Imaam Ubaidullaah Mubaarakpooree said in explanation of the hadeeth of Sahl bin Sa’ad,
“This hadeeth does not mention the position of the hands however according to us it is the
chest, just as there are a number of strong and clear ahadeeth about this. From which one is the
hadeeth of Wail ibn Hujr, he says he prayed behind the Messenger of Allaah and he placed his
right hand on his left upon his chest. This narration is transmitted by Ibn Khuzaimah in his
Saheeh and Haafidh Ibn Hajr has mentioned it in Buloogh al-Maraam, Diraayah, Talkhees al-
Habeer and Fath ul-Baaree. Imaam Nawawee has mentioned in his book Kitaab al-Khulaasah,
Sharh Muhazzab and Sharh Saheeh Muslim. The Shaafiyyah have used this as evidence for
placing the hands on the chest. Haafidh Ibn Hajr and Imaam Nawawee have used this hadeeth
as evidence and did not say anything about its chain, hence this according to them is Saheeh or
Hasan and worthy to be utilized as evidence.” (Mi’rah al-Mafaateeh)
Abu Hibbaan & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari
© Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
We present the introduction in the words of the Shaikh, the Imaam al-Allaamah Muhammad
Ismaa’eel (d.1246H) the author of Taqwiyyatul-Eemaan. The hanafees claim he was a hanafee
so we have mentioned some of his statements in rebuking of them and at the same time
elucidating the problem why the muqallideen especially the hanafee’s have so much rigid
bigotry and partisanship and the problems associated with it. he says,
“Chapter Exaggeration in Taqleed and Ta’assub (bigotry). People have exaggerated a lot in
the taqleed of one particular individual and have made rigid bigotry obligatory upon
themselves to the extent that they have prohibited an individual from performing ijtihaad and
from doing taqleed of other Imaams. And this is that non-curable illness which destroyed the
shee’ahs and these people (ie the muqallideen) have also reached the realms of destruction
but the only difference is that the shee’ahs have reached a greater level of destruction. They
(the shee’ahs) started to find texts to back up the statements of their Imaams and these
people (ie the muqallideen) have also adopted this way and begun to figurative explain well
known narrations that opposed the statements of their Imaams. However they should have
weighed and presented the statements of their Imaams to these narrations and texts and if
they (the statements) coincided with the text they should have accepted them or otherwise
rejected them.” (Tanweer ul-Aynain Fee Ithbaat Raful-Yadain (pg.44-45)
He further said, “And I am amazed when I see a person has the ability to return to a clear and
conclusive hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (Saalalahu Alayhee Was-Sallam) which
opposes the statement of his Imaam and yet they still hold doing taqleed permissible and I
wonder how is this permissible. So if he does not leave the statement of his Imaam in such a
situation then he has with him Shirk Fir-Risaalah (Association partners in the Messengership
of the Prophet.).” then the Shaikh goes onto mention the hadeeth of Adiyy bin Haatim in
Jaami at-Tirmidhee in regards to the verse of Allaah, “They have taken their monks and
rabbis Lords besides Allaah.” (Soorah at-Taubah).
He goes onto say further, “So we find from this hadeeth that if a person comes to know the
evidences from the Book and the Sunnah and he still adheres to the statement of a specific
Imaam and begins to figurative explain these evidences, then such a person has traits of
Christianity in him and there is the danger that he may have taken some aspects of Shirk in
him. And there is extreme amazement on such a nation, who instead of fearing such taqleed
they declare those who abandon this taqleed to be great oppressors. Then how well does the
following verse fit such people, “How shall I fear those whom you associate and yet you
do not fear that you have associated partners with Allaah for which Allaah has not
revealed any evidence, so which of the two are upon the truth, if only but you knew.”
So think and be just and do not be from those people who have doubts and we seek refuge in
Allaah from being amongst those who have bigotry. (Tanweer ul-Aynain Fee Ithbaat Raful-
Yadain (pg.49-51).
Shaikh Abdul Hayy Lucknowee Hanafee said, "A group of the Hanafee's are engrossed in
extreme partisanship and bigotry adhering strongly to the books of fataawa (verdicts) and
when these people come across an authentic hadeeth or a clear athar which is contrary to
their madhab then they say, "If this hadeeth was authentic then the Imaam would have
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
definitely issued verdicts according to it and not contrary to this, then it is the ignorance of
these people." (al-Naaf'e al-Kabeer (pg.145)
Throughout their books the hanafee’s use ahadeeth from the Musannaf of Imaam Abee
Shaybah when they feel obliged to do so but look at some of bigotry of these people against
this very same book of Musannaf.
So Asbaq bin Khaleel said, “It is more beloved to me that a head of a Pig is put in my books
then I have (to read) Musannaf Ibn Abee Shaybah.” (refer to Siyar A’lam an-Nabula
(13/288.290), Leesaan ul-Meezaan (1/458), Nafh at-Tayyib (3/273), Tarteeb al-Madarak
(3/143-144), Tadhkirratul-Huffaadh (2/630)
Similarly Imaam Shaatibee said from the fourth harm of taqleed is that the muqallid holds the
statement and opinion of his Imaam to be the Sharee’ah and he does not even consider
listening to the opinion of another mujtahid but rather he hurls abuse, disparaging statements
and criticisms at the other.” (al-Ei’tisaam (2/348).
And lastly Shaikh Anwar Shah Kashmiree Hanafee Deobandee mentioned a statement which
puts the hanafee’s and the other muqallideen and their traits in pure perspective, he says, “I
have witnessed these people and they formulate defective and erroneous principles, so what
else can be wished for after this. So when one of them finds a weak hadeeth according to his
madhab he formulates the rule or principle that due to numerous routes (of this weak
hadeeth) the blame of weakness is lifted or removed. Similarly when they find an authentic
hadeeth contradicting their madhab they immediately formulate the rule and principle that the
hadeeth is Shaadh (ie weak due to opposing something more authentic that it.” (Faidh al-
Baaree (2/348)
So recently a reply was authored in answering the works of Imaam al-Albaanee on the issue
of the hands upon the chest. The reply was based upon ignorance and wrenched with
ta’assub and tahazzub of the hanafee madhab, neither was the reply correct from any of the
chapters of mastalah nor was there any correct knowledge concerning the narrators. The
statements of the Imaams of Jarh Wat-Ta’deel and Hadeeth were missed deliberately and not
mentioned and the one’s that were mentioned were done so by being misused and misapplied
based upon the deceptive and treacherous traits the mu’tassub hanafee’s possess. This satanic
talbees and tadlees adopted by this hanafee was exposed and it was once again shown how
the hanafee’s envy and hate Imaam al-Mujaddid al-Muhaddith Muhammad Naasir ud deen al-
Albaanee, Salafiyyeen and the authentic Sunnah.
Yet again and again we see Ahlul-Bid’ah express their hate and enmity for Imaam al-Albaanee
and it does not halt neither stop from them and they make it their goal in life to refute this
one man. So they raise doubts about his ilm, his teachers, his ilm of rijaal and hadeeth and
many more, all of which are futile and baseless.
