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Msds g2100 Spray Paint

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Material Safety Data Sheet G2100 – FORMULE 1 CLEAR Page 1 of 5

Section 1 – Identification of the Substance/Preparation and of the Company/Undertaking

Product Name: Formule 1 Clear MSDS#: KIG122105-AGC
Chemical Name: N/A MSDS Initial Approval Date: 12/21/2005 MSDS Prepared by: JRR
Family: UV GELS GEL Type: 1 Fase Gel Manufacturer: CNC International BV
Burgemeesterlaan 2 – 6002 EG Weert - Netherlands
Product Use: NAIL GEL Emergency Phone Numbers:+31-495-547409
Product#: G2100 Information Contacts: +31-495-548213

Section 2 - Composition/Information on Ingredients

Chemical Identity CAS# EINECS# INCI (or other Exposure Limits Carcinogen %
substance) Name OSHA ACGIH
Polyurethane Acrylate Exempt N/E Polyurethane N/E N/E Not Listed 75-85
Oligomer Acrylate Oligomer
2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate 868-77-9 212-782-2 HEMA N/E N/E Not Listed 5-15
Methacrylic Acid 79-41-4 201-204-4 Methacrylic Acid N/E 20 ppm Not Listed 1-5
Hydroxycyclohexyl phenyl 947-19-3 213-426-9 Hydroxycyclohexyl N/E N/E Not Listed 0-1
ketone phenyl ketone
D&C Violet #2 81-48-1 201-353-5 CI60725 N/E N/E Not Listed 0-1
N/E - None Established N/DA - No Data Available
N/R - Not Reviewed N/A - Not Applicable
Hazard Symbols: Xi Risk Phrases: R22, R36/38, R43 Safety Phrases: S18, S24/25, S36/37, S38
Section 3 - Hazards Identification
This information is based on findings from related or similar materials.
 May be slightly toxic.
 May cause moderate skin injury (reddening & swelling).
 May cause chemical burn in eye.

Potential Health Effects, Signs and Symptoms of Exposure:

Primary Route of Entry No specific information available.
Eye No specific information available. Contains materials that are essentially nonirritating, but contact
may cause slight transient irritation.
Skin No specific information available. Contains materials that may cause moderate skin injury (reddening
and swelling) and/or sensitization. Prolonged contact may cause blister formation (burns). Since
irritation may not occur immediately, contact can go unnoticed.
Ingestion No specific information available. Contains materials that may be practically nontoxic.
Inhalation No specific information available. Low volatility makes vapor inhalation unlikely. Aerosol can be
Sub-Chronic Effects No specific information available. Limited tests showed no evidence of teratogenicity in animals. A
lifetime skin painting study with mice showed no evidence of carcinogenicity.
NOTE: Refer to Section 11, Toxicological Information for Details

Section 4 - First Aid Measures

First Aid for Eye Flush with plenty of water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention.
First Aid for Skin Remove contaminated clothing and wash contact area with soap and water for 15 minutes.
First Aid for Inhalation In case of exposure to a high concentration of vapor or mist, remove person to fresh air. If breathing
has stopped, administer artificial respiration and seek medical attention.
First Aid for Ingestion If appreciable quantities are swallowed, seek medical attention.
Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures
Revised Date: Initial Issue | Replaces Date: 12/21/2005
Material Safety Data Sheet G2100 – FORMULE 1 CLEAR Page 2 of 5
Flash Point Flammable Limit Auto-ignition Temperature
(°F/°C) (vol%) (vol%)
> 212F/100ºC Setaflash No Data No Data

