Major improvements in crop yield are needed to keep pace with population growth and climate change. While
plant breeding efforts have greatly benefited from advances in genomics, profiling the crop phenome (i.e., the
structure and function of plants) associated with allelic variants and environments remains a major technical
bottleneck. Here, we review the conceptual and technical challenges facing plant phenomics. We first
discuss how, given plants’ high levels of morphological plasticity, crop phenomics presents distinct chal-
lenges compared with studies in animals. Next, we present strategies for multi-scale phenomics, and
describe how major improvements in imaging, sensor technologies and data analysis are now making
high-throughput root, shoot, whole-plant and canopy phenomic studies possible. We then suggest that
research in this area is entering a new stage of development, in which phenomic pipelines can help re-
searchers transform large numbers of images and sensor data into knowledge, necessitating novel methods
of data handling and modelling. Collectively, these innovations are helping accelerate the selection of the
next generation of crops more sustainable and resilient to climate change, and whose benefits promise to
scale from physiology to breeding and to deliver real world impact for ongoing global food security efforts.
R770 Current Biology 27, R770–R783, August 7, 2017 ª 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
Current Biology
Convolutional neural nets (CNNs): CNNs are a variant of traditional artificial neural networks (ANNs), machine-learning methods
inspired by biological neuronal systems. Traditional neural nets take a pre-determined set of measurements or features as their
input and learn to perform various tasks; classification is by far the most common. CNNs extend scope of ANNs, learning both
how to achieve the task and what measurements are needed. CNNs operate over raw sensor data, and learn how to extract
the necessary features.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS): this consists in associating markers in the genome with phenotypes (omic, traits or
yield) through a statistical analysis. The values of alleles at one genome position are associated with a quantitative increase or
decrease of phenotypic values.
Genotype x environment interaction (GxE) : the ranking of a set of genotypes differs between experiments for every trait or yield.
GxE can be extracted from a statistical model, or can be analysed in detail using regressions of the considered trait with environ-
mental variables. GxE is then analysed through the variability of slopes of these regressions.
Genomic selection (GS): represents a novel approach to marker-assisted breeding where, rather than attempting to identify in-
dividual loci significantly associated with a trait, GS uses all marker data as predictors of performance to deliver more accurate
Laser scanning systems: a 3D reconstruction method in which a known pattern of light (a line, grid or array of dots) is projected
onto the target object by a laser light source. A camera, often fitted with a filter making the laser pattern easier to detect, views the
reflected pattern. 3D is recovered from differences in the projected and viewed patterns of light.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): MRI is a 3D imaging modality in which the target sample is placed in a strong magnetic field.
Under these conditions some atomic nuclei, particularly hydrogen nuclei, absorb and emit radio frequency energy. Pulses of radio
waves excite the hydrogen atoms, which emit signals that are detected by nearby antenna. The magnetic field allows these signals
to be localised, mapping hydrogen atoms and so water.
Multi-view stereo: a 3D reconstruction technique in which multiple, usually colour, images are taken of a target object from
different viewpoints. Features of interest are identified by independent analysis of each individual image. These features are
then matched between images — features are matched if they are considered to depict the same point on the target object.
The cameras’ viewpoints are obtained by calibration and the 3D location of each object feature is recovered by triangulation.
Phenotype: here, we mean the profiling of the structures and functions associated with allelic variants, at the scales of cells (omic
phenotyping), organs (main plant functions), whole plant (controls of these functions) and canopy (plant performance).
Quantitative trait loci (QTL): QTLs are regions of the genome containing one or more genes, associated with variation of a quan-
titative trait (phenotype). QTLs are identified by showing a statistical association between polymorphic markers and the measured
Unmanned airborne vehicle (UAV): helicopters, drones or small planes able to fly over a field experiment, carrying a diversity of
sensors. Their trajectory is programmed using GPS.
