Operation Instruction
Ver. 8.0
1. SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3.1 Slots of modules 5
1.3.2 Commonly used modules: 6
1.3.3 Installation and replacement of modules 7
1.3.4 Electric isolation of the modules 8
1.3.5 Further descriptions about module applications 8
2. DISPLAYS AND OPERATIONS.......................................................................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Parameter Setting 20
2.3.2 Set Value Setting 20
2.3.3 Auto Tuning 22
3. PARAMETERS AND SETTINGS........................................................................................................................ 24
3.3.1 Single-phase phase-shift trigger output 42
3.3.2 Alarm blocking at the beginning of power on 42
3.3.3 Setpoints switch 43
3.3.4 Communication function 43
3.3.5 Temperature re-transmitter / Program generator / Manual current output 44
StEP: 45
StEP time: 45
Running time: 45
Jump: 46
Run/Hold: 46
Stop: 46
Power cut/resume event handling: 46
PV startup and PV preparation function (rdy function) : 47
Curve fitting: 47
5. PROGRAMMING AND OPERATION (FOR AI-518P ONLY) ........................................................................ 48
5.1 RAMP MODE(PAF : B=0) 48
5.2 SOAK MODE(PAF : B=1) 51
Time setting 51
Program arrangement of multi-curve operation 52
1.1 Main Features
z Adopt digital calibration technology for input measurement with input measurement accuracy 0.3% F.S., Support
standard thermocouples and RTDs, maximum resolution is 0.01℃
z Adopt advanced artificial intelligence control algorithm, no overshoot and with the function of auto tuning (AT)
and self-adaptation.
z Adopt advanced modular structure, conveniently providing plentiful output options, able to satisfy the
requirements of various applications, make quick delivery and convenience the maintenance of the instrument.
z Friendly and customized operating interface leads to easy learning and simple operation. Parameter can be
promoted to immediate operator access in Field Parameter Table or password protected in Full Parameter
z With worldwide power supply of 100-240VAC or 24VDC and various installation dimensions for users to choose.
z ISO9001 and CE certified, achieving world class level of quality, anti-interference ability and safety.
Note 1: The instrument applies the technology of automatic zero and digital calibration, and is free of maintenance.
If the error exceeds certain range, generally, cleaning and drying the inside of the instrument can fix it. If not, send the
instrument back to the factory to examine and repair.
1.3 Modules
1.3.1 Slots of modules
AI-518/518P series instruments have five slots for modules to be installed (D dimension instruments have 3
slots: OUTP, AUX and COMM/AL1; D4 dimension instruments have 2 slots: OUTP and COMM/AUX). By
installing different modules, the controller can meet the requirements of different functions and output types.
z Multiple function Input / Output (MIO):
Can input signal from 2-wire transmitter or 4-20mA signal by installing I4 (current input) module and I4 module
can provide VDC to transmitter. If a I2 (on-off signal input) module is installed, the instrument can switch between
set points SV1 and SV2 by an external switch. Cooperating with OUTP and installing a K3 module can realize
three-phase thyristor zero cross triggering output.
z Main output (OUTP):
Commonly used as control output such as on-off control, standard PID control, and AI PID control. It can be
used as retransmission output of process value (PV) or set point (SV). Installing L1 or L4 modular can realize
relay contact output; installing X3 or X5 module can realize 0-20mA/4-20mA/0-10mA linear current output;
installing G module can realize SSR voltage output; installing W1 or W2 module can implement TRIAC no
contact switch output.
z Alarm (ALM):
Commonly used as alarm output. Support 1 normally open + normally close relay output (AL1) by installing L1 or
L2 module or 2 normally open relay outputs (AL1+AL2) by installing L5 module.
z Auxiliary output (AUX): In a heating/refrigerating dual output system, module X3, X5, L1, L4, G, W1, W2 can be
installed for the second control output. It can also output alarm by installing L1, L2 or L5 module, or be used for
communicating with computer by installing R module (RS232C interface).
z Communication Interface (COMM): Module S or S4 can be installed in for communicating with computer
(RS485 communication interface), and it can also be used as power supply for external sensor when equipped
with a voltage output module.
z Input type: (Either of below specifications can be used selectively in the one instrument)
Thermocouple: K, S, R, E, J, N, T, B, WRe3-WRe25, WRe5-WRe26.
Resistance temperature detector: Cu50, Pt100
Linear voltage: 0~5V, 1~5V, 0~1V, 0~100mV, 0~20mV, 0~500mV etc.
Linear current (external precise shunt resist needed): 0~10mA,0~20mA, 4~20mA, etc.
Extended input (install I4 module in MIO) : 0~20mA, 4~20mA or two line transmitter.
