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Candidate Name: _______________________________________


(100 Marks)
Date:____________________ Time allowed:__________

Candidate Name: ________________________________________________________

(Surname First)
School Name: ___________________________________________________________

• This paper contains 7 pages. Please check
• Write your name and that of your school in the spaces provided
• This paper has two sections; A and B

SECTION A (30 Marks)

Encircle the letter representing the correct D. Assisting the ward during funerals
5. Which of the following types of transport
1. The imaginary line that divides the earth is the cheapest
into two equal halves is called ________ A. Water transport C. air transport
A. Equator B. Road transport D. railway transport
B. Latitude
C. Tropical of Capricorn 6. The following is the importance of soil
D. Tropical of cancer A. Making phones
B. For population
2. In which season does trees lose their C. For making clay pots
leaves in Malawi? D. Developing government
A. Hot and wet C. hot and dry
B. Cool and dry D. cool and wet 7. Which of the following caused slave trade
in west Africa
3. Which tribes attacked the Maravi A. Need of cooks in East Africa
kingdom B. Need of labourers by British settlers
A. Ngoni and Yao C. Need of cheap labourers in Zanzibar
B. Lomwe and yao D. Preserving culture
C. Ngoni and chewa
D. Chewa and lomwe 8. The following is one of the methods of
catching fish except
4. Which of the following is the role of A. Gill net C. trawl net
award councillor B. Fish trap D. Water
A. Interprets the council plans to the
people 9. Which of the following mineral is used
B. Settle land disputes for making bottle tops
C. Registers marriages that are governed A. Copper C. Iron
by English law B. Uranium D. aluminium

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Candidate Name: _______________________________________
10.The following are not examples of 16.Which of the following is the highest
drainage except court in Malawi
A. Plateaus C. rift valley A. The traditional court
B. Rivers D. plain B. The supreme court
C. The high court
11.In which of the following oceans is D. The magistrate court
located to the east of the African
continent 17.The following is not the function of
A. Pacific C. Atlantic money
B. Indian D. Arctic A. Medium of exchange
B. Payments of goods and services
12.Which of the types of families is common C. As a measure of values
in Malawi D. Plants and animals
A. Nuclear family
B. Collective family 18.Which of the following missionary
C. Extended family groups came from South Africa?
D. Single A. University mission to central Africa
B. Independent African churches
13.How does one become a member of C. Catholic missionaries
parliament D. Dutch Reformed Church mission
A. by nomination
B. by election 19.The following defines sex as:
C. by appointment A. Cultural defined aspects
D. by campaigning B. Task performed by males
C. Fair distribution of resources
study the following figure below of the D. Biologically determined roles based
Egyptian civilisation on sex

20.The system of marriage follows the

fathers side is:
A. Patrilineal C. folktales
B. Myth D. matrilineal

21.Which of the following is the head of a

14.What was the name of the above structure constituency
A. Art C. hieroglyphics A. Councillor C. president
B. Farming D. Pyramid B. Mayor D. Member of parliament

15.The number of people per unit area is 22.What is the role of the Malawi Revenue
known as: Authority
A. Population growth A. Allocating money to government
B. Population change ministries
C. Population distribution B. Giving loans to people
D. Population density C. Resolving disputes using the law
D. Counteracting tax fraud

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Candidate Name: _______________________________________
23.Which of the following do people seasons 27.What type of soil is used for moulding
do people experience when the sun is pots
close A. Clay-loam soil
A. Cold season C. winter season B. Sand soil
B. Hot season D. rainy season C. Loam soil
D. Clay soil
24.Mention the place where the mining of
coal take place in Malawi 28.Which of the following in Greek
A. Machinga C. at Mchenga in Rumphi Civilisation was the goddess of wisdom
B. In Kasungu D. Zomba A. Apollo C. Aphrodite
B. Athena D. Zeus
25.Which of the following is the head of
judiciary. 29.In which of the following is a
A. State president characteristics of desert vegetation
B. Speaker of parliament A. Vegetation is always green
C. Director of public prosecution B. Vegetation has waxy leaves
D. Chief justice C. Grass germinates when rains come
D. Grass covers many areas
26.The elevated areas that rise above the
surrounding areas is called ___________ 30.The kingdom which was founded by
A. Mountains C. valleys Nyatsimba Mutota is:
B. Plateaus D. plains A. Maravi C. Ngoni
B. Mwenemutapa D. Nkhamanga
SECTION B (35 Marks)
31.a. Define the solar system (1 mark)
b. Mention any two impact of gender inequality. (4 marks)
c. State any two reasons for the decline of Greek civilisation (4 marks)
d. What are the characteristics of the planet. Give two points. (4 marks)
32.a. Give the 3 main causes of the east and central African slave trade. (3 marks)
b. Explain any two importance of soil. (4 marks)

