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01._June_2010 IBO-01.

02._Dec_2010 IBO-01.pdf
03._June_2011 IBO 01.pdf
05._June_2012 IBO-01.pdf
06._Dec_2012 IBO-01.pdf
07._June_2013 IBO-01.pdf
08._Dec_2013 IBO-01.pdf
11._June_2015 IBO-01.pdf
12._Dec_2015 IBO-01.pdf
13._June_2016 IBO-01.pdf
14._Dec_2016 IBO-01.pdf
16._Dec_2017 IBO-01.pdf
17._June_2018 IBO-01.pdf
18._Dec_2018 IBO-01.pdf
19._June_2019 IBO-01.pdf
21._June_2020 IBO-01.pdf
22._Dec_2020 IBO-01.pdf
23._June_2021 IBO-1.pdf
24._Dec_2021 IBO-01.pdf
25._June_2022 IBO-1.pdf
26._Dec_2022 IBO-01.pdf
No. of Printed Pages : 4 IB0-01


Term-End Examination
June, 2010

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer both Part-A and Part-B.


1. Comment on any four of the following : 5x4

Subsidies do not help local companies to be cost competitive.

International capital flows do not accelerate the momentum of globalization.

The introduction of new technologies does not lead to economies in the use of
raw materials.

The agreement to export does not operate as a present sale of future goods.

(e) Dumping is not an unethical activity.

IB0-01 1 P.T.O.
Answer any four questions :
Distinguish among domestic, foreign and global environment. Explain the economic 5+15
and financial environment related to the international business.

(a) Why does a firm become transnational ? 10+10

(b) Discuss the rationale of transfer of technology.

4. Explain the multilateral agreements related to : 20

Textiles and clothing
(c) Trade Related Investment Measures

5. Describe the proper law of the contract when choice of law clause : 10+10
(a) exists (b) is absent

6. (a) Describe various Internet services related to the international business. 10+10
(b) Discuss the Global Trade point Network.

7. (a) Analyse the recent trends in international FDI flows. 10+10

(b) Discuss the trends in FDI inflows in India.

8. Write notes on any two of the following : 10+10

Modern theory of trade
Cross border mergers and acquisitions.
(c) Elements of the export sales contract.
(d) Trade Related Intellectual property.

IB0-01 2

atd-4071 cq cl •Fil t i 71.( rstm ciirui\rti if

FAllI ch TU 341
11:1, 2010

: cqcmiq tft-kr4ri.

TTT17 : 3 ETU 3-TfETWR17 31.T : 100

-de : (5.5-31' 3117 tia - 0-t? slat 01-44

,k5,5 - 3T

1. f:1 4--irrifig d -4 -4 arrest rei Lirutil : 5x4

3T719. T-9-Tr9-17 -17F--dTcrql tr4 H q < 161 t I

3f91117 -9-417dYc4 11 9
7-57 tI

417 t 374 -4 t 777111 14 H ratVti

- +4(it 4-11c1 f ? tc\ f t-1,iirc1d t

(e) I ci cf t I

IB0-01 3 P.T.O.
tS - 7

f 7- ' 77T -517-41. d 3t-It :

t f7-a711 tr"7-q-- 1TR-47[ 3-1c1t I 3-klt cqcit-II61tf -t=1-4fqff aufif-- at fa-9-17 5+15
tri-Ovr .Lrf--A-7 I

(a) tit-MO-El TE4 iIci t? 10+10

(b) 747

4. 7-61:017 0q 1 LIR 7M .T1-F7q : 20


(c) 4-14-si -it fikvt

5. 31-1*4 dLIW 1719 -WW-A7 yid 3IVN 10+10

(a) t (b) 111-4-q 16i t

6. (a) HR-R104 0 44.141a Tt7r11ff raFwg .k)arati -1-r-$7

-- I10+10
(b) Gip4R 7rti

7. (a) SW-R-T fd-k.4" 7#1717 f F:4 1A u f --1f-A7 I 10+10

(b) ql-R-ff 14 SlcW flt4ft f9-471 79Th' [714ff

8. q
ft_ f7ftt7 : 10+10
0114It ft=1-41
ti1HI-1R 1 T e l i 7 2-TT 314 i

f-171 d fq-wzr 31-174 ciccf

og lq lt 147F97

IB0-01 4
No. of Printed Pages : 4 IB0-01


Term-End Examination
December, 2010

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer both Part-A and Part-B.


1. Comment on any four of the following . 5x4=20

(a) Ecological environment does not influence international business .

(b) The features of TNCs of developed Countries are same as the TNCs of developing
countries .

(c) Instability in export earnings of developing countries is caused by both demand and
supply factors.

(d) Ethical dilemmas and ethical lapses are the same.

(e) Commodity markets are not dominated by oligopolistic or monopolistic elements.

IB0-01 1 P.T.O.
Answer any four questions.

2. (a) Distinguish between absolute advantage and comparative advantage 8+12=20

(b) Do you think that free trade is always better than no trade. Give arguments.

3. What do you mean by globalization ? Describe major forces of globalization . 5+15=20

4. Analyse the commodity composition of world trade. Explain various problems of

developing countries in this context, 6+14=20

5. (a) Discuss the essential elements of a contract of sale. 10+10=20

(b) Describe various implied conditions in a contract of sale.

6. Discuss the following multilateral environment agreements. 10+10=20

(a) The Montreal protocol
(b) The Basel convention

7. What are various forms of Regional Economic Groupings? Give examples. Discuss the
impact of Regional Economic Groupings. 5+15=20

8. Write notes on any two of the following : 10+10=20

(a) Current Account of Balance of Payments

(b) UNCTAD's Integrated Programme on Commodities
(c) Terms of trade
(d) General Agreement on Trade in services

IB0-01 2

Mmiltil t'lltich 'Mt r5L(1) 1-11 / \Tel 4

k-lideb)ru zErriv

&GI 2010

3T0.4-.311.-01 : atmitzt "crirr4vr

0 414: 3 -i(12 31firWM7 31W : 100

nit-ai atk utg-w uN

1. r-ii-iicifioct 414 ch•6 WI' TR d1-4 -1•1AR 5x4=20

(a) turevelf-dw trrOvi atuit-zr cAlamq 3i T11cbof t

(b) famftict tt*TruTitzr TiEr facnitik1(4 tql1 wrOzi fakl wmL l

MT. * tl

(c) Tit fffzita. 3Tfmcdr 311.{ tird wr{4146-1ti

(d) Arcich PtO Aed-* trdff R'W tI

(e) 30 11g IM it
- 'S r il-Mt. air "birtrfd
er "gRI tI

IB0-01 3 P.T.O.
fc641. WIT mk-if art gir,s1k;

2. (a) f974kT 7fi-T qoliclict) .1.14 at-d7 wdriR I 8+12=20

(b) 17T aiftf .tzrgre4f. @ f* 13-4ff otINIt @ AYrr t 041141k 71 .1)(4 14 tot tic t I aTEFT* c11-,71Li, I

3. otAul 371 1:17c t? cntof latat W{MI cif flkqff V'f-A7 I 5+15=20

4. elkci °WAR i dc41q, (13fri:KuT V elk irIur . I cionitvi rf kef fdfirif Wrizffatf*T cciitY4I
I 6+14=20

5. (a) *-
fq-- 74* 31-1.4.4 * 31F4PLIW ciccif cif lc -1 r I 10+10=20

(b) f.*-{# -g* a-T-Otuk 3f-difu P-Acf fa -4wi VfXR

6. cfgLftzf trzrkm TrrrOal auk V177 I 10+10=20

(a) +4,1q qt slzlmirr

(b) fi

7. 07137104* t-itilcbtuf fdfifff sicni( WIT t? qlrIK #-A17131.

. 1fel* tv-p crALIT*3111T4
wr auk VI-AR I 5+15=20

8. cmicifisid 414 ft-4 tfT fFr.T§R : 10+10=20

(a) i1 si *17 f

(b) UNCTAD *T i TO:ITO "*T chi ,r)44

(c) all4lt V 71

(d) 1 ar3 cilLIK .11&11-e.( TfgrotIRT

I130-01 4
No. of Printed Pages : 4 IB0-01


Term-End Examination
02 554
June, 2011

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer both Part-A and Part-B.


1. Comment on any four of the following statements. 4x5=20

(a) Basic functions, processes and techniques of international business are essentially
the same as those involved in domestic business.

(b) All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts.

(c) The absolute advantage determines the pattern of trade between the two countries.

(d) Free trade is always better than no trade.

(e) Concept of trade in services is not as straight forward as the concept of trade in

(f) Commodity markets are free markets.

IB0-01 1 P.T.O.

Answer any four questions

2. Why do companies engage in international business ? What are the major cultural
factors that affect international business ? Give suitable illustrations in support of your
answer. 10+10=20

3. What are the major issues in settlement of international trade disputes ? Discuss the
role of International Chambers of Commerce (ICC) in this regard. 12+8=20

4. (a) Describe the concept of Transfer of Technology. 5+15=20

(b) What are the various levels of transfer of technology ? Discuss giving suitable
illustrations in support of your answer.

5. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of FDI. Also explain the role of FDI in the
economic development of the host country. 10+10=20

6. Describe the factors responsible for environmental concern giving increasing importance 20
in the global trade agreements.

7. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10=20

(a) Terms of Trade.

(b) International Finance Corporation.

(c) Global Trade Point Network (GTPN)

(d) Non-Tariff Barriers.


349-404 et•leMIt-i Yni1C11 At IrichiTI't Ng-M.411 / clINI\V-I if

ICIchirVe ZCirfti

-1:11.1 trfiVi

‘"ff, 2011

34**-01 : ataTitti ce-1 (V.I I q trft*ri

7477 : 3 Erig- 3TfuT 7-17 37'T : 100

*-a- : zgug 31 3.0 4 ' 01)* W' drH e-r-/


1. -11-.1 Cl t5d 14 74 77:V1?" -2.1 c .-1411C1 1 -1.r7-4 i 4x5=20

(a) 3.-11 od-folkilq t 3-1-R-177 —rzi, 4 9W-II f 44 dgi -8)-4t t t, 14- ,.-1 ci oe-IW.-11.4 14
ti t I

(b) 'RA' 3-17;4TI140-a t.17 RA. T11:17P 3-TT4N la t I

(c) "f9eRT -Fli t tA t A-q. 01141k 'f fT4ir-t7 .b(di t 1

(d) 0?-iP41( T .i -II *1, 11WE oqik-lit -WI -if "4-0T 4-ii-ii Alcif t I

(e) cilA 14 041141( 'WI k-1.11(.4-1-11 6t1-11 rfi -la t. 111-1) F4- -a-9A -4 .,-114R .11 I

(f) 37rg q mik -ia-TI .11\311k -t- t I


IB0-01 3 P.T.O.

2. a*-11:4 *74r ? 3T7Tit--q -754-rra-ff m7-4

*R* ? 3TIT4 61.k * 6q1or c'lf-,R 10+10=20

3. 61-c-Ris):I-i fq-dTqf9-crdTil?icv-iI 11-47;{ -11*.g. “ 3-1-----frtzt 1-1c4 (31t.Th..7:11.)