So it started with the likes of the enemy of Islaam, Zaahid al-Kawtharee al-Hanafee and
Imaam al-Albaanee wiped the floor with him, then came the arch enemy of the Sunnah
Abdul Fattah Abu Guddah Hanafee and Imaam al-Albaanee obliterated him, then came the
Ghumaaree clan who were also refuted back to maghrib. Entered Hasan Saqqaf the youthful
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
one who was shown his worth and all of these diseased and worthless ones were refuted by
the Imaam.
Then came the mu’tassub hanafee rabid animals from India and Pakistan full of hatred and
blackened faces and hearts, from the likes of Habeeb ur-Rehmaan A’dhamee whilst sitting in
India who after being refuted and shamed for his lying and distorting the ahadeeth of the
Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Was-Sallam) by the Salafi Scholars of Hindh, he ran
to Abu Guddah. So the hanafees of Hindh then started in the onslaught against this one Man,
the Mujaddid, the Mujaahid, the Muhaddith al-Asr wal-Zamaah, al-Allaamah al-Aalim ar-
Rabbaanee ash-Shaikh ul-Islaam Abu Abdur-Rahmaan Muhammad Naasir ud deen al-
Albaanee. Allaahu Akbar they came and came but this one slave of Allaah did not stop in
defending the Sunnah and clarifying the truth. He stood firm and faced the trial and
tribulations upon him. We make du’a to Allaah Jallo wa A’la that he grants Imaam al-
Albaanee Jannatul-Firdaus. Ameen Ya Rabbil-A’lameen
So this is the Sixth treatise in regards to this issue of answering the hanafees and their
brethren on various issues. All of which are either published in normal book form (B) or
available online (O).
This treatise at hand is a summary of a much larger comprehensive work on this issue and
insha’Allah more is to follow on this issue as well as upon others. For further info or to
receive a copy of the online version books email or
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
The reply of this hanafee was sent to us via email. And the text was part of a post on forum
and it is as mentioned below.
Assalaamu alaikum,
Dear Brothers,
A fellow Salafee brother posted the following to me. Someone sent him a radd on Shaykh al-
Albaanee's Sifatus-Salaah section on the evidences on placing the hands on the chest. I don't
have the resources or time to refute these claims, but i would be interested as would other
brothesr to see how the following claims can be refuted Insha'Allaah:
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
"I saw `Ali (radi-Allaahu `anhu) holding his left arm with his right on the
wrist, above the navel"
This isnaad is a candidate for the rank of hasan; Baihaqi (1/301) firmly
designated it to be hasan, and Bukhaari (1/301) designated it with
certainty while giving it in an abridged, ta`leeq form.
i) al-Albani himself declared this narration to be da'eef in his editing of Sunan Abi Dawud!!
Published as: Da'eef Sunan Abu Dawud (no. 158)!! A nice example of contradiction on his
ii) The version in al-Bayhaqi's Sunan comes via a different sanad, it is a longer version which
this and didn't mention it!! I have the original Sunan al-Bayhaqi right here with me.....
iii) Bukhari's version is ta'liq as Albani said - and again: IT DOESN'T HAVE THE
Imaam Muhammad Naasir ud deen al-Albaanee does bring this hadeeth in his Da’eef
Sunan Abee Dawood (no.757 pg.62, Maktabah al-Ma’arif, 2nd 1421) and says it is weak.
However he says as cited above in Irwaa (no.353) that it is worthy of being Hasan due
to a number of reasons, some of which he mentions and other he left out.
Even a small student of hadeeth knows that when a ruling is made on a narration it is
done so due to the chain of the narration more importantly, but the text of the
narration is also looked at. So according to the chain the narration is weak but
according to the text the narration maybe Hasan or Saheeh as will be shown.
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
The hanafee attempts to show what he thinks in his ignorant mind a contradiction of
Imaam al-Albaanee when he grades this hadeeth weak in one place and in another
place he says it is worthy of being Hasan. Then as mentioned before this is the field
of the Scholars of hadeeth and Imaams of Rijaal and they are the ones who know it
Just as a similar example of such expertise that is required in this field, Imaam
Nasaa’ee on one hadeeth in his Sunan says, The Sanad for this hadeeth is Hasan,
however he (a narrator) is Munkar.” (Sunan Nasaa’ee Ma’a Ta’aleeqaat as-Salafiyyah
(1/246) and on the contrary to this Imaam Suyootee in his book of fabricated
narrations says about one narration, “This hadeeth is fabricated and its narrators are
trustworthy.” (al-Laalee al-Masnoo’ah (2/110)
So the saying of Allaamah al-Albaanee in Irwaa that it is a candidate for being Hasan
is correct from the science of hadeeth as this narration of Jareer Dhabbee does have
supporting narrations to consolidate its meaning in terms of the text As will be shown
later. So this is no way shows any contradictions in the words of Imaam al-Albaanee
as the claimant claimed and it also shows his lack of understanding of the words of
the science of hadeeth as will be explained.
What further shows that Imaam al-Albaanee held the chain to be weak in Irwaa also
as well as in Sunan Abee Dawood are his words, and being a Major scholar of hadeeth
he demonstrated this superbly. He says, “What further points to its weakness is that
contrary to it has been narrated on the authority of `Ali with a better isnaad…” the words
here Ba-Isnaad Khair minhu (with a better isnaad than it), this means there is another
hadeeth with a better isnaad, it in no way means a Hasan isnaad. So Imaam al-
Albaanee did not say Hasan or Saheeh Isnaad rather he chose the word ‘Better’
isnaad. This in the science of hadeeth has a special meaning, and that is the narration
quoted may also be weak but its weakness is less than the other.
For example the Scholars of hadeeth say, “Aasah Shayin fil-Baab” It is the most
authentic in this chapter. This does not in any way mean the narration or hadeeth is
authentic, similarly this phrase is also used for weak narrations. Ie you have two weak
narrations but one narration is more weaker than the other. So the scholars of hadeeth
either mean both hadeeth are authentic, but is more authentic than the other or vice
versa that both hadeeth are weak but one is more weaker than the other. (See Kitaab
al-Adhkaar (pg.169) of Imaam Nawawee, Qawaa’id at-Tahdeeth (pg.82, 212) Lil-
Qaasimee, Jauhar an-Naqee Alal Sunan Baihaqee (3/286) of Turkamaanee
HANAFEE and Muqaddimah Tuhfatul-Ahwadhee (pg.197-198) of Imaam Abdur-
Rahmaan Mubaarakpooree.
So this explains the words of Imaam al-Albaanee. Secondly Imaam al-Albaanee says
the narration is a candidate of being hasan and he further elucidates this by saying
Imaam Baihaqee firmly designated it to be Hasan and that Imaam Bukhaari brought
it in ta’leeq form in his Saheeh.
