2nd 4-5
2nd 4-5
2nd 4-5
distributed to respondents, and all 100 were successfully retrieved and deemed suitable for the
study, resulting in a 100% response rate. The data were analyzed using tables, simple
proportion of females (62%) compared to males. This indicates that female respondents are more
participants are between the ages of 16 and 20, while 38% are aged 21 to 25. As a result, these
age groups are well-positioned to offer relevant insights for the study.
majority agreeing that they are from mass communication (40%). This implies that mass
notable 37% being final-year students in their 400 level. This shows thar a higher participation
rate among finalists who are likely to be well-informed about the issue under investigation.
Table 5 reveal that a combined percentage of the respondents (70%) involved in the study
regularly use tiktok. This shows that students of Uniben use Tiktok very often and often in a
Table 6: On average, how much time do you spend on TikTok per day
Table 6 shows that a higher percentage of the respondents affirmed that they spend an average
of 6hr (42%) per day, followed closely by 1hr (25%) and 3 hrs per day (18%). This implies that
TikTok is a major part of daily life for the respondents, with a majority spending between 6 to
Table 7 posits that a greater portion of the respondents (55%) dedicate only 1 hour a day
to studying. On the other hand, a significant percentage (34%) spends 3 hours on their studies,
indicating a more moderate commitment. The data indicates that most respondents do not spend
extensive amounts of time on their studies, with 1 to 3 hours being the most common duration.
Table 8 shows more than half of the respondents (51%) prefer entertainment content,
indicating that this is the primary reason they use the platform. Also, 24 respondents (24%)
agreed that they engage with lifestyle content, which includes topics related to daily living,
fashion, health, and well-being. This implies that there is a clear preference for entertainment
and lifestyle content among the respondents, which reflects a trend in media consumption
where entertainment often takes precedence over more serious or educational content.
Table 9 reveals that a vast majority of the respondents (86%) actively follow TikTok trends
and challenges. This indicates a strong engagement with popular content on the platform.
A combined 70% of respondents (38% strongly agree and 32% agree) in table 10, believe
that TikTok usage negatively affects their concentration during study sessions. This implies that
majority of the respondents feel that TikTok interferes with their ability to concentrate during
study sessions. This further reflects the potential impact of social media on academic
Table 11: Have you ever procrastinated on academic tasks due to spending time on TikTok?
Data presented in table 10 shows that every single respondent (100%) acknowledged that
they have procrastinated previously on academic tasks because of TikTok. The data clearly
shows that TikTok is a major contributor to procrastination among the respondents. This is due
to the platform's engaging and time-consuming nature, which makes it difficult for users to
Table 12 maintains that a significant majority (55%) of the respondents believe that TikTok has a
negative influence on their academic productivity. This aligns with previous data on procrastination
and concentration issues, highlighting TikTok as a major distraction for many students.
Table 13: I have made new friends and connections through TikTok
Table 13 reveals that all the respondent (100%) affirmed that they have made new friends and
connections through TikTok. This implies that TikTok is highly effective in helping users build new
friendships and connections. This might be due to the platform's interactive features, such as
comments, direct messaging, and trends that encourage collaboration and communication among
Table 14: Do you find yourself discussing TikTok trends or content with your peers in social
Table 14 shows that all the respondents (100%) engage in discussions about TikTok content with
their peers. This indicates that TikTok trends and content have become a staple in everyday
conversations among the respondents, serving as a bonding tool and a way to stay socially relevant.
Table 15: TikTok has influenced how i communicate and interact with others online
TikTok has influenced their online communication and interaction. This shows that there is a
Table 16: There are psychological, cultural and social meaning attached to different activities
on Tiktok
Table 16 posits that a majority of the respondents (53%) perceive TikTok as more than just a
social media platform for entertainment. They recognize that the content on TikTok often reflects
cultural, social, and psychological narratives, whether through trends, challenges, or other
Table 17: Between Tiktok and Academic Work, which do you find pleasure doing more?
compared to engaging in academic work. This indicates that for many students, TikTok provides
a more enjoyable and perhaps more engaging experience than their academic responsibilities.
