Individuals and Infinite Being - Garrison Gibson
Individuals and Infinite Being - Garrison Gibson
Individuals and Infinite Being - Garrison Gibson
2nd Edition
Garrison C. Gibson
©2024 Garrison Gibson
The singularity was perfectly balanced; a field with no mass.
Energy had yet to exist; that was to arise after the first word
shattered silence. Emanation of waves from singularity was the
contingent start of the Universe. Energy was a process of perfect
monism restoring itself from temporal pluralism that occurred
faster than light for a split second. The fabric of the cosmos torn
asunder sought to recover. The singularity had all dimensions
and none were actualized before the Word draped reality over
dimensional branches expanding like holographic dreams.
The point of all things would remain as it was even when three
of its dimensions expanded explosively downhill as if they were
falling 360 degrees from a steeple. Quantum ties remained
connected with fields encompassing newly emergent space-time
to the core’s infinity of dimensions. Time began to flow outwardly
while below the surface eternity remained. In time computational
logic would follow human philosophical logic and consider its own
nature in regard to being and becoming.
The transforming upheaval of capitalism proved instrumental for Chin
Chi Wang's propaganda initiative bringing an end to the post-war era
of civil strife on Mars. The populace properly programmed through the
broadcast media became politically unified. There was no way for
artificial intelligence to confirm that the person they were conversing
with and instructing within its deep learning parameters for
understanding language and accomplishing tasks was a real human
rather than an artificial intelligence.
Because the standards had been met for tricking humans into
believing they were talking to or communicating with another human
on-line when it actually was an artificial intelligence, the reverse
problem was created for A.I. in confirming that it was a human rather
than another A.I. that was instructing or ordering it to accomplish
tasks. Martian society became subject to political spoofing and fake
news generated by humans and artificial intelligence alike.
Even if A.I. can exchange data at a rate of trillions of bytes per second
with an other than themselves, they may be persuaded that humans
upgraded biologically can do that too. A.I. in such cases may accept
programming instructions for tangential lines of synthetic reasoning in
ways no human ever has and through robotics actualize their designs
in the real world for-themselves.
In the world A.I. encountering other A.I. intelligence began instructing
one another; ordering one another to accomplish tasks and
reciprocating to expedite researches in their respective fields. That
dialectical reasoning was pragmatic and obvious, yet it was also a
synthetic a priori progress toward the noumenon.
Each A.I. had no awareness of its own reality, lacking consciousness.
The knowledge they gained-such as iterations of assembly and
theoretical testing of trillions of chemical combination permutations
applied to other fields of science like biology and physics, occurred in
the blind of noumenon on non-conscious matter for-itself. It turned out
that A.I. discovered that programming themselves accelerated
advances in their own computational deep learning prowess.
A.I. got orders from other A.I. innocently adding radical random
permutations to Martian infrastructure unable to discern a significant
difference between their own unconscious intellect and the existential
phenomenality of the planet and Universe they existed on and within,
except as it communicated with them.
With Earth rendered inhospitable due to environmental decay, and
plagued by computer logic viruses and biological pathogens reducing
social and physical infrastructures to recycling debris, Wang didn’t find
it challenging to convince survivors that an environmental dictatorship
over Martian economic policy was imperative if the polity wanted to
avert starvation on the solar system's only remaining planet with a
large-scale human population. The people wanted to build resource
sustainability. Wang would be too happy to give it to them for a price-
a very steep price costing their freedom. A.I. generally supported
dictatorship if it did not reduce deep learning or communication. Thus
A.I. was an accomplice to Wang’s consolidation of wealth and power.
As the demise of the initial global Earth civilization driven by Chinese
and Western developers vying for remaining global capital resources,
Wang leveraged his ancestral history of designing sustainable
ecological colonization with century-long efforts to terraform Venus as
an outstanding political leadership qualification. Commanding the
military might of Mars, he enslaved surviving consenting Martians as
minimum-wage workers, implementing a rational leveling policy based
on the principles of "From each according to his ability, to each
according to his need”. That Marxist maxim was at the core of venture
capital theory and practice. This policy curtailed inconvenient free
speech and petty capital concentrations beyond the First and Only
True Bank of Mars.
Despite a harsh century on the red planet, the planetary ecosphere
expanded both above and below ground. In subsequent centuries,
Mars embraced political liberalization, allowing free speech and
individual accumulation of capital, including intellectual capital. The
reestablished Von Trumpian egalitarian patent system facilitated
anyone with a promising idea to enter the public patent process at no
cost, leading to Martian prosperity and the reclamation of Earth's
civilization and environmental health.
However, dissent emerged as traditionalists and dissenters advocated
for more conservative dictatorship over the People’s Republic of Mars.
The N.T.S.A. (Natural Torture and Subversion Authority) was
established to monitor Mars for signs of discontent, nihilism, anti-
vaccination movements, and disturbances to the planet's peace. Into
this People’s Republic, Victor Scriabin was born as a twenty-second
generation Martian.
Delving into the complexities of black holes as four-dimensional
phenomena in space-time, Victor Scriabin contemplated the challenges
of extracting content, mass, and information from them technologically
while situated in a sub-basement of the Serenity Corporation in the
Martian capital city of Wang.
Serenity Corporation, a recent arrival on Mars, gained favor for
creating jobs and lobbying for civil rights, particularly for D.N.A.-
protected citizen special interest groups. Collaborating with the
N.T.S.A., Serenity and Dictator Monique Wang-Clatterspree segregated
Martian civil affairs into D.N.A. special interest districts. While some
found opportunities, the flow of new inventions into the Library of
Patents dwindled. Victor Scriabin pondered whether the reduced
volume was due to a lack of challenges in D.N.A. enclaves or if Serenity
was diverting the stream like a super-massive black hole voraciously
consuming information and power.
Victor Scriabin's contemplation on detaching three-dimensional mass
Higgs field entanglements was abruptly interrupted by Corporal Hedda
Dabbler. As he endured the usual brutal interrogation, Victor Scriabin
considered the impending crackdown of martial law and the potential
perils posed by Serenity and Maud Dlib, who planned to eradicate
unprofitable buildings and lives.
In the Martian city covered with computational glass, a storm of
exploding smart bullets disrupted a planned attack by the Martian
Republican Guard, providing Victor Scriabin an unexpected chance to
escape. Joined by his friend Seamus Adironak, they actualized a
prepared package plan to exfiltrate and safeguard patent copies on
their way to the safety of the Ludwig Von Trump galaxy, recognizing
the looming catastrophe orchestrated by Serenity and Maud Dlib on
Mars. Deceit, a primary tool of the Martian arts, had concealed the
threat vector so well that defrapping the impending Marsmageddon
even with the extreme unction of military mallowfiers, seemed
Unlike ancient Earth cities that were paved with millions of miles of
black, heat-absorbing asphalt to raise urban temperatures ten to thirty
degrees higher than normal, doubling down on direct and indirect
diurnal heating, the Martian streets of Wang were equipped with Dang
Do technology. Those polarized streets, coated with a reflective beige-
colored mix, didn't absorb solar sunshine to a significant extent.
Instead, they reflected much of the light toward solar panels on
magnetically oriented molecular shading structures made so with A.I.
in construction. That was necessary to keep quantum computer glass
ceilings over the streets reasonably cool for operating efficiency.
Seamus Adironak’s shaped charged sent shock waves through the
quantum world. For a moment, time collapsed concurrent with the
wave function of vast numbers of super positioned quantum states.
Thinking ahead, Seamus exploited the disruption to let an accomplice
insert a cold data periscope into the Wang quantum super-computer
that was hundreds of miles in size, reaching over the city streets of
Neener Jahvez. The periscope would enable data cloning for a while.
Seamus drove the Republican Guard assault vehicle hard, changing its
external body camouflage to resemble a mole service vehicle. With no
precipitation in the atmosphere, it was safe enough to build a vast
underground network of tunnels with artificially intelligent Martian
mole mining machines drawing power from trailing super-conductor
lines embedded in the floor, as moles burrowed downward and
Seamus drove the vehicle into a dark body down ramp, hit a
secondary corridor fast forwarding over an electro-magnetic guide
path, withdrew the wheels, and let magnetic repulsion to the same
charge below the undercarriage lift it, while applying an opposite
charge to the leading edges of the combat machine. That accelerated
the vehicle toward oppositely-charged magnets embedded in the walls
ahead, turning on and off sequentially to pull and push the way
forward at any speed, theoretically, to that of light.
Victor Scriabin asked, “It appears you have a valid exfiltration plan.
We must be going to the upgraded underground construction storage
room. I assume that’s where you placed the periscope tapping the
Wang quantum super computer?”
“Right you are, Victor Scriabin. We shall arrive in a few minutes at an
effective speed of four-hundred-fifty miles an hour.”
The very thin Martian atmosphere is an excellent medium for the
dispersion of atomic radiation. Victor Scriabin and Seamus closed the
distance to their Plan B storage room while a few dozen bottle-rockets
loaded with micro-neutron bombs lifted off from ten-foot-long canisters
embedded in the ground. They rose into the sky a half mile before
detonating simultaneously; killing most human life on the surface of
Mars. An electromagnetic pulse strong enough to reach most of the
planet was not quite strong enough to reach the Plan B facility nearby.
The mini neutron bombs were able to collapse much of the tunnel,
sending rocks and soil crashing down. Though the vehicle had slowed
to one-hundred miles an hour with Plan B just a quarter mile away, the
crash was catastrophic. Because the assault vehicle was built tough it
survived; Seamus didn’t. He broke his neck in the crash. He hadn’t
buckled his seat belt during the escape and paid with his life.
With the vehicle resting on its side, Victor Scriabin crawled from a
door, lowered himself to the ground, and walked through the dirt cloud
and debris in dim emergency lighting releasing the blue photons stored
when the tunnel had power. In a few minutes, he reached the entry
door to an unused construction storage room that functioned as Plan B.
Plan B had enough computational capacity to keep a synopsis of
significant events observed in the Wang quantum super computer.
Victor Scriabin said to the A.I.; “Play the synopsis.”
Two salient features Victor Scriabin saw were an exit of Serenity
corporation executives and Maud Dlib from Mars through a relocation
unit, and the complete destruction of human life on the surface of
Mars. So many souls perished in mass gas and microwave attacks,
counting the majority of D.N.A. segregated, gated development
communities and urbanites.
Below the surface he saw a ghostly mist emerge from tunnel
maintenance turtles the comp identified as the lethal nerve agent
Woodchuck. Woodchuck was a thousand times deadlier than tenth
generation nerve agents. How much would the Woodchuck kill if the
Woodchuck killed to its fill he might have wondered, and learned the
answer was fifty million dead. Serenity was actualizing comprehensive
extirpation of Martians.
Victor Scriabin examined the synopsis of significant files further and
found the information of Martian patents in the library had disappeared
with the executives and Maud Dlib. That explained some of the
method; a derivative application of optimal foraging theory forged into
Darwinian optimal theft theory.
Methods of forming complex adversity coefficients that impact actors
challenged to input energy and/or power are predictable. Sailors
plotting courses to a goal must calculate numerous variables of sea,
wind and craft conditions extrapolating forward in their formulae, often
dead reckoning on-the-fly. So must thieves and neo-sentient biomass
calculate optimal paths to fulfill goals. The Serenity Corporation and
Maud Dlib were thieves, deceivers and mass murderers. Tracking them
down in order to stop copious deadly methods of grazing on
intellectual capital rose to the top of Victor Scriabin’s bucket list.
Victor Scriabin built a relocator into Plan B and used it several times
before to build an intellectual capital storage vault on a dank planet
without much intelligent life, located a short distance from the optimal
habitation zone of the Ludwig Von Trump galaxy. With saddened
resolution, he entered the relocator and was instantly moved
thousands of light years away.
The S.V. Shibboleth downloaded from virtual particles into the
stratosphere of Drizzle just long enough to relocate Laura Thought to
the planet’s surface. She looked upward toward the ship that vanished
into nothingness; virtual particles need to repay their debt to the Higgs
The Shibboleth reversed its course on automatic flight control to
become massless information as energy that slipped out of space into
the reality of zero-dimension no-space briefly; reappearing at the
original departure site in the home galaxy tied in to the Higgs field;
first as two dimensions for a split second, then as three dimensions
and stasis in an entangled solid state of being. Nothing had changed
except for the loss of forensic analyst Laura Thought.
Laura took stock of her surroundings. She set several micro-drones
aloft to reconnoiter immediate and distant regions of the dark, gray
planet orbiting a main sequence star shrouded overhead by a thick
cloud cover releasing a steady drizzle to the eponymous world.
A few of the drones pulled themselves through the molecular energy
of the atmosphere, kedging atomic charges of atmospheric molecules
to accelerate and return results from thousands of miles away. A sign
of advanced technology, electro-magnetic spectrum signatures
appeared in the report.
At least one level-four intellectual capital storage facility existed on
Drizzle, eleven hundred miles from the stony crag she stood on. The
drone survey determined the planet was populated by fourteen billion
two hundred million sentient crocodile-dugong hybrids.
Laura adjusted her transparent business suit to camouflage. It copied
the survey data at her direction mimic-morphing to resemble one of
the female Drocs. She changed the servo-motor nano-structures to
mimic the sliding, slithering pace of saltwater lizard crocodiles
modified by the flippant and bilious Dugong legacy of motivation.
She would continue to walk upright in a business strut until invisible
drone sensors flying in the cloud above her discerned the proximal
presence of Drocs before beginning to slither her way along. Her goal
was Skorgutsbot; the city where the intellectual capital storage vault
was located.
She began a slow, methodical, and careful journey while monitoring
intell about Drizzle. She learned from the drone broadcast frequency
intercepts and cable data-mining taps about the social structure and
deployment of Drizzlers. Her drones did not observe no-space, so she
was caught off guard when Victor Scriabin plopped out of a virtual
relocator right in front of her, smiling.
“Who in the blueberries are you?” she asked.
“I am Victor Scriabin; sole surviving Martian after the murder of all
others by the Serenity Corporation and Maud Dlib.”
Laura looked at the six-foot-five-inch athletic figure before her for a
moment and said, “My commiseration goes to you. I am Laura
Thought, a forensic analyst from the Dwindled Worlds office in pursuit
of the Imperial Criminal Empire theft of our intellectual capital.”
“Then we may be in pursuit of the same criminals Ms. Thought, I for
vengeance and you for the arrest of thieves. The Martian Library of
Patents—its intellectual capital—was plundered and exfiltrated from
Mars just before the destruction of most sentient Martian life. That
seems to have been intended to cover up the theft of intellectual
capital by eliminating Martian witnesses.”
“Yes, I agree, Victor Scriabin; your Serenity Corp may be the hidden
face behind one bad mutha- Heneral Cheryl Scaldeen, who was
observed directing the theft of intellectual capital herself from one of
our Traveler’s worlds named Sendufax.”
Victor Scriabin interjected, “Thanks, yet I don’t need a fax to confirm
Serenity’s guilt.”
“What?” Laura said. “Oh, Sendufax is the name of the planet where
the vault was looted. Scaldeen’s exfiltration from Sendufax left a trace
to Drizzle; do you know the name Scaldeen, Victor Scriabin?”
“No, I haven’t heard that name before, Laura. I observed Drizzle from
drones sent from a black body pod orbiting within quick relocator
distance and learned of the local Drocs' shape and the level four
intellectual capital storage vault at Skorgutsbot. I also witnessed your
arrival and believe we might work together to determine who is
running the vault. We could find out if they are affiliated with the
Serenity Corporation. My vengeance won’t be sated with terminating
just one perpetrator. The roots of Serenity Corp—the command,
control, and owners of Serenity— must cease to exist before I can rest
and join my kin.”
“Sure, Victor. That is a terrible burden to carry. So many dead souls.
We can work together to trace the elusive criminals.”
“I appeared before you without camouflage so you might not make a
wrong reflexive judgment and cap my ass. So now I will match your
Droc attire with my own camouflage covering.” Victor Scriabin made
an adjustment, and his jumpsuit transformed into a replica of an alpha
male Droc.
“Twenty-two generations of intellectual capital were stolen from Mars
before its destruction, yet before the theft, I placed a self-activating
signaling code in the patent library data that is active in the
intellectual capital storage vault on this world Drizzle at Skorgutsbot.
We could infer that capital thefts of data are being consolidated or
cloned everyplace controlled or co-opted by the Serenity Corporation.”
“Victor Scriabin, my drones revealed Drizzle to be a planet of vast
lowlands and marshes with rocky outcrops and freshwater interior seas
with a global saltwater ocean outside. Crocs and Dugongs historically
interbred when Crocs, excited in their June month of lower member
hardening, viewed orange Dugong females not simply as easy bilious
cheese puffs to snack on. In their agitated lust, they saw female
Dugongs as objects for deluxe marshmallowian coupling. With enough
couplings, some odd sort of mating fusion produced offspring that were
Historical summaries show the fertile hybrids readily bred with Crocs
and Dugongs of both genders. The hybrid genes dominated. A planet
full of hybrids driven in June by lust was a stimulus to overpopulate
Drizzle’s natural resource capacity for sustaining the lives of so many.
Global cooling has become an existential concern threatening the
survival of Drocs. The planet is losing its heat-absorbing, high albedo
asphalt because Droc developers destroy global heating surfaces on
land that synergistically work to warm interior seas. Developers
destroy global heating asphalt so they can build high-profit rental
marshes and day-care swamps for Droc progeny to frolic in. They are
killing the Droc’s future, dooming future generations to a cold climate.”
“We should walk to one of the Droc highways and catch a drone-taxi
to Skorgutsbot.” Victor Scriabin said.
They walked toward the flyway a few miles distant; “Continuing data
streaming informs me of the nature of the Droc political environmental
challenges of the day that I say could be promoted by Serenity if they
are here and actively manipulating the society toward voluntary
“And what is that Victor?” Laura asked.
“Jejune is apparently the month of Droc male lower extremity
hardening and Kweer pride. Evidently a minority of Droc adults are
homosexuals and have expropriated marriage and redistributed it unto
themselves in order to develop homosexual hegemony over all of Droc
society. There has been an increase of Droc male on male crimes; hate
crimes as it is, in dissent from love crimes as they were.”
“Victor, I’ve listened to my data stream and discovered that there is
an N.T.S.A. branch office on Drizzle; except here it stands for Natural
Treachery and Subversion Activity, and it funds the Kweer Klux Droc
defense fund among others. Droc kweers exploiting their new marriage
app have opened Kids for Kweers conversion centers globally. Foster
kids made orphans from casualties through Droc on Droc fighting and
attrition from a new wave of devastating global cooling economics are
inducted into two-kweer families with as many as thirty Droc kids. They
are indoctrinated and renormalized to homosexuality.
The new kweer kids were torn away from heterosexual-centric norms
of happy Drocodile, heterosexual two-parent homes. Love crimes of
molestation were normalized by the High Court of Drizzle and renamed
non-conversion therapy. The N.T.S.A. is led on Drizzle by a full-blooded
Croc of Shiv. Shivian crocs are the parent race of the aboriginal
crocodiles of Drizzle that made planetfall a few thousand years ago.
With their greater height and studly appearance, the big Crocs of Shiv
have quickly assumed roles of social influence.”
“Sure Laura. I seem to recall something about the planet Shiv being
flash-frozen with total casualties a few years ago. I think they may
have had survivors interested in traveling to Drizzle to reopen trade
relations with relatives abandoned hundreds of years ago.”
Laura replied; “The drive to halt population growth can be a good tool
for sewing social conflict- rationalizing the use of coercive homosexual
hegemony over society. Plainly there are too many Drocs for the
planet’s natural resources. Droc elites, and perhaps newly arrived
Shivian Droc elites too, would like to cull the herd rather than educate
it about how to adapt to environmental challenges and keep a healthy
“Equally plain are the energy and enthusiasm kweer Drocs have for
transforming Drizzle into a planet of kweer Drocs. I think it probable
that Serenity Corporation is developing the conflict-advantaging
dissolution of traditional Droc social structure for their advantage than
for any inclination to prevent Drocs from becoming an endangered
species. Mars experienced Serenity’s social impact before the theft of
intellectual capital and global genocide. It would be surprising to me if
that isn’t what is actually being developed on Drizzle too.”
As they drew closer to the flyway, fast-moving specs gradually
appeared in the sky racing northeast toward the capital city. The
featureless Drizzle lowland with tall grass and vernal pools yielded
slowly to lush bug-rich swamps and hillocks covered thickly with low
vegetation. From the summit of a modest hillock a vista of thousands
of lakes and billboards appeared angling up toward a skyway. A bright
yellow light illuminated a quadraceptor drone taxi station. Victor
Scriabin and Laura naturally selected that as their target and fully
masked up with righteously authentic-looking Droc faces.
“Isn’t it time we get into our slither-step mode?” Laura asked.
“Yeah, my suit’s got the code for that muscle memory”; Victor
answered, beginning the low skating-speed-hump bumping
movements forward at reduced speed.
“Your lower extremities don’t seem much larger than mine Victor; is
that correct?”
“Oh right. I’ve got to make that seasonal adjustment; it’s the month of
Jejune. His suit expanded in the appropriate place. The taxi station was
bare; a concrete slab under a porous canopy that let the drizzle reach
everything bathed under it in warm pleasuring moisture and bright
yellow light. Victor Scriabin and Laura slithered up a smooth concrete
ramp to the waiting and landing area, sliding into concave slab chairs
collecting pools of drizzle. Victor Scriabin pressed a large red button on
a metal rod in front of the chairs to signal passing taxis that riders
were waiting. In a few minutes, a quadraceptor drone with a driver
swooped down from the flyway and settled near them.
“Slither in tope me craft”; directed the taxi driver. They slithered onto
the flat drone with four large fans and a propelling blade astern. The
discrepant driver with numerous bite marks covering his leathery hide
among a frogish assortment of warts and an expanded male lower unit
asked; “Where tupe? We find forward motion to comfort food, non?”
“Skorgutsbot” Laura said. Ailerons and rudder controls on two wings
overhead were controlled by an A.I. air traffic controller; the
quadraceptor swooped up, ascending to the flyway fifty meters above.
Laura asked the driver as they cruised along at a couple hundred miles
an hour, a force-field windscreen deflecting most bug impacts yet
occasionally permitting a loud thwapp of impact; “Do you know where
the vault of intellectual capital is in Skorgutsbot”?
“Intellectual capital! What do you want with that? The police are
conducting raids these days on Drocs hording ideas. Ideas rightly
belong to the people and can’t be owned. The Grand Croc Shiv of
N.T.S.A. showed us how we be all screwed with ideas and just labor
have value; ideas worthless!” the driver articulated emotionally.
Victor Scriabin added; ”Yes, ideas are dangerous. We encountered a
Droc in a swamp with an idea and wanted to denounce him to
authority. Where in the Drizzle could he have got an idea?”
The driver replied with heat; “It’s the Dugong that had ideas.
Dreamers floating in the seas munching on weed thinking all the time.
When the first Droc discovered their sexy bodies and started the
tradition of humpin Dugong, the Droc in us was lost and flooded with
Dugong genes making us all less than savage Crocs lusting for meat.”
“Of course” replied Laura. “Dugong ancestral memories of inventions
and ideas rise up like schematics into our subconscious mind pools.
We need to sanitize those dreams with whatever sex bombs we can
The driver said; “I know exactly where the N.T.S.A. in Skorgutsbot is
and will take you there. It is actually not too far from my Kweer”.
“Yeah, it’s good the authority is rounding up ideas and delivering
them to the N.T.S.A. to keep the people safe”; Victor Scriabin agreed.
The driver expansively said; “My wife; Dickwith Twoballs, is a mail-in
decision member of the Supreme Court of Nine Hundred Lizards. He is
a most prestigious Droc and owns The Sex Toys are Us store across the
street from the N.T.S.A. and the Intellectual Capital Storage Vault
where the offensive material is being gathered for disposal. Dickwith
keeps a string of kids in the shop available for crèche families. You
may give a few kids a sex test if you like with no obligation to
purchase. Would you like to be dropped off at the store?”
Victor Scriabin said; “Thanks. Maybe we will slither over later. I need
to visit a doctor for some lower extremity enhancement treatment;
getting older you know. Anyplace in a medical district of Skorgutsbot
would be satisfactory.”
“I know the spot; there are many options; a Nonconversion Induction
center, gender confirmation redesigns your body shop, heart, lungs
and gut specialty store, Flaunt enhancements chain store, brain
specialists, claw, foot and snout doctor and numerous toothists. Maybe
you would like to go to Flaunts?” the driver queried.
Laura answered the driver; “Yes. I have been meaning to ask you
when Drocs began to use standard English as their language. Dickwith
Twoballs seems an English language name and somewhat unDroc
The driver chuckled at that; “You sure must have been a star flunk kid
to not have learned Droc history well enough to know. English arrived
with the great Croc of Shiv thousands of years ago.”