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He further says,
“Yes there is the narration of Alee which indicates this, as reported by Abu Dawood in
his ‘Sunan’ from Jareer ad-Dhabbee who said, ‘I saw Alee grasping his left wrist with
his right hand above the navel.’
I say: this isnaad is saheeh or hasan, but it is the action of Alee and is not marfoo.
Also the clear meaning of his saying, ‘above the navel’ is a place raised from the navel,
i.e. upon the chest or near the chest, as occurs in the hadeeth of Wa’il bin Hujr and
the hadeeth of Halb at-Taa’ee and the mursal of Tawwoos, and these three ahaadeeth
will follow. And this interpretation is supported by his tafseer of His saying, "wanhar"
by placing the hands upon the chest in the prayer as has preceded. (see Tuhfatul-
Ahwadhee (2/79).
Imaam Abu Dawood after transmitting this narration remained silent. So this
narration is also authentic according to the standard of the hanafee’s as they say the
narration’s upon which Imaam Abu Dawood remains silent are either Saheeh or
Hasan. (see Fath ul-Qadeer (1/18, 440) of Ibn Humaam Hanafee.
He Ibn Humaam at another place says, “The remaining silent of Abu Dawood and al-
Mundhiree according to them is authentication of it.” (Fath ul-Qadeer (2/75).
Haafidh Imaam Ibn Hajr also authenticated this narration, he said, “Huwa Isnaadun
Hasanun (the chain is Hasan.)” (Tagleeq at-Ta’leeq (2/443) of Haafidh Ibn Hajr,
cited from ‘Nayl al-Maqsood Fee Ta’leeq A’la Sunan Abee Dawood’ (1/257),
(Manuscript form) of Shaikh Zubair Alee Za’ee.
This mawqoof narration of Alee is supported by what is also reported from him that
he said in the explanation of Fasallee Lee-Rabbika Wanhar (Soorah al-Kauthar) this
means, “To place the right hand upon the left, the middle part of the forearm, placing
the hands upon the chest.” (transmitted by Imaam Bukhaari in at-Taareekh al-Kabeer
(6437), Ibn Jareer in his Tafseer (11/325), Daarqutnee (1/285), Ibn Abee Shaybah
(1/290), Baihaqee (2/29, 30), Haakim (2/537), Tamheed (20/77), ad-Darr al-
Manthoor (8/650), Fath ul-Qadeer (5/49), Ibn Abee Haatim, Abush-Shaikh, Ibn
Mundhir, Ibn Mardawaih and others. The chain of this hadeeth is Hasan.
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So what is the weakness in this chain, due to which Imaam al-Albaanee said the
narration is weak and it could be as Imaam A’dheemabaadee said below.
Imaam Shams ul-Haqq A’dheemabaadee said, “The Isnaad contains Jareer Dhabbee,
it is said in Meezaan ul-Ei’tidaal (Of Imaam Dhahabee), Jareer Dhabbee from Alee
and he is not known (ie Jareer Dhabbee is majhool. (But) Said Haafidh (Ibn Hajr) in
Taqreeb, “Jareer Dhabbee the grandfather of Fudhail bin Ghazwaan, Maqbool
Minath-Thlaathah (accepted from the third level (ie tabaqah) of narrators).” (A’un al-
Ma’bood (2/324)
So Haafidh Ibn Hajr said, “Maqbool (accepted), from the third Tabaqah.” (Taqreeb
ut-Tahdheeb (no.926 pg.197).
And according to Imaam Haafidh Ibn Hajr the narrations of a narrator who is
Maqbool are accepted if there are supporting narrations that back up the wording of
his narration. (See Muqaddimah Taqreeb ut-Tahdheeb (pg.81, under the 6th
And as Imaam al-Albaanee goes on to say in Irwaa after citing this narration of Jareer
he brings supporting narration to prove the Sunnah is to place the hands n the chest
Further points
As for the Hasan issue, according to the hanafee’s any narration that is disputed ie
whether It is authentic or weak is Hasan. Maulana Muhammad Hasan Sunbhalee
Hanafee and Shaikh Dhahfar Ahmad Uthmaani Thanwee Hanafee Deobandee have
made a distinction between a ‘weak’ and ‘Mu’dha’af’ hadeeth. According to them a
mudha’af hadeeth is a type of weak hadeeth upon which all the people do not agree
upon its weakness and this even includes the text of the narration. (see Muqaddimah
Tanseeq an-Nidhaam (pg.49) and Qawaa’id Uloom al-Hadeeth).
Dhafar Ahmad Uthmaani Thanwee Hanafee further says, “If there is dispute
concerning a hadeeth, ie some scholars of hadeeth say it is authentic and some grade
it weak, then such a hadeeth is said to be HASAN.” (Qawaa’id Uloom al-Hadeeth
(pg.72), Allaamah Mundhiree also said the same (Targheeb (1/74).
He Dhafar Ahmad Hanafee also said, “The narrator there are differences upon is
hujjah ie constitutes evidence, however he is not hujjah like the narrators of the
saheeh (Authentic) hadeeth.” (Anhaa as-Sakan (pg.86) more famously known as
Qawaa’id Uloom al-Hadeeth.)
And before this he obliterates the claim of the hanafee who constructed this reply by
saying the narrator there are differences upon and he is alone in reporting the
narration then his hadeeth are of the level of Hasan. (Anhaa as-Sakan (pg.85).
Imaam al-Albaanee declared the isnaad of this narration weak as is established above
due to Jareer adh-Dhabbee being majhool (unknown), but according to the hanafee’s
a majhool narrator from the first three generations are accepted. (see Anhaa as-Sakan
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
(pg.51) and in his E’laa as-Sunan (3/161) of Dhafar Ahmad Uthmaani Thanwee
Hanafee Deobandee. So according to the hanafee standards this narration is
acceptable, so then why mention the weakening of it by Imaam al-Albaanee.
As for the words on the chest not being cited in the other two references, then this is
correct but the deductions drawn from the hanafee based on ignorance. As for the
Imaam Bukhaari bringing it in ta’leeq form then he done so to affirm the general
meaning. A hadeeth is considered to be the same as long as the general wording of
the hadeeth is similar and or if there is a slight alteration in the chain. Neither are
such narrations Shaadh as they do not contradict the other hadeeth. It is an
established principle in the principles of Fiqh that the affirmatory (action) takes
precedence, as is especially mentioned in the books of hanafee principles.
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Although this is mursal, it is enough as proof for all scholars, with all
their various opinions regarding the Mursal Hadeeth, since it is saheeh as
a mursal isnaad and has also been related as mawsool in many narrations;
hence, it is valid as proof for all. Some of the supporting narrations are
as follows:
This is not Sahih! The mursal narration from Tawus is no proof for Albani since on its own it
is da'eef, and as for him claiming it is strengthened by mawsool narrations - this is also batil!
They are all da'eef!
