Willem J. Stiekema, Freek Heidekamp,1 Wim G. Dirkse, Joke van Beckum, Peter de Haan, Carolien ten
Bosch I and Jeanine D. Louwerse 1
Research Institute Ital, P.O. Box 48, 6700 A A Wageningen, Netherlands; 1present address: TNO-CIVO,
P.O. Box 360, 3700 A J Zeist, Netherlands
Tuberization in potato is a complex developmental process involving the expression of a specific set of genes
leading to the synthesis of tuber proteins. We here report the cloning and analysis of mRNAs encoding tuber
proteins. From a potato tuber cDNA library four different recombinants were isolated which hybridized
predominantly with tuber mRNAs. Northern blot hybridization experiments showed that three of them,
pPATB2, p303 and p340, can be regarded as tuber-specific while the fourth, p322, hybridizes to tuber and stem
mRNA. Hybrid-selected in vitro translation and nucleotide sequence analysis indicate that pPATB2 and p303
represent patatin and the proteinase inhibitor II mRNA respectively. Recombinant p322 represents an mRNA
encoding a polypeptide having homology with the soybean Bowman-Birk proteinase inhibitor while p340
represents an mRNA encoding a polypeptide showing homology with the winged bean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor.
In total, these four polypeptides constitute approximately 50°7o of the soluble tuber protein. Using Southern
blot analysis of potato DNA we estimate that these mRNAs are encoded by small multigene families.
al. [37] showed that two classes of patatin genes ex- tein having homology to the Bowman-Birk pro-
ist. Class I is exclusively expressed in the tuber while teinase inhibitor described in soybean [16]. The
Class II patatin genes are expressed in both tubers fourth cloned tuber mRNA encodes a protein show-
and roots. In tubers equal amounts of Class I and ing homology to the Kunitz trypsine inhibitor of
Class II mRNAs are present. In roots the expression winged bean [55].
of Class II genes show a 50-100- fold lower level. Re-
cently, Twell and Ooms [52] presented data showing
that the 5' flanking region of one of the patatin Materials and methods
genes is able to direct tuber-specific gene expression.
A 3 800 basepairs (bp) DNA fragment located up- Growth conditions f o r plants
stream of the patatin protein-coding sequences con-
tains the regulatory signals conferring organ- Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum cv. Bintje and
specific expression upon a reporter gene. monoploid Solanum tuberosum clone AM 79.7322)
Patatin is the most abundant tuber protein [35], were grown from seed potatoes in 4-1itre containers
suggesting that it serves as a storage protein. Recent- in a growth chamber at 18 °C with a light intensity
ly, it has been shown that patatin also displays a lipid o f 10-15 klux for 14 hours followed by 10 hours of
acyl hydrolase activity [38, 41]. This enzymatic ac- darkness at 15 °C.
tivity of patatin might have a function in the transi-
tion of the tuber from dormancy to vegetative
growth [41] or in protection against microbial R N A isolation
growth [38].