Optional: apart from the above-mentioned Input type, an additional type can be provided upon request.
(Graduation index is needed)
z Instrument Input range
K(-50~1300℃), S(-50~1700℃), R(-50~1700℃), E(0~800℃), J(0~1000℃), N(0~1300℃), T(-200~+350℃),
Cu50(-50~+150℃), Pt100(-200~+800℃)
Linear Input: -9990~30000 defined by user
z Measurement accuracy : 0.3%FS ± 0.1℃
z Resolution : 0.1℃ for K, E, T, N, J, Cu50, Pt100; 1℃ for S,R
z Temperature shift : ≤0.015%FS /℃ (typical value is 80ppm/℃)
z Sampling period : read A/D converter 8 times per second
z Response time : ≤0.5s ( when digital filter parameter FILt=0)
z Alarm function : High limit, low limit, deviation high limit and deviation low limit; providing the function of alarm
blocking at the beginning of power on.
z Control period : 0.24~300.0 seconds selectable, and it should be integer times of 0.5 second.
z Control mode:
On-off control mode (dead band adjustable)
Standard PID with auto tuning
AI PID with auto tuning, adopting artificial intelligence algorithm.
z Output mode (modularized)
Relay output (NO+NC): 250VAC/1A or 30VDC/1A
TRIAC no contact discrete output (NO or NC): 100~240VAC/0.2A (continuous), 2A (20mS instantaneous,
repeat period≥5s)
SSR Voltage output: 12VDC/30mA (used to drive SSR).
Thyristor zero crossing trigger output: Can trigger TRIAC of 5~500A, a pair of inverse paralleled SCRs or
SCR power module.
Linear current output: 0~20mA, 4~20mA can scaling by user. (Output voltage : X3≥10.5V; X5≥7V
maximum load resistor 500ohm, output precision 0.2%FS)
z Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): ±4KV/5KHz according to IEC61000-4-4; 4KV according to
z Isolation withstanding voltage : Between power, relay contact or signal terminals ≥2300VDC; between
isolated electroweak terminals ≥600V
z Power supply : 100~240VAC, -15%, +10% / 50-60Hz; 120~240VDC; or 24VDC/AC, -15%, +10%.
z Power consumption: ≤5W
z Operating Ambient : Temperature 0~60℃; humidity ≤90%RH
z Front panel dimension: 96×96mm, 160×80mm, 80×160mm, 48×96mm, 96×48mm, 48×48mm, 72×72mm
z Panel cutout dimension: 92×92mm, 152×76mm, 76×152mm, 45×92mm, 92×45mm, 45×45mm, 68×68mm
z Depth behind mounting surface: 100mm
1.5 Rear Terminal Layout and Wiring
Wiring graph of instruments 1 11 G1
then be inputted from terminals 17 and 18. If I4 module 5
+ N/O N/O A L1
N /C 15 G1
Thyristor trigger outuput( K3)
+ N /O V+
is installed in MIO slot, 4~20mA signal can be inputted 6 + N /C N/O A L2
16 G2
T he graph suits for upright instrum ents
+ 1-5V
inputted from terminals 16+ and 14-. AL M
Wiring graph of D dimension instruments (72×72mm)
Note 2: 4~20mA linear current signal can be converted to OP1 + N/O N/O
3 10
1~5V voltage signal by connecting a 250 ohm resistor and + A N/O
inputted from terminals 11 and 12. 4
+ 1-5V
Note 3: S or S4 module can be installed in COMM slot for COMM/AL1
Wiring graph of instruments with D4 dimension as below:
Thyristor trigger output G2 ZNR V
Capacitor Resistor
Absorber Circuit Varistor BX
Thyristor trigger output 5~500A ZNR
G2 V 100~380VAC
Note 1: According to the voltage and current of load, choose suitable varistor to protect the thyristor. A
resistor-capacitor circuit (RC circuit) is needed for inductance load or phase-shift trigger output.
Note 2: SCR power module is recommended. A power module includes two SCRs, is similar to the above dashed
Note 3: K5 and K6 TRAIC trigger module only support 220~380VAC and 50Hz power.
2.1 Front Panel Description
① Upper display window: Displays PV, parameter code, etc.
② Lower display window: Displays SV, parameter value, or PV
alarm message ①
③ Setup key: For accessing parameter table and conforming
parameter modification.