Anyway, the Abu Dawud narration is da'eef because it contains Sulayman ibn Musa in the
sanad who was weakned by al-Bukhari in his Ta'rikh al-Sagheer (1/305) where he said: "He
has strange Hadith's" and Tirmidhi reports his teacher: al-Bukhari saying in al-I'lal al-Kabir
that Sulayman reported Munkar narrations! Also, Nasai said that his Hadith's are not strong.
See Tahdhib al-Kamal (12/97) of al-Mizzi and the footnotes of Bashhar Awwad.
Secondly, al-Albani himself showed the weakness of Sulayman in his Irwa al-Ghaleel (2/154)!!
Imaam al-Albaanee said this narration is authentic in Saheeh Sunan Abee Dawood
(1/216 no.759). It is also referenced by Imaam Abu Dawood in Kitaab al-Maraaseel
(no.34 pg.138-139), Imaam Baihaqee in Ma’arifus-Sunan Wal-Athaar (2/340). Imaam
Abdur-Rahmaan Mubaarakpooree also authenticated it and said it is Hasan.
(Tuhfatul-Ahwadhee (2/81)
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
So the only problem in this chain is Suleimaan bin Moosaa. The scholars of Hadeeth
and the Imaams of Rijaal have made Tautheeq (authenticated) Suleimaan bin
Moosaa and saying he was weak is a great error in the science of hadeeth.
In his Saheeh Imaam Muslim has brought a narration of Suleimaan and uses it as
evidence. (Muqaddimah Saheeh Muslim (1/11)
We know the narrator which Imaam Muslim authenticates and uses as evidence is
trustworthy. Furthermore, there are many narrations of Suleimaan bin Moosaa in the
four books of Sunan and others. Imaam Daarqutnee said in his Kitaab al-Illal, “He is
from the trustworthy ones and A’taa bin Abee Rabah and Zuhree have praised him.”
(Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb (4/237 no.2710)
Imaam Ibn Sa’ad said, “He was trustworthy, Ibn Juraij (Abdul Maalik bin Abdul
Azeez bin Juraij d.150H) praised him and during the period of Hajj he would ask
A’taa the same questions.” (Tabaqaat Ibn Sa’ad (7/163) and the general books of
Imaam Yahyaa bin Ma’een said, “Suleimaan is trustworthy and his hadeeth are
authentic with me.” (Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb (4/237), see also ath-Thiqaat (6/380) of
Ibn Hibbaan and A’un al-Ma’bood (2/325)
Haafidh Ibn Adiyy said, “Suleimaan bin Moosaa, Jurist, narrator of hadeeth,
trustworthy people narrate from him, he was from one of the scholars of Shaam. He is
alone in reporting some hadeeth and no one other than him reports them. He is firm
and truthful.” (Khulaasah Tahdheeb (1/420), Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb (4/237), and
A’un al-Ma’bood (2/325). Firm (thabt) and truthful (sadooq) are words of great
Allaamah Haithamee said in Majma’a az-Zawaa’id all the narrators of the hadeeth
narrated by Suleimaan are trustworthy in numerous places, which therefore
necessitates Allaamah Haithamee declared Suleimaan absolutely trustworthy.
Similarly Haafidh Ibn Hajr in Fath ul-Baaree (10/8) said all the narrators of the
hadeeth narrated by Suleimaan are trustworthy. Haafidh Ibn Hajr has also said he
was truthful in Taqreeb at-Tahdheeb, and he became a little forgetful before his
Detailed Praise
Imaam Abu Haatim said, “He is truthful and in some of his hadeeth there is
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
Idhtiraab and I do not know anyone more firm and more of a jurist (faqeeh) narrator
than him from amongst the companions of Makhool.” (al-Jarh wa-Ta’deel of Ibn
Abee Haatim Tarjamah Suleimaan, Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb (4/237) and A’un al-
Ma’bood (2/325).
So Imaam Abu Haatim said he was firm, which are words of high praise. He also said
some of his hadeeth have idhtiraab, then there being some idhtiraab in his hadeeth is
not heavy criticism as the details of this are mentioned in the books Science of
Imaam Nasaa’ee said, “He was a jurist and not strong in hadeeth and his hadeeth
contain things.” (Kitaab adh-Dhu’afaa (pg.14) of Nasaa’ee and the general books of
Also note the double standards here and that is it s a well known fact that Imaam
Nasaa’ee said about Abu Haneefah something similar to what he said about
Suleimaan bin Moosaa. Imaam Nasaa’ee said about Abu Haneefah, 'Nu'maan ibn
Thaabit, Abu Haneefah, Laisa bil-Quwwee fil-Hadeeth, Koofee." (He is not strong in
hadeeth, the koofee." (Kitaab adh-Dhu'afaa Wal-Matrookeen (pg.305 no.586).
So if you hold the criticism on Suleimaan bin Moosaa to be valid and detailed (which
it is not) then you will also have hold the same for Abu Haneefah. So why is there this
clear contradiction in your and the principles of the Ahnaaf, I say it is the disease of
bigoted partisanship and following of desires.
Contrary to this the hanafee’s in general do not even accept the criticism’s of Imaam
Nasaa’ee for example Habeeb ur-Rehmaan al-A’dhamee Dobandee Hanafee writes
about Imaam Nasaa’ee, “Nasaa’ee has made him (ie Zubair bin Sa’eed) weak.
However firstly his criticism is vague and unclear and secondly he is quick (hasty)
and harsh, therefore his declaring him to be weak is not taken.” (A’laam al-Marfoo’a
b) If the criticism is accepted, then the same criticism on Abu Haneefah will have
to be accepted.
Imaam Bukhaaree said, “Ibn Juraij said, ‘Suleimaan is praised however, Abu
Abdullah (ie Imaam Bukhaaree) says his narrations are somewhat of the rejected
type.’” (Kitaab adh-Dhu’afa (pg.16) and also Taareekh as-Sagheer (pg.139) both of
Imaam Bukhaaree)
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
Ibn Juraij said, “Suleimaan would issue verdicts to resolve difficult issues and some of
his narrations would be rejected Ahadeeth.” (Taareekh Kabeer (4/38 no.399)
Then in answer there are some rejected narration’s of the great scholars of hadeeth
who are agreed upon narrators of the books of Saheeh. Then if this is the case then
such words of criticism are overlooked after praise of the narrator has been
established. Sometimes narration’s are called munkar (rejected) in which trustworthy
narrators are alone in reporting the ahaadeeth and we have mentioned previously that
this is not criticism.
For example a hadeeth narrated by Suleimaan that, “There is no wedlock without the
guardian.” Is also understood to be rejected with some people but one of the well
known and famous critics of hadeeth Imaam Ibn Ma’een said, “The only hadeeth that
are authentic in this issue are the hadeeth of Suleimaan bin Moosaa.” (Meezaan al-
Ei’tidaal (1/380)
This shows clearly the hadeeth that are considered to be rejected with some people
are authentic and reliable with others.
