AWS Architecture Blog
AWS Architecture Blog
AWS Architecture Blog
A common pattern for providing access to this data is for you to set up cross-account IAM Users and IAM Roles to
allow direct access to the datasets stored in S3 buckets. You then enforce the permission on these datasets with S3
Bucket Policies or S3 Access Point policies. These policies can be very granular and you can provide access at the
bucket level, prefix level as well as object level within an S3 bucket.
To reduce risk and unintended access, you can use Access Analyzer for S3 to identify S3 buckets within your zone of
trust (Account or Organization) that are shared with external identities. Access Analyzer for S3 provides a lot of
useful information at the bucket level but you often need S3 audit capability one layer down, at the S3 prefix level,
since you are most likely going to organize your data using S3 prefixes.
Many organizations need to ingest a lot of third-party/vendor datasets and then distribute these datasets within the
organization in a subscription-based model. Irrespective of how the data is ingested, whether it is using AWS
Transfer Family service or other mechanisms, all the ingested datasets are stored in a single S3 bucket with a
separate prefix for each vendor dataset. The hierarchy can be represented as:
Based on this design, access is also granted to the data subscribers at the S3 prefix level. Access Analyzer for S3 does
not provide visibility at the S3 prefix level so you need to develop custom scripts to extract this information from the
S3 policy documents. You also need the information in an easy-to-consume format, for example, a csv file, that can
be queried, filtered, readily downloaded and shared across the organization.
To help address this requirement, we show how to implement a solution that builds on the S3 access analyzer
findings to generate a csv file on a pre-configured frequency. This solution provides details about:
External Principals outside your trust zone that have access to your S3 buckets
Permissions granted to these external principals (read, write)
List of s3 prefixes these external principals have access to that is configured using S3 bucket policy and/or S3
access point policies.
Architecture Overview
Figure 1 – How to Audit and Report S3 prefix level access using S3 Access Analyzer
Step 1 – The Access Analyzer ARN and the S3 bucket parameters are passed to an AWS Lambda function via
Environment variables.
Step 2 – The Lambda code uses the Access Analyzer ARN to call the list-findings API to retrieve the findings
information and store it in the S3 bucket (under json prefix) in JSON format.
Step 3 – The Lambda function then also parses the JSON file to get the required fields and store it as a csv file in the
same S3 bucket (under report prefix). It also scans the bucket policy and/or the access point policies to retrieve the
S3 prefix level permission granted to the external identity. That information is added to the csv file.
Steps 4 and 5 – As part of the initial deployment, an AWS Glue crawler is provided to discover and create the schema
of the csv file and store it in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
Step 6 – An Amazon Athena query is run to create a spreadsheet of the findings that can be downloaded and
distributed for audit.
S3 buckets that are shared with external identities via cross-account IAM roles or IAM users. Follow these
instructions in this user guide to set up cross-account S3 bucket access.
IAM Access Analyzer enabled for your AWS account. Follow these instructions to enable IAM Access Analyzer
within your account.
Once the IAM Access Analyzer is enabled, you should be able to view the Analyzer findings from the S3 console by
selecting the bucket name and clicking on the ‘View findings’ box or directly going to the Access Analyzer findings on
the IAM console.
When you select a ‘Finding id’ for an S3 Bucket, a screen similar to the following will appear:
Now that your access analyzer is running, you can open the link below to deploy the CloudFormation template. Make
sure to launch the CloudFormation in the same AWS Region where IAM Access Analyzer has been enabled.
Launch template
Specify a name for the stack and input the following parameters:
ARN of the Access Analyzer which you can find from the IAM Console.
New S3 bucket where your findings will be stored. The Cloudformation template will add a suffix to the bucket
name you provide to ensure uniqueness.
Figure 3 – CloudFormation Template screenshot
Select Next twice and on the final screen check the box allowing CloudFormation to create the IAM resources
before selecting Create Stack.
It will take a couple of minutes for the stack to create the resources and launch the AWS Lambda function.
Once the stack is in CREATE_COMPLETE status, go to the Outputs tab of the stack and note down the value
against the DataS3BucketName key. This is the S3 bucket the template generated. It would be of the format
analyzer-findings-xxxxxxxxxxxx. Go to the S3 console and view the contents of the bucket.
There should be two folders archive/ and report/. In the report folder you should have the csv file containing the
findings report.
You can download the csv directly and open it in a excel sheet to view the contents. If would like to query the csv
based on different attributes, follow the next set of steps.
Go to the AWS Glue console and click on Crawlers. There should be an analyzer-crawler created for you. Select
the crawler to run it.
After the crawler runs successfully, you should see a new table, analyzer-report created under analyzerdb Glue
To query the table, go to the Athena console and select the analyzerdb database. Then you can run a query like
“Select * from analyzer-report where externalaccount = <<valid external account>>” to list all the S3 buckets
the external account has access to.
Figure 4 – Amazon Athena Console screenshot
This CloudFormation template also creates a Cloudwatch event rule, testanalyzer-ScheduledRule-xxxxxxx, that
launches the Lambda function every Monday to generate a new version of the findings csv file. You can update the
rule to set it to a frequency you desire.
Clean Up
To avoid incurring costs, remember to delete the resources you created. First, manually delete the folders ‘archive’
and ‘report’ in the S3 bucket and then delete the CloudFormation stack you deployed at the beginning of the setup.
In this blog, we showed how you can build audit capabilities for external principals accessing your S3 buckets at a
prefix level. Organizations looking to provide shared access to datasets across multiple business units will find this
solution helpful in improving their security posture. Give this solution a try and share your feedback!