The mRNA encoding a second tuber protein, the Tissue was harvested from young potato plants and
proteinase inhibitor II, has been cloned by Sanchez- immediately frozen at - 8 0 °C until use. Frozen tis-
Serrano et al. [43], Keil et al. [19] and Thornburg sue was ground in a mortar to a fine powder under
et al. [51] isolated the corresponding genes. Under liquid nitrogen. To 1 g of tissue a mixture of 2 ml
normal conditions the potato proteinase inhibitor II 0.2 M sodium acetate, pH 5.0, l°70 SDS, 0.01 M
gene is only expressed in the tuber. Upon wounding EDTA and 2 ml distilled phenol containing 0.1°70
the expression o f this gene is systemically induced in 8-hydroxyquinoline was added. After rigorous shak-
potato [13, 43], suggesting that the proteinase inhibi- ing and centrifugation the aqueous phase was re-
tor II protein is involved in the defence response of moved and the phenol phase re-extracted with 0.2 M
the plant against pathogens. As shown by Sanchez- sodium acetate, pH 5.0, 1°70SDS, 0.01 M EDTA. The
Serrano et al. [44] and Thornburg et al. [51] 1000 bp aqueous phases were collected and re-extracted twice
of 5' and 3' flanking regions of the proteinase inhib- with an equal volume of phenol:chloroform (1:1) and
itor II gene are sufficient to confer wound-inducible chloroform, respectively. Subsequently LiC1 was ad-
expression upon a reporter gene in transgenic tobac- ded to a final concentration of 2.5 M. The RNA was
co plants. precipitated overnight at 4 °C, collected by centrifu-
To enlarge our knowledge of tuber proteins and gation, washed once with 2.5 M LiC1 and twice with
the regulatory mechanisms involved in the develop- 70°7o ethanol. The dried pellet was dissolved in water
mental expression of their structural genes we decid- and stored in portions at - 8 0 °C. By this procedure
ed to clone and characterize a number of genes en- total RNA was isolated from different plant tissues.
coding these proteins. As a first step towards this Poly(A) ÷ RNA was isolated by oligo-dT cellulose
goal we report here the cloning and analysis of four chromatography [25].
different tuber mRNAs. Northern blot analysis
shows that these mRNAs are predominantly present
in tubers. Two of them encode the patatin and pro- Construction o f c D N A library
teinase inhibitor II proteins respectively of potato cv.
Bintje. A third cloned mRNA codes for a tuber pro- A quick one-tube method was used for the construc-
tion of the cDNA library using tuber poly(A) ÷ microtitre plates were grown on GeneScreen Plus
RNA as a template. Tuber poly(A) ÷ RNA (5 #g) (New England Nuclear) and hybridized to radioac-
and oligo-dT (1.5 #g) were incubated at 80 °C for tively labelled probes essentially as described by
30 s in a volume o f 20/~1 double-distilled water. Sub- Franssen et al. [9]. For selection 10 #g/ml tetracy-
sequently mix I (20 units reverse transcriptase cline was used in Luria Broth (LB) agar. Single-
(Boehringer) in 30/~I 0.1 M Tris-HCl pH 8.3, 0.01 M stranded cDNA probes for differential screening of
MgC12, 0.15 M KCI, 0.02 M DTT, 1 mM dCTP, the cDNA library were prepared from poly(A) ÷
1 mM dGTP, 1 mM dTTP, 1 mM dATP) was added RNA according to the first-strand synthesis proce-
and the mixture incubated at 43 °C for 45 min. After dure used in the construction of the cDNA library
the first-strand synthesis 150/~l ice-cold mix II except that 50 #Ci o f ot-32p-dATP and o~-32p-dCTP
(40 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 10 mM MgCI2, 75 mM (specific activity 3 200 Ci/mmol; New England Nu-
KC1, 25 #g/ml BSA) was added and the mixture put clear) and 0.2 mM unlabelled dATP and dCTP were
on ice for 5 min. Second-strand synthesis was per- added.
formed by adding 2 #l o~-32p-dATP (3 000 Ci/mmol
-- 110000 GBq/mmol; 10 mCi/ml; New England
Nuclear), 8 tzl DNA polymerase I (5 U//~l; Hybrid-selected translation
Boehringer) and 1 #l E. coli RNase H (2 U/#l;
Boehringer), and the mixture incubated at 11 °C for PIasmid DNA was isolated by the alkaline lysis
60 min. Subsequently 2/xl 20 m M ATP and 1 #l T4 method [25]. For hybrid-selected translation inserts
DNA ligase (1 U//~l; Boehringer) were added and the o f selected recombinants ( 5 - 1 0 #g of DNA) were
incubation prolonged for 2 h at 18 °C. To stop the denatured and applied to 0.5 cm 2 discs of di-
reaction 200 #l 0.4 M EDTA and 1 #120% SDS was azophenylthioether paper (BioRad) essentially as
added and the ds-cDNA separated from unincorpo- described [25]. Total potato tuber RNA (750 #g) was
rated a-32p-dATP by Sephadex G-50 column chro- hybridized to the filter-bound DNA in 300/zl 50%
matography in 0.01 M Tris, 1 mM EDTA, 0.3 NaCl (v/v) deionized formamide, 0.1% SDS, 0.6 M NaC1,
pH 7.5. The ds-cDNA was precipitated with ethanol, 4 mM EDTA, 80 mM Tris-HC1 pH 7.8. Hybridiza-
dried and dissolved in double-distilled water. Ds- tion was initiated at 56 °C and the temperature was
cDNA was size-fractionated on a 5 - 30% sucrose slowly decreased to 37 °C over a period of 6 hours.
