Lanuestrafamily Part01

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"PMILIA, aka

"Our Famlly n &#39;1



PROSTITUTION O0 Sacramento SC 92-1212 ll II






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21* APR " s 1977

O0: Sacramento %///// /I

SC 183-73 I//

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~92-1214! -1e3~73!

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4 A SC 92~1212

i I

Enclosed to

the Bureau

and receiving


are two problem of

the State

copies each
of 3/ll/77
of California.

of an

article appearing
which synopsizes

in the
the current


Bee newspaper

the Mexican

Mafia and

the Nuestra

Familia in

For the offices, Sacramento

information of is instituting

the Bureau and receiving investigation of the

captioned organizations

enclosed newspaper article and

In recent

and individuals,

the following

based on



years, there

has been an increase

violence and criminal activity on the part of the captioned organizations, which had their origins within the California Prison System. These groups have now spread to the civilian population outside the prison system and have evidenced a high degree of organization. Recent informant information obtained by state and local authorities indicates well organized criminal activity is planned and perpetrated by
these groups. Documents seized
NF! members

during local

arrests of

Nuestra Familia

discuss in

succinct form


intended criminal gangfs operations

robbery and

activity to be undertaken to finance in the areas of prostitution, narcotics,



these gangs

Some examples of criminal

in the recent past,
0 ~

in the

activity undertaken
areas of E81


jurisdiction, are

as follows:

b7C b7D b7F

10/30/75, ,92
.h _2uIo &#39;92 I k .es H -.

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SC 92-


of Corrections, ree , acramento, California, has advised that he has been following the progress of the NF and the MM for the past four years. He advised

I |Caliornia

]&#39; .


-in~the~$tate~ f
with the

dramatically and

these two

organizations have
may have as are i

whoacknowledged existence have of captioned organizations

state authorities in exas, New Mexico and Arizona

narcotics and robberies. asin recent been contact

gang organizations in murder, extortion, in their respective captioned organizations
violations and

cali orniaT-He-stated-all of-the~prison___b F92

many as

increased their

300 to

400 members

membership b7D



states. As several of have been convicted

serving sentences

the members of federal


are now

in federal

institutions, recruiting for these organizations will undoubtedly be conducted within the Federal Prison System and in all probability will further the organizations
geographical influence.


1 1

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F so

groups have major crime
the State

become, and problem in

of California

are rapidly becoming more so, a specific geographic areas within

and to the state as a whole. It

~ concerted

excellent opportunity for the FBI to make effort to make a significant contribution the areas of major crime problems involving these. organizations. 4 primary-initial thrust will concern

appears an

a in a

Q The

alleged extortion of businesses and development of informants. If, at the end of a 90-day period, or earlier as determined by investigation, it is established there are no prosecutable violations, a closing report
will be submitted.


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FBI Pnb;:"j;?&

O . ..

mom SAC, sm FRANCISCO 83-161! P!


RE: .@LA
92 ~ ,

uestra Familia , L1! N |F u &#39; Farmers ,

NUESTRA ramxmn, aka


E =f&#39;
1 -J

/ @ Our Family ;j_;;, ;

O0: SF &#39;

began forming 5 2
y drawn

Mexican American inmates San Quentin Prison, Ca1i{i{ ;. at

La Nuestra Familia NF!
out the structure and

the Mexican

1966-1967, for protection against

Mafia. During
400-500 members
up setting

1971, a constitution
of NF in prisons

another prison
laws of

as a prison



gang during

i at X

NF. There


_____&#39;1st;:_ee_ts_&#39;_&#39;....of &#39; California atthe present time. .--..__. ..


" -&#39; approximately

and on

the :

"b"/D b&#39;7F

; The
[ on

* 0!


Captains, under which are unlimited Lieutenants, and under which are soldiers. Rank is obtained by being _ a good soldier and making a certain number of "hits" murders!

is headed

structure of NF setout in the as their

by a General, under which

are ten

"hermits" enemies e N of 26

33.9 /3,.

-.__ __


L9, Bureau
92 2"
92 210 2 -San

-Sacramento 83 73! Info.! Los Angeles 92 s4s5! Info.!

San Diego


,:_____..,, _ &_ _

&#39;3?*-AUG i ? 19??

92 PAD:rvs 0!


Appfp 1L ; Z1 ,7
S genz
- __ A


in Chwse

1 _o

_, Sent e


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Q is


iqnge lee

&#39; sc 133-13
Several of in an attempt
these entries

1i "1 !
i 92 92 l


RBQQEST 1 e,,Tami, B sReE!92!1=

The Document

Bureau investigation .Kg

would be of assistance both in local and

the entries have been covered over by markings to obliterate the original notation. Recovery

Section is

requested to


all pages of the retrieve original

enclosed notebook notations made is requested

in an attempt to prior to apparent to return enclosed

The Bureau

evidence to

Sacramento Division

upon completion

of examination.

vi if

I1 1. ~r ~.

6 -3:11



7 I 92

4% 3 w

"1 . E I 2-.:_, . 92 , _ A

<=~&#39; --

SF 183-167 PAD:rvs r fa

banks for

illegal money

The constitution handling money

is to

be funneled
ing 0

of the NF sets obtained from


le al enter

up a system of illegal operations.


ers ave

NF me

engaged in
and robberies.
linked to

murders, se
There have
NF in th

i ega

rugs, prostitution
t20 murders

r /.-&#39;1 1.? &#39; .~ 2:33 qqi % .; ,0, % &#39;_j;.! ..,, ,_, 43:31 =. -=~:es en 5 1 ; . -/.-&#39; .- J. J. up-.1 in

b7C b7D b7F n

The following
streets" of

are the

"regiments" of

NF in



2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

of NF.


Investigation continuing

Los Angeles

and Sacramento

in San Francisco

have active


to develop

2 C

-- ~

2 A -K : H ,_W_....._ __,,--..-.=;,,;..-,,-.~~=,,,.--.-W-.<.<= ,~ .-W mrrrsmaasnzznztxrszm;:z;;:firs:;;;<=*&#39;=&#39;%r1:E ::;;iFi2s=: 7- -&#39;

FD-30&#39; "l4~74, - "&#39; ..-at ..&#39; .l ._. zr .. "Y Transmit the fo owing in l FBI *

10/31/77 I i


Type plaintext code!fl ; in or

Precedence! ____ __

5 I I 5 I

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FD--1|-1 92.92=v .1J aw FEDERAL BUREAU OF


_ l"



Cowlm 1 -Strike Force, San Francisco

Report .1,
0..., 11
FMdOma h#: 183-167 T lez LA NUESTRA FAMILIA
I .

_ om.
1 77 117%

szm Fmmcisco, &#39; ca.


q......... RACKETEER
Swwmm La Nuestra Familia
American inmates California. NF has


NF! was formed in
and is a California

1968 of Mexicanprison based-gang of

&#39;200 to operating 400

in the
a written


and on the

streets of

Constitution and

setting up banks for illegal money enterprises. The NF is headed by

lieutenants, and soldiers. Rank enemies of the NF. Three kills are

to be put in to legal a general and has captains,

is obtained by killing necessary to be a ~

lieutenant, unless

you kill one

of top

ten enemies

of NF

and then only one kill necessary. to work in Fresno, CA. Alleged money from legal businesses.

NF charging prostitutes the NF attempting to extort NF document gives instructions

on-using children

for illegal


NF members


to be involved in over fifty homicides 0! since 1975. MEMBERS? onTHE NEg__HA&#39;V_E BEEN.~KNOWN 1110 ENGAGE In vxonsm. AC_&#39;1MEMEERS OF Si* SO THE NF SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ARMEU END &#39;
5ANGEROUS. iW 7 iif &#39; I . it W


Thia document contains neither recommendation: conclunlom nftlue It ii NI! meaty &#39;1&#39;1&#39; not FBI. *1" F33lid *0 Yul! ll : it end ennui! its gr: notto bedjaltiblled mmide your agency. &#39; &#39; &#39; S. GOVDINIQT U. PIIIUTIRG OFFICE O~ :"10 GM-IN

sF 133-167


gence, Santa

-on February Office 23. 19v1,|i,_l1n1=~i==111-t Clara County Sheriff&#39;s SCCSO , San Jose,
that the La Nuestra Familia NF! is a

Ca1if., advised

prison based gang which is effective within and without the prison system of California. The center of the NF members activities, who are out of prison, is the San Jose, Calif., biC

drugs, gun running, extortion,

Robberies and the selling

area. Members

of the

F n area. San Jo the I

NF engage in the of illegal

prostitution, and
drugs are


of illegal

the chief

robberies. b7F




, LA
On December

a U.S. Government House

18, l973,

report No.

93-738, Pages

80-81, 93rd

Congress, First

Session, M,

by the

entitled "Revolutionary
contained the

Committee on

Internal Security,

following information:

Target: The

American Penal

House of Representatives,

System" .


Nuestra Familia



a group

of Mexicans

American inmates

who are

predominantly from

the valley


of California. It was formed in 1968 by a group of Mexican Americans who banded together for protection against the -&#39; Mexican Mafia. Members of Nuestra Familia have been involved in the narcotics traffic and are presently at war with the
Mexican Mafia which resents the encroachment of Nuestra

Familia on

its narcotics
Nuestra Familia

has about 200 members within the

California prison
Familia has no formal

system. Unlike
connections on

the Mexican
the outside.

