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CORROSION PREVENTIONS washing aircraft is because their use can

result in
1 galvanic corrosion is likely to be most
rapid and severe when  A general inability to remove
compound residues
 The surface area of the cathodic
 Hydrogen embrittlement in
metal is smaller than the surface
nonmetallic materials
area of the anodic metal
 Hydrogen embrittlement in metal
 The surface area of the anodic metal
are approximately the same
 The surface area of the anodic 5 what may be used to remove corrosion
metal is smaller than the surface from highly stressed steel surfaces?
area of the cathodic metal
 Medium-grit carborundum paper
2 intergranular corrosion in aluminum alloy  Steel wire brushes
parts  Fine-grit aluminum oxide

 Cannot always be detected by 6 corrosion caused by galvanic action is the

surface indications result of
 May be detected by surface pitting,
 Excessive etching
and white, powdery deposits formed
 Contact between two unlike
on the surface of the metal
 Commonly appears ad threadlike
 Excessive anodization
filaments of corrosion products
under a dense film of paint 7 which of the listed conditions is NOT one
of the requirements for corrosion to occur?
3 caustic cleaning products used on
aluminum structures have the effect of  Electrical contact between an anodic
producing area and a cathodic area
 The presence of a passive oxide
 Passive oxidation
 Improved corrosion resistance
 The presence of an electrolyte
 Corrosion
8 select the solvent used to clean acrylics
4 a primary reason why ordinary or
and rubber
otherwise non approved cleaning
compounds should not be used when  Methyl ethyl ketone
 Aliphatic naphtha
 Aromatic naphtha  Causes rapid and severe
corrosion that is very difficult to
9 which of these materials is the most
 May cause impaired corrosion
 Magnesium resistance if left in prolonged contact
 Cadmium
13 a primary cause of intergranular
 7075-T6 aluminum alloy
corrosion is
10 which of the following are acceptable to
 Dissimilar metal contact
use in cleaning anodized surfaces?
 Improper heat treatment
1. Steel wool  Improper application of primer
2. Brass wire brush
14 what should be done to prevent rapid
3. Aluminum wool
deterioration when oil or grease comes in
4. Stainless steel
contact with a tire?
5. Fiber bristle brush
 Wipe the tire thoroughly with a dry
cloth, and then rinse with clean
 1,3, and 3 water
 2 and 4  Wipe the tire with a dry cloth
 3 and 5 followed by a washdown and

11 nickel-cadmium battery cases and drain rinse with soap and water

surfaces which have been affected by  Wipe the tire with a cloth dampened

electrolyte should be neutralized with a with aromatic naphtha and then wipe

solution of dry with a clean cloth

 Boric acid 15 of the following, when and/or where

galvanic corrosion is most likely to occur?
 Sodium bicarbonate
 Potassium hydroxide  At the interface of a steel fastener
and aluminum alloy inspection
12 spilled mercury on aluminum
plate in the presence of an
 Greatly increases susceptibility to electrolyte
hydrogen embrittlement  When an electrolyte (water) covers
the surface of an aluminum skin,
seeps into the cracks between lap
joints, and oxygen is excluded from Regarding the above statements,
the area
 In an area of unprotected metal
exposed to an atmosphere  Both no. 1 and no. 2 are true
containing battery fumes, exhaust  Only no. 2 is true
gases, or industrial contaminants  Only no. 1 is true

16 one way of obtaining increased 19 the interior surface of sealed structural

resistance to stress corrosion cracking is by steel tubing would be best protected against
corrosion by which of the following?
 Relieving compressive stresses (via
heat treatment) on the metal surface  Charging the tubing with dry nitrogen
 Creating compressive stresses prior to sealing
(via shot peening) on the metal  A coating of linseed oil
surface  Evacuating moisture from the tubing
 Producing non uniform deformation before sealing
while cold working during the
20 corrosion should be removed from
manufacturing process
magnesium parts with a
17 a non-electrolytic chemical treatment for
 Stiff, nonmetallic brush
aluminum alloys to increase corrosion
 Carborundum abrasive
resistance and paint-bonding qualities is
 Silicon carbide brush
21 when an anodized surface coating is
 Dichromating
damaged in service, it can be partially
 Alodizing
restored by
 Anodizing
 Applying a thin coat of zinc chromate
1. In the corrosion process, it is the  Chemical surface treatment
cathodic area or dissimilar cathodic  Use of a suitable mild cleaner
material that corrodes
22 the lifting or flaking of the metal at the
2. In the galvanic for electro-chemical
surface due to delamination of grain
series for metals, the most anodic
boundaries caused by the pressure of
metals are those that will give up
corrosion residual product buildup is called
electrons most easily
 Exfoliation  Spray with MEK (methyl ethyl
 Granulation ketone)
 Brinelling  Soak in a 20 percent caustic soda
23 the rust or corrosion that occurs with
most metals is the result of 26 fretting corrosion is most likely to occur

 blocking the flow of electrons is  Only when two dissimilar metals are
homogenous metals, or between in contact
dissimilar metals  When two surfaces fit loosely
 electron flow in or between metals together and can move relatively to
from cathodic to anodic areas one another
 a tendency for them to return to  When two surfaces fit tightly
their natural state together but can move relatively
to one another
24 which of the following are acceptable to
use when utilizing chemical cleaning agents 27 which of these materials is the most
on aircraft? cathodic?

1. Synthetic fiber wiping cloths when  Stainless steel

using a flammable agent  2024 aluminum alloy
2. Cotton fiber wiping cloths when  Zinc
using a flammable agent
28 which of the following is an acceptable
3. Atomizing spray equipment
first step procedure to help prevent
scratching when a transparent plastic
 2 and 3
 1  Gently wipe the surface with a clean,
 2 dry, soft cloth
 Flush the surface with clean water
25 how may magnesium engine parts be
 Gently wipe the surface with a clean,
soft cloth moistened with
 Wash with a commercial solvent, demineralized or distilled water
decarbonize, and scrape or grip
29 why is it important not to rotate the
crankshaft after the corrosion preventive
mixture has been put into the cylinders on 2. Relieved surface stresses
engines prepared for storage? 3. A smooth painting surface
4. Increased corrosion resistance
 Engine damage can occur from
hydraulic lock
 Fuel may be drawn into one or more
 1 and 4
cylinders and dilute or wash off the
 1,2 and 4
 3 and 4
 The seal of corrosion preventive
mixture will be broken 34 for which of the following reasons would
a water break test be conducted?
30 which of the following may not be
detectable even by careful visual inspection  To make certain that a newly
of the surface of aluminum alloy parts or alodized aluminum surface is
structures? sufficient coated
 To make certain that a bare metal
 Uniform etch corrosion
surface is thoroughly clean
 Intergranular corrosion
 To make certain that an anodizing
 Filiform corrosion
coating has been sufficiently
31 fayed surfaces cause concern in removed before an electrical
chemical cleaning because of the danger of bonding connection be made

 Corrosion by embedded iron oxide

 Entrapping corrosive materials
 Forming passive oxides
1 if a hot start occurs during starting of a
32 select the solvent recommended for
turbine powerplant, what is the likely cause?
wipedown of cleaned surfaces just before
painting  The ambient air temperature was too
high (over 100 degrees F)
 Aliphatic naphtha
 The starting unit overhead
 Aromatic naphtha
 The fuel/air mixture was
 Dry-cleaning solvent excessively rich
33 which of the following are the desired
2 why is ethylene dibromide added to
effects of using Alodine on aluminum alloy?
aviation gasoline?
1. A slightly rough surface
 To remove zinc silicate deposits from  Unlocked and pointed straight ahead
the spark plugs  Turned at a small angle towards
 To scavenge lead oxide from the uphill if the parking area is not
cylinder combustion chambers perfectly flat
 To increase the antiknock of the fuel  Pointed straight ahead

3 when approaching the rear of an idling 7 when taxiing an airplane with a quartering
turbojet or turbofan engine, the hazard area tailwind, the elevators and
extends aft of the engine approximately
 Upwind aileron should be held in the
 200 feet up position
 100 feet  Both ailerons should be kept in the
 50 feet neutral position
 Upwind aileron should be held in
4 if an engine fire develops during the
the down position
starting procedures, the first stem you
should take in extinguishing the fire is 8 when taxiing (towing) an aircraft, flashing
red light from the control tower means
 Continue cranking and allow the
fireguard to extinguish the fire using  Stop and wait for a green light
the available equipment  Move clear of the runway/taxiway
 Continue cranking to start the immediately
engine and blow out the fire  Return to starting point
 Discontinue the start attempt and
9 which of the following conditions has the
allow the figurehead to extinguish
most potential for causing engine damage
the fire using the available
when starting or attempting to start a turbine
5 what must accompany fuel vaporization?
 Hung start
 A decrease in vapor pressure  Hot start
 An absorption of heat  Cold start
 A reduction in volume
10 a hung start in a jet engine is often
6 when stopping a nosewheel-type airplane caused by
after taxiing (or towing), the nosewheel
 Malfunctions in the ignition system
should be left
 An excessively rich fuel/air mixture
 The starter cutting off too soon 14 generally, when an induction fire occurs
during starting of a reciprocating engine, the
11 how is a flooded engine, equipped with a
first course of action should be to
float-type carburetor, cleared of excessive
fuel?  Discharge carbon dioxide from a fire
extinguisher into the air intake of the
 Crank the engine with the starter or
by hand, with the mixture control in
 Continue cranking and start the
the cutoff, the ignition switch on, and
engine if possible
the throttle fully open, until the
 Close the throttle
excess fuel has cleared or until the
engine starts 15 a fuel that does not vaporize readily
 Turn off the fuel and the ignition. enough can cause
Discontinue the starting attempt until
 Detonation
the excess fuel has cleared
 Hard starting
 Crank the engine with the starter
 Vapor lock
or by hand, with the mixture
control in the cutoff, ignition 16 which of the following is the most
switch off, and the throttle fully satisfactory extinguishing agent for use on a
open, until the fuel charge has carburetor or intake fire?
been cleared
 Dry chemical
12 the priming of a fuel injected horizontally  A fine, water mist
opposed engine is accomplished by placing  Carbon dioxide
the fuel control lever in the
17 if a radial engine has been shut down for
 IDLE-CUTOFF position more than 30 minutes, the propeller should
 AUTO-RICH position be rotated through at least two revolutions
 FULL-RICH position to

13 when approaching the front of an idling  Check for leaks

jet engine, the hazard area extends forward  Check for hydraulic lock
of the engine approximately  Prime the engine

