Scheme Theory Practical
ourse Code Name of Course Marks
23UITBSL2301 Discrete Mathematics
BS-05 3 - - 3 3 20 20 60 - - 100
and Graph Theory
Architecture & MDM-01 3 - - 3 3 20 20 60 - 100
Computer Networks PC-02 3 2 5 4 20 20 60 25 - 125
23UITL2304 Object Oriented
PC-03 3 - 2 5 4 20 20 60 25 - 125
23UITP2304 Programming
23UITL2305 Data Structures and
PC-04 3 - 2 5 4 20 20 60 - 25 125
23UITP2305 Algorithms
23UITP2306 Python Programming MDM-02 - - 4 4 2 - - - 25 25 50
Life Skill / Language EMC-01 - - 2 2 1 - - - 25 - 25
23UITHUL2308 Environmental
HSSM-01 2 - - 2 - - - - - - AU
TOTAL 17 - 12 29 21 100 100 300 100 50 650
23UITBSL2301: Discrete Mathematics and Graph
Teaching Scheme: Credit: Examination Scheme:
1. To gain sound knowledge to formulate and solve problems with sets and propositions
2. To identify types of relation, formulate and solve problems with relations and functions.
3. To understand and solve counting problems by applying elementary counting techniques for the
problems of discrete probability.
4. To understand Graph and Tree terminologies and models to be applied in real life problems.
CO2: Identify various relations and functions to provide solution to computational problems.
CO4: Understand how graph and tree concepts are used to solve problems arising in the computer
CO5: Identify fundamental algebraic structures.
Course Contents Hrs.
Unit I: Mathematical Logic and Set Theory 6
Applications of set theory and propositional logic Set Theory: sets and classes, Finite Sets,
Power Set, Cardinality of finite sets, Cartesian Product, Properties of Sets, Operations on sets,
Laws of algebra of sets, cardinality of a set, recursively defined set, inclusion exclusion
Logic & Proofs: Introduction to Logic. Propositional Logic, Truth tables, Deduction,
Resolution, Predicates and Quantifiers, normal forms, Mathematical Proofs Infinite sets, well-
ordering. Countable and Uncountable sets, Negation, disjunction and conjunction, Implication
and Equivalence, Truth tables, Predicates, Quantifiers, Natural deduction, Rules of Inference,
Methods of proofs, Mathematical Induction.
Application of graph theory and trees, Graphs: Basic concept of graph, Diagraphs, Multi-
Graphs, Weighted Graphs, Sub Graphs, Isomorphic graphs, Complete Graphs, Regular Graphs,
Bipartite Graphs, Operations on Graphs, Paths, Circuits, Hamiltonian and Eulerian graphs and
cycle, Travelling Salesman Problem, shortest path algorithm, Factors of Graphs, Planar Graphs,
Graph Coloring, Chromatic number. Trees: Tree Terminologies, Rooted Trees, Path Length in
Rooted Trees, Prefix Codes, Spanning Trees- Prims and Kruskal tree Fundamental Cut Sets and
Circuits, Max flow –Min Cut.
Unit V: Algebraic Structures 6
Application of algebraic structures, Introduction to algebraic structure, structured sets with
respect to binary operations, Group, Semigroup, Monoid, Ring and Field.
1. “Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications”, Kenneth H. Rosen, 7th Edition, Tata
Text McGraw-Hill, 2017, ISBN: 9780073383095.
Books 2. “Elements of Discrete Mathematics”, C. L. LIU, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2017,
ISBN-10: 1259006395 ISBN-13: 978125 9006395.
1. Discrete Mathematics:
2. Discrete Mathematics with Applications:
3. Introduction to Graph Theory:
1. “Discrete Mathematical Structures”, G. Shanker Rao, 2nd Edition2009, New Age
International, ISBN-10: 8122426697, ISBN-13: 9788122426694
Reference “Discrete Mathematics”, Lipschutz, Lipson, 2nd Edition, 1999, Tata McGraw-Hill,
Books ISBN: 007 463710X.
