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Exam Ref AI-900 Microsoft
Azure AI Fundamentals
Julian Sharp
Exam Ref AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals
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Microsoft certifications
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I’d like to thank the following people without whom this book would not
have been possible.
Thank you to Loretta and Charvi for your patience and encouragement
with this project. To the various editors for your correcting my errors. To
Francesco for the quality of the review and your helpful suggestions. To
Andrew Bettany for originally recommending me for this book and also for
involving me in your Cloud Ready Graduate program, where I learned how
to refine the content and the messaging around AI Fundamentals for a wider
audience, making this a much better book as a result.
About the author
JULIAN SHARP is a solutions architect, trainer, and Microsoft Business
Applications MVP with over 30 years of experience in IT. He completed his
MA in Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. Julian has spoken at
Microsoft Ignite and many other community events. For the past 15 years, he
has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer delivering certification training
around Dynamics 365, Azure, and the Power Platform. He has taught
thousands of students with a high pass rate. Julian has a passion for Artificial
Intelligence to enhance user experience and customer data in the solutions
that he designs.
Microsoft certifications
Microsoft certifications distinguish you by proving your command of a broad
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Cognitive Services A set of prebuilt services that you can easily use
in your applications.
Azure Bot Service A service to help create and deploy chatbots and
intelligence agents.
Azure Machine Learning A broad range of tools and services that
allow you to create your own custom AI.
Web Apps
HD Insights
Data Factory
Cosmos DB
Azure Functions
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Example ML architecture
To explain how Azure services support Azure Machine Learning, consider
the scenario of a company that wants to provide recommendations to its
users. By providing personalized targeted recommendations, users will more
likely purchase more of their products and user satisfaction will increase.
Figure 1-1 shows an example of an ML architecture to support
For each model type, you will need to understand the following:
Image processing
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
QnA Maker A tool to build a bot using existing support and other
Azure Bot Service Tools to build, test, deploy, and manage bots.
Both QnA Maker and the Azure Bot Service leverage the Language
Understanding (LUIS) service in Cognitive Services.
We will look at bots in more detail in Chapter 5.
You will be asked in the exam to pick the correct AI workload from
an example given, or to identify an example for a specified AI
workload. You should make sure you understand the use cases for
each workload.
Prediction, or forecasting, is where the computer identifies patterns in your
historical data, and through machine learning associates the patterns with
outcomes. You can then use the prediction model to predict the outcome for
new data.
Types of predictions include the following:
Anomaly detection
Anomaly detection analyzes data over time and identifies unusual changes,
often for real-time data streams.
Anomaly detection, also known as outlier detection, can find dips and
spikes that may indicate a potential issue. Such issues are hard to spot when
analyzing aggregate data, as the data points are hidden in the vast volume of
Anomaly detection can identify trend changes. Typically, the anomaly
will indicate problems such as a sticking valve, payment fraud, a change in
the level vibration on a bearing, or errors in text.
Anomaly detection enables pre-emptive action to be taken before a
problem becomes critical or adversely affects business operations.
There are several algorithms that can be used for anomaly detection. The
Azure Anomaly Detector service selects the best algorithm based on the
data, making Anomaly Detector easy to use with a single API call. Anomaly
Detector can also run in a Docker container, so it can be deployed at the
edge on devices themselves.
Following are some examples of the use of anomaly detection:
Computer vision
Computer vision is the processing of still images and video streams.
Computer vision can interpret the image and provide detail and
understanding about the image in computer-readable form.
Computer vision can determine if the image contains a specific object
(object detection) and can extract details from the image, such as colors or
Computer vision can:
Describe an image
Categorize an image
Tag an image
Detect objects
Detect faces
Identify brands and products
Identify famous people
Identify landmarks
Extract text
Reading text and barcodes Reading and identifying text and barcodes
every day is not an easy job for a human.
Product assembly Manufacturers can ensure that assembly of products
and components are strictly adhering to standards. For example,
pharmaceutical manufacturers can inspect bottles in 360 degrees to
ensure correct packaging. They can examine critical features of
packaged bottles like cap seal, position, and labels.
Monitoring the length of the queue in retail stores Retailers can
determine if more checkout staff are required.
Detecting abnormalities in health scans Computer vision can sift the
scans, freeing up scarce highly skilled diagnostic staff to analyze the
more complex scanned images.