X-ray micro-computed tomography (mCT): X-ray CT produces a 3D image in which each element (voxel) contains a value pro-
portional to the density of the imaged object. The target object is placed on a rotating stage inside the imaging device. An emitter
projects X-rays through the rotating sample to a detector on the other side of the device. The detector records the X-ray energy
passing through the object. Density can be estimated from the difference in projected and detected X-ray energy.
water stress six hours later (Figure 1E), triggering spectacular different organs that exchange information through, for example,
changes in plant morphology (Figure 1D–F). Displacement trans- hormonal or hydraulic messages [25–27]. Such exchanges of in-
ducers reveal that, under these conditions, plants exhibit rapid formation operate at short-term scales at the cell or organ levels,
fluctuations in growth [18]. Leaf elongation can occur at a rate of and translate into long-term plant or canopy behaviours through
4 mm per hour at dawn versus 0 at 2pm [18]. Hence, although whole-plant mechanisms that are highly non-linear. Hence, plant
some degree of homeostasis exists at the cellular level [19,20], phenomics requires analyses at spatial scales ranging from
this is not the case at the organism level. Many molecular events single cell to canopy, and temporal scales ranging from minutes
occur during transitions between different environmental condi- (for metabolism and hydraulics) to months (for yield) (Table 1).
tions [21], so phenomic analysis of non-stable states is essential. Modelling is, therefore, an intrinsic part of plant phenomics,
The low degree of homeostasis in plants also results in large func- aimed at connecting these scales. Indeed, while often non-intu-
tional consequences of the spatial variability of conditions a plant itive, feedback mechanisms are predictable using mathematical
is exposed to [17]. For example, root system architecture exhibits models [28].
large spatial variation reflecting local adaptation to highly hetero-
geneous soil water content [22,23]. Hence, the analysis of pheno- Analysing the Plant Phenome across Spatial and
typic datasets needs consistent time course information on Temporal Scales
environmental conditions as sensed by plants and organs, Given the issues raised above, plant phenomics needs to
together with growth and physiology-related processes. capture and interpret a multi-dimensional matrix of functional
Because there is no central ‘orchestrator’ organ in plants [24], and architectural variables measured at different scales (or-
the control of most functions relies on feedback loops involving gan, plant, canopy), developmental stages and environmental
for an impermeable barrier in roots,
-1.5 termed the Casparian strip, that regulates
0 6 12 18 0
loading of elements into vascular tissues
Time of day Current Biology
[35]. Metabolomic-based methods profile
the compounds involved in major meta-
scenarios. To address this inherent complexity, researchers bolic pathways. This approach has helped discover how
have developed three categories of phenotyping platforms different genotypes cope with environmental cues, uncovering
that have distinct objectives and employ different approaches the dialogue between the circadian clock and changes in light
and methods (Table 1). availability that allow plants to optimize the use of starch re-
High-Precision Platforms serves [36]. Fluxomics (i.e., in situ imaging of the concentration
These platforms operate at the organ level, most often over short and fluxes of elements [37]) have provided important insights
time scales (Table 1). They aim at the identification of physiolog- about where, when and how water and nutrients are transferred
ical mechanisms allowing plants to respond to changes in envi- in the plant [38]. For example, MRI-PET-based imaging has
ronmental conditions, and lead to the elucidation of their genetic enabled researchers to map carbon flow from leaves to individ-
control. ual roots [39]. Imaging-based phenomic approaches can also be
Profiling organ growth and architecture is used in high-preci- employed in cell-scale profiling studies. For example, eGFP- and
sion platforms to uncover adaptive mechanisms associated FRET-based sensors have proved highly effective for monitoring
with environmental signals. For example, X-ray micro-computed the spatio-temporal dynamics of hormones and elements like
tomography (mCT; Figure 2A–D) of roots growing in soil macro- zinc in Arabidopsis root cells [40–42] (Figure 3D) and uncover
pores revealed the importance of direct contact with soil water new mechanistic insights into their homeostatic regulation.
to determine where new lateral root branches are positioned The examples above highlight how high-precision platforms
(Figure 2E) [23]. This translates into improved water and nutrient are effective for discovering new physiological mechanisms,
uptake (Figure 2F). Similarly, time-lapse 3D imaging of leaves and also for upscaling them from organ to plant level. Neverthe-
combined with computational modelling allows identification of less, at their current stage of development, these platforms
where and when tissue expansion and cell division occur [29]. cannot analyse the many thousands of plants needed to perform
In the case of leaves or sepals, this approach has revealed genetic studies across a range of environments over a whole
how new buds with few cells result in reproducible shapes life-cycle timescale. Hence, they are not directly relevant for
through feedback between patterns of oriented growth and tis- upscaling mechanisms to predict important traits such as yield
sue deformation (Figure 3A) [30,31]. Analyzing the leaf elongation (Table 1).