Haafidh Ibn Hajr said in Taqreeb at-Tahdheeb, “Truthful, a jurist in hadeeth, there is
a little softness in the ahadeeth narrated by him and he became forgetful before his
death.” (Taqreeb ut-Tahdheeb (1/331)
Numerous scholars of Jarh Wat-Ta’deel have not only made general criticisms on Abu
Haneefah but also detailed criticisms. The Hanafee’s answer this criticism and say
Abu Haneefah was a great jurist of his time and therefore the criticisms on him are
not sustainable. However no one has criticised Suleimaan in detail and ash-Sharaazee
said in ‘Tabaqaat al-Fuqaha’, “Suleimaan was the jurist of Shaam and a companion of
Makhool”, therefore how can general criticism on him be sustainable.
The summary of the discussion is that Suleimaan is totally trustworthy and reliable.
However because there are some minor statements on him being forgetful
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
Even the Hanafee scholar Ibn Turkamaanee did not say Suleimaan bin Moosaa was
weak, he said “Suleimaan is debatable and there are statements on him, he also used
to do a lot of idhtiraab in his hadeeth, as the author of al-Astadhkaar and Baihaqee
have mentioned.” (al-Jauhar an-Naqee Ma’a Sunan Baihaqee (9/296).
Secondly: the claim Imaam al-Albaanee showed the weakness of Suleimaan bin
Moosaa is a lie and one would say this if lying was his attribute. Imaam al-Albaanee
in Irwaa al-Ghaleel (2/154), after mentioning the hadeeth containing Suleimaan bin
Moosaa merely stated the words of Imaam Tirmidhee where he said, “Suleimaan is
alone in reporting this word.” And this has been answered above aswell as a slight
weakness concerning him.
Thirdly: As proven above this mursal narration is authentic and therefore is not in
need of any mawsool supporting narrations. This mursal narration on its own is
evidence for the Hanafee’s as according to their madhab mursal narrations constitute
evidence. (as stated by Sarkhasee Hanafee in Kitaab al-Usool (1/360), Noor al-
Anwaar (pg.150), Fath ul-Qadeer (1/239) of Ibn Humaam Hanafee, as well as by the
Haashim Sindhee Hanafee in his book Kashf ud deen (pg.17) and dear reader
remember this is the author whose book was used to construct this feeble reply.
Conclusion: This narration without doubt is Saheeh and supports the other narrations
and Suleimaan bin Moosaa although having slight non-detailed weakness, is on the
whole a trustworthy and reliable narrator according to the majority of the scholars of
hadeeth and the Imaams of Rijaal.
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
any of the other narrations to be disconnected. Hence the Saheeh mawsool mu’tassil
narrations support this mursal narration.
So your lies have been exposed yet again and your lack of knowledge in the science of
hadeeth and Ilm ul-Rijaal is obviously is not what it seems. Its all very well saying, “I
have Baihaqee here right with me..” yet these books are of to no avail to you. So next
time beware of moving and using your deceptive and treacherous tongue against
Imaam Mujaddid Muhammad Naasir ud deen al-Albaanee if you do not have
anything to back your ill claims. This again has proven to be an empty vessel making
too much noise in a vacuum.
From Waa'il ibn Hujr:
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
"That he saw the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) put his right
hand upon his left and placed them upon his chest."
The narration in Ibn Khuzaima is da'eef as al-Albani himself acknowledged in his follow up
editing of Sahih ibn Khuzayma with Dr Azami (al-Deobandi!!), due to the weakness of
Mu'ammal ibn Isma'il! But, Albani said that it is strengthened by other routes!! They don't
exist going back via a similar sanad with trustworthy narrators! Also, Mu'ammal narrates this
from Sufyan al-Thawri!
Imam Sufyan has only one known position on this isuue: He used to put his hands under the
navel - as Ibn Qudama mentioned in al-Mughni (see also the english notes to Sunan Abu
Dawud by Ahmed Hasan for this acknowledgement regarding Sufyans position, 1/194, fn.
So when a narrator opposes a narration that he allegedly transmitted with the wording "upon
his chest" with a contrary action in his own Salah (meaning Sufyan) - then we know for sure
the narration is certainly da'eef to him!!
As for the 2 "supporting" chains in Bahyaqi's Sunan (2/30) - i checked and again they are
totally da'eef, because one sanad also contains the weak narrator: Mu'ammal ibn Isma'il and
the other chain contains 2 da'eef narrators: Muhammad ibn Hujr (weakened by Bukhari and
Dhahabi) and the unknown (majhula) mother of one of the narrators!!
All of this was mentioned by the Imam of Jarh wa Ta'dil whose Sharh was printed as
footnotes to the Sunan al-Bayhaqi, and he is: Ibn al-Turkumani from the 8th century! Lastly,
another narrator in the sanad: Saeed ibn Abdal Jabbar - Ibn Hajar said he is da'eef in al-
Taqreeb, no. 2344
But Albani avoided mentioning these spectacular points which oppose him!! Subhanallah!
Tadlees ala'l Tadlees.
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
over all this narration of Wail ibn Hujr is supported by the narrations of Tawoos and
Qabeesah ibn Hulb from Hulb at-Taa’ee.
Imaam Muhammad Naasir ud deen al-Albaanee said in his checking of Saheeh Ibn
Khuzaimah, “The chain is weak due to Mu’ammal, who is ibn Ismaa’eel and he had
bad memory, however the hadeeth (Ie the words on the chest) is authentic on the
basis of other ahadeeth narrated via different routes which support this meaning of
upon the chest.” (Ta’leeq Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah (1/243).
This hadeeth has been transmitted in many books of hadeeth some of which are,
Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah (1/242-243 no.479), Baihaqee (2/30-31), Fath ul-Baaree
(2/262), Buloogh al-Maraam (no. 217), Talkhees al-Habeer, ad-Diraayah, Sharh
Saheeh Muslim, Hadeeth, Nasb ur-Raayah, Umdatul-Qaaree, Nayl, Murtadha
Zubaidee in his Aqoodul, Fairozabaadee in Safar, Tuhfatul-Muhtaaf, A’laam al-
Muwaqqi’een, Khulaasah and many more.
Ibn Sayyid an-Naas, Haafidh Ibn Hajr, Haafidh Ibn Qayyim, Imaam Shawkaanee,
Imaam Shams ul-Haqq A’dheemabaadee, Ibn Ameer al-Haaj, Shaikh Ainee Hanafee,
Ibn Najeem Hanafee and Imaam Muhammad Naasir ud deen al-Albaanee (ba-
Ei’tibaar Matanun)
and from the Shuyookh of Sindh who authenticated were, Abul-Hasan al-Kabeer
Sindhee, Shaikh Muhammad Hayyaat Sindhee, Haashim Sindhee, Muhammad
Qaim Sindhee, Abu Turaab Raashidullaah Shah Raashidee Sindhee, Ehsaanullaah
Shah Raashidee Sindhee, Imaam Badee ud deen Shah Raashidee as-Sindhee
and from the Shuyookh of Mubaarakpoor who authenticated it were, Imaam Abdur-
Rahmaan Mubaarakpooree, Shaikh Ubaidullaah Mubaarakpooree and Shaikh Safee
ur-Rehmaan Mubaarakpooree
refer to Nafkh (2/211), Tuhfatul-Ahwadhee (2/79), A’un al-Ma’bood (2/327), Fath ul-
Ghafoor (pg.48), Dirham us-Surrah, Darj ad-Daroor, Fauz al-Kiraam and others.
