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Backup and disaster recovery

Installation manual
for system providers and tenants


Product line Neo, version 7.x

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ASC Technologies AG - Seibelstr. 2-4 - 63768 Hösbach - Germany



1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 5

2 Preconditions.............................................................................................................. 6

3 Quick guide - Backup ................................................................................................. 7

3.1 Create snapshots in VMWare....................................................................................... 7
3.2 Create database backup............................................................................................... 7
3.3 Backup data directory ................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Read out machine ID .................................................................................................... 7
3.5 Back up CallPool .......................................................................................................... 7
3.6 Read out system configuration ..................................................................................... 7
3.7 Backup speech analysis server .................................................................................... 7

4 Backup - step-by-step instructions........................................................................... 8

4.1 Create database backups............................................................................................. 8
4.1.1 PostgreSQL database .................................................................................................. 8 Backup of the database ................................................................................................ 8 Backup of the configuration files................................................................................. 10
4.1.2 MSSQL database ....................................................................................................... 11 Backup of the MSSQL database ................................................................................ 11
4.2 Backup data directory ................................................................................................. 15
4.3 Read out machine ID .................................................................................................. 16
4.4 Back up CallPool ........................................................................................................ 16
4.5 Read out system configuration ................................................................................... 16
4.6 Backup EML speech analysis server.......................................................................... 17

5 Failure scenarios ...................................................................................................... 19

6 Quick guide - Recovery............................................................................................ 20

6.1 Install recording server again...................................................................................... 20
6.2 Restore of PostgreSQL database............................................................................... 20
6.3 Restore of MSSQL databases .................................................................................... 20
6.4 Import certificates ....................................................................................................... 21
6.5 Rebuild conversations ................................................................................................ 21

7 Exchange drive ......................................................................................................... 22

8 Restore of EML speech analysis server (optional)................................................ 23

9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions ..................................................................... 24

9.1 Recovery of the recording software ............................................................................ 24
9.2 Restore of database ................................................................................................... 25
9.2.1 Restore PostgreSQL database................................................................................... 25 Apply configuration data ............................................................................................. 25 Restore of the PostgreSQL database......................................................................... 26 Updater ....................................................................................................................... 29

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9.2.2 Restore MSSQL database.......................................................................................... 30 Restore of the MSSQL database................................................................................ 30 Updater ....................................................................................................................... 32
9.3 Conclusive steps......................................................................................................... 33
9.3.1 Import certificates ....................................................................................................... 33
9.4 Rebuild of recordings.................................................................................................. 34
9.4.1 Configure import job ................................................................................................... 34 Tab Details.................................................................................................................. 35 Tab Drives .................................................................................................................. 38
9.4.2 Verifying functionality.................................................................................................. 39

10 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................... 40

Glossary .................................................................................................................... 43

Index .......................................................................................................................... 44

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction

This manual describes the preconditions and the procedure to create backups and to recover
data after a partial or total failure of the system.
ASC offers different possibilities to backup the data of a Neo system before a failure. It does not
matter which recording architecture you use or whether you deploy a single- or a multi-core sys-
tem. The following backup scenarios can be used with all architecture types and core variants.
In general, you have to distinguish between the following terms:
• Backup of recordings
This is the communication data itself (audio, video, screen or chat). This data is stored on
external media for long-term data storage.
• Backup of metadata
This is the additional data corresponding to the calls. It is saved in the database and can be
stored long-term by means of the database backup.
• Backup of the system configuration
This is a backup of the entire configuration of the application System Configuration con-
tained in a database backup.

Solution concept
For PostgreSQL databases, a backup job is set up during the installation of the Neo recording
software which backs up the PostgreSQL database every 24 hours. As many as five complete
backups are stored before the oldest backup is overwritten. This guarantees that the latest data-
base backups of the last 5 days are available. These backups are stored in the directory
\ASCDATA\DatabaseBackup. By configuring an automatic copy job to external drives, e. g. to a
backup server in the customer environment, backups can be saved separately. This solution
safeguards the database until the latest backup.
For external MSSQL databases, you must set up a backup job manually.
Possible gaps from the latest backup to the latest recording can be filled with the import func-
tionality Neo Rebuild.

For information about the import functionality Neo Rebuild refer to the administration manual for
system providers Rebuild of recordings.

The restore should definitely be carried out by an authorized ASC service technician. Contact
your local ASC support or call ASC support at +49 700 27278776.

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2 Preconditions

2 Preconditions

For the recovery of the recording system, the following information must be available:
• System ID and order number
This additional information can be found in the application System Configuration by clicking
on the icon at the top left. Select the menu item Info in the context menu. By clicking on
the button Additional Information at the bottom right, a window opens which contains the Li-
cense Information.
• Machine ID of the affected servers
either by means of the registry key
or by means of the file name of the backup log file: \ASCDATA\DatabaseBackup, see chap-
ter "Read out machine ID", p. 16.
• Backup of the data directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\data, see chapter "Backup data di-
rectory", p. 15.
• Backup of the database, see chapter "Create database backups", p. 8.
• Backup of the call data partition with the recordings
\ASCDATA, see chapter "Back up CallPool", p. 16
• Backup of the system configuration for script adaptions by ASC, see chapter "Read out
system configuration", p. 16.