* a) o'--1R9-I1 *IF-*1I 12+8=20

4. (a) Pict) a-1 oaRsql W-A-4 I 5+15=20

(b)Pla-,e) *f-41-17 TEITt? 3T 67R T1712i7 -4 of r4c1 To4 a -q-if

- 4f—A

-r.51. (7%1 TIF-97:4 a-;1 «a WA!*IF---44I -4-

4-417 al-rfft fa-*-Fr T.b.t.aTrl.
91-F-RTT 0-1R«-11 ‘i-W1 1 10+10=20

6. 6-1 *kci;i a71 0q1(9=11 *if fa-k mltifr fad oil41( Tin7Mf illf747f 3-11.1*17 tql 717f 20

7. F-P-IrokAd if if 4{km 11 z Thfu4 10+10=20

(a) o'-11LIlt *1 74

(b) 3T47174 fai 1i4IH (IFC)

(c) c)--11LIR * (Global Trade Point Network)

(d) 31TqT7 (Non-tariff barriers)

IB0-01 4
No. of Printed Pages : 4 IB0-01


Term-End Examination
June, 2012

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer both the Parts.

1. Comment on any four of the following : 4x5=20
(a) Economic and Political environment does not play any role in the conduct of
international business.
(b) If a country's inflation rate increases in relation to the countries with which it
trades, its current account would be expected to increase.
(c) Globalization is not understood as a business chains.
(d) Non-tariff barriers do not restrict market access to the products of developing
(e) Proper law of contract is not applicable in international contracts.
(f) Ethics does not involve moral standards.

IB0-01 1 P.T.O.
Answer any four of the following :
2. (a) Describe factors affecting the balance of Payments.

(b) Explain methods of correcting disequilibrium in the balance of payments.

3. What are various forms of Regional Economic Groupings ? Discuss the impact of
Regional Economic Groupings. 5+15=20

4. (a) Why do firms become transnational ? Give your arguments. 10+10=20

(b) Discuss the issues and controversies of Transnational Corporations.

5. (a) Describe the objectives and functions of International Monetary Fund.

(b) Explain the financial assistance provided by IMF.

6. Discuss various unethical activities carried out by the Multinational Corporations. 20

Do you think that code of ethics could be helpful in controlling such unethical activities.

7. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Legal Environment
(b) Intellectual Property Rights
(c) UNCTAD and Commodities
(d) The Proper law of contract

IB0-01 2

afTifitEr ce401*11t4 YmiRli kimet;i-rt ,( raw! / airum4

‘7, 2012
aT1.*.311.-o1 : 3tali71:4 cti el ki I ti "Cri-r4r
R-14-7 : 3 ET77-2 . aTfETTTIT 37w : 100

: Uirq. 3T 721T M- 01). W7-r--47/

tguS - 3T

1. Oci 1114 ."-

jWiTT2,Tt W-110 -cf-ir I 4x5=20

(a) ow=miq ,&1\1411-cia.) eft 7t 91fm cl I

(b) q(q kf 11qR-11-1rci v-fr 011? s3-1141 t RTI-1T /TM 31:f TT chlellt
-a-Tr 7rz <4)1 t
(c) cbtof t Lm cetic,Ri Act) c- -0 TR-0 Al-ti -.16 I

(d) 31—dttT .T71t' 4 31-47T -crT .5ff-dttT

- I

(e) 39f %T T 3crzl47 affftItzT 3TT9 ITT 0141\ la i)cll I

(f) -4t-171 4f-ffT H Non -q-friTT

IB0-01 3 P.T.O.
tgus -
X14 lrrscla 4 4-i : 3rlt f)ftR 10+10
2. (a) dMAla ml 151141f-4-ff
1J-41- ark m1 oil(sqi --IfqR I

(b) Ala 3ITIFEMT rci rt.1-?4 'WE a uirf --1r7-R I

3. )-tzr 3iTf2k 011,011 a `11-- WTT 44T ? -?:{ 3iTft-W -511 f44-
49 5+15
-- I

4. (a) th--4 1-1tRlqiq (transnational) ct-i). \31141 3-TT4 d Ti

c d -1
.r77 I 10+10
(b) 4RRI f-1711:1)' 444-1--d f441-0 fr-449- I

5. (a)3T-d71-71-4
elf chit( (I M F) 3k-Vt T2TF 'WM Tqui-ff I 10+10
(b) 31 TlitT -W1EI (I M F) gio ,114 faf-TT klv.idi otiRsq W---

6. --0115.L7:1-zt f9TrIt gRt 01 31-4f--dW ilf-d- r4f474 "TT 41:49 I cK4I 31TIT fay 20
74 t#3Tf ,Ircirakt ml fTzfr-q-u Trror (Code of Ethics) Trwal. t?

7. 14-'1FOR5 f-Wt t -ER 4 qicff utql .WuR : 10+10

(a) roIrW -cIfT-471

(b) Ttcri-ff 3T (IPR)

(c) cqI141t 2.1T fa.--R=f (UNCTAD) 'T{07 .ff2TT 4111

(d) 3T-14'4T drr-icf .WEt9s

IB0-01 4
No. of Printed Pages : 4 IB0-01


Term-End Examination
December, 2012 08239

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer both Part-A and Part-B.

1. Comment on any four of the following : 4x5=20
(a) Political risk does not influence international business.
(b) Exchange rates do not influence current account of balance of payments.
(c) International capital flows do not strengthen the process of globalization.
(d) New technologies do not lead to economies in the use of raw materials.
(e) Arbitration is not preferred by international business persons.
(f) Services do not occupy important place in Indian economy.
Answer any four of the following : 10+10
2. (a) How do domestic, foreign and global environment influence international business ?
(b) Explain the modern theory of international trade.

3. What do you mean by globalization ? Discuss the major forces of globalization. 5+15

4. Describe the major problems faced by developing countries in promoting their exports.
Suggest measures to solve these problems. 15+5

5. Enumerate various multilateral trade agreements and discuss any two of them. 20

6. (a) Discuss the role of trade in services in the economic development of a country. 10+10
(b) Explain the recent trends in world trade in services.

7. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10

(a) Political environment
(b) India and Transfer of Technology
(c) Role of International Chamber of Commerce in Arbitration and conciliation
(d) Globle Trade Point Network
atdifttE 1W. it f5W1l1-11 clIrul\rti
ki All lill1TT

t-frIZITI 2012

31.*.3t-01 : afm-i-Ez71-44 al am i triTaw

: 3 E-772. 3TfETW717 3.7W : 100

upTar 721T R. / * W4V

tgus - 3T

71 4x5=20
1. rii-irorod -4114 .rwt wit tga)' kil-11(1 i

(a) (hArdch u 3t40-4 co-icMiq wir---4u chot

(b) Far-Hti Trari Ala t -911-rra-u

(c) 3tde1 -9-r-wzrr lisq cl-a I

(d) 1.111 40:4 t -3-71)7 14 -16 cn Litil

(e) attrIzr 0611,1k-111'1cl,&if Ric111-1 (arbitration) 3frW dr i I

ITR-4-413T2i-ara-T-2Tr .4 (citaff r -iatr wri lett


F-14--irorod -14 A fwt q-r4-177t ffffuS I 10+10

2. (a) 1;1--% fdtql1- 2.Tr IRST--4-qr atd71-s1zf olcM14 l f -5[91-rfq-ff t?

(b) 3tRtzr c4W14R chI 3-1T1f5W#1-
4-fd. m1 oqRso-if'WI-F-4R I

3. (1414,01 A cr-,-ri ro=r-4 t? crwit t trr-4 chi fa-k-49- tf-A7 5+15

4. FachR40 ch3-11:14f lfa ch 14 -4-7 1Wf TITITEITA r f114-1-1E WciT ":17T t ?

2.Tf 113-1'1 c4 t I 15+5

5. : fq-firvr -q-scR-117(«a I R -q tr -24T 14 A. tr 20

6. (a) 3-11f2k f1TE 14 74-4T3-1)' 0-ichl chi "WIF-

A7 I 10+10
(b) f4V-4 oqiIAR ch) 7-(9- qft -9-1"th• T . "-IL-0:1T fit? I

7. Ocl 14 A .4--tt Ti-Nm re..4 -r -ftR I 10+10

(a) kl\TI4Ircich 7174T

(b) ITR-ff

(c) Fc111-1-1 a2TT TO64 34 (Ai 1=f- (ICC) chl 9.01M-1"

(d) A-Nat oqp-IR f d (GTPN)

No. of Printed Pages : 4 IB0-01


Term-End Examination 0 1 1 C1 ,t
June, 2013

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%

Note : Attempt both Part-A and Part-B as per instructions. Marks have been indicated against
each part.


1. Comment on any four of the following statements : 4x5=20

(a) Basic functions, processes and techniques of international business are essentially
the same as those involved in domestic business.

(b) The purpose of a trade theory is to explain the pattern of trade between two

(c) The continuous deficits of balance of payments (BOP) is an important indicator

in credit rating of countries.

(d) Trade policy is an important instrument to regulate the foreign trade.

(e) Globalisation refers to the absence of borders and barriers to trade between

(f) Intellectual Property Rights have become an important issue in current

international business scenario.

IB0-01 1 P.T.O.
Attempt any four questions from this part : 4x20=80
2. How does following environment affect business decision of a firm ?
(a) cultural,
(b) economic and
(c) political.

3. Critically examine the Modern Theory of International Trade.

4. What is balance of payments ? How does disequilibrium occur in balance of

payments ? Describe the methods of correcting the disequilibrium.

5. What are Transnational Corporations (TNCs) ? Why do firms become transnational ?

Describe main features of TNC.

6. What are the major problems faced by developing countries in promoting their
exports ? What are your suggestions to solve these problems ?

7. Explain the structure and functions of WTO. Point out major Pluriliteral trade

8. Attempt short notes on any two of the following :

(b) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
(c) Role of ICC in arbitration and conciliation
(d) The World Wide Web (WWW)

1130-01 2

ataiftE SLO 4-II / (Al Uhlti 1 4
tNillet))TU WIN

-11 trftalli
‘7, 2013

: ataTiitzt cticukiiti tr -Fr

7Z771- : 3 s7u2" 37fETw7:r 3 :
TT : 70%
Ufirg. 3T UelT 47/ Tf
.?///qH WY- -. Tffu el

pus - aT

1. F-14--Irorod f, 7-:w77- I 4x5=20

(a) 3f-d-4- °11 N4 3 1T d eb -II 31-14T4 tc4 fir Ntq

cqcwq -44F-IF

(b) «ANik -k (*) o'ky-irti

(c) 91
-Tra-rff R-cR ffftift-crr - h t

(d) -11Fcr fq-kvft rar-NrHd 4),(4 )

(e) ci 4 airl °q11-11t m1 rr3 •• aratqf t

(f)71f-- 1
. 4 (IPR) pit 3t-dtt7 co-iici-IIRIch 77 14 4-i Tui r TR t

IB0-01 3 P.T.O.
ig -

ous i tt dat f--fgi-R I 4x20=80

2. r-i4-iFri trfkkt4T tii44 oeiicHirtich f9-crM f--*-q -9-w7 -914-rfq-d t?
. .
(a) *ii cl ch,


(c) 1■
3i cich

3. 3t7fttzi 3-11 fiTeff ITNIT "Wlf"-&17 I

4. 7-a-r9Ala1:1 ;ErT -ff.r-zrztt? Tra.rit7 -4 3Turizst-4 dc,- alai t? zTuFzi c faf q-41
.0 auk 0rq71

5. ,RRIL'lq -Firri4 (TNcs)wt? -et f9-1-A c rakitidiA

6. 3PT4 f9-41--a tk 14 chi 41&w TrgRzErrall t?

TrznzrrA 7i-F-ejr4 aTrcrk vra t?