④ Data shift key, start auto tuning SV
⑤ Data decrease key, and also run switch ②
⑥ Data increase key, and also stop key
⑦ LED indicator: “MAN” led is non-applicable for AI-518 series. MAN RUN MIO COM OP1 OP2 AL1 AL2 AU1 AU2
“RUN” led on, it mean AI-518P running program. MIO, OP1,
OP2, AL1, AL2, AU1 and AU2 indicate I/O operation of the
corresponding module. For example, when COMM led is ③ ⑥
lighting means that the instrument is communicating with A/M RUN/HOLD STOP
④ ⑤
computer. AI A
Basic display status : When power on, the upper display window of the instrument shows the process value (PV),
and the lower window shows the set point (SV). This status is called basic display status. Symbol description was
shown as following table:
Symbol Description
Input specification setting is incorrect
orAL Input wiring is disconnected/ thermocouple problem
Short circuited
HIAL High limit alarm
LoAL Low limit alarm
HdAL Deviation high alarm
LdAL Deviation low alarm
EErr IC Software error
8888 IC Software error
Note 1: The alarm message can turn off by setting parameter AdIS to oFF.
Note 2: When occur orAL alarm, instrument will cut the output in short period.
Note 3: For AI-518P, “StoP”,”HoLd” and “rdy” which mean the status in stop, hold and ready.
2.2 Parameter Setting Flow Chart
2.3 Operation Description
Run / Hold
In basic display status, if the program is in stoP status (“StoP” is alternately displayed on the lower window),
press and hold the key for about 2 seconds until the lower display window displays the "Run" symbol, the
instrument then will start the program.
“Hold” status only can activate by parameter setting (Srun), once hold function selected, lower display window
displays the "HoLd" symbol, and the instrument changes to hold status.
At Hold status, the program is still executing, and the process value is controlled same as setpoint, but the timer
stop working, and the running time and setpoint remains. At Hold status, press and hold the key for about 2
seconds until the lower display window displays the "Run" symbol, the instrument will back to run program
Press and hold the key for about 2 seconds in the basic display status, until the lower display window
displays the "stoP" symbol, means the stoP operation is executed now, when program stopped, timer will be
reset and stop. This operation forces the instrument to stop running, meanwhile, the StEP number will reset to 1,
and control output is also stopped
Note 1: At AI-518P, when auto tuning was running, the program timer will stop until tuning finish.
Note 2: If the setpoint is different, the parameters obtained from auto-tuning are possible different. So you’d better
set setpoint to an often-used value or middle value first, and then start auto-tuning. For the ovens with good
heat preservation, the setpoint can be set at the highest applicable temperature. Depending on the system,
the auto-tuning time can be from several seconds to several hours.
Note 3: Parameter CHYS (on-off differential, control hysteresis) has influence on the accuracy of auto-tuning.
Generally, smaller value of CHYS, will get higher precision of auto tuning result. Too large value of CHYS,
will made the controller out of control, so, CHYS is recommended to be 2.0.
Note 4: AI series instrument has the function of self-adaptation. It is able to learn the process while working.
he control effect at the first run after auto tuning is probably not perfect, but excellent control result
will be obtained after a period of time because of self-adaptation.
3.1 Parameter Lock (Loc) and Field Parameters
Parameter was protected by LOC (Parameter LOCK) to prevent setting error. The function was shown as below:
√ : allow to modify data or execute
X : not allow to modify data or execute
Run, Stop, Hold. and Program Time & Temp. function just for AI-518P only
Primary Secondary Can changing status to Run,
Loc SV AT Program Step Time & Temp.
Parameter Parameter Stop
0 √ √ √ X √ √
1 √ X √ X X √
2 X X √ X √ X
3 X X √ X X X
4~255 X X X X X X
808 √ √ √ √ √ √
Loc 808 is the master password, this valve can be change by parameter PASd. Please set PASd cautiously, if the password lost,
you can’t access the parameter table again.
1 to 8 field parameters can be defined by parameters EP1 to EP8. If the number of the field parameters is less than 8, the first idle
EP parameter should be set to “nonE”. The initial values of EPs and Loc are EP1=HIAL, EP2=LoAL, EP3=HdAL, EP4=LdAL,
EP5=nonE, EP6=nonE, EP7=nonE, EP8=nonE and Loc=0.
You can redefine field parameters and Loc to change operation style. For example, you can execute auto tuning from field parameter
instead of by pressing in basic display status, and only take HIAL and HdAL as field parameter.
The EP paramters and Loc should be set as follows: EP1=HIAL, EP2=HdAL, EP3=At, EP4=nonE, Loc=1
3.2 The Parameter Table
The parameters can be divided to 8 groups including alarm, control, input, output, communication,
system, setpoint and field parameter definition. They are listed as below in sequence:
Code Name Description
Alarm on when PV>HIAL
Alarm off when PV<HIAL-AHYS,
HIAL High limit alarm
When the value set to Max. will disable this function
Alarm output action can be defined by parameter AOP.