Extinguishing Media: Use carbon dioxide or dry chemical for small fires; aqueous foam or water for large fires.
Fire Fighting Remove all ignition sources. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and complete personal
Instructions: protective equipment when entering confined areas where potential for exposure to vapors or
products of combustion exists.
Unusual Hazards: High temperatures and fire conditions may cause rapid and uncontrolled polymerization which can
result in explosions and the violent rupture of storage vessels or containers. Avoid the use of a stream
of water to control fires since frothing can occur.
Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures
Spill or Release Spontaneous polymerization can occur. Eliminate ignition sources. Use eye and skin protection. Place leaking
Procedures containers in a well ventilated area. Absorb with inert material and dispose of properly. Flush area with water;
prevent washings from entering waterways.
Section 7 - Handling and Storage
Handling Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing vapor. Keep container closed when not in use. Avoid
prolonged exposure to light. Remove all contaminated clothing, shoes, belts and other leather goods
immediately. Incinerate leather goods ( including shoes ). Wash contaminated clothing thoroughly before reuse.
Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Solvents should not be used to clean skin because of
increased penetration potential.
When handling gel for product use, do not heat above 100ºF/38ºC or disassociation of silica in product may
occur. Material is UV light sensitive, avoid prolonged exposure to light/heat.
Storage Store in a cool place, away from heat and light. Store at temperatures below 100F/38ºC.
Explosion Hazard High temperatures and fire conditions may cause rapid and uncontrolled polymerization which can result in
explosions and the violent rupture of storage vessels or containers.
Section 8 - Exposure Controls / Personal Protective Equipment
Engineering Controls Local exhaust recommended to control exposure which may result from operations generating
aerosols and hot operations generating vapors.
Personal Protective Equipment
General To identify additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements, it is recommended
that a hazard assessment in accordance with the OSHA PPE Standard (29CFR1910.132), or
European Standard EN166 be conducted before using this product . Provide eye wash stations
and safety showers. Wear impervious clothing to prevent ANY contact with this product, such
as gloves, apron, boots, or whole body suit. Nitrile rubber is better than PVC.
A safety shower and eye wash facility should be readily available.
Eye/ Face Protection Chemical splash goggles. Contact lenses should not be worn.
Skin Protection Impervious gloves (Butyl rubber, Neoprene, and/or Nitrile).
Respiratory Protection A NIOSH/MSHA approved air purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge or canister may
be permissible under certain limited circumstances where airborne concentrations are expected to
exceed exposure limits. Protection provided by nuisance level organic vapor dust masks can be used,
however the use of the respirator is limited. Follow OSHA respirator regulations found in 29 CFR
1910.134 or European Standard EN 149.

Revised Date: Initial Issue | Replaces Date: 12/21/2005

Material Safety Data Sheet G2100 – FORMULE 1 CLEAR Page 3 of 5
Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance Odor & Odor Threshold PH Specific Gravity Viscosity % Volatile
White, viscous liquid characteristic acrylate odor NA (H2O=1) : 1.15 N/DA By Volume : < 0.5

Boiling Point/ Decomposition Octanol/Water Vapor Vapor Evaporation Ignition Solubility

Freezing Point Temperature Partitioning Coefficient Pressure: Density Rate In Water
Log Po/w mmHg (20°C)
N/A N/A N/A @ 20 C : < 0.01 No Data No Data No Data Insoluble
Flash Point Flammable Limit Auto-ignition Temperature
(°F/°C) (vol%) (vol%)
> 212F/100ºC Setaflash No Data No Data

Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity

Stability Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid):
Normally Stable Polymerization initiators including peroxides, strong oxidizing
agents, copper, copper alloys, carbon steel, iron, rust and string
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Hazardous Polymerization:
Fumes produced when heated to decomposition may include: May occur -- Uncontrolled polymerization may cause rapid
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. evolution of
Heat and increased pressure that could result in violent rupture
of sealed storage vessels or containers.
Conditions to Avoid:
Storage >100F/38ºC , exposure to light, loss of dissolved air, loss of polymerization inhibitor, contamination with incompatible materials.

Section 11 - Toxicological Information

Acute Oral Toxicity Acute Dermal Toxicity Acute Inhalation Toxicity Irritation - skin Irritation - Eye

Sensitization Mutagenicity Sub-chronic Toxicity


Section 12 - Ecological Information

Ecotoxicological Information
Acute Toxicity Acute Toxicity Acute Toxicity Bioconcentration Toxicity to Sewage Bacteria
to Fish to Invertebrates to Algae
Chemical Fate Information
Biodegradability N/DA
Chemical Oxygen Demand N/DA

Section 13 - Disposable Considerations

Non-contaminated, properly inhibited product is not a RCRA hazardous waste. It is the genrators responsibility to determine what is classified as a
hazardous waste. Comply with all federal, state, and local regulations.
Dispose of diking materials and absorbent in compliance with State, Local, and Federal regulations. Residual vapors may explode on ignition; do
not cut, drill, or weld on or near the container. Mix with compatible chemical which is less flammable and incinerate.