7. fa77 061NR (WTO) 72TT chi4T 1

. . 0q1(.9$41'01-A. .71 .9-laig 37471074 73:1711t
'WW77 I

8. f9'Prffftid 'Afly j'0.7 TAM fe-r4f:76 fry I

(b) t4t1Sr 37.F.01 3irtr0T (SDRs)
(c) reicirc4i *WINN -41 ataliC
s& 7TfuTf (International Chamber of Commerce)

(d) ark *T7 k (WWW)

IB0-01 4
No. of Printed Pages : 4 IB0-01


Term-End Examination
December, 2013
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Answer both Part-A and Part-B as per instructions.
Marks have been indicated for both parts.
1. Comment on any four of the following : 4x5=20
(a) Geopolitical awareness is a reality of today's
world that cannot be ignored.
(b) Companies need to recognise the economic
value of information.
(c) Many businesses have come to believe that
social responsibility and profitability are not
(d) The ethical codes should not be too vague
or too detailed.
(e) Economic development is essential for more
effective environmental protection.
(f) Understanding of new technology is
essential for new product development.

IB0-01 1 P.T.O.
Attempt any four questions from this part. 4x20=80
2. How does the home country environment
influence foreign business operations of a firm ?

3. Critically examine Ricardian Theory of Trade.

4. Distinguish between tariff and non - tariff barriers.

Explain various non - tariff barriers to restrict the
international trade.

5. Analyse the main features of world trade in recent

years in terms of commodity composition and
country/regional direction.

6. State briefly the various laws the exporter has to

take into account before conclusion of the export

7. Explain the following :

(a) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and
(b) Global Trade Point Network (GTPN)

8. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Free Trade and gains from trade
(b) Terms of Trade
(c) General Agreement on Trade in Services
(d) Regionalism Versus Multilateralism

IB0-01 2
ataifttEr Ym41(11 k-'11C1ch it(
54.0 4-11 / airutqt4 k-iirich)TR "war
*olid trftarr
qw-Git, 2013

3r1.4'.34.-01 :.
1T1z1 triTkrr

: 3 eici 37-fgr ajW :100


\2- : &UT 31
71 torus q' -1 ri -viviR
ufrq- t- ifitrt ti

igus - aT
1. gc-f -T2T9 fwt•97.-1. •
(a) VA-Ordch AmcNchcif arr7
aR.ciracrot t f4 3fq-m ,ef -zrr 71 'HAIM I
(b) TL---491 t 34r -ft TFT
(c) 31kw 024cRivii .4 -rq-7a-Fr -f-*-zir Al4 Min tfT
*-114111\ich d7Rqtrqccf tI
(d) aifff 3-77Z 3i2r4T 3Trff fIRIU •
tiff I
(e) 31ifik fq--*-R4 31f 3r4Tra 4g1atu1 #wur
Fri 31-r-qTqw t I
(f) -1 5i .qITF "9-dti 3771"
3-17d71 tI

IB0-01 3 P.T.O.
ous -
ti wa--- t f-*-t wrt q-11. t dtlt .W-U7 : 4x20=80
2. lftlzfrrkT 474 • fall ogioRHilich -4F-wzrrA al -k4
-51ittd-ff TT-d-f t? oqRsql " -tr77 I

3. cill-iiktRchiri-iftl---41-doqitse.ii---1rA 1

4. 3-71- -51-fd-N ' 2.ri +)t-3T - c std- t -4 3f-d-T -q--d-r- 1

3f-dtritzt cap-IR a-)1 -5i-fd--aTh-a- --T4 q0- Fa iim A-T--59---
-srfa-t%ff *1 caRsal --f-
A-7 1

5. lei t tqEll 4 3--61Tq -ftwur -um i/Otzi fq-q-rr t

3Trqr-{ -ER -f-a-krq oqr-Ilt a-)1 li-u
- T fq*Er-d-raff Faq(4u1
-1-rA7 1

6. -f9-zri-ff 3q c) , c,,-i 77 -iq dch al

oaR.sat --1-f-4 1

7. F-H-ircii0cf ci->] oqRsql :

(a) c;'4,T-111 512I 3-11-c9.-3-q9. (EDI)
(b) Afkr-d-t- oqr-Ilt f- 4 (GTPN)

8. F-14-1FORA d 4 ftt t 'TT -Tifki-tu re.u-irulaiffuR :

(a) la-WE 0611411 ..2-.11 0611411 -rtT
(b) oev-ilt a,1 ql (Terms of Trade)
(c) tlal3 -4 06w41t tlT -ii4ii,--■
q1:1 (GATS)
(d) --A 7441-q a-111-i q-gcRfi-zr-d-r

IB0-01 4
No. of Printed Pages : 6 IB0-01


Term-End Examination
June, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weigh tage : 70%
Note : (i) Attempt both Part - A and Part - B as per
(ii) Marks have been indicated against each part.

1. Comment on any four of the following
statements : 4x5=20
(a) Dumping is not an unethical activity.
(b) ECGC enhances credit worthiness of not
only export business but also of exporters.
(c) Business strategies which are successful in
one country will also be successful in another
(d) Basic functions, processes and techniques of
international business are essentially the
same as those involved in domestic business.
(e) Free trade is always better than no trade.
(f) Ethical dilemmas and ethical lapses are the

IB0-01 1 P.T.O.
(Attempt any four questions from this part)
2. (a) What are various forms of Regional
Economic Groupings ? Give examples. 10+10
(b) Discuss the impact of Regional Economic

3. (a) Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages

of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). 10+10
(b) What is in your opinion the role of FDI in
the economic development of the host
country ?

4. Explain the factors causing instability in the prices 20

of commodities in international markets. Evaluate
the role of International Commodity Agreements
in stabilising prices of agricultural products.

5. (a) Describe various Internet Services related to

the international business. 10+10
(b) Discuss the Global Trade Point Network.

6. What are the major issues in settlement of 20

international trade disputes ? Discuss the role of
International Chambers of Commerce (ICC) in this

7. Explain the multilateral agreements related to : 10+10

(a) Agriculture
(b) Trade Related Investment Measures

IB0-01 2
8. Attempt short notes on any two of the
following : 10+10
(a) Current Account of Balance of Payments
(b) Terms to trade
(c) General Agreement on Trade in Services
(d) Modern theory of trade

IB0-01 3

atTfiWiti eqc M1:1

151{1 / CiINI‘rq *lidCb)TI•k ZI:rrra

, 2015

3n.A1311.-01 : afTdtzftEr ( k°1

?-7121 : 3 eiu? aTtiiwdR. 34- : /00

v./ Tr :70%
VIE" : (i) z `31'' UelT taus `W' q?-ti W-

(ii) 31-1W (gus 34-

13f0T - 3T
1. rid P.1-t 4 A rch-if fli-11(1 -ail .w1f7R
(a) trreff aff-a-T Trfatlfq Te t
(b) ECGC 9 R41i ik ogatilq afrmn f14i oct;
41ACII clq1Cli t

(c) 04111:M1PP:4) 779-1fa -crw tk7 -1 ,4,(-r t

tvr 4 61,1
(d) 31-7tEtzi 041e1 ki 31t '4)1 , SM.11 •

iiLicaideir ,141 isitTYicK-iiq 4 i1C-11 t

(e) ,13-4?f0414RTTillft07 179T
(f) Ifq0 -4i-dT 179 ti

IB0-01 4 P•T.O.
#.9 us -
(gus *144 fffr7N7
2. (a) 4-44 3-Tifif-- ti v1cmur fdfq 51chR T f ?
dqtor q11,-R 10+10

(b) 8)--4-44 wilchkui t- 911T4 T ciu

3. (a) TTF-9-41 trti 141'1 iI 10+10

(b) 317* 3Trf2i-w fa--*-71 -44
FDI IzIT P:F*1 t?

4. ,simit q-7131)t 3-Tft:21"71 rick 20

.11(4 owseit z- rt
-ftq-T -44 71:10In ilfrrwr

5. (a) 31-d7Ltt74 ceiemii 74 4.ifiru fa-fiT9. d(;z t1a131

fq-4-49' 10+10

(b) AfT4T a1141( fq1 quii ' -tr77

6. 31-f dg ffftraN qzrl ii(set 1R-kt ? 74

1{fq- 20

otnisql --11-A7

7. kJ-1cl (go cwitzi ce114R Ti1:10 0411(Sq1 :10+10

(a) cpi-,4
(b) o1141tT11 1-4.ft fi#1 341

IB0-01 5 P.T.O.
8. 1•4-iforod t : 10+10
(a) '4.17 ra t 1 -an old(
(b) atl4lt7T4
(c) a(31 c, -114-11-q (GATS)
(d) otwAR 3711-9-

IB0-01 6
No. of Printed Pages : 6 IB0-01
Term-End Examination
December, 2015 03786
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%

Note: (i) Attempt both Part - A and Part - B as per

(ii) Marks have been indicated against each part.

PART - 'A'

1. Comment on any four of the following

statements : 4x5=20
(a) Subsidies do not help local companies to be
cost competitive.

(b) Theory of comparative advantage provides

the basis for international trade.
(c) Instability in export earnings of developing
countries is caused by both demand and
supply factors.
(d) Trade policy is an important instrument to
regulate the foreign trade.

IB0-01 1 P.T.O.
Globalisation refers to the absence of borders
and barriers to trade between countries.
Intellectual Property Rights have become an
important issue in current international
business scenario.

PART - 'B'

Attempt any four questions from this part :

2. According to Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson theory, 20
a country which is relatively abundant in labour
will have comparative advantage in labour
intensive goods. Do you agree ? Give suitable
illustrations in support of your answer.

3. Describe various activities performed by the 20

World Bank. Do you think that these activities
are beneficial for developing countries ?
Substantiate your answer.

4. Discuss the importance of political environment 20

in international business. Explain and give
suitable illustrations in support of your answer.

5. What is WTO ? Explain its broad objectives, 20

structure and functions.

6. Discuss the areas and approaches to social 20

responsibility of international business.

7. Discuss the following multilateral environment

agreements : 10+10
(a) The Montreal Protocol.
(b) The Basel Convention.