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3 Quick guide - Backup

3 Quick guide - Backup

3.1 Create snapshots in VMWare

Snapshots of virtual systems serve to back up the status quo before maintenance or software
updates. Using a snapshot only makes sense if it is up to date and created after business hours
as all services must be stopped.

Do not try to create a snapshot while operating the system. You have to shut down all applica-
tions before creating a snapshot. After a successful check of the system functions after the up-
date, delete the snapshots! Otherwise the snapshots affect the performance of the IO activities
in this VM which may cause an unpredictable system behavior or even system failures.

3.2 Create database backup

1. Create database backup, see chapter "Create database backups", p. 8.

3.3 Backup data directory

1. Backup data directory,
C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\data
see chapter "Backup data directory", p. 15,

3.4 Read out machine ID

1. Read out machine ID
by means of the registry key
or by means of the file name of the backup log file of the PostgreSQL database
see chapter "Read out machine ID", p. 16.

3.5 Back up CallPool

1. Back up CallPool
see chapter "Back up CallPool", p. 16.

3.6 Read out system configuration

1. Read out system configuration, see chapter "Read out system configuration", p. 16.

3.7 Backup speech analysis server

1. For systems working with transcription, you must backup the relevant files and directories
for the decoder and for the server.
see chapter "Backup EML speech analysis server", p. 17

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4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

After an installation and after changes in the configuration, create the following backups to be
able to fall back on them in case of a failure.

Take a written note of the entire number of the version which has been installed. A restore can
only be carried out successfully with the same or a higher version.

4.1 Create database backups

Create a database backup to fall back on in case the database is defective or corrupted.
To create a backup, select the chapter corresponding to the database you are using and follow
the instructions.
• See chapter "PostgreSQL database", p. 8.
• See chapter "MSSQL database", p. 11.

4.1.1 PostgreSQL database

During the installation of the provided PostgreSQL database der Neo-recording software, a
backup job is created for the PostgreSQL database which covers the database backups of the
last 5 days (default value).
By default, you find the files in the following directory:
• %ASCDATA%\DatabaseBackup\
The retention time for the backups of the PostgreSQL database (default value: 5 days) can be
changed by means of the administration tool for the database, if required.
Move the backup to a separate drive so that you can access it in case of an error.

For information about customer-specific non-standard settings of the backup job for Post-
greSQL databases (e. g. the path of the database backup or the number of local or remote
database backups) refer to the description of entries in the main view of the administration
manual for system providers System Configuration - Expert Settings. Backup of the database

To create a backup of the PostgreSQL database, the PostgreSQL server must be running.
The following configuration has to be carried out as postgres windows user.

A script is available for creating a backup for the content of the PostgreSQL database.
1. Open the command prompt as administrator.
2. Change to the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\scripts.
3. Enter database backup to execute the script database.bat.
4. Once the backup has run through properly, you find the backup file with the current date in
the following path:
5. Check the size of the backup file. It must be approximately 20-30 % of the database. Save backup directly on a network drive

To save the backup of the database directly on a network drive, you must create a system vari-
able in the settings of the system where you save the path.
1. Open System Control.
2. Select the entry System and Security > System.

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4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

3. Click on the button Advanced System Settings.

ð The window System Properties opens.

Fig. 1: System settings - Advanced settings - Open environment variable

4. Click on the button Environment Variables.

ð The window Environment Variables opens.

Fig. 2: System settings - Create new system variable

5. In the group field System Variables, click on the button New.

ð The dialog to configure the system variable opens.

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4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

Fig. 3: System settings - Name system variable and enter storage path

6. Enter the name for the variable, e. g. ASC_PGBACKUPPATH.

7. Enter the storage location for the backup or select the directory by clicking on the button
Browse Directory. As path, you can either use the attached network drive or the UNC path
e. g. \\mybackuplocation\DBBACKUP.

Please note that the Windows user Postgres must have read and write permissions for the di-
rectory so that the backup can be saved there.

8. Click on the button OK to save the entries and close the window.
ð The system variable appears in the list of system variables.

Fig. 4: System settings - Create system variable (example)

9. Click on the button OK to save the configuration. Backup of the configuration files

NOTICE! The configuration files of the database are not backed up with the script.
1. To avoid extra configurations, make sure to separately back up the following configuration
files at the beginning and after all changes:
• <<POSTGRES-DATA-FOLDER>>\pg_hba.conf
• <<POSTGRES-DATA-FOLDER>>\postgresql.conf
NOTICE! When using a failover database, back up the configuration files of the standby data-
base, too.

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4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

For information about configuring a failover concept for databases and resetting failover opera-
tion refer to the installation manual for system providers Failover operation for PostgreSQL

4.1.2 MSSQL database Backup of the MSSQL database

1. Click on the Windows button.
2. Click on the arrow icon to display all programs.
3. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and log in.
NOTICE! If you do not have the database password, contact the ASC support by calling
+49 700 27278776.