rate of maize plants with displacement transducers at high tem- Field Multi-Environment Networks
poral resolution (i.e., minutes) in contrasting and fluctuating con- At the other extreme of plant phenomics, ‘field multi-environ-
ditions allowed identification of a novel mechanism of drought ment networks’ (Table 1) are series of field experiments distrib-
adaptation. This mechanism involves regulatory interactions be- uted in a geographical region, aimed at uncovering the genetics
tween circadian control of plant hydraulic properties, daily time of yield stability. They probe the genetic control of plant perfor-
course of evaporative demand and hydraulic properties of the mance in a range of environmental scenarios, without pre-
rhizosphere (i.e., roots and the adjacent soil) [32]. conceived reference to a particular mechanism.
The composition of plant tissues and the metabolite fluxes The yield of a given genotype often differs between field sites,
through organs can be characterized in ‘omics-based’ platforms as does the ranking of genotypes (genotype by environment
for thousands of plants [33]. For instance Ionomics employs ICP- interactions; GxE) [43,44]. Indeed, the relationship between yield
MS to perform elemental profiling [34]. This has allowed identifi- and environmental conditions results from trade-offs between
cation of Arabidopsis mutants whose leaves have altered mechanisms that have distinct optima [45]. The relationship
between genotype and phenotype therefore needs to be ana- function of environmental conditions [52–56]. More elaborate
lysed in clusters of microclimatic conditions referred to hereafter traits such as the utilisation efficiency of water, light or nutrients
as environmental scenarios [46,47]. For example, a network of 29 can be calculated from these data using functional/structural plant
field experiments across Europe was used to grow a maize di- models (Figure 2F; Figure 4J) [57–59]. This is illustrated in Figure 4,
versity panel and identify genomic regions associated with yield in which 4D imaging of whole plants and the mapping of inci-
(quantitative trait loci, QTLs) under heat or water stresses [48]. dent light in a greenhouse makes it possible to disentangle the
Nearly all QTLs had conditional effects, positive, negative or biomass accumulation of thousands of plants into well-defined
null, depending on environmental scenarios. For instance, an processes, such as the amount of light intercepted by each
allele at one QTL that controls the biosynthesis of the stress plant (a function of leaf area and geometry) and the photosynthetic
hormone abscisic acid (ABA) was favourable in drought but ability of each plant [58]. Crop models can then be used to connect
detrimental in well-watered situations. Hence, a large number the genetic variability of these processes to yield [60].
(typically 20–40) of experiments needs to be conducted under High-throughput field phenotyping has progressed rapidly in
diverse environmental conditions to explore such allelic effects. the last five years, based on the use of multi-spectral 4D analyses
Genomic selection (GS) extends the former approach to estab- with sensors mounted on mobile systems such as gantries
lish predictions of the best combinations of alleles for yield [61,62], ground vehicles or drones [63,64] (Figure 3C,F). They offer
[49]. GS requires phenotyping of hundreds/thousands of geno- the possibility of estimating the genetic variability of yield, biomass
types (the ‘training population’), in some cases together with accumulation and underlying processes in a variety of environ-
the effects of environmental conditions [50]. The best combi- mental scenarios. For example, canopy temperature provides a
nations of alleles are then used to select, in silico, tens of proxy for genetic differences in transpiration, which is often due
thousands of plants, thereby avoiding direct phenotyping of to variation in root system architecture [63,64] (Figure 2F).
these plants [50]. Cross-Scale Meta-Analyses
Whole-Plant, Multi-Environment Platforms Currently, joint analyses of field experiments have been
Given the complex interactions between QTL and environment performed across years and sites [43,65]. While cross-scale
and between QTLs [51], the interpretation of results generated approaches are also beginning to appear [66], they need to be
by networks of field experiments is typically challenging, developed further.
