Making Life Easier and Safer
CB Radios • microTALK® Radios • Radar/Laser Detectors •
Safety Alert® Traffic Warning Systems • Handheld GPS Receivers • Intro Operation Customer Warranty
Staying in touch with your family and friends is
Mobile GPS Navigation Systems • HighGear® Accessories •
convenient and easy when using your microTALK®
CobraMarine™ VHF Radios • Power Inverters • Accessories radio. Some of the many uses you will discover include:
Communicating with others while hiking, biking, and working;
keeping track of family and friends at a crowded public event;
Owner’s Manual
checking with travel companions in another car; talking with
Secondary Icons
neighbors; arranging meeting spots with others while shopping
at the mall.
Belt Clip Secure your microTALK®
radio while on the go.
Carrying your microTALK® radio with you is easy
using the belt clip or optional wrist strap.
Wrist Strap The belt clip easily attaches to your belt, purse,
Main Icons
or backpack. Simply squeeze the clip and place
it where you prefer.
Customer Assistance
For Assistance
in Canada Warranty
or the U.S.A.
In this user’s manual, you should find all the information you need
to operate your microTALK® radio. If you require further assistance
after reading this manual, Cobra Electronics offers the following
customer assistance services:
Automated Help Desk
English only. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 773-889-3087 (phone).
Secondary Icons
PR 250 WX
please visit our website: Contact Your Local Dealer © 2005 Cobra Electronics Corporation
ready to receive transmissions. The radio is 3. Release the Talk button when you are
always in Standby mode except when the Talk, finished talking and listen for a response.
Call or Mode/Power buttons are pressed.
You cannot receive incoming calls while
Battery Low Battery Low pressing the Talk button.
When battery power is low, the Battery Low icon Both radios must be tuned to the
Notice Notice
will blink. Your batteries should be replaced or same channel to communicate.
recharged, if using rechargeable batteries.
Battery Save Mode Auto Battery Save Channel Button Channels
• •
Your microTALK® radio has a unique circuit To select a channel:
designed to extend battery life. If there are no 1. With the radio on, select any of the
transmissions within 10 seconds, the radio will 22 channels by pressing the Channel Up
automatically switch to Battery Save mode and Channel Number or Channel Down button.
the Power Saver icon will flash in the display.
This will not affect the radio’s ability to receive Both radios must be tuned to the
incoming transmissions. same channel to communicate.
Channels 1 through 7 are shared with FRS/
GMRS. Channels 8 through 14 are FRS only.
Channels 15 through 22 are GMRS only.
See page 13 for FRS/GMRS frequency
allocations and compatibility charts.
1. Open the speaker/microphone tab Set NOAA All Hazards Radio Channels
on top of your microTALK® radio. Set Channel Scan
Set Privacy Code Scan
2. Insert the plug into the speaker/
Set Call Tones
microphone jack.
Set Roger Beep on/off
microTALK® Range
Notice • CTCSS Privacy Codes Notice
Your microTALK® radio has a range of up to 8 miles (13 km). •
CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System) is an advanced
Your range will vary depending on terrain and conditions.
tone coding system allowing you to select one of 38 privacy codes
Maximum Range In flat, open country your radio will to reduce interference from other users on the channel.
operate at maximum range.
Buildings and foliage in the path of the If you are using a privacy code, both radios must
signal can reduce the range of the radio. be tuned to the same channel and privacy code to
communicate. Each channel will remember the last
Reduced Range
Dense foliage and hilly terrain will further privacy code you selected.
reduce the range of the radio.
On FRS Channels 8 through 14, your radio Mode/Power Button To select a privacy code:
automatically switches to low power, which will 1. After selecting a channel, press the Mode/
limit the range the radio can communicate. Power button until the small numbers next
Reduced Range to the channel number flash on the LCD.
Remember, you can achieve maximum
range by using maximum range Privacy Code 2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Down
extender. See page 5 for details. button to select a privacy code. You can
hold the Channel Up or Channel Down
button for fast advance.
3. When your desired privacy code is displayed:
Channel Button
a. Press the Mode/Power button to enter the
new setting and proceed to other functions.
b. Press the Lock button to enter the new
setting and return to Standby mode.
c. Do not press any buttons for 15 seconds
to enter the new setting and return to
Standby mode.
All Hazards Radio channel is displayed. a. Press and hold the Talk button to communicate on
that channel. Your radio will remain on that channel
2. Use the Channel Up or Channel Down button
Hazards Radio Icon and return to Standby mode.
to change All Hazards Radio channels.
b. Press the Channel Up or Channel Down button to
Weather (All Hazards Radio) icon will continue
resume scanning channels.
to be displayed when All Hazards Radio is on.
Notice If you press the Talk button while
Notice scanning and not within
3. Choose one of the following:
Channel Button 10 seconds of receiving a transmission, you will transmit
a. Press the Mode button to proceed on the channel on which you last received a transmission.
to other functions. This will return the radio to Standby mode.
b. Press the Lock button to exit All Hazards If you do not press any button within 10 seconds,
Radio channels mode and return to your radio will automatically resume scanning channels.
Standby mode.
During scanning (while not receiving a transmission),
*National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration you can choose from the following:
Channel Scan a. Press and hold the Talk button to communicate on the
• channel or channel/privacy code that was displayed before
Your microTALK® radio can automatically scan channels.
you entered mode functions or the channel on which,
Mode/Power Button To scan channels: during scanning, you last received a transmission.
1. Press the Mode/Power button until the This will return the radio to Standby mode.
Scan icon and the channel numbers flash b. Press the Mode/Power button to proceed to set privacy
on the display. code scan on the channel that was either displayed before
Scan Channels 2. Press the Channel Up or Channel Down you entered mode functions or on which, during channel
button to begin scanning channels. scanning, you last received a transmission (see page 10
for further details).
The radio ignores specific privacy
codes while scanning channels. c. Press the Lock button to return to Standby mode on the
channel/privacy code that was displayed before you entered
Channel Button mode functions or the channel on which, during scanning,
The Scan icon will continue to be displayed
when scan is on. Your radio will continue to you last transmitted or received.
scan all channels and stop if an incoming
transmission is detected. Your radio will
remain on that channel for 10 seconds.
16 English