gradient in 0.1 M NaC1, 0.01 M Tris-HC1 pH 7.5, After thorough washing, the bound RNA was eluted
1 mM EDTA for 16 h at 4°C and 30000 rpm. Ds- at 90°C in H20, ethanol-precipitated, dried and
cDNA having a length of 500 bp or more was used dissolved in 5 #1 H20; 1.5/~1 was translated in a
for the tailing reaction in 120 mM potassium wheat germ extract (Bethesda Research Laborato-
cacodylate pH 6.9, 1 mM dCTP, 1 mM CoCI 2, 50 ries) in a 7.5/~1 mixture to which 20 #Ci [35S]-
units terminal deoxynucleotidyltrans ferase methionine, 2.5 #1 wheat germ extract in 20 mM
(Boehringer). Tailed ds-cDNA (1 ng) was precipitat- magnesium acetate, 30 mM potassium acetate,
ed with ethanol, dried and annealed to 10, 20, 50 or 0.5 mM each of 19 amino acids was added. Transla-
100 ng Pst I-cut oligo-dG-tailed pBR322 (Bethesda tion products were separated by electrophoresis on
Research Laboratories) in 50/~1 0.1 M NaC1, 1 mM a 12.5% SDS-polyacrylamide slab gel according to
Tris-HC1 pH 7.5, 0.1 mM EDTA at 58 °C f o r 2 h. Dorssers [12]. The translation products were visual-
The annealed mixture was used to transform E. coli ized by fluorography using a Kodak XAR-5 film.
M H 1 [11]. For selection o f transformants 10 #g/ml
tetracycline was used. On the average 3 000 transfor-
mants were obtained per/~g o f poly(A) + RNA. Nothern blot analysis
Fig. 1. Occurrenceof tuber mRNAsin different tissues of potato. Autoradiographsare shownof Northern blots containing RNA isolated
from underground stolon (1), aerial stolon (2), root (3), tuber (4), stem (5) and leaf (6) tissue and separated by electrophoresis on 1°70
agarose gels, blotted onto GeneScreen filters and hybridized against 32p-labelled p303, p322, p340 and p207. The position of the
ribosomal RNAs, visualized after ethidium bromide staining of the agarose gel, is indicated.
The translation products of total tuber m R N A have Fig. 2. Characterization of the coding capacity of tuber cDNA
clones by hybrid selected translation. Tuber RNA eluted from
been analysed by electrophoresis on a denaturing
filter-bound p207, p303, p322and p340 as well as total RNA iso-
SDS-polyacrylamide gel. A number o f abundant lated from tuber, leaf and stem tissue was translated in a wheat
polypeptide bands could be identified having a germ extract in the presence of 35S-methionine. The products ob-
molecular weight of 10000, 12500, 16000, 21000, tained were separated on a 12.5% polyacrylamide gel and
23 000 and 43 000 (Fig. 2). Only three potato tuber fluorographed. The molecular weight of marker proteins is indi-
proteins have been characterized thoroughly until cated as Mr × 10-3.