Fig. 5: Object explorer

4. Select the database Databases > asc_rs from the directory tree.
5. Right-click on the database asc_rs.
6. Select the menu item Tasks > Back Up from the context menu.
ð The following window appears:

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4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

Fig. 6: Configure general backup options

7. Click on the menu item General in the navigation bar.

8. Select the following parameters:

Group field Source

Database asc_rs
Backup type full
Backup component Database
Tab. 1: Configure backup options

Group field Destination

Back up to From the drop-down list, select the medium on which you would like to store
the backup.
• Disk
Tab. 2: Configure backup options

1. To change the path or add an additional one, click on the button Add.
To remove a path, click on the button Remove.
2. To display the content of the path with the completed backup files, select the target path
and click on the button Contents.

For information about other backup possibilities see


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4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

3. Click on the menu item Media Options in the navigation bar.

ð The following options appear:

Fig. 7: Configure additional backup options

Group field Overwrite media

1. Select the way the backup is supposed to be saved.

Back up to the existing media set

By activating this option, you add the following options to the existing backup:
Append to the existing backup set
By activating this option, you attach the backup to the existing one.
Overwrite all existing backup sets
By activating this option, you overwrite all previous backups.
Check media set name and backup set expiration
When activating this option, the entry field Media set name becomes active and you
can enter a name for the media set.
Back up to a new media set, and erase all existing backup sets
By activating this option, you delete all previous backup files and create a new backup set.
New media set name:
Enter a name for the new media set.
New media set description:
Enter an optional description of the new media set.
Tab. 3: Options to overwrite medium

Group field Reliability

Verify backup when finished

Activate this option if the completed backup is supposed to be subject to a check.

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4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

Perform checksum before writing to media

Activate this option if a checksum is supposed to be reckoned up before writing the
backup on the medium.
Continue on error
Activate this option if you want to create a backup despite possible errors.
Tab. 4: Configure reliability

Group field Transaction log

This option is not active.

Truncate the transaction log

Back up the tail of the log, and leave the database in the restoring state
Tab. 5: Configure transaction log

Group field Tape drive

These options are not active if you have selected a hard disk as target for the backup on the
General page.

Unload the tape after backup

Rewind the tape before unloading
Tab. 6: Configure tape drive

1. Click on the button OK to save the configuration.

2. Click on the menu item Backup Options in the navigation bar.
ð The following options appear:

Fig. 8: Configure additional backup options

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4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

Group field Backup set

Name Enter the name of the backup file.

Description Optional entry field
Backup set will expire Activate the option field.
After: Use the arrow keys to select the number of days until the
backup set will expire.
On: Select the exact date in the calendar on which the
backup set will expire.
Tab. 7: Configure file options

Group field Compression

Set backup compression: Select the compression from the drop-down list.
The following options are available:
• Use the default server settings
• Compress backup
• Do not compress backup
Tab. 8: Configure compression

1. Click on the button OK to create the backup.

ð Once the backup has been completed, the following notification appears:

Fig. 9: Notification

You find the backup file in the previously defined path.

4.2 Backup data directory

Backup the data directory on a daily basis by saving a copy on a separate medium.
C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\data
The directory contains all customer-specific adjustments.
• Keystore key
When Neo key management is used, this directory contains the subdirectory Dongle Man-
This directory contains the database where the keystore and the password have been
• Adjustment of the configuration files
The directory for the modules contains e. g. settings for connection timeouts, failover,
recording, and deletion behaviors.
• Volume IDs
In the directory Fileman, information about the device IDs has been saved. If a drive is ex-
changed and receives the save drive letter again, then the FileMan can assign the IDs
again. For successful assignment, the data directory must be available when the FileMan is
started. Otherwise, the FileMan creates new IDs.

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4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

4.3 Read out machine ID

The machine ID of a server is an unambiguous identifier. As all internal links depend on this ma-
chine ID, it is mandatory to use this machine ID in new installations. Consequently, read out the
machine IDs of every server directly after the installation of the software and ensure that the in-
formation is saved separately to have access in case of an error.

Machine ID - Identifies the server

You find the information about the machine ID either
• in the file name of the backup log file of the PostgreSQL database
which is saved by default in the following directory:
• in the registry in the following path:

4.4 Back up CallPool

The CallPool contains the recordings of all tenants. By backing up this directory, you will be able
to restore configuration data in case of an error.
1. Consequently copy the entire data directory to a separate medium to have access in case
of an error.
A program enables you to scan the CallPool you have backed up and to read out the IDs. The
information is issued in a CSV file and can be processed by ASC.
In case of a complete system failure without an available database backup, contact your local
ASC support or call ASC support at +49 700 27278776. ASC can create a script based on this
file which allows mapping the IDs to the tenants and PBXs.

4.5 Read out system configuration

Directly after the installation and configuration of a customer system, you can read out the sys-
tem configuration by means of a program. If your system fails completely and no database
backup is available, you can send ASC the file containing the information that has been read
If you have backed up the CallPool, you can deploy the program for the backup of the CallPool
in case of a system failure, too, in order to read out the system configurations.
You call up this program by indicating the path of the CallPool or of the medium. By doing so,
the directory tree is searched. From the found files, the PBX ID with the corresponding agent ID
or extension is determined. If a new ID is found, it is issued together with the PBX ID in a CSV
file. This information allows mapping the ID to the PBX.
ASC can create a script based on this CSV file which allows mapping the IDs to the tenants and
the PBXs.

