Summative Assesment
Summative Assesment
Summative Assesment
Semester: Summer
Assessment information:
Subject: Biology
Grade Level: 9
Unit: Plants.
Lesson 1: Photosynthesis
Lesson 2: Germination
Lesson 3: Micro-organisms
Lesson 4: Nerves
Learning Outcomes:
This exam will cover the following learning outcomes:
Mark Allocatio Marks Obtain
Question ed
1. Distinguish between different organelles inside a cell and n
their function
Section 1 20
2. Identify the relationship between cells, tissues, organs, and
organ systems. Section 2 5
3. Interpret the functions and structures of different types of
Section 3 10
specialized cells.
4. Describe the stages in the life cycle of a plant. (pollination, Section 4 5
fertilization, flower, fruit, seed dispersal)
5. Describe various mechanisms of seed dispersal. Section 5 10
6. Identify the parts of a flower and their function.
Section 6 10
7. Compare and contrast plant and animal cells.
8. Explain the photosynthesis process. TOTAL 60
9. Identify how the outcome of a prediction test can lead to
revising a hypothesis or scientific theory.
10. Design an action plan to find a solution for a real-life Please read this page, but do
situation concerning pollination. not open your booklet until
your teacher tells you to
start. Write your name, your section, and the date in the spaces above.
■ The test is 90 minutes long.
■ You will need a pen, a pencil, and a rubber.
■ The test starts with easier questions.
■ Try to answer all of the questions.
■ Show any rough work on this paper.
■ Check your work carefully.
Instructions: Write the answer in the space provided below the question. Answer ea
ch of the following questions independently of each other.
Identify each description of the correct cell type of plant and animal cells.
a. It is small and flexible so it can squeeze through narrow blood vessels.
b. It is large and spherical so it is useful for storage. ________________________
Label the parts of the flower shown in the figure below. (9 marks)
Part C: (5 marks)
Decide whether each statement describes a cell, tissue, organ, or organ system.
Instructions: Read each statement carefully and determine if the statement is true
or false, then, correct the false statements. (1 mark each)
1. If you looked through a magnifying glass at a red blood cell, it would look like
the dot at the end of this sentence. (remember)
3. Bacteria are used in making cheese, baking, and forming yogurt. For this
reason, they are always useful. (understand)
5. Thinking: If yeast falls into nutrient solutions, they will grow and reproduce.
Instructions: Read each question or statement carefully then circle the correct resp
1. Identify the parts (organelles) of the cell that are unique to plant cells ONLY.
2. Mitochondria are observed in plant cells that contain chloroplasts. Why do you find
mitochondria in photosynthetic tissue? (analyze)
A. Mitochondria are not needed but are just components of the cell.
B. Mitochondria and chloroplasts work together to use light energy to make sug
C. Mitochondria participate in the photosynthesis process.
D. Mitochondria are required to break down sugars and other materials for ener
3. Which of the following is found in animal cells but not in plant cells?
A. Chloroplast
B. Nucleus
C. Cell membrane
D. Lysosomes
4. Which of these is a possible explanation for the presence of a rigid cell wall in
plants? (understand and analyze)
A. Plants remain exposed to changes in temperature and thus require rigid cell wa
lls to protect themselves.
B. Plants are subjected to osmotic pressure and a cell wall helps them against bur
sting or shrinking.
C. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall to protect themselves from grazing animals.
D. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall to prevent the influx of waste material.
A £ B £ C £ D £
8. The plant's life cycle stages are listed below but not in the correct order. Choose the
1. The seed absorbs water and the embryo starts to grow, emerging from the seed.
2. The plant starts as a seed, which contains an embryo and a food storage tissue.
4. The young plant grows roots, stems, and leaves, developing into a seedling.
5. The flowers are pollinated and develop into fruits containing seeds
6. The mature plant produces flowers, which contain the reproductive parts.
A. 2→1→3→4→6→5
B. 2→1→4→3→6→5
C. 2→4→1→3→6→5
D. 2→1→4→3→5→6
Instructions Choose the right cell component in column B, and place the letter
identifying it on the line preceding the number of the role description. Each
component in column B can be used once or not at all. (1 mark each) (remember)
Role - Column A
Cell Component- Column B
1. ____It controls the activities of
the cell. A. Cell Membrane
2. ____It is where most chemical B. Cytoplasm
reactions take place. C. Nucleus
3. ____It captures light energy for D. Mitochondria
cells to make food. E. chloroplast
4. ____It helps keep the cell firm F. Vacuole
and stores water and nutrients. G. Ribosome
5. ___It controls the movements of
substances into and out of the
Part A
The diagram shows two cells, a bacterial cell, and a plant cell.
(i) Both the bacterial cell and the plant cell contain ribosomes.
(ii) The plant cell contains mitochondria but the bacterial cell does not contain
Referring to the figure above, give one other way in which the plant cell is different
from the bacterial cell. (analyze) (1 mark)
Explain why most of the bacteria are found around the spot of light. (analyze)
(2 marks)
Part B (5 marks)
Cells in the human body are specialized to carry out their particular function.
The sperm cell is adapted for traveling to, then fertilizing, an egg.
(i) How do the mitochondria help the sperm to carry out its function? (understand and
analyze)) (2 marks)
(ii) The nucleus of the sperm cell is different from the nucleus of body cells.
Give one way in which the nucleus is different. (apply) (1 mark)
(b) Stem cells from human embryos are used to treat some diseases in humans.