Research question one: What is the frequency of TikTok usage among undergraduate
Table 5, 6 and 7 answered the above question on the frequency of TikTok usage among
undergraduate students. Findings from the data presented and analyzed shows that there is a
high frequency of TikTok usage among Uniben students. A majority of the respondents spend
an average amounts of 6 hours per day on the TikTok. This extensive time commitment to
TikTok indicates that students dedicate a considerable portion of their day to the platform.
Also, the findings show that a majority of the respondents agreed that they dedicate a relatively
short amount of time to studying each day. They also agreed that they prefer entertainment
over educational content on TikTok. This preference further explain the limited time students
are dedicating to their studies. Futhermore, the findings indicate that students follow specific
TikTok trends or challenges. This shows that there is a strong engagement with the platform's
popular culture. The data points to a significant preference for entertainment and social
interaction over academics, with students spending substantial time on TikTok while dedicating
The findings are further shown in table 5, where 70% of respondents agreed that they use
TikTok very ofte" and often in a typical week. Table 6 indicates that a majority of students
agreed that they spend significant amounts of time on TikTok, with 42% spending around 6
hours per day on the platform. Also, a combined 58% of respondents affirmed that they spend
between 1 to 6 hours daily, with some even reaching up to 12 hours. Table 7 posits that a
greater portion of the respondents (55%) dedicate only 1 hour a day to studying. On the other
hand, a significant percentage (34%) spends 3 hours on their studies. The remaining 11 (11%)
resppndents affirmed that it is 6 hours per day. In addition, Table 8 shows that than a larger
percentage of the respondents (51%) prefer entertainment content, indicating that this is the
primary reason they use the platform. Also, 24 respondents (24%) agreed that they engage with
lifestyle content, 10 (10%) says that it is motivation, while the remaining 4 (4%) says that it is
news. Finally, table 9 reveals that a majority of the respondents (86%) actively follow TikTok
trends and challenges, while the remaining 14 (14%) disagreed to the statement.
The findings align with McCathy (2013) study which indicated that nearly all college students
are active users of social media platforms, primarily for socializing with friends. It also agreed
with Samphina (2020) where it was contended that ktok being used as a tool for advocacy,
creativity and skill development. The platform's format encourages users to showcase their
Research Question two: What is the perceived impact of TikTok on academic performance and
The findings from Tables 10, 11, 12 and 17 provides a deeper understanding of how TikTok
usage impacts the academic performance and productivity of students at the University of Benin
(UNIBEN). The data reveals that there is a consensus among the respondents that TikTok
interferes with concentration in academic activities. This shows that TikTok's engaging nature
makes it difficult for students to focus on their studies, leading to diminished academic
performance. Also, the finding points that TikTok usage leads to procrastination. The platform's
ability to captivate users for extended periods of time, contributes to delayed academic work,
which can result in increased stress and lower academic outcomes. In addition, a majority of the
respondents agreed that TikTok has a negative influence on their academic productivity. The fact
that the respondents see TikTok as detrimental to their academic performance aligns with the
previous findings on concentration and procrastination issues. This shows that TikTok's impact
extends beyond mere distraction, as it affects students' ability to complete academic tasks
effectively and efficiently. Finally, the respondents agreed that they find Tiktok as a more
The findings are shown in the table, where Table 10 indicates that a combined 70% of
respondents (38% strongly agreed and 32% agreed) affirmed that TikTok usage negatively
affects their concentration during study sessions. Table 11 shows that an alarming 100% of
Futhermore, Table 12 shows that a majority of the respondents (55%) believe that TikTok has a
negative influence on their academic productivity, while only 7% view its influence as positive.
Additionally, 22% are neutral, and the rest are either unsure or undecided.an contribute to
sustainable business growth. Table 17 reveals that 63% of respondents find more pleasure in
using TikTok compared to academic work, while 37% says it's academic activiyies.
