Learning Objective: Students should be able to build a Lexical analyzer using LEX / Flex tool.
Tools: Open Source tool (Ubuntu, LEX tool), Notepad++
LEX: A tool widely used to specify lexical analyzers for a variety of languages. We refer to the
tool as Lex compiler, and to its input specification as the Lex language.
Lex source program lex.yy.c
lex.yy.c a.out
Lex specifications:
A Lex program (the .l file ) consists of three parts:
translation rules
auxiliary procedures
1. The declarations section includes declarations of variables, manifest constants (A
manifest constant is an identifier that is declared to represent a constant e.g. #
define PIE 3.14), and regular definitions.
2. The translation rules of a Lex program are statements of the form:
p1 {action 1}
p2 {action 2}
p3 {action 3}
… …
… …
where each p is a regular expression and each action is a program fragment describing what
action the lexical analyzer should take when a pattern p matches a lexeme.
In Lex the actions are written in C.
3. The third section holds whatever auxiliary procedures are needed by the actions.
Alternatively, these procedures can be compiled separately and loaded with the
lexical analyzer.
How does this Lexical analyzer work?
The lexical analyzer created by Lex behaves in concert with a parser in the following manner.
When activated by the parser, the lexical analyzer begins reading its remaining input, one character
at a time, until it has found the longest prefix of the input that is matched by one of the regular
expressions p. Then it executes the corresponding action. Typically, the action will return control
to the parser. However, if it does not, then the lexical analyzer proeeds to find more lexemes, until
an action causes control to return to the parser. The repeated search for lexemes until an explicit
return allows the lexical analyzer to process white space and comments conveniently.
The lexical analyzer returns a single quantity, the token, to the parser. To pass an attribute
value with information about the lexeme, we can set the global variable yylval.
e.g. Suppose the lexical analyzer returns a single token for all the relational operators, in which
case the parser won’t be able to distinguish between” <=”,”>=”,”<”,”>”,”==” etc. We can set
yylval appropriately to specify the nature of the operator.
Note: To know the exact syntax and the various symbols that you can use to write the regular
expressions visit the manual page of FLEX in LINUX :
$man flex
Lex makes the lexeme available to the routines appearing in the third section through two variables
yytextand yyleng
1. yytext is a variable that is a pointer to the first character of the lexeme.
2. yylengis an integer telling how long the lexeme is.
A lexeme may match more than one patterns. How is this problem resolved?
Take for example the lexeme if. It matches the patterns for both keyword if and identifier. If
the pattern for keyword if precedes the pattern for identifier in the declaration list of the lex
program the conflict is resolved in favor of the keyword. In general this ambiguity-resolving
strategy makes it easy to reserve keywords by listing them ahead of the pattern for identifiers.
The Lex’s strategy of selecting the longest prefix matched by a pattern makes it easy to resolve
other conflicts like the one between “<” and “<=”.
In the lex program, a main() function is generally included as:
Here filename corresponds to input file and the yylex routine is called which returns
the tokens.
4. Match rules: Longest match is preferred. If two matches are equal length, the first match is
preferred. Remember, lex partitions, it does not attempt to find nested matches. Once a
character becomes part of a match, it is no longer considered for other matches.
5. Built-in variables: yytext -- ptr to the matching lexeme. (char *yytext;)
yyleng -- length of matching lexeme (yytext). Note: some
systems use yyleng
6. Aux Procedures: C functions may be defined and called from the C-code of token rules or
from other functions. Each lex file should also have a yyerror() function to be called when
lex encounters an error condition.
7. Example header file: tokens.h
#define NUM 1 // define constants used by lexyy.c
#define ID 2 // could be defined in the lex rule file
#define PLUS 3
#define MULT 4
#define ASGN 5
#define SEMI 6
7. Example lex file
D [0-9] /* note these lines begin in col. 1 */
A [a-zA-Z]
#include “tokens.h”
{D}+ return (NUM); /* match integer numbers */
{A}({A}|{D})* return (ID); /* match identifiers */
"+" return (PLUS); /* match the plus sign (note protection) */
"*" return (MULT); /* match the multsign (note protection
again) */
:= return (ASGN); /* match the assignment string */
; return (SEMI); /* match the semi colon */
. ; /* ignore any unmatched chars */
8. Execution of lex:
(to generate the yylex() function file and then compile a user program)
(MS) c:> flexrulefile (Linux) $ lexrulefile
flexproduceslexyy.c lexproduceslex.yy.c
The produced .c file contains this function: intyylex()
9. User program:
(The above scanner file must be linked into the project)
#include <stdio.h>
#include “tokens.h”
main ()
{ int n;
while ( n = yylex() ) // call scanner until it returns 0 for
printf (" %d %s\n", n, yytext); // output the token code and lexeme
Code 1:
#include <stdio.h>
printf {printf("%s is a keyword",yytext);}
[0-9]+ {printf("%s is a Number",yytext);}
[a-zA-Z]+ {printf("%s is a word", yytext);}
.|\n {ECHO;}
int main()
printf("Enter the String \n");
int yywrap()
return 1;
Code 2:
int n = 0;
"while"|"if"|"else"|"int"|"float" {n++; printf("keyword: %s\n", yytext);}
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* {n++; printf("identifier: %s\n", yytext);}
"<="|"=="|"="|"+"|"-"|"*"|"/" {n++; printf("operator: %s\n", yytext);}
[{}();,] {n++; printf("separator: %s\n", yytext);}
[0-9]+ {n++; printf("integer: %s\n", yytext);}
"*end*" printf("\ntotal no. of token = %d\n",n);
int main() {
printf("Enter an Expression:\n");
int yywrap(void) {
return 1;
Result and Discussion:
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the course students will be able to Illustrate the working
of the compiler and handwritten /automatic lexical analyzer.
Viva Questions:
2. Explain yytext.