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VLSI Project: Stopwatch Chip

Final Project Report April 19th, 2010 E158 Chris Ferguson and Matthew Keeter

Our nal project for VLSI was a chip to control a stopwatch-style timer. The chip requires a clock of a known frequency to control the timing of the chip. The chip shows its output on four commoncathode 7-segment displays, displaying a time between 00.00 and 99.99 seconds. This layout for this chip consists of a custom layout to count the number of clock ticks, hundredths, tenths, seconds, and tens of seconds; furthermore, a synthesized controller converts counter values into 7-segment display outputs and tracks the mode of the system. This chip was designed in the AMI 0.5 micron process ( = 0.3) for a 40-pin DIP package. It was developed using the Cadence software suite, and NCSim was used for logic verication.

The chips has the following pins: Name Vdd Gnd 1 2 reset startstop tens[6:0] secs[6:0] tenths[6:0] hundredths[6:0] Type Bidirectional Bidirectional Input Input Input Input Output Output Output Output Number of pins 3 3 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 7 Description Global power Global ground First clock Second clock System reset Timer start/stop Control for 10s digit of timer. (Each bit represents 1 segment of the display) Control for 1s digit of timer Control for 0.1s digit of timer Control for 0.01s digit of timer

In order to function properly, the input clock frequency needs to be at 500 kHz. The number of clock ticks in each 0.01 seconds is hardwired into the system assuming an input clock of 500 kHz. Given this input clock, the chip should function as follows: Whenever the reset button is pressed, the chip reads 00.00 and stays at that value. When the Start/Pause button is pressed, if the timer is paused, it will begin displaying numbers increasing by 0.01 on the output display. If the timer is currently counting, pressing the Start/Pause button will cause it to pause and continue displaying whatever time it had most recently reached. The outputs of the chip consist of four 7-bit busses, each designed to control a common-cathode seven-segment display of the type shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Seven-segment display (picture by Peter Halasz)

The chip has two main components: the controller, which is synthesized logic, and the datapath, which was laid out by hand. The proposed oorplan (left) is compared with the actual oorplan (right) in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Comparison of oorplans (units of lambda, scales are dierent) There are several discrepancies between the two oorplans. The stopwatch requires comparison logic that checks the value of each register, to detect if the register needs to roll over and increment the next register. In the proposal, this logic was included in the synthesized controller. However, this logic is highly regular and reliant on datapath register values, so the nal design includes these comparators as part of the datapath. These comparators increased the width of the datapath, and a small amount of zipper logic increased the height. These changes also produced a much smaller controller than originally planned.

Figure 3: Datapath (red = counter, blue = comparator, green = zipper logic) The datapath (slice plan shown in Figure 3) is a series of counters and comparators. The rst counter (far left red block) is 13 bits tall and counts ticks of the 500 kHz clock. The rst comparator 3

(left-most blue block) triggers when this counter reaches 4999, which means that the hundredths counter needs to roll over on the next clock cycle. The next four counter/comparator blocks are identical: a 4-bit counter, and a comparator that triggers when the counter reaches 9. The four identical counter-comparator blocks count hundredths, tenths, seconds, and tens of seconds. Each comparator both resets its counter and increments the next counter when it triggers. The system has the pinout shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Pinout diagram (grey arrows indicate increasing bits of a bus)

The system was tested on several levels: the Verilog model was simulated, as was the schematic; and the layout was compared to the schematic. The Verilog describing the system (see Appendix A) simulates properly in the self-checking testbench, using nc-sim. The schematics (see Appendix B) pass the same testbench. The layout (see Appendix C) passes DRC and LVS, with Compare FET Parameters turned o. This option must be turned o due to quirks in padframe extraction. The core passes LVS with Compare FET Parameters turned on. The CIF imports correctly, and passes DRC and LVS (with Compare FET Parameters turned o, for the same reasons as before). There are no discrepancies or concerns with the chip verication process.