IB0-01 2
8. Attempt short notes on any two of the
following : 10+10
(a) Terms of trade
(c) Rybczynski Theorem
(d) Special Drawing Rights

IB0-01 3
awfmtaft. -oi

afatittEr vw-e9. trumft rit

Ivo / qiczngti efinctilvit war

3:Mk 'OBIT
rqt1 444t, 2015

311tt31I-01 : aim-N.4 ccrikiitt git*Tr

NW :3 tir4 ,wfww-dw 3 : 100
: 70%

ta": (t) wusuwr urn- 'w' )- Vt f qllifit<

00 ycc4i tqu.5 Art gl

1. 1 1 1-1k1 rGcr chz1-11 -414 rchliWrrThl. til-IKIM-11W1177 :

(a) 3947 .9197Rff
Tr- cbt(Bt

(b) ' vificii4) a1e1ti 1 w 01141(

fm-R antrrt uqi-f =hot tI

(c) vr aft-art—d-r
*Tr at tifd *th t

(d) ovivit -Did Mkt ovimit rciriiiHcf cht4 aT


IB0-01 4 P.T.O.
(e) Ya et“ aLaviR
aT-471%ff arfcrfteu kaT t
(0 -4'11-a 7f-u-f9 airqm-rt (IPR) bird afkittli-zr
°trick-1Po, vel -4 li:n 1‘1 t

(9 us -

TR (SI * fth-t WIT * drIt q :

2. t 311-6f-M-5 MiaTFIT5 3T-1TITT la*-Tif kvr 20
MI MVO! tataeaiYr3I
531-4 i atie4
qo -um cr) crte. t 7111 it:Qtrff 4 al n FA*1 WI.
aTf 3-cf?thrf aldr t I wzu 3Trcr TEL fa-art a-uf t?
3TO d‘lt *117 2i5 1 :1 drld gir,TK I

3. iciqcf .gR1 frib41Fcci ftiTR f-*-Yrati 1 auk 11fktk i 20

az0 airr 7:Frtth fwzrq' fanmqiicar feir
f`4151q t? arrIT dc, qW,K

4. 31---dv17T 011(114 thilruch 71-7-ks-rt -gr- -1°Luis:au 20

wlf7gi 311i4 di( * TN -4 drcld q1RTNI

5. iT47 0114R -1.1 1c5-f (wro) Lwa t? tTjitLri , 20

tit'11raQrral oLutgLir m-11-7

6. al7d1304aaaaw t t11 1-11 Act) drIkg1PACci i 20

Mil-0 (approaches) ¶1 Mq9. -If7R

7. Ocf get 1-10-11cRui cluief :

(a) HVirf Si)achiri 10+10
(b) A119 W*4.15

IB0-01 5 P.T.O.
8. ft-ifirifisid A. et) l 1vtRr-m igitfuR :
(a) ot1141(

(b) ai 4
(c) **PT
(d) aireuf 31t1TWR

IB0-01 6
No. of Printed Pages : 6 IB0-01
Term-End Examination
June, 2016



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%
Note : Answer Question 1 which is compulsory and do any
other four of the following. All questions carry equal

1. Comment on any four of the following

statements : 4x5=20
(a) World trade has been growing faster than
world output.
(b) Globalisation of capital markets is a major
force that propelled globalisation.
(c) Environment is now well and truely
entrenched in the WTO Agenda and no
nation can afford to ignore this fact.
(d) Managers' ability to control foreign
operations has contributed a great deal to
the growth of international business.

IB0-01 1 P.T.O.
(e) Changes in exchange rates influence a
country's balance of payments.
(f) Developments in computer and
telecommunications in recent decades has
moved the world from manufacturing to
information technology.

2. Define iglobalisation'. Discuss the main factors

propelling the process of globalisation, with
suitable examples. 5+15=20

3. What are the major types of economic

integration ? Briefly describe the main features
of each of them. Also discuss the impact of
integration on economies of member countries.

4. Examine various codes of ethics for international 20

marketing relevant for multinational corporations.

5. Discuss the significance of political environment

on international business. What factors need to
be taken into consideration while analysing
political environment of country under
consideration for investment ? 8+12=20

6. Describe main elements of Trade Point Network 20

and Electronic Trading Opportunities Scheme.

7. Discuss the Bretton Woods System and explain

the reasons for its breakdown in 1971. What is
the present exchange rate system ? 15+5=20

IB0-01 2
I aTr-Pfkail.-oi
aiWittEro c 1l 1 51 1:1101 -4 t1lrIc41)Tli

10) 1•11 / c111%4 INV-I it *Iltich)TIt Zeal'

1:1*-6 1:TN.T1'

‘9', 2016

3ntA.4.-01 : 3ta7fitEr 04cItilti 4 qi

: 3 EP* 3Trerwurr 3fw : 100

ciT : 70%

VU" TIF7' ITT 1 * *- 37f-TgreWeiT wit 31W wrf

304 art f f. ut7 / AFY * 34- Nrffi . t

1. f1,--1 - Yarr*.q.91 .4- t1 4-110

(go 4 74 1*-4 WA7 :
(a) 4 rolkel dC41q4
retki 0414It atqw
A1- 74 .ftwmt. 77-1. 1
(b) e11:7111T ketict)kui TZW 1pEi cnitco
at)tul tsilaf tzfi I

(c) tiftiTT (environment) 3T (Ike( 04141( TN'

(WTO) ,W51 -57g4 7-4 kiiResch
3.01 -t 3 374*1.1 111- 7risuffecl*.1 -34m7e

(d) 70'40 '0 fad Tfr-*-Err311 1.-NrAci TT -4 4

vriur atd.71-ttEr . 1-4grz; -r-gwrg trzri-tTr
*KR rchqr

IB0-01 4 P.T.O.
(e) Far-Ng 74 14 *4 7A trfk-449. tqr Trari *151
314Tli-d7 ctIt t I
(f) 47777 74 7 ti-aR octrilea frtr4 T4TO
reikci dc-41q-1372tWTMT*
77-ir 3T2tara-mr Lifiarcio Trzrr

2. tIkencrAul trftwistr k-11.-A.R kcachtuf 3ftzfr

mycii ale) Tiut wrTO .wf 319"Wt "3"-<770
179-T Wrf77 I 5+15=20

3. 371fetW ;ichtul * lataf ma-,R '4z1T ? 3TA* * la-Car

'f auk 31 ITrqTEf 3i0-ar-4-P-74 trt
*314-TT4 1.11. f449-9 .W.A I 5+5+10=20

4. atdIfitzi flzitriff Ti fqrw 37q7-9I- rff 20

f9tATErr kr-4R .4-grtzt firp:4

5. atttEtEr mic1tIlt4 * to.7 itthr -k •Wi

Mmil *tr-47 I TM 1# 7ffiTR lk-f9.01*- f-ffR fa.q.mt9.
tVr tiAlriet) 4R4 Tyr reike)titif
fiR Wire t tzrrff .t4 .k=r arprzlk.Fr tral. ? 8 + 12 =20

6. etmitrtet) rafited* (TPN) 7e1T c4ilLi It 3.1-11:17 20

(ETO)* 137:44 Ica) Vf-47 I

7. dl 71317-01' (Bretton Woods System) F

1971 7t,I* 3reTITT-49' (breakdown)
* eu.iit*II Tr-47 I zig WT-47 ft 7-14T9*
et -NH 7 3fulTA t? 15+5=20

IB0-01 5 P.T.O.
8. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(a) Tariff and Non-tariff Barriers
(b) International Development Association
(c) Salient features of Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996
(d) GATS

IB0-01 3
8. r1' ci (go 14'4 en-at 11 14f1/47 rduiPiNitf(37 :
(a) 37--- 74 mqc-ctlrc0-1 31-41)ITW -

(b) 347-41317 fa-*-R3 TfEr

(c) f aatai'ffgT 'kr7 3lfe9TR, 1996 li'M
ilk 411

(d) ,()(41311 t co-utiR TR t-11 4-11.4-1 TIT* (GAYS)

IB0-01 6
No. of Printed Pages : 6 IBO-001


Term-End Examination 17251
December, 2016



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%
Note : (i) Answer any five questions including question no.
1 which is compulsory.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks. Marks have been
indicated for all parts.

1. Comment on any four of the following : 4x5=20

(a) Several companies enter international
business only to minimize competitive risk.
(b) With success of GATT (now WTO) tariffs
have become less important as a form of
protection than non-tariff barriers.
(c) Inappropriate structure and design restrict
the timely flow of needed information and
consequently hurt decision making.
(d) Culture cannot be easily isolated from such
factors as economic and political conditions
and institutions.

IBO-001 1 P.T.O.
(e) While corporate social responsibility focuses
primarily on business policy issues, ethics
focuses on individual managerial

(f) Under fixed exchange rate system, a deficit

in balance of payments is adjusted by a fall
in national income.

2. Distinguish between an agreement and a contract.

Also describe essential elements of a valid
contract. 5+15=20

3. According to international trade theorists, nations 20

gain from international trade (export and import).
The gains are the consequences of exploiting
relative comparative advantages, derived from
exporting those goods that a nation holds superior
in production cost. Do you agree with this view ?
If so, why ? If not, why not ?

4. Discuss recent trends and current issues in the 20

transfer of technology.

5. Differentiate between Direct and Portfolio

investment. What are the advantages of FDI ?
What are the limitations ? Discuss. 10+5+5=20

6. What are International Commodity Agreements ?

What purposes do these agreements serve ? What
are their usual components ? Illustrate your
answer by discussing any one agreement. 5+5+10=20

IBO-001 2
7. Explain the broad objectives and functions of
International Monetary Fund. 10+10=20

8. Write short notes on any two : 10+10=20

(a) International Trade in services
(b) EDI standards
(c) WTO and Environmental Agenda
(d) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

IBO-001 3
3TO.A1311.-o01 I

atd1-1104 alc iiq &11:11C11 trucichllvt

raw' eii/airui‘Ter i icici zcirru

v7f9' trffau
qtiusii, 2016

3Trt.lkaft.-001 : ataTh&rIti ccicitilti Lin ql

Fx771 :3 Wot agfewdxr 37'w : 100

: 70%
: (i) 'Ow vf7 ,311 '3177 fit9e411 filF otddi47
4FSic t I
(ii) ?Pit so-d. 34— WIT el
1. -4-irciRgill', 11
1:4 :. rA• fl 411(1
(a) 31.4W chtillea ,fail 71ftfR Wgf ct)t
t aiffertz 14 %TMr1n1 f I

(b) GATT (31 WTO) chikui WF,

*--trtiF ardttl- 3T4V1, Tiwur faftT*
cr -4431-4w.-T -gr-6- 74tf1t. i

(c) 31-19-*1 4t-ci•f r5,711-1 31T4FFW

tii ~i feia) cb ,( t-hcikcitco-f,
fferd cntd t

(d) *Eft 31Tfqw -cr4

-k74 Tra-4,
fmr-4 -ffm 42.Trat, aiwr 14,4117f kichil I

IBO 001
4 P.T.O.
(e) 74W 1 1 1 lid 31c1.) dx-1(714 11(seicl:
-11R-1* 11:figr A.1 t, 37-ffr-{
41R-1 (Ethics) 04461411 744TIzi cqcfw tr-{Vo
ts?dl t I
(f) 1:2TRft 1,11-14-iti 1;ralTI. aimiff liriffrff *Er AI
7 .9ft (deficit)17Tit.4. 3-117Ala c lc l frRTIZ
ltl Act cbqi Aim t

2. ` -d-I' aerT 31-1-4€1' g - R-w 3l-14%T

3TPFTW occii -1177 I 5+15=20

3. aimfLtzl «i141ti Nzioch I 39T1R 20

(fizifff 31rzo) c9N act! t I *4 d.4
TrriR-T q(1110-1011 q
- 4 at 3# f9-041.ff fq-9-4 f
- 01 4 1c11 4-11 1-1(`) *9-7 t
gRI 5fM t I Izir 317F Ti 1-1-v-Avr 411
t? eik t 4,-4? elk -IA t 470?

4. AlS111 1 14)1 (technology) A441:1F Tr118. 20

5. -5ffaif-44vr a.2tr LilLf.)1rcieilfrd -vr

- al..T'w-qR fat*
fa--d-vr ;Err t? rTr1-174 t?
°emelt 1rARI 10+5+5=20

6. ateittz30:1-K #1:NIV # AzIT t? 51t1

cir-I Mei *I tirci t? lzrr hidch
(components) tt ? f41. ict) #71-4N. Mq-9. ltl
3Ttr4 drR 411;10 l I 5+5+10=20

IBO-001 5 P.T.O.
7. 3td-ki7171 iftW 0b)ti (IMF) t oqP406 TOt i

c4iitsql--1-F--A7I 10+10=20

8. -14-1 kgd m ictrilt TENT7 ThfuR :

(a) 0114 -43-1dttz 0'1141k 10+10=20

(b) EDI 1 11
- - Ich (standards)
(c) WTOW-IT 1 ,451
(d) ffed7T -cot (MICA)

IBO-001 6
No. of Printed Pages : 6 IB0-001 I


Term-End Examination 02090
December, 2017



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%
Note : Answer both the parts.