Mafia, Nuestra

it recently Family and

its battle

with the MexicanMafia over

2 .

formed an has received

alliance with the Black Guerrilla assistance from that inmate group in

drug related matters.

SF 183-167 PAD:rvs

in its

The primary constitution and

objective of bylaws,

Nuestra Familia, as noted is ...for the betterment of-

members and the building will put all personal

side into a strong and self-supporting family." It was also stated, "All members will work solely for that objective and
goals and ieelings aside until said

up of

the organization

on the


fulfillment is accomplished." Another section of the bylaws stated that Nuestra Familia&#39;s general will maintain a list of l0 enemies of Nuestra Familia and any Nuestra Familia

member who kills one become a lieutenant

of these enemies will in the organization.

automatically V

b7C .b7D b7F

on January 31,1914, the

Senate by the Subcommittee on Civil
tained the following information: The Nuestra Familia, or

1914 Report to the California

Disorder, Page
New Family, &#39;~ .&#39; is the


12, consecond

most populous

Formed originally by Central valley and farming area Mexican Americans as protection against the Mexican Mafia M!, the Nuestra Familia NF! has become an entity in itself, and now competes with the MM for control of illegal activities,

and powerful

organization in

the prison

system 0


narcotics and in plain violence. They operate under formal by laws and become members for life. Any attempt to leave _ the group results in death, as does failure to carry out a command from the group&#39;s general or captains.
92 3

Q j"..&#39;1~".

,_ &#39; --, .-/J; .-. -,1: 1

SF 183-167


&#39; ded at Soledad Prison, Ca1i., .in 196 as a Latino Culture organization. b7C The obj 4 as time passed to exploiting and pressuring other inmates for canteen privileges and &#39; homosexual acts. They also sold protection to other inmates who were being pressured by members of the Mexican Mafia.

b7D b7F

! 1 92

1 i
"PAD rva :

sr 183-15-1


Q -

5?, Diagram of thg


Power Stgucture of ghg NF

4 , I I 1

as set

up in

The following

its constitution

is a diagram

and by-laws:

of the

atructuie of

the NP


1 I

i 92

_ &#39;



B -"imwc-en &#39;icrru::
P h

g.L1&#39;92IN NF In92l92&#39;F. KUIISTRO 4 GIENEIIAL




&#39;1st 92

I >~

92 ;
j . . 92




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Rw"E~_&#39;-W-, &{ s&#39;3E$

NF BANk nzsursuanrsy

LE usus



#Am1LxAxos,aka sonnnnos,

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E7 ? V ~ Aas

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&#39;-92 vSF 183-167 &#39;PAD:rva

.x._Hs>1~11~=,1oI>i_=s 01* P111140 wcoso


_ The

top of

the square

or circle

represents the

suspeoted gang
- and the bottom

affiliation of
the suspect.

the victim

of the


._ _. 1.

~.._ .-__..&#39;- in--__-___.-_...____.D .____.... _~

___._..-._..____._.... _

&#39;45. Q-&#39;1&#39; _! &#39; ii! . >::.&#39;5&#39; 1


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OP- IA- L&#39;O 9292 1 _ fig! D~!rkO I_&#39;l: E PIVER-Q05 5. .-- w . O u u .1 I-I c c conom. I Q5*5 w&#39;.T?;LF$

~_~ *~

- " &#39;.-""&#39;!" &#39; . -

Qua %%%

SF 183-167 PAD:rvs -


The following
NF are as follows:

tattoos and

emblems utilized

by the



92 <




$% aaa

" - &#39;

Reprinted below and on the taxlowzng pipe are cmuiems wnzcn were noted within the inmate population by California prison authorities. 1hey include representations of the major prison gangs as well as

terrorist and extremist organizations. Law enforcement agencies should he alert to these various emblems and insignia as a means of identifying
suspected members and gang associates.
1 .


Jctterhcads andother paraphernalia used byprison inmates.

&#39; _ .

These items

are also

found on



M i

3 F32?

/14-5- W/JEX/c/I/V/1/,1/-" A sr/za r V 5,, _, &#39; .


I t r"W W5? A I 92 &#39; E": _< -_ 1%%%-&#39; &#39; l "&#39;1&#39; J ~ i nrre1=F|.92/ ausnom < Y; ELPASOTIP EFT EP ?

FA/y92_|:_v /" E$E 1_ j L &4 1 TEXAS svmnn A %GF |oZ QLA 5:12/auL.xR &#39; i &#39; u _-

BLAC1/<euERR|u_A - -


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SE 1.83-167
PAD: rvs

NEWSPPER_ARjIICLES was cqncggmuue at



92_ 2 154

"P2,.-.z~-.-ml-92-_~x-.&#39;;a:::aa-&#39;-...-M.-I ~@,92=o::-:..-..a..-~.-;;y~;;..~ ......,

&#39; _
IA _,

.. 4.,

r ii

War f *fMayfSpar,1LclGang
-._ ,-qe, nameat newspaper, city and ute.!

Controill Crime Of SJ. W

iI n-we


ofggljged gang; Q93.-._.arerclse." past 1;; Forthe three months, Mercury reporters -, D. Iomia&#39;s arelocked prisons in Aeuna, Ro-h Bil! if a deathstruggle control Armando for
* of the prisons and crime in the street. So pervasive has their influence become that mano and Bob Weaver have


San" Jose MercuryStm Jose, 6:111 .


probed deep into this underworld and the threat It embodies for San Jose and other major California cities. This series of articles is the result of their investigation.

one veteran prison official

commented, We have about as much control over the ,placcas thoeonssiiowus to

&#39; Oopyrlght, 1975 I The San Jlm mt-mm i


into a_ battlefield in an all-o war. state law enforcement officials warn.

1Twoprison-spawned stre gangs turning are Caliiorni a

Part oi the spoils is a ourishing $8 million-a-month narcotics trade that supplies the San Jose
area&#39;s.~4.70|l addicts. heroin Lawn-ten are concerned by

ateamMercuryct . 1-_ ofgangreporteig outlines plans&#39; the :to

pand its operations into a sta
critnenetwork. The document. written in prisonby the top brass of the NF, outlines the gang&#39;s secret plans to set up regiments in California

.. Q

cities. complete with their own

banks. . 5

I r

ports that

Mexican Malia"


The gang&#39;s "soldiers" wo id be expected to raise money br

the banks by holdups. burg "aries. sales of narcotics and criminal action. _

om; 13/1/75"
Author: ,

into the San Jose area in recent The Mafia members -

-have been moving

months, apparently preparing for a power grab.

Editor: I

The NF blueprint also calls

ly ex-convicts from the EastLos Angelos area plan to chal-


rm-=Oontro1 of Sm Jo;

lengetheir gang&#39;s chief rival,

Nuestra Fatnilia"

itimate_bus_messes to provide
ment program,

in Spanish! tor control oi

an ex$50-member Nuestra

Our Fami-

*9 " "Y _be *0 pumped leinto S0ld_i.ers a semi-retire with

The Mercury newsmen also

Crime May Spark Gan;


San Jose&#39;s street crime. The

Submitting om : SF &#39;1" 0 2 [3 Betnq investigated

pert onprison gangs revealed.

Famiiia NF! controls much 0! the street crime in San Joseand
Northern California.

saw a_Q0}?! Of I-he Nuestra Families execution list. It defectorsin and out of prison, Bill the NF ; pm-39 "8 O ,n bf

calls for the deaths 89 gang of

And, a document obtained by


"Ithe. Mafia s" Mexican aqt;_

can! Malia members have been

warriors be abit may slowed gy

A heavy number of Maxi-


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.l7@im "%

B th

mlestra Famine,

LE INSIGNIA? This prison-spawnd reporlib -is gangs coatoi &#39;arms_" ly seeking of the control strcgl of
one of two crime in San Jose.
,___ _

___ I

&#39; 92

156 Z 1 r

an _N, _, &__ __ ,, ___

--.~-= ...;.-=1..,... .-

131!?---3ZAI!f1:&#39;.. ....


92.~==92s,,x 92
@3991 ! When Said. people like

r&#39;~*.51n 7

Still. SanJosepolice don ext canMafia" "executed"rea pect here in the puted NF member and his near a shootingwarobservation future. Their younger brother. "

$"$P9ted be fromthe Mexito

field.An assassination .._ team

their clams the gangs to abandon personal between two going 00 ed on Oct.9 in Bakers- gang friendships loyalties and
once they :-e on the street."

inside state gangs 8"T8!t&#39;."&#39;Capt. the wallsoi awastoprisis Larry on. lts original that start moving it can Stuefloten in, aim prosaid. of Many these mea onlyonething war," videthe"farmers." O nathe people are comingout. It is natnoswhocamefromSan g . ural to assume they are not

moving the a into area," gang

"The existence oi prison

The NF wasiormed .in 1966

Org; most of the recent

the San Joaquin Valley. &#39;8defense againstharassment by

the . i92/lexican Malia." For a time there was an uneasy peace between the two Chi-

Gilroy, Watsonville,

_ and

l 1 l

conhome. assassinswaited The un- And, Capt. Stueflotcn Although the war has been the are til Danny :brother.Ronald cedes gangs "definitely bioody_ complete - with its somethinglaw enforcementhas fteges, 32. arrived hours reckon with." seven to Mafia-style "contract" killings a r.