now: the patatin protein of Mr 43 000 [29], the pro-
teinase inhibitor I of M r 12600 [4] and the pro-
teinase inhibitor II o f M r 16000 [51, 55]. Patatin can copy of the cv. Bintje proteinase inhibitor II mRNA.
account for up to 40% of the tuber protein [35] while Recombinant p322 selected a m R N A encoding a
the proteinase inhibitors can represent up to 10% M r 10000 polypeptide while p340 hybrid-selected
[4]. So, most likely the dominant M r 43000, 16000 m R N A s appeared to code for polypeptides of M r
and 12 500 polypeptide bands detected after in vitro 23 000, 21000 and 19000. This might be explained by
translation of tuber poly(A) ÷ R N A represented the assuming that p340 contains a copy of a m R N A en-
patatin and the proteinase inhibitor I and II poly- coded by a diverged multigene family. Tuber proteins
peptides, respectively. showing these molecular weights have not been
The identity o f the cloned tuber m R N A s was es- described in the literature.
tablished by hybrid selection and in vitro translation.
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) demon-
strated that polypeptides of M r 16000 and 43000 Nucleotide sequence analysis of the tuber
were encoded by m R N A s selected by c D N A clone m R N A s containing cDNA recombinants
p303 and p207 (Fig. 2) respectively. This strongly
suggested that p207 contained a copy of cv. Bintje pPA TB1 and pPA TB2
patatin m R N A while c D N A clone p303 contained a Recombinant p207 contained an insert of ca. 750
I i0 20 30 40 50 60
B2 Met Ala Thr Thr Lys Ser Phe Leu Ile Leu Phe Phe
Fig. 3. Nucleotide sequence of the insert of clones pPATBI and pPATB2. The copy of the patatin m R N A was cloned by GC tailing in
the Pst I site of pBR322. These tails are not shown here. The 5' -terminal nucleotide of the insert of pPATB1 is indicated by the triangle.
Putative polyadenylation sites are underlined, and the glycosylation site is boxed.
nucleotides (data not shown) while it hybridized to genes which are expressed in tubers and to a very low
an mRNA having a length of ca. 1 500 nucleotides extent in roots [37]. Class II mRNAs contain a 22 bp
(Fig. 1). Obviously p207 did not contain a full- insert 9 nucleotides upstream of the ATG transla-
length copy o f the cloned mRNA and therefore the tion initiation codon, as opposed to Class I mRNAs.
cDNA library was rescreened using the insert of p207 In accordance with the in vivo glycosylated nature
as a probe. A number of cross-hybridizing cDNA of the patatin polypeptide the patatin precursor pro-
clones were detected, two of which, pPATB1 and tein contains a signal peptide of 23 amino acids. A
pPATB2, were analysed further. putative glycosylation site in the mature protein
The complete nucleotide sequence of the inserts could be assumed on the basis of the N-
of pPATB1 and pPATB2 was determined (Fig. 3). glycosylation site rule as formulated by Sharon and
The insert of pPATB2 showed a length of 1 377 bp Lis [47] and formed by Asn-Tyr-Ser in both pPATB1
(the GC tails and the poly(A) ÷ tail not included). and pPATB2.
The insert of pPATB1, lacking 50 nucleotides at the The 3' untranslated regions contained four puta-
5' end compared to pPATB2, showed 13 nucleotide tive polyadenylation signals (AATAA) two of which
changes and 9 amino acid substitutions resulting in were located near the polyadenylation site. It is
an overall homology of more than 97% with tempting to speculate that the pPATB2 mRNA tran-
pPATB2. In both recombinants one open reading script has used the more distal of these two poly-
frame could be detected. In pPATB2 this sequence adenylation sites (Fig. 3) for termination in compar-
could accommodate a potential polypeptide of 386 ison to the pPATB1 transcript.
amino acids having a molecular weight of 42610.