The program has to be run for each CallPool separately.

The scan can be canceled if required.
You can run the program again and back up information whenever you have made changes in
the system.

1. In the command line cmd run the program ASC.RecordingControl.exe by entering the fol-
lowing syntax:
ASC.RecordingControl.exe --rebuild_scan [-l|-c] <path>

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4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

-l issues the currently scanned path by way of information.

-c creates the CSV file rebuild_scan.csv containing the scan results

ASC.RecordingControl.exe --rebuild_scan -l -c "\ASCDATA\CallPool"

Scan dir C:\ASCDATA\CallPool
Scan dir C:\ASCDATA\CallPool\90b3db81-6442-46d5-9dbf-66a3d550dc41.AscTenant
Scan dir C:
Scan dir C:
Scan dir C:
Scan dir C:
TenantId 90b3db81-6442-46d5-9dbf-66a3d550dc41 8f431766-2a3e-4f52-9f14-
afa2a4b45a7b:6001 8f431766-2a3e-4f52-9f14-afa2a4b45a7b:6000
Scan dir C:
Scan dir C:
NTH_11\DAY_23\HOUR_15 93976f3a-c0df-4736-a550-2dad40c69368:6001

CSV content: in the example, no PBXAgentId could be found.


The file rebuild_scan.csv can be found in the directory

C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\modules\RecordingControl.
Contact your local ASC support or call ASC support at +49 700 27278776 and provide the file

4.6 Backup EML speech analysis server

For systems using EML speech analysis, you must backup the following files and directories for
the decoder and the server:

Backup decoder:
1. Change to the path
C:\Program Files\EML\emlDecoder
and backup the file decoder.properties.

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4 Backup - step-by-step instructions

Backup transcription server:

1. Change to the path
and backup the entire directory streaming_config.
The directory is relevant for KWS and real time, too.
2. Change to the path
C:\Program Files\EML\TranscriptionServer\wildfly\bin\Service.
and backup the file service_config.bat.
3. Change to the path
and backup the file transcription-server.raw.txt.
In case of a total failure, you can copy these backups back to the respective paths after having
reinstalled the EML components.

When updating the EML software, the EML setup automatically updates the decoders.
When updating the transcription server, you must install the backups manually.

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5 Failure scenarios

5 Failure scenarios

In the following, you find possible approaches to different failure scenarios.

• Complete system failure,
if the hard disk is defective and you have to set up the recording server from scratch, see
chapter "Recovery of the recording software", p. 24
• Database is corrupted or defective,
if the database is corrupted or defective and you have to restore it from a backup see chap-
ter "Restore of database", p. 25
• Last recordings are missing,
if there is a gap between the latest backup and the current recordings, see chapter "Rebuild
of recordings", p. 34
• Drive is defective,
if you have to exchange a drive and use the original letter of the drive, see chapter "Ex-
change drive", p. 22

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6 Quick guide - Recovery

6 Quick guide - Recovery

6.1 Install recording server again

1. Carry out the setup of the installation medium with the following command in recovery
setupx.x.x-x.x.exe /asc recovery_mode
See also chapter "Recovery of the recording software", p. 24.
2. Follow the installation routine.
3. In the entry dialog, enter the current Machine ID as machine ID.
ð The following message appears:
"Recovery mode detected. Restore data directory, data partition and
database. Then restart the system and start Updater!"
4. Confirm the message.
ð The prompt to restart of the server appears.
5. Do not restart the server yet!
6. If you use Neo key management and the Dongle Manager on the original server has been
deployed, you must install the Dongle Manager on the new system. After the installation
you must stop the service ASC DongleMan.
7. Install the backup of the following directories:
\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\data.
NOTICE! The backup of these directories contains the password for the Neo key manage-
ment, if deployed.

6.2 Restore of PostgreSQL database

The program pgAdmin requires a password. Contact your local ASC support or call ASC sup-
port at +49 700 27278776 for your password.

1. Open the program pgAdmin.

2. Log in.
3. Create a new database with the name asc_rs.
4. Install the backup of the configuration files in the database path:
5. Install the database backup,
see chapter "Restore PostgreSQL database", p. 25.
6. Restart the server now.
7. Start the Updater in the installation directory with the following command
updater.exe --open, see chapter "Updater", p. 29.
8. Restart the server again once the update has run through.
9. Proceed with the conclusive steps,
see chapter "Conclusive steps", p. 33.

6.3 Restore of MSSQL databases

1. Open the program Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Create a new database with the name asc_rs.
3. Install the database backup,
see chapter "Restore MSSQL database", p. 30.

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6 Quick guide - Recovery

4. Restart the server now.

5. Start the Updater in the installation directory with the following command
updater.exe --open, see chapter "Updater", p. 29.
6. Restart the server again once the update has run through.
7. Proceed with the conclusive steps,
see chapter "Conclusive steps", p. 33.

6.4 Import certificates

1. To enable an encrypted connection, you must reimport the certificates, see chapter "Import
certificates", p. 33.

6.5 Rebuild conversations

1. Carry out the import job XXX to fill the gap from the latest database backup to the most re-
cent recording,
see chapter "Rebuild of recordings", p. 34.
2. Check the replay of the conversations.
ð Now, the recovery is complete.

