Top 150 Python Interview Questions and Answers for 2024
Top 150 Python Interview Questions and Answers for 2024
Top 150 Python Interview Questions and Answers for 2024
1. What is Python?
Deepcopy creates a different object and populates it with the child objects of the
original object. Therefore, changes in the original object are not reflected in the copy.
copy.deepcopy() creates a Deep Copy.
Shallow copy creates a different object and populates it with the references of the
child objects within the original object. Therefore, changes in the original object are
reflected in the copy.
Multithreading usually implies that multiple threads are executed concurrently. The
Python Global Interpreter Lock doesn't allow more than one thread to hold the
Python interpreter at that particular point of time. So multithreading in python is
achieved through context switching. It is quite different from multiprocessing which
actually opens up multiple processes across multiple threads.
Django is a web service used to build your web pages. Its architecture is as shown:
• View: It interacts with the model and template and maps it to the URL
Numpy is written in C so that all its complexities are backed into a simple to use a
module. Lists, on the other hand, are dynamically typed. Therefore, Python must
check the data type of each element every time it uses it. This makes Numpy arrays
much faster than lists.
Numpy has a lot of additional functionality that list doesn’t offer; for instance, a lot of
things can be automated in Numpy.
Pickling Unpickling
If you just created a neural network model, you can save that model to your hard
drive, pickle it, and then unpickle to bring it back into another software program or to
use it at a later time.
The following are some of the most frequently asked Python interview questions
Python has a private heap space that stores all the objects. The Python memory
manager regulates various aspects of this heap, such as sharing, caching,
segmentation, and allocation. The user has no control over the heap; only the Python
interpreter has access.
Arguments are passed in python by a reference. This means that any changes made
within a function are reflected in the original object.
Consider two sets of code shown below:
In the first example, we only assigned a value to one element of ‘l’, so the output is [3,
2, 3, 4].
In the second example, we have created a whole new object for ‘l’. But, the values [3,
2, 3, 4] doesn’t show up in the output as it is outside the definition of the function.
To generate random numbers in Python, you must first import the random module.
> random.random()
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In Python, the / operator performs division and returns the quotient in the float.
For example: 5 / 2 returns 2.5
The pass statement is used when there's a syntactic but not an operational
requirement. For example - The program below prints a string ignoring the spaces.
for i in var:
if i==" ":
Python has an inbuilt method isalnum() which returns true if all characters in the
string are alphanumeric.
Example -
>> "abcd123".isalnum()
Output: True
Output: False
>>import re
Output: True
>> bool(re.match(‘[A-Za-z0-9]+$','abcd@123’))
Output: False
• Tuples
• Strings
Example of Lists -
Output: [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Example of Tuples -
Output: (1,2,3,4,5,6)
Example of String -
Output: ‘Simplilearn’
14. How Would You Remove All Leading Whitespace in
a String?
Python provides the inbuilt function lstrip() to remove all leading spaces from a
>>“ Python”.lstrip
Output: Python
The replace() function can be used with strings for replacing a substring with a given
string. Syntax:
Example -
del remove()
• remove() removes the first
• del removes all elements of a list
occurrence of a particular
within a given range
• Syntax: del list[start:end]
• Syntax: list.remove(element)
>>del lis[1:3]
Output: [“a”,”d”]
Note that in the range 1:3, the elements are counted up to 2 and not 3.
You can display the contents of a text file in reverse order using the following steps:
append() extend()
• Example - • Example -
>>lst=[1,2,3] >>lst=[1,2,3]
>>lst.append(4) >>lst.extend([4,5,6])
>>lst >>lst
Output:[1,2,3,4] Output:[1,2,3,4,5,6]
>> list.append(val)
>>list1 = addToList(1)
>>list2 = addToList(123,[])
>>list3 = addToList('a’)
list1 = [1,’a’]
list2 = [123]
lilst3 = [1,’a’]
Note that list1 and list3 are equal. When we passed the information to the addToList,
we did it without a second value. If we don't have an empty list as the second value,
it will start off with an empty list, which we then append. For list2, we appended the
value to an empty list, so its value becomes [123].