Test Plan
To test the chip, we would attach four seven-segment displays to the correct output pins on the FPGA. A start-stop and reset button would also be attached to the correct pins, possibly with debouncing circuitry attached in between the button and the chip. Finally, we need a two-phase 500 kHz clock to run the system with correct timing. This could be generated by a signal generator and analog circuitry to generate a delay, or by a digital system running at a higher speed. Once everything is attached to the correct pins, the system can be tested by resetting it, then starting the timer at the same time as a dierent stopwatch. When they are both stopped 4

simultaneously, they should read the same value, within a margin related to clock frequency error. The system could also be tested with a slower clock to check the accuracy of the tenths and hundredths digit: using a 50 kHz clock, we expect it to run such that the tenths digit corresponds to seconds.

Design Time
Proposal and Floorplan: 4 hours Verilog and Testbench: 5.5 hours Schematics: 8 hours Layout: 17 hours

File Locations
All of the les are located on, the VLSI server for Harvey Mudd College. Verilog code: ~cferguson/proj2/timerchip_2.v and ~cferguson/proj2/testbench.v Test vectors: None (contained within testbench) Synthesis results: ~cferguson/proj2/chip_final/ Cadence Libraries: ~cferguson/IC_CAD/cadence/ CIF File: ~cferguson/proj2/timerchip.cif PDF chip plot: ~cferguson/proj2/fullchip.pdf PDF of this report: ~cferguson/proj2/finalreport.pdf

Appendix A: Verilog Code

timerchip 2.v
// // // // Chris Ferguson and Matt Keeter E158 Project 2 Spring 2010

//Timing clk frequency is 0.5 MHz //.01 second = 5000 clock ticks //needs 13 bit counter for initial counting.

// Our project is an ASIC for a stopwatch. It should either be counting upwards // or paused, and output a time on four seven-segement displays // (hundredths through tens of seconds) module timerchip_2(input ph1, ph2, reset, startstop, output [6:0] hundredths, tenths, secs, tens); wire mode; wire [3:0] hundredths_val, tenths_val, secs_val, tens_val; datapath datapath(ph1,ph2, reset, startstop, mode, hundredths_val, tenths_val, secs_val, tens_val); controller controller(ph1, ph2, reset, startstop, hundredths_val, tenths_val, secs_val, tens_val, mode, hundredths, tenths, secs, tens); endmodule //Datapath containing all of the regular logic of the timer //takes in inputs, and mode from controller //outputs value for each of the digits module datapath( input ph1, ph2, reset, startstop, mode, output [3:0] hundredths_val, tenths_val, secs_val, tens_val); wire [4:0] enables, resets, compares; wire [12:0] ticks_val; // note: this could change depending on clock frequency // counters, consisting of a register and incrementor (custom logic) counter #(13) ticks_reg(ph1, ph2, resets[0], enables[0], ticks_val); counter #(4) hundredths_reg(ph1, ph2, resets[1], enables[1], hundredths_val); counter #(4) tenths_reg(ph1, ph2, resets[2], enables[2], tenths_val); counter #(4) secs_reg(ph1, ph2, resets[3], enables[3], secs_val); counter #(4) tens_reg(ph1, ph2, resets[4], enables[4], tens_val); // a set of comparator to detect when each value should roll over (custom logic) comparator #(13) ticks_comp(ticks_val, 13d4999, compares[0]); comparator #(4) hundredths_comp(hundredths_val, 4d9, compares[1]); comparator #(4) tenths_comp(tenths_val, 4d9, compares[2]); comparator #(4) secs_comp(secs_val, 4d9, compares[3]); comparator #(4) tens_comp(tens_val, 4d9, compares[4]); //Enables calculation to be in zipper of datapath