As mentioned Haafidh Ibn Hajr has transmitted this hadeeth in Fath ul-Baaree
(2/262) and in Talkhees al-Habeer (1/224) and remained silent upon it. Haafidh Ibn
Hajr set the condition that any hadeeth he remains silent upon in Fath ul-Baaree then
it is either Saheeh or Hasan. (Muqaddimah Fath ul-Baaree also known as Haadee us-
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
Saaree (pg.4), Imaam Suyootee has also mentioned this condition from Haafidh Ibn
Hajr in his al-Haawee.
Two Deobandee Hanafee scholars have also mentioned this condition of Haafidh Ibn
Hajr. Dhafar Ahmad Uthmaani Thanawee said, “Similarly, when Haafidh (Ibn Hajr)
remains silent on a hadeeth in Talkees then this is evidence for it being either Saheeh
or Hasan.” (Anhaa as-Sakan (pg.24).
Imaam Uthmaan ad-Daarimee also mentions from Imaam Ibn Ma’een who said, “He
is trustworthy and beloved to me.” (Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb (10/339-340 no.7350), (al-
Jarh (8/374).
Imaam Ibn Abee Haatim adds in al-Jarh, “Imaam Uthmaan ad-Daarimee said, “Ibn
Ma’een said to me, “what is the situation of Mu’ammal from Sufyaan.” I replied, “He
is trustworthy.” Then he Ibn Ma’een said, “HE is trustworthy.” Imaam Abu Haatim
said, “Truthful, strong on the Sunnah, errs excessively but write his ahadeeth.” (al-
Jarh Wat-Ta’deel (8/374 no.1709).
Imaam Ibn Hibbaan al-Bastee mentioned him in his book of trustworthy narrators
and added that he would sometimes makes mistakes. (see ath-Thiqaat (9/187),
Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb (10/340).
Based upon and abridged from the treatise, ‘Ithbaat ut-Ta’deel Fee Tahqeeq
Mu’ammal ibn Ismaa’eel’ (manuscript form) of Shaikh Zubair Alee Za’ee.
Another decisive evidence for the trustworthiness of Mu’ammal bin Ismaa’eel is one
that will put the ahnaaf to a double edged sword, insha’Allaah and that is, that in this
narration the one narrating from Mu’ammal is Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal. Mu’ammal
was a teacher of Imaam Ahmad (see Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb (10/339) and Imaam
Ahmad would only narrate from trustworthy (thiqah) narrators. The Hanafee
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NOW: the hanafee’s are left with two choices, either accept what their Imaam of
Deoband Dhafar Ahmad Thanwee said and hence accept this narration to be
authentic to at least being of the level of Hasan, or accept the position of Imaam al-
Albaanee that there is a little weakness in Mu’ammal (but the hadeeth is Saheeh). So
finally you had to accept the Imaam. This just shows how just and fair Imaam al-
Albaanee was, free from ta’assub and ta’hazzub.
The First Chain contains Mu’ammal bin Ismaa’eel again and the only main issue with
him is he errs excessively and makes many mistakes. In the science of hadeeth, the
narration of a narrator who errs excessively or makes mistakes is authentic when
supported by other narrations.
The Second Chain. Muhammad bin Hujr from Sa’eed bin Abdul-Jabbaar bin Wail
from his father (Abdul-Jabbar) from his mother from Wail (bin Hujr.)
This narration is weak without a doubt mainly due to Muhammad bin Hujr and
Sa’eed bin Abdul-Jabbaar. However Ibn Hajr did say Sa’eed bin Abdul-Jabbar was
weak in Taqreeb but in Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb he does not mention this. Haafidh
himself says, “I say Ibn Hibbaan mentioned him ath-Thiqaat…” (Tahdheeb ut-
Tahdheeb (4/48 no.2437). so Imaam Ibn Hibbaan mentions him in his book of
trustworthy narrators, see ath-Thiqaat (6/350).
Also both Haafidh Ibn Hajr and Imaam Dhahabee mention the criticism of Imaam
Nasaa’ee who said he is not strong. (Tahdheeb (4/48), Meezaan (3/215 no.3228),
however as explained previously this is not detailed criticism and the hanafee’s do not
accept this themselves. The criticism is from Imaam Bukhaari as he mentions in
Taareekh al-Kabeer (3/no.1651) and it is due to this criticism that renders Sa’eed bin
Abdul-Jabbaar weak.
As for Muhammad bin Hujr then he is also weak and Imaam Bukhaari is from
amongst those who criticized him. However he has also been praised from the likes of
Imaam Abu Haatim who said, “Ash-Shaikh.” So this narration also on the account of
Muhammad bin Hujr is weak.
As for Majhoolah, Umm Abdul-Jabbaar ie Umm Yahyaa then concerning her was
cited by the hanafee replier that Ibn al-Turkamaanee Hanafee said he does not know
of her. However this has been answered in the larger work compiled by us, but to
answer this in brief it should be known that Umm Yahyaa is either a female
companion or at least a female successor since her husband was Wail ibn Hujr the
famous companion. So Imaam Dhahabee said in Meezaan concerning the unknown
female narrators, “According to my knowledge I do not know any women who has
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
As for Ibn Turkamaanee Hanafee, whether he is from the 8th century, before or after
it, he is known for his bigotry and his work al-Jauhar an-Naqee is a prime example of
this in which he makes ta’aqab and naqd on Imaam Baihaqee in numerous places.
Insha’Allaah we will mention some of these points and now is not the place for them.
The Shaikh and Aalim Muhammad Ra’ees Nadwee has also exposed some of
Turkamaanee’s bigotry for the hanafee madhab, from al-Jauhar. Furthermore The
Allaamah, the Shaikh Faidh ur-Rehmaan Thawree (d.1417H) wrote a 10 volume book
refuting Ibn al-Turkamaanee and his claims, the book is titled, ‘ar-Radd ut-Taqee
A’la Jauhar an-Naqee.’
From Qabeesah ibn Hulb, from his father who said:
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
This narration with the wording "upon his chest" is not found via other routes containing
Simak! Simak himself was narrating this version as in the Musnad to his pupil: Sufyan al-
Thawri - who didn't act upon it! Since he used to place under the navel! In fact: Sufyan
himself said that Simak (his teacher) was in effect da'eef (see below)!!
To place under the navel was also Imam Ahmed's own position according to Hanbali's like:
ibn Qayyim in Bada'i al-Fawa'id. The most earliest Hanbali fiqh work is the Mukhtasar of al-
Khiraqi (early 4th century) and it only mentions that the hands should be placed under the
navel! This Mukhtasar was then commented upon by ibn Qudama in al-Mughni - which
doesn't even mention this narration as ascribed to the Musnad!