26-year-old Danny Reyes and his girliriend captive his in

of Twomenanda woman held odds with that

on this point, however. is at a number of state prisongang experts.

cano groups within the prisons. But. then. in 1968, violence flared and the gangs declared
war on each other.

it hasstayed within


was tied to a bed.

Jose A andtiedwithropes. girl ficerdrug scene. narcoticsoil The revealedthat a study of

Thebrothers handcuffed were

One area of

concern is the San

on system.

Outsidethe detentio facili-

83113-related killing anda numberoi stabbings._

In SanJose, police suspect here offerthem tempting them they plannsdto take over may a the state&#39;s tradeg" narcotics one opportunity. therehasbeenat least -one business

each day. Angeles area. _ &#39; . The NF isn&#39;t outside strong But thensomething happened Wyersrepresentingthe suspects thekillings talked prison," he said. "They need to the "Mexican Mafia." in have money get their thingtogethto the judge closing into hearings The Mexican Mafia met in the case.fearingfor the de- er." with leaders Cass oi Nostra fendants lives But. the vast narcoticsmarket the Sicilian Mafia! and told
Until recently, lawman didn&#39;t prison the gangs, said. &#39;know how big Nuestra Familia was on the outside.

friztdharmed. was not

Iedlyand the thmashotyoun hrgain--five timesgslrhe or smack

Bothmen werestabbed re-

a!ia&#39;-" dope usage reveals approxi- ties. the Mexican content contmlmost to mately 4.7.00heroin addicts in seemed the area. The average junkie of the street crime in tl_ie"pr_euses $60 worth of heroin "H"

dominantly Chicano East hos

of the state s au top


exemition foothills. was in orfound an cha in theeastern

perts say some these are of probably gang-related.

an neatly victim a gang the of

ebody man of ayoung

&#39; But today, they estimate conservatively"

leadersthey knew there

"They told the Cos: oetra&#39;

increase stabbing in cases. Ex-

And. Santa in ClaraCounty Jail.there been marked has a

home-base for 80 to 40 hard-

that San Jose is

California, continued. he They

sistancein its plans for a statewide narcotics -empire, the 15

Cosa Nostra&#39; in prison people in

core NF members.

Mexican group withanyremet

told the &#39;Cosa Nostra&#39; if the

The Nuestra Familia" members ~ they have titles that

range from can Mafia." soldado" or soldier

.. i . i

c y.

tlllleon violence lid gang inthe

They NFmembers say have have been not con-

they they&#39;ll keep feel be to able

Tipped to thepotential oil lf llble.SanJose police say

to captain or padre - are called iarmers" by the Mexi-

Both organisations preare

dominantly Mexican-American in membership.

started using Mexican _ia

specialists!anderrand boys.

members dirty to their brk do as bit men murder-for

backed &#39;l he y veM down.

would executed prison. be in Theresult? _ The Cosa Nostraapparently


$3into area, until the but now

told them about Mafia the mov-

0-aw,-ee-.~.~.---,-r<.v.-...-.<...-....92..=_-e__.:;~e-~~__ .._-.-M. _;;._1,_-_.- ___.. __e ~_ 7....-_ ................... . r.. ~ - , .. ..~ . ._-........,._,._._

t ~

-_ .

t be.


th NF. The "Mexican Mafia, nesseoi the older ConsNd!m urban in its membership. tra. but it makes up tor e y ha spread into Washington lack oi sophistication b with
,&#39; Arizona. New Mexico,

That because : Soledad isrec~ Thelawman mg Mexiqggg vsmed ?"m*?T198dq"BP!P51i- -oantMaiia" ndidn&#39;t have the


Michigan and even New York

tality. They&#39;re a cold-bio

Authorities hesitate to guess at its total membership, but

"conservative" estimates of the

t.ll Lawmen apparent feel the

Mn a&#39;s membershipin California top 1.000. Sometimes known

victory over the Mafia has given the gang an expansionist

mood and that&#39;s they are why

looking to the San Jose area for new territory. Con ict ls not new between the two groups. In 1966, "Nuestra&#39; Fami was formed during a meeting Palm Hall at the California stitution for Men at Chino. Since then, there " t ~

as "Ema," pronounced Emay &#39; it holds control mtin and Folsom. of San

Chinoand San Luis Oblspo as

kind of neutral territory. Both
organizations have issued orders

e Eme" and NF consider

for their prison soldiers to kill members of their opposition on sight.a move that has led prison an orities to try to avoid es~ , s gang member to an insti tion controlledby a rival. &#39; t&#39;s to do," one prison tough oi ciei said. "You have to categorizes man as a possible Family or Malia member. you ca~ If
tegorlze him wrong. you are sending him to his death.

incident in November of 1968 in which soldiers oi the two rival tle inside San Quentin. Seven-

stabbings, eiiecntions and one

gangsclashedin an all-out batteen ccnviciswere hospitalized. During a two-year period. 5&#39;! persons were murdered and 00 stabbedin prison. This y to
late, there have been nine

have been

Since both organizations have

patterned themselves after the

ingsand 22 stabbings a at


"Cosa Nostre." death1 that will

been ordered to murder

k lins by-B sens member "

who" If

the &#39;


&#39; _

That prison,Deuel Vocational Imtitution, is one of the prisons that correctionalofficials admit
is"controlled by Nucstra Fem

92 92

ers put out a contract" for his lite and have him killed.

carry his L out a

gang member

uses to

lead-lia,{ smaller of the two Chicano 8398* 5

State Senate investigators have identified the top man. or Nuestro General," oi the NF as Robert Baho! Sosa. an ex-con vict who lives in San Diego. . -

Although the NF constitution

- a handwritten document that was smuggled from prison to

prison - says the gang shall be

lawmen believe Sosa

headed someone prispn. by in

tainedfolio If the ma e control.the const;it]ution were ed.

oi authnrlt aonlri restuon

Death Row Joe Gonzales.__a
Soledad inmate.

.-~ 15

1 x ll


-+ J

.. -.

1 ~.. _..:;;ci;1;&#39;P&#39;;."-~3=:ik:-&#39;:i;.-r.1?n::.:>;w,s..,_; 1,? . .:,.:._..,;, e---1 ...~a,4..;. -.-,..-....-M... , ~ -> _. &#39;r,_ ~ . &#39;1 I _"==,___


I__ &#39; "F" " w 1_.,.

{Weapons Cache
Unearthed Here
A tour-month search tor an elu-

sive cache oi weapons-


Wednesday San when Jos

reported Officer uhzlagzveredasmallaneoi the gunswe linthe At least two RobertJones yard of an East home.


The ground had beendugup in the entireyard and the dirt rain e

overto disguise hiding the place

.< , . e __;,r&#39; 1 , I Undlr.-ale paqe, nameat I neyupuper,city and agate.! -

i F!. ti Prison-h stree gang,

according police. to where hut they were continually moving cache," an oiiicer. the said
We think we have the bulk of

1315665 to th

i he arms and

nnition be

residential break-ins here and in Familia Santa Clara, he added.

confirmed as "stolen." taken in


and in Weknew they guns had some- blankets packed a wooden


The weapons were wrappedin Arrested n suspicion oi -

S/inJ-er: lV1e.8c92R~1
92 i """"&#39;

muJ t C~ *&#39;~lF

siorot s en property
iel Ra o e dress.

unsandrifles 100rounds and oi assorted shells andphullets, were

their longguns now. V The stash, consisting 10. oi shot-

and Arthur c NF mem e . at Blue Mountain Drive ad-

3228Mountain Blue igrive.

found behind at buried a house

Neither offeredany resistance. They were quite cooperative," Jones said.Eight piainclothesmen and uniiorrned officerspartlcipa ed in th early-morning raid.

---r T --.. ~ -1* is -&#39;

it Nuestra Famiiia OurFamli l

tutiom. believed responsible fora

1 1

Jis a statewidegang operating and out of caxuwmrs pm:

number of robberies,burglaries and other crimes.It is comprised excllmively convicts ex-con~ of and victs. . 8an Jose policebeganinvesti-

Date: ;92;g_{- lb
Edition: L. "vp?
Author: Erlitor: Ti tie:

gating hererail NF activity last heading tonumerouso arrests

weapons seizures and arres

uspected gang members. Tia

Wednesday part of the con~ were

The NF has reportedly been forminga Mafia~like organization

in this and other California cities F i 1 or

rming crackdown.

Character: or "
Clusailiconon: 5v_ &#39; Submimrlq, Oiiice:


i 92
l 1 i

to controlprison. narcotics traffic and other prison activities throughout statesystem the . in addition to his hookingat CountyJail on weapons charges. plieyeswas placedundera parole *90I&#39;l-

E] Bean: Investigated

i hold. was He dbchargedfrom pris-4 on last summer. authorities reel

weapons wereto be used crimes in or in con ici$ wit~h-rival gangs.

