Introduction to Financial Analysis
Introduction to Financial Analysis
Introduction to Financial Analysis
o r g
Introduction to Financial
Introduction to Financial
Kenneth S. Bigel
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Introduction to Financial Analysis by Kenneth S. Bigel is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where
otherwise noted.
Cover image: New York City (28) by Jesús Quiles is licensed under CC-BY
Preface xxiv
Chapter 1: Introduction
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3.7 Periodic Inventory Analysis: Ending 66
Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold
3.8 Units to Numbers: FIFO and LIFO 68
3.9 Inventory Costing Calculations: A 70
Closer Look at the COGS and Ending
Inventory Computations
3.10 Inventory Accounting Issues: LIFO 72
3.11 LIFO Base Illustration 75
3.12 Accounting for Long-term Assets: 77
Straight-Line Depreciation (For Reporting
Purposes Only)
3.13 Accounting Entries for Depreciation 79
3.14 Accelerated Depreciation Methods: 81
Sum-of-the-Years' Digits (For reporting
purposes only)
3.15 Accelerated Depreciation Methods: 83
Double/Declining Balance (For reporting
purposes only)
3.16 Comparative Summary of Deprecia- 85
tion Methods
3.17 The Balance Sheet versus the Income 87
Statement: A Summary
3.18 Chapter Three: Review Questions 89
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6.2 Profitability, Return and Asset Turnover 141
6.3 The DuPont Model 146
6.4 What Does the Dupont Model Show 149
6.5 Financial Ratios in Action 151
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Part III: The Time Value of Money
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11.18 Perpetuities: No-Growth Perpetuities 319
11.19 The “Law of Limits” and Perpetuities 321
11.20 Growth Perpetuities 324
11.21 Fractional Time Periods 327
11.22 Loans: The Conventional Mortgage 329
11.23 A Few Thoughts about Mortgages 332
11.24 Summary Comparison of 15- and 334
30-Year Mortgages
11.25 Personal Financial Planning Problem 338
11.26 Summary: The Time Value of 340
11.27 Chapters 10 - 11: Review Questions 342
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14.6 Dividend Discount Model (DDM) 421
14.7 Dividend Discount Model (Solutions) 423
14.8 What About Quarterly Dividends? 425
14.9 Components of the Dividend Discount 429
14.10 A Closer Look at Dividend Growth 432
14.11 Summary of DDM Variables' Sources 434
14.12 Value Prediction Problem 436
14.13 A Qualitative Look at The Discount 438
14.14 Business Ethics: The Small Investor's 441
Experience of Insider Trading
14.15 Capital Gains 444
14.16 Portfolio Return (Weighted Aver- 449
14.17 The Geometric Average Return: 453
Multi-year Returns
14.18 Chapters 12-14: Review Questions 455
About the Author
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Introduction to Financial Analysis xvii
His wife and their three children reside in New York City.
He enjoys reading, playing 60’s guitar, seeing his students
succeed professionally, and watching his kids grow.
Educational Background:
xviii Kenneth S. Bigel
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Author's Acknowledgements
xx Kenneth S. Bigel
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The text will proceed to Ratio Analysis, the very basic tools
of financial analysis, incorporating the previously learned
Accounting data. It will then proceed to the notion of the
Time Value of Money, which is the central concept in all of
finance. The text will conclude with Stock and Bond Val-
uation, which are based on all the previous information of
the text. Thus, the reader will build upon his/her knowledge
by going from concept to concept in smooth, linear fashion,
ever reaching for higher and higher planes of knowledge.
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Introduction to Financial Analysis xxvii
Corporate Finance
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Financial Statements Analysis: The Balance
Chapter 3: Financial Statements Analysis: The Income
Chapter 4: Financial Statements and Finance
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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Chapter One: Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
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1.2 The Corporation
5 Kenneth S. Bigel
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1.3 Business / Corporate Structure: The
Management Organization
1.4 The Finance Function Within the
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 8
1.5 Capital Structure
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 12
In circumstances where
little given or known
information may be at
hand, one must assume
reasonable default
assumptions, i.e.,
premises, which make
13 Kenneth S. Bigel
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Happy travels!
– Albert Einstein
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1.7 Abstraction: Absurd AND
The chemist suggests that they should light a fire under the
cans so that they would burst open.
The physicist suggests dropping the cans from the cliff to
its rocky bottom to smash them open.
17 Kenneth S. Bigel
Suppose you just arrived in New York City for the first
time. If you wish to find Times Square, would you use a
map (imagine that there is no GPS or Waze) that details all
the streets, or just the main arteries? No! You would not
be concerned with all the confusing, and mostly useless,
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1.8 Modes of Reasoning: Dialectical
versus Analytic
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1.9 Finance Style
Unlike literature, for instance, one may find that s/he has to
read the same sentence several times until s/he gets it. You
just can’t put your feet up, and slice through many pages in
relatively short order.