The findings are in agreement with the postulations of Modish (2021) which maintains that
TikTok's addictive nature poses risks to users' mental well-being and productivity. The
platform's infinite scroll feature and algorithmic content suggestions are designed to keep users
engaged for extended periods, potentially leading to excessive screen time and sleep
disturbances. This compulsive use can interfere with daily responsibilities, academic
performance, and mental health, contributing to symptoms of digital addiction and dependency.
The findings also agree with Akoh (2011) which revealed that the negative impacts of social
media use among students were significant, including distractions from academic studies,
Research Question Three: What are the changes in social interactions and communication
The survey results presented in Tables 13 to 17 provide data on the impact of TikTok on
undergraduate students' social interactions, communication, and priorities. The findings show
that Uniben students agreed that they have made new friends and connections through Tiktok.
This shows that TikTok is highly effective in creating new relationships, due to its interactive
features such as comments, direct messaging, and trends that promote user collaboration and
engagement. Also, the findings indicate that the respondents discuss trends and challenges with
their peers. This shows that TikTok content has become an important topic of conversation
among undergraduates, further reflecting its role in shaping social interactions and trends within
the respondents' social circles. The respondents also believe that TikTok has influenced their
online communication and interactions. They agreed that the platform is more than just an
entertainment platform; they recognize it as a medium that reflects cultural and psychological
The findings are shown in the tables, where table 13 indicated that all the respondents (100%)
agreed that they have made new friends and connections through TikTok. Table 14 shows that
all the respondents (100%) affirmed that discuss TikTok trends or content with their peers.
Futhermore, table 15 reveals that 61% of respondents (28% strongly agreed and 33% agreed)
believe TikTok has influenced their online communication and interactions. Table 16 shows that
53% of respondents (32% strongly agreed and 21% agreed) acknowledge that TikTok carries
psychological, cultural, and social meanings, 26% remained neutral on the issue, 18% disagreed
The findings align with $project (2020) which indicated that TikTok serves as a powerful driver
of social norms and cultural shifts. Its algorithm-driven content delivery system amplifies trends
5.0 Introduction
This chapter provides the summary of major findings, necessary conclusions based on the
findings and necessary recommendations of this study which was designed to access the
design was employed and the questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection.
5.1 Summary
This chapter centers on the study's objective to explore the influence of TikTok on behavioral
change among undergraduate students. The survey research design was employed, with 100
questionnaires distributed to respondents for data collection. The findings from the distributed
II. The respondents (70%) agreed that Tiktok distracts them from academic activities.
This may be as a result of the trends or challenges that they follow on Tiktok.
III. Hundred Percent (100%) of the respondents have made new friends and connections
through TikTok
IV. .TikTok is effective in helping the users build relationships (100%) due to its
interactive features.
V. All the respondents (100%) engage in discussions about TikTok trends with peers
VI. TikTok content has become a prevalent topic of conversation, reflecting its influence
on social interactions.
VII. Tiktok has influenced how Uniben students (61%) communicate and interact
VIII. The respondents agreed that TikTok is more than just an entertainment platform
and they also agreed (53%) that there are cultural, social, and psychological meanings
IX. TikTok is seen as more enjoyable and engaging among the respondents
Conclusively, it can be deduced that Tiktok has several effects on the academic
performance of students. This is based on the findings which have indicated that TikTok has a
major influence on the social lives, communication patterns, and even academic priorities of
students. The study has revealed that the platform is not only a space for entertainment but also a
social tool that promotes connections, stimulates conversations, and impacts digital behavior.
That aside, TikTok's content as revealed by the findings of the study has shown that it reflects
cultural and psychological meanings, making it more than just a recreational platform. Based on
the aforementioned, it can be concluded that Tiktok has a negative influence on students
academic performance. Their preference for TikTok over academic work raises concerns about
I. Students, should be encouraged to balance their time between TikTok and academic
II. Content creators and educators should use TikTok’s popularity to produce
educational content that can engage students and complement their academic
III. Parents and educators should monitor and guide students’ TikTok usage, ensuring
that it does not adversely affect their academic performance and overall well-being.
IV. Schools and educational institutions could consider integrating social media literacy
into the curriculum, helping students critically engage with platforms like TikTok