Alarm on when PV<LoAL;
LoAL Low limit alarm Alarm off when PV>LoAL+AHYS
When the value set to Min. will disable this function -9990~
Alarm on when PV-SV>HdAL;
Deviation high units
HdAL Alarm off when PV-SV<HdAL-AHYS
When the value set to Max. will disable this function
Alarm on when PV-SV<LdAL; Alarm off when PV-SV>LdAL+AHYS
Deviation low When the value set to Min. will disable this function HdAL and LdAL can also be used
alarm as high limit and low limit alarms when needed. (Refer to the description of
parameter AF)
Alarm 0~2000
AHYS Avoid frequent alarm on-off action because of the fluctuation of PV
hysteresis units
oFF : Will not display alarm message in the lower display window when alarming;
AdIS Alarm display oFF / on
on : Alternately display alarm message in the lower display window when alarming.
Output to (x 1000) (x100) (x10) (x1)
None 0 0 0 0
AL1 1 1 1 1
AL2 2 2 2 2
AU1 3 3 3 3
Alarm output AU2 4 4 4 4
AOP Example: 0~4444
AOP = 3 3 0 1
It shows that HdAL and LdAL are sent to AU1, LoAL has no output, HIAL is sent to
Note 1: When AUX is used as auxiliary output in bidirectional (heating/refrigerating)
control, alarm to AU1 and Au2 won’t work.
Note 2: Installing L5 dual relay output module in ALM or AUX can implement AL2 or
AU2 alarm.
onoF: on-off control. For situation not requiring high precision
APId: advanced artificial intelligence PID control. (Recommended)
nPId: standard PID algorithm with anti integral-saturation function (no integral when
CtrL Control mode nPId
PV-SV > proportional band)
POP: Transmit PV. The instrument works as a temperature re-transmitter.
SOP: Transmit SV. The instrument works program generator.
rE: Reverse acting. Increase in measured variable causes a decrease in the output,
such as heating control.
dr: Direct acting. Increase in measured variable causes an increase in the output, rE
such as refrigerating control. dr
Act Acting method
rEbA: Reverse acting with low limit alarm and deviation low alarm blocking at the rEbA
beginning of power on. drbA
drbA: Direct acting with high limit alarm and deviation high alarm blocking at the
beginning of power on.
oFF: Auto tuning function was off.
on: Active auto turning function to calculate the values oFF / On /
At Auto tuning
FoFF : Auto tuning function was off, cannot activate again by pressing key from FoFF
panel .
Proportional band in PID and APID control. Instead of percentage of the
measurement range, the unit is the same as PV.
Proportional 1~32000
P Generally, optimal P, I, D and CtI can obtained by auto tuning. They can also be
band units
manually inputted if you already know the correct values.
I Time of Integral No integral effect when I=0
Time of 0~999.9
d No derivative effect when d=0
Derivative seconds
The 2 proportional band in PID and APID control. Instead of percentage of the
measurement range, the unit is the same as PV. 1~32000
P2 Proportional
Generally, optimal P, I, D and CtI can obtained by auto tuning. They can also be units
manually inputted if you already know the correct values.
2nd Time of 0~9999
I2 No integral effect when I=0
Integral seconds
2 Time of 0~999.9
d2 No derivative effect when d=0
Derivative seconds
2nd Control
CtI2 Same description and function as parameter as “Ctl” 300.0
CHYS is used for on-off control to avoid frequent on-off action of relay.
For a reverse acting (heating) system, when PV > SV, output turns off; when
PV<SV-CHYS, output turns on. 0~2000
CHYS Hysteresis
For a direct acting (cooling) system, when PV<SV, output turns off; when
PV>SV+CHYS, output turns on.
InP Input spec. InP Input spec.
0 K 20 Cu50
1 S 21 Pt100
2 R 22 Pt100 (-80~+300.00℃) *
3 T 25 0~75mV voltage input
4 E 26 0~80ohm resistor input
5 J 27 0~400ohm resistor input
6 B* 28 0~20mV voltage input
7 N 29 0~100mV voltage input
InP specification 0~37
Code 8 WRe3-WRe25 30 0~60mV voltage input
9 WRe3-Wre26 31 0~500mV voltage input
Extended input
10 32 100~500mV voltage input
12 F2 radiation type pyromter 33 1~5V voltage input
4 ~ 20mA (installed I4
15 34 0~5V voltage input
module in MIO)
0 ~ 20mA (installed I4
16 35 0~10V
module in MIO)
17 K (0~300.00℃) * 36 2~10V
18 J (0~300.00℃) * 37 0~20V
Scb is used to shift input to compensate the error caused by transducer, input signal,
Input Shift or auto cold junction compensation of thermocouple.