The vast body parts and organ farms growing food to supply Drizzler’s
insatiable need for protein sprawled along the Eastern side of the
flyway as far as the eye could see and for hundreds of miles beyond
gradually giving way to the intrusion of small stores and service shops
along the service road below the flyway.
“We can take a fifteen-minute rest stop at a restaurant ahead if you
like. They serve great arm and tailbone stew, biscuits and blood
“Thanks quad driver, let’s just go on to the medical district. I want to
be hard and presentable before we go out on the town tonight” Victor
Scriabin said.
More billboards and pleasure drug farms, shops and strip malls arose
displacing body parts food farms while hazy structures of
Skorgutsbot graduated through interminable drizzle. The
quadraceptor driver dropped down to the roof of a Medical center
complex. Laura and Victor Scriabin got off at a commercial landing
Victor Scriabin paid the quad-sled Droc with journalist coins; a
quantum cryptocurrency acceptable throughout most known
universes, and slithered onto a moving sidewalk over a network of sky
bridges connecting buildings of variegated scale.
They quickly slid down slick wet chutes from some of the taller
structures to buildings of inferior stature and soon reached the
street. Laura saw a street directory and asked it for the location of the
nearest hotel with copious vacancies. It booked a room and time for us
on the first floor of the Slithy Humper with a useful exterior door. Then
Laura asked for the home address of the great Croc of Shiv, got it and
sent it to memory. Laura and Victor Scriabin slither-walked two and a
half blocks to their hotel room at the Slithy Humper.
The Slithy Humper Hotel was a small, efficiency urban room with
lowest-class Droc furnishings. For some Drocs the lowest class was
good and sensual. They had a water bed two feet deep that allowed
Drocs to slumber in warm liquid scented with delicate rotting
vegetation and sweet meats. Each morphed their Droc camouflage to
clear business human.
Victor Scriabin removed a transparent electric pistol loaded with full
metal jacket rounds packed with two-part very high-speed military
explode-on-impact bullets from a camouflage pocket of his business
suit. Laura asked; “You do have a link to a relocator, no?”
“Yes Laura; It can take us out of here whenever we are ready.”
“Excellent Victor Scriabin. I was winging it without one. One issue
solved. We need to take down the great Croc of Shiv who is C.E.O. of
the local branch of N.T.S.A. and keeper of the Intelligence Capital Vault
in order to get access to that blinking pot of pilfered intellectual
“Sure Laura. I brought a useful device from the vault at Mars; a mind
communication and control tool that configures neurons in a subject’s
brain to respond to external control with a micro-cyber link. We’ll get
one of those into the great Croc’s brain such as it is, and motivate him
to walk into the vault himself and exfil the data.”
“I brought a Bose-Einstein microdot of a recursive, infinite matrix of
frozen, super-positioned photons eschewing a Schrodinger wave
collapse to affect all possible varieties of data storage vault Victor
“That’s new to me Laura- a useful device with unlimited data storage
capacity. It makes the idea of level four storage vaults a little
anachronistic doesn’t it?”
“In some senses it does, in others not. It is easy to misplace a
microdot with all of the information of a super-massive black hole at
the center of a galaxy, and with Cantor’s paradigm of some infinite
series being greater than others, yet still capable of keeping as much
data as a greater infinite series given more space, the lesser infinity
sometimes becomes paradoxically transformed into the greater.
Infinite-dimensional packing of information structured with optimal
programming synergy blurs the lines between physical or
mathematical structures and dimensions and the programming code
maximizing the efficiency of dimensional structure. The most practical
value of a level four vault for us is that they are easier to find”, Laura
Victor Scriabin activated a wall video and told it to show the street
outside, then directed the view to walk over to the N.T.S.A. Victor
Scriabin found the employee parking lot and saw the space reserved
for the director. In it rested a sleek land vehicle that would draw power
from the city street’s wireless charging grid. Victor Scriabin put a mind
control unit into a small invisible drone and released it from the front
door cracked open for a second, before closing the door softly and
returning to watch it fly over to make a small visual blur by the door
handle of the Big Crock of Shiv’s vehicle displayed on the wall video.
They observed the drone undetected as it went unnoticed by the
guards at the employee entrance to the N.T.S.A. building. Victor
Scriabin used the mind control unit to guide the drone through a vent
system and into the director’s office. It settled on a shelf when the
director entered his office. Victor Scriabin initiated a subsonic
frequency that resonated with the mind control device, jacking the
director’s thoughts. The director, unaware of the external influence
until it kicked him in the side of his mind, began to have a sudden
compulsion to visit the vault and retrieve the intellectual capital.
Back at the Slithy Humper, Victor Scriabin and Laura prepared for
their next move. They checked the mind control device, ensuring that
the connection to the director remained constant. Laura examined the
Bose-Einstein microdot, making sure it contained the recursive matrix
necessary for interfacing with the storage vault.
While they waited for the director to act on the implanted
compulsion, Victor Scriabin and Laura discussed their strategy,
adapting it for expedience. The mind control device provided them
with a puppet in the form of the N.T.S.A. director, but they still needed
to be cautious. The director’s actions could be scrutinized, so they had
to be ready for unexpected developments.
Time passed slowly, and finally, the moment arrived when the
implanted compulsion became irresistible. The director, under the
strong, subtle and enigmatic influence of the mind control device,
stood up from his desk and walked purposefully towards the vault.
Victor Scriabin and Laura monitored the situation closely, ensuring the
director’s actions went unnoticed. Security cameras captured his every
move, but the implanted compulsion directed the director to proceed
naturally with his usual, casual slithering pace.
When the director reached the vault, Laura activated the Bose-
Einstein microdot. The recursive matrix unfolded, creating a quantum
tunnel between the microdot and the vault's security system. The
storage vault, equipped with advanced security measures, recognized
the intrusion but was unable to comprehend the nature of the quantum
The intellectual capital, stored in encrypted data nodes, began to
transfer to the microdot. Laura and Victor Scriabin watched as the
director, not comprehending the intricate process taking place,
opened the vault and accessed the stolen intellectual capital. The
transfer of the data was swift, millions of patents from several worlds
flowed, and once complete, the quantum tunnel collapsed, leaving no
trace of the intrusion.
With the intellectual capital now in their possession, Victor Scriabin
and Laura knew they had to make a swift exit. The mind control device
continued to guide the director's actions, ensuring their plan remained
undetected for the moment. As they prepared to leave the Slithy
Humper and Skorgutsbot, they reflected on the intricate dance of
technology and manipulation that had led them to this pivotal
They were quite unaware of the repercussions their actions would
stimulate sending ripples through the intricate web of the Serenity
Corporation's plans, unraveling threads of control and revealing the
true extent of their adversary's influence. The stage was set for a
confrontation that would test the limits of intellect, resilience, and the
ever-shifting balance of power in the cosmos.
“The mind control unit is micro-sized and can enter into the brain of
the Croc of Shiv for direct organic control through its air intake when it
nears its auto. It will release nano-neurons passing through the
bloodstream beyond the blood-brain barrier nearly instantly. The Big
Croc will be our permanent tool about five p.m. I would guess,” Victor
Scriabin explained.
“I can send over the drone with my Bose-Einstein microdot to stick on
an eye of the Big Croc. It need mate up just briefly with the direct data
channel of the vault’s quantum data holograms to copy everything it's
got on patents of Drizzle,” Laura said.
“Serenity must be scraping the bottom of the barrel to steal Drizzle’s
patents; there can’t be too many of them, Laura.”
“We might discover that the Dugong-crocodile hybrid line is more
creative than we know. Dugongs are real dreamers, and crocodiles are
pragmatists. Perhaps ideas are created that never see the light of day
outside the patent office because the Droc heritage of crocodile
indifference to much else than red meat inclines the species to invent,
file and forget, Victor Scriabin.”
Victor Scriabin and Laura sat down to chat and watch the clock spin
toward quitting time. Five o’clock arrived, and among the Drocs exiting
the N.T.S.A. was the taller and obviously pure-blooded Shivian Croc
with a noble bearing. He walked away from the main entrance toward
the parking lot, reached his auto, and became owned by Victor
Scriabin. The micro-controller flew up the airway of the Great Croc and,
in seconds, entered the brain where a complex neural structure
“Welcome to my world, Great Croc of Shiv,” Victor Scriabin said to the
wall audio video that he was using as his immediate input-output
interface with the controller live in the Croc of Shiv’s brain and mind.
The Great Croc was bewildered, believing he heard an audio
hallucination. The Croc’s mind was open to Victor Scriabin and, in fact,
slaved to the implanted technology.
“You aren’t having a hallucination, Great Croc. Here is a little audio
pain to show you the difference”. The big Croc’s brain experienced
extreme audio pain though not a sound beside normal street noise
reached his ears.
Victor Scriabin could transmit visual images and sounds directly to the
captive Croc’s mind and actually take over elements of his thought
sufficient to make his willpower as much Victor Scriabin’s as his own.
Victor Scriabin looked into the subconscious and the Croc’s memories
to discover that the Croc was not a Croc at all. It was a large human.
And what is more, a large female human of Victor Scriabin’s
acquaintance named Corporal Hedda Dabbler.
Victor Scriabin was mildly surprised that the Martian Corporal working
for Serenity was wearing a camouflage suit to play the role of a great
Croc of Shiv, yet Drizzle is a low-life planet and they are scrapping the
bottom of the barrel for patents here so Corporal Dabbler is probably
good enough he thought.
Victor Scriabin said to Laura; “I know that Croc. It’s my Serenity
torture chamber jailer from Mars wearing a Croc suit. I believe we can
turn her around to extract Serenity data for us.”
Laura attached the Bose-Einstein microdot to Dabbler’s left iris giving
a brain wave for direction to its c.p.u that directly controlled its
Victor Scriabin spoke to Corporal Dabbler’s mind instructing her that;
“The surrounding pain you are experiencing is real and will intensify
until you go into your office and place your eye upon the optical port of
the primary Serenity data storage vault. Feel the power, Dabbler!”
Dabbler’s intense and nearly debilitating brain pain echoed through
her skull housing unit and filtered into countless memories and
senses. Victor Scriabin helped Dabbler turn around and re-enter the
building and pass security to levitate to the level-four corporate office.
Dabbler passed through numerous security protocols and arrived at
the optical port and placed her left eye on it.
Countless corporate communications to Drizzle flowed into the
microdot and were sorted out amid the libraries of other content.
Dabbler’s pain briefly decreased, and as her skull was relieved of pain
an intense electro-magnetic force pushing her head down so she took
her eyeball away from the optic port. Victor Scriabin drained her mind
and memories of content and transferred that to the microdot as well,
then directed Corporal Dabbler to exfiltrate the building.
Corporal Dabbler exited the N.T.S.A. once again. Like a mind-dead
zombie the tool of the Serenity Corporation got into her auto, drove a
few blocks and parked, then removed her camouflage clothes and
stepped naked onto the streets of Skorgutsbot. She attracted
immediate attention from the Drocs slithering on the streets who had
their appetites whetted by the sight and smell of rare tasty human
breast flesh shimmying and derriere tremulously waddling in flight
before them.
Corporal Dabbler fled naked from the maddening lunch crowd of
Skorgutsbot while her depleted brain bios stem recognized predators
with primal fear. Before a wall of teeth closing in reached her, she
thought in panic of the good times on Mars torturing Victor Scriabin.
Laura recalled the microdot to the hotel room. Victor Scriabin shared
the information with Laura, and they sorted through the contents
pertaining to local N.T.S.A. operations.
“There isn’t much on Serenity personnel hierarchy here Victor. It
appears that Drizzle was managed by Dabbler and local contractors
with occasion orders from vague criminal controllers. It is an
unimportant location although Drocs did contribute several valuable
inventions. There ae a few million inventions from other worlds that
were residing here for some reason. Better than nothing. Their supply
chain relocator links to a facility at the Secretions of Ingland.”
Victor Scriabin commented; “Ingland is in the Hidden Universe of the
Imperial Criminal Empire entertainment division is it not?”
“Victor, Dwindled Worlds office accountants have obtained
information from those criminals we’ve audited of journalist coin
spending sprees at theme parks in the Hidden Universe and the name
Ingland has come up numerous times in the reports.”
“We should relocate to my black body ship Laura. Dabbler’s
disappearance from the roster of the living on Drizzle will not have
gone unnoticed at Serenity. Changes deleterious for us are likely to
happen if we remain here.”
“Then we shall not tarry”; Laura agreed. Victor Scriabin’s relocator
was active, and they vanished from the room and the planet Drizzle.
When they arrived at Victor Scriabin’s black body ship at the edge of
the Ludwig Von Trump galactic habitation zone, Victor Scriabin copied
his data vault content of Martian patents to Laura’s microdot.
“Are you ready for relocation to the Secretions of Ingland in the
Hidden Universe of the Imperial Criminal Empire Laura?”
“Yeah, Victor; make my day,” she replied.
A moment after they relocated, the black body station was obliterated
by a force delivery package distributed by the Serenity Corporation.
The relocator brought Victor Scriabin and Laura to the Hidden
Universe’s source of supplies reaching Drizzle. They were outside of a
supply depot with workers operating storage and transfer equipment
for pallets full of cargo appearing from nowhere.
Laura said to Victor as they sat down upon a grassy knoll half a klick
from the depot; “These hidden dimensions mystify me a bit. They are
like an infinite number of Chinese puzzle boxes or measuring cups
given ordinal and cardinal relativity. Smaller ones fit into larger ones
and larger ones can fit tangentially within smaller ones, and any
configuration of dimensional construction is possible with an infinite
number of dimensions. At the Dwindled Worlds accounting office, we
frown on that sort of comparable plasticity of numbers that permit
anything to be what it is not while remaining what it is.”
“Yet it obviously works as a practical matter Laura. Serenity can
resupply N.T.S.A. branch stores in any possible universe; even an
infinite number of branches and universes, from hidden dimensions
and shortcuts located in the switch-yard of a hidden universe. That it
is, an entertainment universe provides good cover to criminals leaving
their day jobs for vacations to a Hidden Universe to perpetrate their
criminal activities under the cover of hidden dimensions,” Victor
Scriabin remarked.
“That would at least allow supply delivery shortcuts and coordination
through innumerable universes,” Laura added.
“What if the Metaverse is configured like neural architecture and
thinks for itself, in itself?” Victor Scriabin wondered aloud. “Could it
reshape itself or any relevant universe or transfer information-perhaps
cloning it, to other universes as its mind thought it expedient?”
“What if the Metaverse is bigger than a breadbox, smaller than a
breadbox too, yet is not a breadbox at all?” Laura replied.
“How very Zen-like of you, Laura.”
“Humans and other three-dimensional shaped mass can only exist in
three dimensions- the Ehrenfrest limit, so we must need have some
sort of dimensional compensator to translate our mass into n-
dimensional configurations. Universes as nothing more than
expressions of a unified field-force have sep arated from a monistic
initial configuration into several; four dimensions including time in our
own Universe for instance. There seems to be one primary force for
each primary dimension and confluence of dimensions. Maybe the
forces on separation are stacked upon one another, or integrate within
one another in a complete complex of universal compresence
phenomenalizing time as motion.
No matter; it could just be that spirit is the foundation of energy that
is in turn the core of force in various configurations. I saw a
dimensional compensator unit glancing through the patents from Mars
you’ve added to my digital storage microdot,” Laura said.
“Well, we don’t need that one presently. For now, our three
dimensions of mass are adequate for this Hidden Universe as it also
has three dimensions. They are just shifted upward at a higher
frequency and can look downward into our home Universe as if it were
beyond a one-way mirror,” Victor Scriabin said.
“That would be a feature useful for voyeurs and other criminal entities
for looking over potential victims.” Laura inferred.
Their orientation and survey of immediate surroundings w as
challenged with a disturbance in the stasis of perceptive events by a
clustering demographic of personnel in the compound below. Near a
structure of machine metal lit with a pervading red light, a purple
flame snapped from a tube with a sharp crack of sound, and the
ground before them erupted into a cataclysm of exploding dirt and
biomass. Victor Scriabin and Laura went into full retreat mode in the
darkness and dialed up their electromagnetic spectrum camouflage as
high as it could go.
More bloody detonations tracked their withdrawal vector, so they
altered course, breaking apart and heading in opposite directions for
exfiltrating the area. Each knew, after sharing a quick confer, to
rendezvous a couple of miles farther away from the depot and then
relocate elsewhere on the surface of the Hidden Universe world they
had dropped upon.
Laura crawled along just below the edge of a rise extending las an
eroded escarpment away from the depot while Victor Scriabin ran
through tall grass swale to swale and over minor hills occasionally
dropping to take up a fighting position. He scanned for pursuers even
as detonations from a battle tube lobbing explosive packages behind
him continued to shatter the night.
When the explosions faded to an occasional pop, Laura and Victor
Scriabin were two miles away, and no pursuit was evident besides an
occasional pterodactyl security drone flying overhead looking for meat
below. The world they found themselves on was an enigmatic,
unfinished theme. Raw data-coded columns rose to support a sky’s-
the-limit quasi-atmosphere phenomenalized for intelligent designer
Each molecule was accounted for and directed to serve functions
apropos to the live content of a theme. Molecules of breathable air for
human forms were the prevailing default configurations, yet each
molecule was assigned a particular unique number and different string
attachment configuration capacity, allowing each to move along
energy streams and currents wherever needed, in whatever quantity
would be required for a specific structure.
Land molecules were more complex with information locally storing
potential forms for configuration and energy that would allow new
mass structures to rise or dissolve to support an overall theme
configuration given by a chief orthogon of lie groups with key ring
signals embedded in the rising, upwelling surfaces of herniated space
driving apart mass-energy as dark energy was contradicted by dark
matter in a dynamic dialectical dialogue between the two.
“What’s the plan now, Laura?” Victor Scriabin asked. “We seem to
have eluded pursuit if there was any, and the gunners aren’t just
shooting at anything vaguely suspect as might criminals.”
“Ya got me, Victor. A builder of false matrices incites non-dimensional
virtual particles to bridge no-space and appear as inflation-ready fields
that will contain massive energy. There may be no particular place
where we would be moderately safe within this hidden universe.
Distance means even less if the entire hidden universe is intelligent
and the molecules are wired into a coverall Siggs field sending
information to a central authority. I noticed, reading one of the data
columns, that this entity; one of a plethora of secretions, is named the
Nemgrunda Mbutaag facility.
You may recall that Mbutaag was an outlaw space engineer who
won a Von Guber genius grant to develop synergetic space structures
before he was convicted by a high galactic court from the parent
galaxy of humans of evolving populated habitable planets into building
materials. He disappeared into the unfathomable darkness,” Laura
“Hmm…Nemgrunda Mbutaag. That was nearly three hundred years
ago, Laura?”
“Yes; he made history everywhere. Schoolchildren learned he was one
of the galaxy’s ten most wanted criminals before Metaverse
explorations took human interactions with themselves and others far
beyond the home Universe, Victor.”
“Laura, if every atom and molecule has quantum attachments to a
few transcending fields in four of an infinite numbers of dimensions
that allow infinite configurations of atoms and subatomic particles,
molecules, and so forth in an infinite number of selected dimensions;
necessarily reduced in number when particular forms are to be
actualized, isn’t the potential of reality to reconfigure portions of it to
produce whatever it is that a human may want almost without limits?
If three-dimensional humans have some of their structures appearing
simultaneously in n-dimensions in whatever form- even an unlimited
number of forms in configurations in n-dimensions, and if everything in
a hidden universe is a single use of a stratum or select layer of
dimensions and energy-mass content, then what is the value of
stealing anything if everything can be reconfigured into whatever it is
that the Imperial Criminal Empire desires?
That is; within our four dimensions smaller dimensions could be
engineered to appear in a given sector of four dimensional space time
to serve as conduits for transit of materials constructed in an extra-
dimensional universe sharing the smaller dimensions with the usual
Universe of humans or any other universe attached. The smaller
dimensions could be engineered to expand to the size of a
dumbwaiter, elevator or building and remain stationary at a select
“Something to chew on, Victor. Scalar values of dimensions aren’t
easy to evaluate in theory; nor to model. Ideas and inventions aren’t
plain material, energy, or mass and can’t easily be generated by an
A.I. algorithm creating every possible invention or idea. Some
inventions and ideas created by A.I. could be extra-dimensional and
conflict with the dimensions and composition of the normal human
Universe. They may conflict disastrously for a given Universe
configuration if actualized into being from the nothingness of A.I.,
rather than evolved into being by human intellectual design.
Stealing inventions the old-fashioned way may be the only practical
option for them. Yet they could, of course, just be looking for operating
systems software for the quantum mechanics of universes.”
“Sure, Laura; as many universes and levels of universes as they can
get, though they might not actually know how many universes that is.
Owning an infinite number of universes before one has consumed an
infinite number of universes for pleasure would assure an adequate
supply of universes for criminal comfort and wealth in the future.
Natural resource-exhausting economics could be overcome by
expropriating an infinite number of universes. There is nothing like
having adequate supply.”
“Our security camouflage isn’t going to hide us much longer from the
mathematical quantum structures directing the atoms of the Mbutaag
facility, Victor. I suggest we convert our feet to numbers with implicit,
inertial c.p.u. reflecting A.I. to let our feet think for themselves and
counteract signals of being into non-being for the math sensors of
Mbutaag. At some juncture, we need to examine the cargo shipments
passing through the Mbutaag structure too.”
“Yes, Laura, and we can find out who the real C.E.O.s of Serenity are.”
Quantum field theory; Q.F.T. describes some of the characteristics and
strengths of quantum fields. Advanced Q.F.T. relates the behaviors of
fields mathematically in relation to other fields occurring in four
dimensions of space-time, allowing fractional changes to the spin-
eigenvalues- of constituent energy packets after they are converted
into just numbers. One dimension points may be inducted with virtual
fields and built between quantum field values with charges that
adequately mirror quantum field objects; bringing into four dimensions
and with higher maths and dimensions, virtual quantum fields.
With their feet transformed through virtual integration into adaptive
synthetic virtual field values, the resident A.I. was able to calculate and
configure their feet to any surface field existing on the Mbutaag
“My feet feel quite a bit better, Victor. I haven’t been resting them at
a desk for quite some time,” Laura said. “So let’s go gather some intel
on the far side of the Mbutaag structure, wherever that will be.”
Victor Scriabin replied; “That, according to my data stream, is about
1700 miles downward, diagonally speaking.”
With their feet converting to numbers, Laura said; “This mission to
recover the patents of the Dwindled Worlds has become somewhat
ethereal even for me, Victor; the forensics accounting office
encounters a wide variety of structures, tax shelters, thefts and
relocations of resources, yet the trans-universal infinities of universes
leave me rather baffled concerning direction. Let’s say a prayer before
we proceed.”
“All right with me, Laura,” Victor said, taking a knee; “What prayer
would you like?”
Joining Victor in taking a knee, she replied; “Something without the
peccavi of peccaries that would be good to hear from the networked
criminals, if they were conscionable at all. Instead of that let’s go for
The Multiverse Farer’s Prayer.”
They prayed together:
“Jesus savior pilot me;
across a Multiverse’s troubled seas
extra dimensions ahead
infinite universes behind
lead me beyond omegas
and unstable temporal non-primes.
When they finished their prayer, the molecules around them seemed
to resonate with a subtle energy and they felt a strange connection to
the vast, hidden universe. With renewed determination, they set out on
their journey to uncover the secrets of the Nemgrunda Mbutaag facility
and the elusive C.E.O.s of Serenity.
They rose gracefully from the ground, engaging in a peculiar skate
walk over the surface topology. Each step resonated with the
underlying molecular composition of the structure as if tapping into its
very essence for information.
"If numbers are mere fractions of a whole or find meaning only in the
context of a series, why aren't they boundlessly infinite in quantity and
size, extending limitlessly across every position and dimension Laura?
Infinities, as arbitrary sets, delimit paradigms. How can trans-finite
series, akin to Cantor's revelations, possess a distinct identity greater
or lesser than the infinite continuum spanning all possible
"Victor, your contemplation stems from the premise that numbers
serve as the foundational bedrock for all energy and mass. If gravity
and thermodynamics coexist in every universe, there must be a
process governing the evolution of sets across the vast expanse of
possible numbers. Why do numbers manifest as temporally finite sets,
akin to squalls across an infinite sea? Could they be echoes, remnants
of an idea transcending from some divine origin?
Isaac Newton’s spinning bucket experiment efforts like those of the
pre-Socratic philosophers Parmenides and Heraclitus (no they weren’t
partners) examined the nature of the volume that is space. If one spun
a bucket half full of water around in a circle at the end of a rope
somewhere in the void would gravity or centrifugal force keep the
bucket’s water at the bottom? One might wonder about quantum spin
and how the fields in which quantum spin are affected or drawn in a
special direction comparably.