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7 Exchange drive

7 Exchange drive

If a drive is defective and you have to exchange it, proceed as follows to move the CallPool:
1. Open the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\scripts\ and stop all ASC
services with the command stop.all.
2. Add a new partition or drive and assign a temporary drive letter.
3. Copy or relocate the directory \ASCDATA to the new partition.
4. Remove the previous partition so that the drive letter is available again.
NOTICE! It is not sufficient to just rename the partition.
5. Assign the drive letter which is now available again to the new partition.
6. Start the service ASC ServiceMan so that it starts all other services.
7. Check that all services are running and start services which have not started yet manually.
8. Start the recording.
9. Check that recordings can be replayed correctly.

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Restore of EML speech analysis server (op-
8 tional)

8 Restore of EML speech analysis server (optional)

For systems using EML speech analysis, you must copy back the following files and directories
after the restore for the decoder and the transcription server:

Restore decoder:
1. Copy the backup of the file decoder.properties
back to path
C:\Program Files\EML\emlDecoder

Restore transcription server:

1. Copy the backup of the directory streaming_config
back to path
2. Copy the backup of the file service_config.bat
back to path
C:\Program Files\EML\TranscriptionServer\wildfly\bin\Service.
3. Copy the backup of the file transcription-server.raw.txt
back to path

When updating the EML software, the EML setup automatically updates the decoders.
When updating the transcription server, you must install the backups manually.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

During a restore, you must use the same drive letters that have been used during the initial in-

9.1 Recovery of the recording software

If you have to exchange hardware components and set up the server again, there is a recovery
function for the installation routine.
For the new installation, use the ISO image with the same or a higher version that you had in-
stalled on your previous system. The ISO images of ASC are always full-fledged versions and
contain a complete setup.
Carry out the new installation in recovery mode. A query appears where you can enter the pre-
vious hardware information so that the UUIDs can be mapped to the existing backup.
For the restore, the following hardware information is relevant:

Machine ID - Identifies the server

You find the information about the machine ID either
• in the file name of the backup log file of the PostgreSQL database
which is saved by default in the following directory:
• in the registry in the following path:
Data Directory - directory with the program modules, e. g.
• C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\data
Calldata partition - directory of the call pool, e. g. \ASCDATA
Database partition - directory of the database, e. g. \ASCDB
If operative hardware is available, proceed as follows:
1. Insert an installation medium of the recording software.
2. In the start menu, open the command line prompt as administrator.
3. Navigate to the drive of the installation medium.
4. Enter the following command to start the setup in recovery mode:
setupx.x.x-x.x.exe /asc recovery_mode
5. Follow the installation routine.
6. In the entry dialog, enter the current Machine ID as machine ID.
ð The following message appears:
"Recovery mode detected. Restore data directory, data partition and
database. Then restart the system and start Updater!"
7. Confirm the message and recreate the required directories:
\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\data.
8. Install the database backup.
• Restore of the PostgreSQL database,
see chapter "Restore PostgreSQL database", p. 25.
• Restore of the MS SQL database,
see chapter "Restore MSSQL database", p. 30.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

9.2 Restore of database

If operating system and hardware are intact, if the CallPool exists, and only the database is sup-
posed to be restored, you can carry out a restore by means of the database backup.

If no database backup is available, get in touch with your sales contact at ASC to order a pro-
fessional service to solve the problem.

To install a backup, continue with the respective instructions for the database you are using.
• See chapter "Restore PostgreSQL database", p. 25.
• See chapter "Restore MSSQL database", p. 30.

9.2.1 Restore PostgreSQL database

During the installation of the provided PostgreSQL database der Neo-recording software, a
backup job is created for the PostgreSQL database which covers the database backups of the
last 5 days (default value).
By default, you find the files in the following directory:
• %ASCDATA%\DatabaseBackup\
The retention time for the backups of the PostgreSQL database (default value: 5 days) can be
changed by means of the administration tool for the database, if required.
To restore the database, proceed as follows.

Delete Neo database

Before you install the backup, you have to delete the existing database and create a new one.

The program pgAdmin requires a password. Contact your local ASC support or call ASC sup-
port at +49 700 27278776 for your password.

1. Stop the services ASC ServiceMan and ASC ApplicationServer.

In multi-core systems, all Enterprise Cores must be stopped.
2. Open the program pgAdmin.
3. Log in.
4. Select the database entry asc_rs.
5. From the context menu, select the entry Delete/Drop and delete the database asc_rs.

Create new database

1. Right-click on Servers > Servername > Databases.
2. From the context menu, select the menu item Create Database.
3. In the tab General, enter asc_rs as name.
4. From the drop-down list Owner, select the value postgres.
5. In the tab Definition check whether the value for the coding has been set to UTF8.
6. Click on the button Save to save the database. Apply configuration data

When deploying a PostgreSQL database, you can apply the saved configuration data.
Before restoring the database, copy the following files to the following path:
1. Install the saved configuration files of the database:

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions Restore of the PostgreSQL database

For a restore, the PostgreSQL server must be running.

1. Before the restore, copy the saved configuration files to the database.
2. Right-click on the database instance asc_rs that you would like to restore.