21 Kenneth S. Bigel
Be methodical and take your time. You will find that you
will adjust to the new style, and you will find enjoyment
in your increasing mastery! Think deliberately. Don’t think
too fast!
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Chapter 2: Financial
Statements Analysis: The
Balance Sheet
2.1 Chapter Two: Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
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2.2 The Finance in the Financial
25 Kenneth S. Bigel
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2.3 The Balance Sheet
27 Kenneth S. Bigel
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 34
-Benjamin Franklin
35 Kenneth S. Bigel
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2.7 Interest Paid on Bonds and
Dividends Paid on Stock
37 Kenneth S. Bigel
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2.8 Bankruptcy
Chapter 7:
Chapter 11:
39 Kenneth S. Bigel
Chapter 13:
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2.9 The Balance Sheet, Net Income, and
the Common Shareholder
2.10 Corporate Goals
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-Albert Einstein
2.12 Chapter 2 Review Questions
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Chapter 3: Financial
Statements Analysis: The
Income Statement
3.1 Chapter Three: Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
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3.2 The Income Statement
51 Kenneth S. Bigel
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3.3 On Learning and Studying
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3.5 The Audit
3. Qualified Opinion: In general, the statements
are fairly presented with an important exception
that does not affect the statements as a whole.
This generally occurs when there is an unjusti-
fied deviation from “Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles,” or GAAP. This opinion
falls short of “Adverse.”
4. Adverse Opinion: The auditor does not feel
that the statements taken as a whole fairly pre-
sent the corporation’s financial position in con-
formity with GAAP accounting.
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3.6 Perpetual Inventory Accounting
65 Kenneth S. Bigel
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3.7 Periodic Inventory Analysis: Ending
Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold
67 Kenneth S. Bigel
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3.8 Units to Numbers: FIFO and LIFO
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3.9 Inventory Costing Calculations: A
Closer Look at the COGS and Ending
Inventory Computations
71 Kenneth S. Bigel
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3.10 Inventory Accounting Issues: LIFO
73 Kenneth S. Bigel
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Note above that the debits are indented to the left, and the
credits are more to the right. That’s as it should be.
The balance sheet, at the end of the second year, will con-
tain the following items:
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3.15 Accelerated Depreciation
Methods: Double/Declining Balance
(For reporting purposes only)
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Straight Line:
• Sum-of-the-Years’ Digits:
• Double/Declining Balance:
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• Static (photograph)
• “As of” a specified date
• Numbers go up or down
• Numbers never turn back to zero
• “Current” means less than one year – versus
• A = L + E or A – L = E
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Chapter 4: Financial
Statements and Finance
4.1 Chapter Four: Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
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4.2 Accounting versus Finance
Accounting Finance
Historical Future-oriented
Reporting Decision-oriented
Rules-based Logic
Legalistic Managerial
One is not “better” than the other. You just need to know
what each is – in terms of its purpose, in order to deal with
1. We will discuss the broad meaning of incremental in the Finance context. For
now, we mean that the Financial Analyst will focus only on those data,
which are relevant to decision-making.
95 Kenneth S. Bigel
-Babylonian Talmud
Tractate Shabbat 31a
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4.3 Earnings Management: Accrual,
Real, and Expectations Management
Earnings Management:
1. This section is based on Li, S., & Moore, E.A. (2011). Accrual Based
Earnings Management , Real Transactions Manipulation and Expectations
Management : U . S . and International Evidence. available here.
97 Kenneth S. Bigel
Terms: Beyond these examples, inventory can be
written down on a discretionary basis
within reasonable limits. Reported esti-
2. Bartov E., D. Givoly and C. Hayn. 2002. The rewards to meeting or beating
earnings expectations. Journal of Accounting and Economics 33 (2):
3. Skinner, D. and R. Sloan. 2002. Earnings surprises, growth expectations and
stock returns or Don’t let an earnings torpedo sink your portfolio. Review
of Accounting Studies 7:289-312
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Business Ethics:
1. The following section was derived from a report in the New York Times on
December 4, 1999, p. C4.
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4.5 Business Ethics: Examples of
Fraudulent Expense Recognition
Business Ethics:
1. The following was derived from a report in the New York Times on August
29, 2000, p. C1.