Police suspect recovered; the

&#39; - i 159


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4; -"_ = *1"-- 5 &#39; I-,;,-"1 *-*"."~.+. _ .,92, -n";92_;. .. .<,;_.>-<._ -~ bk;-1" -- = &#39;-"* .~.-Hr ---.f.w..-.. 1..- .- f.:_ - :.- ,-"J; .{f?" .5
ARMS HAUL- - San Jase palice raided. Emma tws the nf

~ . .=&#39; - _ 2. ~ _l.>s&#39;7.-.-R &#39;-/= &#39; -.. *" V 1" 3-pf!-:: _ ._92=I. ;---.MA - .-Y ._ -;>A &#39;~:<.1 -Y2 . .. , v _, . .92. *" --i.-t.v?=* .:-;- " -&#39;25?! .. --..&#39;* ..s ; .,:_-_. -,_*... .. _ .$,92.~ 8~- -...> ..2. . 3 mil; - -&#39;.-. v_ -.92_.&#39;--._-_:,--_f;; .-> Q-.~*~+"~~ , pl-:-.1:-.-F 92..&#39;~,. &#39; .- .-,,. *9 -H.>.<--W1"--&#39;-= - -.- . .-.._v -; -,<=. 5 .~.. -it.-3? -*-*$&#39;...- 4. -.-"=" -2 . $53. -1_. Q *! _. _- ._ -<. ,_._ .__.~1.1; -,-..-g ..-.,-., .-; - "AF- . 51 .- "&#39;2&#39;-4 . _.:-- ~|.--._n - ---5-".v;;; 18j.- _ *.-,gig _. "- tr 1 -&#39;7 jg -.:-_._ .-&#39;."&#39;.. 3;; =1-j. M ? . 5. > , -: Y> ._ J &#39;~_3_=-.-.; _: -&#39;-A-". ,&#39;{. , .J : -. . , .- - > _ >-~_. , &#39;-<&#39; -__g-&#39;,;_,92.. _..=-.-.|.._., *X-. -, _; y-_&#39;. __- ;., _- --_ -1&#39; .:.=.-&#39;,&#39;_r .5 3;. __--U-. .. __ &#39; 92&#39;.>._ , , _ .49., ._ ., . yam. __. ;-*- : . - r; "2&#39;- L . _ ~ _ i 3, - .0&#39; ---. ~ .&#39;~ . ~_ ., -,1. .,.. :. PM-, up ,~ ._ ..._ M_&#39;t"k.&#39;; _,. A,x.-Q; . W &#39; &#39;. A .4. . &#39; . t ., > -. ~-. _ -. -- - Ye ,_ s -.!.,_, ->. . *5 " -.- g-e..,:. _;92_ we -.-.-u!.1.,., .H~ _.:,_ . _, +15./ .5.-, 5..;.:.. .9-lair?-; .h_ __ i >< Q .< .. ; &#39;~ -*1<.J : -. ="" :.* .,i._&#39;. F. 5|;-I ,.&#39;1f .";_&#39;,1;: _ -; " -5 4 L !-1;-; " 13-: &#39; ,_ .- 1 -us ,&#39;. ~--Q _-2-Y I - -. 1: =3? .-:<s-,4 F 1 -4-&#39;-11--l, IQGP"{t >~.-&#39;_92 . N5:-&#39;:-." Z. -.1. 13-...>_."Il92;;; 4 &#39; " -_5i .?~ ,1I*" .3,-&#39;-&#39;:f?&#39;92- ~ &#39;1 . .g. E;-.:&#39;_-,_ --:13 &#39; -1" .~&#39; .<__ I: Z. _>.:_,_92.-.&#39; ~ -u 4.;._-1 i~-I.-<&#39;;92--;.,-92"< -K -4--_--._-->.-;.-..Y;*"=&#39;-:--.2--1.;-&#39;{~ . 1% .-,. " ->-~=--==-,., -,-:-.,.- Ia I ._ .. - -. -1- .. 1_ =*.&#39;~-*-.."--< ....*- - -:-.-- .- ,;;. 1-..,-.. Q 4-3.-<;~: . . we -if -~..-P ;&#39;ii<_ _ -. ><=<-..-.. . --_+2<. * s-i~&:&#39;%;{r..kr1- _ -z--=*&#39;-.-; &#39;4. &#39; -...- " .37 - >1 -."i-:.&#39;- ~ "; &#39; .&#39;..,_~_;~ .._, ,...... . 4? $32 .. -,&#39;,l>&#39; .. -. . .., ~: .-- ._. -: --,1 , _--:1 - -- -*..->-----T~ ~/1 ._ _&#39; . &#39; &#39;1&#39;-<=J. . . .ei~=_ Q L_-,,{,_.. -92. -92:..92=- I 1 -. -.."- -. . ~=.::-:; . -;~ &#39;2 "-&#39;;92--,-92 ~ : Ea .__. -._., ~ yV .3-:_ _ 1.4

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=.=?..~."?~*-***Yr.~ 7-~&#39;-.- -::" - ""?%-~ -5 .3: ""-*=;i#1>1f &#39;.1.."<:- .-? .-_-.&#39;}&#39;~&#39; &#39;=-~. _. 3.-V. &#39;i *.-_.4- =1 -*-&#39; _ .| Va:-,._i:i_;f I" " L__I,,*r=, 1.35? W _-_ ;_ ,.,:;;:;_ ..;<._; T; .&#39; .;.- &#39;*; b"$.. x &#39;" Q -1.;--_-.&#39;. &#39; fd &#39;}

. $


._ ..


,. .

. ,=--%:

..~.Q-~ =:<.=&-*3-.-.*-"" .. ~"NE-


. ._- . .. __ _ 1-.

,~-"5_&#39;._-. -- _. =,..-1i-t92.&#39;= ._Y&#39;?.fy ?= ..

--.- , ~- _ &#39;-,1 -.=-.~_=." .- --~.-,. 53&#39;1": :=_~ .-.&#39;1: . .-- &#39;

suspected Nnestm Familia

and uncovered an urseza

NF! members v&#39;ez1u$;1ay

gang, believed reap-aasibie :::*:me"z".-711$ is far imz~g.&#39;?.a>.1 .es, robberies and8he3=JzE~&#39;iE1-3-E.

of wea:-ans. Ara-unzi 168 rmmxls ammunition of sad gr:new alas-wn abme buried in the backyarai. -rm NF .2 scaa-basal p aveizi



"* -{*7

.._ ..

..~ to ,.-k ~.&#39;.>s;;s- W-2f5:i,,...1===1=&#39;225wizzine;H35=Pii3iuzii$;:i:;is:,;ri;,e;,<,a.&z.eA=;tu1ee...&#39;===~..eee _

1"2.< 1

t t 1

Moom Clipplngrin Spuce Below!

&#39; Quentin

5Continues 1 inmates continued for the

&#39;i.oeIu|p" l

A general lockup of all 2800 San Quentin prison

second day yesterday. following four stabbings

lnaicate pane, name oi

newspaper,-ily and slate.!

Friday and_ Saturday.

There have been 46 stab-

bingsat the Marin county

institution this year. Prisoner Patrick Duran, 28. "1

theft. Saturday died in t that most.seriousincident.

Two other prisoners were reported in good condition a the prison hospitalyesteri

cg Euve-year a term forage ;



d _, while a third stabbed Si urr! refused ay treatment;

JL Prion officials believe the

violence is causedby a power struggle between t 3 I The two groupsare ealt Nuestra Familia or Our I Familia. and the Mexican Malta. which has no relationlian group. officials said. Prison authorities are l

Mexican priszlt American gangs. "


.,._..~_ 6

sen Francisco,Ca1i.

shipwith the infamous Siciquestioning inmate:about 14

Date: 1
Edlttond-Iqme Author!

sta_bbings reported _earli &#39;

las: week apparently we! not connectedto the feud tw en the rival gangs. an

the four stabbings. Three

Tnhzdefbung Thieriot
Character: 01&#39; Classi cation:

cmbnand Pub.:Chas.

pl i-,0!! oiiicials are stillpuz-

i t

ztcd by these earlier asmulls.

Subuum:-.4; O1llce:SF lnveanoalecl &#39; 2 [:1 Bean:" F 7 :_____ |

I _ &#39;92 161

g_:;;;_z3_-;;;=n~~ _ ~ ,_ 1

9 Q
sLn E _ f I: &#39;

;.&#39;:;;=:;;;.=z;5.=:-1,-i= :.>.1=1 Matti?!6$r::. ::r.&#39;<z:::<m::.-::.&#39;&::s2:.-?w:_~&#39;.s~:::ii*:;>t%:?mizemv ~ -..-..--~-;---;.=;;;;;,:::==:*~=*I*=><*#==!Yt&#39;**&#39;* "


Mdunf clipping Space in 59&#39;0"} p i A

l J l

."6ur Most Serious


_,___._-_-- - ._.-_- - -__,_-._-_ i pa re. nmm 0 _ l_m--.92-epqper, mm rare. :lIy

The bloody prison war between the Mexican Ma a and Nuestrs Familla "is oneof our mostserithe Department of Corrections. . With more than 50 inmates dead and over 500

ousproblems. says Raymond Procunter. director of

injuredin behind the- barsviolence ~ in&#39;92he pastrive years. Procnnierdefends inde nitelock-up the of
gang leaders as the only preventive measureleft to s prison officials. We cannot tolerate the level of violence we had last year." he said, referring to the deaths of 35 inmates and the injury otmore thanm in M2.

