MAY 28, 2023
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Recognize common nouns and proper nouns
b. Use capital letters in common and proper nouns
c. Value the lesson through active participation of the students
III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
“Lord heavenly father lead us to learn and adopt all the lesson that our teacher
will provide. Thank you for all the blessings that you continue given upon us. We ask
all of these in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”
b. Greetings
“good morning grade-7, how’s everyone?”
c. Classroom Arrangement
“the teacher will ask the students to arrange their desks, pick the litters and ask
them to throw them in the trash bin.”
d. Checking of Attendance
“the teacher will ask the class monitor for the day to name those who are
e. Submission of Assignment
“the teacher will assign one student to collect their assignments.”
f. Review
“do you still remember our lesson last meeting?” “what is pronoun class?” “can
anyone give me examples?” “do you have any question regarding our lesson last
g. Motivation
“let’s have a simple activity called ‘take me home’ using flashacards students will
place the words on their respective columns. The columns is consisting of Persons,
Places, Things, Animals and Events.”
Animals Events
dog New Year
cat Holiday
fish Season
Milkfish Independence Day
Pigeon Party
C. Concluding Activities
a. Generalization
“what have learned from our today’s lesson?”
“when do we use capital letters?”
b. Valuing
“can someone sum up our discussion, when there is a game or group activity?”
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Read the following sentences and identify if the underlined word is a
common nouns or a proper noun.
1. Jenna is my older sister.
2. He likes to read novels by Stephen King.
3. Rama is agreat king.
4. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
5. She was reading To Kill A Mocking Bird.
V. Assignment
Choose a song or your favorite song then identify the common nouns and proper
nouns of it. Common nouns must be colored or highlighted with a yellow and proper
nouns with green color.