Scb +4000
Adjustment PV after compensation=PV before compensation + Scb
It is generally set to 0. The incorrect setting will cause measurement mistake. units
The value of FILt will determine the ability of filtering noise.
When a large value is set, the measurement input is stabilized but the response
speed is slow. Generally, it can be set to 1 to 3.
FILt PV input filter If great interference exists, then you can increase parameter “FILt” gradually to make 0~40
momentary fluctuation of measured value less than 2 to 5.
When the instrument is being metrological verified, “FILt” s can be set to 0 or 1 to
shorten the response time.
Selection of 50C: 50Hz,display ℃. , 50F: 50Hz, display ℉
60C: 60Hz,display ℃. , 60F: 60Hz, display ℉. 50C, 50F,
Fru frequency and
Input has max. anti-interference ability to 50Hz or 60Hz frequency when parameter 60C, 60F
scale set;
SSr: Output SSr drive voltage or thyristor zero crossing trigger signal. G, K1 or K3
module should be installed. The output power can be adjusted by the on-off time
proportion. The period (CtI) is generally 0.5~4 seconds. SSr
Main output rELy: for relay contact output or for execution system with mechanical contact switch.
OPt 0-20
type To protect the mechanical switch, the output period (CtI) is limited to 3~120 seconds,
and generally is 1/5 to 1/10 of derivative time. PHA
0-20: 0~20mA linear current output. X3 or X5 module should be installed in OUTP
4-20: 4~20mA linear current output. X3 or X5 module should be installed in OUTP
PHA: Single-phase phase-shift output. K5 module should be installed in OUTP slot.
PHA is only for 50Hz power supply, and don’t support bidirectional control system.
Define AUX only when AUX is worked as the auxiliary output of a heating/refrigerating
bidirectional systerm.
SSr: to output SSr driver voltage or thyristor zero crossing trigger signal. G, K1 or K3
module should be installed. The output power can be adjusted by adjusting the
on-off time proportion. The period (CtI) is generally 0.5~4 seconds.
rELy: for relay contact output or for execution system with mechanical contact switch. SSr
Auxiliary output To protect the mechanical switch, the output period (CtI) is limited to 3~120 seconds, rELy
type and generally is 1/5 to 1/10 of derivative time. 0-20
0-20: 0~20mA linear current output. X3 or X5 module should be installed in AUX 4-20
4-20: 4~20mA linear current output. X3 or X5 module should be installed in AUX
Note: In a heating/refrigerating bidirectional control system, if any of OPt or Aut is set
to rELy, then CtI is limited to 3~120.
0~100%: OPL is the minimum output of OUTP in single directional control system.
-1~-110%: The instrument works for a bidirectional system, and has
heating/refrigerating dual output. When ACt=rE or rEbA, OUTP (main output) works
for heating, and AUX (Auxiliary output) works for refrigerating. When Act=dr or drbA,
OUTP works for refrigerating, and AUX works for heating. -110~
OPL Output low limit
In a bidirectional system, OPL for define the limitation of maximum cooling output. So, +110%
when the OPL= -100%, means no limitation on cooling output. If set OPL=-110%, it
can made current output excess 10% on maximum output. When the output type is
SSR output or relay output, maximum of cooling output should not set more than
Output upper OPL limits the maximum of OUTP (main output) when PV<OEF. OPH should be
OPH 0~110%
limit greater than OPL.
When PV<OEF, the upper limit of OUTP is OPH; when PV>OEF, the upper limit of
Work range of OUTP is 100%. -999~
OPH For example, to avoid that the temperature raises too quickly, under 150℃, a heater +3200
can work only under 30% of power, then we can set OEF=150.0 (℃), OPH=30 (%)
Communication In the same communication line, different instrument should be set to different
Addr 0~80
address address.
The range of baud rate is 1200~19200bit/s. When COMM/AUX slot is used as AUX,
bAud should be set to 0.
bAud Baud rate If set parameter bAud = 2, it can be used for AU1 or AL1 alarm output. 0~19.2K
For D4 dimension instrument, if I2 is installed and bAud = 1, then it can input on-off
signal to switch SV1 and SV2 (AI-518) or switching the program status RUN/Stop
(AI-518P) by connecting a switch between terminals number 3 and 5.
When I2 module was installed, the meter have following functions,
nonE : Disable event input function
reSt : Run / Stop switching function. Connected in short time, start to running
nonE /
program, keep connect more than 2 sec, program switch to stop.
