Traction and Tractor Drawbar Power

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Traction and Tractor Drawbar Power

1. Static Ballast of Tractors a. Percent weight distribution (Roberson, GT. 1992 and Taylor, 2002).


Ballasting for 2-wheel drive tractors that can be adapted for front wheel assist tractors (Roberson, G.T. 1992). Ballast depends upon soil conditions, ground speed, hitch and drive configuration.

2. Drawbar Pull and Weight Transfer

Dynamic forces acting on a tractor pulling an implement: Rr =

mt g ( x1 x 2 ) Fhx ( z ) F ( z) + + Fhz = Rro + hx + Fhz x1 x1 x1


Rf =

mt g ( x2 ) Fhx ( z ) x1 x1

= R fo

Fhx ( z ) x1


Rro = static rear wheel reaction, kN (lb) Rfo = static front wheel reaction, kN (lb) Rmi = motion resistance force, kN (lb) Rti = traction force, kN (lb) Rr = dynamic vertical reaction on rear wheels, kN (lb) Rf = dynamic vertical reaction on front wheels, kN (lb) Fhx = horizontal component of drawbar pull, kN (lb) Fhz = vertical component of drawbar pull, kN (lb) mt = tractor mass (Mg) g = acceleration of gravity (9.801 m/s2) x1 = wheelbase, mm (in) x2 = distance between the rear axle center to vehicle center of gravity, mm (in) z = distance from ground to intersection of Rr with line of pull, mm (in) i = f (front wheel) r (rear wheel) Empirical method using dimensional analysis and soil/tire data to develop a traction 2

model. Refer to free body diagram of tractor pulling an implement. Gross traction ratio (Cgi): Cgi = 0.88(1 e 0.1Bni )(1 e k1S ) + k 2 =

Ti rLi Ri


Bni = dimensionless wheel numeric k1 = 7.5 bias, 8.5-10.5 radial k2 = 0.04 bias, 0.03-0.035 radial S = slip, decimal Ti = torque on wheel i (Nm) rLi = loaded tire radius (mm) Ri = dynamic vertical load on wheel i (kN)

Bni = 1000 R i

CI i bi d i

5 1+ i h i 3 1+ r A

bi = tire section width (mm) i = tire deflection (mm) rA = aspect ratio (0.85)


CI = cone index (N/mm2) di = wheel outside diameter (mm) hi = tire section height (mm) Motion resistance ratio (): i = k2 + (k3 / Bni) + 0.5 S Bni-0.5 where k3 = 1.0 bias, 0.9 radial Tire Parameters for the Rear Axle; dr = 25.4(dnr + 2 rA br)


dr = wheel outside diameter, mm dnr = nominal rim diameter, in br = tire section width, in rA = aspect ratio (0.85) r = loaded tire deflection, mm rLr = wheel static loaded radius, mm hr = wheel section height, mm

rLr = 25.4

d nr + 0.81(rA br ) 2

r = dr/2 - rLr hr = dr 25.4 dnr 2 Net traction ratio (Cn): 3

Cni = Cgi - i =

Rti Rmi Ri Ri


Using the preceding equations, the tractive performance of a wheel or a vehicle can be calculated using an iterative procedure. Then, Fhx = Cnr Rr + Cnf Rf (Note: Cni is per wheel) 3. Tractive efficiency - ability to transfer power from the axle to the drawbar through the tire and soil. Tractive efficiency depends on slip (set by ballast), soil conditions, tires and drive configurations. Tractive efficiency (TE): (Power out / Power in) TE = (1.7)

Pneti ( Rti Rmi )Vi (1 S)C nr = = Paxi Ti i C gr


where Pneti = net traction power of wheel (kW) Paxi = axle power of wheel (kW) i = rotational speed of ith wheel 4. Wheel Slip (S) - loss in forward ground speed, but is usually measured by loss in forward travel distance. S=

Vt Va V =1- a Vt Vt

where Vt = theoretical velocity Va = actual ground speed

Table of slip for optimum power transfer from axle to soil (Roberson, 1992).

Surface Soil Condition Wheel Slippage (%) Concrete 4-8 Firm 8-10 Tilled 11-13 Soft and Sandy 14-16 If you can observe slip, it is usually greater than 25% and is too much.


TE, Cni

5. Estimating tractor PTO power needed for drawbar operations. a. Drawbar power (PDB); PDB =

FDBVa (hp) 375

where FDB = drawbar pull (lb) Va = vehicle actual ground speed (mph)

PDB = b.

FDBVa (kW) 3.6

where FDB = kN, Va = kmh

Equivalent PTO power (PPTO EQ), since tractors are rated at the PTO and not at the drawbar. PPTO Eq =

PDB 0.96 TE

where 0.96 = virtual gear losses from axle to PTO shaft

Assignment: Read over and understand the following problem to be solved in lab with TK Solver: Laboratory Problem: Given data from the Nebraska Tractor Test summary for a John Deere 4755 QUADRANGE 16 SPEED 2WD. Using this information and the assumption the tractor is operating on a soil with a cone index of 1.5 N/mm2 and a level drawbar load, calculate the maximum drawbar pull (Fhx) that can be produced by the tractor operating at a wheel slip of 10%. Plot the TE versus wheel slip (S) for wheel slips ranging from 0 to 80%. What is the approximate value of wheel slip for maximum TE for the given information? Ballasted Weight, Tire, and Chassis Data: Static Weight Rear (Rro) 15450 lb (7008 kg) 4870 lb (2209 kg) - Front (Rfo) - Total 20320 lb (9217 kg) Height of Drawbar (z) Wheelbase (x1) x2 = 22.5 in (572 mm) 118.5 in (3010 mm)

R fo x1 W


Rear tires radial ply, duals; br = 20.8 in dnr = 42 in Note: The static weight information in SI units (kg) is mass. The force (kN) is mass times gravity (9.801) divided by 1000.

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