 15 feet 18 what effect, if any, will aviation gasoline

 10 feet mixed with jet fuel have on a turbine
 25 feet engine?
 No appreciable effect 3. The aircraft should be headed
 The tetraethyl lead in the gasoline downwind in order to eliminate or
forms deposits on the compressor minimize wing lift
blades 4. Leave the nosewheel or tailwheel
 The tetraethyl lead in the gasoline unlocked
forms deposits on the turbine  1,2,3,and 4
blades  1 and 2
 2
19 the color of 100LL fuel is
23 characteristics of detonation are
 Colorless or straw
 Blue  Cylinder pressure remains the same,
 Red excessive cylinder head
temperature, and a decrease in
20 jet fuel number identifiers are
engine power
 Performance numbers to designate  Rapid rise in cylinder pressure,
the volatility of the fuel excessive cylinder head
 Performance numbers and are temperature, and a decrease in
relative of the fuel’s performance in engine power
the aircraft engine  Rapid rise in cylinder pressure,
 Type numbers and have no cylinder head temperature normal,
relation to the fuel’s performance and a decrease in engine power
in the aircraft engine
24 both gasoline and kerosene have certain
21 characteristics of aviation gasoline are advantages for use as turbine fuel. Which
statement is true in reference to the
 Low heat value, low volatility
advantages of each?
 High heat value, low volatility
 High heat value, high volatility  Kerosene has a higher heat
energy/value per unit weight than
22 which statement(s) is/are true regarding
the tiedown of small aircraft?
 Gasoline has a higher heat
1. Manila (hemp) rope tends to stretch energy/value per unit volume than
when it gets wet kerosene
2. Nylon or dacron rope is preferred to
manila rope
 Kerosene has a higher heat 29 tetraethyl lead is added to aviation
energy/value per unit volume than gasoline to
 Dissolve the moisture in the gasoline
25 a fuel that vaporizes too readily may  Improve the gasoline’s
cause performance in the engine
 Retard the formation of corrosives
 Vapor lock
 Hard starting 30 during starting of a turbine powerplant
 Detonation using a compressed air starter, a hung start
occurred. Select the proper procedure
26 a person should approach or leave a
helicopter in the pilot’s field of vision  Shut the engine down
whenever the engine is running in order to  Re-engage the starter
avoid  Shut off the fuel

 The main rotor 31 weathervaning tendency is greatest

 The tail rotor when taxiing
 Blowing dust or debris caused by
 A nosewheel-type airplane in a
rotor downwash
quartering headwind
27 when taxiing (or towing) an aircraft, an  A tailwheel-type airplane in a
alternating red and green light from the direct crosswind
control tower means  Both nosewheel and tailwheel-type
airplane in a quartering tailwind
 Move clear of the runway/taxiway
immediately 32
 OK to proceed but use extreme
1. Jet fuel is of higher viscosity than
aviation gasoline and therefore holds
 Return to starting point
contaminants better
28 when first starting to move an aircraft 2. Viscosity has no relation to the
while taxiing, it is important to contamination of fuel

 Notify the control tower Regarding the above statement,

 Closely monitor the instruments
 Test the brakes
 Neither no. 1 nor no. 2 is true
 Both no. 1 and no. 2 are true  Oil pressure
 Only no. 1 is true  RPM
 EGT, TIT, or ITT
33 when towing a large aircraft
37 the main differences between grades
 A person should be in the cockpit
100 and 100L fuel are
to operate the brakes
 Persons should be stationed at the  Volatility and lead content
nose, each wingtip, and the  Volatility, lead content, and color
empennage at all times  Lead content and color
 A person should be in the cockpit to
38 how are aviation fuels, which possess
watch for obstructions
greater antiknock qualities than 100 octane,
34 which statement below reflects a typical classified?
requirement when towing some aircraft?
 By performance numbers
 Discharge all hydraulic pressure to  By reference to normal heptane
prevent accidental operation of the  According to the milliliters of lead
nosewheel steering mechanism
39 when starting and ground operating an
 If the aircraft has a steerable
aircraft’s engine, the aircraft should be
nosewheel, the torque-link lock
positioned to head into the wind primarily
should be set to full swivel
 Tailwheel aircraft must be towed  To aid achieving and maintaining the
backwards proper airflow into the engine
induction system
35 when taxiing (or towing) an aircraft, a
 For engine cooling purposes
flashing white light from the control tower
 To help cancel out engine torque
 Return to starting point
 Move clear of the runway/taxiway
 OK to proceed but use extreme
1 what is the purpose of a turbocharger
system for a small reciprocating aircraft
36 the most important condition to be engine?
monitored during start after fuel flow begins
in a turbine engine is the
 Compresses the air to hold the cabin  The low-pressure area ahead of the
pressure constant after the aircraft throttle valve
has reached its critical altitude  The airstream ahead of the
 Maintains constant air velocity in the carburetor
intake manifold
5 when starting an engine equipped with a
 Compresses air to maintain
carburetor air heater, in what position
manifold pressure constant from
should the heater be placed?
sea level to the critical altitude of
the engine  Hot
 Cold
2 if a fire starts in the induction system
 Neutral
during the engine starting procedure, what
should the operator do? 6 what part of an aircraft in flight will begin
to accumulate ice before any other?
 Turn off the fuel pump switches
 Continue cranking the engine  Wing leading edge
 Turn off the magneto switches  Carburetor
 Propeller spinner or dome
3 what indications may shift when a
turbofan engine anti-icing (bleed air) system 7 the use of the carburetor air heater when
is turned on? it is not needed causes

1. Tachometer  A decrease in power and possibly

2. EGT detonation
3. EPR  Excessive increase in manifold
 A very lean mixture
 1 and 2
8 what directly regulates the speed of a
 1,2, and 3
 2 and 3
 Throttle
4 into what part of a reciprocating engine
 Turbine
induction system is deicing alcohol normally
 Waste gate
9 what is the purpose of the rate-of-change
 The supercharger or impeller section
controller in a turbocharger system?
 Controls the rate at which the 12 on small aircraft engine, fuel vaporization
turbocharger discharge pressure may be increased by
will increase
 Circulating the fuel and air
 Controls the position of the waste
mixture through passages in the
gate after the aircraft has reached its
oil sump
critical altitude
 Cooling the air before it enters the
 Limits the maximum manifold
pressure that can be produced by
 Heating the fuel before it enters the
the turbocharger at full throttle
13 the vortex dissipators installed on some
10 bootstrapping of a turbocharged engine
turbine-powered aircraft to prevent engine
is indicated by
FOD utilize
 A transient increase in engine
 Variable inlet guide vanes (IGV)
and/or variable first stage fan blades
 An overboost condition of the engine
 Variable geometry inlet ducts
on takeoff
 A stream of engine bleed air blow
 A maximum increase in manifold
toward the ground ahead of the
11 what method(s) is/are used to provide engine
clean air to the engines of helicopters and
14 the action of a carburetor airscoop is to
turboprop airplanes that have particle (sand
supply air to the carburetor, but it may also
and ice) separators installed?
 Increase the pressure of the
 Positive and negative charged areas
incoming air by ram effect
to attract and/or repel particulates
 Keep fuel lines cool and prevent
out of the airflow
vapor lock
 Air/moisture separators, and
 Cool the engine
washing the air clean utilizing water
droplets 15 when operating an engine, the
 Sharp airflow directional change application of carburetor heat will have what
to take advantage of inertia and/or effect on the fuel-air mixture?
centrifugal force, and filters or
 Leaning the mixture until the AMC
engine inlet screens
can make a compensation
 Enriching the mixture because the 18 carburetor icing on an engine equipped
AMC cannot make a correction for with a constant-speed propeller can be
increased temperature detected by
 Enriching the mixture until the
 A decrease in manifold pressure
AMC can make a compensation
with a constant RPM
16 what are the three basic regulating  An increase in manifold pressure
components of a sea-level boosted with a constant RPM
turbocharger system?  A decrease in power output with no
charge in manifold pressure or RPM
1. Exhaust bypass assembly
2. Compressor assembly 19 the purpose of a sonic venturi on a
3. Pumo and bearing casing turbocharged engine is to
4. Density controller
 Limit the amount of air that can
5. Differential pressure controller
flow from the turbocharger into
the cabin for pressurization
 Increase the amount of air that can
 2,3,4
flow from the turbocharger into the
 1,2,3
cabin for pressurization
 1,4,5
 Increase the velocity of the fuel/air

17 in an airplane equipped with an alternate 20 the purpose of a bellmouth compressor

air system, if the main air duct air filter inlet is to
becomes blocked or clogged, the
 Provide an increased pressure drop
 Flow of air into the engine will be in the inlet
slowed or cut off unless alternately  Provide an increase ram air effect at
air is selected low airspeeds
 System will automatically allow  Maximize the aerodynamic
warm, unfiltered air to be drawn efficiency of the inlet
into the engine
21 the application of carburetor heat during
 System will automatically allow
engine operation will
warm, filtered air to be drawn into
the engine  Decrease the volume of air in the
 Decrease the weight of the fuel/air 26 which of the following would be a factor
charge in the failure of an engine to develop full
 Increase the density of air in the power at takeoff?
 Improper adjustment of
22 the application of carburetor heat will carburetor heat valve control
have which of the following effects? linkage
 Excessively rich setting on the idle
 The manifold pressure will be
mixture adjustment
 Failure of the economizer valve to
 The mixture will become leaner
remain closed at takeoff throttle
 The mixture will become richer
23 carburetor icing is most severe at
27 as manifold pressure increases in a
 High altitudes reciprocating engine, the
 Air temperatures between 30 and
 Weight of the fuel/air charge
 Low engine temperatures
 Volume of air in the cylinder
24 if the turbocharger waste gate is increases
completely closed  Density of air in the cylinder
 All the exhaust gases are directed
through the turbine 28 carburetor icing may be eliminated by
 None of the exhaust gases are which of the following methods?
directed through the turbine
 Alcohol spray and electrically heated
 The turbocharger is in the OFF
induction duct
 Ethylene glycol spray heated
25 the pressure between the turbocharger induction air
and the throttle valve is called  Alcohol spray and heated
induction air
 Upper deck pressure
 Induction manifold pressure
 Turbocharger boost pressure
29 vortex dissipator systems are generally
activated by
 A landing gear switch at high speed on the ground, the air
 A fuel pressure switch anytime an pressure within the inlet is
engine is operating
 Negative
 An engine inlet airflow sensor
 Positive
30 if carburetor or induction system icing is  Ambient
not present when carburetor heat us applied
34 during full power output of an
with no change in the throttle setting, the
unsupercharged engine equipped with a
 Engine RPM will increase float-type carburetor, in which of the
 Mixture will become richer following areas will the highest pressure
 Manifold pressure will increase exist?

