1. Who was E.R Braithwaite, Write about his occupation and education, and write about
the different tasks set for him?
- E.R. Braithwaite worked in the 1950s as a teacher in the East End of London. With an
Oxford education behind him, but no formal training as a teacher, he was placed in
charge of an undisciplined class of final-year students. As a black man, working in a
school with a predominantly white, working-class population, with little or no aspiration to
higher learning, he had his job cut out for him. After the first clashes with this badly
behaved and defiant class, one morning, in desperation, he tries to win their trust and
cooperation by talking to them frankly about what he wants them to achieve together.
2. How did he try to win the trust and cooperation of the students ?
- He introduced himself by telling he is a teacher and he thinks it's right and proper to let
the students know some of his plans for that class. Braithwaite tried to pitch his voice
into its most informally pleasant register. He said that they’re going to talk reasonably to
each other and he asked the students to listen to him without interrupting in any way
and when he is through any one of them may say their peace without interruption from
him. He was making it up as he went along and watching them at the least sign that it
wouldn’t work. The students were interested in spite of themselves even the husky blasé
denham was learning forward on his desk watching him.
3. What was his business according to E.R Braithwaite in the school ?
- His business was to teach the students , and he shall do his best to make his teaching
as interesting as possible. If at any time he says anything which they did not understand
or with which they do not agree, he would be pleased if they would let him. He would be
leaving school within six months or so; that means that in a short while they would be
embarked on the very adult business of earning a living. Bearing that in mind, he has
decided that from now on they would be treated, not as children, but as young men and
women, by him and by each other. When we move out of the state of childhood certain
higher standards of conduct are expected of us.
- At that moment the door was flung open and Pamela Dare rushed in, somewhat
breathlessly, to take her seat. She was very late
5. According to E.R Braithwaite, how many ways were there to enter the room and which
way Pamela Dare entered ?
- There are really two ways in which a person may enter a room; one is in a controlled,
dignified manner, the other is as if someone had just planted a heavy foot on your
backside. Miss Dare has just shown us the second way; Braithwaite was quite sure she
will now give them a demonstration of the first.
- He was annoyed by the way in which Pamela had just barged her way in, insolently,
carelessly late.
- All eyes were on Pamela as she had probably planned, but instead of supporting her
entrance they were watching her, waiting to see the result of my challenge. She blushed.
8. What did Pamela do when she was asked to enter the room in the first way ?
- Her eyes were black with anger and humiliation, but she stood up and walked out,
closing the door quietly behind her; then to his surprise, and heI might confess, to his
relief, she opened it as quietly, and with a grace and dignity that would have benefited a
queen, she walked to her seat.
- There are certain courtesies which will be observed at all times in this classroom. They
will be addressed as "Mr Braithwaite" or "Sir" - the choice is theirs ; the young ladies will
be addressed as "Miss" and the young men will be addressed by their surnames.
-When potter was asked to Tell his name and he answered his name ‘Potter’ Braithwaite asked
him to repeaters name again then he answered ‘Potter, Sir’ ‘The sir’ was somewhat delayed
- He thanked Potter.And asked the students are there any young lady present whom they
consider unworthy of their r courtesies and does not deserve to be addressed as Miss
14.By hearing the answer of Braithwaite how did the girls react?
- The girls all turned around to look at Potter, as if daring him; he drew back before their
concerted eyes and said, 'No, Sir.
- Braithwaite asked Potter to follow his courtesy in a little while all of them may be
expected to express these courtesies as part of their jobs; it would be helpful to them to
become accustomed to giving and receiving them.
16.As he walked around his desk and sat in his chair, what did he notice ?
- He walked around his desk and sat in his chair. For the time being at least the students
were listening, really listening to him. Maybe they would not understand every word, but
they'd get the general import of his remarks.
17.What was the next point for the ladies which concerned the general deportment and
conduct for the class?
- The next point concerns the general deportment and conduct of the class. First, the
young ladies. They must understand that in future they must show themselves both
worthy and appreciative of the courtesies their men will show them. As Potter said, they
know them. We shall want to feel proud to know us, and just how proud we shall feel will
depend entirely on us. There are certain things which need attention, and Braithwaite
had asked Mrs Dale-Evans to discuss them with them in their Domestic Science period
.' This last bit was right off the cuff; he had to see Grace about it during recess, but he
felt sure she would help.
18.What was the next point for the boys which concerned the general deportment and
conduct for the class ?
- Now the boys. He has seen stevedores and longshoremen who looked a lot cleaner
and tidier. There was nothing weak or unmanly about clean hands and faces, and shoes
that are brushed. A man who is strong and tough never needs to show it in his dress or
the way he cuts his hair. Toughness is a quality of the mind, like bravery or honesty or
ambition; it has nothing whatsoever to do with muscles. he suppose that in about a year
or so some of they will be thinking of girlfriends; believe me, they will think you are much
more attractive with clean teeth, hands and faces than without.
19.Why did Braithwaite say that they were the top class and the operative word was top ?
- You are the top class; the operative word is "top". That means they must set the
standards in all things for the rest of the school, for, whether you wish it or not, the
younger ones will ape everything they do or say. They will try to walk like them and use
the words they use, and dress like them, and so for as long as you are here, much of
their conduct will be their responsibility. As the top class they must be top in cleanliness,
deportment, courtesy and work. He shall help them in every way he can, both by
example and encouragement. He believes that they have it in them to be a fine class,
the best this school has ever known, but he could be wrong; it all depends on them.