{once down year. is this


E We toughened ty fatal have secu the and vi

invariably, such measures as 24 hour solita

iconfinernent gang for leaders longer with terms or

fewerparoleshas led to charges repression of by prison reformgroups. &#39;i he locking act of somebody is certainly up
repressive." admits a spokesman for Procunier. But that doesn&#39;t into considerationthe fact take that these men are convicted criminals and they have to be locked up for the pmtection,of the in-


l 1+6 S.P.Examiner
-- -

mates-svho tparticipategang don in activitiom"--1

._ .. . ..

sen Franc&#39;isco,Ca&#39

l"D-ale: 3-27-73&#39;

4 Randolph i;n.i.= A .He3rst

_ Title: .

pt:-ow-9 Star Final Mother

I 92

I l
Chanactn: OI Classi cation: Submlltlnq0.-lice: S-F

G Bolnq lnvesirqalen .


.-:>::;;.~.&#39;.:.,,....,----~=&#39;-=:;: 3i.....==-"1;t==%: .+z;5. b =-&#39;2_ ;&#39;i;-a&ii%=;:$EiJ55i5332&#39;>...=Wei.-.11z=:;=ii:5=r=:i=;_J.. <

b t

.&#39;92 I


ll i 92 ._

Moon! Cllpplngrln Qdow} iv i 7_ Specs 7

_ _ &#39; I

4 l i
4 l

more than 1200 higher system itself San termed in prison-was rep- than the prison for Quentin Folsom resentative oi at least one had anticipated thistime and prisons were beginning. a major new trend in Califor- this year. a "classi cation"procedu nia prisons. trend that in Prison authorities. relucyesterday determine last year has seen the tant -to be quoted,butr to the Authorities a t bus therapy" as it is

jPrisoner Tm ehind the-Soledutd ci3&#39;unir$ast was 20.054 nweek iers

ByTim Findley
moved from Soledad on newspaper.I=|lY91 5&#39;5" ,

iiaaietno eerieof once.

inmates moved out at So- steadilydeclining population 92 dad prison over the to one that is rapidly in- Iation is not attributabl yto l I ments. " geekend. apparent .;The were sent of lt is particularly 40 all out where last Rather. there seem to be oledad after an incident at San Quentin. during prison n movie Fri- year. a modernlow of 1426two major reasons first. dayin which threeinitiatesprisonerswere housed. for

the gang war roles 40 prison of system shiftfrom a

c,.easing_commitanin increase court

--__ ._-1--

nizing themaeijg. the trend

say rising pgfno the inmate

I |


2108. none fatally. and many of them are

prison system was being new more rigid philosophy Analysis wontto Folsom.Authoritiestouted for its apparently in state could libat Soiedad said all 40 were lerat trend in pottingmore have someimplications for

were stabbed, day. that number is up to an increase in parole violations and. secondly.anewer seen a s "troublemakers" Twentyget three of the sent to San Quentin for seen-&#39; tough"attitudeby the Adult Authority. 40 were sent rity reasons. If the prison population to San QuenJust a year ago. thestate keeps rising and is part ofa tin and 17

L, S

&#39;.F . Chronic 10

suspected of being members inmates out on the street some -oi the state&#39;s most of eitherthe MexicanMa- sooner and in leaning away elaborate plans. &#39; ,; li "or Nuestra Fa-rnllla from old bastions at correcSan Quentin. examplit. tor
tions such as San Quentin. due is i surname prisoner groups But that has changed.and is stilltechnically to lie in of and inlal. havebeen involved rather dramatically. Six closed June 975 he in a"bloodfendfor more than years ago. at the start of a replaced by one oi two 600-man maximum-security 3 year.

iqew amilyl_-rival l< Span-


San Franciseo,Galif.

prisonsto be built in the KILLINGS corrections. stateprison state. the stoodat an all- Only modest Prison authorities say -19 population planning has killings in I972 alone were ,time high of some 29.000 so far been done on those

liberal" trend in California



attrilzmtnble to

t92&#39;urlal&#39;t&#39;. &#39;


i rencting and roundingup inmatesconsidered undesir-1. writingto actualgang vague,policytowardgiving from

to fewer than 19.000 a t and the talk i i.s contend. is being usedas modern low 5 authorities. iariy Illlnimtlm camp fact -

that" authorities are over- relaxed altitude by the Adnl Quentin in 1975lsin&#39;du1liIt?"&#39;Character: Authority in giving men paor roles and a general. if Clout lle lonz &#39; able ior a variety oi reasons submuttnq Oltlce:SF inmates an earlier break. Z the inmate populationbegan E] Eelnqkwcstlqdlcd ,to decline.

two new institutions,howevimen. er. So. giventhe rise oi the Prisoner support groups. inmate i because bility oipopulation,the feasimore actually closingSan however. have suggested Largely ota

the prison


E " T}t?r? ii indl

leirulership. l&#39;l betweenBy last year, it wasdown war he the i

lliaiia the and Family. critan excuse a tougherat- was of closing for manypriso titude in general oi prison in the state. Some, partie

n !

M_-_._._..___l. ,.__ ..,.____._..______.W.

-.-;;.;;;;>.~.;::;;c.;&#39; .. e,. 92 -7~-. h: Y"I O >4

I; x

Mount Clipping In Space Below!

Soledad Feud: 1600} isolated l

Soodll TM Bill l lf . N SOLEDAD -- About ha]!


t >

of Soledad Prlson- 2300 s inmates remained lockedup today In the wakeolan cubmg: stemming from a feud Inmates were transferred out of Soledad late y . Sanquentlnrecelved the men. The rest want

Indicate paqetnumo cl novmppn, any and unto.! &#39;

lsreak stabblngsandbeatof
between rival tnmategangs. Forty Meadcan-American

t ---,. 92 -1-.

-hesstateprison facilities. &#39;

- Some 1100menintihe on s central section re

lockedup after the vio ea broke out during a m e Friday.

One Critical Qne inmate. Gerald mos. 25. rm for



lrivotnntary. manslaugater mu Los Angeles,remained

liraat B prison ospltal critical conditionhyesteb y

with two cheat. rto wounds in tho , an lave tl1eMo


San Francisco,
&#39; 6

di trlctattox-ney s sat the stabbings a

gs temmed fromcontio of a feud betwee cano call can a 1 ur

Dita: l&&#39;1 "Bd1ucn.-9 Star


lzdmu-: Edmund J.&#39;D001eyl Title:

Power Struggle "A powerstruggleis going on between two groups," the

Curtis said. He said the feud

Falnlljl < --nds throughoutthe Sta

Chwmcbr: 1 or

- SnbutttlaqOlltee:
U Belnq lnvuaLtqalod

gangs for I8 of 35 prisonslayings iq,..Ca.lit ng;nia last_

year. 164

prison system. 1Prison officials blamed Jountersbetweenthe


-:2: hiatus,""="1z;;n z= "1._"-"lea."-=1;;=r"=ea-"&#39; =- H,-,_-.-=--v=.a~ 1 ",,,&#39;"~1._" :{;;a;;si;_."_&#39;=.=="=";,..~ ~>.=_=-=,w1zar-o&#39;. .=.-1., e- ~r~m-~w.~.<-.. ~~~~~~:1r4.wt:n!r-:e::::,:::L!:!t;L:..&#39;.::6.tei;t$:$XLG9292;t ti --1 =.... ... z. AK! . uon n!1 Y --; 1:5;1tJ.Y,ui4|nx4:92Al-;r92>4n.a92o-no-4-~_-i .l -15&#39;-fr &#39; &#39; _

y.=r*.+92 . .,

92" "y

;_4 "--.,-,, t I

Mount _llggins_in7$tw=g _ ______ Below! __ f


___, __ .._,



- - - F&#39;amilla. noted lh-invesl1

is the othermajor Chica gangstruggling supre for acy within the prison sy

F 1


gator. lttranoiat Nuestra Familla. i Our Family as

tent. Roberto is Medina locked
away anisolation in in cell
San Quentln&#39;s adgustment
center and is thustemporar, , l

Bloody Chicano e
War in Prisons
By Robert Hollis

latotl hotly beneathpileof bloody a towelsWW i

room ol the prison gynasium &#39; Death was attributed to a massive stunt fracture alt! ugh he could have as eas- mation oi cer

SanQuentin guards found Edward Saiino Lopez multi~ men."

ily safe from Mafia "hit

La Ma a de Mexicanos s

kliife ironnds his in upper

i lthack.
Around his neck was a 1:;trmto-like instrument t

m ily? min tour partment died the deep ol


De- nia penal system.An es mated 200 of the state :21,50! Inmates are members.

in the historyofthe Coll! -

described Guthriee by as mostpowerful 111&#39;!-W1 E. -E

l I {&#39;till"Ql >l&#39; pa re. h&#39;I"I" 1Y nr-wapupnr. !"nu I- 1"92-! zit


,1_, _._.-.,,,

NothingUnusual at San Quentin. &#39; . e am . w . In early August. John About 50 inmates werein few more heavy Bmt!le&#39;L&#39;" the gymnasium at the time. Medina Jr.. a 43 year o

thegang dram are from the keepthe 30 &#39;0 robbe wipesout the other."saida urban Chicano ghettoes l .092tl Mission District Chicanoexii out crying out. - Los convict sgent years or barrios _o_f Angelesl -_-who two
Ins Angeles parole viola ,