105 Kenneth S. Bigel
Computer Networking
Communication Equipment
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4.6 Chapter 4: Review Questions
107 Kenneth S. Bigel
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Part II: Ratio Analysis and
Forecasting Modeling
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Chapter 5: Financial Ratios
and Forecasting; Liquidity and
Solvency Ratios
5.1 Chapter Five: Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
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5.2 Financial Ratios and Forecasting
Now that we are done, for now, with reading and interpret-
ing financial statements, let’s discuss why these account-
ing data are so important and what can be done to make
the interpretive process more effective. Keep in mind that
the purpose of releasing Financial Statements is to enable
effective credit and investment decisions, i.e., decisions
regarding the future prospects of a business entity.
113 Kenneth S. Bigel
2. There were two more crises; the Banking Crisis of 2007-2008, and the
COVID-19 outbreak (2020) which led to a market crash, which was NOT
due to any financial causes.
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On Achievement
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5.3 Financial Ratios
117 Kenneth S. Bigel
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◦ Longitudinal:
▪ Different times
▪ Same company
▪ Over time
◦ Cross-sectional:
▪ Same time
▪ Different companies
▪ Company-to-company
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5.5 Liquidity and Liquidity Ratios
123 Kenneth S. Bigel
did not obtain its true worth, even though s/he was able to
obtain some cash for it.
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Note that we use credit sales because only credit (and not
cash) sales become accounts receivable. This ACP figure
may then be compared to the firm’s typical credit terms.
If, for argument’s sake, the ACP exceeds the firm’s credit
terms, which may be 30 days, the analyst may first assess
whether the firm is having collection problems. Alterna-
tively, the analyst may investigate whether the firm is act-
ing aggressively in its marketing, and choosing to live
with the consequences of some late payments as a result.
Perhaps the firm expects that the incremental profits will
exceed any losses in its collections.
Final note: If you are analyzing data for just one quar-
ter, you should use 90, rather than 360, as the multiplier for
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the ACP. For two or three quarters, you will use 180 and
270 respectively.
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Debt ÷ NW
Debt ÷ TA
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Instead, these two debt ratios (D/NW and D/TA) are sim-
ply measures of the magnitude of a company’s indebted-
ness and, as such, are useful in comparison to other
companies in its industry, and to itself over time. Does XYZ
Corporation have a lot of debt in comparison (or in propor-
tion to) to its industry peers? Is its indebtedness increasing?
the D/NW is more popular, the D/TA ratio gives the analyst
an imaginary range of 0-100% of debt in comparison to
total assets. The D/NW ratio gives no such reasonable
range. In any case, one ratio can be easily inferred from the
“If at First….”
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 138
-Thomas A. Edison
Chapter 6: ProNtability and
Return Ratios, and Turnover
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6.1 Chapter Six: Learning Outcomes
Learning Objectives
6.2 ProNtability, Return and Asset
Turnover Ratios
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Return Measures:
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Asset Turnover:
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6.3 The DuPont Model
147 Kenneth S. Bigel
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6.4 What Does the Dupont Model Show
Debt = $700
Equity = $300
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1. Costco. (2019). 2019 Annual report: Fiscal year ended September 1, 2019.
Costco investor relations.
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Here is General Motors’ Financial Report for 2007 , just
before it declared bankruptcy. Notice the “splash” in its
early pages; it is replete with attractive product pho-
tographs. Since there is so much stuff in the report to read,
try to focus on the following. On page 82, you will notice
that it lost money – a lot. On page 83, take a look at the
Balance Sheet, especially Total Assets, Total Liabilities,
and Equity. Does it come as any surprise that its auditors
complain of poor “internal controls” on pages 80-81?
lot, deal of cash. Here’s why they sold (a.k.a., issued or bor-
rowed) debt.
Here are Apple’s Balance Sheets from 2005-2019 . Notice
how Long-term Debt went from zero to $17 Billion from
2012 to 2013. Calculate its Debt-to-Assets ratio for both
4. References Balassi, J., & Cox, J. (2013). Apple wows market with record $17
billion bond deal. Retrieved Sep 20, 2021, from
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Chapter 7: Market Ratios
7.1 Chapter Seven: Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
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7.2 Market Ratios
157 Kenneth S. Bigel
High PEs are the effect of the high expectations the market
has for future growth in a company’s earnings. As a com-
pany’s earnings grow in the future, the multiple that one
paid for his shares goes down, making the purchase, with
the benefit of hindsight, a good choice.
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The price of a stock alone does not tell you anything about
its value. Take two stocks, one of which is trading at $20
and has 1,000,000 shares outstanding, while the other
trades at $10 and has 2,000,000 shares outstanding. Which
one has greater value? They are both the same! Instead, we
will look at relative value, i.e., price relative to either of
two measures: Book Value (BV) and Earnings (per share).