For list3, we're adding ‘a’ to the list. Because we didn't designate the list, it is a
shared value. It means the list doesn’t reset and we get its value as [1, ‘a’].
Remember that a default list is created only once during the function and not during
its call number.
>>lst = [1,2,3]
>>lst[2] = 4
>>tpl = (1,2,3)
>>tpl[2] = 4
Output:TypeError: 'tuple'
There is an error because you can't change the tuple 1 2 3 into 1 2 4. You have to
completely reassign tuple to a new value.
Example -
def add(a,b):
" " "This function adds two numbers." " "
return sum
Output -
add(a, b)
The solution to this depends on the Python version you are using.
Python v2
>>print(“Hi. ”),
>>print(“Hi”,end=“ ”)
The split() function splits a string into a number of strings based on a specific
Syntax -
string.split(delimiter, max)
the delimiter is the character based on which the string is split. By default it is
Example -
[‘Red’,’Blue’,’Green, Orange’]
Here, we have a variable var whose values are to be split with commas. Note that ‘2’
indicates that only the first two values will be split.
• Python allows the creation of objects and their manipulation through specific
def function_name(*list)
>>def fun(*var):
In the above code, * indicates that there are multiple arguments of a variable.
It means that a function can be treated just like an object. You can assign them to
variables, or pass them as arguments to other functions. You can even return them
from other functions.
__name__ is a special variable that holds the name of the current module. Program
execution starts from main or code with 0 indentations. Thus, __name__ has a value
__main__ in the above case. If the file is imported from another module, __name__
holds the name of this module.
A numpy array is a grid of values, all of the same type, and is indexed by a tuple of
non-negative integers. The number of dimensions determines the rank of the array.
The shape of an array is a tuple of integers giving the size of the array along each
Matrices Arrays
Next, let's learn about some advanced Python concepts in this Python Interview
Questions tutorial.
31. How Do You Get Indices of N Maximum Values in a
Numpy Array?
>>import numpy as np
>>arr=np.array([1, 3, 2, 4, 5])
>>train_set=np.array([1, 2, 3])
1. res_set = train_set.append(test_set)
4. None of these
Here, options a and b would both do horizontal stacking, but we want vertical
stacking. So, option c is the right statement.
4. None of these
>>link =
>>source = StringIO.StringIO(requests.get(link).content))
>>data = pd.read_csv(source)
df = pd.DataFrame(['aa', 'bb', 'xx', 'uu'], [21, 16, 50, 33], columns = ['Name', 'Age'])
1. pd.read_csv(“temp.csv”, compression=’gzip’)
2. pd.read_csv(“temp.csv”, dialect=’str’)
3. pd.read_csv(“temp.csv”, encoding=’utf-8′)
4. None of these
The error relates to the difference between utf-8 coding and a Unicode.
4. None of these
1. df.reset_index(new_index,)
2. df.reindex(new_index,)
3. df.reindex_like(new_index,)
4. None of these
Answer - 3. df.reindex_like(new_index,)
range() xrange()
The attribute df.empty is used to check whether a pandas data frame is empty or
>>import pandas as pd
Output: True
This can be achieved by using argsort() function. Let us take an array X; the code to
sort the (n-1)th column will be x[x [: n-2].argsoft()]
>>import numpy as np
>> #Input
>>import numpy as np
>>import pandas as pd
>>mylist = list('abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’)
>>myarr = np.arange(26)
>> #Solution
>>ser1 = pd.Series(mylist)
>>ser2 = pd.Series(myarr)
>>ser3 = pd.Series(mydict)
44. How Do You Get the Items Not Common to Both
Series a and Series B?
>> #Input
>>import pandas as pd
>> #Solution
45. How Do You Keep Only the Top Two Most Frequent
Values as It Is and Replace Everything Else as ‘other’ in
a Series?