1. Comment on any four of the following : 4x5=20

(a) Culture cannot be easily isolated from such
factors as economic and political conditions
and institutions.

(b) If a country's inflation rate increases in

relation to the countries with which it
trades, its current account would be
expected to increase.
(c) Understanding of new technology is
essential for new product development.

IBO-001 1 P.T.O.
(d) The purpose of a trade theory is to explain
the pattern of trade between two countries.
(e) Trade policy is an important instrument to
regulate the foreign trade.
(f) Intellectual Property Rights have become an
important issue in current international
business Scenario.

Answer any four of the following :
2. (a) Describe factors affecting the balance of
payments. 10+10=20
(b) Explain methods of correcting
disequilibrium in the balance of payments.

3. Critically examine the Modern Theory of 20

,International Trade.

4. (a) Why do firms become transnational ? Give

your arguments. 10+10=20
(b) Discuss the issues and controversies of
Transnational Corporations.

5. What are the key features of Foreign Direct 20

Investment (FDI) in India ? Distinguish between
Direct and Portfolio investments, clearly pointing
out their respective key characteristics.

6. What are the major problems faced by developing 20

countries in promoting their exports ? What are
your suggestions to solve these problems ?

IBO-001 2
7. Write short notes on any two of the following
(a) Free trade and gains from trade 2x10=20
(b) Terms of trade
(c) General Agreement on Trade in Services
(d) Regionalism Versus Multilateralism

IB 0-001 3

atddEOET e1;aille4 kaieIl ilidch TR

rstk-41441/ciiruNN 7ca1

of it
fTWEIT, 2017

344-311.-001 : af-d4E 1- -44 ce4emiti triT-4t

TITRT : 3 "iu2 31AIWUTT 3.7T : 100

Tff : 70%

`31. ' r 71

1. -14-1 (go -44*1
(a) "RtTrff 3Tr -A aTrfilw rda, ft-QTM
311-{ *2Tra-ff 31--o-rr fwzrr
kit:brit t
(b) grg ci
.sq \11t') t fq-ik TrIN at1m1 ctilc11( t 374k
14lqe51 IfZ 1(-qR11 tr 1
(c) mlaPict,"1 TP:IT7-417 fa-*-Rzr
fri 3iraF t1
(d) cw-Brich ft 7k-Fr tr4
aKr1 a114K zr 0411(S11 t I
(e) o 1I 1Ik -ifrcl fad c411 1-111 a 1 44 HO cnt
ifZ-w Tftri-9. afIT-*--R (IPR) af-decem
ce41cMI let) v,-.1 1 c4, 11 A- ff TR ti

IBO-001 4 P.T.O.
ar{..77t fffra7 :

2. (a) ii1T-dri apti


(b) Trd-19 *Ei 3Rzr-t—d-9 Ghl cat *1 Pa 1W chl

oWsqf ---1f-A7

3.3t- tflt7 (-1 1-11(1 -clilcHch 20

4. (a) 414 Lititlb,--1 (transnational) ailtr t?

3P:14 cl4)1fA7I 10+10=20


5. i-TR-d. 4 fa 11 fe471(FDI) m1311pf F.R T4T 20

? f-9-# a?-TT f9-47T rn1 -511pl -WrErd-r4

3T -T

6. Fachmi cite " .'1 3174 fizrriur k4 14 chi ITC04 20

cr7T t? TITR7Tr4
33-Fk Err wra t ?

IBO-001 5 P.T.O.
7. tf eir. • t -97 Ttfkirff duLi ut-it fff ftg7 :
(a) -1T1?T (9.1141t ogiLIR tf

(b) «Ilyit Icy (Terms of Trade)

(c) tfq131 oqr-iik (GATS)

(d) -t-zr-qrq co-1141R.fr?;rdT

IB0-001 6
No. of Printed Pages : 4 I IB0-01 I


Term-End Examination
June, 2018


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt both Part - A and Part - B as per instructions.


1. Comment on any four of the following statements,

giving reasons in support of your answer. 4x5=20
(a) 'Basic functions, processes and techniques of
international business are essentially the
same as those involved in domestic business.
(b) 'Free trade is always better than no trade.
(c) 'The concept of trade' in services is not as
straight forward as the concept of 'trade in
(d) 'Law of contract is not applicable to
international contracts'.
(e) 'Exchange rates do not influence current
account of balance of payments'.
(f) 'New technologies do not lead to economies
in the use of raw materials'.

IB0-01 1 P.T.O.
Attempt any four questions from this part.
2. Why do firms engage in international business ? 4+16
What are the major cultural factors that affect
international business ? Give suitable illustrations
in support of your answer.

3. Briefly explain the major issues in the settlement 15+5

of international trade disputes. Discuss the role
of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in
this regard.

4. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of

FDI. Explain the role of FDI in the economic
development of the host country. 7+7+6

5. Describe the various unethical practices prevailing 20

in International Trade.

6. Write explanatory notes on any two of the

following : 10+10
(a) Terms of Trade
(b) International Finance Corporation
(c) Global Trade-Point Network (GTPN)
(d) Non-tariff Barriers

7. Describe the various forms of Regional Economic 6+14

Groupings ? Discuss the impact of Regional
Economic Groupings.

What are the challenges that globalization

poses for the Indian economy ? 10+10
Describe the Multi-lateral Trade Agreements
relating to (i) agriculture and (ii) textiles and

IB0-01 2
ateifT1-4 Weiffrzt smicii tilichlTpc
iii/cAmi 'war
TRIvr Trlta
19', 2018

ariltat-in : atefkl-Er zErefurzr 411

tt fAfel :3 riuk aegrwurr 375 : 100
: utur `w' ueir cqus `Zr 04*-r-qv
1. i'1+-kri tNCI 1414 ft-41'W' 3174 ZW( *ITITeti
311-474W* "w11 :
(a) 44 31TVRIF WO, -51f -4 ict)44, -qTt 40441 tik(1,
oEloltIlti 4 aTtra-r attfttEr ceicmiti 4 10 ,4 t,
aTrawrw vcr -ggrrff t 1"
(b) " 1-4U "RIM, w)kII 04114it 9 W(.4* 4cit
(c) 4 14-4T311 4 ogrlie 113-t 044141( 1
tict)C4-11f Wcf Tftt-flici tI
(d) "31T4tT 3I r11 atdditzr 3T-091 TR cii4k7e
*du ff
(e) 14-iti 71 (Exchange Rates) * airy
grrc 313TI1 7 9f chtcji I

(f) q)siliiiientii (technologies) ct)=; TIT r1

34q +I 14 RICW-ItIC11 Te ciwn

IB0-01 3 P.T.O.
tg u s -73f
1-14--irofigcr -4A icfra m .). * 371( -r -ft I

2. 4 atddttzr ceicRilef q:qi 40'• zlci1 t? ct/-1 A 4+16

qtsi kii-cproct) chi(cb 3fdTftz aicmiti TP-Tri-Iff
cbt; f ? 3TCAart *Til:i2fi Trr4a. q1171 1 I
3. atTi1t2T oiNit 1:1T4 fitfaT9. Phd Tsi TO 15+5
cefitsii 4-1-A-R 741443f atat-ttzr 4-iszr
(ICC) rr fa-d-qi 4-f-A-R I
4. 31Mkii f-4-47T (FDI) *T*1-T
I allr74-4 T (host country) * 3t\ f4* 71
f"*4- fikrr Vr4 cellt.141 -W-47 I 7+7+6

5. attiltzr v-414R 4 wcircio fqfw 3T41-dw 1197:11 20

ciu 114R I
6. 114-irofisto 4 A. ich.67 At -ER oeiltSellOich f du4
iffrER : 10+10

(a) air-fit
(b) atd#ttzT fq7
(c) 41-4-4w eq141t Psis tea* (GTPN)
(d) 61141fich 3-1-4- t.TW (Non - tariff
7. alTift ti4oichtut i fafT mchl4 (forms) 6+14
ciu 1 -1.1-4R I 0-117
- affretw 1Y4Tr4
fad 41I
8. (a) 9kgl chtut '417aU 3Tztar4141* ki W1-911-d- zif
t4T chof t? cemsec 11-47 I 10+10
(b) (i) cpRI -cr4 ch45i 14491 ts1§407
044141(ITIVW T cluk W4R I

IB0-01 4
No. of Printed Pages : 4 IB0-01
Term-End Examination
December, 2018


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt both Part - A and Part - B as per instructions.

• PART - A
1. Comment on any four of the following
statements : 4x5 =20
(a) "Trade policy is an important instrument
to regulate the foreign trade".
(b) "Globalisation refers to the absence of
borders and barriers to trade between
(c) "Intellectual Property Rights have become
an important issue in International Business
(d) "The ethical codes should not be too vague
or too detailed".
(e) "Understanding of new technology is
essential for new product development".
(f) "Fluctuations in exchange rates affect the
profitability of not only exporting/ importing
firms but also purely domestic firms".

IB0-01 1 P.T.O.
(Attempt any four questions from this part ) :
2. Critically examine the Modern Theory of 20
International Trade.

3. What is Balance of Payments ? How does

disequilibrium occur in Balance of Payments ?
Describe the methods of correcting the
disequilibrium. 4+8+8

4. Distinguish between tariff and non-tariff barriers.

Explain various non-tariff barriers in the
International Trade. 8+12

5. Explain the following : 10+10

(a) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
(b) Global Trade Point Network (GTPN)

6. Write explanation note on any two of the

following : 10+10
(a) Free Trade and gains from trade.
(b) Terms of Trade.
(c) General Agreement on Trade in Services
(d) Regionalism versus Multilateralism.

7. Explain the structure and functions of WTO. Is

the WTO helpful to international business or is it
a hindrance ? Give your precise opinion. 16+4

8. (a) Explain the role of transfer of technology in

International trade. 10+10
(b) Discuss the recent trends and current issues
in technology transfer.

IB0-01 2
atdIfitEr suclicii tilichl-w
sto 441/clifin ,A4 t-1lckhil-K wry
(TaAlt-.3TO.A1.311../ Tr:TbT

TrAfa. tRIAR

144,sii, 2018

3pt:4.3;1.41 :at-64-171:4 cticmiti TO-au

: 3 agfalw-dp- afw : 100
- : 70%

: Pqvilltuf fous UelT UPIT `UT' 017

tg u s -
1. 14 14 fch41 WIT "WRI-9 311:14 drR *
171:1?-h 3 do Wilc111-11 4x5=20
(a) ce.1141t -arcf, f-AT oI141t iciPirtiqd cht:f *T
.) -gmwi.uf zfq t t
(b) qa1 crAut ft a; alcT 044141t -q-rerrat -q
3T-17ft:zit tI
(c) i tt* N4id 3Trwre 3f-ddtzi Sq4

(d) Tfror afa awzrtz zit fqw

(e) 9 dc41q 1-4-*-R4 1:11:r4r

3Tru 37-174- tl
(f) 34FTrd/
4n4 at-f:*q T'IT*TirdT
- g%Tri-auchr t

IB0-01 3 P.T.O.
tgus -131.
rch-61. 3tit faftg7 :
2. 3-117r07 cei R *3-Trefffir4ff airofiA9rd:Wc4iRsqf 20

3. ITTaTi kla qzi-r -a-ffErzi t? alTrrIzr

(Disequilibrium) % t? 3-1TIFET .4- 7 °FA
rartit T auk Fi I 4+8+8

4. -51741- mc-ch141-i 3ttr4 t =4 31'97 01(-11*1

atd-Tritzr 0°--1141( kra rer 5ijc-chr°1i1-1 1 cf.;)
0441(Y-11 1 8+12

5. P1 4--irofigd 06m.sqf : 10+10

adi 37--‹F-Aci-r (EDI)
(b) "kr7-4- 044141( f4s -ka-qt (GTPN)

6. r-tHFortgd fwt °WV-110-M re. 1-4 rulqi

f- 17 : 10+10
(a) 13WT °41141k 0 1141( 7P-T
(b) ce4I41t TR'
(c) k)alail* «41w eft ti14-11-41:11:10 -di (GATS)
(d) Ozrarq 01.114 01§4tzruT

7. f-474 04-1141k 44 16-1 (WTO)

cwsen 1-i7RI TT WTO atdfftzf oticiki104 14 'ivo-4.11
t 31gqr 7 ') -TNT t? 311--r91- 712.74ff771 q'11,=R1 16+4

8. ( a) afff{itzf 0e4141t -44 11S1)Plet;) 111.-*7

ogiestu I 10+10
(b) m +ich ic,f -1--srlffft 11(14A1

IB0-01 4
No. of‘Printed Pages : 8
th o-oo i
Term-End Examination •

June, 2019



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)
Note : Attempt both parts A and B.