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◦ Asset utilization
◦ Earnings production
EPS are $1 and $0.10 per share for LCM and TC respec-
tively. Clearly, however, LCM is “cheaper,” with a PE ratio
of 100x earnings, whereas TC reflects a ratio of 1,000x its
earnings – if you accept PE as a valid valuation/pricing
measure. (The PE ratios presented in this example
are much higher than will be typically found in the markets
– even in good times.)
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7.6 Solution Template for Ratio
Analysis Problem
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7.7 Solution for Ratio Analysis Problem
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7.8 Adjustments to Basic Financial
Ratios for Companies That Have
Preferred Stock
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Yahoo Finance
Money Central
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1. Liquidity
2. Solvency
3. Profitability
4. Turnover
5. Return
6. Market Ratios
4. How are the Liquidity and Solvency ratio categories
different from one another?
5. Why do we use 360 in calculating the Average Col-
lection Period (ACP)? Under what rationale may 365
days be advised?
6. In the ACP, why are Credit Sales, in most cases,
larger than Accounts Receivable?
7. Why do we use EBIT, and not Net Income, in calcu-
lating the Return-on-Assets?
8. Why don’t we utilize the accountant’s net worth fig-
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Chapter 8: Cash Flow,
Depreciation, and Financial
8.1 Chapter Eight: Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
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8.2 Pro Forma Financial Analysis: The
Corporate Environment
Pro forma refers to expected/ Terms:
future financial outcomes using certain
assumptions. The financial analyst gath-
ers information from numerous sources.
Where he gets his/her information will pro forma
depend largely on who s/he is. There are
two possibilities:
187 Kenneth S. Bigel
For example, the sales projections may come from the mar-
keting department. This department may provide unit sales
and pricing data, which the analyst compiles and includes
in his/her projections. The analyst may ask that the depart-
ment “sign off” on this portion of the overall projections
and thereby take some responsibility for the data. Alterna-
tively, the analyst may investigate the reasonableness of the
data and provide alternative projections.
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Unit Sales
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Sales Prices
Operating Costs
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8.6 Forecasting Solution
199 Kenneth S. Bigel
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8.7 The Tax Effect of Depreciation
201 Kenneth S. Bigel
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(1917 – 2017)
Chapter 9: Corporate
Forecasting Models
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9.1 Chapter Nine: Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
9.2 Free Cash Flow
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The more FCF the firm generates, the greater the firm’s
ability to invest in new assets, to use the funds to pay down
debt or to pay dividends, and still other discretionary pos-
The Mathematics
1. In some instances, an analyst may choose to use “EBITDA,” i.e., EBIT with
depreciation and amortization added back. The use of this figure will
depend on the data presentation and analyst choice.
2. As we will learn later in this text, amortization has to do with the reduction in
the value of an intangible asset over time; in this sense it is like deprecia-
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1. EBITDA (1 – T)
2. Add: Depreciation (Tax Rate) = (D) × (T)
3. Less: Necessary Capital Expenditures
4. Less: Increases in Net Working Capital
5. Equals: Free Cash Flow (FCF)
Note that “T” (in “1-T” and in “D x T”) stands for the
firm’s tax bracket, or percent, whereas EBITDA is in dol-
lars, including the “T” there. While at this stage of the cor-
porate planning and investment analysis process, the firm
has not yet decided whether it will choose the investment
or not and, if so, how it will be financed, and therefore does
not know its projected interest payments, it does know its
tax bracket, which is based on the firm’s meeting a speci-
fied lower threshold (“bracket”) of earnings.
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3. Capital Expenditures:
1. Maintenance 2. Replacement
3. Expansion
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9.3 Free Cash Flow Exercises
215 Kenneth S. Bigel
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1. There is no amortization.
2. Replacement and maintenance capital expendi-
tures shall be $1,000 in “Year 1” and grow
thereafter at a 5% rate.
3. Current Assets will increase in Year 1 by $500
the first year, and each year thereafter at a
growth rate of 10%.
4. Current Liabilities will increase in Year 1 by
$750 and each year thereafter at a growth rate of
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(Exercise #2)
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9.4 External Funds Needed
Formula (EFN)
221 Kenneth S. Bigel
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over” over the course of the entire year, the producing firm
is supplied with a free source of “internal” funds. The com-
pany will also internally generate funds as it earns and
retains a portion of its earnings – “retained earnings.”
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9.5 Internal and External Funds
We said above that the firm may reduce its total require-
ment for acquiring funds through the “spontaneous” or
“automatic” generation of internal funds.
Internal Funds:
• Accounts Payable
◦ If the firm bought supplies and raw or
finished inventory etc. under “cash on
delivery, or “COD,” terms of sale, it
would have to pay for it – with cash!
