earlier. We shall
consider later the various possibilities to identify the dynamical
model representations for instrumentation systems, devices described
by hardware configuration, and evaluate their performance for the
type of expected inputs.
2.4.2 C ommen
ommentt s
The most common technique for analysis of the assembly if
instruments along with the system devices, is the transfer function
modeling and simulation. It has been possible to model the systems
such as: boilers, reactors, heat exchangers, water tanks etc.,
instruments viz. analog indicating instruments, devices viz. sensors for
temperatures, pressure, flow, level, speed etc., and controllers of the
analog type–pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical....
There are other approaches to modeling i.e. state variable model,
time series model etc. but they have not found much application in
instrumentation, except for complex systems and then too, these are
limited to representation of process system only.
2.12 INSTRUMENTATION : Theory and Applications
2.4.3 T
Trransfer Function A
Function ppr
Appr oach tto
pproach o Modeling
The approach is most helpful in determining the output response of a
system or network for any given input, under relaxed conditions.
As an extension of our discussion earlier in Sec. 2.4.1 for dynamical
systems represented by Eqn. (2.5), with c(t) as output and r(t) as input,
a’s and b’s as real constants is considered again. By taking Laplace
transform of equation, neglecting the effect of initial conditions it is
possible to rearrange as :
ansnC(s) + an–1sn–1C(s) + ............. a1sC(s) + a0C(s)
= bmsmR(s) + bm–1sm–1R(s) + ............ + b1sR(s) + b0R(s)
C(s) b s2 + b1s + b0
= 2 2
R(s) a2 s + a1s + a0
This relation in s domain is defined as transfer function and is a
frequency domain representation.
If there exists a factor in T.F. of the type {(s + a)2 + b2}1/2, then
complex poles or zeros are to be found. Depending upon the value of
a the complex zeros/poles would be at origin or some other location
but will always be at origin or some other location but will always be
present in pair. Some typical responses are indicated in Fig. 2.12
corresponding to typical pole/zero mappings.
K (s + z )
G(s) =
s(s + p1) (s + p2 ) {s − (a + jb)} {s − (a − jb)}
2.14 INSTRUMENTATION : Theory and Applications
jw c(t)
x x
o t
jw c(t)
o t
x o
jw c(t)
x t
R R.Vi
e0 = 2 Vt = .x = K1.x ...(2.11)
1 R1
MCp = UA (T1 – T2) ...(2.12)
M = mass of mercury in thermometer bulb
Cp = thermal capacity of thermometer bulb
A = area of the surface through which heat transfer takes place
from bath liquid to thermometer bulb
On rearrangement,
MCp dT
+ T2 = T 1 ...(2.13)
UA dt
or, τ + T2 = T 1 ...(2.14)
where, τ=
T being the temperature of the thermometer bulb at any instant of
time and is called time constant of this first order system. 1/UA is
referred to as resistance and MCp as the capacity. It can also be
considered analogous to capacity in electrical circuit.
The time response of the thermometer to step input i.e. sudden
immersion in the liquid bath can be obtained by procedure outlined
earlier to finally yield:
T′ = T2 + T
Obtain the time response of the resistance temperature detector measuring
device, initially at ambient temperature of 25°C, when suddenly dipped into
the liquid bath being maintained at 115°C. Assume effective time constant for
the sensor to be 2 seconds. In how much time sensor indication will settle
within 2% of final steady temperature.
Dipping the sensors suddenly into the bath amounts to the step input
of (115 – 25 = 90°C). The sensor is known to be a first order system
with unity gain.
So, the temperature of the sensor shall change according as :
T(s) 1
= ; where τ is the time constant
U(s) 1 + sτ
T(t) = 90 (1 – e–t/τ)
2.18 INSTRUMENTATION : Theory and Applications
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (sec)
should have value reducing to zero as time increases for any stable
system i.e. useful in practical sense. This implies that, the response of
any system should finally have a steady value only, of finite
magnitude and in a definite relation with input magnitude. The ratio
of steady output to the constant input amplitude is called steady-state
Time response evaluation is the most commonly identified
technique for analysis but not simple or easily implementable one.
Also the considerations of design, strategic choice of other
possibilities and assuring frequency response and impulse response
technique may be important.
Write the dynamical equation for a liquid level tank being used for
maintaining the inventory of a feed-stock of an important ingredient in a
chemical manufacturing unit. Controlled input is allowed into the tank such
that a balance with the outflow is maintained and level in the tank (stock) is
maintained constant at H meters. Tank may be considered circular with cross-
sectional area ofA-m2.
Obtain the transfer function and indicate the nature of response (change
in level) for a sudden change in the inflow to the tank.
Dynamic relation is derived from the material balance equation:
Input – Output = Storage
If left hand side is positive the stock (level) in tank will rise, if
negative level will fall and if zero the level shall maintain the original
level, H.
Qi – Q 0 = 0
where Qs are the flow rates in M 3/sec Initially, inflow is maintained
equal to outflow and R.H.S. is zero and is referred as steady state.
