result in
1 galvanic corrosion is likely to be most
rapid and severe when A general inability to remove
compound residues
The surface area of the cathodic
Hydrogen embrittlement in
metal is smaller than the surface
nonmetallic materials
area of the anodic metal
Hydrogen embrittlement in metal
The surface area of the anodic metal
are approximately the same
The surface area of the anodic 5 what may be used to remove corrosion
metal is smaller than the surface from highly stressed steel surfaces?
area of the cathodic metal
Medium-grit carborundum paper
2 intergranular corrosion in aluminum alloy Steel wire brushes
parts Fine-grit aluminum oxide
11 nickel-cadmium battery cases and drain rinse with soap and water
surfaces which have been affected by Wipe the tire with a cloth dampened
electrolyte should be neutralized with a with aromatic naphtha and then wipe
blocking the flow of electrons is Only when two dissimilar metals are
homogenous metals, or between in contact
dissimilar metals When two surfaces fit loosely
electron flow in or between metals together and can move relatively to
from cathodic to anodic areas one another
a tendency for them to return to When two surfaces fit tightly
their natural state together but can move relatively
to one another
24 which of the following are acceptable to
use when utilizing chemical cleaning agents 27 which of these materials is the most
on aircraft? cathodic?
3 when approaching the rear of an idling 7 when taxiing an airplane with a quartering
turbojet or turbofan engine, the hazard area tailwind, the elevators and
extends aft of the engine approximately
Upwind aileron should be held in the
200 feet up position
100 feet Both ailerons should be kept in the
50 feet neutral position
Upwind aileron should be held in
4 if an engine fire develops during the
the down position
starting procedures, the first stem you
should take in extinguishing the fire is 8 when taxiing (towing) an aircraft, flashing
red light from the control tower means
Continue cranking and allow the
fireguard to extinguish the fire using Stop and wait for a green light
the available equipment Move clear of the runway/taxiway
Continue cranking to start the immediately
engine and blow out the fire Return to starting point
Discontinue the start attempt and
9 which of the following conditions has the
allow the figurehead to extinguish
most potential for causing engine damage
the fire using the available
when starting or attempting to start a turbine
5 what must accompany fuel vaporization?
Hung start
A decrease in vapor pressure Hot start
An absorption of heat Cold start
A reduction in volume
10 a hung start in a jet engine is often
6 when stopping a nosewheel-type airplane caused by
after taxiing (or towing), the nosewheel
Malfunctions in the ignition system
should be left
An excessively rich fuel/air mixture
The starter cutting off too soon 14 generally, when an induction fire occurs
during starting of a reciprocating engine, the
11 how is a flooded engine, equipped with a
first course of action should be to
float-type carburetor, cleared of excessive
fuel? Discharge carbon dioxide from a fire
extinguisher into the air intake of the
Crank the engine with the starter or
by hand, with the mixture control in
Continue cranking and start the
the cutoff, the ignition switch on, and
engine if possible
the throttle fully open, until the
Close the throttle
excess fuel has cleared or until the
engine starts 15 a fuel that does not vaporize readily
Turn off the fuel and the ignition. enough can cause
Discontinue the starting attempt until
the excess fuel has cleared
Hard starting
Crank the engine with the starter
Vapor lock
or by hand, with the mixture
control in the cutoff, ignition 16 which of the following is the most
switch off, and the throttle fully satisfactory extinguishing agent for use on a
open, until the fuel charge has carburetor or intake fire?
been cleared
Dry chemical
12 the priming of a fuel injected horizontally A fine, water mist
opposed engine is accomplished by placing Carbon dioxide
the fuel control lever in the
17 if a radial engine has been shut down for
IDLE-CUTOFF position more than 30 minutes, the propeller should
AUTO-RICH position be rotated through at least two revolutions
FULL-RICH position to
38 in addition to causing accelerated wear, Between the air intake and the
dust or sand ingested by a reciprocating venturi
engine may also cause None is required
At the air intake entrance
Silicon fouling of spark plugs
Acid formation 43 the purpose of an engine/inlet anti-ice
Sludge formation system is primarily to
39 a carburetor air pre-heater is not Remove ice from the engine and/or
generally used on takeoff unless absolutely inlet areas
necessary because of the Prevent ice formation in the
engine and/or inlet areas
Inability of the engine to supply
Remove ice from the engine and/or
enough heat to make a significant
areas and prevent ice formation in
the engine and/or inlet areas
Loss of power and possible
detonation 44 what is the purpose of the density
Possibility of induction system controller in a turbocharger system?