>> #Input
>>import pandas as pd
>> #Solution
>> #Input
>>import pandas as pd
>> #Solution
>>np.argwhere(ser % 3==0)
>> #Input
>> #Solution
>>sum((p - q)**2)**.5
>> #Solution using func
You can see that the Euclidean distance can be calculated using two ways.
>> #Input
>> #Solution
>>df.iloc[::-1, :]
Yes. One common beginner mistake is re-tuning a model or training new models with
different parameters after seeing its performance on the test set.
Seaborn is a Python library built on top of matplotlib and pandas to ease data
plotting. It is a data visualization library in Python that provides a high-level interface
for drawing statistical informative graphs.
Did you know the answers to these Python interview questions? If not, here is what
you can do.
51. What are the important features of Python?
• Python is dynamically typed, which means you don't have to specify the kinds of
variables when declaring them or anything.
Any programming language that is not in machine-level code before runtime is called
an interpreted language. Python is thus an interpreted language.
Decorators are used for changing the appearance of a function without changing its
structure. Decorators are typically defined prior to the function they are enhancing.
57. How to use decorators in Python?
Decorators are typically defined prior to the function they are enhancing. To use a
decorator, we must first specify its function. Then we write the function to which it is
applied, simply placing the decorator function above the function to which it must be
The .py files are the source code files for Python. The bytecode of the python files
are stored in .pyc files, which are created when code is imported from another
source. The interpreter saves time by converting the source .py files to .pyc files.
Slicing is a technique for gaining access to specific bits of sequences such as lists,
tuples, and strings. The slicing syntax is [start:end:step]. This step can also be
skipped. [start:end] returns all sequence items from the start (inclusive) to the end-1
element. It means the ith element from the end of the start or end element is
negative i. The step represents the jump or the number of components that must be
In Python, keywords are reserved words with a specific meaning. They are
commonly used to specify the type of variables. Variable and function names cannot
contain keywords. Following are the 33 keywords of Python:
• Yield
• For
• Else
• Elif
• If
• Not
• Or
• And
• Raise
• Nonlocal
• None
• Is
• In
• Import
• Global
• From
• Finally
• Except
• Del
• Continue
• Class
• Assert
• With
• Try
• False
• True
• Return
• Pass
• Lambda
• Def
• As
• Break
• While
The following are the ways through which the data frames in Pandas can be
• Optimizations include improved idiom for assignment, signal handling, and Python
• Python also includes a built-in garbage collector, which recycles all unused
memory and makes it available to the heap space.
It's an environment variable that is used when you import a module. When a module
is imported, PYTHONPATH is checked to see if the imported modules are present in
various folders. It is used by the interpreter to determine which module to load.
Local Variables:
A local variable is any variable declared within a function. This variable exists only in
local space, not in global space.
Global Variables:
Global variables are variables declared outside of a function or in a global space. Any
function in the program can access these variables.
67. Is Python case sensitive?
• Install it on your computer. Using your command prompt, look for the location
where PYTHON is installed on your computer by typing cmd python.
• Search the path variable, choose its value and select ‘edit’.
• If the value doesn't have a semicolon at the end, add one, and then type %PYTHON
Self is used to represent the class instance. In Python, you can access the class's
attributes and methods with this keyword. It connects the attributes to the
arguments. Self appears in a variety of contexts and is frequently mistaken for a
term. Self is not a keyword in Python, unlike in C++.
For primitive data types, a literal in Python source code indicates a fixed value.
For primitive data types, a literal in Python source code indicates a fixed value.
Following are the 5 types of literal in Python:
• String Literal: A string literal is formed by assigning some text to a variable that is
contained in single or double-quotes. Assign the multiline text encased in triple
quotes to produce multiline literals.
• Numeric Literal: They may contain numeric values that are floating-point values,
integers, or complex numbers.
• Literal Collections: There are four types of literals such as list collections, tuple
literals, set literals, dictionary literals, and set literals.