Fig. 10: Restore options

3. From the context menu, select the menu item Restore.

ð The input dialog to select the backup file opens.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

Fig. 11: Select restoration file

4. Select the following options for the restore:

Format From the drop-down list, select the entry Custom or tar.
Filename Select the backup file from which you would like to restore the
database by clicking on the folder icon.
Rolename From the drop-down list, select the entry postgres.
Tab. 9: Select restoration file

5. Click on the button Restore.

ð Once the restore has been completed, the tab Messages becomes active. Here, you
can check the result. An error message is always displayed.
6. Click on the icon View Details and check whether only the following error message is dis-
ð If this is the case, the restore was successful.

Fig. 12: Error message of restore of PostgreSQL

After the restore, the notification to configure the binary path for the database appears.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

Fig. 13: Notification to configure the binary path of PostgreSQL

7. Select the menu item File > Preferences to enter the binary path for the database.

Fig. 14: Call up dialog preferences

8. In the line of the respective PostgreSQL version, click on the folder icon to select the path
to the binary files.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

Fig. 15: Select binary path in browser

9. Click on the button Save to save the settings.

If you have to restore a failover configuration on the standby server, copy the configuration files
back into the database directory. For further information refer to the installation manual for sys-
tem providers Failover operation for PostgreSQL databases. Updater
After the database restore, you must start the Updater so that the general program parts can be
installed subsequently.
There are 2 options for a restore with the Updater:
1. Start Updater in simple mode
2. Start Updater in isolation mode

Restore in simple mode

1. Open the command prompt as administrator.
2. Change to the installation directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\Updater
3. Start the Updater with the following command:
updater.exe --open
4. Restart the server once the Updater has run through.
5. Proceed with the conclusive steps,
see chapter "Conclusive steps", p. 33.

Restore in isolation mode

An installation in isolation mode serves to install one or several Neo servers in parallel with an
existing Neo system on a new server. By blocking the connections in the firewall, this server will
be unable to connect with existing network drives or communication platforms until the user opts
for switching off the existing system and releasing the system installed in isolation mode.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

During a restore in isolation mode, the firewall is not opened during the updater routine but the
rule ASC_BLOCK_ALL_OUTBOUND is activated blocking all outbound connections with the excep-
tion of:
• TCP 389, 636 (LDAP),
• TCP 1433 MS SQL (for the external database),
• TCP 3389 RDP (Remote access),
• TCP 5432 PostgreSQL (for external DB)
• UDP 123 NTP
Afterwards, you must remove the rule ASC_BLOCK_ALL_OUTBOUND and open the firewall.
To do so, proceed as follows:
1. Change to the installation directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\Updater
2. Start the Updater with the following parameter:
updater.exe --isolate
3. Restart the server once the Updater has run through.
4. Ensure that the Updater process has been successful and that the configuration files have
been applied.
5. To switch to the new server, you must shut down the previous server.
6. Then restart the Updater on the new server but with the parameter:
updater.exe --open
to remove the blocking of the connections and open the firewall.
7. Proceed with the conclusive steps,
see chapter "Conclusive steps", p. 33.

9.2.2 Restore MSSQL database

1. Stop the services ASC ServiceMan and ASC ApplicationServer.
In multi-core systems, all Enterprise Cores must be stopped.
2. Open the program Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
3. Log in and select the database entry asc_rs.
4. Check the properties and the files of the database.
The MSSQL database can be restored by means of the existing database. It is not necessary to
delete the existing database ad create a new one. Restore of the MSSQL database

For a restore, the Microsoft SQL server must be running.

1. Right-click on the database instance that you would like to restore.

2. From the context menu, select the menu item Task > Restore > Database.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

Fig. 16: Restore options

3. Click on the menu item General in the navigation bar.

Fig. 17: Select restoration file

4. Select the following options for the restore:

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions


Device Activate this option if the backup has been stored on a different medium.
Database From the drop-down list, select the database backup from which you would
like to restore the database, e. g. asc_rs.
Tab. 10: Select restoration file


Database From the drop-down list, select the database you would like to restore, e. g.
Restore to Select the backup that you would like to use for the restore. If you do not
want to use the suggested backup for the restore, you can select a different
backup by clicking on the button Timeline.
Tab. 11: Select destination

5. Click on the button OK.

ð Once the restore has been completed, the tab Messages becomes active. Here, you
can check the result.
Status 0 indicates that there are no messages and that the restore has been successful.
6. After the restore, check the properties and the files of the database.
7. Reboot the server after the restore.

For further information refer see

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187510.aspx. Updater
After the database restore, you must start the Updater so that the general program parts can be
installed subsequently.
There are 2 options for a restore with the Updater:
1. Start Updater in simple mode
2. Start Updater in isolation mode

Restore in simple mode

1. Open the command prompt as administrator.
2. Change to the installation directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\Updater
3. Start the Updater with the following command:
updater.exe --open
4. Restart the server once the Updater has run through.
5. Proceed with the conclusive steps,
see chapter "Conclusive steps", p. 33.