3. “Graph Theory”, V. K. Balakrishnan, 1st Edition, 2004, Tata McGraw-Hill, ISBN-10: 0-
07-058718-3, ISBN-13: 9780070587182.
4. “Discrete Mathematical Structures”, B. Kolman, R. Busby and S. Ross, 4th Edition,
Pearson Education, 2002, ISBN: 8178085569.
5. “Discrete Mathematical Structures with application to Computer Science”,
J. Tremblay, R. Manohar, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002, ISBN: 0070651426.
6. “Discrete Mathematics”, R. K. Bisht, H. S. Dhami, Oxford University Press, ISBN:
Online 1.
23UITL2302: Computer Architecture and Organization
Memory Sub-block: Memory organization; Technologies - ROM, RAM, EPROM, Flash, etc.,
Virtual Memories. Cache: Cache memory principles, Elements of cache design- cache
address, size, mapping functions, Cache algorithms, Cache Hierarchy, Cache coherence
protocols. Input and Output System: Peripheral devices, I/O interface, data transfer
schemes, program control, interrupt, DMA transfer, I/O Processor. Virtual Memory: Main
Memory Allocation, Virtual to Physical Address Translation, Paging, Page Placement &
Location, Page Faults, TLB in Address Translation, Handling TLB Misses & Page Faults.
Instruction: Register set, Flags, Physical address space of X86, Data types, Addressing
Modes, X86 Instruction Set. elements of machine instruction; instruction representation
(Opcode& mnemonics, Assembly language elements); Instruction Format & 0-1-2-3
address formats, Types of operands Addressing modes; Instruction types based on
operations (functions & examples of each); key characteristics of RISC& CISC. Interrupt:
its purpose, types, classes & interrupt handling (ISR, multiple interrupts), exceptions;
instruction pipelining (operation & speed up) Multiprocessor systems: Taxonomy of
Parallel Processor Architectures, two types of MIMD clusters & SMP (organization &
benefits) & multicore processor (various Alternatives & advantages 0f multicores),
typical features of multicore intel core i7.
Unit IV: Processor Organization 6
Processor organization, Register organization- user visible registers, control and status
registers, Case Study- register organization of microprocessor 8086. Instruction Cycle-
The machine cycle and Data flow, Instruction. Pipelining- Pipelining Strategy, Basic
concepts of pipelining, Arithmetic and Instruction Pipeline, throughput and speedup,
pipeline hazards, Introduction, Logic Design Conventions, Building a Datapath – A Simple
Implementation scheme – An Overview of Pipelining – Pipelined Datapath and Control.
Data Hazards: Forwarding versus Stalling, Control Hazards, Exceptions, Parallelism via
UNIT V: Basic Processing Unit 6
23UITL2303: Computer Networks
Teaching Scheme: Credit: Examination Scheme:
4. Identify and address common issues related to network performance, security, and management.
CO1: Explain the fundamental concepts and challenges of networking, including hardware, software,
and network reference models.
CO2: Apply appropriate error detection and correction techniques to data transmission scenarios at
the Physical and Data Link layers.
CO3: Analyze IP addressing schemes, subnetting, and routing protocols to design efficient network
CO4: Evaluate various transport and application layer protocols, and implement security measures to
protect network communications.
Course Contents Hrs.
Sr. No Relevance to
List of Laboratory Assignments
1. Study of basic Linux network command and network configuration
2. Basic Network Configuration
I. Set up a basic LAN environment
II. Configure IP addresses and subnet masks
III. Configure DHCP and DNS services
3. Network Traffic Analysis
I. Use Wireshark to capture and analysis of packets
II. Use Wireshark to analyze Ethernet frames and IP packets CO1
III. Use Wireshark to identify common network protocols and traffic
4. Router Configuration and Routing Protocols
Configuring routers and routing tables
Implementing static and dynamic routing protocols (e.g., RIP, OSPF)
Verifying and troubleshooting routing configurations
5. Switch Configuration and VLANs
Configuring VLANs and trunking
Implementing VLAN-based network segmentation
Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) for loop prevention
6. Network Security
Configuring access control lists (ACLs) on routers and switches
Implementing port security measures
Introduction to VPN configuration and encryption techniques
7. Network Simulation and Emulation
Using simulation tools such as Cisco Packet Tracer or GNS3
Designing and simulating network topologies
Troubleshooting network issues in a simulated environment
8. Network Services and Applications
IntExplore various network services such as DNS (Domain Name System),
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), FTP (File Transfer Protocol),
and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
Set up a DNS server and configure DNS zones, records, and name CO4
Configure a DHCP server to dynamically assign IP addresses, subnet
masks, and other network parameters to clients.