Event input rest /
Et SP1.2 : Switching between setpoint 1 and setpoint 2 when use AI-518 or Pno=0 at
type SP1.2 /
AI-518P. MIO in open status, SV=SP1, when MIO in close status, SV=SP2
PId2 : Switching 1st PID and 2nd PID. When use as single direction control, MIO in
open status, P, I, d and Ctl was active, when MIO in close status, P2, I2, d2 and Ctl2
was active
AF is used to select advanced function. The value of AF is calculated as below:
A=0, HdAL and LdAL work as deviation high and low limit alarms;
A=1, HdAL and LdAL work as high and low limit alarms, and the instrument can have
two groups of high and low limit alarms.
B=0, Alarm and control hysteresis work as unilateral hysteresis;
B=1, As bilateral hysteresis.
Advanced C=0, The light bar indicates the output value;
AF 0~255
function C=1, The light bar indicates the process value (for instruments with light bar only).
D=0, Loc=808 can access the whole parameter table;
D=1, Loc=PASd can access the parameter table.
E=0, Normal application on HIAL and LoAL;
E=1, HIAL AND LoAL will become to deviation high alarm and Deviation low alarm
F=0, Fine control mode, internal control resolution was demonstration’s 10 times.
When on linear input mode, biggest display value is 3200 units
F=1, Wide range display mode, when the value is bigger than 3200 ,chooses this
G=0, When the thermocouple or RTD input is burnt out, PV value will increase and
trigger the high limit alarm.
G=1, When the thermocouple or RTD input is burnt out, PV value will increase and
NOT trigger the high limit alarm. After it was sets, High Limit alarm will have 30 sec.
delay for trigger in normal usage.
Note: AF=0 is recommended.
When PASd=0~255 or AF.D=0, set Loc=808 can enter the whole parameter table.
When PASd=256 ~ 9999 and AF.D=1, only Loc=PASd can access the whole
PASd Password parameter table. 0~9999
Please setting PASd cautiously, if the password is lost, you can’t access the
parameter table again.
SPL Low limit of SV Minimum value that SV is allowed to be. -999~
Upper limit of +3000
SPH Maximum value that SV is allowed to be.
SV unit
SP1 Setpoint 1 When Pno=0 or 1, then SV=SP1
When I2 module installed in MIO slot, SP1 and SP2 can be switched by an external
SP2 Setpoint 2 SPH
switch. If the switch is off, SV=SP1; if the switch is on, SV=SP2.
Once SPr was set, if PV<SV when program start, the first step of ramp slope will
Ramp Slope limited by SPr value until the temperature reach the first SV , under this limitation, the 0~3200℃
SPr limit (Only for RUN lamp will keep flashing.
AI-518P) For Ramp mode. SPr had effect on first step only. /Min
For Soak mode, SPr had effect on each step.
To define the number of program in use.
No. of Program
Pno= 0, disable the program running mode, then AI-518P will same as AI-518,
Pno step (Only for 0~30
meanwhile, can set the parameter “SPr” to limit the ramp time.
Pno=1~30, AI-518P working as normal programmable controller
Cont : Continue to run the program from the original break point. If STOP STATUS
was activated before power cut, then it (the program) will keep stop status after power
Program run Cont /
StoP : Stop the program after power restart
mode after StoP /
run1 : Start to run the program from step 1 unless the instrument was in “stop” state
PonP power restart run1 /
before power cut.
(Only for dASt /
dASt : If these have deviation alarm after power resume, then stop the program,
AI-518P) HoLd
otherwise, continue run the program from the original break point.
HoLd : Go into HOLD state after power on. If it is in StoP state before power cut, then
keep in StoP State after power on.
PAF = Ax1 + Bx2 + Cx4 + Dx8
A=0, Enable ready (rdy) function
A=1, Disenable ready (rdy) function
Program B=0, Ramp mode.
Running mode B=1, Soak mode,
(Only for C=0, Time unit in Minute, the range is 0.1~3200.
AI-518P) C=1, Time unit in Hour, the range is 0.1~3200
D=0, Disable PV start up function.
D=1, Enable PV start up function.
Please refer to Page XX for more detail of Ramp mode, Soak mode and PV start up
nonE and
EP1~ all
parameter Define 0~8 of the parameters as field parameters.