If it has enough cash, it will incur
an opportunity costs, because the cash
would not be invested. If it had to bor-
row the money, it would incur an
explicit borrowing cost at a rate of
interest. However, most firms are pro-
vided with 30-day terms of sale
from its suppliers, which amounts to a
30-day free loan, during which time it
incurs neither an opportunity– nor an
explicit–cost. In this sense, credit
terms – Accounts Payable – provide
cash flow to the buying firm.
◦ Although the Accounts Payable will
be paid in 30-days, the firm will have
on average over the course of the
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External Funds:
You will observe that the EFN formula has three parts (sep-
arated by two minus signs).
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• ΔS = S1 – S0
• M0 = NI / S
• RR = (NI – D) / NI = A.R.E. / NI = 1 – PR
229 Kenneth S. Bigel
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9.7 EFN Application
EFN Application
($ Millions)
231 Kenneth S. Bigel
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9.8 EFN Solution
= $250 – 25 – 44.10
= $180.90
233 Kenneth S. Bigel
Note 1:
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financed by debt and 70% by equity. This will maintain the capital
ratios in the same proportions as prior to the new external fund-
Another, perhaps better, way of calculating the debt ratio, for this
purpose, would be by excluding internal capital from the figures.
In this way, we would be establishing only how much external
debt and external equity should be raised, an approach, which
would be more consistent with the purpose of the EFN formula.
We agreed that the firm needs $180.90 of external funds.
Note 2:
235 Kenneth S. Bigel
In the first two expressions in the EFN model, i.e., [(A0/S0) ΔS]
and [(AP0/S0) ΔS], we utilize the incremental, projected sales
increase (i.e., ΔS) whereas the third portion [(M0) (S1) (1 – PR0)],
we utilize the entire projected sales amount (S1).
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9.9 Summary: The Fundamentals of
Accounting and Financial Analysis
9.10 Chapters Eight & Nine: Review
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 242
FCF Table
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 244
EFN Formula
($ Millions)
I have assumed, in the question itself, that the B/S and I/S
data are stated in Thousands, rather than Millions. This is
more palpable. Note that here, the numbers are simplified
to Millions; it’s shorter. Assume that PR = 20%. Beware the
245 Kenneth S. Bigel
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Part III: The Time Value of
Chapter 10: The Time Value of
Money: Simple Present- and
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10.1 Chapter Ten: Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
10.2 The Time Value of Money and
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 250
FV = PV (1 + R)
FV = PV (1 + R) (1 + R)
FV = PV (1 + R)n
FV = PV (1 + R/p)(1 + R/p)
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FV = PV (1 + R/p)n × p
PV = FV ÷ (1 + R/p)n × p
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PV = FV × [1 ÷ (1 + R/p)n × p]
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-Benjamin Franklin
257 Kenneth S. Bigel
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10.3 Interest-on-the-Interest: The
Nature of Compound Interest
After one year (as noted in the example above), the investor
will have earned $0.10 for every dollar invested at 10%.
This was represented by the formula: $1 (1.10) = $1.10.
259 Kenneth S. Bigel
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10.4 Some More Simple TVM Problems
$1 (1.12) = ___________
$1 (1 + .12/2) 1 x 2 = __________
$1 (1 + .12/2) 2 x 2 = __________
261 Kenneth S. Bigel
1. $1 (1.12) = $1.12
2. $1 (1.12) (1.12) = $1 (1.12) 2 = $1.2544
3. $1 (1 + .12/2) 2 x 1 = $1 (1.06) 2 = $1.1236
4. $1 (1 + .12/2) 2 x 2 = $1 (1.06) 4 = $1.2625
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Time is money.
-Benjamin Franklin
10.5 Simple Future and Present Values
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FV = PV (e Rn)
PV = FV (e -Rn)
Where, e = 2.71828
R = interest rate
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than periodic.
Example: PV = $1
R = .09
N = 10 years
FV =?
= $2.4596
10.8 Characteristics of the Time Value
of Money: FV and PV
You will find below a partial interest rate table. If you use
such tables properly, you will be able to locate the correct
multipliers – or “factors” – for a given situation. You will
note that the PV factors are expressed as the reciprocals of
their corresponding FVs. In order to arrive at the FV or PV
of a specified dollar amount, one need only choose the cor-
rect cell and multiply the specific dollar amount by the fac-
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10.10 A Word on Compounding
Frequency and Annual Equivalent Rates
In general, (1 + R/p) np = FV
Annually, (1.10) 1 = 1.10
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1.09510= 2.4782
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You will need to solve all these problems by hand. You will
not be able to use the tables.