making it difficult to relate gene alleles with physiological No single plant phenomic platform can analyse every scale,
mechanisms. To achieve this goal, a third category of plant throughput or environment. For example, it would be misleading
phenomic platforms, ‘whole-plant, multi-environment plat- to measure yield in greenhouse experiments, as the amount and
forms’, has been developed. These platforms are highly instru- spectrum of light available to plants in a greenhouse and the distri-
mented greenhouses or fields allowing one to follow and dissect bution of roots in the soil in pots would make any attempt irrelevant
variables such as the growth or transpiration of thousands of [11]. Reciprocally, phenotyping of thousands of varieties in tens
plants or small canopies, thereby allowing their genetic analysis of field experiments is not compatible with costly and labour-
(Table 1). intensive methods. A combination of approaches is therefore
Highly automated platforms in greenhouses enable researchers necessary, which we term ‘cross scale meta-analyses’. For
to perform 4D characterisation of the architecture of shoot, root instance, the plasticity of yield can be analysed in ‘field multi-envi-
or canopy systems of hundreds of genotypes (Figure 3B,E; ronment networks’. The underlying genetic variability of trait adap-
Figure 4A). They allow genetic analyses of traits such as root tation can then be analysed in ‘whole-plant, multi-environment’
and shoot topology, angles, branching and growth rate as a platforms for the same panels of genotypes, thereby associating
QTLs affecting yield in specific environments to allelic variations of in wireless networks to characterize the micro-environment of
traits. The resulting alleles can be tested for their effects on mech- many organs in a plant and many plants in a canopy (Figure 5,
anisms of plant adaptation in ‘high precision’ platforms [67]. Such arrows 1 and 2). This progressively applies to the characteriza-
meta-analyses are particularly vital in the case of root studies, in tion of the soil environment by combination of soil sensors with
which the root architecture or growth can only be analysed in modelling [70]. This local information can be scaled up to
‘high precision’ using ‘whole plant multi-environment platforms’, whole-platform, field or regional levels using local, UAV or satel-
whereas only consequences can be observed in the field, for lite imaging, respectively. This allows efficient mapping of envi-
instance through differences in canopy temperature (Figure 3D–F). ronmental variables, thereby characterizing and capturing the
effects of the spatial and temporal variation of growth conditions
Employing Trans-Scale Analyses to Link Sensors with sensed by individual plants or fields (Table 1).
Knowledge Consistent Analysis of Images and Time Series
Cross-scale meta-analyses, as defined above, require consis- Imaging systems have progressed exponentially in recent
tent methods for recovering data across all platforms, time years, with a variety of non-invasive and information-rich tech-
scales and levels of plant organization (Table 1 and Figure 3). niques (e.g., laser microscopy and rangefinders, X-ray mCT,
We discuss below the major challenges researchers face to multi- and hyper-spectral cameras, isotope tracing methods).
achieve this ambitious, yet essential, next step in plant phe- These techniques have recently been reviewed in detail [8,71]
nomic research. and can be used at a variety of scales to support the 4D
Environmental Characterization, Sensor Networks functional analysis of root or shoot systems, and capture the
In our own experience, the analysis of datasets originating from structure and physiological status of plants (Figure 3). How-
different experiments and groups often suffers from a lack of ever, imaging devices and protocols perform photography, not
consistent environmental information, which makes it impossible phenotyping: traits need to be recovered from raw image
to analyse and model the differences in plant behaviour between data via image analysis (Figure 5, arrows 1 and 2). We discuss
experiments. To that end, several research consortia have pro- some of the key issues and solutions below.
posed ‘minimum environmental datasets’ with the necessary Many software tools dedicated to image analysis of shoots [72],
environmental variables and protocols for data analysis and roots [73,74], canopies [75], leaves [76], seeds [77] and fruit [78]
modelling at any scale [68,69]. Furthermore, a full environmental have been developed in recent years. An increasing number of
characterisation is now being facilitated by rapid progress in these tools offer realistic and non-invasive 3D reconstructions
sensor technology. Cost-effective sensors can now be placed of plant organs [79], based on the combination of multi-view
Figure 2. Plant root phenotyping pipeline using X-ray micro-computed tomography (mCT).
(A) mCT scanning system to non-invasively image columns of soil-grown plants (ranging in resolution from 0.5–150 mm). (B) Example 2D cross-sectional image
generated with mCT scanner showing root material (in red) and the heterogeneous structure of soil (soil and water in grey, air spaces in black). (C) Image analysis
software [74] can be used to recover root system of maize from the mCT volume data after segmenting roots from thousands of 2D image slices, (D) and quantify
root system traits, (E) to discover new root responses to environmental signal, like how soil water distribution patterns the positioning of lateral root branches [23],
and (F) parameterise models to simulate growth and foraging for natural resources by root systems.