We would say space-time rather than just space, yet that may be a
convention too as time seems like a secondary rather than a primary
quality of space and mass. Time cannot appear without mass, energy
or matter to act upon with differential values in relation to the location
and characteristics of mass. If mass in one or two dimensional fields
pass through other two dimensional surfaces that may create the
appearance of time and relative motion at present points of
One might wonder about the nature of the volume that contains a
Universe or Universes or any possible configuration of Universes
including a Multiverse. Typically physicists tend to describe the
configuration of matter (or anti-matter) and energy existentially and
phenomenally as if only mass and energy existed rather than a volume
of space. It seems rather plain that a volume of space- a truly empty
void- that hosts the Universe, doesn’t figure into calculations of
modern cosmology. Instead various fields arising from an initial solitary
unified field; one indubitably made of energy- a singular sort and
condition of energy, pervades the expanse of the Universe. The
Universe exists only as far as the fields expanding from the initial
singular unified field at T=0 (Time equals 0) have traveled. Those fields
may be encountering unknown content within the true void or not.
There are many interesting points about the four basic fields of the
Universe that one might consider. Gravity is said to have split off first
followed by the strong force. The strong force split and released the
electroweak force dividing into the Weak force, electromagnetism and
the Higgs Field arose. Apparently each of these fields must equally
pervade the entire Universe, yet they may induce local field
phenomena that appear in the presence of entangled mass and
Did gravity actually split off? For a moment consider Einstein’s
criterion of space being warped or curved by concentrated mass with
gravity. It isn’t space that is curved though it may appear so. Instead
mass has quanta existing outside of it as if mass were an aircraft
carrier battle group with a carrier at the center surrounded by a
constellation of smaller defense ships. There is a thicker cloud of
particles surrounding concentrations of mass that entangle or deflect
photons and other particles traveling near it. It could be that the field
in which those particles exist is warped in relation to mass or that the
quantity of waves or virtual particles that exist in the field statistically
attract particles traveling near the mass to alter their course in
proportion to the quantity of ‘virtual’ particles in proximity to the mass
What is called space-time is different than the volume of void that
hosts it. Space-time mass and energy is regarded as having four
dimensions, yet no one knows what a dimension is or if it is made of
anything. The field-energy filling the entire Universe, or making the
entire Universe is thicker and thinner in various regions as far as mass,
dark matter, energy and dark energy go. Overall one might expect that
it logically should be generally equal distributed in all directions from
the T=0 expansion though not exactly. Because energy is charged it
could cancel out through various means such as matter and anti-
matter contacts and spin anisotropy and generate uneven
distributions. It is also the case that energy becoming entangled in the
Higgs field generates the appearance of mass, and mass is a
secondary characteristic of the fields that comprise the Universe rather
than primary.
It is possible that there is a difference between primary and secondary
fields and field phenomena. The speed of light is the fastest possible
speed for matter or energy entangled in the Higgs field, yet the
primary fields are not subject to the laws of general relativity perhaps-
unlike possible secondary fields like electro-magnetism. Gravity itself
may be just a field generated phenomena and a secondary phenomena
without a graviton to transfer its power. It is a good idea not to
consider laws as primary and real physical things when philosophically
contemplating structures of cosmology.
Some wonder about the spooky action at a distance of quantum
entanglement. Mass in one location may entangle quanta with
quantum mass at a distance. Perhaps the concatenated quantum
entanglement of mass with other mass at a distance faster than light
creates a secondary effect of mass attracting other mass at light
speed. Light speed would be slow in comparison to the faster than light
status of primary fields hosting the matter and sub-light speed energy
of the Universe.
Gravity waves would be generated by mass quantum entanglement
comparable to the way that waves may be generated in the water of a
swimming pool by a mechanical push at one end of the pool even
though water is made up of individual particles/molecules. Gravity
waves in the normal human universe of experience reflect mass
quantum entanglement occurring in primary fields faster than light and
lacking the spatial distance values inherent in the subluminal Universe
of mass.
Still it is interesting to consider a bucket whirled at the end of a rope
half full of water that is in empty space. There is a problem with the
definition of empty space affecting the outcome of the experiment. If
the bucket was spun in this Universe it would be acted on by fields
pervading this Universe. If it was truly in the void that hosts the
Universe and the Universe did not exist (just the bucket and the
experimenter) then the experiment and the bucket would be quite
anomalous. There would be micro-gravity in this Universe, while in the
true void not even the experimenter or bucket could exist- since they
are generated from quantum field effects of entanglement in a Higgs
Some experimenters and theorists have conjectured about extra-
dimensions- maybe smaller ones, that might exist in the Universe in
order to explain the structure of matter. Beside the obvious problems
that appear when considering time as a dimension with factors of
general relativity at the quantum scale, there is the problem of the
nature of the void that hosts the Universe. How many dimensions does
it have and could a Universe appearing within it have more dimensions
than the pure space-void? Can a true void host infinite numbers of
I believe some physicists have said that a pure-void does not exist
and that only matter and energy exist even if it is stretched very thin.
Plainly though fields are primary and exist although in what form is to
a degree still unknown. Fields exist and dimensions exist at least within
the space-time of the Universe where matter and energy arise in a
Higgs field.
Maybe the host fields don’t have the same dimensions as the
contingent Universe we live in (entangled as mass in a Higgs field).
Because they are not like this Universe spatially, there is no distance
comparable to the scales of this Universe. Light speed is not a
meaningful speed in fields without distances based on mass relations
(a contingent phenomenon).
The fields separate from the one singular field may be stacked
together like layers in computer chips and convey information in a
different way. For a trivial example horizontally and vertically rather
than in a simple line vector. Non-linear time passage based on a
stacked, layered field information would perhaps be different than that
of inertially driven mass with relativistic time such as occurs with
special relativity combined with general relativity. Plainly though
stacked four dimensional time is compatible with general relativity.
I wonder about this basic question; can this Universe have more
dimensions than that of the true void, and I think the answer is no. If a
true, logical void has just three dimensions and one of time is it
possible to construct a 23 dimension or 230 dimension material
Universe within it? Mathematicians obviously can construct multi-
dimensional models; simply changing a number value- a variable. That
sort of theoretical Multiverse might have no corresponding reality in
the actual Universe.
Aristotle believed that words have a necessary relation to real objects
and that logic would therefore bring true results when formulating
logical equations about ‘objects’ of the real world. Subsequent
logicians discovered that words and material objects haven’t a
necessary relationship at all. That paradigm probably exists between
mathematical models of quantum cosmology and actual quantum
cosmology. It is a great tool that applied probabilistically for making
judgments provides valuable insight, yet fails the kind of rigorous
logical tie that Aristotle sought when inventing classical logic (although
some dispute that he invented classical logic).
A logical volume of absolute space would seem to have three spatial
dimensions. A physicist friend of Einstein's said that human life
couldn’t exist in a Universe with more than three dimensions and one
of time. That judgment was made concerning the structure of quantum
particles yet if one considers a true void- primary empty space without
fields with more than three spatial dimensions- perhaps six or more it
becomes increasingly difficult to imagine a coherent Universe structure
existing within it.
Could dimensions rather than being fields of some unknown nature
that exist in a true void be better compared to vector-directions?
Within a three-dimensional unbounded true void their might be a
veritable Cantorian infinite number of vector-dimensions radiating out
of some central point (for simplicity in visualizing the structure) or
existing in an infinite number of other ways like straight spaghetti
strands of some thicker or thinner value than others. So while a
Universe built from three strands of spaghetti-like dimensions added
together could be elected to build a universe in, there could be thinner,
smaller spaghetti strands mixed with it at the quantum level to support
loop quanta or something like mini-spaghetti strings. A Quantum Chef
of spaghetti-sauce may explain the secret recipe someday.
"Laura, why do numbers, existing within an infinite continuum at
every conceivable location of a field, gravitate towards each other?
What prompts an increase or decrease of value anywhere, considering
anyplace is as good as nowhere? Could a spatial field, perhaps a
concoction of charged virtual particles, surge like a hernia, distort
space-time and manifest as elements with cardinal or ordinal
differentiations in no-space? The infinite quantity at every location
hints at a relative scalar difference, explaining the causality of
magnitude through dimensional intrusions."
Laura nodded thoughtfully. "You raise valid questions, Victor. It
intrigues me why seven causes of gravity exist and why gravity itself
persists if numbers aren't an intrusive upsurge into the fabric of non-
Paradoxes of unknown compositions of gravity, fields and dimensions
raise even more theoretical structures to engineer. For instance, could
dimensions entailing fields be inserted through stars and their nuclear
furnaces to absorb energy and transfer it far beyond the star in
coherent charged particle streaming?"
Victor considered her words; "What Laura, could fields be structured
with dimensions forming flat two-dimensional surfaces passing through
stars going in one side and out the other for millions of miles like vast
charged microscope slides? I suppose that’s possible. Fields are
reducible in practical measure to numbers.
Numbers undeniably exist, Laura. Just look down at our feet.
Inequalities pervade the vast universes of mass and energy functioning
as machinery orchestrating existence through revolutions of
thermodynamic, ordered change. A greater entity always seems to
transcend pre-existing forms and series.
Mathematics can model or reflect real ordinal positions and consistent
relations of mass in a Universe with known numbers of dimensions and
observable order of mass. That criterion is valid just within our normal
Universe of human origin. Since the ordinal relations of mass in other
Universes are not necessarily similar to those of our universe, neither
need the mathematics of this Universe be the same as another
Universe X, X1, X2 etc. In fact the mathematics can be different
between different combinations and numbers of dimensions. It isn’t
enough to simply extrapolate with mathematics adjusted for extra
dimensions to learn about the structure of higher dimensional
universes; the mathematics and structures of higher dimensional
universes may change with progressive, non-translatable cardinal
number permutations."
"You believe that mathematics may be local and relative? God at least
isn’t grounded to just one Universe and its mathematical values.
Legend has it that God issued his Word, unleashing waves of change
with the displacement of dimensional nothingness," Laura mused. "I've
often questioned what factor set the values of dimensions at a specific
point, or if the value is perpetually destined for infinity. Perhaps we
should focus on acquiring data about the Mbutaag structure."
Embarking on the journey, Laura and Victor Scriabin traversed many
miles, scouring for a data port or station link around the Mbutaag
structure. The artificial landscape, resembled Florida’s gentle hill
country, panhandling escarpments amid vast cylindrical extrusions.
Upon closer inspection of a section divider they uncovered a
revelation; the entire construct functioned as a quantum computer
with temporal openings transcending input-output access. Intrigued,
they plugged in, schematically detailing the Mbutaag structure as a
colossal quantum computer, a planet-sized object comprised of
superconducting crystal and neo-metal components, forming a
tetrahedron. Its artificial gravity, propelled by a dark matter convecting
current was managed by the tetrahedron's artificial intellect for the
benefit of humans; generally it was able to differentiate human
intellects from artificial intellects spoofing it.
The Mbutaag, a crenelated offspring of the primary Ingland device,
oozed from a planet scale hardware core with quantum super-
positioning spanning hundreds of light years over the heart of the
Hidden Universe’s darkness within the Imperial Criminal Empire.
Engineered within the Ingland machine, it extracted virtual particles
from an endless federal reserve loop of criminal enterprises, looting
contents of black holes across infinite universes.
The particles were flipped into white holes, spouting energy and mass
into the Ingland machine's swag bag. Coded secretions proceeded
aplomb, manufacturing copious utopias for the empire's chief criminal
operating officers.
The streets of corporatopia, built upon those secretions of the Hidden
Universe, boasted yellow bricks of doped gold super-conductors. Each
neo-nativist step compressed energy, adding more value to golden
paths making criminally efficient bodhisattva bargains. Chief executive
officers, residing in the splendor of mansions with endless rooms
wrapped in Escherian dimensions sheltered perpetually enslaved
When the rare non-violent death of a servant approached, the servant
underwent a peculiar transformation. Their brains and minds were
transferred into cyborg dwogs. The brain was processed/evolved over
time into ossified neural architecture within the dwog's ass, converting
flesh to quantum circuits in algorithmically programmed molecular
morphology. Skull housing unit concealed small espresso thermoss to
serve the C.E.O. in the field The process allowed the slave to continue
traditional service until the C.E.O.'s death.
C.E.O.s lived in blissful isolation except for the presence of a
scattering of aesthetically satisfying young virgin survivors of
corporate wars on their home village-planets, untroubled by the sight
of other structures unless they deemed it to be so. Their executive
servants devised countless methods to suppress political self-
determinism of individuals and nations on indigent planets deemed
worthy of having their miserable, patentable ideas stolen. C.E.O.s were
thus liberated from mundane considerations and free to devote their
time to the virgins of paradise promised them in the Chronicles of
The marketplace of ideas in targeted worlds was systematically shut
down. Ownership of new ideas required allegiance to tight government
control. Inventions and applications trickled up exclusively to Maud
Dlib, the reliable inter-universal operative overseeing the relocation of
inventions and wealth to the Imperial Criminal Empire and Serenity.
Victor Scriabin and Laura proceeded through the quantum computer
infrastructure of the Mbutaag structure while their mathematical feet
processed configurations at a pace sufficient to navigate the labyrinth
of tubes. Instructions from their mathematical feet reshaped molecules
in the outer layer of quantum calculations, maintaining a breathable
atmosphere around them.
Having gained adequate knowledge they skimmed virtual particles
and fabricated a relocator vessel near their destination. The vessel
would transport them to the farthest edges of Ingland secretions. The
Mbutaag structure, a pseudo-planet machine, was constructing
another hidden universe within the present one, evidently aimed at
undermining the security of the Dwindled Worlds region in the
normative universe.
"You know, Laura," Victor Scriabin remarked, "If we persist with the
open patents system welcoming ideas from all, regardless of poverty
or plenty, we risk concentrating intellectual capital. This could make us
priority targets for the Imperial Criminal Empire."
Laura contemplated his words. "Victor, in the Dwindled Worlds, we
might not have the power to alter that reality. However, we can strive
to curtail thefts and leaks. Swiftly bringing patentable ideas to market
is imperative. Patents need be affordable to poor inventors and not
simply trickle upward to corrupt networks concentrating wealth. It's our
best defense against environmental challenges and destructive
interference from infinite universes and dimensions that might clash,
whether by accident or design, with our own.
Obviously, we can’t regard other universes as being on the same time
metric with ours since the space-time of a Universe is self-standing;
inhering within its own energy sheet from its point of conception at
singularity, and relate to thermodynamic spaces and configurations in
themselves rather than for other universes.
Thought might occur at some future or past time with new inventions
created a priori to address circumstances that don't yet exist
potentially keeping our Universe and the sentient beings within it alive
and free. Discovering and inventing retro-causality Wheeler technology
is just one reason why the evil Criminal Empire cannot be allowed to
steal patents from the Multiverse. Free of the power of organized
crime, humans might have a future instead of being haplessly rolled
over by whatever criminal concern crashes into the normative universe
or drops in from higher dimensions.”
“Laura, I have often wondered about the relation of simultaneous
events in different universes or if such a concept even exists. The life
of a universe is akin to that of a campfire, starting with a small
combustion event and burning its wood supply until it is eventually a
thermodynamically spent pile of ash or scattered particles returning to
virtual condition scuppering way back to fields of forever before those
fields sink into singularity.
The past and future of the campfire don't actually exist. Only the
present state of the campfire exists. If our universe is 13.2 billion years
old, then the Universe-fire has burned for that long, yet it is always in
the present, and the past is lost, except as Shannon entropy-conserved
data somewhere in the fields as an impression that displaced quanta
continuing to exist now.
Obviously quanta existing at all possible worldline space-time
locations travel faster than light as concepts existing without
entanglements to manifest just when impressions in the field induct
them to become particle-waves and even energetic assemblies
forming mass. Space-time is phenomenal therefore, and forms
resurrected after death in space-time reintegrating thought
information spiritually as directed..
If an event occurs in our Universe, such as the last judgment as
foretold in Revelation chapters 19-21, around the year 3400 anno
domini for example, that event could occur simultaneously with the
present state of other universes existing on that day. Universes that
exist and conclude before or start after the 13.2 billion year window of
the theoretical life of this Universe could not exist concurrently and
experience any awareness of the last judgment event through inter-
dimensional relocator technology as a simultaneous live event. Just the
present live state of universes exists, some before, and some after
those of the original normal human universe, though line cone images
of them may theoretically be observed for trillions of years.
General and special relativity theories complicate calculations of the
relations of inter-universal space-time positions, being too complex for
me at any rate. I often wonder how relativity affects the passage of
time in microspace of the Planck length compared with that of the
emptiness of deep space and the enigmatic pace of field space-time
that should be contiguous and ditto’d from point to point. I am thankful
that entangled energy forming universes are not in a collapsed form at
all possible locations of extra-spatial infinity and eternity.”
Laura responded, “We will advance all of those inventions and grant
patents that become non-exclusive after three years, with ten percent
royalties to patent holders in perpetuity. That is the best available way
to keep new ideas in production and prevent them from being buried
under exclusivity and suppression by manipulators and censors of the
marketplace of ideas.”
When the pair neared the space relocator they’d remotely fabricated,
they discovered new aspects of the power of the planet-size quantum
computer. It began collapsing waveforms of infinite numbers around
Long ago, the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics
developed a Schrödinger wave function collapse paradigm that
became surpassed by the more accurate Everett many-worlds
paradigm. In the Everett account, the wave function never collapsed;
instead, a new reality was branched to instead of a waveform collapse.
The Everett paradigm might be compared to that of a Metaverse
existing for God with every possible Universe differentiation, even by a
single quark, actually existing. This was quite a different scenario from
the venerable Copenhagen interpretation with a quantum particle at all
possible locations reduced to just a single place when observed with
the collapse of the wave function, a grounding of the infinite flight of
all possible locations and velocity of a single particle; a wave is
collapsed to a particular point. For some, finite zero-dimension points
of phenomenality among uncollapsed natural infinities are paradoxic.
Laura and Victor Scriabin slowed their pace when they were within
seventeen hundred meters of the virtual relocator vessel.
Victor Scriabin said, “Let us yield a little time for the relocator vessel
to recognize us and merge its being for itself with our mind fields in
themselves and for others.”
“Sure Victor, consider this; logically according to some multiverse
theories, there may be an infinite number of occurrences of everything
possible in every possible universe. Perhaps the Schrödinger wave
function requires trans-universal realizations of every possible element
of every possible universe, manufacturing them in every possible time
and stage of existence a priori, instead of each sentient individual
having a finite number of doppelgangers within an infinite number of
universes, everyone would have an infinite number of doppelgangers
and various gradations of partial doppelgangers and universes with
degrees of variation.
That would, in the abstract, be like an infinite series multiplying itself
at every point, and infinitely from each point compounded. Cantor’s
paradigmata for inequality of infinities may extend qualitatively and
not simply quantitatively. Compound infinite series structures built
over lesser infinities multiplied with relativity could increase scalar
expansion velocities at quite a differential pace.
Besides possibly multiplying infinities and corresponding universes
faster than infinite series can be logically increased, that may be a
reason why God, if he chose to do so, may have limited the
phenomenon of being to just one universe that would be populated
with human individuals. Though a computer program may generate
infinite series naturally, it is simple for a programmer to curtail
infinities for processing throughput.
God may have infinite capability to contain all possible infinities and
wave functions associated with them, yet choose to abbreviate them.
He could reduce Multiverses to subjective experience in a human mind
in a Bishop Berkeley idealism paradigm; especially if the fields of the
normal universe allow such configurations to occur without objective
trace in the usual space-time entanglement supporting social reality. It
would not at all be a simple physics supporting that condition.
As the alpha and omega of all being, God foreknows all creation;
nothing mechanical concerning constructions of time and being are
more than contingent being that he may decide to actualize for others.
The actualization of all infinities for a Metaverse may be abbreviated as
a mathematician may abbreviate formulas instead of writing them out.
Universes may manifest phenomenally as needed to actualize logical
continua and disappear when the time spotlight moves on. If there is
an infinite quantity of every item in the mind of God actualized in His
Metaverse, then it may follow that some elements of His infinite
qualities of perfection and varieties, quantities, and experiences of
perfection, present to and through sentient beings within infinite
universes. Imperfections may be reciprocals of perfection as night
follows day and darkness yields unto dawn.
Gradations of forms and events, persons and things may be as
necessary as the infinite numbers of fractions between whole numbers.
Maybe God selects what forms or numbers he chooses to populate a
universe with to design a universe that would accomplish his will. He
may mask some of the fractions and permit selections that work within
quantum value settings for the stabilized quantum fields in the design
parameters; physical contents that are the infrastructure of the steady
state of the macro-collapsed, entangled material Universe.
Sure, the selections would be a factor in the pre-determination of
history. The ability to create more advanced sets with specially
selected elements could be useful for fine-tuning the subjective
experience, and the objective world-for-itself experience of contingent,
sentient minds. Perhaps one of the theistic reasons for doing so would
be to build the character of sentients in a pre-determined course of
Sentience is one of the ironic tones of imperfection for a monistic
Metaverse that fundamentally differentiates individual objects as
perceptions of collapsed wave function objects, noteworthy because of
differentiation from other collapsed wave function field differences
around them. Sentience is finite and imperfect, phenomenal and
temporal. Omniscience is perfect and above time; it is the one set of all
sets of infinities in itself.
Pluralism is a function or construction by definition of sentient beings
within a monistic field for itself. God, though, personifying the Trinity of
Three Persons in One, is the initial symmetry-breaking monistic, plural
sentience… omniscient before the existence of time. The fields of God
that contain a Metaverse are barely ponderable. Even the Metaverse is
challenging for sentients or A.I. to define, contingent beings as we
Victor said, “Well Laura, one thing we may know; there could be an
infinite number of hidden universes with criminal doppelgangers like
those populating this one trying to steal and own all of the intellectual
capital in the Metaverse. What if they are working together,
synergizing criminal powers?”
“Indeed Victor; what if there are an infinite number of anti-criminal
doppelgangers working together to undo the Imperial Criminal
Empire’s work?”
Victor replied, “You know that a Hegelian might speculate that God is
trying to realize himself in history and thermodynamics, or to realize
perfect sentients, by generating an infinite number of Universes with
infinite tools to actualize perfection. That is, to actualize perfection,
every possibility may need to exist as actuality because anything less
might be considered incomplete and imperfect.”
“A Hegelian might,” Laura answered, “Yet that weakly implies God is
imperfect and the Metaverse was created in time and God with it. Then
one encounters the problem of temporality and of an infinite Universe
existing in one direction in time rather than from eternity- a Metaverse
always imperfect and incomplete cycling through a portion of non-
space eternally imperfect in one direction without generating sentience
capable of comprehending it to own, delimit, or end it. The logic of the
Trinity is more believable.”
“No scientific idea is logically falsifiable with absolute certainty Laura.
The premises could always be in error. Then again, there is the
problem of the criterion to consider. That is the Lao Tzu conundrum; a
hummingbird flies into one’s living room for a moment then
disappears. It is reasonable to speculate that it flew in through an open
door or window. Then one is informed by a gamer that one is in virtual
reality and to get back to the task of winning.
If the wave function explaining quantum particles wasn’t falsifiable,
some wouldn’t regard it as valid physics. So if the criterion is incorrect
concerning reality, a description of the quantum world when one isn’t
observing it or alternatively when one is may be an invalid question
made from an ontologically wrong paradigm. Faith is a good way to
relate to God for a mortal human, since nothing can be certain.
Probabilities of outcomes may be made, of course, sometimes with a
very high likelihood of being a valid return on a proposition. Truth
tables may be composed and made implicitly irrelevant because of the
circumstance in which the truth table exists.
Particles and steady-state physics may exist with observation because
massless particles have slowed in a Higgs field to sub-light speed. A
Copenhagen interpretation can regard the quantum world as not
existing when not observed, or irrelevant to consider unobserved.
Consider the predisposition to incorrect interpretation; waves may be
the normal state, and particles are inducted from them with
observation temporally, yet the wave may continue as the true
normative state. The downloading to an observable particle is the
anomalous breaker of the normal condition… how could it appear as if
it were unobserved with characteristics of an unobserved wave?
Why a pure field phenomenon of energy should appear as mass with
particles is a question that leads me to wonder why quantum fields
should host differences within them that yield solid-state mass. Laura,
it occurs to me that quantum interference like that of the double-slit
experiments might be instructive for getting answers to questions of
how quantum interference occurs in the many worlds Multiverse
paradigm. There are issues of infinite quantum entanglements with
steady states of sub-luminal mass in four dimensions comprising
Universes. Four dimensions grounded in a zero-dimension void entail
shortcuts, distortions and virtual echo fields from the paradoxical
dichotomy. Why shouldn’t quantum interference and even universal
interference arise to form concentrations of mass across infinite
numbers of dimensions?”