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the analysis of text to extract
information in a form that can be used by a computer.
Natural Language Processing interprets spoken and written text. NLP can
analyze the text to determine the language used, determine the sentiment
expressed, extract key phrases, and identify key entities and actions.
NLP can be used in many scenarios, such as the following:
Knowledge mining
Knowledge mining is the process of extracting key insights from structured
and unstructured data sources.
Knowledge mining uses a combination of AI services, including Azure
Cognitive Search, to extract meaning and relationships from large amounts of
information. This information can be held in structured and unstructured data
sources, documents, and databases. Knowledge mining uncovers hidden
insights in your data.
Microsoft provides a Knowledge Mining Solution Accelerator to help
you ingest different data and document source, enrich, and index the data, and
provides a user interface to explore the results.
Conversational AI
Conversational AI is the process of building AI agents to take part in
conversations with humans. Conversational AI is commonly experienced by
humans as chatbots on websites and other systems.
AI agents (bots) engage in conversations (dialogs) with human users.
Bots use natural language processing to make sense of human input, identify
the actions the human wants to perform, and identify the entity on which the
actions are to be performed. Bots can prompt the human for the information
required to complete a transaction.
There are three common types of bot that you may encounter:
Telephone voice menus (IVR)
Personal Digital Assistants
Make sure you can describe each principle of Responsible AI in a
single sentence.
Following are some examples where the Fairness principle can have a
significant impact:
Rigorous testing
Works as expected
Eliminates threat of harm to human life
Autonomous vehicles
Healthcare diagnosis
Respect privacy.
Be secure.
Avoid disclosing personal data.
Data origin Where has the data come from—is it user or public data?
Data use Validating that the data you are using has not been corrupted
or interfered with.
Empowering everyone
Engaging all communities in the world
Intentionally designing for the inclusivity principle
Governance framework
Ethical policies
Legal standards
Chapter summary
In this chapter, you learned some of the general concepts related to Artificial
Intelligence. You learned about the features of common AI workloads, and
you learned about the principles of Responsible AI. Here are the key
concepts from this chapter:
Thought experiment
In this thought experiment, demonstrate your skills and knowledge of the
topics covered in this chapter. You can find the answers in the section that
You work for Contoso Medical Group (CMG), and your management is
interested in using AI in your applications and operations. CMG manages
and monitors drug trials, evaluating the efficacy of the treatments.
The CMG IT department is resource-constrained, and they do not have
data scientists or skilled AI developers available.
Having timely and accurate responses from patients improves the
accuracy of the analysis performed. CMG has created an app to capture and
track a patient’s daily symptoms. CMG has recently added the capability of
the app to take pictures to capture skin conditions. CMG is unable to analyze
the images due to the volume of images being captured. CMG is concerned
about the amount of data storage for these images, as well as controlling
access to the images.
CMG receives a lot of patient history and prescription records that are
keyed into CMG’s computer systems. These paper records are important
information used to track a patient’s response to drugs and treatments.
The support department is unable to handle the many inquiries CMG
receives. Customers are receiving inconsistent responses depending on
whom they speak to and how they are accessing customer support, whether
by phone, web, or mobile app.
Your manager has come to you asking for solutions that address these
issues. Whatever solution you offer must consider that the medical data in
this application is covered under HIPAA, and your manager wants CMG to
retain all control of the data. Your manager also wants to carefully control
You have decided that CMG can use AI, but there are several issues that
you need to resolve before proceeding.
Answer the following questions:
1. Which AI workload should you use for the customer support
2. Which principle of Responsible AI should you employ to gain the trust
of users in your bot?
3. Which AI workload should you use to analyze the images for skin
4. How can you address the storage requirements for the images?
5. Which principle of Responsible AI protects a patient’s personal
6. Which AI workload could identify adverse reactions to a drug
7. Which principle of Responsible AI requires rigorous testing of your AI-
based app?
My Dearest Father,
Having just heard that the mail is detained I will not miss telling
you that I am well. I wrote yesterday to Jack, but in such a hurry
that I had not even time to read my letter over, and fear he will have
much difficulty in reading and making sense of my letter, as I was
obliged to write standing on an old broken chest at Malcato, and am
now using the same description of table, though with the luxury of
an old broken chair. It is impossible to give you an adequate idea of
the misery in every village into which the enemy have entered, as
they have destroyed everything that they could not carry away, and
in my present habitation a considerable part of the floor has been
torn up, and the windows, doors, and furniture burnt, except my old
chair and chest, which appear to have placed the flames at defiance.