10 20 30 40 50
Time (d)
60 50 40 30 20 10
Y Position
6 12 18 24
X Position
Functional-structural plant model,
Modelling sunbeam trajectories
distribution in the greenhouse
From radiation-use efficiency to photosynthesis
H n
Biomass = Σ PPFDi × εi × RUEi
I J “
RUE (g FW mol-1)
(g plant-1)
r 0.54
P 0.001
15 25 35
Intercepted light Photosynthesis
(mol plant-1) -2 -1
(μmol m s ) Current Biology
Figure 4. Light interception, photosynthesis and radiation use efficiency, from images to function.
(A) Phenotyping platform (PhenoArch) where 1680 plants can be grown in controlled conditions of soil water status and temperature, imaged and assessed for
transpiration rate. Sensors measure light, relative humidity and air and leaf temperature and transpiration. (B) Twelve images per plant are captured every day
allowing 3D reconstruction. (C) Time courses of leaf area and biovolume are calculated in real time. (D) Spatial distribution of incident light. Images are captured
every m2 in the greenhouse, oriented to the vertical. Blue, sky; black, obstacles (lamps, beams, etc.). The path of sunbeams is modelled every day of the year
(yellow line). This allows calculation of direct and diffuse light in every position of the greenhouse [58]. (F) Virtual digital plants are placed at their positions in a
virtual greenhouse. (G) This allows calculation of light interception by competing plants, in the whole greenhouse [58]. (H) The above steps allow dissection of
biomass accumulation into incident light on day i (PPFDi), the proportion of light intercepted by plants (εi) and radiation use efficiency (RUEi, ratio of biomass
production to intercepted light). (I) RUE is presented for three plants in (F), pink, green and black. Bars near the x and y axes represent the amounts of cumulated
biomass and intercepted light, the slope of regression lines is RUE. (J) RUE closely correlates with photosynthesis rate in a series of genotypes denoted by
different colors. Note that it would be impossible to directly measure gas exchanges for 1680 plants. Adapted from [58] with permission.
5 6
images are acquired. This was done
Composite variables Yield per environmental Trace variables
or Traits and methods with success in a multi-laboratory study
or mechanisms scenarios
Causal polymorphisms Causal polymorphisms Trait ontologies using Arabidopsis thaliana accessions
grown in controlled chambers [91], but
Model prediction Trace models
7 (equations, requires further attention. A phenotyp-
Model inference parameters) ing platform might give different assess-
Workflows ments of the same genotype at two
Theory, novel hypotheses
8 different sites, either because of envi-
New meta-analyses or experiments
Current Biology
ronmental changes or as the result of
variations in the phenotyping process.
Image analysis methods need to be
stereo [80] and modelling [81,82], or use laser-scanning systems both understood [92] and evaluated by comparing their results
[83,84], time-of-flight sensors [85,86], X-ray [74,87] or magnetic with pre-obtained ground truth data [93], allowing identification
resonance imaging [88]. Because plants are structurally complex of the limitation of each method [94].
and highly variable, a given set of sensor or camera viewpoints at The wealth of methods used in phenomics (Figures 3 and 4)
fixed positions cannot provide all the data needed to reconstruct a raises the question of how to jointly analyse image and sensor
complete 3D model of a plant or a canopy. Partial descriptions outputs (Figure 5, arrows 3 and 4). Mixed model approaches
recovered from an initial set of camera views can be used, by solv- have progressed rapidly, allowing genetic analysis of datasets
ing a next-best-view problem, to guide a robot to acquire the data involving different sources of information [95,96]. Novel develop-
needed to complete the model. Indeed, robot-assisted imaging ments allow identification of genotypic means of any variable,
allows a loop to be established between image acquisition, from omics to yield, which are isolated from the noise created
analysis and de novo positioning of sensors at the most insightful by the spatial variability in field or platform experiments (Figures
places in plants [61,83,89]. This opens the way for a dia- 3C,F and 4E), the effect of experimental co-variables (e.g., site,
logue between models, sensors and imaging, enabling high- or persons who performed experiments) and environmental vari-
throughput, high-performance phenotyping of plants or canopies. ables [97]. These ‘best linear unbiased estimates’ (BLUEs) are
Interpretation of sensor or camera outputs requires the mil- then analysed genetically either for individual traits or in multi-
lions of raw data points to be organized into environmental or trait analyses [98].