31 which of the following is a function of the  Venturi

differential pressure controller?  Intake manifold
 Carburetor air scoop
 It controls the position of the waste
gate after the aircraft has reached its 35 which of the following statements
critical altitude regarding the volumetric efficiency of an
 It controls all positions of the engine is true?
waste gate except at fully open
 It is possible to exceed 100
percent volumetric efficiency of
 It limits the maximum manifold
some engines by the use of
pressure that can be produced by
superchargers of the proper type
the turbocharger at full throttle
 It is impossible to exceed 100
percent volumetric efficiency of any
32 the differential pressure controller in a engine regardless of the type of
turbocharger system supercharger used
 The volumetric efficiency of an
 Provides a constant fuel-to-air ratio
engine will remain the same
 Positions the wastegate valve for
regardless of the amount of throttle
maximum power
 Reduces bootstrapping during
part-throttle operation 36 a method commonly used to prevent
carburetor icing is to
33 when an engine with a subsonic
divergent type inlet duct is running in place  Electrically heat the throttle valve
 Preheat the intake air 41 an increase in manifold pressure when
 Mix alcohol with the fuel carburetor heat is applied indicates

37 what is used to drive a supercharger?  Overheating of cylinder heads

 Mixture was too lean
 Belt drive through a pulley
 Ice was forming in the carburetor
 Gear train from the crankshaft 42 where would a carburetor air heater be
 Exhaust gases located in a fuel injection system?

38 in addition to causing accelerated wear,  Between the air intake and the
dust or sand ingested by a reciprocating venturi
engine may also cause  None is required
 At the air intake entrance
 Silicon fouling of spark plugs
 Acid formation 43 the purpose of an engine/inlet anti-ice
 Sludge formation system is primarily to

39 a carburetor air pre-heater is not  Remove ice from the engine and/or
generally used on takeoff unless absolutely inlet areas
necessary because of the  Prevent ice formation in the
engine and/or inlet areas
 Inability of the engine to supply
 Remove ice from the engine and/or
enough heat to make a significant
areas and prevent ice formation in
the engine and/or inlet areas
 Loss of power and possible
detonation 44 what is the purpose of the density
 Possibility of induction system controller in a turbocharger system?
 Maintains constant air velocity at the
carburetor inlet
 Limits the maximum manifold
40 boost manifold pressure is generally
pressure that can be produced by
considered to be any manifold pressure
the turbocharger at full throttle
 Limits the maximum manifold
 50 inches Hg pressure that can be produced at
 14.7 inches Hg other than full throttle conditions
 30 inches Hg
 During 100-hour inspection
 During annual inspection

5 the main oil filters strain the oil at which

point in the system?
 Just as it leaves the pressure
1 the viscosity of a liquid measure of its pump

 Weight or density  Immediately before it enters the

 Rate of change of internal friction pressure pump

with change in temperature  Immediately after it leaves the

 Resistance to flow scavenger pump

2 a turbine engine dry sump lubrication 6

system of the self-contained, high-pressure 1. Gas turbine and reciprocating

design engine oils can be mixed or used

 Stores oil in the engine crankcase interchangeably

 Consists of pressure, breather, 2. Most gas turbine engine oils are

and scavenge subsystems synthetic

 Has no heat exchanger Regarding the above statements

3 what will be the result of operation an  Only no. 2 is true

engine in extremely high temperature using  Both no. 1 and no. 2 are true
a lubricant recommended by the  Neither no. 1 nor no. 2 is true
manufacturer for a much lower temperature
7 in order to relieve excessive pump
 The oil pressure will be higher than pressure in an engine’s internal oil system,
normal most engines are equipped with a
 The oil pressure will be lower than
 Bypass valve
 Vent
 The oil temperature and oil pressure
 Relief valve
will be higher than normal
8 as an aid to cold-weather starting, the oil
4 lube system last chance filters in turbine
dilution system thins the oil with
engines are usually cleaned
 Kerosene
 During overhaul
 Gasoline 12 the oil dampened main bearing utilized in
 Alcohol some turbine engines is used to

9 lubricating oils with high viscosity index  Provide an oil film between the
ratings are oils outer race and the bearing
housing in order to reduce
 Which have high SAE numbers
vibration tendencies in the rotor
 In which the viscosity varies
system, and to allow for sight
considerably with temperature
 Dampen surges in oil pressure to
 In which the viscosity does not
the bearings
vary much with temperature
 Provide lubrication of bearings from
the beginning of starting rotation
10 the basic oil pressure relief valve setting until normal oil pressure is
for a newly overhauled engine is made established

 Within the first 30 seconds of engine 13 from the following, identify the factor that
operation has the least effect on the oil consumption
 When the oil is at a higher than of a specific engine
normal temperature to assure high
 Lubricant characteristics
oil pressure at normal oil
 Engine RPM
 Mechanical efficiency
 In the overhaul shop
14 what would be the probable result if the
11 what is the purpose of the last chance oil
oil system pressure relief valve should stick
in the open position on a turbine engine?
 To assure a clean supply of oil to the
 Decreased oil temperature
lubrication system
 Insufficient lubrication
 To filter the oil immediately before
 Increased oil pressure
it enters the main bearings
 To prevent damage to the oil spray 15 which of the following is a function of the
nozzle fuel-oil heat exchanger on a turbojet

 Increases fuel temperature

 Emulsifies the oil
 Aerates the fuel 20 which of these characteristics is
desirable in turbine engine oil?
16 an oil tank having a capacity of 5 gallons
must gave an expansion space of  High volatility
 High flash point
 2 quarts
 Low flash point
 4 quarts
 5 quarts 21 what will result if an oil filter becomes
completely blocked?
17 what determines the minimum particles
size which will be excluded or filtered by a  Oil will flow at the normal rate
cuno-type (stacked disc, edge filtration) through the system
filter?  Oil will flow at a reduced rate
through the system
 The spacer thickness
 Oil flow to engine will stop
 The disc thickness
 Both the number and thickness of 22 what type of oil do most engine
the discs in the assembly manufacturers recommend after new
reciprocating engine break-in?
18 which of the following lubrication system
components is never located between the  Straight mineral oil
pressure pump and the engine pressure  Ashless-dispersant oil
system?  Metallic-ash detergent oil

 Fuel line for oil dilution system

 Oil temperature bulb
 Check valve
23 what is the primary purpose of the oil-to-
19 low oil pressure can be detrimental to the
fuel heat exchanger?
internal engine components, however, high
oil pressure  Cool the fuel
 De-aerate the oil
 Will not occur because of pressure
 Cool the oil
losses around the bearings
 Should be limited to the engine 24 the recommended aircraft engine
manufacturer’s recommendations lubricants are

 Has a negligible effect  Animal, mineral, or synthetic based

 Vegetables, mineral, or synthetic  Oil control rings on the pistons
base  The design shape of the piston skirt
 Mineral or synthetic based
29 what is the primary purpose of the
25 as a general rule, a small amount of hopper located in the oil supply tank of
small fuzzy particles or gray metallic paste some dry sump engine installations?
on a turbine engine magnetic chip detector
 To import a centrifugal motion to the
 Is considered to be the result of oil entering the tank so that the
normal wear foreign particles in the oil will
 Indicates an imminent component separate more readily
failure  To reduce surface aeration of the hot
 Indicates accelerated generalized oil and thus reduce oxidation and the
wear formation of sludge and varnish
 To reduce the time required to
26 in a jet engine which uses a fuel-oil heat
warm the oil to operating
exchanger, the oil temperature is controlled
by a thermostatic valve that regulates the
flow of 30

 Both fuel and oil through the heat 1. Fuel may be used to cool oil in gas
exchanger turbine engines
 Oil through the heat exchanger 2. Ram air may be used to cool oil in
 Fuel through the heat exchanger gas turbine engines

27 which of the following has the greatest Regarding the above statements,
effect on the viscosity of lubricating oil?

 System pressure
 Both no.1 and no. 2 are true
 Temperature
 Only no. 2 is true
 Engine RPM
 Only no. 1 is true
28 excessive oil is prevented from
31 how are the piston pins of most aircraft
accumulating on the cylinder walls of
engines lubricated?
reciprocating engine by
 By the action of the oil control ring
 Internal engine pressure bleeding
and the series of holes drilled in the
past the ring grooves
ring groove directing oil to the pin  Exhaust valves
and piston pin boss  Pistons and cylinders walls
 By oil which is sprayed or thrown
35 what will happen to the return if the oil
by the master or connecting rods
line between the scavenger pump and the
 By pressure oil through a drilled
oil cooler separates?
passageway in the heavy web
portion of the connecting rod  The return oil will be pumped
32 after making a welded repair to a
 The scavenger return line check
pressurized-type turbine engine oil tank, the
valve will close and force the oil to
tank should be pressure checked to
bypass directly to the intake side of
 Not less than 5 PSI plus the the pressure pump
maximum operating pressure of  Oil will accumulate in the engine
the tank
36 compared to reciprocating engine oils,
 5 PSI
the types of oils used in turbine engines
 Not less than 5 PSI plus the average
operating pressure of the tank  Are required to carry and disperse a
higher level of combustion by-
 May permit a somewhat higher level
of carbon formation in the engine
33 the time in seconds required for exactly
 Have less tendency to produce
60 cubic centimeters of oil to flow through
lacquer or coke
an accurately calibrated orifice at a specific
temperature is recorded as a measure of 37 cylinder walls are usually lubricated by
the oil’s
 Splashed or sprayed oil
 Flash point  A direct pressure system fed through
 Viscosity the crankshaft, connecting rods, and
 Specific gravity the piston pins to the oil control ring
groove in the piston
34 what is the source of most of the heat
 Oil that us picked up by oil control
that is absorbed by the lubricating oil in a
ring when the piston is at bottom
reciprocating engine?
 Crankshaft main bearings
38 the oil used in reciprocating engines has 42 If the oil cooler core and annular jacket
a relatively high viscosity due to becomes congealed, what unit prevents
damage to the cooler?
 The reduced ability of thin oils to
maintain adequate film strength at  Airflow control valve
altitude  Oil pressure relief valve
 The relatively high rotational speeds  Surge protection valve
 Large clearances and high
43 Where are sludge chambers, when used
operating temperatures
in aircraft engine lubrication systems,
39 if an oil filter element becomes usually located?
completely clogged, the
 Adjacent to scavenger pumps
 Oil supply to the engine will be  In the oil storage tank
blocked  In the crankshaft throws
 Bypass valve will open and the oil
44 An engine lubrication system relief valve
pump will supply unfiltered oil to
is usually located between the
the engine
 Oil will be bypassed back to the oil  Oil cooler and the scavenger pump
tank hopper where larger sediments  Scavenger pump and the external oil
and foreign matter will settle out system
prior to passage through the engine  Pump and the internal oil system