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(If you have trouble with this, it’s OK. We will get to
Uneven Cash Flow series soon. You can come back to it
10.14 The Volatility of the Time Value
of Money
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On Work
-David Rockefeller
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-Friedrich Nietzsche
German Philosopher
No pain, no gain.
-Somebody Else
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Chapter 11: The Time Value of
Money: Annuities,
Perpetuities, and Mortgages
11.1 Chapter Eleven: Learning
Learning Outcomes
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11.2 Annuities
11.3 The Derivation of (Ordinary)
Annuity Factors
3-year annuity
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 296
the factors you are using to make sure you didn’t lift the
figure from the wrong table or make some other error. Use
your head at all times. Do not be a robot!
11.5 Future and Present Annuity
Values: The Nature of Their Cash Flows
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11.8 Annuities: Practice Problems
For each of the following problems, solve for both the pre-
sent- and future values of the given annuity – at the given
rate and for the stated number of years. Try not to look at
the solutions in the table below.
11.9 Annuities Due
Annuities Due
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 308
Due to the fact that the cash flows come in sooner there
are both more compounding periods and fewer discounting
periods. The fewer number of periods leads to more com-
pounding and less discounting, hence greater future- and
The fact that the cash flows are received (or paid) sooner
in the example of an annuity due has an interesting impli-
cation (as noted in the adjustment formula above). In the
case of the PV, there will be fewer discounting periods than
with an ordinary annuity, so the PV will be higher. In the
case of the FV, there will be more compounding periods,
hence the FV is also higher. Again, in both instances, the
ordinary annuity factor is adjusted by a multiple of (1 +R/
p)1. Note that even when p ≠ 1, the exponent will always
be one, representing just the one period (even if part of a
year) in which the series is “pulled ahead.”
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Not all cash flows series are as neat as annuities. Using the
TVM Tables, calculate both the PV and FV for the series
of Uneven Cash Flows presented below. Assume a periodic
discount/compound rate of 6%.
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11.13 Uneven Cash Flows (Solutions)
Take note of the fact that the PV of the series is less than
its nominal value and that the FV is greater. You will also
313 Kenneth S. Bigel
note that, if you know the PV of the uneven series, you can
simply multiply it by (1 + Rn) in order to arrive at the FV
of the series. Wow!
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11.14 Uneven Cash Flows (Practice
11.15 Uneven Cash Flows (Practice
Problem Solutions)
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11.16 Uneven Cash Flows: Another
Self-Test Practice Problem
317 Kenneth S. Bigel
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11.17 Solution to Another Uneven Cash
Flow Practice Problem
Answers to questions:
11.18 Perpetuities: No-Growth
Nominal The PV of a perpetuity is simply the
(fixed) payment divided by the interest
rate. For example, if the cash flows are
$100 and the discount rate is 10%, the PV would be:
PV = CF ÷ i
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-Psalms 147:4
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11.20 Growth Perpetuities
CF1 = CF0 (1 + g)
PV = CF1÷ (r – g)
325 Kenneth S. Bigel
This formula may also come in handy for
cases of negative growth. Since “g”
would be negative, in this case, the for-
mula would require that one add the
Negative growth rate to the interest rate in order to
Growth determine the present value.
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 326
$1 (1 + .10/360) 270 =
1 (1 + .10/4) 3= 1.0769
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 328
$1 (1.10)1/2 = $1.048809
$1 (1 + .10/2)1 P ≠ $1 (1.10)1/2
Mathematical Rationale:
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11.23 A Few Thoughts about
333 Kenneth S. Bigel
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11.24 Summary Comparison of 15- and
30-Year Mortgages
335 Kenneth S. Bigel
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11.25 Personal Financial Planning
Solution Plan:
339 Kenneth S. Bigel
(47,888.41) (6.7101)
x = 7,136.77
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11.26 Summary: The Time Value of
341 Kenneth S. Bigel
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11.27 Chapters 10 - 11: Review
343 Kenneth S. Bigel
10. What is a “Growth Perpetuity”?
11. Explain the “Law of Limits.” How does it apply
to Perpetuities? (Search Law of Limits online if
it helps.)
12. Simple Future Factors grow at a(n) increasing/
decreasingrate. Which is it? Why?
13. The rate of change in Future Value factors is
increasing/decreasing. Which is it? Why?
14. A mortgage is self-amortizing. Explain.
15. Over time, interest expense on a mortgage is
increasing/decreasing. Which is it? Why?
16. Over time, a mortgage’s amortization increases
ordecreases. Which is it? Why?
17. You are given an 8% annual rate on a bank Cer-
tificate of Deposit, which pays quarterly. What
is its Annual Percentage Equivalent Yield?
