7760 FW 3.5.8 Release Notes and Instructions
7760 FW 3.5.8 Release Notes and Instructions
7760 FW 3.5.8 Release Notes and Instructions
Phaser 7760 Firmware PS 3.5.8 resolves a problem with a large color plane shift on first printed page after
first power on or after coming out of standby, a problem with the Finisher stapler adjustment diagnostics not
working, and a PostScript clipping problem with minimum margins on SRA3 page size.
Note: The resolution for the PostScript clipping problem with minimum margins on SRA3 page size also
requires an updated Phaser 7760 PostScript driver to support SRA3 page size.
This document describes several methods for uploading the firmware file to your printer. Select the
procedure appropriate to your computer’s OS to upload the file to your printer.
− Some of the printer’s settings may be changed from their present value back to the factory default
values by the firmware update. It is recommended customers save the configuration page and use it as
a reference to restore the printer’s settings after the firmware update is complete.
To print the configuration page:
1. Use the arrow keys on the printer’s front panel to select the “Information►” item and press
2. Press the down arrow key twice to scroll to the “Information Pages►” item and press
3. Press the down arrow key to scroll to the “Configuration Page” item and press “Enter”.
4. The printer prints two‐three pages of configuration information.
Note: The firmware versions currently installed are displayed on the left column on the first
page, under the “General Information” heading.
2.Type: ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, where the x characters represent the IP Address of the printer, in the
Address field. NOTE: The IP Address of the printer can be found on the Configuration Page.
3. Press [Enter] on the keyboard. A blank FTP connection window with a [.] icon will be displayed.
4.Drag and drop the file to be sent to the printer into the blank FTP connection window. The file wil
l be sent to the printer.
2. To download a file to the printer using the Xerox File Downloader Utility:
NOTE: This solution assumes the Xerox File Downloader Utility has already been installed on the computer.
If necessary, click on the “Drivers and Downloads” link under the Product Resources menu on this window to
download and install the utility.
1.From the computer, open the Xerox File Downloader Utility. By default, the utility is installed in th
e following location on the computer's hard drive: C:\File Downloader.
2.Select the required printer from the “Select the printer to spool the file to from the list below”
pull‐down menu.
3.Click on the “Browse” button, and then browse to and select the file to be downloaded to the pri
nter from the “Select the file to sent to the printer” section.
NOTE: To perform this solution, the printer must be connected to a network that utilizes the TCP/IP
protocol. The printer must also contain a valid IP Address. If
necessary, contact your System Administrator for additional information.
2. Enter the IP Address of the printer in the Address field, and then press [Enter] on the keyboard.
CentreWare Internet Services home page will be displayed. NOTE: The IP Address of the printer
can be found on the Configuration Page.
3. Click on the “Print” button located on the right‐hand side of the CWIS Home page.
4. Click on the “File Download” link in the list of options on the left side of the window.
5. Depending on the browser being used, click on the “Browse” or “Choose File” button and then browse to
and select the file to be downloaded to the printer. Click the “Print Immediately” radio button under
Print Settings.
6. Click on the blue, square button to send the file to the printer.
4. To download a file to the printer using the Command Line prompt on Windows:
Note: Type the information as shown in the following example without the quotes (").
4.Scroll to the menu item Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
5.A window appears. Type "ftp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" (no quotes), where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the printer's IP address,
and click OK.
6.An FTP client opens, and the following message displays, where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the system's IP address:
Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.
220 FTP server ready.
User (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:(none)):
8.Type "lcd c:\" and press Enter. The following message displays:
10.Type "put firmware.ps" and press Enter. (“firmware.ps” is the filename of the firmware file you saved.)
The following message displays:
12.After about 30 seconds, the following message displays, which indicates that the file is finished uploading:
13.After the file is finished downloading, type "bye" and press Enter.
How To Download PostScript a Firmware Update File to the Printer ‐ Macinto
1. To download a file to the printer using the Print Center or Printer Setup Utility.
NOTE: This method can be used for Ethernet (network) and USB connections.
Open the Print Center (for Mac OS 10.1 ‐ 10.2.x), or the Printer Setup Utility (for Mac OS 10.3.x):
Double‐click on the [Hard Drive].
Double‐click on the [Applications] folder.
Double‐click on the [Utilities] folder.
Double‐click on the [Print Center] or [Printer Setup Utility].
2. Double‐click on the printer that needs the file sent to it. The
print queue window will be displayed.
3.Drag and drop the file to be sent to the printer in the print queue window below the Name colu
mn. The file will be sent to the printer.
NOTE: To perform this solution, the printer must be connected to a network that utilizes the TCP/IP
protocol. The printer must
also contain a valid IP Address. If necessary, contact your System Administrator for
additional information.
6. Enter the IP Address of the printer in the Address field, and then press [Enter] on the keyboard.
The CentreWare Internet Services home page will be displayed. NOTE: The IP Address of the pr
inter can be found on the Configuration Page.
7. Click on the “Print” button located on the right‐hand side of the page.
8. Click on the “File Download” link in the list of options on the left side of the window.
9. Depending on the browser being used, click on the “Browse” or “Choose File” button and then browse to
and select the file to be downloaded to the printer.
10. Click on the blue, square button to send the file to the printer.