The deduced amino acid sequence of this polypep- p303
tide shows more than 95 % homology with the pata- The insert of cDNA p303 has been partly (200
tin amino acid sequence as determined by Mignery nucleotides) analysed by DNA sequence analysis
et al. [29]. The homology of pPATB2 with the pata- (data not shown). Comparison of the determined
tin amino acid sequence as determined by Rosahl et nucleotide sequence with the potato inhibitor II
al. [39] in another potato cultivar extends even to 385 mRNA nucleotide sequence as published recently by
out o f 386 amino acids. Only the carboxy terminal Sanchez-Serrano et aL [43] shows more than 90°70
(C-terminal) tyrosine residue as determined by homology. So, this cDNA clone contained a copy of
Rosahl et al. has changed to histidine in pPATB2 the cv. Bintje proteinase inhibitor II mRNA. We did
(TAT--CAT). These data infer that pPATB1 and not examine this clone further.
pPATB2 contain copies of two different cv. Bintje
patatin mRNAs. In total, we have isolated cDNA p322
clones containing copies of five different patatin As shown in Fig. 4, the insert of recombinant p322
mRNAs (data not shown) which indicates that at has a length of 470 bp (except GC tails and
least five different patatin genes are actively ex- poly(A) ÷ tails of 30 residues). The determined
pressed in the tetraploid potato cv. Bintje. nucleotide sequence allowed for one open reading
The patatin mRNA copy cloned in pPATB2 con- frame coding for a polypeptide o f 76 amino acids
tained an untranslated leader sequence of 23 nucleo- having a molecular weight of 8 614. The coding ca-
tides. Recently Pickaard et al. [37] reported a Class pacity of p322 as determined by hybrid-release
I patatin mRNA leader of 37 nucleotides in cv. Su- translation and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electropho-
perior as determined by S 1 nuclease protection ex- resis has been estimated at ca. M r 10000 (Fig. 2).
periments. The 23 nucleotide long cv. Bintje patatin This discrepancy might be explained by anomalous
leader showed complete homology to the cor- migration of the polypeptide on the gel system used,
responding part o f the cv. Superior patatin mRNA possibly due to differences in the extent of SDS bind-
leader. By analogy we concluded that the pPATB2 ing [18] or by assuming that the first methionine
mRNA is encoded by a Class I patatin gene which codon (nucleotides 7 - 9) does not function as a start
is only expressed in tubers in contrast to Class II codon. The sequences surrounding this triplet do
i i0 20 30 40 50 60
Leu Ser Met Arg Phe Phe Ala Thr Phe Phe Leu Leu Ala Met Leu Val Val Ala Thr Lys
490 500
A ~
Fig. 4. Nucleotidesequenceof the insert of clone p322 (exceptthe GC tails). The putativepolyadenylationsignals are underlinedas well
as the putative methionineinitiation codon (nucleotide7-9). The direct invertedrepeat in the 3' untranslated region is overlined.The
putative proteolytic cleavagesite is indicated by an arrow.
not obey the Kozak rule [20]. Instead o f purines a ala-29 and arg-30. This site obeys the ( - 3 , - 1 ) rule
thymidine residue is found at the position - 3 while proposed by Von Heye [53] which suggests a small
a cytidine residue is located at position + 4. There- residue at - 1 (ala) whereas at - 3 the amino acid
fore, recombinant p322 might not contain a full- may not be aromatic, charged or large and polar
length copy of the corresponding mRNA. On the (ala). Moreover, the putative signal peptide contains
other hand comparison o f the amino terminal (N- a hydrophobic core of 14 amino acids which is
terminal) amino acid sequence to published protein flanked at its N-terminal site by an arginine at posi-
sequences showed homology to some of these. Start- tion 4 and at its C-terminal site by 10 amino acids,
ing at the methionine residue mentioned the p322 o f which two are basic (lys-20, arg-25) and one is
polypeptide showed 54% identity to the N-terminal acidic (glu-28). Cloning of the p322 gene and $1
part of the signal peptide of human lactalbumin nuclease analysis or primer extension experiments
precursor protein [14] (7 out of 13 N-terminal amino will ultimately show whether or not the p322 cDNA
acids), suggesting the presence o f a signal peptide in recombinant contains a full-length copy of the
the N-terminal domain o f p322. This was further mRNA.