Restore in isolation mode

An installation in isolation mode serves to install one or several Neo servers in parallel with an
existing Neo system on a new server. By blocking the connections in the firewall, this server will
be unable to connect with existing network drives or communication platforms until the user opts
for switching off the existing system and releasing the system installed in isolation mode.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

During a restore in isolation mode, the firewall is not opened during the updater routine but the
rule ASC_BLOCK_ALL_OUTBOUND is activated blocking all outbound connections with the excep-
tion of:
• TCP 389, 636 (LDAP),
• TCP 1433 MS SQL (for the external database),
• TCP 3389 RDP (Remote access),
• TCP 5432 PostgreSQL (for external DB)
• UDP 123 NTP
Afterwards, you must remove the rule ASC_BLOCK_ALL_OUTBOUND and open the firewall.
To do so, proceed as follows:
1. Change to the installation directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\Updater
2. Start the Updater with the following parameter:
updater.exe --isolate
3. Restart the server once the Updater has run through.
4. Ensure that the Updater process has been successful and that the configuration files have
been applied.
5. To switch to the new server, you must shut down the previous server.
6. Then restart the Updater on the new server but with the parameter:
updater.exe --open
to remove the blocking of the connections and open the firewall.
7. Proceed with the conclusive steps,
see chapter "Conclusive steps", p. 33.

9.3 Conclusive steps

1. Check that all licenses are available again after the restore processes and request new
ones if required.
2. Reimport the certificates to enable encrypted connections.
3. Check whether recording is working correctly.
4. Check the replay of the recordings.

9.3.1 Import certificates

To be able to use an encrypted connection, you must import the respective certificated to the
Truststore again. To do so, proceed like in a new installation. Use ASC’s Certificate Import Tool.
1. Open the Windows Explorer.
2. Change to folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\scripts\.
3. Execute the file certimporter.exe as administrator.
4. For HTTPS certificates: Either regenerate the self-signed certificate or import customer cer-
5. For PBX certificates: Check certificates if required for secure PBX communication and
reload (or accept) Neo certificate on the PBX side.
6. If Secure LDAP is used, open HTTPS Trust and import the AD certificate.

For detailed information about importing certificates refer to the installation manual for system
providers Installation of Neo Suite.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

9.4 Rebuild of recordings

You can use the import function Neo Rebuild to close the gap between the latest database
backup and the most current recording.
The recordings are imported to the system storage and the corresponding metadata to the data-
base. After the import, exclusively the tenant configured in the import configuration has access
to the recordings.

Chat recordings cannot be imported.

Conversations which exclusively consist of meta data cannot be imported either.

Data which has been encrypted with one of the following methods cannot be imported:
- Neo key management

When Neo Key Management is used and there is no backup of the database, the Neo Rebuild
function cannot be used. It is not possible to restore encrypted data if its key is not available

For the import with the feature Neo Rebuild, the following drives are supported:
• NAS- drives
• Azure Blob Storage
• Google Cloud Storage

For information about setting up and configuring drives refer to the administration manual for
system providers Configuration drives.

9.4.1 Configure import job

To be able to use Neo Rebuild, you must have configured an import job.

The following configuration has to be carried out as system administrator.

In a multi-tenant system, you have to run a separate import job for each tenant.

1. Open the application System Configuration.

2. Log in as system administrator.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

3. Select the menu item Setup > Recording Import.

ð The following main view appears:

Fig. 18: Exemplary main view of import jobs

4. Click on the icon (Create) in the toolbar of the main view to configure the import format
for Neo Rebuild. Tab Details

Select the tab Details to select the tenant that you would like to carry out the Neo Rebuild for
and to configure the import format.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

Fig. 19: Tab Details - configure import format Neo Rebuild

1. In the tab Details, enter the following parameters:

Active Tick the check box to activate the import configuration.

= Configuration is active; the import is started directly upon saving.
= Configuration is not active; no import is carried out. A running im-
port can be stopped that way.
Name Enter the name of the import configuration.
Description Here, you can enter a description for the import configuration.
Import format Select the import format Neo Rebuild from the drop-down list.
Codec The codec cannot be changed for this import format.
Execution mode This import job is always executed only once. This setting has been
preselected and cannot be changed for this import format. If the import
has to be executed once again for some reason, you have to deacti-
vate the import job, activate it again and save it.
Tenant Click on the button to select the tenant that you would like to map
the imported data to, see chapter "Assign tenant", p. 37.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

The rebuild functionality has to be carried out for each tenant sepa-
Conversations with • Import without mapping
employees without im- The conversations without mapping are imported but cannot be
port key mapped to an agent, i. e. only the superuser can see the record-
• Don’t import
The conversations are not imported into the destination system.
Start time / If you have selected the import format Neo Rebuild, you can limit the
End time period from which recordings are supposed to be imported.
Define the start time and the end time to limit the import to the exact
period during which data was lost. You can set the period generously;
already existing conversations are not imported again.
Alternatively, you can enter either only the start time or the end time.
If you enter neither a start time nor an end time, the import period is un-
You can enter the date directly in both entry fields via the keyboard or
by clicking on the icon .
You do not have to select a PBX; the conversations of all PBXs assigned to the selected tenant
are imported.
A recording architecture must have been configured on the server where the Neo Rebuild is
carried out. If required, configure its own All-in-one Basic Recording recording architecture with
a Universal Import PBX for the import for the Neo Rebuild. The drive must have been mapped
to this server, too. Assign tenant

1. Click on the button on the right of the entry field.
2. Select a tenant from the list.

Fig. 20: Add tenant

3. To apply the selection, click on the button Add.

To discard the selection and close the window, click on the button Cancel.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions Tab Drives

Select the tab Drives to select the source drive from which the data is supposed to be imported.