Maintains constant air velocity at the
carburetor inlet
Limits the maximum manifold
40 boost manifold pressure is generally
pressure that can be produced by
considered to be any manifold pressure
the turbocharger at full throttle
Limits the maximum manifold
50 inches Hg pressure that can be produced at
14.7 inches Hg other than full throttle conditions
30 inches Hg
During 100-hour inspection
During annual inspection
9 lubricating oils with high viscosity index Provide an oil film between the
ratings are oils outer race and the bearing
housing in order to reduce
Which have high SAE numbers
vibration tendencies in the rotor
In which the viscosity varies
system, and to allow for sight
considerably with temperature
Dampen surges in oil pressure to
In which the viscosity does not
the bearings
vary much with temperature
Provide lubrication of bearings from
the beginning of starting rotation
10 the basic oil pressure relief valve setting until normal oil pressure is
for a newly overhauled engine is made established
Within the first 30 seconds of engine 13 from the following, identify the factor that
operation has the least effect on the oil consumption
When the oil is at a higher than of a specific engine
normal temperature to assure high
Lubricant characteristics
oil pressure at normal oil
Engine RPM
Mechanical efficiency
In the overhaul shop
14 what would be the probable result if the
11 what is the purpose of the last chance oil
oil system pressure relief valve should stick
in the open position on a turbine engine?
To assure a clean supply of oil to the
Decreased oil temperature
lubrication system
Insufficient lubrication
To filter the oil immediately before
Increased oil pressure
it enters the main bearings
To prevent damage to the oil spray 15 which of the following is a function of the
nozzle fuel-oil heat exchanger on a turbojet
Both fuel and oil through the heat 1. Fuel may be used to cool oil in gas
exchanger turbine engines
Oil through the heat exchanger 2. Ram air may be used to cool oil in
Fuel through the heat exchanger gas turbine engines
27 which of the following has the greatest Regarding the above statements,
effect on the viscosity of lubricating oil?
System pressure
Both no.1 and no. 2 are true
Only no. 2 is true
Engine RPM
Only no. 1 is true
28 excessive oil is prevented from
31 how are the piston pins of most aircraft
accumulating on the cylinder walls of
engines lubricated?
reciprocating engine by
By the action of the oil control ring
Internal engine pressure bleeding
and the series of holes drilled in the
past the ring grooves
ring groove directing oil to the pin Exhaust valves
and piston pin boss Pistons and cylinders walls
By oil which is sprayed or thrown
35 what will happen to the return if the oil
by the master or connecting rods
line between the scavenger pump and the
By pressure oil through a drilled
oil cooler separates?
passageway in the heavy web
portion of the connecting rod The return oil will be pumped
32 after making a welded repair to a
The scavenger return line check
pressurized-type turbine engine oil tank, the
valve will close and force the oil to
tank should be pressure checked to
bypass directly to the intake side of
Not less than 5 PSI plus the the pressure pump
maximum operating pressure of Oil will accumulate in the engine
the tank
36 compared to reciprocating engine oils,
the types of oils used in turbine engines
Not less than 5 PSI plus the average
operating pressure of the tank Are required to carry and disperse a
higher level of combustion by-
May permit a somewhat higher level
of carbon formation in the engine
33 the time in seconds required for exactly
Have less tendency to produce
60 cubic centimeters of oil to flow through
lacquer or coke
an accurately calibrated orifice at a specific
temperature is recorded as a measure of 37 cylinder walls are usually lubricated by
the oil’s
Splashed or sprayed oil
Flash point A direct pressure system fed through
Viscosity the crankshaft, connecting rods, and
Specific gravity the piston pins to the oil control ring
groove in the piston
34 what is the source of most of the heat
Oil that us picked up by oil control
that is absorbed by the lubricating oil in a
ring when the piston is at bottom
reciprocating engine?
Crankshaft main bearings
38 the oil used in reciprocating engines has 42 If the oil cooler core and annular jacket
a relatively high viscosity due to becomes congealed, what unit prevents
damage to the cooler?