Python modules are files that contain Python code. Functions, classes, or variables
can be used in this code. A Python module is a .py file that contains code that may
be executed. The following are the commonly used built-in modules:
• data time
• random
• math
• sys
• OS
A lambda function is a type of anonymous function. This function can take as many
parameters as you want, but just one statement.
In terms of functionality, xrange and range are essentially the same. They both
provide you the option of generating a list of integers to use whatever you want. The
sole difference between range and xrange is that range produces a Python list object
whereas x range returns an xrange object. This is especially true if you are working
with a machine that requires a lot of memory, such as a phone because range will
utilize as much memory as it can to generate your array of numbers, which can
cause a memory error and crash your program. It is a beast with a memory problem.
The Pickle module takes any Python object and converts it to a string representation,
which it then dumps into a file using the dump method. This is known as pickling.
Unpickling is the process of recovering original Python objects from a stored text
82. What are generators in Python?
The assignment statement (= operator) in Python does not copy objects. Instead, it
establishes a connection between the existing object and the name of the target
variable. The copy module is used to make copies of an object in Python.
Furthermore, the copy module provides two options for producing copies of a given
object –
Deep Copy: Deep Copy recursively replicates all values from source to destination
object, including the objects referenced by the source object.
## shallow copy
list_2 = copy(list_1)
list_2[3] = 7
## deep copy
list_3 = deepcopy(list_1)
list_3[3] = 8
Shallow Copy: A bit-wise copy of an object is called a shallow copy. The values in the
copied object are identical to those in the original object. If one of the values is a
reference to another object, only its reference addresses are copied.
Pass by value: The actual item's copy is passed. Changing the value of the object's
copy has no effect on the original object's value.
Pass by reference: The actual object is passed as a reference. The value of the old
object will change if the value of the new object is changed.
def appendNumber(arr):
arr = [1, 2, 3]
The join() function can be used to combine a list of strings based on a delimiter into
a single string.
The split() function can be used to split a string into a list of strings based on a
• The function definition uses the *args syntax to pass variable-length parameters.
• "*" denotes variable length, while "args" is the standard name. Any other will
• "Kwargs" is also used by convention here. You are free to use any other name.
88. What are negative indexes and why are they used?
• The indexes from the end of the list, tuple, or string are called negative indexes.
The capitalize() function in Python capitalizes a string's initial letter. It returns the
original text if the string already contains a capital letter at the beginning.
Comments that involve multiple lines are known as multi-line comments. A # must
prefix all lines that will be commented. You can also use a convenient shortcut to
remark several lines. All you have to do is hold down the ctrl key and left-click
anywhere you want a # character to appear, then input a # once. This will add a
comment to every line where you put your cursor.
Docstrings are documentation strings. Within triple quotations are these docstrings.
They are not allocated to any variable and, as a result, they can also be used as
Special functions are known as operators. They take one or more input values and
output a result.
not- returns the boolean value's inverse
94. What are the functions help() and dir() used for in
Both help() and dir() are available from the Python interpreter and are used to
provide a condensed list of built-in functions.
dir() function: The defined symbols are displayed using the dir() function.
help() function: The help() function displays the documentation string and also
allows you to access help for modules, keywords, attributes, and other items.
• When Python quits, some Python modules, especially those with circular
references to other objects or objects referenced from global namespaces, are
not necessarily freed or deallocated.
• Python would try to de-allocate/destroy all other objects on exit because it has its
own efficient cleanup mechanism.
The Ternary operator is the operator for displaying conditional statements. This is
made of true or false values and a statement that must be evaluated.
Python's "re" module provides three ways for modifying strings. They are:
subn(): It works similarly to sub(), returning the new string as well as the number of
sub(): identifies all substrings that match the regex pattern and replaces them with a
new string
Python sequences are indexed, and they include both positive and negative values.
Positive numbers are indexed with '0' as the first index and '1' as the second index,
and so on.