assign enables[0] = mode; assign enables[1] = enables[0] && compares[0]; assign enables[2] = enables[1] && compares[1]; assign enables[3] = enables[2] && compares[2]; assign enables[4] = enables[3] && compares[3]; assign enables5 = enables[4] && compares[4]; //Resets also contained in zipper! assign resets[0] = enables[1] || reset; assign resets[1] = enables[2] || reset; assign resets[2] = enables[3] || reset; assign resets[3] = enables[4] || reset; assign resets[4] = enables5 || reset; endmodule //controller contains our irregular logic. It consists of: //a mode calculation (paused or unpaused) //and 4 seven-segment displays for the output module controller(input ph1, ph2, reset, startstop, input [3:0] hundredths_val, tenths_val, secs_val, tens_val, output mode, output [6:0] hundredths, tenths, secs, tens); //calculation to see if timing is stopped or not! wire newmode; // mode = 1 when counting up, 0 when paused wire helddown; assign newmode = (startstop && !helddown) ? ~mode : mode; flopr #(1) modeflop(ph1, ph2, reset, newmode, mode); flopr #(1) heldflop(ph1, ph2, reset, startstop, helddown); //output sevenseg sevenseg sevenseg sevenseg calculation! lots of ugly combinational logic hundredths_7seg(hundredths_val, hundredths); tenths_7seg(tenths_val, tenths); secs_7seg(secs_val, secs); tens_7seg(tens_val, tens);

endmodule // controller module: keeps track of the current mode (paused or counting), // and tells each register to increment, stay the same, or reset itself // simple counter: counts up when enabled module counter #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (input ph1, ph2, reset, enable, output [WIDTH-1:0] counterout); wire [WIDTH-1:0] newval; flopr #(WIDTH) countflop(ph1, ph2, reset, newval, counterout); incrementer #(WIDTH) countinc(counterout, enable, newval); endmodule // incrementer: returns value in + 1 if increment is high, or value in if increment is low module incrementer #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (input [WIDTH-1:0] valin, input increment, output [WIDTH-1:0] valout); assign valout = valin + increment;

endmodule // comparator: checks if two values are equal module comparator #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (input [WIDTH-1:0] val1, val2, output equals); assign equals = (val1 == val2); endmodule // // // // // // // Chris Ferguson 9/18/09 7-segment control module: This module is designed to take a 4 binary digit input, aka a hex character, and then show this letter on a 7-segment display.

module sevenseg( input [3:0] s, //4-digit binary number as input output reg [6:0] segs //number segments to be lit up ); //THESE CONTROLS ARE FOR A COMMON CATHODE DISPLAY. // a common anode display, take away the ~s always @(*) case (s) 4b0000: 4b0001: 4b0010: 4b0011: 4b0100: 4b0101: 4b0110: 4b0111: 4b1000: 4b1001: 4b1010: 4b1011: 4b1100: 4b1101: 4b1110: 4b1111: default: endcase To use them for

//Going to enumerate all 4-digit binary numbers //ordered [G: A] segs <= ~7b0111111; // hex 0 segs <= ~7b0000110; // hex 1 segs <= ~7b1011011; // hex 2 segs <= ~7b1001111; // hex 3 segs <= ~7b1100110; // hex 4 segs <= ~7b1101101; // hex 5 segs <= ~7b1111101; // hex 6 segs <= ~7b0000111; // hex 7 segs <= ~7b1111111; // hex 8 segs <= ~7b1100111; // hex 9 segs <= ~7b1110111; // hex A segs <= ~7b1111100; // hex B segs <= ~7b1011000; // hex C segs <= ~7b1011110; // hex D segs <= ~7b1111001; // hex E segs <= ~7b1110001; // hex F segs <= ~7b0000001; // dummy default. Shouldnt be used.

// The segs digits correspond to the segments as shown below // t[0] // ---// | |t[1] // t[5] |t[6]| // ---// | |t[2] // t[4] | |

// ---// t[3] // (note that t[6] is the interior horizontal segment) endmodule // code below this is based on the verilog model of the mips processor // by David Money Harris, converted back into verilog from SystemVerilog module flop #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (input ph1, ph2, input [WIDTH-1:0] d, output [WIDTH-1:0] q); wire [WIDTH-1:0] mid; latch #(WIDTH) master(ph2, d, mid); latch #(WIDTH) slave(ph1, mid, q); endmodule module latch #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (input ph, input [WIDTH-1:0] d, output reg [WIDTH-1:0] q); always @(*) if (ph) q <= d; endmodule module flopr #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (input ph1, ph2, reset, input [WIDTH-1:0] d, output [WIDTH-1:0] q); wire [WIDTH-1:0] d2, resetval; assign resetval = 0; mux2 #(WIDTH) enrmux(d, resetval, reset, d2); flop #(WIDTH) f(ph1, ph2, d2, q); endmodule module mux2 #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (input [WIDTH-1:0] d0, d1, input s, output [WIDTH-1:0] y); assign y = s ? d1 : d0; endmodule

timescale 100ns / 100ns module testbench(); // define parameters of 7 segment display outputs


parameter parameter parameter parameter parameter parameter parameter parameter parameter parameter

