ST ASAO Floating

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Circular No. 276/DOR-92/2o24 22 November 2o24

All Regional Rural Banks

Dear Sir

Provision of Additional Short-Term (ST) refinance by NABARD

to Regional Rural Banks for financing Seasonal Agricultural
Operations (SAO) @ Floating Rate - Operational Guidelines for
F. Y. 2024-25

The operational guidelines for FY 2o24-25 are broadly based on eligibility

criteria as given in Annexure I.

2. The total limit sanctioned under Additional Short-Term refinance would

be as per para `4' of Annexure-I. The guidelines come into effect from the
date of the circular.

3. The RRBs can draw up to eligible limit of GLC (including the amount
drawn under STRRB fund).

4. You may submit an application for sanction of Additional ST (SAO)

credit limit, in the prescribed proforma to the NABARD Regional Office in
your State.

5. These guidelines are also available on NABARD website www.nabard.ore

under the tab information Centre.

6. Please acknowledge receipt of this circular to our Regional office

Your falthfuiiy

oa`e 22-Nov-2o24 (o5 oo PM)

(Dr. K S Mahesh)
Chief General Manager
Encl : As above

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

Plot No. C-24, `G' Block, Bandra-Kui`la Complex, Ban(Ira (E), Mumbai -4oo o51. .Tel.: +91 22 2652 4926 .Fax : +91 22 2653 oogo . E-mail :
chnexure I
Provision of Additional Short-term (ST) refinance by NABARD
to Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) for financing Seasonal
Agricultural Operations - Operational Guidelines for F. Y.
1. Operative period of Additional sT (SAO) limit
The operative period of Additional ST(SAO) limit for F. Y. 2o24-
25 Will be ol.04.2024 to 31.o3.2o25. Additional ST (SAO)
refinance will be provided to the RRBs only in respect of crop loans
disbursed during the operative period. Each drawal against the
operative limit will be repayable in 12 months.

2. Sanction of limit
a. The Additional ST(SAO) limit will be sanctioned to RRBs under
See. 21(1) (i) read with Sec. 21(4) of the NABARD Act, 1981
against DPN executed by RRBs.
b. RRB has to submit a declaration, at the time of each drawal that
the drawal preferred and the refinance already availed are against
the loans provided by RRBs and are covered by adequate non-
overdue loans.

3. Eligibility norms
3.1 Audit

a. The Audit of RRBs for the year 2o22-23 should have been completed
and the relative audit reports along with financial statements should
have been submitted to the concerned Regional Office of NABARD
for considering the loan application in the first quarter of the year.
Further, the audit of RRBs for 2o23-24 should be completed and the
report submitted by 3o.o6.2o24.

b. Eligibility criteria during the first quarter i.e. up to 3o.o6.2o24 will

be based on audited financial position of the banks as on 31.o3.2o23
or 31.o3.2o24 (if audited position as on 31.o3.2o24 is available). ol.o7.2o24, onwards eligibility criteria will be based on their
audited financial position as on 31.o3.2o24.

c. Sanction/Drawals of refinance on or after ol.o7.2o24 will be

permitted only to such RRBs, which have completed the audit and
submitted the relevant audit report to the concerned RO of NABARD
subject to satisfactory position regarding the eligibility norms.

3.2 Internal RIsk Rating ofRRBs by NABARD

3.2.1 Internal Risk rating of RRBs will be based on internal guidelines of
NABARD. RRB having internal risk rating of NBDi to NBD7 will be
eligible for refinance under Additional ST(SAO).
3.2.2 Risk rating will be assessed based on the financial
parameters as indicated in the statutory audit report. However, in
the event ofanyvariation between the audit report and the Inspection
Report ofNABARD, the latter will be reckoned for risk rating.

4. Quantum of refinance
The eligible limit for sanction as a percentage of Realistic Lending
Programme (RLP) including the availment / utilization under
ST(SAO) will be as under:

4.1 ForRRBs in General Region

Risk Rating of RRBs by NABARD Eligible Limit
NBD1 -NBD4 50%
NBD5 -NBD7 45%

4.2 RRBs in North Eastern Region, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim,

Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand,
will be eligible for an additional credit limit of25% as under:

Risk Rating of RRBs by NABARD Eligible Limit

NBD1 - NBD 4 75%
NBD5 -NBD 7 70%

4.3 RRBs in Eastern Region viz. Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha,
Chhattisgarh States and 28 districts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh (under
BGREI Scheme of Govt. of India) will be eligible for an additional
creditlimit of5%, as under:

Risk Rating of RRBs by NABARD Eligible Limit

NBD1 -NED 4 55%
NBD5 -NBD 7 50%

4.4 The RLp for the year 2o24-25 to be arrived based on average growth
rate in crop loans disbursed during previous three years (taking into
account the crop loans disbursed data for last four years). However,
keeping in view of the ground level realities and other facts, if any,
NABARD may accept a lower or higher RLP than worked out by the
bank, with adequate justification.
4.5 The RRB may be allowed drawals upto eligible limit of GLC
(including the amount drawn under STRRB fund).
4.6 Thelimitwillbe available only for KCc croploans issued upto {3 lakh
at farmer level.