Hunger and famine surround us in all directions among the unhappy
peasantry, and our charity to some few has now completely
exhausted our means. Money is of little use where nothing is to be
bought. All our forage for our horses, for the last two days, consists
in what we can cut in the fields, which even have not escaped the
rapacity of the enemy.
Marmont has retreated across the Agueda, and is I believe in full
march to Salamanca. We have communicated with both Almeida and
Ciudad Rodrigo. I do not myself think that Ld. Wn. can pursue them
much farther as the country is a desert, and our supplies very
distant, owing to his rapid and long march of 200 miles since the
14th inst. As far as Castello Branco we had most wretched weather,
but latterly it has been fine, though cold.
Thus has ended Marshal Marmont’s grand diversion with his whole
Army. He advanced to Castello Branco, Covilhao, and Fundão,
plundered the already often plundered places between them and the
Frontier, and drove away some cattle. He blockaded Ciudad Rodrigo,
and threatened Almeida, but was warmly received on a
reconnaissance he made there, and never made any further attempt.
His army has suffered dreadfully from want. The prisoners and
deserters describe it as equal to when they retired from the Lines,
and the few cattle he could catch in this mountainous country could
afford him a very scanty and precarious supply. The moment we
crossed the Tagus he fell back, the Division on his left upon Peña
Maior and Sabugal, and we were in hopes for a day or two that he
would wait for us, but that soon vanished, for as we advanced he fell
back, and finally across the Agueda without waiting even to see our
advance guard. Had Badajos held out some time longer this
diversion might have been of some consequence, as Ciudad Rodrigo
would have been much distressed for provisions, and Almeida not in
the safest state of defence. As it is, all he has got has been his
trouble for his pains, great sufferings to his army, and a hasty retreat
before an army but very little superior in numbers to his own.
Lord Wn.’s rapid movement appears to have astonished him a
good deal, and hitherto the Army has suffered no privations. Those
we do are owing to the ignorance and obstinate indolence of the
Portuguese Commissariat. I am perfectly ignorant of Ld. Wn.’s
intentions, but should not imagine we should advance much further
for the present. To-morrow we move to Fuente Guinaldo, 4 leagues.
We were to have gone there to-day, but the enemy was still with
their advances too near for Hd. Qrs., or rather were supposed to be,
for it appears they retired last night.
Our approaches at Badajos have been filled up and levelled and
the breaches put in some temporary state of defence. We have
therefore nothing to fear from that quarter, as Soult is fully occupied
in keeping Andalusia. Had Badajos not fallen, and that he had
persevered in advancing, he would have got a famous licking, as we
should have been equal at least to him, leaving 10,000 men to carry
on the siege. But Ballasteros’ advance to Seville embarrassed him
very much, and a defeat would be ruinous to him, or Marmont, who
to the great disappointment of our army seems determined not to
risk it.
I am perfectly well, though we have all had a good deal of fatigue
and knocking about in this wretched Beira. I fear our horses will
suffer most, which annoys me more than anything, and a person
must be more hardened than I am to warfare to be either very
happy, or in good spirits, surrounded as we are by scenes of misery
and distress beyond what we can give our happy countrymen in
England an idea of. I do not think it by any means improbable that
we shall return to the Alemtejo, and that the active scenes of this
Campaign, which is far from being over, will be in Spanish
Estremadura. But this is mere conjecture. The present object is to
revictual Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida, and place them in a
respectable state of defence. I hear very well of the Spanish garrison
of the former.
All our wounded at Badajos are, I understand, doing extremely
well. This change of weather from great heat to cool and rain has
been quite providential and saved many lives.
The Marshall, Hardinge, Arbuthnot, etc., are quite well. Hardinge
got a shot through his coat at the assault, and as usual behaved
with great zeal and courage. Sewell is, poor fellow, ill again and
must return to England. I fear much that his is a bad case. Yrs., etc.,
Wm. Warre.
Ld. Wn.’s Hd. Qrs. are at Alfaiates to-day, as badly off as we are.
To-morrow he will be at Fuente Guinaldo.
P.S.—I have written on two half sheets for the best reason in the
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