1. Comment on any four of the following

statements : 4x5=20
(a) Theory of Comparative Advantage provides
the basis for international trade.
(b) l'rade policy is an important instrument to
regulate foreign trade.
(c) Culture cannot be easily isolated from
factors such as economic and political
conditions and institutions.
180-001 1 P.T.O.
(d) While corporate social responsibility focuses
primarily on business policy issues, ethics
focuses on individual managerial behaviour.

(e) International capital flows do not strengthen

the process of globalization.

(f) Services do not occupy an important place in

Indian economy.

IB0-001 2

Attempt any four of the following questions :

2. What are the key features of Foreign Direct

Investment (FDI) in India ? Distinguish
between Direct and Portfolio investments,
' clearly pointing out their respective key
characteristics. /0+/0

3. Distinguish between an agreement and a

contract. Also describe essential elements of a
valid contract. 5+15

4. Discuss the importance of political environment

in international business. Explain arid
give suitable illustrations in support of your
answer. /0440

5. Discuss the following multilateral environment

agreements : 10+1 0
(a) The Montreal Protocol
(b) The Basel Convention

6. How does the home country environment

influence foreign business operations of a firm ?
Explain. 20
IB0-001 P.T.O.
7. What is balance of payments ? How does
disequilibrium occur in balance of payments ?
Describe the methods of correcting the
disequilibrium. 5+5+/0

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : /0+/0

(a) Terms of Trade

(b) International Finance Corporation

(c) Global Trade Point Network (GTPN)

(d) Non-Tariff Barriers

IB0-001 4
aut.wft.ail.-oof I
*6414204 WM TrdiF4 tlicichlvt
134411441/011141,744*t.lincolTut wit/
WA* Tritarr
1W, 2019

:at-dtfisfor mrawir TOO'

FPPT: 3 Eiri aift-d-ir : 100

(pet WT: 70%)

7iZ: (los ar W I

MUT 3i

tilt.' f+-41 chxi-il tri ulu r

*Pi* : 4x5=20

(W) grmicHch T'sT .W *gm atekiltzt ceiNit

aTTErrT 3grg. cbtoi

ogigit 00-1141t fe441:4ff iT4

TTWckui t I,
(Tr) (4cpla aTrilfw tiA-Ineti Ww1W-41 mri
*wall chiter4 4 aTRTF-41 3T—Tr Tei
1T+71 I
1130-001 - P.T.O.
(1=r) •31611-41 fiTirgff ■314) STItql -gwm:

crl 4r1W **ft ifficral urR taT t,

3.1MTT #A (ethics) c4114011 344-Qzt odwit

*1`a- I

(30 ai-difitzr 31-07 antuf *I• 31*zIT tql

Rtf cbt I

(11.t;* (services) 147-414 aTatRidt:WT

wr 74TR


IB0-001 6

141-A&I # 4*-e W(37R-7*3-d-fer4cf:

2. 1TR'ff4 IFRT Wqrt -WM At TNT WIrd0

? 1-4§Er WEr-draff TIT ebt;
3rFre 141J4)11Zitil Ne
4 aiffK "Ri iv 1 io+/0

3. tifdqi (agreement) 'MT 394V (contract) 4 atdi

eicii4 I ttT ard-411- 31.14-40 mai aufq
*ri* 5+15

4. aimiltzr ceicitlier 4 tki-nr*b qv! ii5ri A

Ai* altr4 zw( *IP:rifq .1431.1) ssqwur
cht 341:17Z Ai* io+io

5. f4H fel WERNI tviiatung T11:10-di *2r *if

W4R : - /0+/0

() TIT'Rzm• silacbm


6. -ffiT 14-41, 1:11t4RT 411.

(-1,11(14 *14311-edff chtcti ? if4R 20
IB0-001 7 P.T.O.
7. yr-dR *Er * ? Fa-FR *rEf 3TEIT4

(disequilibrium) %-14 311-dT ? 7

quN 0:* 5+5+10

8. ism 4 -4 TORE %Ai NI

foftER : io+io

oeiimit *1 Ta (Terms of Trade)

NI) 411-i (IFC)

(7) tff'd- «mit RS 4Z-4 (GTPN)

(14) Lt) WO (Non-Tariff Barriers)

IB0-001 32,000 •
No. of Printed Pages : 8 IB0-01



Term-End Examination
June, 2020

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer both the Parts.


1. Comment on any four of the following : 5 each

(a) Managers need to understand the critical

functions that a democratic government
performs in the economy.

P. T. 0.
[2] 1130-01

(b) Differences in environmental factors make

domestic business different from the

international firms.

(c) Cross border mergers and acquisitions

have accelerated the pace of globalisation.

(d) Balance of payments deficits and surpluses

can influence the trade policy and the

value of currencies.

(e) Electronic Commerce offers an excellent

scope for domestic products to gain

international visibility through the


(f) World trade in the post-war decades has

grown faster than the growth of world


Note :Answer any four of the following questions.

2. Critically examine the Heckscher-Ohlin-

Samuelson theory of international trade. 20
I31 160-01

3. What are the ethical issues in International

Business ? Do you think that a well written code
of ethics is essential for every company ? Explain
with examples. 15, 5

4. Neo-classical theory focuses on the factor

abundance, which determines the pattern of

trade. Discuss. 20

5. Discuss the genesis of International Monetary

Fund. What are its broad objectives ? Has it

succeeded in attaining them ? Discuss. 8, 6, 6

6. Distinguish between any two of the

following : 10 each

(a) Absolute and Comparative advantage

(b) Tariff and Non-tariff bathers

(c) Trade Creation and Trade Diversion

(d) Ad valorem and Specific duty

P. T. O.
141 160-01

7. Explain the major problems faced by developing

countries in promoting their exports. Suggest
your solutions to those problems. 15, 5

8. Write short notes on any two of the following :

10 each

(a) International Development Association

(b) Transfer Pricing

(c) Key issues in settlement of trade disputes

(d) Intellectual Property Rights

[51 IB0-01


ctieltilti IM-1 tilticti Tit

truticarit zErritt
(t. It*. ant wit. akArq. Thfq. )
!red trftan
v, 2020
autts1-.41 : amdtzt tritelvr

TM! : 3 aftwurt : 100

thr : Gus 'art ffeu tw' mlfwv


1. 14 1
- iacf 4 71 retril Tar IR ("du-fruit; N-aR :

(T) sr--4-4/-4 z7 chiq ti-Ig14

t alticv-► eltzll W

Q1 44)01 2Icf) *1
P. T. O.
rs] I130-01

1411 tq 3m1 triki iErvr4

afratiqk t1 1119 04-tinf *1

(10 AV TR remei dt aftrUPT qa cnt I
e <NNE *1

(V) Wiffiff trrer 3 k c414it 11 rd

ati 71311* it snit act Wt tick *1

(W) trk ich ctsr9 * Arum A

-o(ftiltr .sqzr-drTr'AU Wz4 * f-07 trk
dr-lic l w dCcted 3r4t:17 Tgiff chtcti tl

() sict) . * 'Fe$d oeiltIlt, ran actlIgrf

91:5, aftmclA * W4T *1

: 14-1 iscf fW-41' WTT * dlt

2. awftlzr * sorvit—atzteq ATFR:ri

m--1 iv-mil-air al 20
171 1E10-01

. 81‘111.1 cetaitii4 act) lit WIT ? qziT

ant remit 4 si cn q,e M fug -I-4w 491

sonit Warn ail s aiicikqq) ? dcmtut *Ad

15, 5

4. 94-4t4Ait 11:1-47 chltch ws-d-dr VZ alTed t

egivit 424 Thi chic,' *1 WWII


5. -a N.4 lig *1 3t4 winwr

gtigi wirww diktr **t ? **I z-ff csiqiii Tztr

chi 4* voter it* ? 'EIMER al 8, 6, 6

6. te,rrlrtsi d e di-cit vrtz :

sit-th 10

(W) fiktff 'MPT at< riltlich

smm atz sitit-ctA61-r*mr4/37-44w

00 maw riiiiur at{ ogivit ?TIER

(4) irtfiTik AK Wire n

P. T. O.
( 8 ] IB0-01

7. rachitRikt aitr4 ligicrTtattff * MR

7940-4 vi ti1H it qlt-ir glor * ?

alltllr WIFTRI 39. V)fatri * aTIT4 TriutTri

13717-41 15, 5

8. -11 1.*- - 7 4} ITT 19IW dui NI

forug : W ch 10

(*) ar<dttzr firm-Fr TN.

(w) 6i-tiatur Tri

(To mink lactic * Apr

(M) WV-4W twig aftwr{

No. of Printed Pages : 8 IBO-01


Term-End Examination
December, 2020

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer both the Parts as directed.


1. Comment on any four of the following : 5×4=20

(a) Settlement is a desirable solution for

business disputes of international
Lot-II P. T. O.
[2] IBO-01

(b) The key factor that makes the market

economy work is consumer sovereignty.

(c) Technology is the most important factor

behind emergence of globalisation.

(d) Monetary and fiscal policies are important

tools for influencing BOP condition.

(e) The Ricardian theory of trade focuses on

the comparative advantage of the nation.

(f) World Bank was set up in response to the

pressing need for international capital to
finance reconstruction of production
facilities destroyed by war.


Answer any four of the following :

2. Analyse the main features of world trade in

terms of commodity and country region
composition. 20

3. How do the cultural factors influence

managerial decisions in international business ?
Explain with examples. 20
[3] IBO-01

4. When faced with competition from imports,

what strategies do the governments adopt ? In

this context discuss the tariff and non-tariff

barriers. 5+15

5. Explain the following :

(a) The Most Favoured Nation (MFN) clause.