They&#39;ll keep stickin each other until one si

They exert in uence within the system,far beyond

their numbers. Membersof


mrgus migqsi &#39;ith a

None reportedseeing anything unusual.

was attacked in broad da -

lhof year theat San

pez was the first inmate

light in the center oftho The May 29 killing of Lo- Quentin main exerciseyard.
Secondslater, Medina lay on the hot tarmac with four

g1&#39; S.F.Examiner
-- -

i r


entin. although not the deep slashescloseto vital _t&#39;st deathstate- -organs in his neck and convict chest. For two days he lay ac~

.San Francisco,Calif. 1.-a-_

4 l

the "Mexican Malia,"

Lopezwasa brother in near deathin theprison hosPrison nnormation officer Bill Nvherg termed the Me-


cording LeeDeliord.then to 1
the prison intorntation ot -



CBT. LOPQZ, lI921|-ltd?! ahack brllt - dma "|_~eyeuge_"

l was anotheracontinuing A B;-M1 in &#39; -_ &#39;F

Edlh-1819 3!
92T| 91

;o.... e-27-73


wA92=92hw= i G

seriesclubbings of hniiings.
and drug deaths credited to -fueled arol It is a blood w him." Phil Guthr e, pu lic infor-

{aha _andolph A.Hearst


A Department of Correc-


Medina and they triedtok%l survival, words inthe-1 of


investigator explained: the two -tending -Chicanotons happened tobetlie gangsin the California penal . Hejust. brother of Roberto &#39; Dari system. _ Roberto Medina isarankmg lieutelhnt- trrNuestra

l or



Submlitinq nee:SF. 0
1 "&#39;1 in-zostlqate-&#39;2&#39; " &#39;1q ___,____.._._.._.._.__-.--



~ "&#39; **=2s:=&#39;.tz:-: _t"i.&#39;__ ..~:=-:&#39;2.=...&#39;. .. 1 _a.rm -



_..-.&#39;-"-is} .9

despite his ,,p.nle,,,&#39; has his m as. aclost Demerida, none of s power in the sources. The Aryan Brotlierhood; brotherhood. California prison lave a nee-Nazi,. white racist About t50 miles to the gators believe Buckley _ s group violence-prone north. Joe Morgan, a can-Americans gather of conto harvest crops. sso.ooos year ex-motorcyclists. has loosely. victed murderer. counts the paying about The two organizations rep-aligned itself with the Mexi-1 days until his releasefrom Mexican police officials o keep frombeing extradited Chino state prison. resent something new inthe can Ma a. on charge. criminalhistory of state. They kill or maim under ._ Morganis not of the Mexican; north the heroin - contract for the Mafia. Mrs. Demerida.according

yiars old. Famllia members 92Vhite.G-nng me largely ll&#39;t&#39;.;1 rural my concentrations of

than the Mafia on bership -mlls. is

its memnow five

jleas of California where

cording to im Baja

the streets.

through the remarka- equivalent s said porarily&#39; allied. of writ ethathemselves;passes dth some of the more vi-1 bly efficient prison inmate beas corpus. which was den at Folsom prison,pris- lent members of the Black communication system.. is -signed by a Mexican judge law to any Mexican Mafia and thus prevented her aron-hrcd gangs are forming heretics Army cadre in brother. syndicates thatare reaching e prison system, rest on any charge. .
For the first time,
Jake Gunn, associate war-

To Reaching Streets meet this challenge, Familla members have tem-

American ancestry. Ne - to a judicial state policemertheless. his word, as port, possessed a Mexican-

Ef the heroin an s] lez W,

the state one

mer day last year, Robe o Parra. at one time the Mexican law est heroin in-the_S he acts like a Chicano.l Diego to of Tijuana, officials. the Mexican Malia can border city came Chicano. &#39;. now controls 20 to30 nt _l~Iarry Gamboa Buckley. therefore he is a Department of looking for Buckley. alias Edmundo Sanchez said a "Buckley had cheatedPnsa. alias Eduardo Gonza- Corrections investigator. into the state across our eight onnceaoi Morgan is considered the Parra out of southern border. had heroin and he Parra! through the bars of La Mesa

onopolize the heroin trade horn Mexico. &#39;

Bad Heroin Already the Mafia not situation which prompt~ Raised in Barrio has -security lated to the Sicilian crime ed extraordinary Buckley&#39;s protection did lie was raised in Maravllnot cover murder. however. rganlzatlonis seeking to measures by Department-oi la. on the edge of the East Corrections officials. On a hot. cloudless sumAccording to
in the. state. see | Outside squalid "He" talks the Mexienforcement Z

The result is an explosive

Los Angeies barrio, largest

&#39; like a Chicano.

tI.S. and

and S -alis

And within every prison prison. in

or the other

completely killing Roberto R. Parra on dominates the inmate rackAug. 21. 1972, according to

gang almost

Buckley faces charges of

ets -~ narcotics. homosexual the Mexican Judicial Slate prostitution a nd favors Police. lie is aiugttlve from from corrupt guards. California where he is charged with possession of

com_.k,tion_ "
* tk

on deal," the Mexican Mafia behind bars lost $4000the in California. I-le is currently Mexican Judicial Police re_ port states. &#39; in Chino as a parole violator Parra and a friend, Gilfrom his previous murder

most powerfulleader in the

lBuckley&#39;s home and became

embroiled in a heated

bet-to Guerrero. appeared at

i l

Mexico, lice station in Tijuana -heds police from Marin Countyto was "livingopenly in some Tijuana all spoke with The l rst in Tijuana andlaterin light on the power. both in Mexican political and financial. Examiner in a three month lAgtl8 Prieta the of Mexican Mafia. the Sonora. investigation of the prison istate oi war and the growing.power Buckley. believedto The convicted robber. ellof the gangs. Thepicture is be. oneof the top members n of the Mexican Mafia south had been last arrested on of the border. As such, he hos Angeles July ll. 1971.
violently in the California prisons last year..atleast25 .

$5. Customs officials, fedrnl narcotics officers and

i Department of of Corrections u dercover investigators,80 ounces heroin.

ment _ley could live openly 195$ burn. over the alleged po_ Until last month. Buckley; than two blocks from a Parra pulled
.38 revolver and red

That Harry Gamboa Buck-


wounded inthe left stomach

Buckley. Buckley, though

and right leg.

managed to

bleak. heroin cache worth was for 89 with a Of-the Soinmates whoMexicanthe ur- _ver $220.00!! at street. died amajor source broom percent pure heroin smuggled to
ban centers of California

cape artist dope and dealfr

grab the revolver amifatail-y wound Parra. Mexican police said. fled in annuto with Mrs.Demerida. The uoman was

Bleeding heavily. Buckley

cano war.

there casualties the Chiof

vartment oi Corrections pathe Tia house . 2 . with Daniela

the next before droppedoii atalocal police day. a station an odd place to

iilhln 1972. 21.6 in106 of the ates stabbed. clubbed-or

drugs were linked to gang videnoear

intentionally poisoned_ivith tence of more

stop. but unexplained! role oiticer could place a Buckley drove east to Although now in prison hold on him. Buckley was Prieta where hewas treat his wounds by friends. the Lus Angcles for and facing a possible sen- hailed out of

Still Powcrfu. 1 6 5

than 20 years County jail. the for murder, He ed south to

Then last n1t~.&#39;,h..h&#39;

turned to Tijuana. He was

Mexiearmrnerican ancestry l into

tigators think Buckley, or - juana arca. ThPJic.hlumved

I . 92. 1. "~..

Arias. a parotee tiom San side County. deputies iound uiurtier. Quentin. met in the spring oi Lopez battered body in _ it ~k it I972in the LosAngeles area some scrub bushesin Reche "-. he Mexican a Ma system They decided that an ideal Canyon.

lg looking for burn tiiiiugdiamiy arrestedun- what it<i0-lit;-3:16 iiioncy. wont by his formerpartner. dercut-erof agents theJudi- the Malia. cial Policeandcharged with Lopezand"Colorado" Joe On Sept. I6. 1972, River-

*"92bl&#39;- lea 19f over -B. titty

era and followers of bo

ed Qm p at-so


lta art.

fol running across for heroinlay in the heroin market

the border is simple and

_ I Then. while Lopez was kneeling. he was worked iii over with a screwdriver. The waralmost ended in a Finally. he was shot in the lieutenant. was supplied head and heart. truce. until afatetuibecem. with lato.model black Lina "9"_d-1? yearin last -the vestigator described it th&#39; ma-mnium security seqimi 9292-uy: ii of Chino prison. "Supposeyou&#39;ve just been anciers. said a Department ishment and that&#39;s &#39; "5-" Ch"Yenne Cadcna death, a l 1Ei]KE92&#39;| from Quentin with of Corrections investigator. RiversideCountyinvestiga- wasreturning from3 meat l5 in yourpocket. goto You In late summer, the pair for when his bodysuddenly e L.A. area and look up journeyed to lijuana where tor said. Arias is sought the Lopez murder. San Fernando Valley, home foolproof. it might be detor large Mexican-Anton sclibetl as a self-help pro- icanacommunity. &#39; gram [or ex-convicts. Arias. a ranking Mafia A Sout.hernCalifornia D

linked 10 victim in. non-vital areas. . 81

Thefirst 5 killer his shot

gangs have beenkilled ii Sta"Prisons. Guthrie said. _ Another non-fatal &#39; 200 . tugs beatings and havebeen

l bloody its-ug-

purtmcnt irq of Corrections

or money on Emmaanyone byorganizama. mm n

[jiuio you. vrltli

tour brothers all served they met Albert Beto Rawho

**-Ir mirez. then another Mafia &#39;l supply you with a heroin dealer establishedin ltoy Mexican Mafia or Ntiestra ear. some clothes and lit- the Bullrtng area of the Familia heroin dealers u ork a town. tle bread.

ter walkway the &#39; in adjustment prim 8 center. u

smashedinto the con

olurnrneted from third a

-Wwesh Cadobis bea

"You jump in your cor

and head tor &#39;i _ .J.

