Pathfit Lessons

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FIT 2 Your food choices each day affect your health how you feel
today, tomorrow, and in the future.

Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy

lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to
reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic
diseases (like heart disease and cancer), and promote your overall

Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet. Food

and drink provide the energy and nutrients you need to be healthy.
Understanding these nutrition terms may make it easier for you to
make better food choices.

Nutrients are chemical compounds in food that are used by

the body to function properly and maintain health. Examples include
proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

The importance of health, fitness and exercise

Health can be defined as 'complete physical, mental and

social wellbeing and not only the absence of illness or infirmity'. This
is an interesting definition as people tend to feel they are healthy
simply when they do not feel ill. This definition clearly describes that
health is much more and involves feelings of happiness, social
interaction and energy.

How physical, mental/emotional and social wellbeing

contribute to overall health.
 The state or condition of being fit, suitability or
appropriateness, good health or physical condition, especially
as the result of exercise and proper nutrition.

 It is the state of complete physical, mental, social, and
spiritual well-being, and not merely the absence of disease
and infirmity.

 Planned, structured, repetitive movement of the body
designed to improve or maintain physical fitness.

Five sessions of thirty minutes activity
per week. The activity should be
physical enough to cause the adult to
breathe more deeply and to begin to

Physical activity
 Any body movement carried out by the skeletal muscles and
requiring energy
Physical fitness
 A set of physical attributes that allows the body to respond or
adapt to the demands and stress of physical effort.
 The capacity of the body to do activities without undue
 Health-related fitness and components of skill-related-fitness

Health-Related Skill-Related
Fitness Fitness

Exercises that are done Skill-related fitness is the

with the intention of capacity to perform
improving one's physical during games and sports.
health and maintaining a Itinclude factors that
healthy lifestyle are relate to the possibility of
included in the concept of you becoming a good
health-related fitness athlete.

Fitness can be broken down into different components or parts

Components of Physical Fitness

A. Health Related Fitness (HRL)
The ability of the body to meet the demands of daily
physical effort and activity, to have enough energy reserve
for unexpected emergencies and to enjoy the feeling of well-
being that regular exercise brings.
Muscular Endurance
 The ability of the muscles to repeatedly exert
themselves over a period of time.
 The highest amount of force that a muscle
group is able to pull or push in a single
contraction. Circuit training, and bodyweight
exercises are all good ways to build muscle
Muscular Strength
 The ability of the to exert maximum force
 The capacity ofthe muscle to produce force
during a relatively short period oftime
(maximum force). Push-ups, sit-ups, lifting,
squats, and lunges promote muscular strength.
Cardio-Vascular Endurance
 The ability of the heart, blood vessels, blood
and respiratory system to supply oxygen and
fuel to the muscles at a steady rate for a
considerable length of time
 The ability of the lungs, heart, and blood
vessels to deliver enough oxygen to the cells
to meet the needs of long-term physical
 Getting stronger in your heart and lungs can
make it easier for you to carry out the tasks
you need to do every day. Jogging,running,
cycling, and swimming can enhance
cardiovascular endurance.
 The ability to move the body joints through the
full range of motion (ROM) without discomfort
or pain.
 The ability of a joint or group of joints to move
through their full range of motion without pain
or restriction.
 Even though flexibility varies a lot from person
to person, everyone needs to stay within
certain minimum ranges to keep their joints
and bodies healthy.
 Squats, lunges, and stretching can enhance
the body's flexibility
Body Composition
 The relative percentage of muscle fat bone and
other tissues that comprise the body.
 How much of your body is made up of fat,
bone, and muscle. Body composition is a way
for health professionals to figure out if a person
is at a healthy weight for their body.
 Nutrition and exercise are critical for improving
body composition. Burpees, pushups, squat
jumps, lunges, and planking can improve body
B. Performance Related Fitness (PRF)
Components are associated more with performance
than, good health. To compete in selected sporting activities,
one develops a high level of Health-related fitness plus,
Performance Related Fitness.
e.g., moderate amounts of strength are required to prevent back problems
in daily life, whereas, high levels of strength (HRF) and power (PRF)
contribute most to improved performance in strength based competitive


The ability to
The ability to quickly combine the senses
and accurately The ability to with the body parts
change the direction maintain equilibrium to perform activities
of the movement of while stationary or smoothly and
the entire body in moving. accurately. (e.g.,
space. Hand - eye and Foot
- eye).


The time elapsed The ability to

between stimulation The ability to perform a
and the start of transfer energy into movement in a
reaction to that force at a fast rate. short period of time.

You must train You must start

Harder than normal slowly and build up
to force your body to overload.
to improve.


·If you stop training, You must train the

you will lose some muscles specific to
of your gains, but, if your sport.
you start training
again, you can get
back to your peak.

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