The Ruhil Smart City cost sheet outlines the pricing structure for various plots based on their area and payment timelines, detailing registration and possession charges. Each plot has a specified rate per square yard and total costs that vary depending on the time of allotment. Additional charges such as PLC for corner plots and EDC/IDC fees are also mentioned, with registration charges applicable as per government norms.
The Ruhil Smart City cost sheet outlines the pricing structure for various plots based on their area and payment timelines, detailing registration and possession charges. Each plot has a specified rate per square yard and total costs that vary depending on the time of allotment. Additional charges such as PLC for corner plots and EDC/IDC fees are also mentioned, with registration charges applicable as per government norms.
The Ruhil Smart City cost sheet outlines the pricing structure for various plots based on their area and payment timelines, detailing registration and possession charges. Each plot has a specified rate per square yard and total costs that vary depending on the time of allotment. Additional charges such as PLC for corner plots and EDC/IDC fees are also mentioned, with registration charges applicable as per government norms.
The Ruhil Smart City cost sheet outlines the pricing structure for various plots based on their area and payment timelines, detailing registration and possession charges. Each plot has a specified rate per square yard and total costs that vary depending on the time of allotment. Additional charges such as PLC for corner plots and EDC/IDC fees are also mentioned, with registration charges applicable as per government norms.
Within 30 Within 60 Within 120 Within 180 Within 240 Plot Registrati Days of of S. Rate (Per Sq Days of Days of Days of Days of Days of Total Area on Allotment: Possession: No Yd) Allotment: Allotment: Allotment: Allotment: Allotment: Cost (Sq Yd) Amount (10% of (10% of (20% of BSP) (15% of BSP) (15% of BSP) (15% of BSP) (15% of BSP) BSP) BSP) 1 179.29 49,500 31,000 8,56,485.5 1,774,971 13,31,228.25 13,31,228.25 13,31,228.25 13,31,228.25 8,87,485.5 88,74,855 2 131.56 49,500 31,000 6,20,222 13,02,444 9,76,833 9,76,833 9,76,833 9,76,833 6,51,222 65,12,220 3 129.22 49,500 31,000 6,08,639 12,79,278 9,59,458.5 9,59,458.5 9,59,458.5 9,59,458.5 6,39,639 63,96,390 4 94.84 49,500 31,000 4,38,458 9,38,916 7,04,187 7,04,187 7,04,187 7,04,187 4,69,458 46,94,580 5 82.08 49,500 31,000 3,75,296 8,12,592 6,09,444 6,09,444 6,09,444 6,09,444 4,06,296 40,62,960 6 69.32 49,500 31,000 3,12,134 6,86,268 5,14,701 5,14,701 5,14,701 5,14,701 3,43,134 34,31,340 7 62.53 49,500 31,000 2,78,523.5 6,19,047 4,64,285.25 4,64,285.25 4,64,285.25 4,64,285.25 3,09,523.5 30,95,235 8 56.56 49,500 31,000 2,48,972 5,59,944 4,19,958 4,19,958 4,19,958 4,19,958 2,79,972 27,99,720 Note: 1. Registration charges will be extra as per Govt. norms for all types of Apartments. 2. Possession charges will bw applicable at the time of possession. 3. PLC is applicable 5% to 10% on corner plots. 4. EDC/IDC charge is Rs. 1500/- per Sq Yd.