supported by the presence of the amino acid se- At the C-terminus of the p322 polypeptide anoth-
quence phe-phe-leu-leu-ala (nucleotides 25 to 40) er remarkable homology is found (Fig. 5). Five of
also found in the signal peptide of the proteinase in- the six amino acids o f the C-terminal sequence phe-
hibitor I of potato ([4], W. J. Stiekema, unpublished cys-tyr-pro-cys appeared to be identical to the C-
results). Inspection of the hydrophobicity profile terminal part of the Bowman-Birk trypsin inhibitor
(data not shown) indeed showed a strongly o f soybean [31, 32]. Comparison of the mature part
hydrophobic region at the N-terminus of the p322 o f this proteinase inhibitor to the putative mature
polypeptide. The cleavage site is predicted between part of the p322 polypeptide showed an overall ho-
i I0 20 30 40 50 60
P34021Ser lie Asn lle Leu Ser Phe Leu Leu Leu Ser Ser Thr Leu Ser Leu Val Ala Phe Ala~
Fig. 6. Nucleotide sequence of the insert of clone p340 (except GC tails) and part of the nucleotide sequence of p34021 (nucleotides 1- 303
and 609-786). Nucleotides and amino acids identical in p34021 and p340 are indicated by -. The putative proteolytic cleavage site is
indicated by the arrow, and putative polyadenylation signals are underlined.
130 140 150 160 Estimation o f the number o f genes encoding the
@0 • I0 0 O0 • 00@0 0 @<DO 0
30 • 90 I00 ii0 Figure 8 shows the result of a Southern blot hybridi-
zation experiment performed with the four different
cDNA clones as probes. Potato cultivar Bintje or
170 180 190
I FKIM-KTDLVTPRGSKYVYKLLHCPSHLGCKNIGG-N monoploid potato AM 79.7322 DNA was cut by re-
• 0 • 0 O0 0 • 000 000 00~ O@ striction enzymes Eco RI, Hind III and Barn HI
II FDYLFKFEKVTSKFSS--YKLKYCAKRDTCKDIGIYR and hybridized against the different clones. With all
120 130 A AI40
enzymes and all probes a number of hybridizing
DNA fragments appeared. This might be partly ex-
200 210 220 plained by restriction enzyme polymorphism since
I FKNGYPRLVTVDDDKDF IPFVF IKA part of the experiment was performed with DNA of
II DQKGYARLVVTDENPLVV I FKKVE S S the tetraploid cv. Bintje. Still it can be concluded that
150 160 170 all cloned tuber mRNAs are encoded by small mul-
Fig. 7. C o m p a r i s o n of the C-terminal region of the p34021 (I) tigene families. The patatin mRNAs were shown to
a n d the Kunitz trypsine inhibitor of winged bean (II) polypeptide be encoded by the largest family of ca. 10-15 mem-
as determined by protein sequencing. Identical a m i n o acids are bers per haploid genome, in agreement with data
depicted by e , a n d conservative substitutions by o. Conserved presented by Bevan et al. [22]. The p303 proteinase
cysteine residues are indicated by A.
Fig. 8. Autoradiographs of Southern blots are shown containing nuclear D N A of potato cv. Bintje (A, B) or monohaploid A M 79.7322
(A) digested by Barn HI, Eco RI or H i n d III, separated on a 0.7°/0 agarose gel and blotted onto nitrocellulose filters. These filters were
hybridized against 32p-labelled pPATB2 (A) or p303, p322 and p340 (B). Molecular weight markers of k D N A digested with H i n d III
are indicated in kilobases.
inhibitor II gene family most likely consists of only hydrophobic N-terminal region strongly resembling
a few members. a signal peptide as expected for a putative proteinase
inhibitor polypeptide. This domain possesses all fea-
tures expected to be present in such a region.