When guards readied jg "Now this is the first time Bcrnardino County for her- the Mission District!, Los there oin sales. 1.51 118 were over so Angeles, Sacramento, Fresyou re buying dope in Moxiknife wounds from i. You&#39;re getripped Eight-ounces of the tamisure to Cadena&#39;s head waist. A to Familia dealers a re liar brown Mexican narcotic i because everybody gets pped thefirsttimethey was consignedto Arias and known to serve SanJose,the oft

-First me &#39;

in every major California 3001&#39;. felt it. he never population center.prison in- convicted robber and in vestigators believe. uererwas dead before he Ramirez is fugitive from a "I9 ground. &#39; Mafia territory includes California wanted in San SanFrancisco primarilyin


no Bakers eld. and

it&#39;ll. "But your Mafia brothers can contact member the a of organization and he&#39;ll front

ringsomemoney Mex- Lopez by Ramirez. Arias imperialValleyand0xuard. into and Lopez returned to the Likewise. the two gangs
San Bernardino area where they went into businessIn August. 1972, investigators say.

6 Set Up

_&#39;l-ie setup," had been have divided up California&#39;s 8 Prison "4 investigator.
Titer sothim whenheleast
Rackets in Folsonand San expected it."

prisons. _

ment. . in early September,Lopez Mafia controlled. Familia Cadena trying forge was to and a number of other per- members control rackets in an end tohostilities between "You take the siuif north Soledad. Duet Vocational tn- the MafiaandNuestra Faandsellit in LA. or Frisco sons were arrested outsidea milia. As the undisputed _i:nd then you return the San Berna:-dino drug store rehabilitation center. Arias was leader the Ma a,he had oi rhim to theorganization." for shoplifting. out or town at the time. sent wordto dozensof other

you the dope on consign-

Quentin M time prisons theof death, are both his

Hit is Proof

stituteChino s/ in and Tracy


investigators believe. was a sexual prostitution. New inductees in either cache of three oimces unof are usually required Chin" Etleftls.wastat it tI.**k* cut heroinand $2000 cash. group in Arias. upon returning to ing a hit against an crold nk: state prison paro - town. discoveredLopez had ee. toun out the hard .way uhscozzded ttl rine-trope ganization war betweenthe and Since theeneni:er --;-e . 1 .. -oft certain Mexican otticials.

mouth he was usingat the leaders run the rackets: gdied, investigators le dope. canteen ducats, holin- he W85 unawarethatmwg bank accounts in the names roo I pressed and starehedibrotherhood members were of ranking Mafia members. denims, cigarettes tused as "l1""!&#39; toa truce. pposed _ts usedto expand" dope the In the Plymouth&#39;s trunk. prison currency! and homosuutggliug network topay or That money,deposited in

percent the money earned of from street sales of the heroiu. narcoticsoillcers said.

The isusually following "skim" l0 The day, Lopez}

a wasbailed ofjailand .Control a prison like stews on truce. out of disappeared 1967 San Quentin means gztiig ! _"""ia">&#39;-Caden inthe Ply-H when

Malialeaders asking th

time. _ 7 Trung Loadeols

Coded Messages

Jim-my o$2 Lopez.year

to themselves prove by teamed-.Ca u92ak- knew


51-!iz; 4i=4v;;!r:::;::u?=#.."::;:::2;;:::=:;=4;:::;:.;z:.;;.;;:;:;.:: ._;. -.._~. .. 1;: " _v H-wt! ;"1" = ~ "

h __

I ~ : 4 . :1

.J .&#39;

receiving-coded messages past two ,gea:s___complainmuch of the ex in his mail. in the weeks beiv that many state officials and activities. _ lore his death. many per-

s lletters

agencies do not were withheld local police l

realize the

Revenge was not long

On Christmas day,

H8I15- told police -g Malia she leaders

power of the husband at the hands oit

witnessed the of death : hf

would testify against the son wasmurdered. 1 Now she&#39;s a like Z0 -

A Los

Angeles woman up

Soledad prison, Frank "Cisco Viilalobos -and Pablo "Bennie" Najera were hacked to death with pris-

Wail of Silence
oi silence

pair. Shortly afterwards. nor

tor. "She won&#39;t. to anytalk

Otticials are hampered by

a wail

from the

on-made knives separate in

but simultaneous attacks.

Mexican-American commu-

bie. 1 prison asaid investiga-

nity. usually"Til"vll:tim body. "&#39;- """ oi :_ Q-rwl-It

Both were ranking Familia lieutenants.

The Department
motions has steps. taken dra

92&#39; 7&#39;.
I tn-



Every known leader

oi ei-

ther the Ma a or the Familia today is locked in anisolation cell in whatever prison he is housed. Each individual is segregated from -tion and must eat and exercise under strict supervision. Guthrie said.

.0 . . .

the general prison popula-

al;e being kept. under snrv lance. l I

tfpnslonger behind no ha
Attacks Continue

Members of the or-ganiz-

._ &#39;

l>ii~. ;


92 2; .U.


Nonetheless. while fatallties are down inside the walls. inmate attacks continue. At last count, 32inmates have been beaten or stab at San Quentin since th si. of the year. j

;92&#39; 92
% m$

Other prisons simili show

l l J 1 statistics.

A Mafia typein thedeepest, darkest hole at Folsom

can order n ted the death of a

n n anywhere intheslate."
one ex-convict.

!Son1e Department 0 I
-s rrections investigator who have been close to the

ll i.

two Chicagoqmupslor the

1} 169


Eagle adapt-ed emblem; E is from Mexican ME"spanish for "M." -Eallllb



-. -..._..*~ l""=:!:-ir;;.&#39;:.:.:=:;:;;&#39;Z.&#39;,,A" is " ., >4 1*

I _ ._5__, ,_l_,___& n

92 92 l

MountClipping in Spec; Bdnw!

l 1


M extma la, VaSt Se.

SA: Jose l 92eizc~.m,92
PM-e i

__Sm Jase, revue;

mounting to as muchas $1.000 a monthper counselor. that go into of mobsters. lions dollars state. of in federal thepockets Chicano and local funds for social proin addition.methadone reportfrom grams being are diverted through- edly is beingsiphoneddrug treatment programsand soldon out California into the hands of Chicano-run. Malia-styleorganiza- thestreet. A iions. "it&#39;s to he goingon wherbound Their concernwas sparkedby ever there are programs like this.

voicegrowing concern milthat



the Feb. l7 murder near the Sac-

ramento Metropolitanof Airport a South Pasadena woman. Ellen Anne Delia had beenshot.gangof the head. -

in all the cities." said a law enforcement-oificial who asked t 5

to he identified. That&#39;s where uwneyls. V land-style. times theback - The gangs themselves three in w e

- Later. it became known thpt

Mrs.Delia.theestranged bf wife

Edition: Aulhor: Editor: Title: .

the operatoroi a halfwayhomein Los Augeles. wason her way he~e to tell oificials what she kne w aboutthe misapplication federof
al and state funds briefcase of and fraud in so-

cial programs the barrios. inA

documents,which she

saidsupported -what knew,was she missing whenherbodywasfound.

No one knows just what she had -to tell. Her husband.himself a sus-

Character or Classi cation: Submitting Oiiice; :__1 [<1-2::-.qIr:ves::::ie

l l


pect her in murder, reportedlater

ly toldhealth department officials
andlegislators that she had po -

operators drug-rehabilitation of programs gangfigures. to

sessed checks canceled til: from


i z



.= 1

to control organof iihe health andwelfare dollars attempt wrest

Chicanos have to poor more tenth " l!l&#39;lf"citlcs. begun rcccivc than a of"

-rho gt_3k 923;1[&#39;9 As high. Cimrnriiias hlarlis inmajor have East- Halland state buildings, be. hag
come focus theturfwarbethe of
tween two factions of EME.