Section 14 - Transport Information

DOT (49 CFR 172)
Proper Shipping Name: Non-Regulated Material
Identification Number: N/A
Marine Pollutant: No
Special Provisions: N/A
Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) #: N/A
Proper Shipping Name: Non-Regulated Material
Class or Division: N/A
Revised Date: Initial Issue | Replaces Date: 12/21/2005
Material Safety Data Sheet G2100 – FORMULE 1 CLEAR Page 4 of 5
UN or ID Number: N/A
Packaging Instructions:
Emergency Response Guidance (ICAO)#:
Proper Shipping Name: Non-Regulated Material
Class or Division: N/A
UN or ID Number: N/A
Special Provisions & Stowage/Segregation: None
Emergency Schedule (EmS)#:
Other Information: Flash point > 100ºC

Section 15 - Regulatory Information

US Federal Regulations
Clean Air Act: HAP/ODS This product contains the following hazardous air pollutants (HAP and ODS's), as defined
by the U.S. Clean Air Act:
This product does not contain any Class1 or Class 2 ODS.
Clean Water Act: Priority Pollutant This product contains the following Hazardous Substances as defined by the CWA:
This product does not contain any substances that are a Priority Pollutant or Toxic Pollutant under the
FDA: Food Packaging Status This product has not been cleared by the FDA for use in food packaging and / or other
applications as an indirect food additive.
Occupational Safety and Health This product is considered to be a hazardous chemical under the OSHA Hazard
Act Communication Standard. Its hazards are:
 Immediate (acute) health hazard
 Delayed (chronic) health hazard
 Reactive hazard
RCRA This product is not considered to be a hazardous waste under RCRA (40 CFR 261).
SARA Title III: Section 302 (TPQ) This product contains no chemicals regulated under Sec. 302 as extremely hazardous
substances that carry a TPQ.
SARA Title III: Section 302 (RQ) This product contains no chemicals regulated under Section 304 as extremely hazardous
chemical for emergency release notification (" CERCLA" List).
SARA Title III: Section 311-312: This product is considered hazardous under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard
and is regulated under Section 311-312 (40 CFR 370). Its hazards are:
 Immediate (acute) health hazard
 Delayed (chronic) health hazard
 Reactive hazard
SARA Title III: Section 313: This product contains no chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of
the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372.
TSCA Section 8(b): Inventory: This product contains chemicals listed on the TSCA inventory or otherwise complies with
TSCA premanufacture notification requirements.
TSCA Significant New Use Rule: None of the chemicals listed have a SNUR under TSCA.
State Regulations
CA Right-to-Know Law: Methacrylic Acid CAS #79-41-4.
California No Significant Risk Rule: NONE
MA Right-to-Know Law: Methacrylic Acid CAS #79-41-4.
NJ Right-to-Know Law: Methacrylic Acid CAS #79-41-4.
PA Right-to-Know Law: Methacrylic Acid CAS #79-41-4.
FL Right-to-Know Methacrylic Acid CAS #79-41-4.
MN Right-to-Know Methacrylic Acid CAS #79-41-4.

Revised Date: Initial Issue | Replaces Date: 12/21/2005

Material Safety Data Sheet G2100 – FORMULE 1 CLEAR Page 5 of 5
International Regulations
CDSL: Canadian Inventory Hydroxycyclohexyl phenyl ketone CAS #947-19-3 is on the DSL list. WHMIS = n/da
(on Canadian Transitional List) 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate CAS#868-77-9 is on the DSL List. WHMIS = n/da
Methacrylic Acid CAS #79-41-4 is on the DSL list. WHMIS = E
D&C Violet #2, CAS# 81-48-1 is not on the DSL List. WHMIS = n/da

EINECS: European Inventory: Formula 1 Clear

 HAZARD SYMBOLS: Xi: Irritant
 RISK PHRASES: R22: Harmful if swallowed, R36/38: Irritating to eyes and skin,
R43: May cause sensitization by skin contact.
 SAFETY PHRASES: S18: Handle and open container with care, S24/25: avoid
contact with skin and eyes, S36/37: Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves,
S38: in case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment.

Section 16 - Other Information

Hazard Rating System (Pictograms)
Flammability 2
2 1
Health Reactivity

Revised Sections since Last Version: Initial.

The information presented herein was obtained from sources considered to be reliable. However, this information is provided without
any warranty, expressed or implied, regarding its correctness or suitability for consumers intended use and/or application. For this and
other reasons, we assume no responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of any way
connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This MSDS was prepared expressly for this product. Use the
materials only as directed. If the product is used as a component of another product, the information contained within the MSDS may
not be applicable.

Revised Date: Initial Issue | Replaces Date: 12/21/2005

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