phenotypic time courses. This first requires the identification of Model-Assisted Phenotyping: Connecting Scales
dubious points due to sensor malfunction or computational Models naturally partner with phenotyping (Figure 5, arrow 7).
errors, inevitable when thousands of sensors are involved, or For example, dynamic models offer the possibility of scaling
when thousands of images are automatically processed. Such up the effects of a short-term mechanism at the organ scale,
data cleaning can now be performed based on statistical or ma- identified in ‘high-precision platforms’, to biomass accumula-
chine-learning methods for the large datasets originating from tion after several time steps in ‘whole-plant, multi-environment
high-throughput platforms [90]. platforms’, or to yield in field networks. Dynamic models are
Data Analysis and Reproducibility Tests based on the discretization of a process into time steps
Making reproducible measurements of the same plants or ac- (e.g., minutes or days). Calculations are iterative, with short-
cessions over time and across platforms requires standardized term effects taken into account at each time step (e.g., the ef-
protocols, including camera calibration, careful selection of fect of light on photosynthesis, with different effects between
number and position of viewpoints and the time of day at which genotypes), and long-term effects emerging from feedbacks
(e.g., the uptake of water or nutrients by the plant at a given volumes of temporal data in real-time, thereby allowing one to
time step reduces their availability for the next time step) detect potentially incorrect sensors and to act accordingly.
[99]. Models have been used in plant phenomics in two Secondly, these information systems help organize datasets in
ways [60]. such a way that they can be re-analysed by different groups.
Firstly, the dissection of a phenotype observed on a given day Data identification and annotation involves organizing outputs
into the most likely set of mechanisms (model inference; Figure 5, in such a way that a scientist not involved in the original experi-
arrows 5 and 7). For example, the biomass on a given day can be ments can trace the history of plants, re-analyse images with
dissected into the amount of light received by the plant, multi- new methods of his/her own and a posteriori check the calibra-
plied by the proportion of light intercepted by plants every day, tion of each sensor in case of inconsistencies, possibly years
multiplied by the efficiency with which intercepted light is con- after the experiment was performed.
verted into biomass (Figure 4). Similarly, leaf area can be ana- This requires protocols describing content and format of
lysed as the result of time courses of leaf growth over time, phenotypic information [110], and a formalised description of
resulting from environmental conditions and intrinsic traits of all involved objects (i.e., plants, organs, sensors, phenotyping fa-
the considered genotype [100]. cilities) using ontologies [111,112]. Such ontologies may seem
Secondly, the prediction of a given phenotype from environ- unnecessary in simple experiments where unique correspon-
mental conditions and hypothetical mechanisms observed in dences exist between, for example, each plant and its position
high-precision or whole-plant platforms (Figure 5, arrow 7). in a greenhouse. They become indispensable, however, when
Model prediction operates in the opposite direction compared plants are transferred from one platform to another during an
with dissection, and serves as a test for the proposed mecha- experiment for better multi-scale characterization. In the same
nisms based on their ability to account for an observed pheno- way, sensors are replaced, so calibrations of devices located
type. The set of mechanisms taken into account are written at a given position change with time. Keeping track of these
as equations which result in a phenotype after several time- changes requires open and extensible database schemas based
steps [101]. on ontologies and semantics [111]. This also requires keeping
Hence, modelling is an essential tool for phenomics because it track of all operations, including parameters, used in analyses
helps to develop hypotheses allowing multi-scale interpretations that produce an elaborate result from raw data. Such scientific
of results obtained in the three types of phenotyping infrastruc- workflows are being developed [110], thereby allowing any
tures presented in Table 1. Reciprocally, multi-scale phenomics user to perform the same analysis and obtain the same results
represents a major challenge for modelling. Indeed, phenomic as those published.
technology allows multiple traits that contribute to yield to be Finally, these systems help organise data to facilitate genetic
measured at high temporal resolution, providing a rich data set analyses. Correspondence between phenotype and genotype
against which models can be tested [101]. This avoids compen- requires connection of matrices of genotypic data, consisting
sation of errors associated with each trait underlying yield, a of millions of marker data items or genomic sequences, with
common feature of many current crop models that are parame- associated phenotypic data that synthesize time courses or
trized based on yield only [102]. spatial variation into single figures supporting the genetic ana-
Tracing and Storing All Steps from Data to Knowledge in lyses [113]. Because of the complexity of the information sys-
Information Systems tems reviewed above, and of the need for high calculation
Phenomic experiments are not directly reproducible because power, this is performed in dedicated information systems
of the variability of environmental conditions. It is essential that are physically distinct from those managing dataflow and
that any scientist, including those in 30 years, be able to re- object identification. Hence, maintaining consistency of infor-
use phenotypic data and reproduce the data-flows presented mation across multiple information systems will remain a major
above to perform meta-analyses of the effects of alleles or issue.
