TransactionId Account Number Date Amount Bank Ref.No. Sub Category Bank
502918906638 153101001740 29/01/2025 150157 N/A UPI Related Frauds ICICI Bank
502915417490 153101001740 29/01/2025 77087 N/A UPI Related Frauds ICICI Bank
502911853217 153101001740 29/01/2025 40000 N/A UPI Related Frauds ICICI Bank
Supporting Evidence:
They approach as work from home in telegram and asked to open klook
india website and login i have done first day they gave me 1000 as work
salary and second day thet asked to deosit i have deposited 10000 they
returned 18000 and third day same as 10000 they asked i paid and middle
they asked to deposit again 25000 i have deposited and evening they paid
me 40000 and yesterday they asked to deposit 40000 i have deposited and
Please provide any additional information about the incident:
later asked 77000 i have deposited and later asked 150000 this also i
deposited and after that they are asking 480000 so i did not deposited and
now they are saying if you deposit that amount then only we can give this
amount they have added me to klook india telegram group and in that
group almost 53 members so iam confused now please help me to return
my deposited amount.
Suspect Details
Complainant Details
Gender. Male
DOB. 1994-02-24 00:00:00
Email Id
Nationality : INDIAN