Explain why. (analyze) (2 marks)
area, as the queen bee has decided to move the hive to a new location. Without the
bees pollinating your flowers, your plants would be at a high risk of not producing
seeds, which are essential for the continuity of the plant life in your garden. What
action will you take to help ensure your flowers are adequately pollinated and that
Providing an Action The essay presents a The essay shows a The essay shows an The essay doesn’t 4
plan with logic and well-defined, realisti good and feasible action plan that may show a feasible
creativity with c, and feasible action action plan yet the not be feasible and action plan without
justification plan to ensure adequa justification was not the justification was clarity or logical
te pollination and pla stated clearly, yet it somehow logical justification.
nt reproduction in the addressed the without addressing (0 pts)
absence of bees with benefits of choosing benefits or
a clear and this action plan for limitations.
convincing pollination and plant (2 pts)
justification plus reproduction.
addressing its (3pts)
benefits and
Language Rules of The essay contains The essay contains The essay contains 2
grammar, usage of minimal errors in few grammatical, numerous
scientific terms grammar, punctuation and grammatical,
and punctuation punctuation and spelling errors. punctuation, and
are followed; spelling spelling. -Little use of spelling errors.
is correct. -Contains minor scientific terms
- Language is clear violations in - Language lacks - No use of scientific
and precise; writing, but do not clarity or includes terms.
sentences display distract the the use of some
consistently meaning; well- conversational - Language uses
strong, varied structured tone. conversational
structure. sentences varied tone.
Total Marks 10
Answer Key
(1 mark each)
Part A: (remember)
Identify each description of the correct cell type of plant and animal cells.
g. It is small and flexible so it can squeeze through narrow blood vessels. red blood
j. It has a long, thin side branch to absorb water and minerals. root hair cell
k. It forms a living tube to transport sugar and nutrients to different parts of the plant
phloem cell
l. It picks up chemicals and sends electric signals to the brain. nerve cell
stigma Part C:
Decide whether each statement describes a cell, tissue, organ, or organ system.
style (apply)
f. Lungs carry out gas exchange. organ
Instructions: Read each statement carefully and determine if the statement is true o
11. If you looked through a magnifying glass at a red blood cell, it would look like
12. The cell wall is made of cellulose which is a living substance. (understand)
False, non-living
13. Bacteria are used in making cheese, baking, and in forming yogurt. For this
15. Thinking: If yeast fall into nutrient solutions, they will grow and reproduce.
Instructions: Read each question or statement carefully then circle the correct resp
1. Identify the parts (organelles) of the cell that are unique to plant cells ONLY.
2. Mitochondria are observed in plant cells that contain chloroplasts. Why do you find
mitochondria in photosynthetic tissue? (analyze)
A. Mitochondria are not needed but are just components of the cell.
B. Mitochondria and chloroplasts work together to use light energy to make sugars.
C. Mitochondria participate in the photosynthesis process.
D. Mitochondria are required to break down sugars and other materials for energy.
3. Which of the following is found in animal cells but not in plant cells? (understand)
A. Chloroplast
B. Nucleus
C. Cell membrane
D. Lysosomes
4. Which of these is a possible explanation for the presence of a rigid cell wall in
plants? (understand)
A. Plants remain exposed to changes in temperature and thus require rigid cell wa
lls to protect themselves.
B. Plants are subjected to osmotic pressure and a cell wall helps them against bur
sting or shrinking.
C. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall to protect themselves from grazing animals.
D. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall to prevent the influx of waste material.
A R B £ C £ D £
8. The stages in a plant's life cycle are listed below, but they are not in the correct
order. Choose the answer that puts the stages in the proper sequence. (understand)
1. The seed absorbs water and the embryo starts to grow, emerging from the seed.
2. The plant starts as a seed, which contains an embryo and a food storage tissue.
4. The young plant grows roots, stems, and leaves, developing into a seedling.
5. The flowers are pollinated and develop into fruits containing seeds
6. The mature plant produces flowers, which contain the reproductive parts.
A. 2→1→3→4→6→5 D. 2→1→4→3→5→6
B. 2→1→4→3→6→5
C. 2→4→1→3→6→5
9. Identify the structure labeled E in the diagram. (remember)
Instructions: For each role in column A write the letter of the correct cell
Role - Column A
Part A
The diagram shows two cells, a bacterial cell, and a plant cell.
(i) Both the bacterial cell and the plant cell contain ribosomes.
makes/produces/synthesizes protein/enzyme
(ii) The plant cell contains mitochondria but the bacterial cell does not contain
mitochondria. (1pt)
Give one other way in which the plant cell is different from the bacterial cell.
a plant cell has a nucleus/vacuole/chloroplasts/chlorophyll
or plant cell is much larger
‘It’ = plant cell
Explain why most of the bacteria are found around the spot of light. (analyze)
______This is where photosynthesis takes place (1pt) and bacteria need oxygen to
Part B ( 5 marks)
Cells in the human body are specialized to carry out their particular function.
The sperm cell is adapted for traveling to, then fertilizing, an egg.
(ii) How do the mitochondria help the sperm to carry out its function? (understand and
(2 marks)
The mitochondria break down nutrients to provide energy for the sperm to move fast.
(ii) The nucleus of the sperm cell is different from the nucleus of body cells.
Give one way in which the nucleus is different. (apply) (1mark)
__________________the sperm nucleus is haploid \ contains one set of the
chromosomes/ half the genetic material__________________________________
(b) Stem cells from human embryos are used to treat some diseases in humans.
Explain why. (analyze) (2 marks)
Stem cells are not specialized cells or didn’t undergo division\ are not specific to a
certain function\ (1 pt) yet if they are taken from the embryo, it means they can be
differentiated to regenerate or repair tissues (1 pt) that have been damaged or