mechanisms in a range of environmental conditions. This
has led to the definition of new norms named FAIR (findable, The ‘Big-Data’ Challenge of Plant Phenomics
accessible, interoperable and reusable) [103], primarily for Big data approaches can enhance phenotyping pipelines. Image
tracing data, but also protocols, methods and workflows. analysis methods have typically employed fixed sequences of
They involve information systems capable of managing thou- image processing and measurement processes, crafted by their
sands of data points and images captured during an experi- designers to suit specific procedures. As a result, moving a given
ment, together with the necessary metadata, parameters tool to a slightly different problem or environment often requires a
and methods of data analysis (Figure 5). Such information sys- near-complete rewrite of the software. Recently, deep machine-
tems serve three distinct purposes with different requirements learning methods, and particularly convolutional neural networks
[104–107]. (CNNs), have produced impressive results and been widely
The first purpose is real-time management of the dataflow to adopted in the computer vision community [114,115]. CNNs offer
optimise data quality. Real-time access to images, environ- the potential to provide generic solutions to plant image analysis
mental conditions and metadata is required when managing problems [116] and, rather than requiring tuning to their environ-
the quality of an experiment, in particular for testing (typically ment, benefit most from access to training data spanning multiple
every day) the validity of outputs. This may seem trivial in environments. This brings its own challenges — maximum
small-scale experiments but it is not when thousands of plants benefit can only be gained from deep-learned tools if large-scale
and hundreds of sensors are involved. Protocols [108,109] and datasets (input images and required outputs) capturing shared
management tools [90] have been developed to visualize large problems are made available.
Big data approaches may also help in making full use of tens of plant adaptation to changing environments and underpin
of experiments with thousands of accessions carried out each secure food security efforts.
year. The formalized meta-analysis of phenotypic data, allowed
by the pipelines reviewed above, is critical to the pathway ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
from sensors to knowledge, and would be a huge source of infor-
mation if data were open, with all necessary metadata and envi- F.T., L.C.B., T.P. and M.J.B. thank the EU-I3 project EPPN (28443) that
partly funded this work. F.T. and L.C.B. thank the EU project DROPS
ronmental conditions included [117]. Indeed, the discussion (FP7-KBBE-244374) and ANR-PIA projects PHENOME FPPN (ANR-11-
above suggests that the combination of datasets collected by INBS-0012) and Amaizing (ANR-10-BTBR-01) for funding works reported
distinct groups from different phenotyping platforms and fields here. T.P. and M.J.B. thank ERC for supporting the FUTUREROOTS proj-
ect, the University of Nottingham for Institute of FUTURE FOOD funding,
could result in unprecedented information that may build up and the BBSRC for responsive mode, partnering award and iPLANT fund-
year after year. Recent papers present ‘proofs of concept’ of ing. T.P. and M.J.B also thank Stefan Mairhofer, Craig Sturrock, Brian
the meta-analysis of large datasets combining environmental Atkinson, Larry York, Marcus Griffiths and Darren Wells for kindly providing
and phenotypic data [118–120], and discuss their role in multi- CT related images. F.T. and L.C.B. thank Christian Fournier for providing
maize images, Frederic Baret for field images and Claude Welcker for
environment quantitative genetics [121]. important discussions.
Finally, the meta-analyses of tens of experiments may be com-
bined with data collected by farmers on yield and environmental
conditions, thereby allowing large-scale association genetics. REFERENCES
The sensor networks that are appearing in farmers’ fields,
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multi-layer maps of climate and soil characteristics and progress Adger, W.N., Anokhin, Y.A., Anisimov, O.A., Arent, D.J., Barnett, J., et al.
in remote sensing may soon provide the environmental data (2014). Summary for policymakers. In Climate Change 2014: Impacts,
necessary to interpret the diversity of yield corresponding to Adaptation and Vulnerability. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press),
pp. 1–32.
each variety in each field. If large-scale collections of yield and
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