40 Oil picks up the most heat from which of 45 What type of oil do most engine
the following turbine engine components? manufacturers recommend for new
reciprocating engine break-in?
 Turbine bearing
 Compressor bearing  Semi-synthetic oil
 Rotor coupling  Straight mineral oil
 Ashless-dispersant oil
41 The purpose of a dwell chamber in a
turbine engine oil tank is to provide 46 How are the teeth of the gears in the
accessory section of an engine normally
 A collection point for sediments
 Separation of entrained air from
scavenged oil  By splashed or sprayed oil
 For a pressurized oil supply to the oil  By submerging the load-bearing
pump inlet portions in oil
 By surrounding the load-bearing 51 Oil accumulation in the cylinders of an
portions with baffles or housings inverted in-line engine and in the lower
within which oil pressure can be cylinders of a radial engine is normally
maintained reduced or prevented by

47 As a general rule, the mixture setting on  Extended cylinder skirts

a reciprocating engine operating at or near  Routing the valve-operating
takeoff power that provides the best cooling mechanism lubricating oil to a
is separate scavenger pump
 Reversed oil control rings
 Full rich
 Lean 52 What unit in an aircraft engine lubrication
 Full lean system is adjusted to maintain the desired
system pressure?
48 Where is the oil of a dry reciprocating
engine exposed to the temperature control  Oil pressure relief valve
valve sensing unit?  Oil viscosity valve
 Oil pump
 Engine inlet
 Engine outlet 53 Possible failure related ferrous-metal
 Oil cooler inlet particles in turbine engine oil cause an
(electrical) indicating-type magnetic chip
49 Specific gravity is a comparison of the
detector to indicate their presence by
weight substance to the weight of an equal
volume of  Generating a small electric current
that is caused by the particles being
 Distilled water at a specific
in contact with the dissimilar metal of
the detector tip
 Oil at a specific temperature
 Bridging the gap between the
 Mercury at a specific temperature
detector center (positive)
50 Which of the following bearing types electrode and the ground
must be continuously lubricated by pressure electrode
oil?  Disturbing the magnetic lines of flux
around the detector tip
 Plain
 Roller
 Ball
54 What is the purpose of the check valve  Through holes drilled in the piston
generally used in dry sump lubrication pin recess
58 The type of oil pumps most commonly
 To prevent the scavenger pump from used on turbine engines are classified as
losing its prime
 Positive displacement
 To prevent the oil from supply
 Variable displacement
tank from seeping into the
 Constant speed
crankcase during inoperative
periods 59 The valve assemblies of opposed
 To prevent the oil from the pressure reciprocating engines are lubricated by
pump from entering the scavenger means of a
 Gravity speed system
55 In a reciprocating engine, oil is directed  Splash and spray system
from the pressure relief valve to the inlet  Pressure system
side of the
60 In an axial-flow turbine engine,
 Oil temperature regulator compressor bleed air is sometimes used to
 Scavenger pump aid in cooling the
 Pressure pump
 Fuel
56 Where is the oil temperature bulb located  Inlet guide vanes
on a dry sump reciprocating engine?  Turbine, vanes, blades, and
 Oil outlet line
 Oil cooler 61 The primary source of oil contamination
 Oil inlet line in a normally operating reciprocating engine
57 How is the oil collected by the piston oil
ring returned to the crankcase?  Metallic deposits as a result of
engine wear
 Down vertical slots cut in the piston
 Combustion deposits due to
wall between piston oil ring groove
combustion chamber blow-by and
and the piston skirt
oil migration on the cylinder walls
 Through holes drilled in the
 Atmospheric dust and pollution
piston oil ring groove
62 The pumping capacity of the scavenger  “oil”, and tank capacity, in
in a dry sump aircraft engine’s lubrication accordance with 14 CFR Part 45
system  “oil”, in accordance with 14 CFR
Part 23
 Is greater than the capacity of the
oil supply pump 66 The purpose of the flow control valve in a
 Is less than the capacity of the oil reciprocating engine oil system is to
supply pump
 Deliver cold oil to the hopper tank
 Is usually equal to the capacity of
 Compensate for volumetric
the oil supply pump
increases due to foaming of the oil
63 Why is expansion space required in an  Direct oil through or around the
engine oil supply tank? oil cooler

 For oil enlargement and collection 67 Which of the following factors helps
of foam determine the proper grade of oil to use in a
 For proper oil tank ventilation particular engine?
 To eliminate oil foaming
 Operating speeds of bearings
64 What is the primary purpose of changing  Adequate lubrication in various
aircraft engine lubricating oils at attitudes of flight
predetermined periods?  Positive introduction of oil to the
 The oil becomes diluted with
gasoline washing past the pistons 68 In order to maintain a constant oil
into the crankcase pressure as the clearances between the
 The oil becomes contaminated moving parts of an engine increase through
with moisture, acids, and finely normal wear, the supply pump output
divided suspended solid particles
 Remains relatively constant (at a
 Exposure to heat and oxygen
given RPM) with more oil being
causes a decreased ability to
returned to the pump inlet by the
maintain a film under load
relief valve
65 Oil tank fillers on reciprocating engines  Remains relatively constant (at a
are marked with the word given RPM) with less oil being
returned to the pump inlet by the
 “oil”, type, and grade, in accordance
relief valve
with 14CFR Part 33
 Increases as the resistance offered 72 manufactures normally require turbine
to the flow of oil increases engine oil servicing within a short time after
engine shutdown primarily to
69 Upon what quality or characteristic of a
lubricating oil is its viscosity index based?  Help dilute and neutralize any
contaminants that may already be
 Its resistance to flow at a standard
present in the engine’s oil system
temperature as compared to high
 Provide a better indication of any oil
grade paraffin-based oil at the same
leaks in the system
 Prevent overservicing
 Its rate of change in viscosity with
temperature change 73 what advantage do mineral base
 Its rate of flow through an orifice at a lubricants have over vegetable oil base
standard temperature lubricants when used in aircraft engines?

70 Why is an aircraft reciprocating engine  Friction resistance

oil tank on a dry sump lubrication system  Chemical stability
equipped with a vent line?  Cooling ability

 To prevent pressure buildup in the 74 if all other requirements can be met,

reciprocating engine crankcase what type of oil should be used to achieve
 To eliminate foaming in the oil tank theoretically perfect engine lubrication?
 To prevent pressure buildup in the
 An oil that combines high viscosity
oil tank
and low demulsibility
71 the vent line connecting the oil supply  An oil that combines a low viscosity
tank and the engine in some dry sump index and a high neutralization
engine installations permits number
 The thinnest oil that will stay in
 Oil vapors from the engine to be
place and maintain a reasonable
condensed and drained into oil
film strength
supply tank
 Pressurization of the oil supply to 75 why are fixed orifice nozzles used in the
prevent cavitation of the oil supply lubrication system of gas turbine engines?
 To protect the oil seals by preventing
 The oil tank to be vented through
excessive pressure from entering
the normal engine vent
the bearing cavities
 To keep back pressure on oil pump,  Lower than the pressure pump
thus preventing an air lock capabilities
 To provide a relatively constant oil  Lower than the pump inlet pressure
flow to the main bearings at all
80 what is the primary purpose of the oil
engine speeds
breather pressurization system that is used
76 a drop in oil pressure may be caused by on turbine engines?

 The temperature regulator sticking  Provides a proper oil spray

open pattern from the main bearing oil
 The bypass valve sticking open jets
 Foreign material under the relief  Prevents foaming of the oil
valve  Allows aeration of the oil for better
lubrication because of the air/oil mist
77 an oil separator is generally associated
with which of the following? 81 the purpose of directing bleed air to the
outer turbine case on some engines is to
 Engine-driven oil pressure pump
 Engine-driven vacuum pump  Provide optimum turbine blade tip
 Cuno oil filter clearance by controlling thermal
78 in a reciprocating engine oil system, the
 Allow operation in a thermal
temperature bulb senses oil temperature
environment 600 to 800 degree
 While the oil is in the hottest area of Fahrenheit above the temperature
the engine limits of turbine blade and vane
 Immediately before the oil enters the alloys
oil cooler  Provide up to 100 percent kinetic
 At a point after the oil has passed energy extraction from the flowing
through the oil cooler gases

79 at cruise RPM, some oil will flow through 82 what type of oil system is usually found
the relief valve of a gear-type engine oil on turbine engines?
pump. This is normal as the relief valve is
 Dry sump, pressure, and spray
set at a pressure which is
 Wet sump. spray, and splash
 Higher than pressure pump  Dry sump, dip, and splash
83 the purpose of a relief valve installed in  Oil tank vent
the tank venting system of a turbine engine
86 which type of valve prevents oil from
oil tank is to
entering the main accessory case when the
 Prevent oil pump cavitation by engine is not running?
maintaining a constant pressure
 Bypass
on the oil pump inlet
 Relief
 Maintain internal tank air pressure at
 Check
the ambient atmospheric level
regardless of altitude or rate of 87 high toot pressures and high rubbing
change in altitude velocities, such as occur with spur-type
 Maintain a positive internal pressure gears, require the use of
in the oil tank after shutdown to
 Straight mineral oil
prevent oil pump cavitation on
 Metallic ash detergent oil
engine start
 An EP lubricant
84 some larger reciprocating engines use a
88 the engine oil temperature regulator is
compensating oil pressure relief valve to
usually located between which of the
 Provide a high engine oil pressure following on a dry sump reciprocating
when the oil is cold and engine?
automatically lower the oil
 The scavenger pump outlet and
pressure when the oil warms up
the oil storage tank
 Compensate for changes in
 The engine oil supply pump and the
atmospheric pressure that
internal lubrication system
accompany altitude changes
 The oil storage tank and the engine
 Automatically keep oil pressure
oil supply pump
nearly the same whether the oil is
warm or cold 89 in addition to lubricating (reducing friction
between moving parts), engine oil performs
85 what prevents pressure within the
what function?
lubricating oil tank from rising above or
falling below ambient pressure 1. cools
(reciprocating engine)? 2. seals
3. cleans
 Oil tank check valve
4. prevent corrosion
 Oil pressure relief valve
5. cushions impact (shock) loads  Regulates the increase of the
fuel/air charge entering the engine
 Regulates the air pressure in the
 1,3,4 venturi
 1,2,3,4,5  Regulates the air pressure above
 1,2,3 the fuel in the float chamber

90 under which of the following conditions is 2 why must a float-type carburetor supply a
the oil cooler flow control valve open on a rich mixture during idle?
reciprocating engine?
 Because of reduced mechanical
 When the temperature of the oil efficiency, during idle
returning from the engine is too high  Because at idling speeds, the
 When the scavenger pump output engine may not have enough
volume exceeds pump input volume airflow around the cylinders to
 When the temperature of the oil provide proper cooling
returning from the engine is too  Engine operation at idle results in
low higher than normal volumetric

91 in which of the following situations will oil efficiency

cooler automatic bypass valve be open the 3 where is the throttle valve located on a
greatest amount? float-type carburetor?

 Engine oil above normal operating  After the main discharge nozzle
temperature and venturi
 Engine oil below normal operating  After the venturi and just before the
temperature main discharge nozzle
 Engine stopped with no oil flowing  Between the venturi and the
after pump discharge nozzle

4 for what primary purpose is a turbine

CONTROL MECHANISM engine fuel control unit trimmed?