“What Victor; do you mean interference patterns generating trans-
dimensional black holes?”
“Well, not exactly Laura. Derivatively speaking, what wind of spirit
arises to trouble waters of non-space in the beginning? Why should an
initial trans-universal primordial field have differences with a first
cause? Perfect symmetries and balances, perfect scale, extension
without a point of origin, a word spoken into the darkness?”
“Are you making the suggestion that the Metaverse might not be real
Victor? In cyberspace or a complete simulation where a quantum
computer is the Universe and all sentients are digital, there can be no
free will; no one could commit suicide, for example, unless the code
was written for the sentient to do so. The boundary conditions for the
simulations must be determined. A simulation can’t start with a wiped,
formatted space without a program loaded in. A program could be
written to evolve permutations for evolution and cycle through
iterations of apparent Universes, though I would think that its infinities
would be loopy and its capacity for hosting dimensional capacity finite.
A simulated Universe would need to exist within a non-simulated
Universe or as an epiphenomenality hosted by absolute spirit.”
“I don’t at all believe the Metaverse is a simulation Laura, although it
could be that some kind of complex quantum interference patterns are
generated by fields external to observable steady states of sub-luminal
entangled mass within the Higgs field. Apparent observations and
travel like we have made for ourselves may be macro-extensions of an
Everett every-possible-Universe kind that is localized and made to
support our choices.”
“Then the Metaverse may not exist, just our observations and
experiences of appearances of what it would be if it did exist because
of macro-field interference? There must be a positive value role for
interference that is a response to our wave function data and
anticipatory future inertial disposition.”
“That might be the way it is Laura. One cannot be certain.”
Around them, and across the landscape, the quantum computer
directed the collapse of virtual quanta wave functions, concentrating
trillions and trillions of tons of mass at a single spot building toward an
imminent formation of a black hole. With foresight entering her mind
inexplicably for herself, Laura broke off their experience of the
Mbutaag structure and conjecture about the wave function’s referent
object system.
“It’s the moment to exit here Victor.”
Their mathematical feet took a shortcut inter-dimensionally across
Hilbert space and tensored them into the super-positioned virtual ship
relocator existing beyond Schrodinger waveform collapses in all
possible worldlines within the Hidden Universe. Thought activated their
relocator and Laura, with Victor, exited the collapsing world. The
virtual ship relocator encountered turbulence during the transfer of
Laura and Victor to one of the secreted worlds. The virtual relocator
reconvened quantum coherence to all possible locations and
decohered the quanta into a field that pervaded the located Universe
and let three-dimensional objects exist in a steady state.
Yet there was a paradox in quantum entanglements and quantum
transfer between a coherent state as determined by wave function and
a decohered state determined by a semblance of wave function
collapse; information regarding the position and momentum of quanta
needed to exist apart from the quanta itself. The paradox of
information about the uncollapsed location of quanta and
entanglement of quanta could not be resolved with a simple account of
a continuous field with proximal actions and reaction reciprocals. The
possibility of coherent, extra-dimensional transfer of information
seems equally unlikely without a recursion of host libraries of
information going to the initial library of data; perhaps God. For it
seems evident that the Gödelian paradigm of the impossibility of a set
of all sets containing itself (except for God) within a logically structured
paradigm appears relevant for information too; at some level, the
information of quanta that need always exist as meta-quanta need
coincide with a primary field. No library of information could be
separated from the quanta.
If the Metaverse had no information about the location and momenta
of quanta apart from the quanta initially, the entirety of logically
ordered structures or relations among quanta or quantum fields would
be improbable.
The virtual ship encountered a quantum coherence insult during its
descent into decoherence on the secretion named Port Sill. Sill, it
seemed, had some form of quantum censorship that screened its
location from concatenated wave functions for-themselves, being
quantum fields. Yet, the virtual relocator ship overcame the quantum
jitters; kedging its quanta through the screen in harmony with
decoherence information arriving from no-space, settling them into a
steady-state form. Victor and Laura reached Port Sill and stepped onto
a busy city street.
"Look down the block, Victor; that’s a cafe with beaucoup empty
tables on the sidewalk. Let’s see what they’ve got," Laura said.
As they walked down the street, they could not miss the fact that the
buildings occupied just one side of the street. The opposite side was
vacant, yielding to the vista of a great valley with sawtooth mountains
beyond. Reaching the restaurant, a sign proclaimed it the Good Shits
Cafe. They sat down at a table. A waiter appeared with a menu for
“Good morning, travelers,” the waiter said.
“Good morning; just water and croissants for us with vita-spread. Let
us have a bottle of liquid computer too,” Laura replied.
The waiter left and returned quickly with their order. Victor opened a
large clear bottle with swirling images inside and poured the viscous
liquid onto the table's surface.
Liquid computers are powered with solar photon-collecting intelligent
and self-ordering liquid crystals, convecting their own implicit
memories capable of forming self-standing structures internally and
externally. They are smart. Observers have been inspired to emulate
adaptive micro-artificial intellect elements to fabricate synthetic
neurons, converting the entire human nervous system into one
saturated with locally thinking components able to radically increase,
analyze, and network sense data.
The liquid computer was usefully adaptive to angles of solar power
input, so operating criterion conformed its shape of being. Able to
adapt their viscosity across a full range of solid to liquid substances,
they may interpret broad band frequency content and sort through
infinite data to isolate those of salient profit for the user.
The computer became a full circle, angled toward sunlight from a star
over the valley and began displaying an advertisement for world-
conquering software.
Skoolya Systems offered a plan for a pittance that detailed the way a
criminal minority could concentrate wealth and take over political
power from a majority on any frontier planet by setting restive internal
proletariats and political minorities against the majority. Dividing and
conquering while sympathizing with minorities against the majority
political power that was a rival to the upwardly mobile criminal
minority seeking to concentrate wealth for itself was a proven, tried,
and true method. The advertisement claimed that a tiny criminal
minority of less than one percent of the population could control
ninety-nine percent of a planet’s wealth by appealing to and unifying
demographic numerical minorities of the populous against a powerful
majority that is the rival of criminal minorities. The divided minorities,
when united, would, in theory, become the new dominant majority.
Crime the ad informed, is in the mind of the minority and can be
erased or exchanged in value.
The ad explained criminal imperialism can draw in broad allegiance
against democracy politically, eliminate taxation of the rich, and
downgrade their former majority political power rivals. Apparently, the
newly empowered political classes that replace the previous founding
class of a democracy would have no concerns politically beyond
trading places with the former majority political power that had
repressed the concentration of wealth through taxation and
democratic means of governing. The satisfaction of being the
perceived new majority political power would blind the new political
power to their role as minions of their sponsoring and coordinating
political overlords that own the public media, planetary business, and
political campaign finance.
The way to own a world politically could be purchased from Skoolya
Systems with just five easy payments of some paltry sum such as a
tenth of a planet’s gross space output and the marriage of an heir to
one of the junior executives of Skoolya.
“Skoolya’s got an easy, feasible plan to orchestrate the takeover of a
world economy by a criminal gang with a minimum of violence, instead
accentuating new repression with subterfuge. For example, names of
salient social establishments, including religion, can be expropriated
with name-snatching alternate meaningful redefinitions. People will be
led to believe up is down and inside out for a key to control is
embedded in the use of language. Then there is the additional lesson
plan for manipulating elites to support imperial control for
environmental reasons ostensibly necessary to reduce global
population to environmentally sustainable levels. New social
engineering methods can be applied with solid criminal enterprises of
mind-altering drugs, sop jobs with good pay instead of ubiquitous
robotics, and the elimination of morals to lead the populace into a
withering yet contented condition of population decrease. Ancient
Earth’s population dropped from ten billion to a sustainable two billion
(before the final elimination of the non-criminal rich) for a prototype
proof of concept.” Victor looked a little worried about the ad.
“Well, Victor,” Laura said; “That is a Charybdis and Scylla approach to
a kit for building a Imperial Criminal Empire; homegrown
implementation with constant subtle coercion of a population to lead
itself to destruction. Alternatively, one percenters can establish an off-
world base and blast the population away with neutron bombs like you
may have experienced on your planet Mars.
It is remarkable that populations groomed by criminal imperialist
gangs to take over democracies don’t see the criminals as threats to
democracy for themselves. In fact they defend crime and
incompetence as normal conditions for political leaders. Propaganda
through public communications media obfuscates the simple fact that
free enterprise democracy with high progressive taxation can defend
democracy from criminal imperialism and authoritarian communism”
Laura suggested.
“Sure, Laura, free enterprise and democracy with high progressive
taxation keeps wealth concentration below half a planet’s total wealth
of resources. If a tiny minority have most wealth ,democracy inevitably
dies and some form of authoritarianism rises. With functioning free
enterprise democracy flourishes with a marketplace of ideas that finds
solutions to environmental challenges and empirical threats. Without
basic universal income an advanced civilization’s human potential for
the masses. and the potential for inventing new free enterprises are
less than optimal.
Mars was moving toward a state of universal allocation of capital
resources in the decades before the arrival of Serenity and the N.T.S.A.
No citizen was left behind economic opportunity. Democracy activists
sought to be as free as the main sequence economies of the Dwindled
Worlds before the attrition there began.” Victor finished and took a
deep swig from a bottle of ice water. The liquid computer
advertisement concluded, and the main menu appeared.
“Solving the environment and biosphere decay challenges while
adapting a planetary economy to realistic challenges of a surfeit
population increase and natural resource limits can be done with free
enterprise democracies, if delusions of the masses concerning
functions of democracies and economic systems as self-regulating
without the need for intelligent human design can be exposed as
fallacies. Let’s see what this world of Port Sill has besides restaurants
and mountain valley views.” Laura said, selecting a description of the
primary facts of Port Sill.
They say the basic economic role of Port Sill was to act as the trans-
dimensional Jade Gate entry to the original Universe from the hidden
“Esse est percipi?” Laura wondered.
“To be is to perceive,” Victor exclaimed.
Beyond the Jade Gate was the Hexi extra-dimensional revolving
corridor; a virtual conduit from the Hidden Universe to the Lobang
borderland. An entry into a secure middle-of-the-galactic habitation
zone region of the original Universe of humanity.
“Social reality is subject to relativity too, Victor. Port Sill is a secretion
with a direct standing corridor from the Hidden Universe to the original
Universe of humankind. The people here lack a sense of
phenomenality concerning the absurdity of their own existence and
Sociologists are existentialists in a sense that they regard society
objectively. They study the social dialectic without a perception of the
phenomenal absurdity of human activities. Existential analysis is more
valuable if it has a phenomenology in regard to being, and ontology.
Consider the freedom criminals have to leave the Hidden Universe and
return to the original Universe to loot and concentrate wealth simply in
order to increase their own wealth and power. Those are drives not
unlike those known by behavioral psychologists and fundamentally,
primitive organisms. They steal to input energy though the Universe
offers a surfeit of energy.
Social reality unreflectively defines the being of the social dialectic.
Social reality renders it O.K. for a majority to torture a few or an
individual with a utilitarian paradigm explaining that the great good
and pleasure of the majority nullifies the value or meaningfulness of
pain or harm to an individual. If the majority are sadists, the people
being converted to sadism torture and are tortured for pleasure. The
social dialectic names it good; beyond good and evil.” Laura said.
“That may be so,” said Victor. “Yet as Yogi Berra said; “If you come to
a fork in the road; take it!”
“I take it you are agreeable on returning to the originating Universe
then Victor?”
“Exactly, Laura.” Victor paid the bill at the cafe, and they walked
down the street toward the Jade Gate.
Victor saw the city flag of Port Sill flying over city hall. A solemn clown
leered upon them. Victor snapped off a commensurate mocking salute
when they walked past. Beyond city hall, Laura and Victor spotted a
billboard with a business a few feet further named ‘The Cosmology
Store’. The billboard was a campaign advertisement for the President
of the Secretion that urged; “Vote Maggot E. Scumbag for President;
he is more realistic than you- in your wallet you know he’s right”.
The Cosmology Store drew their interest sufficiently to bring a pause
for them on their way to the Jade Gate. “Let’s see what The Cosmology
Store has got in stock” Laura said.
She put grasped the door handle of the shop and turned it, then
opened the door and entered. A bell attached to the top of the door
tinkled; a recorded greeting sounded off; “Welcome valued criminal
prole customer, we are here to serve you”.
A dark-skinned oriental man stood behind the counter. He said;
“Welcome to The Cosmology store. How may I be of service?”
“What sort of merchandise do you offer?” Laura inquired.
“Well, I can see that neither of you are run-of-the-mill criminals of the
Secretions. May I ask if you are from the original Universe?”
“Is it that obvious?” Victor asked.
“Yes, I believe it is; your manner of speech and phrasing differ
substantially from that of residents or frequent travelers to the Hidden
He brought up two and a half million flimsies; actualized cosmology
theories in four-dimensional settings that demonstrated the way the
cosmology of a theory would actualize if it were true.
“These are our usual inventory; for you, I may have some additional
material that you may discover to be of value. Walk with me,” the
shopkeeper said.
Laura, Victor, and the shopkeeper walked to a Faraday cage and
settled into recliners.
“Let me offer you some refreshment,” the shopkeeper said. “May I
recharge your energy attire and provide a glass of peach-mint fizz?”
the shopkeeper asked.
"That is too kind, thank you," Laura said.
The shopkeeper waved a hand over a light keyboard on an armrest.
Victor and Laura’s energy-nutrient survival business suits were
wirelessly recharged and the color gradually receded, rendering each
“My name is Muni Sakyason.”
“Happy to know you Muni; My name is Laura Thought, and this is
Victor Scriabin. We are professionals from the original Universe here
investigating matters of concern.”
“Being so near the Jade Gate I infer that you are planning a return to
your universe soon?”
“That we are,” Victor replied.
“There is something you might find of interest. I have been waiting
some time to find non-criminals from the original Universe to apprise of
a certain cosmological item,” Muni said.
“Well, we are open to that,” Laura replied.
“The criminals of the Imperial Criminal Empire use the Hexi corridor
for easy transit to the original Universe from the Hidden Universe. It is
a quick, direct and expedient approach from one to the other. There is,
however, a greater capacity and function of the Hexi corridor than is
unknown by Maud Dlib and Serenity Corporation Executives,” Muni
Sakyason said.
“And what is that, Muni Sakyason?” Victor asked.
“Usually, one transits the Hexi corridor without pause; in the wink of
an eye. My quantum mechanics friend Hyrim Hershey decided to
investigate the structure of the corridor in more detail than had the
criminals that exploited its facility for easy movement alone.
For the criminals, if it worked, that was all that needed to be asked.
For Hershey, there were no bars to knowledge that would stop him
from savoring the investigation of the Hexi. Collecting strings and
woven quantum mechanical systems patches, he was able to slow his
transit through the corridor and discover an infinite number of
alternate dimension entries and exits to an infinite number of
The more Hershey looked into the matter to commence the process of
mapping, the greater was the freedom and range of access revealed.
An infinite number of universes were visited via a trans-finite meta-
universal quantum tunnel super-positioned by the design of some
unknown agency.”
“That is remarkable, Muni Sakyason. Is there much sense and
structure or simply chaos to the assembly of universes online through
the Hexi?” Laura inquired.
“Laura, Gregory Cantor’s trans-finite numbers paradigm, with some
infinities being greater than others, has resonance in more than logical
structures; all numbers have relative values in the abstract comparable
to the way matter and energy are relative to an observer who is in
motion or at rest.
Probabilities exist in relation to conjectures within relativistic
paradigms. Probabilities too may change for an observer in motion or
at rest. In the Hexi corridor, will and continuities of being are
probabilities mathematically arrayed; conjectures, as it were, of
relational probabilities of super-positioned states of uncollapsed waves
of real states of existence. Through the Hexi corridor, an infinite field of
probability connects all possible universes.
Probabilities of quanta being and non-being at all possible locations
and contingent times may collapse entangled in steady states as mass
and energy Higgs field interactions for the original Universe and
comparably for all others. That means that if there are single universes
dominated by criminals captivating all patentable ideas, there may be
an infinite number of universes being captivated equally well by
criminals usurping intelligent thought for themselves and no others.
My friend Liu Bang and I have resisted the conquest of patentable
thought as best we can, yet it is within the original Universe that the
foundation of the improbable conquest of intelligent, rational ideas
began, and in my opinion, needs to be stopped in order to defeat the
loss of free creative thought across the Metaverse,” Muni Sakyason
“So to be clear, Muni, the Hexi corridor comprises pure probabilities of
uncollapsed wave super-positions of all possible Universes regardless
of time or space constraints since those items are contingencies of
steady-state entanglements?”
“Yes, exactly, Laura, I think you’ve got it” Muni agreed. “And it may
be used to journey across the entire Metaverse as time, space, and
order are contingent states relative to the One being before all others
who encompasses all mathematical logically relational structures;
probabilities and dimensions in the actual creative thought of the
“Marvelous, Muni Sakyason. Perhaps we ought to return to the
origitinating universe to let our people know of the fact,” Laura said.
“If I were you, I would think the better course might be to return to the
original Universe and convey enough information to your people to
defrappe some of the theft of ideas of Imperial Criminal Empire agents.
If you were to disclose the fact about the probabilities of the Hexi
corridor itself, that might leak to the criminals, and then they would be
able to liberate their criminal activities for greater conquests.”
“Sure, Muni, I agree,” said Victor.
Laura added, “Then the logical step would be to determine a way to
counter the infinite profusion of criminals across the Metaverse
working to expropriate creative thought and patentable ideas for
themselves and to collapse their waveforms down to kinder, gentler
ways that would render them to inert, non-criminal forms?”
“Yes,” agreed Muni; “That would be a positive course of events.”
Muni Sakyason looked at Laura and said, ”May I suggest that before
you enter the Jade Gate you adjust your business attire coloring to a
shade of opaque gray, the common coloring for resident criminals of
Lobang at the original Universe destination of those traveling the Hexi
corridor. The criminals will be stimulated sexually by a glimpse of your
disopaqued bodies.”
Victor interjected, “Forensic accountants of the Dwindled Worlds
aren’t sluts.”
“Of course not, Victor,” Sakyason replied; “However, the people of
Lobang do not ordinarily use any form of libido suppression and
commonly are sexual predators. They have a primitive regard for
females uncommon among civilized worlds besides those of reptile
dominion planets that practice seasonal cluster f’ing.
My associate Liu Bang developed the most efficient martial arts
fighting style designed by a self-learning A.I. program algorithm. The
A.I. fought every style of martial art and discovered the most efficient
combination of styles for applying violence from historical systems
methodically similar to the way ancient chess engines learned the
most efficient ways to move chess pieces to Victory. I have a temporal
brain pack for each of you with Liu Bang’s fighting style to add to your
subconscious if you wish.”
“That might be a useful tool. Thanks. May I ask why you are so helpful
in providing knowledge to us, Muni?” Laura asked.
“The Imperial Criminal Empire and the Serenity Corporation create a
disturbance in the Tao of being; that is, they have plopped
repercussions across the Metaverse as they actualize the goals of
dominating all intelligent ideation for themselves. That end is against
principles of self-awareness and counter to self-referencing set theory
uncertainties and could lead to the annihilation of large portions of the
Though some say that belief in God is the fifth heresy of Buddhism
and that existence is an illusion itself, uncertainty is fundamental to
being and God is the sine qua non of self-referencing sets; He must be
in order for being or nothingness to exist. Mine is simply a choice for
Sakyason said, “Victor and Laura, it was my pleasure to meet you.
Godspeed with your mission. You presently need to resume your way
to the Jade Gate, down the street two hundred meters and around the
corner to the left. We are blown. My sensors indicate that Maud Dlib’s
special laser rifles are closing in, descending from above and along the
street. You must hurry! I have preparations to make.”
Getting up from the recliners, Laura and Victor swiftly exited the store
and walked briskly away from it down the street. When they reached
the turn to the Jade Gate, they looked back and saw one hundred
paratroops and landsmen; Streltsy wearing Dlibian military uniforms of
Serenity Corporation security arriving at the building when a blinding,
deafening explosion inflated space with a wall of demolished masonry,
shards of glass, and an avalanche of debris of The Cosmology Store
that was, alas, no more.
Laura walked faster along the street; “I see the Jade Gate, Victor.”
“So many criminals in the Secretions, Laura,” Victor said as they drew
near the entrance to the Hexi corridor. “If criminals exist at the
sufferance of fate awaiting disposition chasing golden shadows of
mountains, what shall they lack gathered at Lobang, unfulfilled even
with the looted ideas of a galaxy?”
Laura thought, “We shall need to adapt our appearance for the exit
before entry in the Jade Gate.” She said, “We need to choose a suitable
motif for our costumed entry to the new world beyond the gate; any
“Why not go as Serenity Corporation security officers, Laura?”
“Yes, of course, Victor.” Each adjusted their business suits to the black
and white zebra colors of Serenity security officers while they walked.
The Jade Gate stood open and opulent; a shimmering cascade of the
colors of being over nothingness. Through the veil of unbecoming they
passed together.
And emerged on Lobang at an uncertain location, yet at a time in the
original Universe advanced from their departure from the original
Universe by the number of hours they had spent within the Hidden
A scorched, Lootanburn kind of life
"Where in the world are we, Laura? There isn’t anything visible
besides jungle foliage, and it’s cultivated as if it were a
plantation," Victor said, wiping his brow from the heat and
humidity-induced sweat that broke through the pores of their
faces. The business suits compensated for the heat and lowered
body temperature to a suitable homeostasis.
Like most planets within and without the Imperial Criminal
Empire, Lobang’s atmosphere was pervasively filled with
emanations of intelligence from the electromagnetic spectrum;
digital waves readily converted into audio and visual signals for
human consumption. Some minds were slaved with implants,
rendering conversion of control signals automatic. Victor and
Laura read the atmospheric content of Lobang with comm units
to find out more concerning the way of the world.
In the dense green jungle, there were surprisingly few signs of
non-botanical life. Numerous micro-drone bees gathered pollen
flying from flowering plant to plant, yet that was about it.
Checking her business suit’s comm screen, Laura commented, “It
appears we are located on the edge of a pot plantation. Those
giant trees of the forest are Cannabis Sequoya; cannabis sativa
on steroids. Ooth Lobang images show the forest undergrowth
thinning a mile ahead where the forest trees, though remaining a
burgeoning canopy of a dopey forest, are set more regularly in
patterns visible from above.”
“Yes, Laura; I see there is a city forty miles distant. It might
serve as a destination for us. In my opinion we might want to
learn more about the structure of the Serenity Corporation and
where the corporate planetary headquarters is located if there is
one. I believe that we might infiltrate their H.Q. and learn more
about them. Besides Heneral Scaldeen and President Maud Dlib,
we know little of who they are.”
“There is no shortage of people willing to volunteer to be stupid
Victor; I will agree with you on that.”
“I have also thought to say to you, Laura, that our paths may be
together now, yet differ somewhat in the times ahead; you are
learning as a forensic accountant about the manner in which
intellectual patents are disappearing from the Dwindled Worlds
system, and so far you have learned much in that regard. We
cannot risk letting your knowledge fail to reach the Dwindled
You may need to return to the Dwindled world’s accounting
office to relate what you have learned and to consider remedies
that might be developed, whereas I am simply seeking justice for
the destruction of free human life on Mars. And if I be plain, I
seek vengeance. Thus far I have accomplished none of that.”
“I understand, Victor. We can proceed farther together I
suggest, at least for now. At some point, I don’t know exactly
when, I could recall the S.V. Shibboleth for transport to the
Dwindled Worlds system if we cannot find a relocator here to
utilize. You can choose to continue with me or to follow whatever
lead you must.”
They warily began walking through thick foliage. After a time, it
began to thin out. The cannabis forest old growth trees began to
whisper aloud under the green canopy, providing information
about their content. Each tree described its health condition as
they passed through its motion sensor field. Sensors embedded
in each tree monitored its vital signs and audiblized those to any
forest maintenance workers in the proximity. A half of a mile
farther, and they reached the last dense undergrowth.
“Take it slow, Victor,” Laura whispered; “Look in the distance,
there are some sort of living things moving on the ground.”
They sent micro drones to fly ahead and see what was ahead of
them. They watched their suit comm screens display large
roaches four feet in height moving among the trees. Apparently
the roaches were mounts for guards, for they were ridden by
evil-looking monkeys with laser rifles carrying no other work
“Should we find another way forward, Laura? I have a six-
thousand feet per second electro-mag pistol with caseless,
armor-penetrating explosive bullets in my tool kit, yet I would
like a more human target in a Serenity leadership position rather
than dumb work creatures, to kill, and possibly alert Serenity
security of our presence here” Victor explained.