The reduced ability of thin oils to
maintain adequate film strength at Airflow control valve
altitude Oil pressure relief valve
The relatively high rotational speeds Surge protection valve
Large clearances and high
43 Where are sludge chambers, when used
operating temperatures
in aircraft engine lubrication systems,
39 if an oil filter element becomes usually located?
completely clogged, the
Adjacent to scavenger pumps
Oil supply to the engine will be In the oil storage tank
blocked In the crankshaft throws
Bypass valve will open and the oil
44 An engine lubrication system relief valve
pump will supply unfiltered oil to
is usually located between the
the engine
Oil will be bypassed back to the oil Oil cooler and the scavenger pump
tank hopper where larger sediments Scavenger pump and the external oil
and foreign matter will settle out system
prior to passage through the engine Pump and the internal oil system
40 Oil picks up the most heat from which of 45 What type of oil do most engine
the following turbine engine components? manufacturers recommend for new
reciprocating engine break-in?
Turbine bearing
Compressor bearing Semi-synthetic oil
Rotor coupling Straight mineral oil
Ashless-dispersant oil
41 The purpose of a dwell chamber in a
turbine engine oil tank is to provide 46 How are the teeth of the gears in the
accessory section of an engine normally
A collection point for sediments
Separation of entrained air from
scavenged oil By splashed or sprayed oil
For a pressurized oil supply to the oil By submerging the load-bearing
pump inlet portions in oil
By surrounding the load-bearing 51 Oil accumulation in the cylinders of an
portions with baffles or housings inverted in-line engine and in the lower
within which oil pressure can be cylinders of a radial engine is normally
maintained reduced or prevented by
For oil enlargement and collection 67 Which of the following factors helps
of foam determine the proper grade of oil to use in a
For proper oil tank ventilation particular engine?
To eliminate oil foaming
Operating speeds of bearings
64 What is the primary purpose of changing Adequate lubrication in various
aircraft engine lubricating oils at attitudes of flight
predetermined periods? Positive introduction of oil to the
The oil becomes diluted with
gasoline washing past the pistons 68 In order to maintain a constant oil
into the crankcase pressure as the clearances between the
The oil becomes contaminated moving parts of an engine increase through
with moisture, acids, and finely normal wear, the supply pump output
divided suspended solid particles
Remains relatively constant (at a
Exposure to heat and oxygen
given RPM) with more oil being
causes a decreased ability to
returned to the pump inlet by the
maintain a film under load
relief valve
65 Oil tank fillers on reciprocating engines Remains relatively constant (at a
are marked with the word given RPM) with less oil being
returned to the pump inlet by the
“oil”, type, and grade, in accordance
relief valve
with 14CFR Part 33
Increases as the resistance offered 72 manufactures normally require turbine
to the flow of oil increases engine oil servicing within a short time after
engine shutdown primarily to
69 Upon what quality or characteristic of a
lubricating oil is its viscosity index based? Help dilute and neutralize any
contaminants that may already be
Its resistance to flow at a standard
present in the engine’s oil system
temperature as compared to high
Provide a better indication of any oil
grade paraffin-based oil at the same
leaks in the system
Prevent overservicing
Its rate of change in viscosity with
temperature change 73 what advantage do mineral base
Its rate of flow through an orifice at a lubricants have over vegetable oil base
standard temperature lubricants when used in aircraft engines?
79 at cruise RPM, some oil will flow through 82 what type of oil system is usually found
the relief valve of a gear-type engine oil on turbine engines?
pump. This is normal as the relief valve is
Dry sump, pressure, and spray
set at a pressure which is
Wet sump. spray, and splash
Higher than pressure pump Dry sump, dip, and splash
83 the purpose of a relief valve installed in Oil tank vent
the tank venting system of a turbine engine
86 which type of valve prevents oil from
oil tank is to
entering the main accessory case when the
Prevent oil pump cavitation by engine is not running?
maintaining a constant pressure
on the oil pump inlet
Maintain internal tank air pressure at
the ambient atmospheric level
regardless of altitude or rate of 87 high toot pressures and high rubbing
change in altitude velocities, such as occur with spur-type
Maintain a positive internal pressure gears, require the use of
in the oil tank after shutdown to
Straight mineral oil
prevent oil pump cavitation on
Metallic ash detergent oil
engine start
An EP lubricant
84 some larger reciprocating engines use a
88 the engine oil temperature regulator is
compensating oil pressure relief valve to
usually located between which of the
Provide a high engine oil pressure following on a dry sump reciprocating
when the oil is cold and engine?