A drive can be used in several job configurations as long as the drive is not used actively by a
If a drive is currently used actively by a job, no additional job which uses the same drive can
be released or activated. This behavior includes all modules, i. e. regardless of the module that
the configuration belongs to.

Fig. 21: Tab Drives - Select source drive

Source drive Select the drive from which the data is supposed to be imported, see chap-
ter "Assign drive", p. 38.

The import job only works for the local CallPool and
for connected NAS drives.
Other storage expansions are not supported.

1. Click on the button Save to save the settings.

Click on the button Reset to discard the settings. Assign drive

1. Click on the button on the right of the entry field.
2. Select a drive from the list.

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9 Recovery - step-by-step instructions

Fig. 22: Add drive

3. To apply the selection, click on the button Add.

To discard the selection and close the window, click on the button Cancel.

9.4.2 Verifying functionality

1. Check System Monitoring for possible error messages.
2. To check whether the conversations have been imported successfully, open a player and
check whether the conversations are displayed and whether they can be replayed.

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10 Troubleshooting

10 Troubleshooting

If the conversations have not been imported correctly, check the log files. The logfiles can be
found in directory C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC Product Suite\logs\.
• RecordingControl\ASC.RecordingControl.log
• EnterpriseCore\ASC.EnterpriseCore.log
• FileMan\ASC.FileMan.log

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List of figures

List of figures

Fig. 1 System settings - Advanced settings - Open environment variable ........................ 9

Fig. 2 System settings - Create new system variable........................................................ 9
Fig. 3 System settings - Name system variable and enter storage path ........................... 10
Fig. 4 System settings - Create system variable (example) .............................................. 10
Fig. 5 Object explorer ........................................................................................................ 11
Fig. 6 Configure general backup options ........................................................................... 12
Fig. 7 Configure additional backup options........................................................................ 13
Fig. 8 Configure additional backup options........................................................................ 14
Fig. 9 Notification ............................................................................................................... 15
Fig. 10 Restore options ....................................................................................................... 26
Fig. 11 Select restoration file ............................................................................................... 27
Fig. 12 Error message of restore of PostgreSQL ................................................................ 27
Fig. 13 Notification to configure the binary path of PostgreSQL.......................................... 28
Fig. 14 Call up dialog preferences ....................................................................................... 28
Fig. 15 Select binary path in browser .................................................................................. 29
Fig. 16 Restore options ....................................................................................................... 31
Fig. 17 Select restoration file ............................................................................................... 31
Fig. 18 Exemplary main view of import jobs ........................................................................ 35
Fig. 19 Tab Details - configure import format Neo Rebuild.................................................. 36
Fig. 20 Add tenant ............................................................................................................... 37
Fig. 21 Tab Drives - Select source drive.............................................................................. 38
Fig. 22 Add drive.................................................................................................................. 39

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List of tables

List of tables

Tab. 1 Configure backup options ........................................................................................ 12

Tab. 2 Configure backup options ........................................................................................ 12
Tab. 3 Options to overwrite medium ................................................................................... 13
Tab. 4 Configure reliability .................................................................................................. 13
Tab. 5 Configure transaction log......................................................................................... 14
Tab. 6 Configure tape drive ................................................................................................ 14
Tab. 7 Configure file options ............................................................................................... 15
Tab. 8 Configure compression............................................................................................ 15
Tab. 9 Select restoration file ............................................................................................... 27
Tab. 10 Select restoration file .............................................................................................. 32
Tab. 11 Select destination .................................................................................................... 32

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Comma-separated values is a file format which stores tabular data in plain text form.

Network Attached Storage is a file-level computer data storage server connected to a com-
puter network providing data access to other devices on the network. NAS is usually used to
provide independent storage capacity in a computer network without major effort. (Source:
Wikipedia 4th May 2017)

Private Branch Exchange

The Microsoft Windows UNC, short for Universal Naming Convention or Uniform Naming
Convention, specifies a common syntax to describe the location of a network resource, such
as a shared file, directory, or printer. The UNC syntax for Windows systems has the generic
form: \\ComputerName\SharedFolder\Resource. Microsoft often refers to this as a "network
path". Some Microsoft Windows interfaces also allow or require UNC syntax for WebDAV
share access, rather than a URL. The UNC syntax is extended[7] with optional components to
denote use of SSL and TCP/IP port number, a WebDAV URL of http[s]://HostName[:Port]/
SharedFolder/Resource becomes \\HostName[@SSL][@Port]\SharedFolder\Resource When
viewed remotely, the "SharedFolder" may have a name different from what a program on the
server sees when opening "\SharedFolder". Instead, the SharedFolder name consists of an
arbitrary name assigned to the folder when defining its "sharing". (Source: Wikipedia

Virtual machine

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