This narration is not found in all manuscripts and this is why al-Haythami didn't know of it in
his Majma al-Zawa'id, nor al-Suyuti in his Jam al-Jawami, nor al-Hindi in his Kanz al-Ummal
or many others!
Lastly, al-Nasa'i said that if Simak narrates something by himself originally (hence he is not
supported in his wording independently) then his narration is not used as evidence!! (see the
arabic below) - and the verdict of Nasa'i applies here since Simak is not supported by anyone
via another chain going back to Hulb al-Ta'ie (ra). This is a Jarh Mufassar from al-Nasa'i.
Simak is generally a Thiqa narrator but he made mistakes as Dhahabi said in al-Kashif as did
Ibn Hibban (see the arabic below)! Imam Ahmed also said that Simak's Hadiths are Mudtarib
(self-contradictory, see the arabic below).
Simak reports from Qabeesa ibn Hulb who was declared as Maqbul by ibn Hajar - as al-
Albani mentioned - maqbul means if he is supported in his narration - but here Qabeesa is
not supported independently by any Sahih or Hasan chain with the wording that is found in
the printed edition of the Musnad of Imam Ahmed!
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
Below is what ibn Hajar said in Tahdhib al-Tahdhib on Simak ibn Harb (vol. 4):
All this proves that Albani's "proofs" are daeef! In fact, Imam Ahmed said that it is Makruh
to place the hands on the chest! I challenge anyone to go and check Ibn Qayyim's Bada'i al-
Fawa'id for this claim that Imam Ahmed himself was against placing on the chest!
The above is just a summary of what is mentioned from reading Shaykh Hashim al-Sindi's
radd on Hayat al-Sindi and some of my own research. And Allah knows best.
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
Imaam Ijlee said Qabeesah bin Hulb was a successor and Thiqah (trustworthy).
(Taareekh ath-Thiqaat (no.1379). Imaam Ibn Hibbaan mentions him in his book of
trustworthy narrators Kitaab ath-Thiqaat (5/319) (See also Meezaan ul-Ei’tidaal
The hanafee scholar Nimawee said the chain of the narration was Hasan in Aathaar
as-Sunan (pg.67) as Imaam Mubaarakpooree pointed out. However Nimawee argues,
as the replier has mentioned that the words, “On the chest” are not preserved. From
this angle the hanafee’s try to prove this narration is Ghair Mahfooz (not-preserved) ie
Shaadh with the words upon the chest.
However the hanafee’s now have left using the slight weakness of Qabeesah bin Hulb
and moved onto new arguments and that is the single reporting of Simaak ibn Harb
from Qabeesah and the additional wording of ‘upon the chest’ is only from this chain
in the hadeeth in Musnad Ahmad and that this addition is ghair Mahfooz.
Imaam Ahmad narrates on the authority of Yahyaa bin Sa’eed from Sufyaan from
Simaak bin Harb from Qabeesah bin Hulb from his Father Hulb who saw the
Messenger of Allaah….
It is also to be noted this hadeeth has been transmitted in various books of hadeeth
with various wordings but the chains are the very similar except the initial narrators
like Sufyaan, Abul-Ahwas and Shu’bah.
There are two narrators who narrate from Simaak bin Harb and they are:
1. Sufyaan ath-Thawree
2. Abul-Ahwas
The narration of Sufyaan ath-Thawree has two wordings. The wording in Musnad
Ahmad (5/226) is "I saw the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), leave (after
completing the Prayer) from his right and his left, and I saw him place this hands
upon his chest.”
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
The second wording is, “He placed his right on his left in the prayer.” (Musannaf Ibn
Abee Shaybah (1/390), Daarqutnee (1/285), Baihaqee (2/29, 295).
Imaam Tirmidhee after mentioning this narration said, “Qaal Abu Eesaa Hadeethu
Hulbin Hadeethu Hasanun.” Ie the hadeeth of Hulb is Hasan. (See Tirmidhee Ma’a
This hadeeth has also been transmitted by Imaam Baghawee in Sharh us-Sunnah
(3/31) and by Imaam Nawawee in al-Majmoo’a (3/312)
So the only narration that mentions ‘Upon the chest’ is the narration of Sufyaan in
Musnad Ahmad, then it is also to be noted all the other chains that have come from
Sufyaan and Abul-Ahwas are all authentic.
The narration of Sufyaan is taken because the narrator is Imaam Yahyaa ibn Sa’eed
al-Qattaan. Imaam Abdur-Rahmaan Mubaarakpooree said, “Yahyaa bin Sa’eed,
Thiqah, Haafidh, Muttaqin the addition of ‘upon the chest’ does not oppose or
contradict the narrations form the companions of Sufyaan and Simaak, However this
is accepted according to the Muhaqqiqeen.” (Abkaar al-Manan (pg.113-114).
Remember the narrators from Sufyaan in the narrations that do not mention the
addition upon the chest are Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Mahdee and Wakee ibn al-Jarrah,
however Imaam Yahyaa ibn Sa’eed was more firm and established than both of them,
hence the narration of upon the chest is taken.
This hadeeth is neither shaadh and the definition of shaadh is that trustworthy
narrator opposes one or more narrators that are more trustworthy then himself. (an-
Nukt pg.187)
The Imaams of Hadeeth and Rijaal accept the addition of trustworthy narrators with
conditions. (see Sharh al-Fiyyah Lil-A’raaqee Ma’a Fath al-Baaqee (1/212), see also
an-Nukt (pg.225), Sharh Nukhbatul-Fikr (pg.32).
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
Further more Haafidh Ibn Hajr also mentions from Imaam’s Abdur-Rahmaan ibn
Mahdee, Yahyaa al-Qattaan, Ahmad, Ibn Ma’een, Alee bin Madeenee, Bukhaari, Abu
Zur’ah ar-Raazee, Abu Haatim ar-Raazee, Nasaa’ee, Daarqutnee and others that only
those additions will be accepted that do not oppose other narrations. (see also
Tadreeb ur-Raawee (pg.157) and Sharh Nukhbah.)
Haafidh Salaah ud deen, “There is detail in this, the condition for the acceptance of
additions from trustworthy narrators are that they do not oppose one or more
narrators who are more trustworthy than them.” (Jaam’e at-Tahseel (pg.42).
The Hanafee scholar Zailaa’ee has also mentioned this, he says, “Additions are
accepted sometimes. When the narrator (who is reporting the addition) is trustworthy,
Haafidh, firm and established and he narrates an addition and the one who does not
narrates the addition is of equal level or of a lower level, then the addition will be
accepted.” (Nasb ur-Raayah (1/336). Nimawee Hanafee has also mentioned
something similar to this see his Ta’leeq al-Hasan (pg.187), other than this many of
the Imaams of Hadeeth have mentioned this.
The replier himself admits Simaak is trustworthy in general but he has slight
weakness and for this slight weakness he mentions the statement of Imaam Ahmad
who said the hadeeth of Simaak are confused and contradictory.