(b) Role of International Chamber of

Commerce in Arbitration and Conciliation


6. Discuss the rationale of regional Economic

Integration. Also explain the different types of

integration, giving suitable examples. 10+10

7. (a) Distinguish between export-sales contract

and domestic sales contract. 10

(b) Describe the provisions of the proper law of

contract when choice of law clause does not

exist in the contract. 10

P. T. O.
[4] IBO-01

8. Write short notes on any two of the

following : 10 each

(a) Dumping

(b) International Commodity Agreements

(c) Ecological Environment

(d) Trade in Services

[5] IBO-01

vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;olk; izpkyu esa LukrdksÙkj
fMIyksek@okf.kT; esa LukrdksÙkj mikf/
(ih- th- Mh- vkbZ- ch- vks-@,e- dkWe-)
l=kkar ijh{kk
fnlEcj] 2020
vkbZ-ch-vks--01 % vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;olk; ifjos'k

le; % 3 ?k.Vs vf/dre vad % 100

uksV % nksuksa [k.Mksa ls funsZ'kkuqlkj mÙkj nhft,A

1- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha pkj ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %
(d) vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj esa O;kikj fooknksa ds fy,
fuiVkjk ,d okaNuh; lek/ku gSA

([k) cktkj dh vFkZO;oLFkk dks pykus okyk izeq[k

dkjd miHkksDrk laizHkqrk gSA

P. T. O.
[6] IBO-01

(x) oS'ohdj.k ds mn~Hko esa izkS|ksfxdh lcls

egRoiw.kZ dkjd gSA

(?k) Hkqxrku 'ks"k dh fLFkfr dks izHkkfor djus essa

ekSfnzd vkSj foÙkh; uhfr;k¡ cgqr gh egRoiw.kZ

(³) O;kikj dk fjdkWfMZ;u fl¼kUr jk"Vªksa ds

rqyukRed ykHk ij dsfUnzr gSA

(p) fo'o cSad dh LFkkiuk vUrjkZ"Vªh; iw¡th dh

vko';drk dss vuq:i dh xbZ Fkh ftlls ;q¼
ds dkj.k u"V gksus okyh mRiknu lqfo/kvksa ds
iqufuZekZ.k ds fy, foÙk iznku fd;k tk ldsA


fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha pkj iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, %

2- fo'o O;kikj dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk mRikn vkSj ns'k

{ks=k lajpuk ds lanHkZ esa fo'ys"k.k dhft,A 20
[7] IBO-01

3- vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj esa lkaLd`frd dkjd izcU/dh;

fu.kZ; dks dSls izHkkfor djrs gSa\ mnkgj.k lfgr
O;k[;k dhft,A 20

4- ljdkjsa dkSu&lh j.kuhfr viukrh gSa] tc mUgsa vk;kr

ls izfrLi/kZ dk lkeuk djuk iM+rk gS\ bl lanHkZ esa
VSfjiQ vkSj xSj VSfjiQ (iz'kqYd vkSj iz'kqYdfoghu)
ck/kvksa ij O;k[;k dhft,A 20

5- fuEufyf[kr dh O;k[;k dhft, % izR;sd 10

(v) lokZf/d fiz; jk"Vª vuqPNsn

(c) fookpu rFkk lqyg esa bUVjus'kuy pSEcj vkWiQ

dkWelZ dh Hkwfedk

6- {ks=kh; vkfFkZd ,dhdj.k ds vkSfpR; dh O;k[;k

dhft,A mfpr mnkgj.k ds lkFk fofHké izdkj ds
,dhdj.k dk Hkh o.kZu dhft,A 10+10

P. T. O.
[8] IBO-01

7- (v) fu;kZr fcØh vuqca/ vkSj ?kjsyw fcØh vuqca/ esa

vUrj crkb,A 10

(c) tc vuqca/ esa dkuwu [k.M dk fodYi ugha

gks] rks vuqca/ esa mifLFkr mfpr dkuwu ds
izko/ku dk o.kZu dhft,A 10

8- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡

fyf[k, % 10+10

(d) ikVu

([k) vUrjkZ"Vªh; oLrq le>kSrs

(x) ikfjfLFkfrd ifjos'k

(?k) lsokvksa esa O;kikj

IBO–01 20,150
No. of Printed Pages : 8 IBO-001


Term-End Examination
June, 2021



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)

Note : Attempt both parts A and B as per instructions.


1. Comment on any four of the following

statements : 45=20

(a) Culture cannot be easily isolated from such

factors as economic and political conditions
and institutions.

(b) Understanding of new technology is

essential for new product development.

(c) Trade policy is an important instrument to

regulate foreign trade.
IBO-001 1 P.T.O.
(d) Globalization refers to the absence of borders
and barriers to trade between countries.

(e) Basic functions, processes and techniques of

international business are essentially the
same as those involved in domestic business.

(f) World trade has been growing faster than

world output.

IBO-001 2

Attempt any four questions from this part : 420=80

2. How has WTO evolved from GATT ? What are

its functions ? Describe salient features of
Agreements on Agriculture and Trade in

3. Explain the concept and different forms of

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

4. Critically examine Ricardian Theory of Trade.

5. What is Balance of Payments ? How does

disequilibrium occur in balance of payments ?
Describe the methods of correcting the

6. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of

FDI. Is it necessary to have a comprehensive
multilateral framework to facilitate growth of
FDI ? Give your arguments.

IBO-001 3 P.T.O.
7. What is ‘Electronic Commerce’ ? What are its
various benefits ? Explain the role of Global
Trade Point Network in this connection.

8. Write notes on any two of the following :

(a) Transfer Pricing

(b) Regional Economic Groupings

(c) Theocratic Legal System

(d) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)

IBO-001 4

A§Vam©îQ´>r` ì`dgm` àMmbZ _| ñZmVH$moÎma

{S>ßbmo_m/dm{UÁ` _| ñZmVH$moÎma Cnm{Y
gÌm§V narjm
OyZ, 2021

AmB©.~r.Amo.-001 : A§Vam©îQ´>r` ì`dgm` n[adoe

g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 100

(Hw$b H$m : 70%)
ZmoQ> : IÊS> A VWm IÊS> ~ XmoZm| {ZX}emZwgma H$s{OE &

1. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Mma H$WZm| na {Q>ßnUr
H$s{OE : 45=20

(H$) g§ñH¥${V H$mo AÝ` H$maH$m| O¡go Am{W©H$ VWm amOZr{VH$

n[apñW{V`m| Am¡a à{Vð>mZm| (g§ñWmAm|) go gabVm go
n¥WH²$ Zht {H$`m Om gH$Vm h¡ &
(I) Z`m CËnmX {dH${gV H$aZo Ho$ {bE ZB© VH$ZrH$ H$mo
g_PZm Amdí`H$ h¡ &
(J) {dXoer ì`mnma Ho$ {Z`_Z _| ì`mnma Zr{V EH$ _hÎdnyU©
CnH$aU h¡ &
IBO-001 5 P.T.O.
(K) d¡ídrH$aU H$m gå~ÝY {d{^Þ Xoem| Ho$ _Ü` ì`mnma _|
gr_mAm| VWm AdamoYm| H$s AZwnpñW{V h¡ &

(L>) A§Vam©ï´>r` ì`dgm` Ho$ AmYma^yV H$m`©, à{H«$`mE± Am¡a

VH$ZrH|$ dhr h¢ Omo Kaoby ì`mnma _| bmJy hmoVr h¢ &

(M>) {díd ì`mnma H$m {dH$mg {díd CËnmXZ H$s Anojm

A{YH$ VoOr go hmo ahm h¡ &

IBO-001 6
IÊS> ~

Bg IÊS> _| go {H$Ýht Mma àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE : 420=80

2. {díd ì`mnma g§JR>Z (WTO) J¡Q> (GATT) go {H$g àH$ma

{dH${gV hþAm ? BgHo$ Š`m H$m`© h¢ ? H¥${f Am¡a godmAm| Ho$
ì`mnma g_Pm¡Vm| H$s à_wI {deofVmAm| H$m dU©Z H$s{OE &

3. d¡H$pënH$ _V^oX àñVmd (ADR) {H«$`m{d{Y H$s AdYmaUm

VWm CgHo$ {d{^Þ àmê$nm| H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE &

4. ì`dgm` Ho$ [aH$m{S>©`Z {gÕmÝV H$m {ddoMZmË_H$ _yë`m§H$Z

H$s{OE &

5. ^wJVmZ eof H$m Š`m AW© h¡ ? ^wJVmZ eof H$m Agmå`

{H$g àH$ma hmoVm h¡ ? Agmå` H$mo g§emo{YV H$aZo H$s
{d{Y`m| H$m dU©Z H$s{OE &

6. E\$.S>r.AmB©. Ho$ bm^ Am¡a gr_mAm| H$m _yë`m§H$Z H$s{OE &

Š`m E\$.S>r.AmB©. Ho$ {dH$mg H$mo AmgmZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$
ì`mnH$ ~hþnjr` T>m±Mo H$s Amdí`H$Vm h¡ ? AnZo VH©$
Xr{OE &

IBO-001 7 P.T.O.
7. ‘BboŠQ´>m°{ZH$ H$m°_g©’ Š`m h¡ ? BgHo$ bm^ Š`m h¢ ? Bg
g§~§Y _| ½bmo~b Q´>oS> ßdmB§Q> ZoQ>dH©$ H$s ^y{_H$m H$mo ñnï>
H$s{OE &

8. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo na ZmoQ> {b{IE :

(H$) hñVm§VaU _yë`-{ZYm©aU

(I) joÌr` Am{W©H$ g_yhrH$aU
(J) Y_©VpÝÌH$ H$mZyZr ì`dñWm
(K) {d{eï> AmhaU A{YH$ma (SDRs)

IBO-001 8
[2] IBO-01

(b) Inappropriate structure and design restrict

No. of Printed Pages : 8 IBO-01
the timely flow of needed information and

consequently hurt decision-making.

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (c) Subsidies do not help local companies to be
cost competitive.
(PGDIBO/M. COM.) (d) Theory of comparative advantage provides
Term-End Examination
the basis for international trade.
December, 2021
IBO-01 : INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (e) Free trade is always better than no trade.
(f) Ethical dilemmas and ethical lapses are
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
the same.
Note : Answer both Part A and Part B as per
Answer any four of the following

Part—A questions : 4×20=80

1. Comment on any four of the following 2. What are the alternative methods of entry into
statements : 4×5=20
foreign markets ? Explain their merits and
(a) Several companies enter international
business only to minimize competitive risk.

P. T. O.
[3] IBO-01 [4] IBO-01

3. State briefly the various laws the exporter has 7. Discuss various unethical activities carried out

to take into account before conclusion of the by the Multinational Corporations. Do you

export contract. think that code of ethics could be helpful in

controlling such unethical activities ?

4. Distinguish between tariff and non-tariff

8. Write notes on any two of the following :

barriers. Explain various non-tariff barriers to

restrict the international trade.

(a) Strategic Alliances

5. What are Transnational Corporations (TNCs) ? (b) Intellectual Property Rights

Why do firms become transnational ? Describe

(c) Global Trade Point Network
main features of TNC and explain how are they

different from MNCs. (d) General Agreement on Trade in Services

6. What are the various forms of Regional

Economic Groupings ? Discuss the impact of

Regional Economic Groupings on International


P. T. O.
[5] IBO-01 [6] IBO-01


-01 ª




P. T. O.
[7] IBO-01 [8] IBO-01


ª (TNCs) ª (GATS)


P. T. O.
No. of Printed Pages : 8 IBO-01


Term-End Examination
June, 2022



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)

Note : Attempt both parts A and B as per instructions.


1. Comment on any four of the following

statements : 45=20

(a) ‘‘The international economy is fast turning

into a borderless global village.’’

(b) ‘‘Like international capital flows,

international labour migration provides
added gains to the transacting countries.’’

IBO-01 1 P.T.O.
(c) ‘‘Growing foreign exchange reserves are not
always an index of good health of an

(d) ‘‘Culture is pervasive in all marketing


(e) ‘‘Is trade a zero-sum game or a positive-sum

game ?’’