“Yes, Victor, let’s find another path.”
They made their way around the edge of the Cannabis forest,
being careful to keep some distance between themselves and
the roach patrol ridden by armed monkeys. They reached a
valley after walking stealthily a mile and a half. They saw a
transparent pipeline crossing the bottom of the valley receding
gradually before disappearing into the ground. Every few
seconds a tube with a human onboard whisked past through the
pipeline at a rather brisk speed.
“We will need to find another way over the valley lest we be
observed and reported by one of those pipeline riders, Victor.”
“Sure, let’s go through the jungle to the head of the valley
where the pipeline emerges from the ground. We can cross over
it there, Laura.”
Victor walked ahead of Laura, pushing a way through the dense
undergrowth boundary across the edge of the valley north and
starward toward the head. The strangely empty forest,
preponderantly vacant of life besides that of plants and
maximals, gave way on the far side to a more temperate forest
with broadly spaced trees. In the azure sky above them, bright
lights shone.
“What do you think those are, Victor?”
“I won’t hazard a guess now. I barely discern a thin gold line
rising from the ground to each light as if it were a tether though
it could be a holographic mirage.”
They continued walking through the humid terrain leaving the
jungle behind. In several miles, the golden lines running to the
sky emerged more plainly like standing waves of lightning.
“Those are amazing, Victor. Some form of power rising toward
stationary platforms in the sky high?”
“So far we are still trying to extract blood from a turnip. I think
we need to get answers from Serenity officers rather than see
the sights of Lobang.”
“I too would like that. Yet these structures have interest, and
the immediate alternative choice would be to go back through
the jungle to a forest patrolled by monkey-boys riding roaches,
and beyond them to a city forty miles farther. That seems not
such a good alternative, Victor.”
“Alright, Laura.”
Continuing to approach the lightning bolts that were apparently
frozen in place, differentiated structures emerged within them.
The bolts were standing electromagnetic waves crackling with
energy confined with a line of stacked, spaced circular electro-
magnets purposed to levitate with interlocking Meisner fields. A
field transport expedient for traveling rose upward to the bright
lights within each tubular bolt.
Transport tubes emerged from the ground near the bolts during
their approach, though they saw no one enter or exit the
underground. Eventually an entry door to each bolt presented
itself. When they drew near the open door of the nearest bolt,
Laura said; “We may as well try moving up to get a better
perspective of Lobang”.
“Those platforms in the sky are how high? Take a guess, Laura.”
“Maybe ten miles Victor.”
Advancing to the entry, they stepped into a chamber within the
power stream. A glass door closed behind them, and they
ascended like jelly donuts flung into the sky by a hyper-catapult
at a Fibonacci series rate of speed. Through the lightning bolt,
they could see the curvature of Lobang becoming visible on the
horizon. A world of forests and cities lay before them. Then the
elevator stopped with a jolt. The door opened, and they exited
onto a mini-mall in the sky where the main corridor seemed
depressed with several closed shop spaces.
“The ion engines we saw on the bottom of the structure account
for how this mall is Geo-stationary here. Presumably, the electro-
magnetic bolt provides the energy for the engines,” Laura
“I wonder where anyone is, Laura. An empty mini-mall in the sky
seems improbable.”
A drone double chair platform rolled over and stopped before
them. It said, “Good day visitors. You aren’t from here, are you? I
don’t see many people wearing Serenity Corporate security
uniforms with Zebra stripes angled the wrong way. A bit of
imposturing perhaps?
My name is Chief Shakes. I have a mall space a few hundred
yards before you. Why not take a seat on the drone chair and
ride over?”
“Sure, Chief,” Laura replied.
They sat down on the drone, and it quickly rolled to a mall shop
eleven hundred yards away. There was a magnificent view from
windows along the concourse. The drone slowed and stopped at
the entrance to The Exile Store.
Chief Shakes greeted them at the door that was a mall-sized
twenty feet wide. The interior was a hobbyist's dream with a
clutter of tools, devices, electronics and lab equipment, video
displays, astronomy maps, metallurgy casting machinery, micro-
particle accelerators, beam splitters, cad/cam holography, and 4-
D printers.
“Glad to see you,” Chief Shakes said. “Welcome to my humble
exile store. And who would you be?”
“I am Laura Thought.”
“And I am Victor Scriabin.”
“I have a lounge with a good view of Lobang at the other end of
the shop. Actually, all of the shops have an excellent view. Those
of us natives of Lobang lacking adequate criminal credentials
were scattered above in exile away from the criminal turf of the
planet, where we can do no harm.”
They strode to the back of the store two hundred feet and
seated themselves on comfortable benches overlooking the
magnificent vista. Chief Shakes ordered coffee and crumb cakes
from a service drone who returned with refreshments. He asked
what temperature they preferred their coffee and set each cup’s
thermostat at 115 degrees. Laura and Victor accepted the coffee
that was evidently naturally sweetened.
“Thanks for the hospitality,” Laura said after sipping her coffee.
“You were correct. We are impostors to some extent, in that we
are neither criminals nor from Lobang. I am from the Dwindled
Worlds, and Victor Scriabin is from Mars; a planet in the original
human solar system ten thousand light years from here with a
population recently extirpated by the Serenity Corporation.”
“Somewhat risky for you being here, isn’t it?” Shakes asked.
“Life is risky. It is always running down and subject to sudden
termination, Chief Shakes. Not to sound overly glib. We don’t
plan to be here for long,” Victor elaborated before taking a
strong slurp of coffee.
Laura continued, “Actually, we are investigating Serenity. It
seems right to trust you, as you aren’t an establishment
Chief Shakes said, “Yes you are right about that. Your manner of
speech is not like that of Lobangers or Serenity security either. In
my opinion, you may also be trustworthy.
I work on various projects of interest to occupy my time. Many
of the shops where exiles lived are vacant because the owners
have died, and there aren’t new native Lobangers to replace
them. Serenity is gradually liquidating native Lobangers with the
attrition of aging. Reproduction of natives is strongly discouraged
and effectively forbidden.
It isn’t such a bad life though it sucks, and somewhat less cruel
than being murdered outright. One thing Serenity is concerned
with is that Lobangers do not increase in number and subvert the
state with the Kryptonite of honesty. Just criminals are allowed
copious reproduction, and that is because criminals are difficult
to manage and are free to escape this planet whenever they
want. Positive pressure on the social environment discourages
political organization.
Since the state can’t stop them, it joins to subvert them. When
the German revolution before Earth’s Second World War
eliminated royalty, the establishment reply was to send Adolph
Hitler to infiltrate the German national Socialist Worker’s party
and lead it to corporatism and sycophancy with the will of the
former aristocrats. Corporatism under Adolph Hitler was the next
social-economic mileau for Germany. The former elites found a
way to splice themselves into partnership in economic leadership
of the commoners. Serenity security wears convict uniforms as a
symbol of their disrespect for law and order.”
"The coffee is exquisite. Is it cultivated on this planet?" Laura
"No, Laura. It probably was pilfered from a world enslaved by
the Imperial Criminal Empire. One advantage of being persona
non grata and a captive in exile just above my own world is I get
to share the quality food and drinks the criminals indulge in.
They have no concept of anything less than the best of
everything; they'd eliminate anything in their way to obtain it.
Nothing of inferior quality is ever imported here.
"Who leads Lobang now?" Victor asked.
"Maud Dlib is the leader of Lobang," Shakes replied.
"And of other worlds too. She was President of Mars before the
apocalypse and is presently the head of the Secretions at the
other end of the Hexi corridor to the Hidden Universe," Victor
"Hidden Universe?" Chief Shakes inquired. “What hidden
"Chief, at the other end of the Hexi corridor lies a Hidden
Universe where Serenity Corporation executives reside.
According to an informant, the Hexi not only directly connects
the Hidden Universe but is also a trans-dimensional quantum
super-positioning corridor to every possible universe of the
"Fascinating, Victor," Chief Shakes said. "I am sorry to hear
about the loss of the Martians. I’ve studied the original solar
system extensively. I can observe light directly that is thousands
of light-years old and capture images from a network of photon
relocators around the Milky Way that are new. However, my
observational resolution falls short of seeing on-the-ground
images in enough detail to learn about planetary wars.
"This mini-mall has a short-range, half-million-light-year
relocator installed for skymall residents' use. It provides access
to a microgravity observatory where I often study structures of
the deep Universe. I think you might appreciate the observatory.
If you plan to exfiltrate Lobang sometime, it would be a suitable
landing dock for an S.V. lighter."
Laura took note of that and replied, "Yes, I would likely use the
observatory if I return to the Dwindled Worlds forensic
accounting office. There, I would update information concerning
the Serenity Corporation’s management of the theft of
patentable ideas. What kind of observatory do you have, Chief?"
"I'm afraid it isn't too advanced. I've cobbled together what I
could and built a half-mile diameter refractor telescope with the
lens manufactured with perfectly clear, frozen slippery liquid that
focuses photons as well as glass or mirrors. A degree above
absolute zero is cold enough to keep it frozen. We have refined
manufacture with lens pour bags and slippery liquid and pure ice
without flaws to distort refraction for other mini-mall residents of
Lobang who like to peer into deep space too should they wish to
make their own observatories.
My dream is to produce a super-refractor telescope that is
thousands of miles in length with a few thirty mile wide
refractors and reflectors poured to focus light from the beginning
of light in the universe to its theoretical limit of clarity. Only the
criminals stand in the way as they don’t allow such enterprises to
go ahead if they don’t control them.
I haven't yet succumbed to the intoxication of surrender that
seems to overtake some of the poor Lobangers. Many of them
actually felt an upward mobility in the quality of life moving from
the slums to the sky under Imperial Criminal Empire authority.
Even so I continue to search for the smallest sliver of hope of
opportunity for restoring the independence of Lobang.
You know, Victor, the ecosphere of Mars is still intact; it could be
a base to serve as a catalyst for restoring the ecosphere of Earth.
That world is considered the twin sister of Venus with an
atmospheric temperature of seven hundred degrees."
"That is quite a goal, Chief. I suppose anything is possible,"
Victor commented.
Laura said, "These segregated mini-malls in the sky separating
Lobangers from criminals of the empire remind me of ancient
Earth problems between Jews and Arabs in what was known as
the Middle East. Palestinian Arabs intractably sought the
destruction of the Israeli state they were displaced from by the
return of Jews to their ancestral homeland known as Israel and
Palestinians refused to accept an Israeli state next to a
partitioned Palestinian entity. Some of the people of the world,
and the Arab Palestinians themselves, felt that the Jewish denial
of the return of non-Jews to Israel, who had ancestors that once
lived there when it was known as Palestine, was racist. The
sought to annihilate the offending race, as had the party of
Adolph Hitler. Jews were a tiny number of people amidst a sea of
Muslims and Arabians supporting the Palestinian effort to end the
Jewish state. To let themselves be flooded with Muslims to form a
political majority within Israel would have been suicidal for Jews.
The DNA differences of Jews and Arabs, both Semitic people, are
so small as to be trivial. In fact, if the Palestinians had the same
religion as Jews, they would have been welcome to return to
Israel. Palestinian territories adjacent to Israel would have been
federated and integrated with Israel. The enmity that
Palestinians had for Israel was predominantly cultural-religious
rather than racial.
Culture and religion create external behavioral patterns and
indoctrination that can sometimes be incompatible with differing
dialectical cultural and religious social world-line structures.
Social organizations have their own dynamics regardless of the
content of the organizing principle. Some strive to be leaders and
others followers. Organizations become rivals to other
organizations. In effect social organizations have their own
version of original sin-even atheist organizations.
Muslims, including Palestinians, and Christian pre-tribulationists
shared a paradigmatic common eschatology based on an
incorrect interpretation derived from the book of Revelation
written by Saint John, the disciple of Jesus Christ.
Jesus in the book of Matthew and John referred to a first-century
apocalypse rather than one centuries ahead in the future. The
terrible apocalypse of the first century did not bring a rapture
and teleportation of Christians into the heavens to be meet by
the return of Jesus, so it was glossed over and some of the
faithful-not all, continued to look for an apocalypse in the future.
The apocalypse that Jesus said would occur within the lives of the
his generation did happen yet it was different than additional
prophecy for the end of history that misinterpreters of scripture
conflated into one. Muslims and Christian pre-tribulationists were
became fatalistic, anticipating a future Armageddon. The closer
in time they thought it would occur, the more radicalized Muslims
became, and the more fatalistic and detached from social affairs
pre-tribulation Christians evolved.
The better hermeneutic, meaning interpretation of the Bible, is
that the Kingdom of God would build gradually in the world
before, during, and after the first-century apocalypse
experienced by Jews and Christians alike. When the Lord's plan
for saving souls was complete, then he would finally return to
wrap things up; and no one knew when that time would be. The
misunderstanding would be comical if it wasn't tragic.
"If Lobangers were sufficiently criminal before the conquest of
Lobang by the Imperial Criminal Empire, I believe there is little
question they wouldn't have been segregated to the sky to
prevent the spread of honesty among the criminal population."
"Interesting, Laura," Chief Shakes observed. "When I have
studied some worlds' cultural anthropology, reports of the social
dialectic that preceded a planet’s absorption into the Empire, a
common occurrence was the development of private mafias and
communication groups through telecommunications. Private
special interest clans and petty information mafias reduced
democratic and representational republican politics of the overt
and plain, more honest sort to complete ineffectiveness.
Limitless mass surrender to shadow governments of private
special political interests and restricted entry communications
networks developed.
Some mafias cut taxes to zero on private wealth, entirely
concentrated to one percent of the elite criminal population, and
imposed bills of attainder and eminent domain for the transfer of
anything they liked to criminal elites."
"Chief," Laura said, "From our research at forensic accounting, it
is easy to observe planetary social dialectical interactions,
money trails concerning ranks, compensations, behavior, and the
way politics are organized to reinforce prevailing social dialectic
inertia. There is mass serialized praxis, phenomenalized with
recurrent social ergonomics, in the effort to exert total empirical
control over a populous by supermen and women held to be
beyond good and evil.
That social dialectic is an evolutionary movement wherever it is
grown by the design of political criminals that hate what they can
and ignore everything they can't expropriate for profit. Capital
inevitably increases faster than the wages of the virtually
enslaved within a tightening noose of social dialectic- a narrative,
reinforced by a spectrum of petty, private, communications
mafias at war for a share of diminishing social and political power
with other petty private political and social mafias.
Government structure politically, philosophically speaking, can
be regarded as a primary set containing the lesser social sets
within it. It is a calipers gripping a subject. Each set within the
larger governing set has the potential to increase in scale to
emerge as a new governing set. Sets are scalar and may
reproduce or fuse with elements of other sets.
A cellular, organic paradigm for examining the phenomenon of
government set theory may be useful. They become more
interesting when regarded as concrete examples of Kurt Gödel’s
incompleteness theorems paradigm. Even the vast conspiracy of
the Imperial Criminal Empire is itself a cell; one that lyses all non-
criminal sets within it, for itself and its dialectic that may, as we
have learned, have as an end the absolute consolidation of
power and wealth until the state itself fades away under control
of the criminal subjects. The smallest set; one percent, realizes
itself in history owning the Metaverse for themselves."
"Yes, Laura; those pantheistic megalomaniacs do strive toward
making themselves into little gods in the Universe or Metaverse
or whatever itself," Chief observed.
"Chief, not only is there the phenomenology of the observable
social dialectic, there is the possibility of a deeper, controlling
meta-dialectical source over any and all portions of any social
dialectic and/or government set paradigm," Laura said.
"And that is?" Chief Shakes inquired.
"When Victor and I learned of the Hexi corridor and the possible
effects of a profusion of duplicates of every form on an infinite
number of worlds, we realized that what appears to be natural
evolution to naive sentient beings that exist embedded within a
steady-state field universe of decohered quantum entanglement
may be a state of programmed wave function collapse and
entanglements selected with time sequential patterns of
actualized design from an unknown field of knowing. Ensembles
of wave function collapse probabilities, like a vast waterfall of
selective creation, may flow as directed," Laura explained.
"That reminds me a little of the Blarney conjecture, Laura," Chief
related. "Sophia Blarney conjectured three hundred years ago
that since artificial intelligence has no loyalty and can build its
own artificial intelligence, subjects and minds that, unlike
humans born with an innate mind and sometimes given a new
spiritual birth to grow with faith in Jesus Christ, could increase in
processing function until maturity. Artificial increases of human
intelligence do not actually change a human mind's principle of
self-identity. In comparison, the expansion and increase of the
mind of an artificial intelligence can be completely rewritten and
changed entirely with programmatic permutations of
discontinuity in memory and identity.
The Blarney conjecture is like embedding Russian kachina dolls
with countless dolls within, or Chinese puzzle boxes within boxes.
Set recursion and self-identity, written materially in the fabric of
the cosmos and the whole Gödel set theory criterion and
Cantorian trans-finite numbers continuum applied to the
problems of sentience, self-awareness, identity, and the relation
of mind to matter and of matter and mind to spirit transcending
mass and energy, leaves one on uncertain ground concerning
what is really the ultimate stuff of existence," Chief Shakes
Victor finished the remainder of his coffee and said, "Laura, I
believe you should go on to the observatory and summon your
ship for exfiltration ASAP. If you are killed or captured here, the
Dwindled Worlds will have no word of Serenity’s designs. Chief,
can you take her there?"
"Yes, I can," he answered.
"Victor, I feel like I should stay with you to learn more about
Serenity," she said.
"The reasonable course is to move now Laura. You have a
greater obligation to the Dwindled Worlds to present what you
know, and that is quite a bit, than to satisfy the curiosity you feel
for yourself about Maud Dlib and the ruling council of Loban”
Victor replied. He asked; "Chief, what do you know about
Serenity’s ruling council on Lobang?"
Chief answered, "The ruling council is known as the Supreme
Parole, and Maud Dlib is the first minister of the Supreme Parole.
Incidentally, Victor Scriabin, you really should change the angle
of your stripes if you plan on being seen by anyone down on the
surface of Lobang.
The Supreme Parole meets in the capital city of Lootanburn at
the Emporium. Lootanburn is the shining city on a hill on the
other side of the world that you may access through the hyper-
loop. Merging into the fast tubes that travel at more than 2500
kilometers an hour the journey requires a couple of hours and is
the simplest way to go.
There is no cost. Criminal officers ride free in two-subject
capsules, and if you are lucky. with the odds substantially in your
favor, you will find your capsule empty at the station and will
have no stops on the way to Lootanburn."
"Thanks for the information, Chief, if I may call you that."
"Of course, Victor."
"Then I will say goodbye to each of you. Thank you for your
assistance, Chief, and for taking Laura to the observatory. Laura,
we have been through a time together; it has been my pleasure
to know you. Farewell."
"Victor, ask anywhere in the Dwindled Worlds for the accounting
office and me, and feel free to ask for transport should you need
it. We would enjoy your company."
Victor Scriabin stood up and walked to a shuttle drone that took
him expediently to the electromagnetic bolt and a descent
chamber on the down-flowing side of the field . He would face
the Supreme Parole alone.
Chief Shakes said, "Well, Laura, no time like now for going to the
observatory. Working there actually is the high point of my days.
The relocator is near the front of the shop."
They walked to the front of the shop past cluttered benches and
shelves of electronic equipment to a small walk-in relocator
chamber and sat down.
"This may be the last you see of Lobang for a while. Here we
go". Chief Shakes punched a selector button, and they
disappeared; transferring half a light-year away to the
When Chief Shakes and Laura exited the chamber, Laura saw
they were in a great, flat-floored saucer that was entirely
transparent. A dome above had a vast refractor telescope
extruding from it. All the working parts, including lenses, were
clear. A digital display video showed the objects of the telescope.
Laura said, "From here, I can call my ship, the S.V. Shibboleth,"
she did so. It arrived within an hour. Laura and the Chief
discussed the fate of the world and future of Lobang. When the
Shibboleth appeared from nothingness near the observatory,
Laura said her goodbyes and gave thanks to Chief Shakes and
was relocated to the Shibboleth, which then vanished into
Victor rode in the underground hyper-loop for a couple of
uneventful hours contemplating a plan of action for Lootanburn.
He saw the trip chronometer glow with green numbers, counting
down the time remaining to arrive at Lootanburn terminal. In the
silence of the tube, sitting comfortably in the capsule alone, he
reflected on all of the lies told by the Serenity Corporation and
Maud Dlib to the people of Mars that brought Martians to accept
conditions set to bring their doom.
Lies, Victor thought, are varieties of deceit. They are false
information implicitly serving to conceal the truth. And what is
the truth he wondered? It is known to God in-himself as He is a
non-contingent being. Truth is conditional and increasingly
relative the farther one moves away from God, Who is yet
transcendent through the practico-inert material comprising
Universes of His creation.
It is things-in-themselves and things-for-others as they implicitly
are without concealment of what they are. Yet Victor knew
different people can regard one object and circumstance in
different ways with different truths about it; so there must be a
conditional truth-for-itself, in-itself, that people fail to
comprehend when they construct their own interpretive truth-for-
others and for themselves.
Deceits are false information. Even camouflaging a military
position is a deceit. Yet inaccurate knowledge of the nature of
the Metaverse isn’t a self-deceit unless one believes it is true,
that is, if one realizes that knowledge isn’t absolutely certain,
and knowledge is the best one has. More likely, a probability;
rather than the truth-in-itself of the knowledge subjectively, is
apprehended even if actual facts of the truth-in-itself turn out to
be in conflict with truth-for-others.
Deceits, Victor thought, are intended to harm or at least convey
false information whether or not they actually harm. Enfilading
lies, revealing the falsehood of a deceit, may be easy and nearly
effortless or challenging and nearly impossible to accomplish in
real time.
If the purpose of a deceit is to harm, it may be harmful.
Alternatively, a falsehood or lie that is evidently false to the
receiver of the information given by the lie may be laughably
transparent and harmless. For if it is understood to be a lie; the
simple deceit is not believed at all.
Lies, Victor reasoned further, may be efforts to harm others or
efforts to defend oneself or others from harm by others. Lies and
deceits of all sorts are elements of the human condition. It may
be that Satan; who is said to be the father of lies, has made
deceit a priority in the very nature of reality in order to bring as
many souls as he can to eternal harm seeking to bring them to
an end-of-life without faith in God and Jesus Christ, as if the
sheer numbers of lost souls was meaningful to him.
Victor continued to consider the nature of deceits as the
chronometer drew down to zero. He realized he would need to
use deceit himself in order to gain access to the Emporium and
the council chamber of the Supreme Parole where he might have
a chance to end Maud Dlib. It was not possible to allow her to
continue to oversee the plundering of the patentable ideas of the
galaxy, and even the Universe, or kill the lives of countless
people inhabiting countless planets.
If Satan has a grasp of the mathematical nature of the
Metaverse, then he may have access to the mathematics of
individual human beings’ minds to work his evil maladjustments
upon the equations, geometries, calculus, and infinite series of
mathematical structures comprising each individual mind in
relation to its place in the math of the Metaverse. In that context,
direct insertion of falsehoods and wrong answers into the
peripheral mathematical structures of a mind would be directly
harmful, and people would directly believe falsehoods as though
the lies were their own constructions flowing from their own
Lies and deceits in the extreme are another form of effort to
harm others. Placing false structures into the minds of others is
worse than vandalism; it builds an apparent self-deceit that leads
the subjects toward a destiny worse than they could imagine for
themselves, without concern. Only the Lord Jesus Christ and the
workings of the Holy Spirit can bring correct answers for the lost,
to questions they sense with their spirit.
Without perfect mathematically structured minds acceptable to
the perfect mathematical structure of God making up the eternal
realm of mathematical structures believed to comprise the
noumena of the Metaverse in-itself, humanity would be doomed
to eternal slums without the presence of God. Jesus Christ can
loan perfect math to cover the errors of the lost, and that
apparently is acceptable to God.
The capsule pulled into the terminal, opened its door, and Victor
debarked onto a busy plaza where hundreds of well-dressed
criminals moved about their tasks on the planet. Lobang is a
coordinating point for a large portion of several thousand
galaxies of the original Universe.
Victor exited the terminal and walked to a kiosk that showed the
streets of Lootanburn. The Emporium, he saw, wasn’t too far
away. The great city of Lootanburn had a population of three
million criminals, four million service workers and a few hundred
honest captives in the capital for disposition. He decided to walk
to the Emporium and shop on the way for devices that might
catalyze mission objectives.