Now if there is a disturbance in inflow rate, the balance is disturbed
and dynamic state is represented by
Q1 – Q 0 = A
where h indicates the change in level due to unbalance.
Q0 is dependent on the level in the tank and can be approximated =
H/k steady under initial steady condition. Suppose Qi changes by ∆Qi
resulting in a change in level to (H + ∆h). Rise in the level to H + ∆h will
2.20 INSTRUMENTATION : Theory and Applications
The response of the system here implies the change in height for a
sudden change in the opening of input valve increasing the inflow.
Since the output also tends to increase (or decrease) with increase (or
decrease) in inflow and thereby the height, there is a self regulation
experienced and such systems are also called ‘self-regulated systems’.
The nature of response will be same as for any First order system to
step input, as shown in Fig. 2.14(b).
2.5.3 F
Frrequency Response T
Response echnique
This provides useful information about the behavior of systems.
Applied to first order system/instruments, for sinusoidal inputs, it is
expressed in transfer function (T.F.) form as:
e0 (s) K
G(s) = = ...(2.17)
ei (s) 1 + sτ
This form is also known as prototype first order T.F.
By substituting s = jω we have
G(s) = ∠ − tan−1 (ωτ) ...(2.18)
(1 = ω2τ2 )1/2
where 1 is gain/amplitude and φ = ∠–tan–1 (ωτ) is the phase
(1 + ω τ )
2 2 2
The gain and phase plots for typical first order instrument are
shown in Fig. 2.17. It may be noted that for zero order system, similar
plots are available but of lesser consequences as:
eo ( jω)
= K ∠ 0° ...(2.19)
ei ( jω)
i.e. gain is independent of frequency and phase is identically zero.
2.5.4 SSec
ec ond Or
econd der SSy
Order yst ems/Instruments
This class of systems/instruments involve two energy storage
elements formed singly or in combination of elements such as mass,
damper, capacity, inductance, resistance etc., and involve two rates of
changes in the dynamical representation of this class of systems.
In Fig. 2.18 are shown two examples of this class. For these devices
Equn. 2.6 holds and this can be rearranged as:
d2 x dx
2 + 2ξωn + ωn2 = bor ...(2.19)
dt dt
After taking Laplace transform and rearranging:
X(s) Kω2n
= 2 ... ...(2.20)
R(s) s + 2ξωns + ω2n
{ }
e −ξωnt 1
x(t) = K 1 − sin [1 − ξ2 ]2 ωnt + φ
(1 − ξ2 )
1 ...(2.21a)
where sin φ = ([1 − ξ 2 )]2
ξ = 1):
(ii) Critically damped case (ξ
ξ > 1):
(iii) Over damped case (ξ
x(t) = K 1 + e − e
ξ 2
ξ 2
2( 1) 2( 1)
2 2
Little Ivy
"Yes; that's it. She writes sweetly; but it's because she
thinks she ought. Not because she wants Ivy. And the
question is—Were we right to ask it of her?"
"I knew you meant that. But you can't help it, dear,
because I am coming." Mary Croft spoke firmly.
"No, no, Fred. Not you. You have enough to think about.
I shall do it!"
"I saw real live tears in his eyes, mummie." She meant
that he was not merely pretending to cry, to amuse her, as
sometimes he had done.
Mrs. Croft came round the table to where Ivy was, and
sat down, putting her arm round the child.
"Sweet, do you remember last summer, when we were
at the seaside, that daddy had to make you wear big blue
spectacles when you were down on the shore? You didn't
like them because they kept you from seeing the beautiful
sea and waves properly. And you wanted to take them off;
and mummie had to say 'No.' And then you asked, 'Why-
because must you wear them?' And daddy explained that it
was because Ivy's eyes were weak; and if she didn't wear
the spectacles, the hot sun would make them worse, and
then they might be weak always; but if she did as she was
told, they would soon be stronger. And it was just because
daddy and mummie do so love their little girl that they
made her keep on wearing those tiresome ugly big
spectacles. Don't you see? Not because we wanted to
trouble our pet, but only because we loved her so."
Ivy smiled.
"I don't think that was wrong of daddy. When God has
to send us trouble, He doesn't tell us not to mind, only to
try to be patient, and always to be sure that He loves us.
When our dear Lord was on earth, and had great troubles to
bear, He shed tears, and He was very, very sad; but still He
always said, 'Thy will be done!' And we must say the same."
Ivy gave a sigh, and leant her pretty head against her
mother's shoulder. Mrs. Croft's other arm came round her
tightly. Oh, how she wished that she could shield her darling
from every sorrow! She would gladly have borne anything
herself, if only Ivy might be perfectly happy.
"Yes; with a lot of fine clothes that come off and on, and
a cradle for dolly to sleep in. Wasn't it good of them? And
now I hope Ivy is going to stay with them."
"A good way off. Daddy has to go; and mummie can't
let him go alone."
"I'm afraid you can't understand that, Ivy. You are too
little. By-and-by, when you are older, you will see why it
had to be. You must believe now that daddy wouldn't go if it
was not right. There are many things that we can't
understand till we are older—things that daddy and
mummie can't understand now, and never will till—by-and-
by! And this is a thing that little Ivy can't understand yet.
