Report on the Conservation of Tiger
Report on the Conservation of Tiger
Report on the Conservation of Tiger
Systematic position:-
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- chordata
Class- mammalia
Order- Carnivora
Suborder- Feliformia
Family- Felidae
Subfamily- Pantherinae
Genus- Panthera
Species- P.tigris
2. Conservation status
The tiger is a powerful and colorful species of big cat. They are
native to isolated areas of Asia and east Russia. A tiger is
solitary in nature, marking out its territory and defending it
from other tigers. In order for it to survive and thrive in its own
habitat, the tiger has powerful physical features. From
razor-sharp teeth to muscular legs, he can catch prey and put
up a fight from potential poachers.
🔹Size: An adult tiger can grow as long as 13 feet (4m) and
weigh up to 650 pounds (296kgs). The females are usually
smaller than the males. The size of a tiger depends on the
subspecies and the geographical location of its habitat. The up
to 480 pounds (218kgs) and measure just less than 11 feet
(3.4m). On the other hand, the Sumatran tiger who’s native to
the Indonesian island of Sumatra can weigh up to 265 pounds
(120kgs) and measures 8 feet (2.5m).
🔸 Teeth and Jaw: The tiger uses his powerful jaw to trap and
kill prey. Each tiger has approximately 30 razor-sharp teeth in
its mouth. Tigers have the largest canines of all big cat species.
The canines can grow up to 3 inches (7.6cm) in length and are
used to sever the prey’s neck. Back teeth are used to shear meat
off the prey’s bone. The small, front incisors pick small pieces of
meat and feathers from prey. The older the tiger, the more
worn down the teeth get. In the wild if a tiger’s teeth are too
worn down and become useless, he could die from starvation.
.Mangrove swamps
.Tropical rainforests
.Rocky mountains
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