4.7 The refinance under this line of credit to be reckoned as owned funds
of the bank. The Interest Subvention will be guided by extant
guidelines of Gol for 2o24-25.
4.8 Special efforts may be made by the banks so as to increase the credit
flows to credit starved and aspirational districts to gradually enhance
credit availability in these districts.

5. Merger of RRBs
In case of merged Banks, the financial position of the new / merged
RRBs as on the date of notification / merger based on special audit
or the aggregate audit position as on 31.o3.2o23 of the erstwhile
RRBs will form the basis for sanction of limit to such new RRB for
the year 2o24-25. Furthel`, if the statutory audit position as on
31.o3.2o24 is available, the same will be considered for sanction of
credit limit to the banks.

6. Rate of interest on refinance

6.1 Floatingrate:
a. Interest rate will be market driven and as decided by NABARD from
time to time. Presently the Rol is linked to the 3 month T Bill
and applicable spread. The Rol will be reset on the 91st day
of disbursement. In the event of bank repaying the entire principal
amount, the interest will be payable along with principal amount. The
applicable interest rate will be communicated by the Regional Office
on day to day basis.
b. There whl be a lock-in-oeriod of oo davs and interest will be
payable at quarterly rests. The banks will have flexibility to repay the
loan after 9o days or continue with the prevailing rate of interest at
the time of reset.
6.2 Penal changes in case of default
RRBs which fail to honour their commitments to NABARD in
repayment of principal, payment of interest and / or other dues by
the prescribed due dates, will not be eligible for any t)pe of refinance
facility from NABARD. Resumption of refinance may be considered,
only after the bank clears the default. In the event of default, penal
charges @ 2% p.a. (plus applicable taxes) will be charged on the
defaulted amount and for the period for which the default persists.

7. Repayment
7.1 The repayments if any, can be made after the lock-in period ofgg
davs. However. the bank has to dive a notice period of
minimum 3 days.

7.2 The due date for interest payment will be at quarterly rests with due
dateson istJuly, ist october, ist January and ist April. If the due
date falls on a holiday, it has to be paid on the next working day.

7.3 Repayment will be accepted as indicated by the Bank irrespective of

the order of disbursement. However, while repaying, the account
number and the contract number mentioned in the disbursement
letter may be indicated. In case the same is not indicated, then
the repayments made, if any, will be adjusted on the principal
of First Out First In. In case of re-payment after the lock in period,
the entire amount is to be repaid and no part payments will be
8. Operational discipline
8.1 Excess Drawal
NABARD will take a serious view in case of drawals beyond
permissible quantum of refinance on account of reporting of
incorrect data about crop loan disbursement or of NODC. In such
cases, NABARD may call back the excess refinance availed by bank
within 3 days along with the penal interest of 1% p.a.

8.2 NODC
a. Drawals by RRBs on the credit limits will be permitted subject
to the availability of aggregate NODC (including that for ST-
SAO limit). For this purpose, RRBs are required to furnish to
the concerned RO of NABARD, monthly NODC statement so
as to reach latest by 2oth of the succeeding month.
b. At the time of each drawal, a certificate in the prescribed
format, regarding the availability of aggregate NODC, as on
the date of drawal will have to be furnished by the bank.
Moreover, it may be ensured, total of normal ST (SAO) and the
Additional ST (SAO) outstanding should not exceed the
aggregate NODC available.
c. The bank will submit NODC certificate (SAO) and ASAO) signed by
the Statutory Auditor within one month of completion of Annual
Audit by the Statutory Auditor.

8.3 Penal charges on NODc deficit

RRBs to maintain adequate NODC. In case of deficit in NODC, RRBs
to make good the deficit within one month from the date of
occurrence of such deficit. Penal charges @ 1% p.a.(plus applicable
taxes) will be charged on the deficit in NODC for the duration of
deficit i.e. till the date on which the amount of deficit is regularized.
8.4 Segregation of principal and interest in the loans
RRBs may exclude the interest component (overdue / non-overdue
interest) from the outstanding amount and report the principal loan
amount only, both in their applications for credit limit and drawal
application, for arriving at the eligibility for refinance support from
NABARD. Besides, only the principal portion of loans (issued,

recovered, outstanding and overdues) should be reported in the

monthly NODC statements.
Clearance of default
RRBs which fail to honour their commitments to NABARD in
repayment of principal, payment of interest and / or any other dues
by the prescribed due dates, will not be eligible for any refinance
facility from NABARD till the clearance of default in question.
10 Right to inspection
NABARD reserves the right to inspect / get inspected the books of
accounts of the RRB.
11. Right to cause special audit
NABARD will have the right to cause special audit of the books of
accounts and other relevant material of the RRB either by itself or
through other agencies to ensure that the same are maintained as per
the rules and regulations in force and the terms and conditions of
refinance are adhered to by the bank.
12. Others
AIl other terms and conditions applicable for providing refinance
under ST (SAO) will be applicable to Additional ST (SAO) refinance
i4 i¢ * * * i6 * * * *

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