The index for a negative number begins with '-1,' which is the last index in the
sequence, and ends with '-2,' which is the penultimate index, and the sequence
continues like a positive number. The negative index is used to eliminate all new-line
spaces from the string and allow it to accept the last character S[:-1]. The negative
index can also be used to represent the correct order of the string.
• Built in functions
• Boolean
• String
• Complex numbers
• Floating point
• Integers
• Lists in Python are useful general-purpose containers. They allow for (relatively)
quick insertion, deletion, appending, and concatenation, and Python's list
comprehensions make them simple to create and operate.
• They have some limitations: they don't enable "vectorized" operations like
elementwise addition and multiplication, and because they can include objects of
different types, Python must maintain type information for each element and
execute type dispatching code while working on it.
• NumPy arrays are faster, and NumPy comes with a number of features, including
histograms, algebra, linear, basic statistics, fast searching, convolutions, FFTs,
and more.
The append(), extend(), and insert (i,x) procedures can be used to add elements to an
104. What is the best way to remove values from a
Python array?
The pop() and remove() methods can be used to remove elements from an array.
The difference between these two functions is that one returns the removed value
while the other does not.
Python is a computer language that focuses on objects. This indicates that by simply
constructing an object model, every program can be solved in Python. Python, on the
other hand, may be used as both a procedural and structured language.
When a new instance type is formed, a shallow copy is used to maintain the values
that were copied in the previous instance. Shallow copy is used to copy reference
pointers in the same way as values are copied. These references refer to the original
objects, and any modifications made to any member of the class will have an impact
on the original copy. Shallow copy enables faster program execution and is
dependent on the size of the data being utilized.
Deep copy is a technique for storing previously copied values. The reference pointers
to the objects are not copied during deep copy. It creates a reference to an object
and stores the new object that is referenced to by another object. The changes made
to the original copy will have no effect on any subsequent copies that utilize the
item. Deep copy slows down program performance by creating many copies of each
object that is called.
• As this happens so quickly, it may appear to the human eye that your threads are
running in parallel, but they are actually sharing the same CPU core.
• The Global Interpreter Lock is a Python concept (GIL). Only one of your 'threads'
can execute at a moment, thanks to the GIL. A thread obtains the GIL, performs
some work, and then passes the GIL to the following thread.
Monkey patches are solely used in Python to run-time dynamic updates to a class or
Inheritance allows one class to gain all of another class's members (for example,
attributes and methods). Inheritance allows for code reuse, making it easier to
develop and maintain applications.
• Single inheritance: The members of a single super class are acquired by a derived
• Multiple inheritance: More than one base class is inherited by a derived class.
• Hierarchical Inheritance: You can inherit any number of child classes from a single
base class.
A class can be inherited from multiple parent classes, which is known as multiple
inheritance. In contrast to Java, Python allows multiple inheritance.
The ability to take various forms is known as polymorphism. For example, if the
parent class has a method named ABC, the child class can likewise have a method
named ABC with its own parameters and variables. Python makes polymorphism
118. What is encapsulation in Python?
Only the necessary details are provided, while the implementation is hidden from
view. Interfaces and abstract classes can be used to do this in Python.
A class that has no code defined within its block is called an empty class. The pass
keyword can be used to generate it. You can, however, create objects of this class
outside of the class. When used in Python, the PASS command has no effect.
It produces a featureless object that serves as the foundation for all classes. It also
does not accept any parameters.
123. Write a Python program to generate a Star
1 def pyfunc(r):
2 for x in range(r):
3 print(' '*(r-x-1)+'*'*(2*x+1))
4 pyfunc(9)
124. Write a program to produce the Fibonacci series in
5 if a=0:
7 else:
8 print(f,s,end=" ")
9 for x in range(2,a):
10 print(next,end=" ")
11 f=s
12 s=next
a=input("enter sequence")
if a==b:
print("Not a Palindrome")
2 count = 0
3 text =
5 if character.isupper():
6 count += 1
3 list.sort()
4 print (list)
128. Check code given below, list the final value of A0,
A1 …An.