1 which of the following best describes the  To properly position the power levers

function of an altitude mixture control?  To obtain maximum thrust output

when desired
 To adjust the idle RPM
5 on a carburetor without an automatic 9 the economizer system of a float-type
mixture control as you ascend to altitude, carburetor performs which of the following
the mixture will functions?

 Not be affected  It supplies and regulates the fuel

 Be leaned required for all engine speeds
 Be enriched  It supplies and regulates the
additional fuel required for all
6 when a new carburetor is installed on an
engine speeds above cruising
 It regulates the fuel required for all
 The engine is warped up to engine speeds and all altitude
normal temperatures, adjust the
10 when trimming a turbine engine, the fuel
idle mixture, then the idle speed
control is adjusted to
 Do not adjust the idle mixture
setting; this was accomplished on  Allow the engine to produce
the flow bench maximum RPM without regard to
 Warm up the engine and adjust the power output
float level  Set idle RPM and maximum speed
or EPR
7 an aircraft engine equipped with a
 Produce as much power as the
pressure-type carburetor is started with the
engine is capable of producing
 Primer while the mixture control
is positioned at IDLE CUTOFF
 Mixture control in the FULL-RICH 1. The mixture used at rated power in
position air cooled reciprocating engines is
 Primer while the mixture control is richer than the mixture used through
positioned at the FULL-LEAN the normal cruising range
position 2. The mixture used at idle in air cooled
reciprocating engines is richer than
8 the use of less than normal throttle
the mixture used at rated power
opening during starting will cause
Regarding the above statements,
 A rich mixture
 A lean mixture
 Backfire due to lean fuel/air ratio  Only no. 1 is true
 Only no. 2 is true  Velocity increases, temperature
 Both no. 1 and no. 2 are true decreases, and pressure
12 what is a function of the idling air bleed
 velocity decreases, temperature
in a float-type carburetor?
increases, and pressure increases
 It vaporizes the fuel at idling speeds  velocity increases, temperature
 It aids in emulsifying/vaporizing increases, and pressure decreases
the fuel at idle speeds
17 in turbine engines that utilize a
 It provides a means for adjusting the
pressurization and dump valve, the dump
mixture at idle speeds
portion of the valve
13 which type of fuel control is used on
 dumps extra fuel into the engine in
most of today’s turbine engines?
order to provide for quick engine
 Mechanical acceleration during rapid throttle
 Electromechanical advancement
 Hydromechanical or electric  drains the engine manifold lines
to prevent fuel boiling and
14 one of the best ways to increase engine
subsequent deposits in the lines
power and control detonation and pre-
as a result of residual engine hear
ignition is to
(at engine shutdown)
 Use water injector  cuts off fuel flow to the engine fuel
 Enrich the fuel/air mixture manifold and dumps the manifold
 Lean the fuel/air mixture fuel into the combustor to burn just
before the engine shuts down
15 the device that controls the ratio of the
fuel/air mixture to the cylinders is called a 18 what is the relationship between the
pressure existing within the throat of a
 Throttle valve
venturi and the velocity of the air passing
 Mixture control
through the venturi?
 Metering jet
 There is no direct relationship
16 when air passes through the venturi of a
between the pressure and the
carburetor, what three changes occur?
 The pressure is inversely
proportional to the velocity
 The pressure is directly proportional  Decreases momentarily and RPM
to the velocity drops slightly before the engine
ceases to fire

23 what component is used to ensure fuel

19 what factor is not used in the operation
delivery during periods of rapid engine
of an aircraft gas turbine engine fuel control
 Acceleration pump
 Power lever position
 Water injection pump
 Compressor inlet air temperature
 Power enrichment unit
 Mixture control position
24 an excessively lean fuel/air mixture may
20 the primary purpose of the air bleed
openings used with continuous flow fuel
injector nozzles is to  High oil pressure
 Backfiring through the exhaust
 Provide for automatic mixture control
 An increase in cylinder head
 Aid in proper fuel vaporization
 Lean out the mixture
25 what corrective action should be taken
21 a punctured float in a float-type
when a carburetor is found to be leaking
carburetor will cause the fuel level to
fuel from the discharge nozzle?
 Rise, and enrich the mixture
 Raise the float level
 Rise, and lean the mixture
 Replace the needle valve and seat
 Lower, and enrich the mixture
 Adjust throttle linkage
22 an indication that the optimum idle
26 the active clearance control (ACC)
mixture has been obtained occurs when the
portion of an ECC system aids turbine
mixture control is moved to IDLE CUTOFF
engine efficiency by
and manifold pressure
 Adjusting stator vane position
 Decreases and RPM increases
according to operating conditions
momentarily before the engine
and power requirements
ceases to fire
 Automatically adjusting engine
 Increases momentarily and RPM
speed to maintain a desired EPR
drops slightly before the engine
ceases to fire
 Ensuring turbine blade to engine  The low-pressure area created in the
case clearances are kept to a throat of the venturi pulls the fuel
minimum by controlling case from the idle passage

27 the fuel level within the float chamber of

30 the fuel metering force of a conventional
a properly adjusted float-type carburetor will
float-type carburetor in its normal operating
range is the difference between the
 Slightly lower than the discharge pressure acting on the discharge nozzle
nozzle outlet located within the venturi and the pressure
 At the same level as the discharge
 Acting on the fuel in the float
nozzle outlet
 Slightly higher than the discharge
 Of the fuel as it enters the carburetor
nozzle outlet
 Of the air as it enters the venturi
28 the back-suction mixture control system (impact pressure)
operates by
31 when troubleshooting an engine that will
 Varying the pressure within the not idle, what would be a possible cause?
venturi section
 Air leak in the intake manifold
 Varying the pressure acting on
 Mixture setting is too rich
the fuel in the float chamber
 Economizer valve not operating
 Changing the effective cross-
sectional area of the main metering
orifice (jet) 32 if an engine is equipped with a float-type
carburetor and the engine runs excessively
29 select the correct statement concerning
rich at full throttle, a possible cause of the
the idle system of a conventional float-type
trouble is a clogged
 Atmospheric vent line
 The low pressure between the
 Back-suction line
edges of the throttle valve and the
 Main air bleed
throttle body pulls the fuel from
the idle passage 33 in order to stabilize cams, springs, and
 Climatic conditions have very little linkages within the fuel control,
effect on idle mixture requirements manufacturers generally recommend that all
final turbine engine trim adjustments be  Develops the commands to
made in the various actuators to control
engine parameters
 Decrease direction after over-
 Adjusts a standard hydromechanical
fuel control unit to obtain the most
 Decrease direction
effective engine operation
 Increase direction
 Controls engine operation according
34 which of the following is least likely to to ambient temperature, pressure,
occur during operation of an engine and humidity
equipped with a direct fuel injection system?
38 if the main air bleed of a float-type
 Kickback during start carburetor becomes clogged, the engine will
 Backfiring run
 Afterfiring
 Lean at rated power
35 the device that controls the volume of the  Rich at rated power
fuel/air mixture to the cylinders is called a  Rich at idling

 Mixture control 39 an aircraft engine continuous cylinder

 Metering jet fuel injection system normally discharges
 Throttle valve fuel during which stroke(s)?

36 which statement is correct regarding a  Intake and compression

continuous-flow injection system used on  Intake
many reciprocating engines?  All (continuously)

 Fuel is injected at each cylinder 40 at what engine speed does the main
intake port metering jet actually function as a metering
 Two injector nozzles are used in the jet in a float-type carburetor?
injector fuel system for various
 All RPMs above idle range
 Cruising RPM only
 Fuel is injected directly into each
 All RPMs
41 what carburetor component limits the
37 a full-authority electronic engine control
maximum airflow into the engine at full
(EEC) is a system that receives all the
necessary data for engine operation and
 Throttle valve  The accelerating pump actuates the
 Venturi enrichment valve
 Manifold intake  Unmetered fuel pressure affects
both units
42 if the volume of air passing through a
 No relationship since they operate
carburetor venturi is reduced, the pressure
at the venturi throat will
46 float-type carburetors which are
 Be equal to the pressure at the
equipped with economizers are normally set
venturi outlet
 Decrease
 Increase  The economizer system to
supplement the main system supply
43 what method is ordinarily used to make
at all engine speeds above idling
idle speed adjustments on a float-type
 Their riches mixture delivery and
leaned by means of the economizer
 An adjustable throttle stop or system
linkage  Their leanest practical mixture
 An orifice and adjustable tapered delivery at cruising speeds and
needle enriched by means of the
 An adjustable needle in the drilled economizer system at higher
passageway which connects the power settings
airspace of the float chamber and
47 what carburetor component measures
the carburetor venturi
the amount of air delivered to the engine?
44 during the operation of an aircraft
 Economizer valve
engine, the pressure drop in the carburetor
 Automatic mixture control
venturi depends primarily upon the
 Venturi
 Air temperature
48 when checking the idle mixture on a
 Air velocity
carburetor, the engine should be idling
 Barometric pressure
normally, then pull the mixture control
45 what is the relationship between the toward the IDLE CUTOFF position. A correct
accelerating pump and the enrichment valve idling mixture will be indicated by
in a pressure injection carburetor?
 An immediate decrease in RPM
 An increase of 10 to 50 RPM
before decreasing
52 what will occur if the vapor vent float in a
 A decrease of 20 to 30 RPM before
pressure carburetor loses its buoyancy?
 The engine will continue to run after
49 an increase should be facing into the
the mixture control is placed in IDLE
wind when trimming an engine. However, if
the velocity of the wind blowing into the
 A rich mixture will occur at all engine
intake is excessive, it is likely to cause a
 Trim setting resulting in engine  The amount of fuel returning to
overspeed the fuel tank from the carburetor
 False low exhaust gas temperature will be increased
53 during idle mixture adjustments, which of
 False high compression and
the following normally observed to
turbine discharge pressure, and a
determine when the correct mixture has
subsequent low trim
been achieved?
50 prior to performing engine trimming, you
 Changes in fuel/air pressure ratio
 Changes in RPM or manifold
 Obtain a true temperature reading pressure
comparable to that of the air that  Fuel flowmeter
enters the engine
54 a carburetor is prevented from leaning
 Call the control tower to obtain field
out during quick acceleration by the
 Observe the reading on the aircraft  Mixture control system

outside air temperature (OAT) gauge  Power enrichment system

 Acceleration system
51 what could cause a lean mixture and
high cylinder head temperature at sea level 55 one purpose of an air bleed in a float-
or low altitudes? type carburetor is to