(f) ‘‘In the contemporary world, developed

countries are more and more inclined to use
non-tariff barriers.’’

IBO-01 2

Answer any four questions from this part. 420=80

2. Critically examine the Ricardian theory of

international trade. 20

3. How do socio-cultural and political environment

influence international business ? Discuss with
suitable examples. 20

4. (a) What do you mean by regional economic

groupings ? In recent times, despite
multilateralism there is a tendency to have
regional groupings. Give reasons.

(b) Discuss the impact of Regional Economic

Groupings. 10+10

5. (a) Distinguish between ‘‘tariff-barriers’’ and

‘‘non-tariff barriers’’ quoting illustrative
examples from world trade and

(b) Explain the mechanism through which such

‘barriers’ work.

(c) Why do these ‘barriers’ fail to work at

times ? 20

IBO-01 3 P.T.O.
6. Explain the factors causing instability in the
prices of commodities in international markets.
Evaluate the role of International Commodity
Agreements in stabilizing prices of agricultural
products. 10+10

7. What are the major issues in settlement of

international trade disputes ? Discuss the role of
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in
this regard. 10+10

8. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10

(a) Forces of Globalization

(b) Implied Conditions in the Sale of Goods

Act, 1930

(c) Global Trade Point Network

(d) Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights

IBO-01 4

A§Vam©îQ´>r` ì`dgm` àMmbZ _| ñZmVH$moÎma

{S>ßbmo_m/dm{UÁ` _| ñZmVH$moÎma Cnm{Y
gÌm§V narjm
OyZ, 2022

AmB©.~r.Amo.-01 : A§Vam©îQ´>r` ì`dgm` n[adoe

g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 100

(Hw$b H$m : 70%)
ZmoQ> : IÊS> H$ VWm IÊS> I XmoZm| {ZX}emZwgma H$s{OE &


1. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Mma H$WZm| na {Q>ßnUr

H$s{OE : 45=20

(H$) ‘‘A§Vam©ï´>r` AW©ì`dñWm VoOr go gr_ma{hV A§Vam©ï´>r`

J«m_ _| n[ad{V©V hmo ahr h¡ &’’$

(I) ‘‘A§Vam©ï´>r` ny±Or Ho$ àdmh H$s Vah A§Vam©ï´>r` _OXÿam|

Ho$ Xoe n[adV©Z (àdmg) Ho$ H$maU g§~§{YV Xoem| H$mo
A{V[aº$ bm^ hmoVm h¡ &’’

IBO-01 5 P.T.O.
(J) ‘‘{dXoer _wÐm ^ÊS>ma _| d¥{Õ gX¡d AÀN>r AW©ì`dñWm
H$s gyMH$ Zht hmoVr h¡ &’’

(K) ‘‘g§ñH¥${V g^r {dnUZ {H«$`m{d{Y`m| _| g_mdo{eV hmoVr

h¡ &’’

(L>) ‘‘Š`m ì`mnma eyÝ`-g§M` à{H«$`m h¡ AWdm

gH$mamË_H$-g§M` à{H«$`m h¡ ?’’

(M>) ‘‘dV©_mZ {díd _| {dH${gV Xoe ewëH$-{dhrZ AdamoYm|

H$m A{YH$-go-A{YH$ bm^ boZo H$s Amoa AJ«ga h¢ &’’

IBO-01 6

Bg IÊS> _| go {H$Ýht Mma àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE & 420=80

2. A§Vam©ï´>r` ì`mnma Ho$ [aH$mS>m} Ho$ ([aH$m{S>©`Z) {gÕmÝV H$m

AmbmoMZmË_H$ narjU H$s{OE & 20

3. A§Vam©ï´>r` ì`mnma H$mo {H$g àH$ma gm_m{OH$-gm§ñH¥${VH$ Am¡a

amOZr{VH$ n[adoe à^m{dV H$aVo h¢ ? Cn`wº$ CXmhaUm|
g{hV {ddoMZm H$s{OE & 20

4. (H$) joÌr` ì`mnma (Am{W©H$) ì`dñWmAm| go Amn Š`m

g_PVo h¢ ? dV©_mZ g_` _| ~hþnjr`Vm Ho$ ~mdOyX
joÌr` ì`dñWmE± ñWm{nV H$aZo H$s àd¥{Îm XoIr JB©
h¡ & H$maU ñnï> H$s{OE &
(I) joÌr` ì`mnma (Am{W©H$) ì`dñWmAm| Ho$ à^md H$s
{ddoMZm H$s{OE & 10+10

5. (H$) {díd ì`mnma Am¡a boZ-XoZ Ho$ CXmhaU XoVo hþE

‘‘ewëH$-AdamoYm|’’ Am¡a ‘‘ewëH$-{dhrZ AdamoYm|’’ Ho$
_Ü` AÝVa ñnï> H$s{OE &
(I) Cg {H«$`m{d{Y H$mo ñnï> H$s{OE {OgHo$ _mÜ`_ go `h
‘AdamoY’ H$m`© H$aVo h¢ &
(J) Bg àH$ma Ho$ ‘AdamoY’ H$^r-H$^r Š`m| Ag\$b ahVo
h¢ ? 20
IBO-01 7 P.T.O.
6. A§Vam©ï´>r` ~mµOmam| _| dñVwAm| Ho$ _yë`m| _| ApñWaVm Ho$
H$maUm| H$mo ñnï> H$s{OE & H¥${f CËnmXm| Ho$ _yë`m| H$mo pñWa
H$aZo _| A§Vam©ï´>r` CËnmX g_Pm¡Vm| H$s ^y{_H$m H$m _yë`m§H$Z
H$s{OE & 10+10

7. A§Vam©ï´>r` ì`mnma _V^oXm| H$mo {ZnQ>mZo _| _w»` _wÔo Š`m h¢ ?

Bg g§~§Y _| A§Vam©ï´>r` dm{UÁ` g§K (ICC) H$s ^y{_H$m H$s
{ddoMZm H$s{OE & 10+10

8. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo na g§{jßV {Q>ßn{U`m±

{b{IE : 10+10

(H$) d¡ídrH$aU H$s e{º$`m±

(I) _mb H$m {dH«$` A{Y{Z`_, 1930 H$s AÝV{Z©{hV
(J) d¡pídH$ ì`mnma {~ÝXþ ZoQ>dH©$
(K) ì`mnma g§~§{YV ~m¡{ÕH$ gånXm A{YH$ma

IBO-01 8
No. of Printed Pages : 8 IBO-01



Term-End Examination
December, 2022

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Answer both the Parts as directed.


1. Comment on any four of the following

statements using about 100 words for each :
(a) ‘Foreign trade is an engine of growth.’

P. T. O.
[2] IBO-01

(b) ‘Balance of payments always balances.’

(c) ‘By keeping her doors wide open to MNCs

India will be able to proceed along the

desired path of development.’

(d) ‘Growing foreign exchange reserves are not

always an index of good health of an


(e) ‘World’s trading nationals have become

increasing interdependent.’

(f) ‘Understanding of new technology is

essential for new product development.’


2. Answer any four questions from this Section.

(a) What are the key features of Foreign

Direct Investment (FDI) in India ?

Distinguish between Direct and Portfolio

investments, clearly pointing out their

respective key characteristics. 10

[3] IBO-01

(b) Discuss the advantages and limitations of

FDI for developing countries. 10

3. Explain the concept and different forms of

Alternatives Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Mechanism. 20

4. Write short notes on any two of the following :


(a) Strategic alliances

(b) Special Drawing Rights (SDR)

(c) General Agreement of Trade in Services


(d) Global Trade Point Network

5. Discuss recent trends and current issues in the

transfer of technology. 20

6. (a) Describe the factors affecting the balance

of payments. 10

(b) Explain the methods of correcting

disequilibrium in the balance of payments.


P. T. O.
[4] IBO-01

7. (a) Describe various Internet services related

to the international business. 10

(b) Discuss the Global Trade Point Network.


8. (a) Why do firms become transnational ? Give

your arguments. 10

(b) Discuss the issues and controversies of

transnational corporations. 10
[5] IBO-01


vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;olk; izpkyu esa LukrdksÙkj

fMIyksek@okf.kT; esa LukrdksÙkj mikf/
(ih- th- Mh- vkbZ- ch- vks-@,e- dkWe-)
l=kkar ijh{kk
fnlEcj] 2022
vkbZ-ch-vks--01 % vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;olk; ifjos'k

le; % 3 ?k.Vs vf/dre vad % 100

uksV % nksuksa [k.Mksa ls funsZ'kkuqlkj mÙkj nhft,A


1- izR;sd dks yxHkx 100 'kCnksa esa fy[krs gq,

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha pkj dFkuksa ij fVIif.k;k¡
dhft, % 5×4=20

(d) ¶fons'k O;kikj fodkl dk batu gSA¸

([k) ¶Hkqxrku 'ks"k lnSo 'ks"k jgrk gSA¸

P. T. O.
[6] IBO-01

(x) ¶cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;ksa ds fy, vius njokts iwjh

rjg [kqyk j[kdj Hkkjr fodkl ds bfPNr ekxZ
ij c<+us esa liQy gksxkA¸
(?k) ¶fons'kh fofue; Hk.Mkj dh o`f¼ ges'kk
vkfFkZd O;oLFkk dh vPNh fLFkfr izdV ugha
djrh gSA¸
(Ä) ¶fo'o ds vkilh O;kikj esa layXu ns'k
/hjs&/hjs ,d&nwljs ij fuHkZj gksrs tk jgs gSaA¸
(p) ¶u;s mRikn fodflr djus ds fy, ubZ
rduhdksa dks le>uk vko';d gSA¸

uksV % bl [k.M esa ls fdUgha pkj iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A

2- (d) Hkkjr esa fons'kh izR;{k fuos'k dh ewy fo'ks"krk,¡

D;k gSa \ izR;{k vkSj iksVZiQksfy;ks fuos'k ds
eè; varj mudh ewy fo'ks"krkvksa dks crkrs gq,
dhft,A 10
([k) fodkl'khy ns'kksa ds fy, fons'kh izR;{k fuos'k
ds ykHkksa vkSj lhekvksa dk o.kZu dhft,A 10
[7] IBO-01

3- oSdfYid erHksn izLrko fØ;kfof/ dh ladYiuk vkSj

fofHkUu izdkjksa dks Li"V dhft,A 20

4- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡

fyf[k, % 10$10

(d) ;qfDriw.kZ lg;ksx

([k) fo'ks"k vkgj.k vf/dkj

(x) lsokvksa esa O;kikj ij lkekU; le>kSrk

(?k) oSf'od O;kikj fcUnq usVodZ

5- rduhd LFkkukarj.k esa orZeku izo`fÙk vkSj orZeku eqíksa

dks Li"V dhft,A 20

6- (d) Hkqxrku 'ks"k dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk

o.kZu dhft,A 10

([k) Hkqxrku 'ks"k esa vlarqyu dks Bhd djus dh

fof/;ksa dks Li"V dhft,A 10

P. T. O.
[8] IBO-01

7- (d) vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj ls lEcfU/r fofHkUu b.VjusV

lsokvksa dk o.kZu dhft,A 10

([k) oSf'od O;kikj fcUnq usVodZ dh O;k[;k

dhft,A 10

8- (d) dEifu;k¡ varjkZ"Vªh; D;ksa cu tkrh gSa \ vius

rdZ nhft,A 10

([k) varjkZ"Vªh; dkiksZjs'ku ls lEcfU/r fooknksa vkSj

eqíksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A 10


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