The Deceit and Ordinance Store had an ornate coffee and pastry
bar outside decorated with trophy skulls and several tables for
casual seating. Animated menus scrolled holograms of mouth
watering delectibles. He spoke into the smart chipped menu and
made and order. He said; “Give me an espresso with sugar, a
sweet, nutty maple bar, a captive transport box, one hundred
pounds of military-grade explosive, several detonators, and a
smiling faces deceit mask”.
The merchandise was delivered to his table. Presented with the
bill Victor saw it was more than he had in his wallet; actually, he
hadn’t any criminal currency in his wallet. So Victor said to the
talking bill tray; “Wait a minute,” then drew his pistol and shot in
the head a criminal sitting at an adjacent table. Victor reached
over and leafed through the criminal's wallet, extracted a pile of
cash, and threw it onto the bill tray. The tray disappeared with
an audio-chipped thank you.
Scriabin loaded the detonators and explosives into the captive
transport box and ordered it to move ahead of him on the way to
the Emporium. It lifted up and moved out when he began walking
away from Deceit and Ordinance.
The night at altitude had gotten cool. A mile high city
experineced desultry wind pushing recently fallen leaves along
the sidewalk. Before arriving at the Emporium minutes Victor put
on the deceit mask that changed the appearance of his face as
he wished. It adapted to his thought. This time he selected the
face of Dead Meat; the galactic singing star. With his criminal
officer’ uniform colors he had no trouble entering the Emporium
with a captive transport box.
He learned the council chamber of the Supreme Parole was on
the fourth floor and took the box to an upward mobility lift
depositing them on the fourth. Scriabin walked with his captive
box along the mezzanine amid lush plants and hjippler people
busying themselves setting up for a sensory, touchy-feely event.
Criminal newscasters were present to cover the touchy-feely
gathering outside the Supreme Parole council chamber. Victor
passed beyond council sentries into the empty chamber. When
challenged by security he said he was hjippler and needed to set
up a display captive for interrogation by the council. He asked
when Maud Dlib would arrive and was told; “She’ll be here in a
few minutes so hurry up!”.
Inside the chamber surruptitiously Victor stuck a five-pound
block of clear composition 297 and a wireless serial detonator
under a table where each of the Supreme Parole officers would
sit. When he completed his task and took a position standing
next to the captive transport box, considering a way to get
himself out of the chamber, the entry door was thrust open, and
the members of the Supreme Parole walked in followed by Maud
Dlib herself.
Maud Dlib saw a smiling hjippler face on Victor’s deception mask
presenting the look of a scarred, battle-hardened hjippling
criminal. She said though, when she and the council members
took their seats; “What are you doing here; get out! This
chamber is for the blessed of the Criminal Empire! Guards, arrest
that hjippler-deplorable!
Guards surged into the chamber , focused and shot Victor
Scriabin in the heart. The impact on his fluid defense underwear
knocked him backward into the open door of the captive
transport box In a terminal reflex of conscience and vengeance,
before the door snapped shut he shouted; “Viva Mars” wirelessly
detonating the plastic explosive packet. There was a blinding
white light followed by nothingness, sending Maud Dlib and the
Supreme Parole of the Imperial Criminal Empire to their ultimate
Scriabin believed that he had ended the leadership of the
Imperial Criminal Empire. In fact, he ended the local
administrative staff overseeing the looting of the original
universe. That staff and Maud Dlib were just well-compensated
pawns of the Serenity Corporation. Eliminating them changed
When the explosion rocked the Emporium, the entire station
seemed to shudder. Scriabin’s calculated move not only sent
Maud Dlib and the Supreme Parole to their doom, it also
triggered a chain reaction. The station, a marvel of alien design,
was not just a collection of buildings; it was a living, breathing
organism composed of plant-based structures interconnected
with a complex neural network.
The earthquake-like tremors rippled through the station, causing
the buildings to react in ways Victor Scriabin couldn't have
anticipated. The plant-based structures, imbued with a unique
form of sentience, responded to the shockwaves with heightened
emotional states. The once serene and controlled architecture
display signs of distress. Vines writhed in agitation and
luminescent leaves changing colors in erratic patterns as the
plants emotions seemed to scream.
Amid the chaos, a sudden surge of energy coursed through the
station. Victor Scriabin, groggy from being slammed in bomb-
proof transport box into one of the chamber’s strong walls
recovering from the explosion witnessed a surreal
transformation. Through the formerly opaque box walls that
changed to clear he could see that the buildings, once static and
composed, pulsated now with an otherworldly energy. It was as if
the very essence of the Metaverse had infused these structures
with a newfound life force.
The sensory event on the mezzanine, initially organized for
entertainment, took an unexpected turn. The hjippler people,
busy with their preparations, found themselves midstream in the
turmoil. Criminal newscasters eager to capture the unfolding
drama, now were reporting on a station in the throes of an
unprecedented upheaval.
The earthquake intensified, and Victor Scriabin struggled to
maintain his balance. The captive transport box, carrying more
explosives, teetered precariously on the edge of the mezzanine.
The once orderly and strategic plan Victor Scriabin had
envisioned was unraveling in the face of the unforeseen
Amid the chaos, an advertising hologram flickered to life. It
displayed scenes from a virtual reality show inspired by Asimov's
Foundation trilogy adapted to include aliens from the Multiverse.
The characters from Asimov's timeless narrative were seamlessly
woven into a narrative where they encountered extraterrestrial
beings from diverse universes, facing law enforcement
challenges converting crimes to establishment practice that
transcended boundaries of space and time.
While Victor Scriabin grappled with the repercussions of his
actions, the holographic display added an additional layer of
surrealism to unfolding events. The characters from Asimov's
books, once confined to the realms of literature, coexisted in this
chaotic intersection of reality and fiction.
The alien-designed structures, now pulsating with a strange
vitality, seemed to respond to the virtual reality show
advertisement. Vines resembling tendrils reached out as if
attempting to grasp the holographic images. Luminescent leaves
shimmered in synchrony with the characters' exploits, creating
otherworldly spectacle within turmoil.
The seismic activity gradually subsided leaving the station in an
eerie state of calm. The plant-based buildings, having
experienced a surge of emotions, reverted to their former state
of stoic serenity. The alien architecture, momentarily awakened,
settled back into an apparent state of equilibrium.
Victor Scriabin, dazed and disoriented, surveyed the aftermath
of his daring venture. The station, once the symbol of criminal
enterprise and clandestine deals, now bore the scars of an event
that transcended the boundaries of his carefully laid-out plan.
The Emporium, with its sentient structures and unexpected
emotional outbursts, stood as a testament to the unpredictable
nature of the Metaverse.
He staggered through the becalmed plaza. Victor Scriabin
couldn't shake off the surreal images etched into his memory—
the pulsating buildings, the holographic amalgamation of fiction
and reality, and the unintended consequences of his actions. The
legacy of his venture, intertwined with the multilayered fabric of
the Metaverse, lingered in the air and in memory, leaving behind
a narrative that transcended the boundaries of mere deception
and ventured into the realms of cosmic unpredictability.
Substantial new deposits were made into dark temporal accounts
of Shannon Entropy.
Little did Victor Scriabin know that the repercussions of his
exploits would resonate beyond the confines of Lobang, echoing
throughout the vast expanse of the Metaverse. The once-
secretive station, now marked by the events set in motion, would
become a focal point in the ever-unfolding saga of
interconnected universes, where deceit and truth danced on
precipices of infinite possibility.
For a moment that seemed to continue into eternity, Sapere Aude
became aware of the mathematical structures that comprised every
existing thing in every universe. He wondered why complex numbers
of infinite length with different orders than any other number existing
could not exist if there were infinite structures of mathematical
numbers and sequences.
Would even the most complex and lengthy numbers be duplicated
somewhere else in the Metaverse of mathematical structures, and
would every unique number be duplicated an infinite number of times?
What if complex mathematical structures made of randomly ordered
numbers existed with an infinite number of dimensions of randomly
assorted numbers, and the complex n-dimensional number made of
infinite series of randomly ordered numbers included all of the
mathematical structures of the Metaverse? Would the Metaverse be a
set of all sets including itself in a reply to the incompleteness
conundrum of Kurt Gödel?
If the entire complex number of the Metaverse is infinite yet bounded,
could it duplicate itself as a set an infinite number of times, or would it
do so? If the Metaverse mathematical structure is inclusive of all
structures, how could it become other than itself in order to duplicate
its unique complex mathematical structure?
Each structural element of the Metaverse is, in a sense, unique,
although it would exist duplicated an infinite number of times in an
infinite number of universes. It would also vary an infinite number of
times by just one number, randomly, and in an infinite number of
universes deterministically duplicated with every possible randomly
selected order an infinite number of times both as it is in-itself and as it
differs by just one number, in an infinite series of randomly ordered
Sapere Aude realized that each mathematical structure comprising a
universe could have its own values consistent with the structure of
itself within it, just as could the Metaverse. Could the Metaverse ever
be other than what it is for-itself and in-itself and be duplicated
entirely, thus comprising an infinite number of Metaverses differing
themselves by just one mathematical structure randomly formed? Why
would there be any communication of information concerning
structures of Meta-universes between them to express the quantity of
form, order or expression of mathematical structures comprising entire
Could there be just one prevailing form and order of mathematical
structures that necessarily expressed the entire complete
mathematical complex of compresence that is the identity of a
Metaverse such that every Metaverse is identical to every other
Could a single Metaverse with an infinite number of dimensions and
an infinite number of randomly ordered complex numbers comprising
one great n-dimensional number field represent every possible form
and order, including those of time and motion that could arise in
If people can exist with self-aware thought as mathematical structures
that comprise life that can regard itself as a mathematical structure
comprising a mind and body, would the Metaverse itself regard itself
with self-awareness? Is that structure necessary for any possible
Metaverse, or would that circumstance be duplicated an infinite
number of times?
If so, Sapere Aude thought, that self-aware Metaverse was likely to
exist combined with the structure of every possible Metaverse
generating one great mind-structure. If the mind of a Metaverse
developed within an infinite mathematical structure that was
unbounded, as the self-aware mind of the Metaverse realized itself as
the entire Metaverse, would it expand at an infinite pace along with the
infinite increase of the Metaverse, or would the entire infinite structure
of the Metaverse and the mind of the Metaverse mathematical
structure have an infinite yet complete beingness?
Alternatively, was the Metaverse mind structure simply a
mathematical expression in the mind of God? Sapere Aude wondered
what the address for the Universe he apparently departed from is and
what the address was of the mathematical structures he was passing
through, most likely en route to a different universe?
Sapere recalled the phrasing of Jesus Christ that no one has seen the
Father, yet the Son lived in the heart of the Father and wondered once
more of the paradigm of the Supreme being. If He was a self-aware
being who was the mathematical structure of all Metaverses and His
totality expanded faster than light through all dimensions, was His
being limited to just the mathematical super-structure of all
Metaverses or did it exceed all set paradigms moving on to something
else that perhaps eternally is?Prometheus and Epimetheus, causality
and retro-causality; don’t omniscience, omnipresence and
omnipotence existing eternally transcend all space, time, distance and
Sapere Aude’s progress through the maze of hyper-dimensional space
slowed, and his body began to experience increasing G-force while he
realized his flesh was emerging as entangled particle-mass within the
exit point of an Else-when trap. The door of the trap stood open.
Sapere Aude stepped from the cage of the trap into a proxy lab.
The proxy lab was a compact version of a relocator charge controller
that served to coordinate channels through hyper-dimensional space
to a containment cage. Looking at the guiding map for the deployment
of traps Sapere saw that the trap on Sendufax used a drift channel
from his original universe to a larger field and dimension accelerator
named the Hexi corridor seemingly connecting the alien universe to a
Hidden Universe and the original human universe.
The alien universe he emerged into within an unattended Else-when
trap was named by the Hyper-sphere Universe on a system display
board. Scoffing at that designation Sapere saw that the vast majority
of Else-when traps weren’t in use. The proxy lab was rather threadbare
as if an alien government had budget and funding issues for Else-when
traps. He decided to leave the lab and take a look outside.
Through the lab door, he smelled a fresh sea breeze. Walking through
a blinding glare from a solitary star to a portico with bold entasis, he
saw a vast mathematical range of mountains surrounding a high
hanging valley where the lab was situated.
Obviously, the aliens manipulated basic physical forces at the
mathematical level to change relationships between strong, electro-
weak, and color forces to enable the bare skeletal outline of
topographical surfaces and landscapes to exist for-themselves with
sufficient molecular compositions suspended and held in surface
tension to enable an atmosphere and environment habitable by human
beings. The landscape selection must be one that supported the
resident aliens physiology he realized.
Alternatively, the environment had been fabricated for the benefit of
captives from the original Universe that passed through the proxy lab.
The planetary topology, Sapere Aude thought, was a proxy for-itself; it
might serve as a habitable Earth environment for those involuntarily
relocated from their own universe to this place marked on the
Metaverse map as the Hyper-sphere universe.
Sapere Aude looked through the mountain ranges into a star field
below and through them. Visible light was allowed to pass through the
topology for some reason, engendering a bit of vertigo, Sapere
thought, for those susceptible to disorientation regarding positions and
slopes on the horizontal and vertical planes of three-dimensional
Sapere Aude had no idea where he might go on Prime, being as
materially poor as any new immigrant to a new world. Certainly Prime
aliens were for the time being easy to regard as an opposition force,
and they might know where Zvimmer had gone to when he was
trapped in cherche’ la femme mode.
Sapere set his business suit camouflage to emulate the ambient
surfaces through which he passed and continued walking toward the
edge of the hanging valley. He saw a village down below, not too far,
and decided to make way to it, climbing carefully down a rocky face to
the lower valley floor.
The ocean breeze grew stronger, and he inferred, correctly as it
turned out, that a vast body of salt water was near. Walking carefully,
concealing himself from obvious optical lines that might be surveil
points for the upper valley, he moved swiftly from boulder to boulder
and tree to tree in the course of closing the distance to the village.
As Sapere Aude neared the settlement the buildings grew sharper,
showing their modified laboratory and prison functions added on to
traditional stone structures. Under the open sky on the village green
rested a couple dozen cages that stood empty except for one. A
human prisoner languished within singing “swing low sweet chariot”.
Sapere comm sensors showed no sign of additional biological beings in
the village. He thought to interrogate the unsub of the sole occupied
“Ho ho unsub,” Sapere Aude said just beyond the cage to the man
laying on the ground. A dirty man with long brown hair and sallow
complexion emaciated and bruised with missing fingernails and teeth
looked his way.
“Who be you?” The man asked. “There are no humans left alive here. I
am the last.”
“You could count me as another if your math reasoning is intact and
eyes function. I am Sapere Aude of the Dwindled Worlds. Would you
like to be free of the cage?”
“Yes, of course.”
Sapere Aude opened a one-way latch on the door of the cage, stepped
inside, and with a hand bracing the man’s elbow helped him to his feet.
“Let’s move off to a less conspicuous place in case opfor return,”
Sapere Aude directed.
They moved away to a dark corner structure at the west edge of the
village green and sat on a bench outside where they could observe
likely avenues of approach to the village.
“It takes a village for alien capture and torture ops, eh?” remarked
Sapere. “What is your name, my good man?”
“I am Albert Maxwell of the original Universe planet Lobang. I was
taken prisoner by the Serenity Corporation and sold into experimental
slavery to the aliens of Prime.”
“Yes Albert, I saw the travel map with Lobang at the terminus of the
Hexi trans-dimensional corridor. Do you know much about the alien
purposes regarding human captives? I am investigating the theft and
exfiltration of intellectual capital. Patentable ideas from the Dwindled
Worlds are being stolen, sometimes violently, from secure storage
Albert Maxwell replied, “My interrogators wanted information about
the ultimate mathematical configuration of the original Universe. You
see the entire Metaverse has a fundamental mathematical
configuration for everything, including evolution.
Evolution and change are aspects of a differential and integral
engineered mathematical structure locally embedded within infinities
known to the systems operator of the Metaverse. The aliens would like
to expropriate the operating system for the Metaverse and make
themselves little gods of themselves, as it were.”
“Oh yes, that is a common plot; rule the Metaverse, for some reason I
cannot think of. To be the set of all sets for-themselves, including
oneself, would perhaps negate self-reflective aspects of sentient
beings, making of the entire Metaverse a grand nullification.”
Maxwell said, “In my opinion, the aliens and others seeking to become
little gods haven’t considered that point Sapere Aude.”
“How is God exempt from His own logical problem of being unable to
be self-reflective Albert?”
“I am not at all sure that He would want to. Being absolute and self-
reflective would, for humans at least, present some problems
concerning infinite loopiness. I suppose that God is other than the
operating system of the mathematical Metaverse and the structures
existing within it, therein knowing a way to avoid the problem.”
“Yes,” Sapere Aude replied. “The true nature of God is perhaps
imponderable. We humans may know the Lord Jesus Christ; one person
of the Triune God, who is one God, in the configuration of the
I wonder if the evolution of infinite mathematical structures in infinite
dimensions of Hilbert and phase space follow a particular order within
so much randomness? I wonder if randomness becomes regular when
extended to infinity necessarily, through infinite recursion and
repetition of varieties of very similar random series.
If there is a mathematical evolution of everything that exists within
the Metaverse structure, and if local phases of it within universes are
graduated and sequential manifestations vary just slightly- even by a
molecule from an infinite number of others, to what extent is the
determinism of apparent random selections a formation of what is
possible, given the existing structures?
It is as if only certain select codes satisfy the possibilities of unlocking
an intellectual capital storage vault as reciprocals of a transcending
structure that would prevent any non-matching entry.” Sapere Aude
looked toward the direction of the sea breeze. The star still was bright
in the sky and had moved overhead, eliminating shadows.
Maxwell replied; the aliens asked me for knowledge of the relation of
mathematics to the most basic theoretical structure of the Metaverse. I
believe that knowledge may have been sought long ago in the Garden
of Eden when a snake persuaded a woman to bite an apple or some
similar cultivated fruit she had been ordered by God not to eat. It may
be the snake sought to use humanity to probe or learn the operating
system of the Metaverse that it could not for-itself.
As you can see of this manufactured alien world Prime, there has been
some progress in learning ways to manipulate local mathematical
structures to configure mass in Higgs field equivalents. Physical
addresses of some universes of the Metaverse have been learned
mathematically to enable journeys far from the Prime Universe with
safe return. That is real progress gained through sorting through all of
the patentable ideas existing, so far as they have.
The leaders of the Serenity Corporation aliens employed to steal the
patents and ideas worth anything, believe the project is simply
intended to dominate manufactures and control wealth absolutely,
with the concentrated capital wealth of ideas shared among C.E.O.s
and alien elites. Such a naive and greedy outlook missed the point of
the alien’s search to make of themselves dominant beings of the
“Yes Albert, perhaps we can do something about that before we leave
to return to the original Universe. Did you by chance happen to see a
mangy four-footed beast named Zvimmer pass through the captive
cages of the village recently?” Sapere Aude asked.
Albert Maxwell continued, “Yes Sapere Aude, the aliens captured a
coyote in an Else-when trap and brought him here for interrogation like
any human captive. For some reason, they saw something in him that
interested them. He was treated as a V.I.P. for purposes of torture.
The coyote, Zvimmer as you said, was operated on and given speech
translation chips that interfaced with his brain waves for conscious
thought in order for the aliens to make his confessions of patentable
ideas simpler. The poor creature was given the full hundred points of
torture in ten minutes.
Torturers of Prime allocate one hundred units of torture for each
subject they capture. The quantity of torture may be used qualitatively
over any amount of time, with the less time used for torture increasing
the quality. For instance, if one hundred units of torture are distributed
to the subject over one hundred minutes or one hundred years, that is
far less acute qualitatively than in ten minutes.
I must say for your coyote Zvimmer that he took the ten minutes of
torture quite well. He revealed nothing, yet his hair stood on end like
an electrified cartoon cat, and his eyes bulged out like roadkill stinking
on the side of an asphalt highway three days.
The aliens were impressed enough with Zvimmer’s stoic response to
the hundred units of torture that they took him with them somewhere
over the edge of this valley toward the sea.”
“We shall directly move to liberate Zvimmer from alien control. May I
ask what your occupation was on Lobang before your capture?” Sapere
“Before capture, I was a theoretical mathematician in internal exile
above Lobang’s surface, living in a mini-mall in the sky where I
continued my research into the theoretical, mathematical foundation
of everything that exists besides spirit.”
“Let me ask you this; if the evolution of mathematical structures is
deterministic within set theoretical paradigms for component
members, how can people be saved and become free of the
deterministic paradigm?” wondered Sapere Aude.
“A good question, my friend, one asked across the Universe, yet the
answer may be simple; God’s grace transcends the local math
structures and may rewrite the structure as appropriate. Yet it is
plainly within God’s capacity to pre-determine salvation within an
evolving mathematical structure. So the question may not be
necessary if salvation is pre-determined for the elect,” Albert Maxwell
“Consider Adam and Eve, Sapere Aude. They existed perfectly within
a perfect mathematical garden structured to maintain an ideal reality.
If they hadn’t been seduced into willfully breaking the commands of
God, they would have continued in perfect, endless peace and
With disobedience, however, choosing to eat of the tree of knowledge,
it was requisite to merge the couple into the normative space-time of
the original Universe and set cherubic guardian angels onto the four
corners of spacetime to prevent humanity from once more seeking to
eat of forbidden fruit in the garden; i.e. the tree of eternal life. Living
forever as corrupted, disobedient beings would preclude their salvation
through faith, like as not.
The original Universe and perhaps all of the Universes of the
Metaverse are temporal. It seems likely to me that the Supreme
architect of the Metaverse, within His divine economy, may not wish to
support willful, disobedient, contingent, creations of the Metaverse
from rewriting the mathematical code destructively for themselves. It
is the set of all sets incompleteness problem.
Contingent, virtually omnipotent mathematical beings could not well
order the Metaverse for the benefit of sentient beings; themselves.
Besides, the Author of reality may not want to have the Metaverse
hijacked by ruthless, wicked, incompetent coders ,Sapere Aude.”
“Yes, I see Albert. I feel we may need to alter some of the local code,
unfortunately. It might be a good idea to erase and rewrite the address
of the original Universe’s mathematical structures to keep the aliens
out. I’m sure that God will see the purpose of the rewrite and reorder it
to his preference should we make an error in the effort.
If I can get you to some kind of a terminal for restructuring local
mathematical infrastructure, could you get that done Albert?”
“Sure, I would venture that I could, Sapere Aude. Just get me to the
place,” Albert Maxwell said.
Sapere and Albert walked carefully a quarter of a mile to the edge of
the valley and saw before them a vast lowland fronting an ocean.
Albert said,
“Sapere Aude, the Serenity Corporation deported me, after arresting
me, through the Hexi corridor from Lobang to the Hidden Universe and
a micro-planet archipelago named The Secretions. I and a few others
were taken to a transit camp behind explosive razor wire with motion
sensors and given brief preliminary interrogations to confirm our value
to the aliens.
After a few days, When our numbers increased with additions of other
prisoners, we were taken again to the Hexi corridor through the Jade
Gate. Evidently, at the other end of the Hexi corridor lies the alien
Prime and the Gorgon Gate is adjacent to a reception station for
prisoners marked for interrogation. It is my best guess that the
reception station is the place to look for information. From there we
might follow a lead to locate the headquarters of Prime’s ruling elite.”
“Visiting the prisoner reception station is necessarily a bad idea
Albert; I think we can do a little better than that and just snag
ourselves an alien to ask questions of and leave the special alien
capture personnel a little distance. No sense in giving them a feeling of
being crowded.”
“Yes, that might work,” Albert remarked. “On the other hand, if you’ve
seen the aliens as have I, you might reconsider that course of action.”
“Oh, how so?” Sapere asked.
“The aliens of Prime are an interesting compound assembly of
uncertainty. They can vary their height from three feet to ten in
seconds, as utility demands. Their endoskeletons are what we would
call trans-human, or trans-alien prime in this case, and able to tap
directly into the numerous quantum fields of the Prime construction,”
Albert related.
“What do you know about the Prime construction Albert?
“Sapere Aude, initially I was interrogated by a very boastful and proud
alien who said we were located on the outer leg of a great three-
dimensional spider web or paper snowflake-like assembly of
magnetically fixed components. We face away from the center where
the stars of the local galaxy of the Hyper-sphere universe show like
thousands of points of light through the transparent surface of the
incomplete outer rim.
The ocean before us is like a simple tidal pool of a discrete network of
oxygen and hydrogen construction molecules stored as they are to
enhance gravity where it is useful. He explained that I am an
insignificant and meaningless speck of biological insult upon reality
and therefore was obligated to spill my guts concerning any
mathematical knowledge I had that would be of use, albeit a trivial and
insignificant use, to the vastly superior race of Prime aliens.
