ASM_16180 2
ASM_16180 2
ASM_16180 2
Annual Examination Model Test Paper (2024-25)
Grade 8
Date: Time: 2.5 hrs MM: 60
1. This question paper comprises four sections-A, B, C and D.
2. Section A: Q1 to Q24 are 1 mark questions.
3. Q25 comprises 11 questions of 1 mark each.
4. Section B: Q26 comprises very short answer type questions carrying 2 marks each.
5. Section C: Q27 comprises short answer type questions and diagrams carrying 3 marks each.
6. Section D: Q28 comprises long answer type questions carrying 5 marks each.
7. Internal choices are given.
8. Wherever necessary, neat and properly labelled diagrams should be drawn.
SECTION A (24+11=35 Marks)
Multiple Choice Questions. Choose the correct option (Q1 to Q10) (1×10 = 10)
Q1. Pathogenic microorganisms present in host cells are killed by medicines called-
(a) pain killers (b) antibodies
(c) antibiotics (d) vaccines
Q2. Naphthalene balls are obtained from coal tar and are used as-
(a) mosquito repellent (b) moth repellent
(c) honey bee repellent (d) snake repellent
Q3. Aquatic animals in which fertilisation occurs in water are said to be –
(a) Viviparous without fertilization (b) Oviparous with external fertilization
(c) Viviparous with internal fertilization (d) Oviparous with internal fertilization
Q4. Which element is needed for thyroxine production?
(a) Iron (b) Magnesium
(c) Iodine (d) Sodium
Q5. During dry weather, while combing hair, sometimes we experience hair flying apart. The force
responsible for this is
(a) gravitational force (b) electrostatic force.
(c) frictional force (d) magnetic force.
Q6. Children were asked to arrange forces due to rolling, sliding and static friction in descending order.
Choose the correct arrangement
(a) Rolling, Static, Sliding (b) Rolling, Sliding, Static
(c) Static, Sliding, Rolling (d) Sliding, Static, Rolling
Q7. A student made a list of the applications of electroplating on metals. He learns that zinc metal is
electroplated over iron. Why is electroplating of iron done?
(a) To change the surface properties of the iron
(b) To make it resistant to atmospheric moisture.
(c) To improve the appearance of iron and make it shiny
(d) None of the above
Q8. Saurabh sees a thief entering his house secretly in the middle of the night. He is alarmed and his heart
starts beating fast. These symptoms attribute to the action of which hormone?
(a) adrenaline (b) thyroxine
(c) testosterone (d) insulin
Q9. The SI unit of pressure is-
(a) Nm-2 (b) N
(c) Nm (d) Nm
Q10. The angle between an incident ray and normal is 30 . The angle between the incident ray and reflected
ray is
(a) 300 (b) 600
(c) 900 (d) 1200
A chemical process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give off heat is called combustion. The
substance that undergoes combustion is said to be a combustible substance. It is also called a fuel. The fuel
may be solid, liquid or gas. Sometimes, light is also given off during combustion, either as a flame or as a
glow. The lowest temperature at which a substance catches fire is called its ignition temperature. The
substances which have very low ignition temperature and can easily catch fire with a flame are called
inflammable substances. Examples of inflammable substances are petrol, alcohol, Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Q11. Which of these materials is combustible?
(a) Steel (b) Wood
(c) Glass (d) Marble
Q12. Meera has wood and coal as fuel. The calorific value of wood and coal is 20000KJ/kg and 30000KJ/kg
respectively. Which one of the following produces the most heat?
(a) 500g of coal (b) 1kg of coal
(c) 500g of wood (d) 1kg of wood
Q13. The substance that does not burn with the flame is
(a) LPG (b) Camphor
(c) Dry gases (d) Charcoal
Q14. Which one of following has highest calorific value?
(a) Kerosene (b) Biogas
(c) Petrol (d) LPG
Q15. Identify the inflammable substance from the following :
(a) Soil (b) Water
(c) Alcohol (d) Vinegar
In the following questions, two statements are given –one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labelled
as Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the choices a, b, c, d as given below:
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Q16. Assertion (A): A mother is not completely responsible for the sex of the child.
Reason(R): The child gets one sex chromosome from the mother and another from the father.
Q17. Assertion (A): The larger the area, smaller is the pressure.
Reason(R): The force acting on unit area of a surface is called pressure.
Q18. Assertion (A): Vibrations are sent from the inner ear to the eardrum.
Reason(R): The eardrum is like a stretched rubber sheet.
Q19. Assertion (A): A person should include vitamin A rich foods in his diet.
Reason(R): Lack of vitamin A causes Night Blindness.
Image Based Questions (Q20 to Q24) (1x5=5)
Q20. The microorganism shown in the given figure is
(a) algae (b) fungi
(c) bread mould (d) cocci
Q22. Fill in the blank circles in the given figure with the sex of children A and B :-
Q23. In the given figure of human eye, the cornea is represented by the letter
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D
Q25. Answer the following questions in one sentence / one word (1x11=11)
SECTION C [9marks]
Q27. Answer the following questions in about 50-80 words. (3x3=9)
(a) Explain the structure of male gamete with the help of a diagram
Explain the process of metamorphosis along with the life cycle of frog.
(b) Draw the structure of ear and label its parts -pinna, hammer, anvil, stirrup, eardrum and cochlea.
(c) Define dispersion of light. Why is a rainbow usually seen after heavy rainfall?
SECTION D [10marks]
Q28. Answer the following questions in about 80-120 words. (5x2=10)
Manish took two pots X and Y. He placed fruit peels, tea leaves and vegetable waste in Pot X and
polythene bag, glass bottle and plastic toy in Pot Y. He placed both the pots in an open area for 3-4
weeks and observed the contents in both the pots.
(i) What will Manish observe in Pots X and Y? (2)
(ii) What could be the reason for the above changes? (1)
(iii) How can microorganisms be used to clean the environment? (2)
(b) (i) Describe an activity to show how electrolysis of water is carried out. (3)
(ii) How would you show that the gas obtained at cathode and anode during electrolysis of water is
hydrogen and that obtained at anode is oxygen? (2)
(b) A. Observe the setup given below and answer the questions that follow :-
(i) What happens to the sugar solution in A?
(ii) Which gas is released in A?
(iii) What changes will you observe in B, when the above gas passes through it?
B. (i) Why should we avoid standing close to a tuberculosis patient while he / she is coughing?
(ii) Polio drops are not given to children suffering from diarrhoea. Why?