2024-1908 Extension of the Acceptance of CPD Undertaking
2024-1908 Extension of the Acceptance of CPD Undertaking
2024-1908 Extension of the Acceptance of CPD Undertaking
professional Regulation Commission ,NciSlxL“^r-
illamla BACONC PILIPINAS 150 9001:2015 msa<50I
WHEREAS, Section 10, Article III of R.A. No. 10912, or the "Continuing Professional
Development Act of 2016", provides that the Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
is a mandatory requirement in the renewal of the Professional Identification Cards (PICs)
of all registered and licensed professionals under the regulation of the Commission;
WHEREAS, Section 5, Article II of R.A. No. 10912 outlines the nature of CPD Programs
which include, but not limited to: formal learning, non-formal learning, informal learning,
self-directed learning, online learning activities, and professional work experience;
WHEREAS, Section 4 (c), Article II of R.A. No. 10912, states that there shall be formulated
and implemented CPD programs in each of the regulated professions in order to ensure
the development of quality assured mechanisms for the validation, accreditation, and
recognition of formal, non-formal, and informal learning outcomes, including professional
work experiences and prior learning;
WHEREAS, Section 8 (e), Article II of R.A. No. 10912 vests to the CPD Council for each
professions the power to develop mechanisms for the validation, accreditation, and
recognition of self-directed learning, prior/informal learning, online learning, and other
learning processes through professional work experience;
WHEREAS, for the past years, the non-formal learning, which includes conduct of
conference, convention, forum, seminar, workshop, training program, educational/study
tour, including webinars, has become the main option of professionals to earn CPD Credit
Units (CUs);
PRC Building, Paredes St., Sampaloc www.prc.gov.ph Philippine International Convention Center
Manila, 1008 Philippines Sotto St., Pasay City, 1307 Philippines
Resolution No. 1908 (s. 2024)
Extension of the Acceptance of CPD Undertaking for the
Renewal of Professional Identification Card until 31 December 2025
Page 2 of 2
Order No. 308 (s. 2021) dated 29 June 2021 reconstituting the Committee on Self-
Directed Learning (SDL) Creditable Activities io revisit Commission Resolution No. 1197
(s. 2019) or the “Guidelines on Self-Directed Learning Creditable Activities”, and
subsequently reconstituted through Office Order No. 259 (s. 2024) or the “Reconstitution
of the Committees on Informal Learning, Professional Work Experience, and Self-
Directed Learning” dated 07 March 2024;
WHEREAS, the proposed revised guidelines for the recognition, validation, and
accreditation (RVA) of learning outcomes (LOs) gained through self-directed learning
(SDL), professional work experience (PWE), and informal learning (IL) requires rigorous
conduct of orientation and capacity building sessions among concerned stakeholders,
including the necessary enhancement of the CPD Accreditation System (CPDAS) to
process the applications under the proposed revised guidelines;
WHEREAS, to give sufficient time for the conduct of orientations and capacity building
sessions on the proposed revised guidelines for the RVA of LOs gained through SDL,
PWE, and IL, and the needed enhancement of the CPDAS, the Commission adopts the
recommendation of the CPD-Program Management Committee to extend the acceptance
of the CPD Undertaking.