K.g's syllabus

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Parijat Public School 4. Ten birds.

Inaruwa – 2 , Sunsari 5. Twenty good habits

Syllabus 6. Twenty bad habits
Class : L . K. G Subject: English 7. Ten vegetables
1. A to Z ( capital letters) 8. Ten pulses, trees , herbs and surbs.
- To enable total complete known 9. Ten climbers
2. a to z ( Small letters) 10.Ten creepers
- To enable total complete known 11.Ten fruits
3. Three words from each alphabet. 12.Sense organs
4. Name ( Own name, own address) 13.Five means of transportation
5. Father’s name & mother’s name 14.Twenty body parts
6. School’s name 15.Twenty living and non-living things.
7. Vowel letters and consonant letters. 16.Parts of plant.
Class: U. K. G Subject: English 17.Healthy food
1. Five words from each alphabet. 18.Definition of herbs,shurbs,trees, living and non-living
2. Name of own family members. things, domestic and wild animals.
3. Own friends name. Class – L. K. G Subject Math’s
4. General article (a, an) 1. 1 to 100 ( in numerals)
5. Opposite words 2. One to fifty ( in words)
6. Singular and plural (General)  Enable that students can count and write.
7. Use of (This and That) 3. Addition: single digit and double digit
8. Alphabetical order 4. Subtraction: single digit and double digit
9. General introduction. 5. What comes before, after and between?
Class: L. K. G Subject: Science 6. Smaller than and greater than.
1. Five domestic animals. 7. Circle ⭕ the smallest and greatest numbers.
2. Five wild animals. 8. Roman numbers (1 to 10)
3. Five pet animals. 9. Table up to 5.
4. Five birds. 10.Multiply single digit (2 to 9)
5. Ten good habits Class-U. K. G Subject Math’s
6. Ten bad habits 1. 100 and more ( in numerals)
7. Five vegetables 2. Hundreds and more ( in words)
8. Five pulses, trees , herbs and surbs. 3. Addition: double and triple digits
9. Five fruits 4. Subtraction: double and triple digits
10.Sense organs 5. What comes before, after and in between?( Double
11.Five means of transportation and triple digits)
12.Ten body parts 6. Smaller than and greater than and equal to ( double
13.10 living and non-living things. and triple digits)
7. Roman numbers ( 1 to 100)
Class- U.K. G Subject: Science 8. Table up to 10
1. Ten domestic animals. 9. Multiply double digits.
2. Ten wild animals. Class L K G and U. K. G Subject: Social
3. Ten pet animals. 1. Small and Capital letters
2. Skill writing ( up letter , middle letter, down letter)
3. Word formation
4. About “myself ”
 Own name/ class/ Roll no./School’s name/ Own
address/ School’s address/ father’s name/
mother’s name/ parents professions
5. Name of the week
6. Name of the twelve months
7. Name of the family members
8. Name of transportation ( Any 5)
9. Match the opposite words
10.Name of the neighbor’s ( Any 5)
11.Good habits and bad habits ( Any 5)
12.Name of Seasons.
Class L K G and U K G Subject: Nepali
1. स्वर वर्ण – अ देखि अं अं: सम्म लेख्न र पढ्न, चिन्न (
समुहमा , एकलै) आवाज निकालेर पढ्न सक्ने।
2. व्यञ्जन वर्ण : क देखि ज्ञ सम्म ( पढ्न लेख्न र चिन्न
समुहमा लय हालेर पढिदिने र पढ्न लगाउने)
 कम्तीमा १५ दिन
3. सावाँ ‍अक्षर जोडेर शब्द बनाउने र बनाउन लगाउने जस्तै:
कल, मल........ यस्ता शब्द विद्यार्थी आफैलाई खोज्न
 कम्तीमा १ हप्ता
4. बाह्रखरी
 पहिले मात्राका नाम पढाउने चिनाउने
 अक्षरमा मात्रा लगाएर पढ्न सिकाउने र लेख्न सिकाउने
 मात्रा लागेका अक्षर जोडेर शब्द बनाउने र चिनाउने ।
 कम्तीमा १५ दिन
5. ठाउँको नाम गाउँको नाम साथीको नाम लेख्न लगाउने दुई
अक्षरले बनेका शब्द बनाउन लगाउने भन्न लगाउने पाटीमा
लेख्न लगाउने आफैले लेखिदिने आदि।
Class: Two Parijat Public Father __________ Brother __________
5. Write the opposite meaning of these words.
School Full Marks:50 (5)
Subject: C. English Inaruwa - Clean ______ Bad__________
2 ,Sunsari Pass Mark:20 Easy _________ Dark __________
Final Term Exam Tall _______ High ________
Rich _________ Fat _________
- 2080 Time:2hrs Slow __________ Happy _______
Attempt all the questions. 6. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. (5)
1. Read the passage given below and a. I have never seen ____ ghost.
b. We saw ____ elephant in the zoo.
answer the question that follows: c. This is ____ table.
(2+3=59 d. ____ moon shines at night.
e. Football is ____ outdoor game.
Hello, my name is Junu. I am nine years old and i live in 7. Add “ing” to the following. (5)
Janakpur . I like swimming and reading books. My favourite Sing _____ write ______
hobby is playing basketball. I am very good at playing Sleep _______ Read______
basketball because I am very tall. Cook ________ Go _______
A Rain ______ Play ______
Fill in the blanks. Eat ______ Dance _____
a Junu lives in ________. 8. Underline the noun and circle ⭕ the pronoun.
b Her favourite hobby is playing _______. (5)
B Answer these questions. a. He is brushing his teeth.
a What does she like? b. Pari is shopping by online.
b What is her favourite hobby? c. She is dancing.
2. Arrange the word correctly. (5) d. Diwansh is eating healthy food.
a The / table/ the / book / on e. Hari is a student. He reads in class 3.
b is/ sleeping/ the / cat/ the/ table/ under 9. Write plural form of each of the following nouns.
c in / the / box/ the/ pencil/ is (5)
d The / dog/ door/ outside/ is / standing/ the Mouse _______ Potato _______
e Himesh / and / Ravi/ is / sitting/ sony/ between Woman ________ Bench ________
3. Write the past forms of the given verbs. (5) Fly ___________ Pen __________
Jump __________ Open __________ Cap _________ Goose ________
Talk ___________ Laugh _________ Boy _________ Tooth ________
Call __________ Chew _________ 10. Write a paragraph about yourself.
Comb __________ Paint __________ (5)
Add __________ Walk ___________
4. Write the famine gender of the following. (5)
Boy ___________ Dog _________
Son ___________ Hunter ________
Author __________ Lion __________
Tiger ____________ Bridegroom _______
d. The girl/in the room/is
e. We/not/are/at home
4. Fill in the blanks with “a”,” an “or “the”. (5)
a. That is ____ owl.
b. This is _____ elephant.
c. There is ______ map on the wall.
d. Sunday is ___ first day of the week.
Class: Three Parijat Public e. Suman is ____ tallest boy of our class.
5. Change the following sentences into negative. (5)
School Full Marks:50 a. I am rich.
Subject: C. English Inaruwa - b. We are very poor.
2 ,Sunsari Pass Mark:20 c. He is a teacher.
Final Term Exam d. They were absent.
e. You are a beggar.
- 2080 Time: 2 hrs 6. Change the following statements into interrogative. (5)
Attempt all the questions. a. I am late today.
1. Fill in the blanks with a correct word a. We have finished our work.
b. I shall learn it quickly.
given in the box. 5×1=5 c. They are ready to play.
Quite Librar Librarian Locate Fiction d. He is an intelligent.
y 7. Change into plural form. (2.5)
a. The ____ is a good place to visit. Boy ______ foot ______ Potato _______ Mouse
b. There is a ___ in the library. _____ Child _____
c. Adventure books and fantasy books are types of ___. 8. Change into past forms. (2.5)
d. The librarian can help you ___ the information you Play___ Read ____ Go____ Bring _____
need. Cook____
e. You can go to a library if you want a ____ place to read 9. Make a sentences with (5)
or study. Cook Beautiful Go Help Play
2. Write the simple past forms of the verb in ( brackets) to 10.Fill is,am,are in the blanks. (5)
complete the sentences . (5) a. My brother ____ cooking food.