EP8 parameter
3.3 Additional Remarks of Special Functions
3.3.1 Single-phase phase-shift trigger output
When OPt is set to PHA, installing a K5 or K6 module in OUTP slot can single-phase phase-shift trigger a TRIAC or 2
inverse parallel SCRs. It can continuously adjust heating power by control the conduction angle of thyristor. With
non-linear power adjustment according to the characters of sine wave, it can get ideal control. The trigger adopts
self-synchronizing technology, so it can also work even when the power supplies of the instrument and the heater are
different. Phase-shift trigger has high interference to the electric power, so user should pay attention to the
anti-interference ability of other machines in the system. Now the K5 or K6 module can be only used in 50Hz power
3.3.3 Setpoints switch
If an I2 module is installed in MIO slot (or bAud=1 and I2 installed in COMM slot). User can connect external on off
switch to realize some control function. Set Et = rest, can switching program run and stop. For AI-518, or AI518P when
its Pno=0, set Et = SP1.2, can switching between setpoint 1 and setpoint 2.
3.3.5 Temperature re-transmitter / Program generator / Manual current output
Besides AI PID, stand PID control and on-off control, if the output is defined as current output, the instrument can also
retransmit PV (process value) or SV (setpoint) into linear current and output from OUTP. The precision of current
output is 0.2%FS. Base on that ability, AI-518 can become temperature re-transmitter and AI-518P can become
program generator
The corresponding parameters are set as below:
When CtrL=POP, PV is retransmitted to linear current, the instrument works as temperature re-transmitter.
When CtrL=SOP, SV is transmitted and outputted, and the instrument works as manual current output
controller(AI-518) or prodram generator(AI-518) .
OPt is used to choose output type, generally 4~20mA or 0~20mA output.
Parameter InP, SCL, SCH, and Scb are used for selecting input specification, setting low limit or high limit of PV and
adjusting input.
For example, in order to retransmit temperature read from K thermocouple, range 0~400℃, to current 4~20mA, the
parameters are set as below: InP=0, ScL=0.0, ScH=400.0, OPt=4~20, and X3 or X5 linear current module is installed
in OUTP slot. When the temperature is less than or equal to 0℃, the output is 4mA. When the temperature equals
to 400℃, the output is 20mA.
4. Further description for the operation of AI-518P series instrument
AI-518P v8.0 program type temperature controller is used in the application where the setpoint should be changed
automatically with the time. It provides 30 segments program control which can be set in any slope and the function of
jump, run, hold and stop can also be set in the program. Measurement startup function, preparation function and
power-cut/power-resume event handling modes also provided.
The No. of the program Step can be defined from 1 to 30, and the current Step is the program Step being executing.
StEP time:
Total run time of the program step. The unit is minute and the available value range from 1 to 9999.
Running time:
The Time of current Step has run. As the running time reaches the Step time, the program will jump to the next Step
The program can jump to any other steps in the range of 1 to 30 automatically as you programmed in the program
Step, and realize cycle control.
When program is in the running status, timer works, and set point value changes according to the preset curve. When
program is in the holding status, timer stops, and set point remains to make temperature hold also. The holding
operation can be programmed into the program step.
When the stop operation is activated, the program will stop, running time will be clear, event output switch will reset
and the output control will stop output. If run operation is activated when instrument is in the stop status, the program
will start-up and run again from the set step no. The stop function can be programmed into the program Step. The stop
operation can also be performed manually at any time. (After stop operation is done, the step no. will be set to 1, but
user can modify it again). If the program ran the last step of “Pno”, program will stop automatically.
PV startup and PV preparation function (rdy function) :
At the beginning of starting a program, resuming a program after power cut or continuing to run a program after it is
just modified, the PV (process value) are often quite different from the set point. PV startup function and PV
preparation function can make PV and set point consistent, and avoid unexpected result. When PV startup function
enabled, the instrument will adjust the running time automatically to make the expected set point is the same as the
current PV.
For example, the program is set that the temperature will be raised form 25℃ to 625℃ in 600 minutes. But the current
PV is 100℃, then the instrument will automatically to run this program start from 75 minutes, that mean changed the
temperature raised from 100℃ to 625℃ in 525 minutes (600-75) min.
At the above situation(PV=100, SV=25, first step SV), when PV preparation function is enable, the alarm function will
be blocked at that time, and PV will be adjusted to approach SV until the deviation alarm condition is released (PV is
between SV-LdAL and SV+HdAL). After deviation alarm was off, the controller start the program again. Preparation
function (rdy Function) is helpful to keep the integrity of the program, but it will prolong the program time because the
start of the program is postponed.
PV startup function is prior to PV preparation function. If both function are enabled, the system apply PV startup first, if
PV startup function works, PV preparation function will not be activated.