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Candidate Name: _______________________________________
c. Describe two ways of preventing drug and substance abuse.(2 marks)
d. What name was given to the preserved dead bodies in Egyptian Civilisation (1mark)
33. a. Mention any two modern ways of communication. (4 marks)

Study the political structure of Maravi Kingdom. Use it to answer the questions that

Eni dziko

Anthu ammudzi

b. (i). What do M and N represent. (2 marks)

M ______________________________________________________________________
N _______________________________________________________________________
(ii). Give any one duty of Eni dziko (1 mark)
c. What does the name ‘Chikulamayembe’ means (1 mark)
34.Explain two types of farming in Malawi. (4 marks)


In this section answer either part 1 or part 2
Answer all questions in the spaces provided
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Candidate Name: _______________________________________

35.a. How did the Hebrews cross the red sea? (2marks)
b. Give two types of food that God provided to the Hebrews in the desert. (2marks)
c. What did Moses do for the Israelites to get water? (2marks)
d. Why did the Hebrews collect double their normal quantity on the sixth day? (2marks)
36.a. Define the term ‘vulnerable group.’ (2marks)
b. (i). Name two examples of vulnerable groups. (2marks)
ii. Give two circumstances that lead people to be vulnerable. (2marks)
c. Explain the value of life? (2marks)
d. How do people violate the right to life? (2mark)
37.a. Mention two miracles which God performed when he was leading Israelites to Canaan
in the desert. (2marks)
b. What is learnt from the parable of the lost coin? (2marks)
c. state any two ways in which people communicate to God? (2marks)
d. Mention two things that happened soon after Jesus died on the cross. (2mrks)
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Candidate Name: _______________________________________
38.a. (i). Who betrayed Jesus? (1mark)
(ii) Where was Jesus tempted by the devil? (1mark)
b. What is a judge? (2marks)
c. List down two duties of a judge? (2marks)
39.a. Why are some Christians involved in drug and substance abuse? Give two reasons.
b. Where did Moses go after he had killed an Egyptian? (1marks)



40.a. Which religion does not allow women to preach in the presence of men? (1mark)
b. Give any two symbolic actions in Christianity. (2marks)
c. what is the name of the belief in one Godin Islam? (1marks)
d. In African Tradition Religion, the newly born baby was supposed to be touched by ‘cool
people’. Explain what is meant by this saying? (2marks)
e. When did Islam started? (1mark)
41.a. Copy and complete the table below to show where each of the religious leaders in
African Tradition Religion came from: (3marks)
Religious Leader District

b. Name any two things which make up the environment? (2marks)

c. Mention any two reasons why God should be honoured. (2marks)
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Candidate Name: _______________________________________
42.a. After how many days did Jesus resurrected from the dead? (1mark)
b. Give the name of the father to Muhammad. (1mark)
c. On which place were the first followers of Jesus Christ first called Christians? (1mark)
d. Name any two rite of passage. (2marks)
e. Give any two stages when carrying out research. (2marks)
43.a. On which mountain did God spoke directly to Moses. (1mark)
b. What did God tell Moses to do on the mountain in 43a. above? (2marks)
c. Define a talent. (1mark)
d. Write the following in full: (2marks)
CCAP: ____________________________________________________________________
pbuh: _____________________________________________________________________
e. Who is the founder of Christianity? (1 mark)
44.a. Give any three ways how religious groups assist those with HIV/AIDS. (3marks)
b. Mention any two ways of honouring God. (2marks)
c. In Islam, what should married women do If they want to voluntarily fast? (1mark)
d. what Angel did God send to give the revelation of the Quran to Muhammad at mount
Hira? (1mark)


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