The answer to this is in Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb itself, if only this ignorant one had
looked at what he pasted, pasting it was no doubt easy and I assume the reasons for
not translating it were that the realities of his lies would be clear, so you are ones well
acquainted and accustomed with tadlees and talbees yet you claims others to be like
you. Further more their narrow mindedness and lack of research is also shown in
them not consulting Haafidh Ibn Hajrs Taqreeb where he also renders the claim of
Simaak being self contradictory as being futile as will be mentioned.
This self contradictory of Simaak is only in the narration he narrates from Ikrimah as
the Imaams of Rijaal have mentioned and not when he narrates from Qabeesah bin
Imaam Ya’qoob bin Shaybah said, “I said to Alee bin Madeenee concerning the
narrations of Simaak from Ikrimah.” He said, “They are contradictory.”
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
Yaqoob said, “And his narrations from Ikrimah are contradictory specifically and
those narrated from other than Ikrimah are good but they are not from the strong
ones. And those who heard from him (ie narrated from) in the earlier times like
Shu’bah and Sufyaan, then their ahadeeth from him are firm and established.”
(Tahdheeb ul-Kamaal (12/115 no.2579), Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb (4/211 no.2718),
Tuhfatul-Ahwadhee (2/81) and A’un al-Ma’bood (2/326)
Note that the one narrated from Simaak in this particular chain is Sufyaan and the
one Simaak is narrating from is Qabeesah.
Haafidh Ibn Hajr said about Simaak, “Truthful, his narrations from Ikrimah are self
contradictory specifically, and he became forgetful at the end.” (Taqreeb ut-
Tahdheeb (no.2639 pg.415).
Imaam Ibn Adiyy said, “The hadeeth of Simaak are Mustaqeem (ie Hasan or Saheeh)
insha’Allaah, he is from the Major Successor’s from Koofaah, his ahadeeth are
HASAN, he is truthful and there is no harm in him.” (Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb
Imaams Ibn Ma’een, Abu Haatim Imaam Ijlee said he as trustworthy and have
praised him and Imaam Ahmad according to one narration said he is trustworthy.
Imaam Bazzaar said in hi Musnad, “The famous narrator I do not know anyone who
rejected him.” (See Tahdheeb ut-Tahdheeb (3/210-211 no.2718), al-Jarh Wat-Ta’deel
(4/279-280 no.1203) and Tuhfah (2/81).
As for the point from Imaam Nasaa’ee that Simaak is not to be taken when he is alone
in reporting, then this is answered by saying Simaak is supported in the meaning of
his narration by the narrations of Tawoos and Wail Ibn Hujr. More importantly this
criticism of Imaam Nasa’aee is concerning the narration of Simaak via Abul-Ahwas in
his Sunan and not Sufyaan as in this case. (refer to Sunan Nasaa’ee (1/319) with the
Explanation of Suyootee.
Taken and abridged from the treatise, ‘Nasr ur-Rabb Fee Tautheeq Simaak ibn Harb’
(manuscript form) of Shaikh Zubair Alee Za’ee.
Then if this is the case why do the hanafee’s take the narration of Shareekh of placing
the knees before the hands in the hadeeth of Wail. (Daarqutnee no.1292) This is a well
known position of the Ahnaaf however in this narration Shareekh is alone in reporting
this as Imaam’s Daarqutnee (1/338), Imaam Tirmidhee (2/57), Imaam Baihaqee
(2/99), Imaam Bukhaari, Ibn Abee Dawood (see Talkhees al-Habeer (1/254), Imaam
Abdur-Rahmaan Mubaarakpooree (Tuhfatul-Ahwadhee (2/118), Imaam Shams ul-
Haqq A’dheemabaadee (A’un al-Ma’bood (3/48), Imaam Muhammad Naasir ud
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
deen al-Albaanee (in Irwaa (2/76) and Tamaam al-Minnah (pg.194) all have
indicated that Shareekh was alone in reporting this.(bearing in mind all the other
narrations for placing the knees before the hands are weak.)
As for the position of Imaam Sufyaan ath-Thawree then this has been discussed
under the hadeeth of Wail ibn Hujr
So this narration is of the level of Hasan, and the supporting narrations that are as
mentioned above, of Wail ibn Hujr, Tawoos and Alee make this narration of
Qabeesah bin Hulb Saheeh.
This is an outright and manifest lie, this father of tablees has no shame in lying upon
the Imaam of Ahlus-Sunnah in attributing this opinion to him just in order to
strengthen his futile position.
There are varying statements from Imaam Ahmad that mention he said one may
place their hands below the navel, on the navel and above the navel.
Below the navel has only been mentioned by al-Khirqee and this is not well known.
On the navel has been mentioned by Imaam Ibn Qayyim in Bada’i al-Fawaai’d
(3/93). It is also worthy to be noted that Imaam Ibn Qayyim himself mentions there
are differences on where the position of the hands should be from Imaam Ahmad see
the aforementioned book.
Furthermore, whilst mentioning the position of above the navel for Imaam Ahmad,
Ibn Qudaamah uses the hadeeth of Wail ibn Hujr as evidence for this, which states
the placing of the hands on the chest, so it is apparent from this Imaam Ahmad
placed his hands of his chest. (see al-Mughnee (1/514-515)
Above the navel is the more widely known opinion of Imaam Ahmad, whether this is
on the chest or below it, it is still above the navel. This is due to what his son reported
from him in Masaa’il (pg.62) as cited by Imaam Muhammad Naasir ud deen al-
Albaanee (and reported by Imaam Shawkaanee in Nayl al-Awthaar (2/189), see also
Bada’i al-Fawaa’id (3/93) and in Tamheed of Ibn Abdul-Barr.
This opinion should be given precedence over the others for two reasons. The first is
because his son has reported this from him and he is likely to know the affair of his
father more than anyone, more than al-Khirqee and Ibn Qudaamah and the chain
from he father to the son is authentic. Ibn Qudaamah has not mentioned any chain
for his claim, hence this cannot be taken to be the position of the Imaam.
Darj ad-Daroor Fee Wadh’e al-Aydah Alas Sadoor © Maktabah Ashaabul-Hadeeth
Secondly Imaam Ahmad transmits the above hadeeth of Hulb at-Taa’ee and
Ghalibatudh-Dhan is that he would have acted upon this authentic ahadeeth as he
was the Imaam of Ahlul-Hadeeth.
And lastly Shaikh Muhammad Hayaat Sindhee answered Haashim Sindhee again so
please refer to that also.
For further details about this issue and some other evidences utilized by the Salafi’s
refer to The Position of the Hands of the Prophet (Sallahu Alayhee Was-Sallam) in
The Prayer – of Allaamah Badee ud deen Shah Raashidee Sindhee.
We make dua that Allaah guides us to the truth in all affairs and that he saves us from
the evils of Shaytaan and Ahlul-Bid’ah, ameen. To him we belong and to him is our