Ex- Yesterday, I ___ to the park. ( go) b. They ___ playing hockey.
 Yesterday, I went to the park. c. He __ kicking the football.
a. My grandparents ____ us last week. ( Visit) d. We___ sitting on the sofa.
b. Last week, I ____ a letter to my friend. (Write) e. Some boys ___ teaching the beggars.
c. My brother ____ any computer games last night. ( not 11. Read the passage given below and
d. We ____ bread and ___ juice for breakfast.(eat, drink) answer the question that follows:
e. I ____ my favorite T.V program yesterday.(not watch) (2+3=59
3. Rearrange the words to make sentences.
a. I/not/a/teacher./am Hello, my name is Junu. I am nine years old and i live in
b. She/my mother/is Janakpur . I like swimming and reading books. My favourite
c. The boys/playful/are hobby is playing basketball. I am very good at playing
basketball because I am very tall.
b) Keyboard helps to (type/draw).
c) (Number/ Arrow) keys type number.
A Fill in the blanks. d) A monitor shows ( output/ input).
a Junu lives in ________. e) ( Mouse/ CPU) is the brain of the computer.
b Her favourite hobby is playing _______. 4. Match the following.
B Answer these questions. (5×2=10)
a What does she like? Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
b What is her favourite hobby?
Mouse pressing left button
12.Write a paragraph about yourself. (2)
Left click helps to draw
Keyboard mouse
Mouse pad shows output
Monitor keys
1. Fill in the blanks.
Input Select Keyboard Mouse Space-
a)A computer mouse is an ________ device.
b) A mouse is used to point and ______ items on the
Class: One Parijat Public monitor.
School Full Marks:50 c) A________ has many keys.
Subject: Computer Inaruwa - d) A _______ is used to draw and paint.
2 ,Sunsari Pass Mark:20 e) ________ is the longest key on the keyboard.
Final Term Exam –
2080 Time : 1hrs
The End,👍👍👍😄😁😆😉
Attempt all the questions.
1.Answer these questions.
Class: One Parijat Public
School Full Marks:50
a. What is computer?
Subject: General Knowledge Inaruwa -
b. What is mouse?
2 ,Sunsari Pass Mark:20
c. What is printer?
Final Term Exam –
d. What is monitor?
2080 Time : 1hrs
e. What is keyboard?
2.Write the full form of the following abbreviations. Attempt all the questions.
(5×2=10) 1.Circle the word you think is different.
a) CPU b) PD c) HD d) VDU e) PC ( 6×1=6)
3. Tick (✓) the correct answer. a)Boy Female Woman
a) A mouse looks like (rat/TV).
b) Shoes Sandals Gloves
c) Lake Forest Ocean
d) Pen Paper Chair
e) Chair Seat Table
f) Rice Pork Chicken Beef
2. Correct the spelling.
Wull - _______ Hammar - _____ Flover- _____ Gurl- ______
3. Fill in the blanks.
a) Climbers need ______ to grow. ( Support/dark room)
b) We get ______ and vegetables from plants. ( Stone/ Fruit)
c) Animals that live in ______ are called wild animals.
d) Birds have _____ to fly. (Feet/Wings)
e) Monkeys live on _______ .( Trees/table)
4. Who are they?
a) He sells meat. _____
b) He mends our Shoes._______
c) He sells things at his shop.______
d) He cuts our hair.______
e) He makes furniture._______
f) He gives us medicine when we fall sick._____
5. Name any two examples of each of the following.
a) Domestic animals _________&________
b) Thorny plants ___________&________
c) Shrubs __________&________
d) Water animals _________&______
6. Answer the following question. (5×2=10)
a) What is the name of our country?
b) What is the capital city of Nepal?
c) Which is the national animal of our country?
d) What is the national color of our country?
e) Which is the national flower of our country?
The End,👍👍👍😄😁😆😉

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