 Automatic mixture control stuck  Increase fuel flow at altitude

in the extended position  Meter air to adjust the mixture
 Defective accelerating system  Decrease fuel density and destroy
 Mixture control valve fully closed surface tension
56 if the idling jet becomes clogged in a  Temporarily enrich the mixture
float-type carburetor, the when the throttle is suddenly
 Engine operation will not be affected
 Supply and regulate the fuel
at any RPM
required for engine speeds above
 Engine will not idle
 Idle mixture becomes richer
 Supply and regulate additional fuel
57 which method is commonly used to required for engine speeds above
adjust the level of a float in a float-type cruising
60 idle cutoff is accomplished on a
 Lengthening or shortening the float carburetor equipped with a back-suction
shaft mixture control by
 Add or remove shims under the
 Introducing low pressure (intake
needle-valve seat
manifold) air into the float
 Change the angle of the float arm
 Turning the fuel selector valve of

58 which of the following best describes the  The positive closing of a needle and

function of an automatic mixture control seat

(AMC)? 61 what is the possible cause of an engine

running rich at full throttle if it is equipped
 It compensates for the air pressure
with a float-type carburetor?
above the fuel in the float chamber
 It compensates for the air pressure  Float level too low
in the venturi of a float-type  Clogged atmospheric vent
carburetor  Clogged main air bleed
 It compensates for change in the
62 during engine operation, if carburetor
air density due to temperature
heat is applied, it will
and altitude
 Increase fuel/air ratio
59 what is the purpose of the carburetor
 Increase engine RPM
acceleration system?
 Decrease the air density to the
63 if a float-type carburetor becomes  An increase in manifold pressure
flooded, the condition is most likely caused that occurs when the throttle
by valve is opened
 A decrease in manifold pressure that
 The accelerating pump shaft being
occurs when the throttle valve is
 A leaking needle valve and seat
assembly 67 under which of the following conditions
 A clogged back-suction line will the trimming of a turbine engine be most

 No wind and low moisture

64 what should be checked/changed to
 High moisture and low wind
ensure the validity of a turbine engine
 High wind and high moisture
performance check if an alternate fuel is to
be used? 68 the economizer system in a float-type
 EPR gauge calibration
 Fuel specific gravity setting  keeps the fuel/air ratio constant
 Maximum RPM adjustment  functions only at cruise and idle
65 the desired engine idle speed and
 increase the fuel/air ratio at high
mixture setting
power settings
 Is adjusted with the engine
69 one of the things a metering orifice in a
warmed up and operating
main air bleed helps to accomplish (at a
 Should give minimum RPM with
given altitude) in a carburetor is
maximum manifold pressure
 Is usually adjusted in the following  pressure in the float chamber to
sequence; speed first, then mixture increase as airflow through the
carburetor increases
66 which of the following causes a single
 better fuel vaporization and
diaphragm accelerator pump to discharge
control of fuel discharge,
especially at lower engine speeds
 An increase in venturi suction when  a progressively richer mixture as
the throttle valve is open airflow through the carburetor
70 if an aircraft engine is equipped with a  Lean at high altitudes
carburetor that is not compensated for  Rich at high speeds
altitude and temperature variations, the
75 on a float-type carburetor, the purpose of
fuel/air mixture will become
the economizer valve is to
 richer as the altitude increases and
 Provide extra fuel for sudden
leaner as the temperature increases
acceleration of the engine
 leaner as either the altitude or
 Maintain the leanest mixture
temperature increases
possible during cruising best power
 richer as either the altitude or
 Provide a richer mixture and
temperature increases
cooling at maximum power output
71 which of the following is NOT an input
parameter for a turbine engine fuel control
unit? 76 on an engine equipped with a pressure-
type carburetor, fuel supply in the idling
 Compressor inlet pressure
range is ensured by inclusion in the
 Compressor inlet temperature
carburetor of
 Ambient humidity
 An idle metering jet that bypasses
72 a mixture ratio 11:1 normally refers to
the carburetor in the idle range
 A stoichiometric mixture  A separate boost venturi that is
 1 part air to 11 parts fuel sensitive to the reduced airflow at
 1 part fuel to 11 parts air start and idle speeds
 A spring in the unmetered fuel
73 detonation occurs when the fuel/air
chamber to supplement the action
of normal metering forces
 Is too rich
77 in a supervisory EEC system, any fault in
 Ignites before the time of normal
the ECC that adversely affects engine
 Burns too fast
 Causes redundant or backup units to
74 an aircraft carburetor is equipped with a
take over the continue normal
mixture control in order to prevent the
mixture from becoming too

 Rich at high altitudes

 Causes an immediate reversion to  The carburetor air heater valve in
control by the hydromechanical the HOT position
fuel control unit  Incomplete fuel vaporization
 Usually degrades performance to  The use of too high an octane rating
the extent that continued operation fuel
can cause damage to the engine
82 a reciprocating engine automatic mixture
78 the metered fuel pressure (chamber C) control responds to changes in air density
in an injection-type carburetor caused by changes in

 Is held constant throughout the  Altitude or temperature

entire engine operating range  Altitude only
 Varies according to the position of  Altitude or humidity
the poppet valve
83 reciprocating engine power will be
 Will be approximately equal to the
decreased at all altitudes if the
pressure in chamber A (impact
pressure)  Air density is increased
 Manifold pressure is increased
79 to determine the float level in a float-type
 Humidity is increased
carburetor, a measurement is usually made
from the top of the fuel in the float chamber 84 the function of the altitude compensating,
to the or aneroid valve used with the Teledyne-
continental fuel injection system on many
 Centerline of the main discharge
turbocharged engines is to
 Top of the float  Provide a means of enriching the
 Parting surface of the carburetor mixture during sudden acceleration
 Prevent detonation at high altitudes
80 which of the following is NOT a function
 Prevent an overly rich mixture
of the carburetor venturi?
during sudden acceleration
 Limits the airflow at full throttle
85 is fuel is found running from the
 Regulates the idle system
carburetor with the engine not running, the
 Proportions the fuel/air mixture
likely cause is that the
81 under which of the following conditions
 Main air bleed is clogged
would an engine run lean even though there
 Float level is adjusted too low
is a normal amount of fuel present?
 Float needle valve is not seated  The float chamber will be vented
properly to a negative pressure area
 The fuel passages to the main and
86 what are the positions of the
idle jets will be closed by a valve
pressurization valve and the dump valve in
a jet engine fuel system when the engine is 89 select the statement which is correct
shut down? relating to a fuel level check of a float-type
 Pressurization valve closed,
dump valve open  Use 5 pounds fuel pressure for the
 Pressurization valve open, dump test if the carburetor is to be used in
valve open a gravity fuel feed system
 pressurization valve closed, dump  Block off the main and idle jets to
valve closed prevent a continuous flow of fuel
through the jets
 Do not measure the level at the
87 an electronic engine control (EEC) is a edge of the float chamber
system that receives engine operating
90 a nine-cylinder radial engine, using a
information and
multiple-point priming system with a central
 adjusts a standard spider, will prime which cylinders?
hydromechanical fuel control unit
 One, three, five, and seven
to obtain the most effective
 All cylinders
engine operation
 One, two, three, eight and nine
 develops the commands to various
actuators to control engine 91the density of air is very important when
parameters mixing fuel and air to obtain a correct fuel-
 controls engine operation according to-air ratio. Which of the following weighs
to ambient temperature, pressure, the most?
and humidity
 100 parts of dry air
88 what occurs when a back-suction type  50 parts of dry air and 50 parts of
mixture control is placed in IDLE CUTOFF? water vapor
 75 parts of dry air and 25 parts of
 The fuel passage to the idle jet will
water vapor
be closed by a valve
92 the purpose of the back-suction mixture  Turn all accessory bleed air on
control in a float-type carburetor is to adjust  Turn all accessory bleed air off
the mixture by
96 what effect does high atmospheric
 Regulating the pressure on the humidity have on the operation of a jet
fuel in the float chamber engine?
 Regulating the pressure drop at the
 Decreases engine pressure ratio
 Decreases compressor and turbine
 Regulating the suction on the
mixture from behind the throttle
 Has little or no effect
97 the throttle valve of float-type carburetors
93 a major difference between the
is located
Teledyne-Continental and RSA (Precision
Airmotive or Bendix) continuous flow fuel  After the main discharge nozzle and
injection systems in fuel metering is that the ahead of the venturi
 Between the venturi and the
 RSA system uses air pressure only
as a metering force
 Ahead of the venturi and the main
 Continental system uses fuel
discharge nozzle
pressure only as a metering force
 Continental system utilizes airflow as 98 how will the mixture of an engine be
a metering force affected if the bellows of the automatic
mixture control (AMC) in a pressure
94 fuel is discharged for idling speeds on a
carburetor ruptures while the engine if
float-type carburetor
operating at altitude?
 From the idle discharge nozzle
 No change will occur until the
 In the venturi
altitude changes
 Through the idle discharge air bleed
 It will become richer
95 generally, the practice when trimming an  It will become leaner
engine is to

 Make adjustments (as necessary)

for all engines on the same aircraft
with accessory bleed air settings the 1
same --- either on or off
1. A fuel pressure relief valve is 2. A fuel heater operates as a heat
required on an aircraft positive- exchanger to warm the fuel
displacement fuel pump
Regarding the above statements
2. A fuel pressure relief valve is
required on an aircraft centrifugal
fuel boost pump
 Only no. 2 is true
Regarding the above statements  Both no. 1 and no. 2 are true
 Only no.1 is true