automatically lower the oil
The scavenger pump outlet and
pressure when the oil warms up
the oil storage tank
Compensate for changes in
The engine oil supply pump and the
atmospheric pressure that
internal lubrication system
accompany altitude changes
The oil storage tank and the engine
Automatically keep oil pressure
oil supply pump
nearly the same whether the oil is
warm or cold 89 in addition to lubricating (reducing friction
between moving parts), engine oil performs
85 what prevents pressure within the
what function?
lubricating oil tank from rising above or
falling below ambient pressure 1. cools
(reciprocating engine)? 2. seals
3. cleans
Oil tank check valve
4. prevent corrosion
Oil pressure relief valve
5. cushions impact (shock) loads Regulates the increase of the
fuel/air charge entering the engine
Regulates the air pressure in the
1,3,4 venturi
1,2,3,4,5 Regulates the air pressure above
1,2,3 the fuel in the float chamber
90 under which of the following conditions is 2 why must a float-type carburetor supply a
the oil cooler flow control valve open on a rich mixture during idle?
reciprocating engine?
Because of reduced mechanical
When the temperature of the oil efficiency, during idle
returning from the engine is too high Because at idling speeds, the
When the scavenger pump output engine may not have enough
volume exceeds pump input volume airflow around the cylinders to
When the temperature of the oil provide proper cooling
returning from the engine is too Engine operation at idle results in
low higher than normal volumetric
cooler automatic bypass valve be open the 3 where is the throttle valve located on a
greatest amount? float-type carburetor?
Engine oil above normal operating After the main discharge nozzle
temperature and venturi
Engine oil below normal operating After the venturi and just before the
temperature main discharge nozzle
Engine stopped with no oil flowing Between the venturi and the
after pump discharge nozzle
1 which of the following best describes the To properly position the power levers
Fuel is injected at each cylinder 40 at what engine speed does the main
intake port metering jet actually function as a metering
Two injector nozzles are used in the jet in a float-type carburetor?
injector fuel system for various
All RPMs above idle range
Cruising RPM only
Fuel is injected directly into each
All RPMs
41 what carburetor component limits the
37 a full-authority electronic engine control
maximum airflow into the engine at full
(EEC) is a system that receives all the
necessary data for engine operation and
Throttle valve The accelerating pump actuates the
Venturi enrichment valve
Manifold intake Unmetered fuel pressure affects
both units
42 if the volume of air passing through a
No relationship since they operate
carburetor venturi is reduced, the pressure
at the venturi throat will
46 float-type carburetors which are
Be equal to the pressure at the
equipped with economizers are normally set
venturi outlet
Increase The economizer system to
supplement the main system supply
43 what method is ordinarily used to make
at all engine speeds above idling
idle speed adjustments on a float-type
Their riches mixture delivery and
leaned by means of the economizer
An adjustable throttle stop or system
linkage Their leanest practical mixture
An orifice and adjustable tapered delivery at cruising speeds and
needle enriched by means of the
An adjustable needle in the drilled economizer system at higher
passageway which connects the power settings
airspace of the float chamber and
47 what carburetor component measures
the carburetor venturi
the amount of air delivered to the engine?
44 during the operation of an aircraft
Economizer valve
engine, the pressure drop in the carburetor
Automatic mixture control
venturi depends primarily upon the
Air temperature
48 when checking the idle mixture on a
Air velocity
carburetor, the engine should be idling
Barometric pressure
normally, then pull the mixture control
45 what is the relationship between the toward the IDLE CUTOFF position. A correct
accelerating pump and the enrichment valve idling mixture will be indicated by
in a pressure injection carburetor?
An immediate decrease in RPM
An increase of 10 to 50 RPM
before decreasing
52 what will occur if the vapor vent float in a
A decrease of 20 to 30 RPM before
pressure carburetor loses its buoyancy?
The engine will continue to run after
49 an increase should be facing into the
the mixture control is placed in IDLE
wind when trimming an engine. However, if
the velocity of the wind blowing into the
A rich mixture will occur at all engine
intake is excessive, it is likely to cause a
Trim setting resulting in engine The amount of fuel returning to
overspeed the fuel tank from the carburetor
False low exhaust gas temperature will be increased
53 during idle mixture adjustments, which of
False high compression and
the following normally observed to
turbine discharge pressure, and a
determine when the correct mixture has
subsequent low trim
been achieved?
