Qp Xii Accountancy
Qp Xii Accountancy
Qp Xii Accountancy
A company issued 5,00,000, 10% Debentures of 100 each at a discount of 10% and
redeemable after 5 years at a premium of 5%. Loss on issue of debentures will be --------
Mohan, goodwill was valued at 60,000. Ram and Sohan will respectively compensate
Mohan with
Anu ………….
Annel …………. ------------
allotment money of 5 per share including 2 as premium. Out of these, few shares were
reissued to Nikhil at 7 per share as 8 called-up and 3,200 were transferred to capital
reserve. No of shares reissued were :
(a) 500 shares (b) 800 shares (c) 700 shares (d) 600 shares
13 As per Section 52 of Companies Act 2013, Securities Premium Reserve cannot be utilised 1
(A) Writing off all capital expenditures
(B) Issue of fully paid bonus shares to members
(C) Writing off discount/ loss on issue of debentures.
(D) Writing off preliminary expenses
14 X and Y are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2. Capitals of X and Y after 1
adjustments are 1,60,000 and 1,20,000 respectively. They admit Z as a partner on his
capital contribution of 70,000. New profit sharing ratio of partners is to be 5:3:2. Capital
accounts of the old partners are to be proportionate of their profit sharing ratio adjusted on
the basis of Z’s capital. Surplus capital to be paid to Y:
Aman , Barman and Chetan are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:3:4.
They decided to share future profits and losses in the ratio of 4:3:2. They also decided to
record the effect of the following without affecting their book values:
16 At the time of dissolution of a firm, creditors are 1,60,000, firm’s capital is 2,40,000 and 1
bank balance is 25,000. Other assets realized 3,00,000. Gain /loss in the realization
account will be :
guaranteed a profit 10,00,000. The firm earned a profit of 17,50,000 for the year ended
31 March,2023.
Pass Journal entries and prepare the Profit and Loss Appropriation a/c for the year ended
31st March,2023.
18 A, B, C are partners in a firm. On 1.4. 2022 their capital stood at 5,00,000, 2,50,000, 3
and 2,50,000 respectively. As per the provision of the partnership deed;
The net profit for the year 2022-23 of 3 30,000 divided equally without providing the
above adjustment. Pass a single adjustment entry to rectify the above errors.
Arun & Barun are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2 .Their capital were 50,000 &
30,000 respectively. Partnership deed provided for Interest on capital @6%p.a. and
quarterly salary of 1,000 to Barun . Arun had given loan of 1,00,000 on 1st October
,2021 to the firm without any agreement about interest . For the year 2021-22 , the profits
earned 26,800 .
Prepare Profit & loss appropriation A/c of the firm for the year ended 31st March, 2022.
19 Balbir Ltd. obtained a loan of Rs 20, 00,000 from SBI @ 9% p.a. interest. The company 3
issued Rs 21,50,000 , 9% Debentures of Rs 100 each in favour of SBI as collateral
Pass journal entries for the above transactions and show the presentation in the
Balance Sheet of Balbir Ltd.
X Ltd. took over Building of 20,00,000 and Machinery of 5,00,000 and liabilities of
6,00,000 of Y Ltd. for a purchase consideration 22,00,000. X Ltd. paid the amount
9,50,000 by Bank Draft and balance by issuing Equity shares of 10 each at a premium
of 25% .
Pass journal entries in the books of X Ltd.
20 Average profit earned by a firm is Rs. 75,000 which includes undervaluation of stock of 3
Rs. 5,000 on average basis. The capital invested in the business is Rs. 7,00,000 and the
normal rate of return is 7% p.a .Calculate the amount of goodwill on the basis of 5 times
the super profit .
21 STAR Ltd. is registered with an Authorised Capital of 10,00,000 divided into 1,00,000 4
equity shares of 10 each. The company issued 50,000 equity shares at a premium of 5
per share. 3 per share were payable with application, 9 per share (including premium)
on allotment and the balance amount on first and final call. The issue was fully subscribed
and all the amount due was received except the first and final call money on 1500 shares
allotted to Vishal. Prepare the Balance Sheet of the company as per schedule III part I
of the Companies Act, 2013 Showing ‘Share Capital balance and Also prepare Notes
to Accounts for the same.
22 Amit and Balan are partners in a firm. They decided to dissolve their firm. Pass 4
necessary Journal entries for the following after various assets and external liabilities
have been transferred to Realisation A/c:-
a) Amit took over half of the investment worth Rs.30,000 at 2% discount and the
remaining investment were sold at a profit of 18% of the book value.
b) Amit had given a loan of Rs.89,000 to the firm which was settled at 90,000.
c) Out of the Stock of Rs.1,20,000; Balan took over 1/3rd of the stock at a discount
of 25% and 50% of remaining stock was took over by a Creditor of Rs.30,000 in
full settlement of his claim. Balance amount of stock realized at Rs.25,000.
d) An outstanding bill for repairs and renewal of Rs.3,000 was settled through an
unrecorded asset which was valued at Rs.10,000. Balance being settled in
23 Vijay Laxmi Ltd. issued a prospectus for inviting applications for 50,000 Equity shares of 6
the forfeited shares were reissued to Mr. Gaurav for 6,300 as fully paid-up.
You are required to pass necessary Journal Entries for the above transactions in the
books of Vijay Laxmi Ltd.
Shiv Ltd. Invited applications for 20,000 Equity shares of 100 each at a premium of 10
per share. The amount was payable as follows:
On application 40 per share (including premium), on allotment 30 per share and the
balance on first and final call.
Application for 30,000 shares was received. Application for 4,000 shares was rejected and
pro rata allotment was made to the remaining applicants. Ramesh, who was allotted 2,000
shares, did not pay the allotment and first and final call money. His shares were forfeited.
Current assets of X Ltd. are 2,00,000 and current liabilities are 1,50,000. If its Working
capital Turnover Ratio is 6 times, its revenue from operations will be
31 Classify the following items under Major heads and Sub heads (If any) in the balance sheet 3
of a Company as per schedule III of the Companies Act 2013.
i. Loose Tools
ii. Unclaimed dividend
iii. Capital Work- in-progress
iv. Calls-in-arrears
v. Securities premium
vi. Current maturities of long-term debts
32 Mahi & Neha started a small Co. under the GOI’s Start-up Scheme. Their financial 3
performance for the last year was as under.
Net profits after Tax 6,50,000 , 10% Debentures 10,00,000 , Tax Rate: 50% , Non-
Cost of Revenue from operations 24,00,000 , Gross Profit is 20% on Revenue from
operations (Net Sales),
Calculate (a) Return on Investment or Capital Employed
(b) Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio
33 Following is the statement of Profit and loss of Sun India Ltd. for the year ended 31st 4
Particulars Note 31.03.2023 31.03.2022
Revenue from operations 40,00,000 30,00,000
During the year , a machine costing 50,000 on which the accumulated depreciation was