But you can trust daddy and mummie, darling. You know
we wouldn't go if we could help it, if it wasn't for little Ivy's
good in some way."
Perhaps poor Mrs. Croft was saying all this as much for
her own comfort as for Ivy's; yet Ivy seemed in a way to
And then Mrs. Croft added, "We should love to take our
darling with us; but we must not."
"It is such a hot place, burning hot, and not fresh and
cool like this. All little English children fall ill there; so their
fathers and mothers dare not take them. Yet daddy has to
go; and I know my little Ivy will be brave and good, and will
wish mummie to go with daddy and to take care of him.
And only think—" as she felt a heaving sob—"only think,
sweet, what fun it will be for you to have Cousin Hecla to
play with! She is only three or four years older than Ivy. You
have never yet had another little girl belonging to you, in
the same house. Won't that be delightful? You must take
your new dolly, and you and Hecla can play with it
Though Ivy cried a little, as she nestled in her mother's
arms, it was wonderful how bravely she took all this.
The Wonderful News
HECLA had to wait next day till after early dinner, before
hearing what the wonderful news was. Miss Storey felt sure
that, if she were told sooner, she would not do a single
lesson well that morning; so at breakfast, Aunt Anne
promised that she should know directly dinner was over, if
she were good meantime.
"You'll hear, all in good time," was the most she would
say, when Hecla kept wondering and wondering what the
"news" could possibly be.
"I believe you know all the time, and I don't see why I
shouldn't too," she said in an injured tone, forgetting that
but for her own fault she would have been told as soon as
Elisabeth. "Do just say one thing! It isn't a doll, is it? A big,
big doll that winks. I should love to have a doll that winks!
It isn't that, I'm quite perfectly sure, because it's nobody's
birthday now, and I do wish it was."
"If you're quite perfectly sure, Miss Hecla, there ain't no
need for me to tell you."
"You have been a good girl this morning, and you shall
not wait any longer."
Miss Anne did not take the trouble to reply, since she
knew from experience that the explanation would be
forgotten in five minutes. She only said—
Hecla wanted to hop again, but Miss Anne held her fast.
"Now, Hecla, you are to sit down and eat your pudding.
No more hopping. You know that you are not allowed to get
up in the middle of dinner."
"But she did not want you to ring the bell just now, so
that has nothing to do with the question."
"Oh, but I'm so dreadfully glad, auntie."
"She was a very dear little girl when we saw her last,"
Miss Anne replied. "You and she will be great friends, I am
"Just for once we will let you off the lying down," she
said. "You must be very good, and not ask it again. I am
going to speak to Mr. Deane, and you may come with me."
"Eh, how's that?" The Vicar led them in, put a chair for
Miss Anne, and dropped into another himself.
"That's right. Aim high, little one. Always try for the
best. And how are you going to do it?" He lifted his hand
gravely upward. "That is the only way," he said. "You must
ask God to make you able."
"And now I think you must run out into the garden
while Aunt Anne and I have a talk. You'll find Chris there
somewhere. Down the path to the little pond."
"What is?"
"New doll?"
"No, I sha'n't. I'll never get tired of her. And I've got to
show I can be trusted, and I don't mean ever to forget
things again. And then they'll know I can."
Chris laughed.
Then Hecla reminded him that even he was only ten and
a half, just two years older than herself—which he always
treated as a huge difference—and she tried to reason out
the fact that he was less older than herself than she was
older than Ivy. She saw the comparison in her mind, but
only managed to bring it out confusedly.
Then the frog made up his mind what to do, and went
off in a series of long leaps. Chris rushed after him, and
Hecla would have done the same but for Aunt Anne's voice
Buttons and Button-holes
She had remarked, "Poor little Ivy will miss her dear
mother so much! We shall have to try our best to make up
to her for that great loss!"
And then Hecla began to wonder if she could not act the
part of a sort of imitation-mother to Ivy.
Then old Mrs. Prue, who never cried, but showed her
feelings by getting fearfully cross and scolding everybody all
round—even her mistresses, and they always took it
meekly, because they said it was just dear old faithful Prue's
way, and they supposed she wasn't feeling very well, and
ought to take a tonic—old Mrs. Prue made a suggestion.
She said she couldn't for the life of her see why in the
world Elisabeth shouldn't stay on, and take care of Miss Ivy.
For her part, she'd sooner have Elisabeth than a dozen of
them giddy flaunting girls, going about with red feathers in
their hats and gaudy blue silk blouses as was a disgrace to
the parents that had brought them up. And Elisabeth, if she
was young, had got a head on her shoulders, and was used
to children in her own home; and she'd be willing to learn,
which was more than could be said for that other sort of
girl; and if help was wanted, why, she herself would be
ready enough to lend a hand.
Chris was fond of Hecla too, but he did not tell her so,
or condescend to say pretty things to her. Ten years old is
not an age when boys flatter girls. He always let her know
that she was "only a girl," and that she couldn't be expected
to do things so well as he could; and Hecla regretfully
agreed. She often wished that she had been a boy, instead
of only a girl.
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