50 prior to performing engine trimming, you
Changes in fuel/air pressure ratio
Changes in RPM or manifold
Obtain a true temperature reading pressure
comparable to that of the air that Fuel flowmeter
enters the engine
54 a carburetor is prevented from leaning
Call the control tower to obtain field
out during quick acceleration by the
Observe the reading on the aircraft Mixture control system
58 which of the following best describes the The positive closing of a needle and
Neither no.1 nor no.2 is true 58 (1) The function of a fuel heater is to
Both no.1 and no.2 are true protect the engine fuel system from ice
Only no.2 is true formation
53 What should be used to inert an integral (2) An aircraft fuel heater cannot be used to
fuel tank before attempting repairs? thaw ice in the fuel screen
62 (1) A fuel heater can use engine bleed air Closely monitoring the fuel quantity
as a source of heat and turning off the fuel dump
Is only required if the fuel truck or 73 Fuel is moved overboard in most fuel
farm has not been in continuous jettison system by
Gravity and engine-driven
Of strainers and sumps is
Boost pumps
combined with periodic filter
changes and inspection to ensure
fuel is contaminant free 74 Microbial growth is produced by various
Is not required because fuel trucks forms of microorganisms that live and
and fuel farms may make use of multiply in the water interfaces of jet fuels.
laser contaminant identification Which of the following could result if
technology microbial growth exists in a fuel jet tank and
is corrected?
70 What is the minimum distance allowed
between a fuel tank and the fire wall 1 Interference with fuel flow
separating the engine?
2 Interference with fuel quantity indicators
One-half inch
3 Engine seizure Neither no.1 nor no.2 is true
Both no.1 and no.2 are true
4 Electrolytic corrosive action in a metal
Only no.2 is true
78 When fuel quantity is measured in
5 Lower grade rating of the fuel
pounds instead of gallons, the
6 Electrolytic corrosive action in a rubber measurement will be more accurate
tank because fuel volume
77 (1) A fuel pressure gauge is a differential Continue purging the tank during the
pressure indicator entire work period
(2) A fuel pressure gauge indicates the 81 What is the purpose of flapper-type
pressure of the fuel entering the carburetor check valves in integral fuel tanks?
4 A damaged tank can be isolated from the Amount of fuel in all tanks
rest of the fuel system 88 How is the outlet fuel pressure regulated
the internal portions of the fuel system can By the pump’s design and internal
100 Which of the following is necessary to 104 The primary purpose of an aircraft’s fuel
effectively troubleshoot a fuel pressure jettison system is to quickly achieve a
warning system?
Reduced fire hazard
Balanced fuel load
Lower landing weight Have at least one bend between
such fittings
105 How many vents, arranged so that they
are not likely become plugged at the same 109 The purpose of a diaphragm in a van-
time, must be used in multi engine fuel type fuel pump is to
Equalize fuel pressure at all speeds
Two Vary fuel pressure according to
Four throttle setting
Six Compensate fuel pressure to
altitude changes
106 What method is used on turbine-
powered aircraft to determine when the 110 How does temperature affect fuel
condition of the fuel is approaching the weight?
danger of forming ice crystals?
Cold fuel is heavier per gallon
Fuel pressure warning Warm fuel is heavier per gallon
Fuel pressure gauge Temperature has no effect
Fuel temperature indicator
111 Pressure fueling of aircraft is usually
107 A transmitter in a fuel pressure warning accomplished through
system serves what function?
At least one single point
Converts fluid pressure to an connection
electrical signal Individual fuel tank overwing and/or
Transmits fluid pressure directly to fuselage access points
the indicator Pressure connections on individual
Transmits an electrical signal to fluid fuel tanks
112 What must each fuel quantity indicator
108 When routing a fuel line between two be calibrated to read during level flight when
rigidly mounted fittings the line should the quantity of fuel remaining is equal to the
unusable fuel supply?
Have a flexible line added between
two metal lines to allow for ease of Both the total unusable fuel quantity
installation and the unusable fuel quantity in
Be straight length of tubing and each tank
clamped to the aircraft structure The total unusable fuel quantity