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The spending habits of the youth have changed over the years. College students have
started to
spend more money on entertainment and life style and have become more brand conscious.
With the
increase in standard of living of adults, the young have also been empowered with more
money and have
got more spending power. The spending and saving habit of college student is a relevant
topic in this
current scenario because the income of the students is very low and expenses are very high.
It is important
to study that how will they manage their expenses with their limited income. This study is
conducted to
understand the various spending patterns of college students working part-time jobs.
In this study, the researcher made maximum effort to made this study a success, by
collecting primary and secondary data directly by meeting the xiaomi's customer's and
specifying much more time for analysing collected data, even though inadequate time, poor
response of respondents, limited number of samples etc. made the scope of this study
The spending habits of the youth have changed over the years. College students have
started to
spend more money on entertainment and life style and have become more brand conscious.
With the
increase in standard of living of adults, the young have also been empowered with more
money and have
got more spending power. The spending and saving habit of college student is a relevant
topic in this
current scenario because the income of the students is very low and expenses are very high.
It is important
to study that how will they manage their expenses with their limited income. This study is
conducted to
understand the various spending patterns of college students working part-time job.
Research Methodology is a way of systematically studying about how the research is done.
Essentially it is the procedure by which the researchers go about their work of describing,
evaluating and
predicting phenomenon. It aims to give the work plan of research.
Primary data was obtained from the original source of information. The primary data were
reliable and have more confidence level of decision-making with the trusted analysis having
direct intact
with occurrence of the events. Primary data has been collected using questionnaire.
Secondary data is the data that has already been collected through primary sources and
made readily
available for researchers to use for their own research. It is a type of data that has already
been collected in
the past. Secondary data has been collected from books, journals, reports, thesis, websites,
Sample size refers to the number of participants or observations included in a study. This
number is
usually represented by n. The size of a sample influences the power of the study to draw
conclusions. Due
to time constraint totally, the researcher has selected 50 respondents in Pattambi Town.
Primary data are collected using questionnaire as tool for data collection
For analysis and presentation of data, percentage, analysis ,tables ,bar charts are used
Chapter - 2
Abhijeet Birari and Umesh Patil. (2014), a study conducted in the city of Aurangabad,
revealed that the average total salary expenditure of undergraduate, graduate and
students is Rs 2196, Rs 2652 and Rs 4920, respectively.
Hassan. (2012), It is important that men and women have different but similar eating
habits. Therefore, this article is recommended for entrepreneurs with young business goals
focused on production.
Dr Rekha Atri. (2012),studied the consumption and persistence of youth aged 14-30 in
Indore.There is a difference in the behavior of Chinese youth. The research concluded that
groups have a significant influence on the purchasing decisions of young people under the
of 19. Gender also differs in expressing purchasing and saving behaviors. As participants
complete their answers, the influence of their friends and family diminishes and they rely on
evaluation of the product/service and its features to make an independent decision. There is
a difference between the reported purchasing and hoarding behavior of gender.Teens are
less likely to save money by spending more on entertainment, shopping, food and personal
Subhani. (2011), the youth budget is determined by breaking down the variables that are
important to which young people spend money. The most important factors are respondents'
income, interests, friend information, social media, entertainment, and age.