Curve fitting:
Curve fitting is adopted as a kind of control technology for AI-518P series instrument. As controlled process often has
lag time in system response, by the way of curve fitting the instrument will smooth the turning point of the linear
heating-up, cooling-down and constant temperature curves automatically. The degree of the smooth is relevant with
the system’s lag time t (t=d+CtI) ; the longer of the lag time, the curve will more smooth. On the opposite the smooth
function will be weaker. Generally the shorter of the process lag time (such as temperature inertia), the better of the
program control on effect. By the way of the curve fitting to deal with the program curves, will avoid overshoot. Note:
The characteristic of the curve fitting will force the program control to generate fixed negative deviation during the
linear heating-up and fixed positive deviation during the linear cooling-down, the deviation is direct proportional to the
lag time and the speed of heating-up (cooling-down). This phenomenon is normal.
Programming of instrument has uniform format of temperature-time-temperature, which means temperature “A”(SP 1),
passed Time “A”(t01), then reached Temperature “B”(SP 2). The unit of temperature set is ℃ and the unit of time set
is minute. The following example includes 5 steps, which is linear temperature heating up, constant temperature,
linear temperature cooling down, jump cycling, ready, Hold..
StEP1: SP 1=100 , t 1=30.0 Start linear temperature heating up from 100℃, and the time needed 30 minutes to reach
SP 2(400 degree).
StEP2: SP 2=400 , t 2=60.0 Temperature raised to 400℃, slope of raising curve is 10℃/minute, The program take 60
minutes to raise temperature to SP3 (400 degree). It means keep the same temperature in 60 minutes.
StEP3: SP 3=400 , t 3=120.0 This is the step for temperature cooling down, slope of cooling curve is 2℃/minute, and
the time needed is 120 minutes to reach SP4 (160degree).
StEP4: SP 4=160 , t 4=0.0 When temperature reached 160 degree, the program get in Hold state. If need go to next
step, it needed operator to executed the “run” for next step.
StEP5: SP 5=160 , t05=-1.0 Jump to StEP1 to start from beginning.
In this example, it is assumed that the deviation high alarm is set to 5℃. Because the temperature of StEP 5 is 160℃,
and the temperature of StEP1 is 100℃, when program jumps from StEP 5 to StEP 1, the program will change to
preparation state at first(if preparation mode “rdy” was enabled), i.e., Control the temperature until the deviation
between setpoint and PV is less than deviation high alarm value. After temperature is controlled to 105℃, the program
will be started from StEP 1, and run the above steps again. The temperature control drawing was shown below.
5.2 Soak mode(PAF : B=1)
Suitable for the process which does not need to establish the temperature slope, can simplify the programming and
more effective. Each step also can set parameter “SPr” to define temperature raise slope, if “SPr=0” raising speed will
set to maximum. Because cannot know the actual time which spend on temperature raising, user can enable “rdy”
function to ensure the correct soak time.
Time setting
Set “t-xx” = 1~3200 (min)
Set the time of xx StEP. (Time units can be change to Hour by parameter “PAF”.)
Set “t-xx” = 0.0
The program hold on StEP xx, program will hold running and hold counting time.
Set “t-xx” = -121.0
The program stops, and switches to stop status.
Set “t-xx” = -0.1~-122.0
Negative value of this range represents a jump operation which will jump to step xx and event output. Range -1~-120
is for step jumping application. The step jumping cannot greater than “Pno”(No. of Program step).
Decimal point use for control the event output from AL1 and AL2. (Modular), Note, if parameter AOP was assigned
alarm action will trigger from AL1 and AL2, the event output also will cause alarm from AL1 and AL2.
When set
-XXX.1, AL1 activate, AL2 release
-XXX.2, AL1 release, AL2 activate
-XXX.3, AL1 and AL2 activate
-XXX.4, AL1 and AL2 release
Example 1 : t -5 = -1.1 ; means when the program arrived step 5, AL1 activate, AL2 release and
will jump to step 1 continues running
Example 2 : t-6 = -0.3 ; means when the program arrived step 6, AL1 and AL2 activate and
continuous next step.
Note: The program will be held if it jump from a control segment to another control segment (an Hold action will be
inserted between two control sections), external run/Hold operation is needed to release the Hold status. It is not
allowed that the jump section jump to itself (for example: t 06= -6), otherwise, the Hold status cannot be released.
For example: There are three curves with the length of 3 steps represent three groups of process parameter, they are
separately arranged on StEP2-StEP4, StEP5-StEP7, StEP8-StEP10. Settings are as follows:
t- 1=-2.0 Execute the program of curve 1 (StEP2-StEP4)
t- 1=-5.0 Execute the program of curve 2 (StEP5-StEP7)
t- 1=-8.0 Execute the program of curve 3 (StEP8-StEP10)
Note: Can choose the curves by setting the value of StEP “t-1“ set to -2.0, -5.0 or -8.0 before the program startup.