5 what should be used to remove flux from

 Only no. 2 is true
an aluminum tank after welded repairs?
 Only no. 1 is true
 Both no. 1 and no. 2 are true  Mild solution of soap and warm
2 why are centrifugal-type boost pumps
 Soft brush and warm water
used in fuel systems of aircraft operating at
 5 percent of solution of nitric or
high altitude?
sulfuric acid
 To supply fuel under pressure to
6 as a general rule, which statement is true
engine-driven pumps
regarding fuel leaks?
 To permit cooling air to circulate
around the motor  Stains, seeps, and heavy seeps
 Because they are positive (in addition to running leaks) are
displacement pumps considered flight hazards when
located in unvented areas of the
3 to prevent vapor lock in fuel lines at high
altitude, some aircraft are equipped with
 Stains, seeps, and heavy seeps are
 Direct-injection type carburetors not flight hazards
 Vapor separators  All fuel leaks regardless of location
 Booster pumps or severity are considered a hazard
to flight
7 in an electronic-type fuel quantity
1. Gas-turbine fuel systems are very
indicating system, the tank sensing unit is a
susceptible to the formation of ice in
the fuel filters  Variable resistor
 Variable inductor
 Capacitor 12 the use of turbine fuels in aircraft has
resulted in some problems not normally
8 which of the following is employed to
associated with aviation gasoline. One of
maintain lateral stability when jettisoning
these problem is
 Higher vapor pressure
 Crossfeed system
 Microbial contaminants
 Two separate independently
 Increasingly viscosity of fuel as fuel
temperature lowers at altitude
 Two interconnected systems
13 integral fuel tanks on transport aircraft
9 the vapor pressure of aviation gasoline is
 Approximately 20 PSI at 100
 Easily removed for service or
degrees Fahrenheit
 Higher than the vapor pressure
 Supported by the aircraft
automotive gasoline
 Lower than the vapor pressure of
 Constructed of plastic or fiberglass
automotive gasoline
14 why are jet fuel more susceptible to
10 which aircraft fuel quantity indicating
water contamination than aviation gasoline?
system incorporates a signal amplifier?
 Condensation is greater because of
 Electronic
the higher volatility of jet fuels
 Electrical
 Jet fuel is lighter than gasoline,
 Sight glass
therefore, water is more easily
11 according to part 23, what minimum suspended
required markings must be placed at or near  Jet fuel has a higher viscosity
each appropriate fuel filler cover for than gasoline
reciprocating engine-powered airplanes?
15 an aircraft’s integral fuel tank is
 The word ‘fuel’ and usable fuel
 A self-sealing tank
 A part of the aircraft structure
 The word ‘Avgas’ and the
 Usually located in the bottom of the
minimum fuel grade
 The word ‘Avgas’ and the total fuel
16 which procedures must be followed fuel to an engine from more than one tank
when defueling aircraft with sweptback at a time?
 The tank airspaces must be
 Defuel all the tanks at one time interconnected
 Defuel the outboard wing tanks  The fuel outlet ports of each tank
first must have the same cross-sectional
 Defuel the inboard wing tanks first area
 Each tank must have a valve in its
17 which of the following precautions is
outlet that automatically shuts off the
most important during refueling operations?
line when the tank is empty
 Fuel to be used must be
21 what is the purpose of a float-operated
appropriately identified
transmitter installed in a fuel tank?
 All outside electrical sources must
be disconnected from the aircraft  It sends an electric signal to the
 All electrical switches must be OFF fuel quantity indicator
position  In sense the dielectric qualities of
fuel and air in the tank
18 the purpose of the baffle plate in a fuel
 It senses the total amount of fuel
tank is to
 Provide internal structural integrity
22 when installing a rigid fuel line, ½ inch in
 Resist fuel surging within the fuel
diameter, at what intervals should the line
be supported?
 Provide an expansion space for the
fuel  16 inches
 12 inches
19 which of the following may be used for
 24 inches
the repair of fuel leaks on most integral fuel
tanks? 23 fuel-boost pumps are operated

 Welding and resealing  To provide a positive flow of fuel

 Brazing and resealing to the engine
 Riveting and resealing  Primarily for fuel transfer
 Automatically from fuel pressure
20 what precautions must be observed if a
gravity-feed system is permitted to supply
24 what method would be used to check for 27 which statement concerning an
internal leakage of a fuel valve without electronic capacitance-type fuel quantity
removing the valve from the aircraft? indicating system is true?

 Place the valve in OFF position,  It utilizes a variable capacitor to

drain the strainer bowl and with indicate the fuel tank capacity
the boost pump on, watch to see  It has two tubes separated by an
if fuel flows to the strainer bowl electronic field in the tank
 Remove fuel cap/s, turn boost  It has no moving parts in the tank
pump/s on, and watch for bubbling in
28 when defueling an aircraft, which of the
the tanks
following must be accomplished?
 Apply regulated air pressure on the
downstream side of the fuel pump  Always defuel outside the hangar
and listen for air passing through the  Defuel outside the hangar when
valve possible
 Defuel inside the hangar when fire
25 when inspecting a removable rigid fuel
suppression is available
tank for leaks, what procedure should be
followed? 29 entrained water in aviation turbine fuel is
a hazard because of its susceptibility to
 Pressurize the tank with air and
freezing as it passes through the filters.
brush with soapy water
What are common methods of preventing
 Fill the tank with water and
this hazard?
pressurize with air and brush with
soapy water  Anti-icing fuel additives and fuel
 Pressurize the tank with air and heater
submerge in water to locate leaks  High-velocity fuel pumps and fuel
26 which of the following would give the first
 Micromesh fuel strainers and fuel
positive indication that a change-over from
one fuel tank to another is needed?
30 a fuel jettison system is required under
 Fuel pressure warning
certain conditions if the maximum takeoff
 Fuel quantity indicator
weight exceeds the maximum landing
 Fuel pressure gauge
weight. What regulations cover the
requirements of fuel jettisoning?
 Federal aviation regulation part  The amount of fuel in the tank
23, 25, and CAM 4b  System leakage with the system
 Federal aviation regulation part 21, shutdown
43, and CAM 8  Fuel pump diaphragm leakage
 federal aviation regulation part 43
35 where is fuel pressure taken for the
and 91
pressure warning signal on most aircraft
31 what markings must be placed on or engines?
near each appropriate fuel filler cover on
 Between the fuel pump and strainer
standard category aircraft?
 Fuel pressure line of the
 The word ‘Avgas’ and the minimum carburetor
fuel grade or designation for the  Outlet side of the boost pump
engines, and the usable fuel tank
36 how many engine drive fuel pumps per
engine are required for engines requiring
 The word ‘Avgas’ and the
fuel pumps?
minimum fuel grade
 The word ‘Avgas’ and the minimum  Two engines can share one fuel
fuel grade, and the total fuel tank pump
capacity  One fuel pump for each engine
 Two fuel pumps for each engine
32 a fuel system must be designed to
prevent fuel-vapor ignition cause by 37 what unit is generally used to actuate the
fuel pressure warning system?
 Over-heating
 Back-fire  Fuel flowmeter
 Lighting  Pressure-sensitive mechanism
 Fuel pressure gauge
33 what is one purpose of a fuel tank vent?
38 some turbine powered aircraft have been
 To decrease fuel vapor pressure
a fuel temperature indicator located in the
 To maintain atmospheric pressure
cockpit to
 To decrease tank internal air
pressure  Ascertain the amount of fuel
onboard the aircraft when ice starts
to form in the fuel tanks
34 a drip gauge may be used to measure
 Monitor the fuel temperature 42 normal fuel crossfeed system operation
during high altitude flight in multi engine aircraft
 Monitor the fuel flow in the event that
 Reduces contamination and/or fire
ice crystals form in the fuel system
hazards during fueling or defueling
39 operations
 Provides a means to maintain a
1. The fuel jettison valve must be
balanced fuel load condition
designed to allow flight personnel to
 Calls for jettisoning of fuel overboard
close the valve during any part of the
to correct lateral instability
jettisoning operation
2. During the fuel jettisoning operation, 43 one advantage of electrical and
the fuel must discharge clear of any electronic fuel quantity indicating systems is
part of the airplane that

Regarding the above statements  The indicators are calibrated in

gallons; therefore, no conversion is
 Only no. 2 is true
 Both no. 1 and no. 2 are true
 Only one transmitter and one
 Neither no. 1 nor no. 2 is true
indicator are needed regardless of
40 what is the primary purpose of the the number of tanks
crossfeed system?  Several fuel tank levels can be

 It divides the fuel and sends it to the read on one indicator

injectors 44 one advantage of electrical and

 It bypasses the engine shutoff valve electronic fuel quantity indicating systems is
if it fails that the indicator
 It allows any tank to supply fuel to
 Has no movable devices
any engine
 Can be located a distance from
41 the presence of fuel stains around a fuel the tank/s
nozzle would indicate  Always measures volume instead of

 Clogged fuel nozzle mass

 Too much fuel pressure

 Excessive airflow across the venturi
another tank is prevented by the installation
45 what are the four general types of fuel
quantity gauges?  A fuel pressure warning signal
1. Sight glass
 A fuel pressure relief valve
2. Mechanical
 An engine pump bypass valve
3. Electrical
4. Electronic 48 What type of remote-reading fuel
5. Bourbon tube quantity indicating system has several
6. Vane-type transmitter probes installed in each fuel tank?
7. Litmus indicator
 Electromechanical
8. Direct-reading static pressure type
 Electronic
 Direct reading

 2,3,5,7 49 Many fuel tanks incorporate what type of

 1,2,3,4 valves to prevent fuel from flowing away
 1,3,6,8 from the boost pump or tank outlet when the
aircraft is in a high ‘G’ maneuver?
46 An electrical-type fuel quantity indicating
system consists of an indicator in the  Dump
cockpit and a float  Check

 In the tank that operates with  Flapper

alternating current and uses 50 A transducer in a fuel pressure system

constant resistance in a circuit to serves what function?
drive a radiometer-type indicator
 Converts fluid pressure directly
 Attached to a road that moves up or
through a transmitter to the
down in a calibrated cylinder
 In the tank that moves a
 Transmits electrical signal
connecting arm to the wiper on a
proportional to the fluid pressure
variable resistor in the tank
 Transmits an electrical signal to the
47 In some aircraft with several fuel tanks, transmitter for fluid pressure
the possible danger of allowing the fuel
51 A probe or a series of probes is used in
supply in one tank to become exhausted
what find of fuel quantity indicating system?
before the selector valve is switched to
 Selsyn 56 Why are integral fuel tanks used in many
 Capacitor large aircraft?
 Synchro
 To reduce weight
52 (1) If aviation gasoline vaporizes to  To reduce fire hazards
readily, fuel lines may become filled with  To facilitate servicing
vapor and cause increased fuel flow
57 What type of fuel-booster pump requires
(2) A measure of a gasoline’s tendency to a pressure relief valve?
vapor is obtained from the Reid vapor
 Sliding vane
pressure test
 Concentric
Regarding the above statements,  Centrifugal

 Neither no.1 nor no.2 is true 58 (1) The function of a fuel heater is to
 Both no.1 and no.2 are true protect the engine fuel system from ice
 Only no.2 is true formation

53 What should be used to inert an integral (2) An aircraft fuel heater cannot be used to
fuel tank before attempting repairs? thaw ice in the fuel screen

 Steam Regarding the statements above,

 Water
 Both no.1 and no.2 are true
 (CO)2
 Only no.1 is true
54 The probe of a capacitance-type fuel  Only no.2 is true
level gauge is essentially a
59 What flight safety-related advantage
 Capacitor with fuel and air acting does a pressure fueling system provide?
as a dielectric
 Reduces the time required for
 Capacitor with fuel and air acting as
one plate
 Reduces the chances for fuel
 Float-actuated variable capacitor
55 Flapper valves are used in fuel tanks to  Keeps the aircraft within weight and
balance limitations
 Act as check valves
 Prevent negative pressure 60 (1) On a large aircraft pressure refueling
 Reduce pressure system, a pressure refueling receptacle and
control panel will permit one person to fuel  By gravity flow into the outboard
or defuel any or all fuel tanks of an aircraft wing tanks and overboard through a
common outlet in each wing
(2) Because of the fuel tank area, there are
 Through a common manifold and
more advantages to a pressure fueling
outlet in each wing
system in light aircraft
64 A digital fuel totalizer automatically
Regarding the above statements,
indicates the amount of fuel used, fuel
 Only no.1 is true remaining, current rate of consumption, and
 Only no.2 is true fuel
 Both no.1 and no.2 are true
 Remaining ate the 45-minute IFR
61 If a bladder-type fuel tank is to be left fuel reserve
empty for an extended period of time, the  Weight, aboard at takeoff
inside of the tank should be coated with a  Remaining, flight time at the current
film of power setting