18. A mortgage charges 5% interest payable annu-
ally for thirty years. How much interest and
amortization will there be in the second year?
Assume a loan of $1 million.
19. Over the life of this mortgage, how much inter-
est will there have been – above and beyond the
principal payments?
20. An investor will receive a $400, 4% annual
annuity for the next ten years, payable semi-
annually; that is $200 every six months. What
are the present- and future values of the annu-
21. What if this were an Annuity Due?
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Chapter 12: Fixed Income
12.1 Chapter Twelve: Learning
Learning Outcomes
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12.2 Security Return: The Holding
Pattern Return (Raw Calculation)
349 Kenneth S. Bigel
HPR = [(I + Π) ¸ C]
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a single value.
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12.4 Fixed Income Securities: Bond
Components and Valuation Formula
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amount paid is this rate times the face value. Thus, if the
rate is 10% and the Face Value is $1,000, it will pay $100
per year. If this bond pays semi-annually, the investor will
receive two $50 payments per year, one every six months.
This represents an annuity series of cash flows for the life
of the bond; this is the bond’s second set of cash flows.
-Benjamin Franklin
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12.5 Fixed Income Securities: Dollar
Price and Yield-to-Maturity
Term-to-Maturity 5 years
Market/Discount Rates
.08, .10, and .12
357 Kenneth S. Bigel
Discount Rates
Dollar Values
Here you shall need to multiply the above factors by the
dollar amounts of the coupon/annuity and face value
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• Premium/(Discount):
◦ You get more (less), you pay more
◦ You get more (less) coupon than the
current market yields, you pay more
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12.6 Bond Dollar Prices: Discount, Par,
and Premium
While many people believe that bond prices are stable, any
volatility can increase investment risk relative to bond port-
folios. Volatility may stem from default risks and macro-
economic causes and will be reflected as changes in YTM.
You get more (Coupon than Market Yield) you pay more!
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12.7 The True Price of a Bond
Two bonds may have the same credit rating and maturity
but may have been issued at different times and thus will
have different coupon rates, and therefore will be valued at
different dollar prices even though, the market yields today
are the same for both.
YTM = 4%
N = 10
Cpn. Bond #1 = 4%
Cpn. Bond #2 = 0%
363 Kenneth S. Bigel
You should have known that the price would be Par- with-
out having to calculate.
We now also see, that as the coupon rises, so too does the
dollar price.
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Chapter 13: Interest Rates
13.1 Chapter Thirteen: Learning
Learning Outcomes
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 366
13.2 Interest Rates: Returns to
Investors; Cost to the Corporation
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On the next page, you will find a graph that depicts these
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-Babylonian Talmud
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13.3 Inside the Banker’s Brain
1. From: Inside the Banker’s Brain: Mental Models in the Financial Services
Industry and Implications for Consumers, Practitioners, and Regulators, by
Susan M. Ochs (November 2015). Initiative on Financial Security, The
Aspen Institute, Washington, D.C.
13.4 Fixed Income Risks
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be made.
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13.5 Interest Rate and Reinvestment
Rate Risks
381 Kenneth S. Bigel
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13.6 Credit Ratings
383 Kenneth S. Bigel
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the issuer’s fealty to its obligations under the bond, but not
so much as to disenable it from running its business effec-
tively. Failure to abide by the covenants is, thus, a negative
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13.7 The Yield Curve
389 Kenneth S. Bigel
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 392
ical yield curve,” which is to say, how the yield curve has
changed over the last few decades.
13.8 The Term Structure of Interest
Rates: Four Yield Curve Theories
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 394
“x” and “y” represent the future short-term rates that market play-
ers anticipate. Specifically, “x” represents the rate for the second
period. Likewise, “y” represents the rate for the third period.
Working backwards from the observed Yield Curve, what are the
values for the two unknowns? Again, we must assume that the two
alternatives are equivalent. This mathematical process, by the way,
is referred to as “Boot Strapping.”
(1.08)2 = (1 + .07) (1 + x)
x = .09009 where, x = 2r1 (i.e., the one-year rate in the
second year)
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You should be able to draw these two curves (i.e., both the
YTM Yield Curve and Spot Curve, given the calculated
values of “x” and “y”) on a chart, with the yield on the
vertical and the years-to-maturity on the horizontal. Note
that after the first year, the two curves diverge, with the
Spot Curve, in this example, rising above the Yield Curve,
pulling it upward. Investors expect future, short-term rates
to increase! Of course, if the Yield Curve is inverted (neg-
atively sloped), the spot curve would be lower that it and
we would conclude that future, short-term rate expectations
are decreasing.
