Honda Validated e-Invoice (Invoice No_ 73701309)
Honda Validated e-Invoice (Invoice No_ 73701309)
Honda Validated e-Invoice (Invoice No_ 73701309)
: W24-1808-31035492
Name : NURULAIN BINTI ALIAS Invoice ID : 73701309
: Order ID : 2014086394
Address : NO 3 JALAN P11E/2 PRESINT 11 Invoice Date : 31.12.2024
: 62300 PUTRAJAYA WP Putrajaya Car Reg.No. : PUTRAJAYA939
: Malaysia Car Model : CR-V 1.5L TC-P 2WD
: Chassis No. : PMHRW1850PD724117
Tel. No. : Engine No. : L15BH9305473
HP. No. : 013-6197570 Date Reg. : 25.08.2023
Service Advisor : Mohd Taufiq Azhar Bin Mohamad Colour : DARK OLIVE METALLIC
Customer No. : 1278694 Mileage : 55,000 KM
Technician Name : Muhammad Khubaid Ady Bin Selling Dealer : G-Mart Autoworld Sdn
: Time-Out : 17:34:12
: Coupon No. : 23-162773/23-162774
Itm Description QTY Labor Part Disc Disc Net Tax Net
Price Price (%) MYR Price Amount Total
1 CHECK & RETIFY 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Comment/Complaint/Info:Appointment: GANAPT500059766
There is a transaction fee applicable for any payment made using Buy Now Pay Later services.
31.12.2024 17:38:10
Sub-Total : 0.00
Service Tax (8%) : 0.00
Round Adjust : 0.00
(-)Add.Discount : 0.00
(-)E-Voucher : 0.00
________________________ ________________________
Name: Name:
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Note: All cash purchase parts replaced are new units and comes with warranty of 6 months from the date of purchase, or
10,000KM depending on whichever comes first, excluding consumable along with wear and tear items. Further details can be
referred in Honda Malaysia Service Warranty booklet.