ZERO = ~7b0111111; ONE = ~7b0000110; TWO = ~7b1011011; THREE = ~7b1001111; FOUR = ~7b1100110; FIVE = ~7b1101101; SIX = ~7b1111101; SEVEN = ~7b0000111; EIGHT = ~7b1111111; NINE = ~7b1100111;

reg ph1, ph2; reg reset, startstop; wire [6:0] hundredths, tenths, secs, tens; reg errordetector; // initialize test initial begin // start up the stopwatch errordetector<=0; reset <= 1; startstop <= 0; # 40; reset <= 0; # 40; startstop <= 1; #40; startstop <= 0; #54300040;//@5.43 sec, timer 5.43 if(tens != ZERO || secs != FIVE || tenths != FOUR || hundredths != THREE) begin $display("Error in first test (starting)"); errordetector<=1; end else $display("First test completed successfully"); // keep running for a known amount of time, then check it #21400000;//@7.57 sec, timer 7.47 if(tens != ZERO || secs != SEVEN || tenths != FIVE || hundredths != SEVEN) begin $display("Error in second test (counting)"); errordetector<=1; end else $display("Second test completed successfully"); // pause the counter, and make sure it maintains its old value #11100000;//@8.68 sec, timer 8.68 startstop<=1; #02500000; //Pauses counting startstop<=0; //Button not pressed down anymore #02500000;//@9.18 sec, timer 8.68 if(tens != ZERO || secs != EIGHT || tenths != SIX || hundredths != EIGHT) begin $display("Error in third test (pausing)"); errordetector<=1; end else $display("Third test completed successfully"); // restart the counter, and make sure it keeps counting up


startstop<=1; #10000000;//button pressed for 1 sec startstop<=0; #17400000; //@ 11.92 sec, timer 11.42 if(tens != ONE || secs != ONE || tenths != FOUR || hundredths != TWO) begin $display("Error in fourth test (restarting)"); errordetector<=1; end else $display("Fourth test completed successfully"); // test holding down startstop and reset, make sure that reset wins startstop<=1; #05000000; reset <= 1; #05000000; //@12.92 sec, timer = 0 if(tens != ZERO || secs != ZERO || tenths != ZERO || hundredths != ZERO) begin $display("Error in fifth test (multi-button press)"); errordetector<=1; end else $display("Fifth test completed successfully"); // toggle startstop while reset is held down, make sure reset still wins startstop<=0; #05000000; startstop<=1; #05000000; //@13.92 sec, timer still = 0 startstop<=0; if(tens != ZERO || secs != ZERO || tenths != ZERO || hundredths != ZERO) begin $display("Error in sixth test (pressing SS while reset is held)"); errordetector<=1; end else $display("Sixth test completed successfully"); // make sure that the digit 9 works properly reset<=0; #01000000; startstop<=1; #20; #09000020; //@14.92 sec, timer = 0.9 if(tens != ZERO || secs != ZERO || tenths != NINE || hundredths != ZERO) begin $display("Error in seventh test (testing nine) %b %b",tenths, hundredths); errordetector = 1; end else $display("Seventh test completed successfully"); if(errordetector == 1) $display("Error(s) detected. Please fix them."); else $display("No errors detected. Good job!"); end // generate clock to sequence tests always begin ph1 <= 0; ph2 <= 0; # 2;


ph1 <= 1; # 8; ph1 <= 0; # 2; ph2 <= 1; # 8; end timerchip_2 dut(ph1, ph2, reset, startstop, hundredths, tenths, secs, tens); endmodule


Appendix B: Schematics

xor core







reg add 1bit



















Appendix C: Layouts

xor core







reg add 1bit





















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