Discussion A similar degree o f homology can be detected be-
tween p340, p34021 and the Kunitz trypsin inhibitor
Tuberization in potato is a complex developmental of winged bean [55]. Again three of the four cysteine
process involving morphological changes and also residues are found in the same position while the
the expression o f a specific set of genes leading to fourth residue is located in a similar region in both
the synthesis of tuber proteins. A precise under- polypeptides, suggesting a similar secondary struc-
standing of this process is a prerequisite to any at- ture. Also in the C-terminal domain a region of ex-
tempt to manipulate genetically the properties of the tensive homology can be identified. Moreover, in
tuber of this important crop. analogy to the Kunitz trypsin inhibitor the p34021
To increase our knowledge of this process at the polypeptide contains a very hydrophobic N-terminal
molecular level we decided to analyse the mechanism region indicating the presence of a signal peptide.
involved in the developmental regulation of genes Overall, the mature domain shows 50°70 amino acid
specifically expressed in the tuber tissue. homology (conservative amino acid changes dis-
As a first step we report the molecular cloning of regarded) to the C-terminal part of winged bean pro-
four mRNAs encoding tuber proteins. All four teinase inhibitor.
mRNAs are mainly present in tuber tissue as shown These homologies suggest that p34021 and p322
by Northern blot hybridization. However, one of contain copies of mRNAs encoding proteinase
them can also be detected at a ten-fold lower level inhibitor-like polypeptides. The amino terminal
in stem tissue. Two o f the cloned tuber mRNAs, hydrophobic signal sequences present in both poly-
pPATB2 and p303, encode patatin and proteinase in- peptides are in agreement with the expected cellular
hibitor II proteins respectively. These two proteins location of proteinase inhibitors in vacuoles [54].
have been described and analysed in detail [29, 39, The signal sequence-mediated translocation across
40, 37, 36, 2, 41, 38, 43, 19, 51] which will not be the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum is the
repeated here. Nevertheless it is remarkable that the first step in sorting o f this kind of proteins to cell or-
nucleotide sequence o f pPATB2 is almost complete- ganelles. The homology found in the positively
ly homologous to the patatin mRNA analysed by charged carboxy terminal domain can also have a
Rosahl et al. [39]. This m R N A was isolated from a function in the sorting event. Recently it has been
diploid potato. This clearly shows that some o f the shown for the M13 procoat protein [30] and for
expressed patatin genes are extremely conserved. honeybee prepromellitin [21] that properties of the
Two other tuber mRNAs were cloned and ana- whole mature domain determines this process. The
lysed. They encode polypeptides which have not presence and distribution of charged amino acids
been described for potato before. One of them, p322, within the mature domain of these precursors can
shows homology to a Bowman-Birk type proteinase play especially distinct roles.
inhibitor present in soybean [31, 32]. Eight cysteine As yet nothing is known for certain about the
residues in both polypeptides are located in the same physiological function of the proteinase inhibitor II,
position, suggesting a similar secondary structure in the patatin and the 2 proteinase inhibitor-like poly-
both polypeptides. Another remarkable homology peptides described here which constitute about 50070
has been found at the C-terminal region of these of the soluble tuber protein [4, 35]. All these four
polypeptides. Overall, the mature domain shows polypeptides are present at very high concentrations
46°70 amino acid homology (conservative amino acid in developing (data not shown) as well as mature
changes disregarded) to the Bowman-Birk pro- tubers. Certainly they will have some function as
teinase inhibitor including the putative reactive site, storage proteins. But it is tempting to speculate that
arg-49. Also the p322 polypeptide contains a the proteinase inhibitors are also involved in the
defence mechanism against invading predators such Characterization of cDNA for nodulin-75 of soybean: a gene
as larvae or fungi. The systemic inducibility of the product involved in early stages of root nodule development.
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