1 A0 = dict(zip(('a','b','c','d','e'),(1,2,3,4,5)))
7 print(A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6)
A1 = range(0, 10)
A2 = []
A3 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
A4 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
A6 = [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 4], [3, 9], [4, 16], [5, 25], [6, 36], [7, 49], [8, 64], [9, 81]]
Flask is a Python web microframework based on the BSD license. Two of its
dependencies are Werkzeug and Jinja2. This means it will have few, if any, external
library dependencies. It lightens the framework while reducing update dependencies
and security vulnerabilities.
A session is just a way of remembering information from one request to the next. A
session in a flask employs a signed cookie to allow the user to inspect and edit the
contents of the session. If the user only has the secret key, he or she can change the
session. Flask.secret key.
Django and Flask map URLs or addresses entered into web browsers into Python
Flask is easier to use than Django, but it doesn't do much for you, so you will have to
specify the specifics, whereas Django does a lot for you and you won't have to do
anything. Django has prewritten code that the user must examine, whereas Flask
allows users to write their own code, making it easier to grasp. Both are technically
excellent and have their own set of advantages and disadvantages.
• Pyramid is designed for larger apps. It gives developers flexibility and allows them
to utilize the appropriate tools for their projects. The database, URL structure,
templating style, and other options are all available to the developer. Pyramid can
be easily customized.
• Django, like Pyramid, may be used for larger applications. It has an ORM in it.
This may be accomplished by utilizing the genfromtxt() method with a comma as the
133. What is GIL?
The term GIL stands for Global Interpreter Lock. This is a mutex that helps thread
synchronization by preventing deadlocks by limiting access to Python objects. GIL
assists with multitasking (and not parallel computing).
PIP denotes Python Installer Package. It is used to install various Python modules.
It's a command-line utility that creates a unified interface for installing various
Python modules. It searches the internet for the package and installs it into the
working directory without requiring any user intervention.
Django has a session feature that allows you to store and retrieve data for each site
visitor. Django isolates the process of sending and receiving cookies by keeping all
necessary data on the server-side and inserting a session ID cookie on the client-
def check_distinct(data_list):
if len(data_list) == len(set(data_list)):
return True
return False;
print(check_distinct([1,6,5,8])) #Prints True
• Bitwise operators
• Identity operators
• Membership operators
• Logical operators
• Assignment operators
• Relational operators
• Arithmetic operators
The old Unicode type has been replaced with the "str" type in Python 3, and the string
is now considered Unicode by default. Using the art.title.encode("utf-8") function, we
can create a Unicode string.
140. Explain the differences between Python 2.x and
Python 3.x?
Python 2.x is an older version of the Python programming language. Python 3.x is
the most recent version. Python 2.x is no longer supported. Python 3.x is the
language's present and future.
Python includes the smtplib and email libraries for sending emails. Import these
modules into the newly generated mail script and send mail to users who have been
while num2 != 0:
return num1
print(add_nums(2, 10))
143. Create a program to convert dates from yyyy-mm-
dd to dd-mm-yyyyy.
import re
def transform_date_format(date):
date_input = "2021-08-01"
There are four joins in Pandas: left, inner, right, and outer.
The type and fields of the dataframes being merged determine how they are merged.
If the data has identical fields, it is combined along axis 0, otherwise, it is merged
along axis 1.
148. What is the best way to get the first five entries of
a data frame?
We may get the top five entries of a data frame using the head(5) method. df.head()
returns the top 5 rows by default. df.head(n) will be used to fetch the top n rows.
149. How can you access the data frame's latest five
We may get the top five entries of a dataframe using the tail(5) method. df.tail()
returns the top 5 rows by default. df.tail(n) will be used to fetch the last n rows.
Any data point's class is predicted using a classifier. Classifiers are hypotheses that
are used to assign labels to data items based on their classification.