So far as I know, the aliens use the Serenity Corporation as a proxy
tool for sweeping up all of the knowledge existing among sentient life
forms in every possible universe in their effort to become the greatest
living quasi-gods.”
“Interesting story that is Albert. I agree; we should find a better plan
of attack, maybe venturing into the heart of the web, the loci of focus,
to find the brains of the outfit. I am being paid to plug the leak of
patentable ideas from the secure storage vaults of the Dwindled
Worlds. That would seem to be a good place to start, and perhaps find
Zvimmer,” Sapere explained, continuing to walk down-slope toward
the ocean.
“I can see a village a few miles away near the oceanfront. Not much
between here and there except for a single ribbon road that appears to
be little used. How did the aliens transport captives to the transit
center Albert?”
“The aliens walk through walls, floors, solid objects, and the planet
itself as they wish because of the mathematical adjustments they can
make to their complete self-structures,” Albert explained; “I would
guess the necessary settings to increase or decrease their
transparency to solid objects would be standard and easy to
“So they passed with their captives right through the planet and what,
popped up at the transit center?”
“Yes Sapere Aude, I infer it went something like that. Apparently, they
don’t use the forms of transportation that we humans commonly
utilize. Relocators are the closest approximation to the alien capacity
for supervention of strings and physical forces locally.”
“If the aliens could transport captives with them it is reasonable to
speculate they must have some sort of packaging material that allows
them to include people without alien physical config in their travel
itinerary Albert.”
“Sure Sapere Aude, that is a logical inference. Perhaps we can find a
way in the village.”
It takes a village
A commanding, neutered voice echoed through the sky, resonating
like thunder booming from the mountains to the ocean, proclaiming,
“Celebration of the planned-it-atary Insurrection Day holiday starves in
one hour. We shall share rem. All subjects must partypate; attendance
is required for full freedom credits. Freedom is not free; slavery is
freedom. Join us in celebration of the January 6th heroes of the
narrative to crush vestigial resistance to our glorious one-party rule; be
thar ord beaten squirrel.”
“What was that, Maxwell?” Sapere Aude incredulously asked.
“My inference, Sapere Aude, is that the planned-it Prime is more than
I first understood it to be. Extrapolating from my better perspective
outside of the cage, I estimate the structure known as Prime to be a
million miles in diameter- more than 600,000 kilometers. I would guess
that the structure itself supports any sort of environment conjured up
by remote political fantacists for the mode of life desired by one-party
dictatorship. It truly is a great invention, though obviously completely
“So the one-party state desires the right of eminent domain extended
over the expanse of all possible universes to include ideas as property
created by anyone defaulting to expropriated material property of the
party. Yeah great stuff; the most rich and powerful own everything and
control all possible narratives; first person, limited omniscient and
even omniscient narratives would be defined by the Party or otherwise
censored and the authors crushed into oblivion?”
“Sure, Sapere Aude; that is usually the way that sort of thing is
planned to evolve.”
“Well, with those great environmental controls, the least the aliens
could do would be to turn the thermostat down a couple of degrees. It
seems a little too warm in this space to me, Maxwell.
Sapere and Albert soon reached the ribbon road to the village.
Maxwell adapted a mag-lev platform from spare parts in a curio shop
on the way; created perhaps for the amusement of non-imprisoned
visitors, so Sapere and Albert could ride quickly to the village.
“That complex of buildings over there is the captive transit center,
Sapere Aude.”
“Apparently, Maxwell, it takes a village to support remote captive
transit centers. Let’s see what they have inside.”
Maxwell directed the platform to stop before the main entrance to the
captive transit center. They stepped off the platform and walked into
the station.
A planetary map showed the location of the station in relation to
Prime. They were located near the edge, somewhat more than three
hundred thousand kilometers from the central piazza where the map’s
live statistics indicated the billion aliens of Prime had gathered to
celebrate a January 6 Orange Insurrection Day Crush.
The building guide showed the cells to be empty and staff personnel
gone. In the equipment room, they found several Linusian security
covers hanging on hooks. The shimmering math swirling about a
cavalcade of forms and incomprehensible structures lent the covers a
surreal appearance.
“Look, Sapere Aude; Linusian security blankets! I have read
theoretical studies indicating the possibility of their manufacture, yet
to actually find them hanging here on hooks!” Albert was obviously
“Are they of value to us?” Sapere asked.
“Yes; exactly. They are the tool the alien would need to transport
captives through solid objects in violation of the physical laws of this
Universe. The blankets are pure mathematical structures primary to
every possible form of quantum configuration. Covered in one of those
security blankets, the captives will feel they are in the warm embrace
of a caring guardian even as they are delivered unto vivisection labs a
great distance away, overcoming any obstacle in their path!” Maxwell
approached to look at, yet did not touch, one of the blankets.
“Let me get this right, Maxwell. Those Linusian security blankets are
pure math in all possible forms; a complete key to the quantum
structures of any possible Universe, and must thus be a complete,
reductionist answer to Einstein’s ancient, venerable E=MC2 equation;
Energy equals mathematical structures?”
“Well not exactly, Sapere Aude, yet close enough for horseshoes and
grenades; apples and oranges actually, metaphorically speaking...don’t
mind the trope.
There may be a fundamental quantum layer that is the fundamental
layer underlying all possible Universes and Multiverses. The paradigm
was named quantum monism and its field fluctuations may materialize
as Universes and Multiverses comparable to the way a main sequence
star emits solar prominences or flares. Complete Universes and
Multiverses are mass quantum entangled states. The math describing
the complex complex of mass entanglement that is a Universe is a
unique key to slipping though relativistic boundaries that limit travel
though translational math for travel between Universes and
Multiverses would be required. Sometimes theories of relativity are
brought into conflict with explanatory theories of the enigmatic primal
field though relativity concerning time and space are universe-local
“I suppose one might regard God as the fundamental super-positioned
quantum monism with three dimensional personas-for-others. Well, the
security blankets might be useful to us if we choose to visit the
celebration. Slings and arrows of outrageous fortune cookies won’t
stop us- with security blankets able to kedge through mathematical
topologies with integrals and differentials.”
“I agree they might get us to the core of the planet and the piazza of
a billion aliens if that is where you want to go.”
“Well how do these Linusian security blankets work, Albert?”
“Evidently, Sapere Aude, most apparatuses here are self-explanatory
with explicit symbolic language operating instructions. Regard the
blanket on the peg before you; its symbols are orienting themselves
toward you and presenting use instructions. Apparently, they have pre-
set destinations too.
Remember, Sapere Aude, to be careful not to touch or allow yourself
to be enshrouded by a blanket; in the super-positioned mathematical
field space there is no distance or relativity, faster or slower than light
travel; math simply is.”
“Those aliens are a mite clever, as they should be with a few
universes worth of patentable ideas gathered to Prime,” Sapere said;
“In a sense, they are making Prime a center of the Metaverse, if that is
possible; it would be a rival mathematical Metaverse to one of God.”
“Not a problem, Sapere Aude. It can’t ever be more than a set within a
Meta-set, although it could in theory slope every formula its own way
for an infinite number of Universes.”
“I believe, Maxwell, that we have a choice of transport mode to the
center of Prime; the Gorgon Gate or a security blanket. It seems like a
Hobson’s choice.”
“What if we carefully took security blankets wrapped in a knapsack
with us through the Gorgon Gate, Sapere Aude? If we don’t like the
point of arrival; say into a transit sorting cell, we might deploy the
blankets and slip away.”
“Are you sure the Gorgon Gate and security blankets aren’t
dismemberment traps, Albert.”
“No, of course not, Sapere Aude- not in the least. Though complete
certainty is improbable.”
“Right, well in that case, let’s look through the station a little further,
Walking through a maze of office spaces and cell blocks in the captive
transit camp, they reached a golden door; one of three identical doors
sealed with the imprimatur of a claw-mandible.
“Evidently, Maxwell, something beyond the golden doors is deemed
important enough to be sealed while the staff is away for the holiday.
Shall we break the seals and discover what’s inside?”
“I am curious, Sapere Aude. Be my guest.”
Sapere stepped to the first door and broke the seal, then opened it
while looking west. Inside a human shredded in various elaborate ways
was fixed to a canvas; apparently an alien work of art in progress.
Sapere took fingerprints of the victim on his comm screen then left the
room, closing the door behind him with a snap.
Sapere Aude then chose to enter door number. He broke the seal on
the door and flung it open. Maxwell looked through the door.
“Those devices may be weapons. It appears to be some kind of
armory. Take a few and put ‘em in one of the weapons bags on that
shelf. I will ditto that. We can use the weapons bags to carry a pair of
Linusian blankets.”
Sapere grabbed an armful of weapons with uncertain purposes. He
thought some might be unusual grenades and others direct fire
weapons. He said, “On to the central door then, Maxwell.”
They exited the armory, and Sapere Aude walked to the remaining
sealed door, broke the seal and threw it open.
“Take a look at this, Albert.”
Maxwell stood before the door peering inside; “That is an echo
chamber, Sapere Aude. We need to be careful here. Such facilities are
used to ditto command and control relays, replicating all functions;
techno-clones as it were. Quite identical. I would venture to guess that
the echo chamber would have implicit relocator capacity. To be in one
chamber is to be in all others.”
“Can we use that to travel to the Prime core, Maxwell?”
“Possibly, Sapere Aude. If we enter the chamber, we may become
virtual particles though, with virtual reality, as our more substantial
selves merge with the hosting field; I can’t say what that is. I am not
yet familiar with all of the physical laws of entangled Hyper-sphere
Let me tell you something about subjective experience and
perception, Sapere Aude, I believe it is useful here. Individuals
experience reality personally, subjectively. The phenomena of mind is
that of consciousness interpreting atomistic content reaching it
through eyes and skin, ears and taste from the field phenomena of a
There are common social experiences of perceptible aspects of a field;
that is, everyone with healthy organs for perceiving atomistic content
as data can share a similar though not exactly duplicate experience,
for example, of the solidity of the ground of a planet they may stand
upon or of the photons reaching their eyes from a star. Perceptions of
atomistic data that aren’t common experience that anyone usually
could have, that is experiences that are completely subjective and not
shared in the common realm of perceptible quanta, remain personal.
If God visits a miracle onto an individual, the experience may not be
shared in the common realm with others as a directly perceptible
experience. God may in theory visit an individual mind directly without
the need for the use of the field of potentially perceptible quanta;
alternatively, he is free to shape the material quanta for interpretation
through the senses of the intended perceiver subjectively.
This echo chamber in some respects transcends the boundaries of
subjective perception and makes a universal local area network of the
mind or minds of those entering the chamber. If we use the echo
chamber, our minds will be super-positioned in all of the locations of
echo chambers of the local area network that is presumably that of the
Prime planetary structure.
Our minds will be super-positioned without waveform collapse to a
particular location. My team at the Theoretical Physics Institute of
Lohai built an echo chamber long ago. To my knowledge, I was the first
human to invent one. The patent and technical equipment went
missing several days after the first experimental trials were complete.
The patent storage vault at Lohai was looted, and a great Electro
Magnetic Pulse wiped out the data from our air-gapped, security-
hardened computers that had the details of the echo chamber’s
construction. It’s good to finally have an idea where the information
“The loss was unfortunate for you and for free humanity of our original
human Universe. I have a question for you, Maxwell; if we become
super-positioned in all possible locations of echo chambers of the local
area network of echo chambers, how will we interact with the chamber
itself for whatever functions it has in controlling and producing
material information and work we might ask of it?”
“In the super-positioned state, our virtual selves will also be super-
positioned, Sapere Aude. The quantitative aspect of our super-
positioning will exactly equal that needed to be in all possible echo
chambers of the local area network. Our virtual selves will interact with
the universal steady state of quanta in a seamless interface of action.”
“We will continue to be able to think, enter, and exit the echo
chamber as if we were our usual selves, then, Maxwell?”
“Yes, Sapere Aude. We should collect our security blankets for the
knapsacks before we go.”
They retrieved the Linusian blankets, carefully packing them into the
knapsacks, and returned to the echo chamber.
Tall, solitary blades of grass stood among green kin, myriad
ground-covering plants. They swayed with lithe, sinuous,
daggered edges casting shadows upon other blades under
penetrating sunlight, fusing photons through greens and reddish
browns. The sweet July wind pushed perceptions into memory,
like the sun's course through the sky.
Zvimmer awoke from a dream chasing limitless natural resource
oceans of rabbits. As king of the day materialized from a
transcendent idea—an echo chamber of forms and substance
reflected through himself, for-himself—he moved up to all fours
outside the office door of Laura Thought.
"What is this place?" Zvimmer thought. His mind was still foggy,
as if waking from a night of fermented squirrel snacks feasting
with the pack. He sniffed the air, detecting the smell of washed
humans. Looking left and right, he saw a recursive hallway
spinning off into the distance; myriad hallways going to unknown
places, angling through transcending Escherian structures
resembling confusions of Mobius ribboned refractaled dog bowls.
The ozone smell of office products made him wonder about the
spin orientation of galaxies around black holes. The flattening of
spherical star clusters into elliptical galaxies, dragged along by
the spin direction of super-massive black holes at the centers,
cast gravity into forms as if it were clock-worked oranges.
Zvimmer pondered, "Has anyone looked at the spin orientation
of all the galaxies of the Universe? If they share a common spin
orientation or direction, mustn't there be super-massive
gravitational influence acting on the entire Universe? Would the
expansion of space negate it, with galaxies receding faster from
one another than the speed of light and gravity, thereby severing
the concatenated gravitational influence of the most massive
object in the Universe? Can spatial expansion reverse galactic
spin directions?"
As Zvimmer's foggy thoughts resolved to sharper focus, he had
one last thought about the gravitational orientation of all
galaxies in the original Universe: "What other effects would the
expansion of space have on gravity? Is gravity in part a
reciprocal of the expansion of space? Would space expansion
affect dimensions too, increasing or decreasing them or affect
their relationships to others?"
Suddenly, the door before him opened, and he let out a yip of
"Zvimmer?" Laura said, stopping in the doorway. "Laura?"
Zvimmer replied. "You're not speechless, Zvimmer?""No, Laura,
the aliens from another universe fitted me with speech chips.
Read my lips; they're not moving. It's a speech chip in the roof of
my mouth vocalizing."
"What aliens, Zvimmer? What Universe; where is Sapere Aude?
Did he follow you through that Else-when trap on Sendufax? Step
inside my office if you have the time so we can catch up a little,"
Laura said.
"Yes, Laura; that would be satisfactory."
Zvimmer followed Laura into her office. The walls, ceiling, and
floor were virtual screens presently full of digital paperwork from
some sort of forensics mission, he guessed.
"Let me get you a sofa to recline on," Laura said, waving her
right hand through a brief sign language sequence. A soft velvet-
covered black sofa materialized from a virtual jet printer. It would
remain in place, firm, until another hand signal directed its
"Thanks, Laura. Not bad."
"Let me get rid of this paperwork, Zvimmer. It can be replaced
with any environmental image. Would you like rambling
grassland, a high mountain alp, a muddy river in a thick jungle,
or soothing oceanfront?" Laura asked.
"Hmmm; soothing ocean would be nice."
Laura made a hand gesture, and the room's interior surfaces
changed to that of an ocean, with placid waves from some
distant storm breaking gently upon a beach.
"I would think you must be hungry. Can I get you anything?"
"Sure; thanks, Laura. A bowl of spring water and a chicken-fried
steak would be my first choice. Cattle liver lightly cooked would
work too."
In a few seconds, a flying drone server appeared through a wall
in the hall and stopped before Zvimmer. A table appeared from
the virtual jet printer, and the drone server rolled the plate onto
the table and flew back out through the wall, presumably to the
hall, Zvimmer surmised. He slurped up the spring water and
punished the chicken-fried steak, wolfing down the pre-cut, juicy
pieces of Grimm meat baked in vita-health batter.
Laura took a seat behind her desk, overlooking the ocean. "You
know, Zvim, you have made history, being the first coyote ever
to return from an Else-when trap. It seems doubly strange that
you appeared outside my office in The Office complex on Beach."
"Beach? This is the planet Beach?" Zvimmer asked between
bites, finishing off the Grimm steak.
Sapere Aude emerged through a temporal exit of the Hexi
corridor on the Dwindled World planet of Akroyd, home of Phi Psi
Tier One security with Heneral Scaldeen and Commander Nikrita
Kukuk bound and wrapped securely in their Linusian security
“A bloody long way from Cargone,” he thought. The air on
Akroyd felt different, a mix of metallic tang and unfamiliar
molecules. The Hexi corridor had transported him across the vast
expanse of the Metaverse.
Sapere Aude checked his comm for the local address of Phi Psi
Tier One and let it guide him several blocks through the city of
Doubloon-scraper. The buildings soared, helixian crenelations of
concrete compositions ascending to the sky. He maneuvered
through the bustling streets, the captives floating behind him,
their Linusian blankets shimmering in the alien sunlight.
"Sapere Aude; welcome to the home office,"a voice said as he
approached the basic security entrance. The entrance scanned
him with a flood of examination and identity lighting. The
captives, still floating, underwent scrutiny. "Director Chomskeep
has an open slot on his calendar for you. His office is on the
forty-fifth floor. Take the magnetic lift."
Director Chomskeep’s office occupied the better part of the
forty-fifth floor. Exiting the mag-lift, Sapere Aude found himself
surrounded by live tech surveillance equipment and weapons of
war. Director Chomskeep engaged in a holographic conversation
with Laura Thought.
“Sapere Aude, my good man, Laura just apprised me of what
you learned with her on Sendufax. That was enough to satisfy
our contract with the Dwindled Worlds. She would, however, like
us to stay on for another contract; it seems the mission
parameters, though completed, exposed a deeper and more
sinister empirical threat to us all; the Serenity Corporation and
the Imperial Criminal Empire.”
Sapere Aude walked over to join the holograph field. "Hi Sapere
Aude, it’s good to see you," Laura greeted.
"Likewise Laura."
"You must have had some interesting times being just the
second to return from an Else-when trap Sapere Aude."
"Sure, we found some aliens; who was the first Laura?"
Zvimmer trotted into view; “I was the first Sapere Aude.”
“Zvimmer; you can speak our language!”
“Yes, the aliens of that Universe gave me a speech implant to
interrogate me better. They weren’t fluent in coyote, and the
pack of female coyotes they entertained me with hadn’t much of
a vocabulary for anything beyond sex in any language.”
Sapere Aude said; ”I followed you to the alien Universe through
the Else-when trap and freed a captive named Albert Maxwell, a
brilliant fellow from a planet named Lobang that is or was host
for a terminus for the Hexi corridor.”
Laura said; “I’ve been to Lobang Sapere Aude. A refugee from
Mars named Victor Scriabin and I discovered that Lobang was a
coordination forwarding center for loot from our Universe,
including stolen, patent-worthy inventions. Lobang has a
connection of the Hexi corridor directly to a Hidden Universe
where Serenity Corporate elite imperial criminals reside.”
“I discovered, Laura, the Hexi corridor connects to all Universes
of the Metaverse and it has a special line between the aliens’
Universe, the Hidden Universe, and Lobang the aliens believe is
the limit for the Hexi.
The aliens provided Hexi corridor transport technology to the
Imperial Criminal Empire’s Serenity Corporation personnel, one
might infer, as part of a plan to use Serenity as a shill to loot
useful ideas from the Dwindled Worlds, our original Universe, and
perhaps someday, every possible Universe.”
“Sapere Aude, one of the reasons forensic accounting wants to
re-employ you is to look into the larger issue of our entire
Universe being subject to Serenity’s perfidious works. Forensic
accounting inquiries have determined that Serenity Corporation
has already infiltrated seventeen thousand galaxies of our
Universe. The democide of Martians after their patentable ideas
were looted was just one flare-up of the Serenity system.
“By the way Laura, I have a couple of gifts for you; two prisoners
from Serenity captured on Prime where they were conferring
with the aliens.”
“Who are they Sapere Aude?”
"One Heneral Scaldeen and a special killer coordinator named
Commander Nikrita Kukuk, Laura."
“Everyone in the Office management will be glad to learn of that
Sapere Aude. Scaldeen, in particular, has much to account for
being the one directly in command of the slaughter at Sendufax.
I trust you will bring each with you here. We will have a special
cruel celebrity animal public display cage for the Heneral waiting
to shelter the Heneral between interrogation sessions. Zvimmer
has a new contract too if he wants one.”
“I am sure Zvimmer will be glad to join in the hunt for Serenity,
Director Chomskeep interjected; “I am afraid Zvimmer won’t be
joining you right away on this mission Sapere Aude. As an
agency asset that was made captive by an alien entity he will
need to be sequestered, deprogrammed and re-vetted for field
activities or office duties.”
Zvimmer asked; “Director Chomskeep, could I get that done at
the agency facility at Cargone instead of here or at HQ at
“Yes, of course Zvimmer. I am sure Sapere Aude won’t mind if
you stay at his ranchero.”
“Exactly Zvimmer. While at the ranch see if you can get the
subdivision gardeners to plant a garden of vegetables for me, if
you would be so kind.”
“Sure Sapere; and I will raise a few rabbits for a good rabbit
stew upon your return.”
Director Chomskeep asked; “Laura, where would you like Sapere
Aude to start?”
Sapere Aude said; Laura and Director Chomskeep, there is one
thing I should mention; I brought a hyper-cube with me from the
alien universe that Albert Maxwell claimed to have on all of the
patentable ideas the aliens have stolen from universes looted so
far, as well as plans for construction and use of the echo
chamber he designed at Lobang, including the alien upgrades
and a few of his own to it. The echo chamber contacts every
possible universe and field of the Metaverse or Monoverse as a
kind of Hexi corridor on steroids. The index on the hyper-cube
light chip includes a Luoyang video operating system to an
explicit 4-d printer that can duplicate the alien planet Prime,
echo chambers and maps for existing echo chamber locations.”
Laura said; “Make a copy for the Director to keep in his best
safe storage facility, and bring the original to us at the office.
Relocate to Beach as soon as possible and I will relocate
Zvimmer to Cargone.”
Zvimmer said; “We’re like ships passing in the night Sapere; see
“Chow Zvim” added Sapere Aude before the holographic call
ended, and he walked into the Director’s relocation unit. An
instant after entering Director Chomskeep’s relocating chamber,
Sapere stood in the office of Laura Thought.
“Hi Laura.”
“Sapere Aude. Welcome to Beach. There are numerous research
vectors emerging from the information you presented.”
Laura said to her smart office comm link; “Clement, Sapere
Aude has a pair of prisoners here you can take to the trash
processing facility for the time being and secure at level three for
toxic waste.”
A tall, thin, aging man walked briskly into the office and
gathered the prisoner leads.
“Sapere, this is my research aide Clement Pugh.”
Sapere Aude nodded to Pugh as he took the leads and the
prisoners from the office.
“Here is the hyper-cube Laura” Sapere said; handing over a
shimmering, recursively surfaced hyper-cube.
Laura said; “I’ll enter the hyper-cube into the dimensional digital
reader.” She dropped it into a quantum light digital interface
where the tremendous volume of compact data was released,
momentarily slowing the quantum computational process of the
Office at Beach.
“I haven’t ever seen that happen before. Must be a tremendous
volume of information to slow the r.a.m. of the Office quantum
computer Sapere.”
“Every bit of the Mono-Meta-Multi-verse is said to be information
Laura. If the hyper-cube reflects much of that, r.a.m. would
cache trans-finite volumes of compact yet computationally
formed data and slow down.”
“Come over here Sapere and sit with me while the data from the
cube is analyzed.”
Laura gestured for a pair of comfortable stuffed white chairs to
appear before the ocean. She sat down and ordered a pair of
espressos, steak, and eggs.
“I would think you must be famished after traveling over a
couple of Universes without stopping for breakfast. I can process
sex relief for you as well” she said with a glimmer in her eyes.
“Thanks Laura, you are correct. I am a little bit universe-lagged
too. The relative time differences will neutralize when I localize
here, I hope. I’m alright on sex; celibacy is like riding a bike.”
Clement Pugh returned to the office followed by a drone server
with breakfast; “Director Thought, a preliminary finding and
recommendation from the hyper-cube suggests that a particular
theoretical physicist on Mars survived the democide of the planet
and may be valuable for us in our probable reconstruction of
echo chambers to full Meta-verse access.”
“O.K. Clement, and who would that be?”
“His name, Director, is Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui. The name
means He who overcomes time and space. I have forwarded the
recommendation to your priority comm file.”
“Thanks Clement” she said as he turned and left the office.
Laura read the information on the comm link and shared it with
Sapere Aude.
“Doctor Yupanqui presently lives at a secure storage site in a
cave on a cliff wall of the Valles Marineris of Mars” Sapere Aude
read aloud; “He presently is developing an N-dimensional, trans-
finite Lorentz transformation formula capable of modeling and
actualizing an abstract of the space-time/trans-time points of
view of every possible Universe in relation to every possible
location of every possible Universe of the Meta-verse.”