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 398
(1.07) (1 + x + L) = (1.08)2
While we can measure “x,” i.e., the spot rates, and have just
done so, the Liquidity Preferences (L) of the market are not
YOU decide!
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13.9 Credit Spreads
Which companies issue credit ratings?
What are the important credit ratings?
What do “Investment Grade” and “Junk” or “High-Yield”
Bonds mean?
401 Kenneth S. Bigel
How exactly does this happen? Many will sell their lower-
rated bonds and buy Treasuries with the sale proceeds.
Lower-rated bonds’ prices therefore fall and their yields
rise; Treasury prices rise, and yields go down. Credit
spreads widen. Remember that price and yield (i.e., dis-
count rates) are inversely related. This does not say that
actual credits, i.e., default risks, have worsened; that may
or may not eventually happen. A bond may be considered a
“credit.” This phenomenon – whereby credit spreads widen
– is referred to as a flight to quality.
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13.10 High Yield Securities: Junk Bonds
and Other Speculative Securities
405 Kenneth S. Bigel
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13.11 Summary: Interest Rates, the
Corporation, and Financial Markets
407 Kenneth S. Bigel
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Chapter 14: Equity Valuation
and Return Measurement
14.1 Chapter Fourteen: Learning
Learning Objectives
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14.2 The Philosophy of Equity
411 Kenneth S. Bigel
– Aristotle
Nicomachean Ethics, Book IX
(F. H. Peters translation)
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14.3 Equity Valuation
413 Kenneth S. Bigel
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D1= D0(1 + G)
419 Kenneth S. Bigel
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14.8 What About Quarterly Dividends?
D = $1
R = 0.10
P = 1 ÷ 0.10 = $10
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On Accurate Speech
-Theodore Roosevelt
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 428
On Accuracy in Deed
Simon Says.
P = [D0 (1 + G)] ÷ (R – G)
= D1 ÷ (R – G)
We must solve for “P.” The market price (P) will equal the
security’s intrinsic value (V) if the security is efficiently –
or correctly – priced in the market. That is what we are try-
ing to uncover with the formula. We will assume here that
P = V.
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 430
D1= D0 ×(1 + G)
G = (D1÷ D0) – 1
G = ROE × RR
G = (A.R.E.) ÷ Eq.
431 Kenneth S. Bigel
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14.10 A Closer Look at Dividend
433 Kenneth S. Bigel
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14.11 Summary of DDM Variables'
435 Kenneth S. Bigel
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14.12 Value Prediction Problem
Using the data given, what is the value for the S&P (per
share) for next year?
Solution Plan:
First, write out the DDM formula first to see what variables
you already have and which are missing.
437 Kenneth S. Bigel
3. RR = 0.36
4. PR = 1 – RR
5. PR = 1 – 0.36 = 0.64
6. D = (EPS) (PR)
9. P0= D1÷ (R – G)
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14.13 A Qualitative Look at The
Discount Rate
439 Kenneth S. Bigel
RM = RF + (RM – RF) βM
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14.15 Capital Gains
P0 = [D0 (1 + G)] / (R – G)
P0 = D1 / (R – G)
445 Kenneth S. Bigel
Price Today:
Price in One-Year:
P1 = D2 / (R – G)
P1 = $1.05 (1 + .05) / (.10 – .05)
= 1.1025 / .05
= $22.05
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Problem 1:
Problem 2:
14.16 Portfolio Return (Weighted
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 450
Short-cut solution:
If the weights had all been equal (i.e., .3333, in this case),
we could have calculated a simple average by adding the
sum of the returns and dividing by (n =) 3. In other words,
a simple average implies equal weights.
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R = .228981
1. How are the Return to the Investor and Cost to the Issuer
• Liquidity
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 456
• Credit
• Inflation
• Sovereign / Country / Political
• Foreign Currency
With respect to Inflation Risk, utilize the phrases
“Nominal” and Real” properly.
24. Using the graph you drew in the prior question, show
how Credit Spreads may expand or contract.
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 458
• Face Value
• Coupon
• Market Yield
32. What is meant by “Par, Discount. and Premium”? Why
are bonds priced one or the other of these ways?
• Coupon: 4%
• Term-to-maturity: 10 Years
37. Why may it be said that the “true” price of a bond is its
Market Yield and not its dollar price?
459 Kenneth S. Bigel
• Going-concern Value
• Liquidation Value
• Book Value
• Market Value
• Intrinsic Value
• Relative Value
40. Why are equities so important to our Macroeconomy?
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Introduction to Financial Analysis 460
45. You are given the following. Calculate the stock’s divi-
dend growth rate.
A = 1r1 = 2.0%
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