 Ethylene glycol 65 Fuel jettisoning past the limits prescribed

 Linseed oil by Federal Aviation Regulations is usually
 Engine oil prevented by

62 (1) A fuel heater can use engine bleed air  Closely monitoring the fuel quantity
as a source of heat and turning off the fuel dump

(2) A fuel heater can use engine lubricating switch/es

oil as a source of heat  Standpipes in the fuel tanks

 Dump limit valves or a low-level
Regarding the above statements,
 Neither no.1 nor no.2 is true
66 What is the dielectric (nonconducting
 Both no.1 and no.2 are true
material) in a capacitance-type fuel quantity
 Only no.1 is true indicating system?
63 Fuel jettisoning is usually accomplished
 Fuel in the tank
 Through individual outlets for each  Outer shell of the capacitor
tank  Fuel and air in the tank
67 When inspecting a fuel system, you  One inch
should check all valves located downstream  Two inches
of boost pumps with the pumps
71 What can be done to eliminate or
 At idle minimize the microbial growth problem in an
 Dormant aircraft jet fuel tank?
 Operating
 Add CO(2) as a purgative
68 A fuel pressure warning switch contacts  Use anti-icing and antibacterial
close and warning light is turned on when additives
 Keep the fuel tank topped off
 A measured quantity of fuel has
passed through it 72 The electronic-type fuel quantity
 The fuel flow stops indicating system consists of a bridge
 The fuel pressure drops below circuit,
specified limits
 A tank, an amplifier, and an indicator
69 When an aircraft is fueled from a truck or  An amplifier, an indicator, and a
fuel farm that has not been contaminated, tank unit
daily draining  A tank unit, a tank, and an amplifier

 Is only required if the fuel truck or 73 Fuel is moved overboard in most fuel
farm has not been in continuous jettison system by
 Gravity and engine-driven
 Of strainers and sumps is
 Boost pumps
combined with periodic filter
 Gravity
changes and inspection to ensure
fuel is contaminant free 74 Microbial growth is produced by various
 Is not required because fuel trucks forms of microorganisms that live and
and fuel farms may make use of multiply in the water interfaces of jet fuels.
laser contaminant identification Which of the following could result if
technology microbial growth exists in a fuel jet tank and
is corrected?
70 What is the minimum distance allowed
between a fuel tank and the fire wall 1 Interference with fuel flow
separating the engine?
2 Interference with fuel quantity indicators
 One-half inch
3 Engine seizure  Neither no.1 nor no.2 is true
 Both no.1 and no.2 are true
4 Electrolytic corrosive action in a metal
 Only no.2 is true
78 When fuel quantity is measured in
5 Lower grade rating of the fuel
pounds instead of gallons, the
6 Electrolytic corrosive action in a rubber measurement will be more accurate
tank because fuel volume

 1,5,6,  Varies with temperature change

 2,3,5  Varies with changes in atmospheric
 1,2,4 pressure

75 Which of the following would be most  Increases when temperature

useful to locate and troubleshoot an internal decreases
fuel leak in an aircraft fuel system? 79 What is one disadvantage of using

 Maintenance manual diagrams aromatic aviation fuels?

and descriptions  Deteriorates rubber parts

 Structural repair manual  A fuel intercooler is required
 Orthographic projection  Results in low fuel volatility
troubleshooting tree
80 If it is necessary to enter an aircraft’s fuel
76 Fuel heaters are used with fuel systems tank, which procedure should be avoided?
for turbine engines to prevent what kind of
impurities in the fuel from clogging system  Station an assistant outside the fuel

filters? tank access to perform rescue

operations if required
 Ice crystals
 Conduct the defueling and tank
 Contamination purging operations in an air-
 Moisture conditioned building

77 (1) A fuel pressure gauge is a differential  Continue purging the tank during the
pressure indicator entire work period

(2) A fuel pressure gauge indicates the 81 What is the purpose of flapper-type
pressure of the fuel entering the carburetor check valves in integral fuel tanks?

Regarding the statements above,

 To allow the engine-driven pumps to  Observing the pressure gauge
draw fuel directly from the tank if the and operating the selector valves
boost pump fails  Performing a fuel flow check
 To prevent fuel from flowing away  Visual inspection for evidence of wet
from the boost pumps spots and stains, and feeling for
 To allow defueling of the tanks by unusually warm components
85 A capacitance-type fuel quantity
82 Select one means of controlling the fuel indicating system measures fuel in
temperature on turbine-powered aircraft
 Gallons
 Engine bleed air to the fuel filter  Pounds per hour
 Engine bleed air to the fuel tank  Pounds
 Engine bleed air to a heat
86 What is the maximum vapor pressure
allowable for an aircraft fuel?
83 A typical large transport aircraft fuel
 3 PSI
manifold system allows how many of the
 5 PSI
 7 PSI
1 All tanks can be serviced through a single
87 A fuel totalizer is a component which
indicates the
2 Any engine can be fed from any tank
 Total amount of fuel being consumed
3 All engines can be fed from all tanks by all engines
simultaneously  Amount of fuel in any given tank

4 A damaged tank can be isolated from the  Amount of fuel in all tanks

rest of the fuel system 88 How is the outlet fuel pressure regulated

 1 and 2 on a submerged, single-speed, centrifugal

 1,2 and 3 type fuel pump?

 1,2,3 and 4  By the engine-driven pump’s design

84 The location of leaks and defects within and internal clearance

the internal portions of the fuel system can  By the pump’s design and internal

usually be determined by clearances

 By the first check valve downstream  Carbon monoxide
from the pump
93 Why is the capacitance fluid quantity
89 Why is the main strainer located at the indicating system more accurate in
lowest point in the fuel system? measuring fuel level than a mechanical
 It filters and traps all micro-
organisms that may be present in  It measures in gallons and converts
the fuel system to pounds
 It is near the fuel tank heater to help  Only one probe and one indicator
prevent vapor in the lock system are necessary for multiple tank
 It traps any small amount of water configurations
that may be present in the fuel  It measures by weight instead of
system volume

90 Aircraft pressure fueling systems 94 Before fueling an aircraft by using the

instructional procedures are normally pressure fueling method, what important
placarded on the precaution should be observed?

 Aircraft ground connection point  The truck pump pressure must be

 Lower wing surface adjacent to the correct for that refueling system
access door  The truck pump pressure must be
 Fuel control panel access door adjusted for minimum filter pressure
 The aircraft’s electrical system must
91 Why is it necessary to vent all aircraft
be on to indicate quantity gauge
fuel tanks?
 To ensure a positive head pressure
95 Fuel system components must be
for a submerged boost pump
bonded and grounded in order to
 To exhaust fuel vapors
 To limit the pressure differential  Drain off static charges
between the tank and atmosphere  Prevent any stray currents
 Retard galvanic corrosion
92 Which gas is used for purging an aircraft
fuel tank? 96 The type of fuel-boost pump that
separates air and vapor from the fuel before
 Helium or argon
it enters the line to the carburetor is the
 Carbon dioxide
 Sliding vane-type pump  The manufacturer’s maintenance
 Gear-type pump manuals
 Centrifugal-type pump  A set of Federal Aviation Regulations
 AC 43.13-1B, Acceptable methods,
97 The primary purpose of the fuel tank
Techniques, and Practices- Aircraft
sump is to provide a
Inspection and Repair
 Way to shut off fuel flow or to route
101 How many antiknock characteristics of
the fuel to a desired location
a fuel be improved?
 Way to manually operate valves on a
fuel tank to isolate or direct fuel to a  By adding a knock enhancer
pump  By adding a knock inhibitor
 Place for contaminants and water  By adding a fungicide agent
to settle, with a drain valve to
102 Fuel baffles are installed in tanks to
remove the impurities
prevent what issue caused by changes in
98 What is used in many aircraft to prevent the attitude of the aircraft?
bubbles in the fuel after it laves the tank
 Surging
when atmospheric pressure is lower than
 Vapors
fuel vapor pressure?
 Starvation
 Anti-foaming additives
103 When moving the mixture control on a
 Air-fuel separators
normally operating engine into the idle cutoff
 Boost pumps
position, engine RPM should
99 What is the recommended practice for
 Remain the same until the cutoff is
cleaning a fuel tank before welding?
affected, then drop rapidly
 Flush the inside of the tank with  Slightly decrease and then drop
clean water rapidly
 Steam clean the tank interior  Slightly increase before the
 Purge the tank with air engine starts to die

100 Which of the following is necessary to 104 The primary purpose of an aircraft’s fuel
effectively troubleshoot a fuel pressure jettison system is to quickly achieve a
warning system?
 Reduced fire hazard
 Balanced fuel load
 Lower landing weight  Have at least one bend between
such fittings
105 How many vents, arranged so that they
are not likely become plugged at the same 109 The purpose of a diaphragm in a van-
time, must be used in multi engine fuel type fuel pump is to
 Equalize fuel pressure at all speeds
 Two  Vary fuel pressure according to
 Four throttle setting
 Six  Compensate fuel pressure to
altitude changes
106 What method is used on turbine-
powered aircraft to determine when the 110 How does temperature affect fuel
condition of the fuel is approaching the weight?
danger of forming ice crystals?
 Cold fuel is heavier per gallon
 Fuel pressure warning  Warm fuel is heavier per gallon
 Fuel pressure gauge  Temperature has no effect
 Fuel temperature indicator
111 Pressure fueling of aircraft is usually
107 A transmitter in a fuel pressure warning accomplished through
system serves what function?
 At least one single point
 Converts fluid pressure to an connection
electrical signal  Individual fuel tank overwing and/or
 Transmits fluid pressure directly to fuselage access points
the indicator  Pressure connections on individual
 Transmits an electrical signal to fluid fuel tanks
112 What must each fuel quantity indicator
108 When routing a fuel line between two be calibrated to read during level flight when
rigidly mounted fittings the line should the quantity of fuel remaining is equal to the
unusable fuel supply?
 Have a flexible line added between
two metal lines to allow for ease of  Both the total unusable fuel quantity
installation and the unusable fuel quantity in
 Be straight length of tubing and each tank
clamped to the aircraft structure  The total unusable fuel quantity
 Zero

113 What unit would be adjusted to change

the fuel pressure warning limits?

 Fuel pressure relief valve

 Pressure-sensitive mechanism
 Fuel flowmeter bypass valve

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