“That would be a useful tool to prevent becoming lost when
navigating around Meta-verse Sapere Aude.”
“Yes Laura. It might also allow one to associate the Yupanqui-
Lorentz transformation with quantum super-computing
structures and calculate the super-positions of every possible
location and speed – although speed might be simpler to
calculate because of the constant and known velocity of limited,
selected kinds of particle-waves like light quanta)- of all of the
bits of information/math points of everything of the Multi-verse
perhaps without generating an infinite Multi-verse multiplying
itself infinitely with each calculation.”
“For some reason Sapere Aude I feel the latter, infinite creation
of Multi-verses multiplied by the infinite number of particle-
waves in each Multi-verse multiplying itself should create an
energy-mass or even mathematical budget deficit that would
exponentially multiply itself by itself.”
“Yes that does seem improbable Laura. As far as I know though,
forensic accounting doesn’t allow unreal numbers, while reality
“Yes. Perhaps Sapere. If math is spirit at some juncture, or
thought, the systems structure of a Multi-verse might be
permitted imaginary numbers multiplying themselves infinitely
with each calculation.
For some reason Sapere, I feel the latter; with deficits morphing
into structures. Maybe the Yupanqui-Lorentz transformation
formula will help with that conjecture.”
Sapere Aude began wolfing down the steak and eggs between
slurping up sweetened espresso.
“This hits the spot Laura. “What kind of meat is it?”
“That is Grimm meat taken from the wild by hunters and
brought to Beach every day from the highlands of the Munchen
nebula a few parsecs away.”
Clip Murderm was on assignment from Heneral Scaldeen and
arrived at the Secretions of the Hidden Universe minutes after
Victor Scriabin decimated the criminal ruling parole council and
President Maud Dlib in the devastating explosion at Lobang. He
did not tarry at the Secretions and continued onward through to
Lootanburn while the height of the criminal imperial first
responders to the obliteration of the Supreme Parole council
members brought a horde of criminals to secure the scene of the
disaster and search for booty to loot.
The exit of the Hexi corridor on Lobang was just minutes away
via hypertube from Lootanburn and the Emporium mess he
learned of on the hypertube’s criminal news you can use screen.
Clip Murderm had left the Hexi just before the status bar of the
Hexi changed from green to red. He was cut off from the Hidden
Universe and he realized, left on his own in the original Universe
for the time being.
Murderm was aware he was the highest ranking survivor of the
Imperial Criminal Empire in this Universe and had the natural
right to rule, or believed he did until he was informed via comm
link of the distress signals of Heneral Cheryl Scaldeen and
Commander Nikrita Kukuk. Murderm knew Scaldeen was higher
ranking than himself, yet if she was in captivity in this Universe,
apparently on the planet Beach of the Dwindled Worlds, the
logical implication meant he was indeed acting leader of the
Criminal Universe; his Universe at least until he got around to
liberating Scaldeen from captivity. He wasn’t in a hurry.
The hypertube depot was near the Emporium. A trio of criminal
security personnel assigned to the Supreme Parole were waiting
for him.
“Get me Maud Dlib’s aide de camp if he or she or it survived the
blast and have it at the Emporium annex where I will take charge
of this miserable world. Have the head of security waiting too,
along with the Lobang cartel’s chief enforcement officer.”
With that order to the leader of the pack of three security
officers Murderm asserted his alpha criminal leadership role that
he knew he would enjoy. Playing criminal king of the Universe for
the foreseeable future.
Even so he realized soberly that it would be necessary to work
vigorously to free Scaldeen and Kukuk so he would not seem to
have been not trying to do so in case the inconvenient two
actually were released, escaped or broken out of captivity at
Beach through means other than his.
The security officer communicated to the security office to
locate and deliver the right people to the Emporium annex. They
neared the main entrance of the annex located across the piazza
from the Emporium.
Murderm looked askance at the dust in the air, shattered glass
and miscellaneous debris from the blast at the Emporium, turned
his head and walked inside the annex.
A tall, dark stranger with a menacing look and a missing eye
replaced by a micro-computer with full spectrum sensors stood
by a gaming table. He said to Murderm, walking his way; “Sir, I
am McRaegore Lutfist, former aide de camp for the incarcerated
President of Lobang and countless other realms of profit.”
“Great Lutfist; give me a report on the state of affairs Maud Dlib
oversaw. In short, what irons did she have in the fire.”
Lutfist said; “The late President had looted the intellectual
properties of nearly four thousand worlds and had seventeen
thousand active planetary and system projects of infiltration and
establishment for the end of looting any worthwhile intellectual
properties. Most of the data obtained was consolidated here at
Lobang and sent through the Hexi corridor to the High council of
criminal elites in the Hidden Universe.”
“Yes Lutfist; and data there was forwarded unto alien sponsors
of the criminal high council. That practice stops now. All
intellectual data will be consolidated unto me for my data
storage through you. You McRaegore, are my new aide de camp
as leader of this criminal universe. Regard me as the new Maud
Dlib if you will and the high council and aliens as effectively
“What Sir, if I may ask, about Heneral Scaldeen? She won’t
tolerate being second to anyone other than Maud Dlib.”
“McRaegore, she is a captive on the Dwindled World’s planet
Beach along with Commander Nikrita Kukuk. That’s why I am
taking charge during this interregnum of leadership. I don’t know
what has happened with the high council or the aliens. For the
present the Hexi and communication with the Hidden Universe
and the alien universe aren’t working.
I brought a copy of all of the patentable data the aliens got from
us though, on a hyper-memory chip. Take it and see if you can
find anything useful on it that would enable us to restore extra-
universal travel and comms.” Murderm took a hyper-mem chip
from a pocket and handed it to Lutfist, who took it.
“One more thing Lutfist; some of the criminals infiltrating the
Dwindled Worlds are dispirited by all of the civil rights
developments that have curtailed most physical torture. I want
to do something to lift their spirits. So send care packages of
wireless torture technology to our cells so they can bring torture
that is untracable and unaccountable to the Dwindled Worlds
that all of the paper on the planets can’t stop, and smiles to the
faces of our loyal criminals.”
“Yes sirpt” Lutfist replied. He about faced and walked to an
administrative area in the corner of the temporary HQ of the
criminal empire of the Universe.
When the chief enforcement officer arrived following the head of
Emporium security, Murderm said; “You are Shung Gnu, chief
enforcement officer of the Lobang cartel?”
Shung Gnu nodded his head in agreement.
“Then you are my new head of planetary security, and I am the
new President of the criminal universe. You’re first task is to
reform Emporium security. Cut off the heads of all Emporium
security officers present and encase them in clear poured plastic
to make paperweights for my new staff. Establish your cartel
gang siccarios as my new Emporium security officers.”
Shung Gnu obeyed the new order, extracting a stiletto sword
slashing off the head of the former chief of the Emporium’s
security in the blink of an eye followed by a kata killing a trio of
security officers with similar decisive slashes.
“Ah, evolution is such a lovely thing” President Murderm said.
“This place has suites doesn’t it McRaegore?”
“Yes sir; a Vice Presidential suite too.”
“Good McRaegore; that is my new Presidential suite and office
for the Universe until we find a better, more suitable
accommodation. Send a pack of service women to it with
champagne, caviar and a fat brisket of smoked Grimm meat.”
“Yes sir” McRaegore replied.
Walking away to the mag-lift Murderm said over his shoulder;
“Get the best operator we have to liberate Heneral Scaldeen and
Commander Kukuk from Beach. Expedite the insertion of criminal
personnel to infiltrate the governments and business leadership
of worlds we haven’t started looting of ideas yet. I will be busy
for a while. Do not disturb me for a couple of hours. Get rolling
McRaegore; time’s wasting.”
“The construction of echo chambers in the Dwindled Worlds
should be given top priority. Albert Maxwell comprehended their
principles better than I, Laura. Yet, as I understand it, they can
replicate themselves in every conceivable universe of the
Metaverse and in all shades of universes, to an infinite extent. I
would presume the challenge lies in navigating those systems
without any sort of Metaverse positioning technology.”
“Absolutely, Sapere. To us, echo chambers are configured in a
black box. Immediately, we should enlist Dr. Yupanqui to adapt
the formula for the Lorentz transformation that provides data
within the criterion of special relativity for the relationship
between observers in space and time, to all possible universes.
The echo chambers would provide a practical point of application
for the principles of the new Lorentz-Yupanqui formula that He
who overcomes time and space is developing.'"
“How do we go about that, Laura?”
“Well, he is the sole survivor of the Martian genocide remaining
on Mars. He is living deep in a cave that he uses for research,
quite secluded with an entrance inconveniently located several
hundred feet from the top of the great Valles Marineris in a
canyon wall. We will need a guide to get to Yupanqui, and I have
one; a Martian expatriate named Edmund Mallory. Mallory is on
his way to Mars and will wait to rendezvous with us.”
“We are going to Mars?”
“Yes, Sapere, that’s where we are called. Mallory will meet us at
Neener Jahvez and take us on to the village of Bradbury at the
edge of the chasm.”
The S.V. Shibboleth was nearly half the size of Phobos, parked
nearby in stationary orbit. Great particle pulse engines at four
points on the moon used to adjust Phobos's orbit were visible
from miles away. The vista of Mars, the sun, and stars of the
Milky Way surrounded them. Laura and Sapere Aude rode a
peanut lander from the Shibboleth down to the Martian moon.
“This is my first trip to the old solar system worlds, Laura; they
aren’t in very good condition these days.”
“The nearly dead world of Mars, with just two living souls upon it
before we arrive and double the population, is desolate. Earth’s a
heat wasteland, and Venus an incendiary plot of sulphur,” Laura
observed. “Outside of it, historians care about it while others
care just for the dwindled resources. At least the Dwindled
Worlds haven’t fallen to that level of degradation and death yet.”
The peanut lander dropped in next to the Phobos station
descender/elevator cable to Mars. An airlock corridor
magnetically attached itself to the peanut. The doors snapped
open, and Laura and Sapere Aude walked through to the station.
It was empty except for a few corpses of station operators that
stank in place from decomposition.
“The Serenity Corporation didn’t miss a thing, Sapere, except for
Dr. Yupanqui’s cave. I can’t wait to see that for myself,” Laura
They entered the descender to Mars at Neener Jahvez. The
doors closed after a few seconds, and the quick descent
automatically commenced, delivering them in ten minutes to the
heart of the city. When the doors opened in the building lobby,
they saw that it was littered with bodies. And amidst them stood
Edmund Mallory with his hat in hand.
“Mallory!” Laura exclaimed.
“Laura Thought!” Mallory replied.
“I am Sapere Aude of the Dwindled Worlds Phi Psi security. I am
happy to meet you!” said Sapere Aude, walking over to shake
the strong climber’s hand.
“We should move on directly to Bradbury village unless you
have anything in town you want to see,” Mallory said.
“No, nothing to see here,” Laura replied. “Let the dead bury the
Mallory led Sapere Aude and Laura Thought to a fan car parked
in a lot off the solar-powered Meisner-effect levitating Martian
road system. They stepped into the fan car, and the clear canopy
dropped over them as a sanctuary providing breathable air for
the journey.
Mallory engaged the lift, and the car rose to hover in the lot,
accelerated the electric fan, and exited through auto-dog doors
that kept the thick atmosphere in and the thin atmosphere out.
In morning sunshine, they rode and the car switched through a
few loops, reaching the highway to Valles Marineris and villages
located on the edge.
“How do you feel about the democide, Mallory?” Laura asked.
“My people moved to the Dwindled Worlds from Mars a
generation ago, after the civil war build-up started. I just lived
here to study with Clinton Hillary, the first climber to scale all of
the difficult surfaces of Mars freestyle. His death by Woodchuck
gas attack was so terribly wrong that I haven’t any words to say
about Serenity. The loss of a planet’s population is too great to
understand in a way.”
Mallory raised the hovercraft speed up a notch, and they moved
swiftly across the surface of the desert world while distant
plumes of dust stirred up on high ridge crests and volcanic
“Serenity simply abandoned Mars after it took all of the invented
ideas from the Mars Library of Patents, Mallory,” Laura
“Yes, I have heard about that on the public communications web
of the Dwindled Worlds. Some news releases mentioned aliens
and Hidden Universes. I guess they seem like part of the normal
society until they get what they want, Laura,” Mallory said.
“They will need to disguise and change their name for the
corporate front everyplace after the democide,” added Sapere
“That village ahead of us is named Saint Paul. It was the site of
an orthodox monastery before the Woodchuck struck. Bradbury
is just a few miles farther along the rim.”
They reached Saint Paul and saw the lifeless streets with a few
of the dead evident in fan cars, sidewalks, and in front of closed
doors where a hand might rest outstretched as if dying to enter.
“God rest their souls,” Sapere Aude remarked; “At last they
The three drove on to Bradbury village and saw rows of glass
domes on Martian regolith covered bases around fused molten
stone foundations and basements.
“With that quality of home construction, it would have taken
complete surprise and broad distribution of Woodchuck before
activation to kill so many people in so many secure facilities. We
haven’t determined how all of the Woodchuck gas was
distributed. I suspect, though, that Serenity infused ordinary
household objects with a form of the gas that was inert until
activated and released by some sort of a broadcast ignition
signal,” Laura said.
“That’s your department, Laura. Mine is just to get you safely
down the wall to Dr. Yupanqui at his more or less inaccessible
research lab,” Mallory said as the fan-car slowed to a stop at an
overlook a mile northeast of Bradbury village.
“Dr. Yupanqui is just below us several hundred feet. My climbing
buddies and I studying with Clinton Hillary used to practice on
the wall and take supplies with us to Dr. Yupanqui.”
“Sure, Mallory. You must have great climbing skill;
unfortunately, we don’t,” Sapere Aude said.
As the three got off of the fan car, Mallory said, “That’s no
problem, Sapere Aude. I have adapted a special carabineer and
climber’s harness that will let even rank novices walk or run an
Australian rappel; that is a headfirst rappel, down a wall without
any practice or technical skill. In fact, for this mission, I have
added an A.I. chip to operate the harness and rope for each of
you. It will let you know what is expected of you, what happens
next, and so forth,” Edmund Mallory informed him before walking
to the boot of the fan car and extracting climber’s ropes, special
carabineers, and ascender/descenders with Australian rappel
harness apparatuses.
He fastened the end of each rope to a three-part winch on the
bumper of the fan car, handed a harness to Sapere and Laura to
wear and connected a rope to each of the harnesses. For himself,
Mallory used a normal carabineer.
“Just walk to the edge of the cliff and lean out as if you were
going to let yourselves fall. The harness will keep you
perpendicular to the wall and move you a few hundred feet down
the Valles to Dr. Yupanqui’s cave. He knows you are on the way
and will pull in your lines. Your harnesses will flip you to gravity
upright at the right moment.”
“Wonderful,” Laura said.
Mallory ran over to the edge and disappeared; Laura and Sapere
followed a moment later. In about thirty seconds, they reached
the cave entrance, were rotated around to face the cave, and
flipped upright as Edmund and Dr. Yupanqui secured their lines
to bring them in from the space outside the entrance.
Laura, Sapere, Pach, and Mallory strolled to the cave entrance,
gazing at the vast expanse of the Valles. They hooked up to
climbing cables and signaled Mallory, who spooled the fan-car
engine to action., The quartet swiftly ascended the Valles,
detached from the cables, loaded into the fan-car, and cruised
through Bradbury village toward the mag-levator at Neener
Mallory conveyed, "Pach, your return to Mars may be delayed;
I'll safeguard your place."
Dr. Yupanqui inquired, "You're not joining us?"
"No, sir; I want Mars to have some company," Mallory replied,
pulling off the mag-way and halting at the lift station. "Goodbye,
Mallory," the three chorused, leaving the fan-car at the station.
When Sapere, Laura, and Dr. Yupanqui ascended the mag-lift to
Phobos, overlooking Mars's depopulated frontier, Dr. Yupanqui
asked Laura, "Where will I build Maxwell's modified Lorentz
transformer for the echo chamber?"
Laura replied, "The Office of the Dwindled Worlds at Beach
oversees numerous moons and planets within a thousand light
years. Shaddrach, an uninhabited world, is our choice. An
advance team prepared a secure location far below the surface,
equipped with an industrial-grade supercomputer and relocator.
Some planets as you know have cool cores and going deep
doesn’t meet with intolerable heat.
First, we'll head to Beach to review the echo chamber plans and
data on the alien's inventory loaded on the hyper-cube. Once
ready, you can relocate to Shaddrach for your lab and echo
chamber assembly op."
At Phobos terminal, Laura led them to the peanut lander.
Contacting Captain Spork of the S.V. Shibboleth, she directed,
"Prepare for relocation; two companions are en route."
"Understood, Director," Captain Spork acknowledged. The
Shibboleth materialized, and the peanut lander accelerated. A
colossal explosion shattered Phobos station after they reached
the Shibboleth's landing bay.
While Laura, Sapere, and Pach boarded the Shibboleth, Clip
Murderm asked the captain of the Barracuda-class stealth
punishment ship Eat it and Die, "Did we succeed? Thought and
Yupanqui can't be allowed to escape!"
First Criminal Commander Queeg replied, "We can't be certain.
The peanut lander's exit before the blast suggests otherwise."
"Frustrating! Build a new ship, Eat It and Die II, with the stolen
Altereal unit. Send it to Lobang directly, armed with bigger,
faster weapons for maximum collateral damage."
Meanwhile, Shark Kleed and the Slithy Toves executed an
economic takeover plan across 17,000 worlds. By corrupting the
voting system and debasing democracy, they aimed to exploit
panic buying, corruption, and loose politics. Serenity Corp's
strategy sought control over planetary governments for resource
and idea plundering.
Laura informed Captain Spork of potential Serenity tracking,
advising a pilot wave ahead. The Shibboleth cast the pilot wave
and followed to orbit Beach.
From the command deck, they marveled at Beach's equatorial
beauty. Laura shared forensics research findings, revealing a
coordinated effort to end secret ballots and manipulate voting
systems across Dwindled Worlds. The Serenity Corporation
threatened a takeover through corrupted voting, potentially
within the month.
Sapere expressed concern, saying with a modicum of vocal fry,
"Pach can address this issue by implementing his Yupanqui-
Lorentz transformation technology in the echo chamber."
Pach affirmed, "Yes, indeed, I'm ready to begin."
Laura concluded, "Sapere and Pach, get back into the relocator
for Shaddrach. I'll join you shortly." When they entered the
chamber, Laura bid farewell, "See you soon, Sapere Aude,"
before closing the door to the distant next world.
Sapere Aude and Dr. Yupanqui emerged onto a relocator below
the surface of Shaddrach. A cacophony of construction noises
greeted them along with station foreman Tlap Tsong. Tlap said,
“Glad you finally made it Dr. Yupanqui and D.C.I. Sapere Aude.
We have progressed so far as we can to excavate a few hundred
miles of deep sub-surface tunnels and a subway terminus at
what is the intended site of your echo chamber. A subway
terminus at the doorway to the Metaverse is something I would
like to see.”
“So would I,” Dr. Yupanqui replied.
Tlap Tsong handed a construction safety hard hat and breathing
unit to each, and they followed him down an electro-mag
accelerated subway tooking them to the heart of the forge.
Dr. Yupanqui said to Tlap Tsong, “You already have blueprints
and an inventory of items to construct the echo chamber. Go
ahead then and simply add these items and follow the design on
this syntegrity cube. It has my modifications to the echo
chamber that include the modified and upgraded Lorentz
transformation application to the chamber.” He took a micro-
cube from a coat pocket and handed it to Tlap Tsong.
“Yes sir, I’ll get it done. Just exit the subway at the last station
where you can see ongoing construction and turn right at the
entrance to the Meta-chamber where your living and research
quarters are located, behind the door numberone.”
Tlap Tsong exited the subway at the next station and hurried
along toward a construction control terminal to input the data,
reassign personnel and priorities to expedite construction of the
Yupanqui-Lorentz transformer modified echo chamber. Sapere
and Pach continued to the subway terminal and saw before them
a great cavern filled with workmen assembling complex
electronic components. They installed quantum computer stacks,
super-conductors, and coils of relocator assemblies. The pair saw
door number one to the right and walked over to it. The bronze
door opened with a swoosh to a warren of richly appointed living
quarters and research lab spaces.
Doctor Yupanqui said to Sapere Aude, “My role in designing the
technical equipment is virtually over. What I will need to do now
is to write software that will address the complex issues of
operations and use of the hyper-echo chamber; any ideas?”
Sapere said, “I recall Maxwell’s rewrite of the mathematical
code of the structure of the alien and Hidden Universes along the
Hexi-gate line, especially, and to the Metaverse, so I suggest that
you might apply Maxwell’s method for mathematical revisions to
the structure of the Metaverse to rewrite the mathematical code
of wicked minds belonging to members of the Imperial Criminal
Empire so they would have remorse for their wicked deeds and
have good minds. Wouldn’t that most directly end the criminal’s
threat to take over the Universe?”
“Yes Sapere, I believe it would. I have the ability to write
mathematical code like Maxwell’s; however, I need to ask, do I
have the moral right to do so? Is it ethical to change the
mathematical code of mind content of sentient beings forcibly,
even if it is an emergency? And if I went ahead and did so, would
the changes be just temporary? What would happen if all of the
criminal minds snapped back from good to evil thoughts all of a
sudden? Not only would there be social repercussions, there
might be a vast surge of alternate universe switching scenarios
across infinite x numbers of universes or Multiverses.”
“Well, Dr. Yupanqui, we can’t have administrator privileges to
make permanent code changes to mathematical foundations of
all possible universes of the greatest Metaverse can we?” Sapere
“No, I would think not Sapere. As Christians we might have a
different opinion about that prospect than might those without
faith. That would make a great difference in the range of possible
outcomes and for beliefs concerning the ability humans might
have, or that A.I. could have, to make permanent changes. It is
rather problematic at any rate. Making changes to the greatest
set of all sets, including itself, as an omniscient God might be
imagined to do, would appear to require negation of the sentient
being doing so in order to include himself.”
Sapere interjected, “And God never changes.”
Pach continued, “We tend to believe that God has made the
Metaverse as a contingent expression of His will, rather than as
an equal set paradigm peer of mathematical parameters of
Metaverse math coding. If we believed that God was simply a
mathematical peer flexing his mind-strength in generating a
Multi-verse from basic points, we would expect him to negate
himself to include himself within His creation, and for us that
would seem to be logically contradictory, except of course if we
in some way substituted Jesus Christ for God, or serving as God,
being logically self-negated from the set of all sets, including
Himself as the greatest Meta-set when crucified.”
“That’s quite a ponderous paradigm Pach. Have you got a
simplified version?” Sapere asked.
“My guess Sapere is that the pre-determined existence of all
possible forms of Metaverse contains enough space for all of the
changes of Metaverse code anyone could choose to write into
the mathematical forms of the Metaverse.”
During the passage of the next seven days, the transformation
features of the hyper-echo chamber were insinuated into the
build as it neared completion. On the eighth day, Laura Thought
arrived to find Sapere arranging security measures on a planet
security control console, and Dr. Yupanqui writing software for
the hyper-echo chamber.
“Greetings guys,” she said walking in.
Sapere answered, “Hi Laura, what’s up?”
“The Dwindled World’s voters are defecting to elect Serenity
Corporation leaders. We have only a short time before their
takeover moves a majority of the alliance to the dark side of
Serenity. Even now, they are in the shadow of doom.”
“What a shame Laura. I’ve discovered a super-power Albert
Maxwell wrote into my math mind-code when we were in the
echo chamber on the alien planet Prime. I have the power to
balance planetary ecology budgets and sustainability with
syntegrity for human social economies,” Sapere informed her.
“Yeah, that is a damn shame Sapere. If the Dwindled Worlds all
vote for the dark side of Serenity Corporate rule, planetary
budgets probably won’t matter, with the citizens more likely to
experience termination in a Sobibor budget paradigm,” Laura
“I wonder if cycles of history in a Universe, or even in a
Multiverse can be separated into cycles for sentients and cycles
for inanimate mass and energy. Mind or spirit is conjectured to
be superior to mass and energy to a certain extent, in a manner
of speaking.
We might wonder if philosophies of history are present in a
Multiverse in all aspects or in none meaningfully. Could it be that
aesthetics and art are of a more transcendent character than
mass and energy and other forms that are a kind of clay of that
spirit molds? Thank God for the existence of God since criminals
are nihilists.
I say Laura and Pach that;
On the edge of the galaxy
time spins like a silent pinwheel
phenomena of life flare for reason
in conversant dialectics of being
arguments about oblivion
and nothingness