1. This course introduces student’s general idea and concepts of object oriented programming.
2. It is also aimed at developing skills to implement these concepts.
3. The course provide carrier opportunities in design of some applications as object oriented
concepts plays dominant role in software development.
Course Outcomes: After completing this course, student will able to
CO1: Describe object oriented paradigm with concepts of classes, objects, functions, arrays, strings.
CO2: Appraise dynamic memory management techniques using pointers.
CO3:Classify inheritance, and apply concept of polymorphism, function overloading, operator
overloading, and virtual functions.
CO4: Implement file management, template and exception handing techniques.
Manipulating strings, Stream Classes, Stream Errors, Disk File I/O with Streams, File
Pointers, Function Templates, Class Templates, Introduction to Standard Template Library,
Exceptions Handling: fundamentals simple exception handling- Divide by Zero, Multiple
catching, re-throwing an exception, exception specifications, user defined exceptions,
options the uncaught exception( ). Recent trends in Object Oriented Programming in C++,
Advanced topics & its applications.
Sr. Relevance
List of Laboratory Assignments
No. to CO
1 Write a program to demonstrate the use of CO1
i) cin and cout statement
ii) structure
2. Write a program to demonstrate working of CO1
i)class and object
ii)constructor and destructor
iii)friend function
3. Develop an application for Scientific calculator or Income Tax Calculator. CO1
4. Write a program to illustrate how to initialize a dynamic variable with CO2
5. Write a program to demonstrate working of malloc(), calloc(), free() and CO2
6. Write a program to demonstrate various types of inheritance CO3
Sr. Relevance
List of Laboratory Assignments
No to CO
1 Write a program by using basic concepts like input, output, variable, CO1
keywords, and identifiers.
2 Write a program to demonstrate the of arithmetic operators. CO1
3 Write a program to demonstrate working of control structures. CO2
4 Write a program to demonstrate working of different types of functions. CO2
5 Write a program to demonstrate working of recursion. CO2
6 Write a program to perform different operations on list:
i. Append
ii. Extend
iii. Insert CO3
iv. Remove
v. Pop
vi. Slice
7 Write a program to perform different operations on set:
i. Update CO3
ii. Remove the element
iii. Clear
iv. Pop
8 Write a program to perform different operations on tuple:
i. Accessing
ii. Concatenation CO3
iii. Slicing
iv. Deleting
9 Write a program to demonstrate the working of dictionary
3. Write a Python program to plot the different types of graph using Matplotlib and
Seaborn library
Lectures: 02 Hrs./Week AU --
Prerequisite (If any):
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the importance of ecological balance for sustainable development..
2. Recognize the relevance of the natural resources for sustainable life style.
3. Understand and realize the multi-disciplinary nature of the environment, its components, and
inter-relationship between man and environment.
4. Use relevant pollution control methods to solve domestic and industrial problems.
Course Outcomes: After completing this course, students will be able to
CO1: Comprehend the importance of ecosystem and biodiversity.
CO2: Correlate the environmental degradation and awareness about environmental protection and
CO3: Identify different types of environmental pollution and control measures.
CO4: Correlate the exploitation and utilization of conventional and non-conventional resources.
Unit I: Ecosystems 6
Concept, Structure, Function, Energy flow, Ecological succession, Forest, grassland, desert
and aquatic ecosystems - Introduction, characteristic features, structure and function.