Chemistry-Ch 1-CHemical Reactions and Equations, Ch 2- acids,bases and salts, Ch 3-Metals and
Non-metals, Ch 4- Carbon and its compounds.
Biology- Ch- 5 Life processes, Ch-6 Control and coordination Ch-7 How do organsisms reproduce?
Ch-15 Our environment
Physics- Ch-9 Light,Ch-10 Human eye and colourful world,Ch-11 Electricity,Ch-12 Magnetic effect of
electric current
I.Reading Comprehension
II. Grammar -Determiners, Tenses ,Modals,Subject Verb Concord ,Reported speech
III. Writing-Writing a Formal Letter based on a given situation.(Letter to Editor, Letter of Inquiry,
Letter of Placing Order, Letter of Complaint), Writing an Analytical Paragraph
IV.First Flight-Prose-1- A Letter to God, Prose-2 Nelson Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom, Prose-3
Two Stories about Flying, Prose-4 From the Diary of Anne Frank, Prose 7-Glimpses of India, Prose -8-
Mijbil the Otter, Prose 9- Madam Rides the Bus,Prose -10-The Sermon at Benares, Prose 11- The
Poetry- Poem -1-Dust Of Snow, Poem -2- Fire and Ice, Poem -3-A Tiger in the Zoo, Poem -4- How to
Tell Wild Animals, Poem -5 - The Ball Poem, Poem -6 Amanda- Poem -8-The Trees- Poem-9 Fog,
Poem -10-The Tale of Custard the Dragon, Poem -11- For Anne Gregory
Foot Prints without Feet-Prose-1- A Triumph of Surgery, Prose-2- The Thief's Story, Prose-3-The
Midnight Visitor, Prose-4-A Question of Trust, Prose--5 Foot Prints without Feet, Prose-6-The Making
of a Scientist,Prose-7- The Necklace- Prose- 9- Bholi, Prose-10- The Book that Saved the Earth
UNIT 1 Communication Skills-II
UNIT 2 Self-Management Skills - II
UNIT 3 ICT Skills - II
ADDITIONAL UNIT 4 Entrepreneurial Skills II
SUBJECT: UNIT 5 - Green Skills-II
IT-402 PART -B :
UNIT 1 -Digital Documentation (Advanced)
UNIT 2 - Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)
UNIT - 3 - Database Management System
UNIT 4 - Maintaining Health , Safety & Secure Working Environment
समूर् आगम प्ि, अपठितगद्य ा,अनुचेद लेखन-ठच्लेखन, प्लेखन, सयस्त अनुव्द ,सन्, सम्स, प्य
,समय लेखनम, व्च , अवय , अाुन् सयाोधन
Ch -1 Resources and Development
Ch-2 Forest and Wildlife Resources
Ch -3 Water Resource
Ch-4- Agriculture
Ch-5 Mineral and Energy Resources
Ch-6 Manufacturing Industries
Ch-7 Lifelines of National Economy
Ch-1 Development
Ch-2 Sectors of Indian economy
Ch-3 Money and credit
Ch-4 Globalisation
Ch -1 Power Sharing
Ch -2 Federalism
Ch -3 Gender, Religion & Caste
Ch - 4 Political Parties
Ch - 5 Outcomes of Democracy
Ch-1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe.
Ch-2 Nationalism in India.
Ch-3 The making of a Global World- Subtopics: 1 to 1.3 Pre Modern World to
Conquest, Disease and trade).
Ch-5 Print Culture and the Modern world.