;_spent United Drug- crime from the older Italian inthe States. ized in California. One informMafia

grohabiiitation currently onlyrecently of prison, programs ant, out

t1iesideofEME. althouglihe &#39;

has ties to the older Sicilian

Michael Delia reportedl is


appearbethefocus interto of gang action. _$t0 About million said theItalian Mafia had passed annually, counting federal grants the wordin the stateinstitution
Iand fromthe National Institute thatNuestra amilia EMF. of fightit outfor control. and Drug Abuse the and LawEnforce-could
The war hasbeenbloody. In

inEastl.osAngeles.He wastsiren into custodywith six other Chicano Mafia figures on Thursday;
then was released on $7,500 bail.

iment Assistance Administration. thevictorbelongthespoiis."- is to

charged possession with of a&#39;,3tlcaliber pistoland two. bailoons"

. according Charles Ca- of heroin. ~ to E. Thepossible oi such loss sums 1975, At pressconference a that day sey, of Crime 1spurred and Health Welfare Secre- head theOrganized Branchof the officers said the six had been taryMario Gbledo torequest and intelligence on Department Justice. linked to a series of crimes beof Friday thatfederal officials California as 1&#39;5 were to well as LosAngeles authorities 29murders traceable iii- tween &#39;.lan. and Feb. 1 California.offi The rivalry; of those 16 oc- thiioughnut join state force a task probing ier-gang the curred prisons. in 1976 w uld not publicly speculate g in But loss funds mobaction. of to tcrimes they were. _ murders, and For months reports havecircu- there were75 such

ispentin California. &#39;

on latedin the barrios that. for in- all but14occurred thestreets. stance, operators some the of preThathas to~a led climate fear of

paid health-plan programs funded East Los Angeles,where one in bythe state were being forced barriofigure to refused talkto reto pay head tothe on portersall,saying. it go a tax inob at If
eachpatienttheysaw. . out. it couldget me Othersources East LosAngein

threatened go and it my iessay halfway which been that houses. hasbeenthreatened, iffamil and
are meantto provide treatment ont, I would have leave to here or fordrug addicts ease tran- they and the would kill me. -

killed. I liavh

sition froin prison normal to life.

ing counselors" salaries. ii ghost _-._._--A ..._,___ of_cornn_inr_iity . -. leaders programs

ar"e being strong-armed pay- i into

EastLosAngeles reportthatthe

"Other longtime observers in


;,&#39;self-protection Thursday, Police 0 Otlt units. $2111the They In LosAngeles Of prlsnng jnbega: 1971
operated Mrs. by canos from Caiifornia sCent;-31 halfwayhouse
unciation the letter of com. posed-of urban Chicanos from Commander Ray ftuddeilsaid at tr Ff litain are WQ gangs "muss- fiveandpossibly least more" is !&#39;_F&#39;emiiri. murwhich linked GetGoing. in the mPv-red ofrural mainly cm- ders-are

to and {formed California&#39;s appear beintimidated are in prisons a not; talking the about situation.

Delia-and y:"eYh_nd pron- Laterpoliceofficials Michael. EMS pronouncedherhusband, figsaidthe &#39; as in the3P3rli$h ?&#39;"F
lied the Mexican Mafia. or

Ea L 5"B|9_$. is also EME

ure go high lie could as as 10. igaidway Angelesw house.just situated a City leeks-south of Los

sogmumesY$ EmBrothers! i is mg""199 ago as Years offitr 8 s were warningthat the oi-ga.
s4"=l5 was real but there no con."
p irentlybegan gangland a turf
r over the ti-oi

nizations weremoving the to mm mail? when apthey

traffic fmn social and for prg. grams"lid!ofharddmg


i i

"" - - "~ "" H ===:~--18;-i<-~ .. :.;,i&#39;=i.&#39;.=..z:.:..,...;;-6:-3-==~ " &#39;=" - 1::-:;x>:;=92>;_

M_"""P|>| In Spam c i Below!

kin ;

aux new-.~.; * !"""&#39;F&#39;1P@n Poqgl Y-|&#39;y

{VI lnatcure uni;-, J 9:15}, =5

3 Chicanos &#39;
Executed On


_ ___54&#39;WJ$ -NlilLeun,92
SHIV E, CA &#39;2 J05 92
r -i

Fresno Road
dead Sundaya&#39;r_ural on road about
five mileseastof he:-e each with FRESNO AP! Three Mexican-Americanmales were found

a singlegunshot wound to the

, The victims,believed all in their

Iiified,saidLt. RichardPierce.

head,sheriffs deputies reported. 1

ggarlyhave iden-l twenties, v not been

l- "There beenseriesinhave a of
cidentsdown here of similar
is connecteddon&#39;t I know." Piercesaidauthoritiesa believe feudbetween gangs, Mexitwo the can Mafia and La NuestraFami-


type," Pierce "Whether said. this

-1.92 6

lia, to be responsible recent for a

chain of crimes in the area. -


Central Calilornia,"&#39; Pierce

Thethreemenwerefound Sun-

Thatfeudis going all over on


Dene: 1h9-| 1 3

5 Editor:

an entrance road leadingto their

day 9 a.m. ranch at by owners on

property. said. he


Character; or

}Cl aeillcasiom
<SulizmnaqOmqg; I&#39;_1 l_..| 1&#39; 5"? - vcsuqgypq

172 92

.-92 J . Q 92 5

> l I1 I l l l

*7 f

VA Mount CfIlpVpInq7I7nV$pn:o H i olow! 7

f Y

_ *1


-Slaying in MorganH l
Ir F

@ l Indicate pawn. at name

9 |;$Wl|92Q|Qr, clt7_<In:l ltaluq

was gunned down te es, day afternoon a g gland-style in slayinghere Deadat Wheeler oapltal Gilin roy aboutoneh after theshooting was Flavio 25, of 7620


F"5* :.--.:_..

1- Page 73
1 San Jose itereurj

tody. . &#39; - Police acknowledged that they will investigatepossibleNuestra Familia tieswiththe shooting.

Three suspects,a1_&#39;e inpolice cus-

_SanJose, Calif.

Garzawasshotintheand _ n
. ~

K saidsuspects Theythe one of


with a 2-gauge shotgun at


apparently shotGarza as he wor-


ked at a radial saw located in an

,1 open area just outside hamradio a

equipment manufactuylng plant.

-Richard Collier, manager for

KLM Eiectroniee at Laurel "Road near East Dunne Avenue. where I

Garza was employed, said he heardthe blast of the shotgun and two quieter sounds as if from
. handguns. Collier said he knew of no rea-

l it!

H=a.= 3-2a-1911
_Quth : It


i 1

92 l

son closedin quicklyandt itifor shooting.L the Police

trvltichard with Vasquez, Em am tookthethreesuspects to

E Collierthat had said Garzabeer
Ch etar: _ _ I in Itttcatson:

c istodyat the sceneof the shoot-

_hle;,_ab-lt +LM forthepast c

it I 92. i 1 Q.

employed as-a mechanical assem-

. years.
_ &#39;


i __ _ ....-.92 I-


Submit Omen:


.....,..w._._.2l_,_~_:;,._.._,;m;;a;;;__;;;;;,;; .,,,;.;;,,,,,,,,m~;;;r;;,;,t92;;=::;z:.>:::::.:.:;z:;s>. ~. - 7! -~. .-V -

~1ZfI1i ;,_-ZZ.JJL--{LA ._

i W" V

Mount Clipping Space Below! Win

K ,,_.-

iSt.ispeot"in attempted mUre _

called Nuestra Famiiia
A man police

identified the top Nuestra as

UiQ:-wt _@ IIIIUICOID paqu, name at i newspaper,city and note.!

member in the San Jose area has been

arrestedfor suspicion attempted of murder d assault witha deadlyweapon.

Arthur Rocko Beltran, 25, of 1368 Du rt

Lane. Apt._4,was arrestedshortlybefore

sonville road west of Giiroy by Santa Clara County Sheriffsdeputies. San JosePolice detectives,who obtaineda $100,000arrest warrant for Beltran Friday, identifiedhim as a lieutenantand top-ranking
member of the San Jose Nuestra Famiiia. Beltran was arrested in connection with the

nightSunday Hacker at Pass highway Watand


.___Page ll.

-San Jose, Cali.

San Jose News

shooting of one man in San Jose Feb

1 -0

andthestabbing another of manhereM 4.

Both men recovered from their woun

Beltran and two other persons were

after a routine stop. car

Thony Rocha, arrested 25 last-Tuesday two with

Mrs. Rocha was bookedinto the Womens De-

24, 1314 Drive.Ethefe0? oi Santee She In/&#39;

On e of th

e passengers was G ua dal u e a,

otherpersons suspicion the gangland-style for of slaying FlavioGarza,25, in MorganHill. oi tention Facility at Elmwood suspicion carfor of


rying a concealed weapon afterdeputies repo ed finding .22-caliber a pistol her when on e
was arrested.

Author: 1Editors t}Title:


_3,_11. 750 DelmasStreet,for suspicion of of

Also arrested Beltran gichagi with was Cog fr

parole violation.

San Jose detecitves Dalton Rolen and Buck

Ballard said warrants were issuedI- riilayfor

BeltranandPhillip PabloLopez. oil 25, 14090

Woodhaven Dr..Jll...llnlInection the stabbing with

i Character: ,183-167
or . Clo ticution: uhmlnlmv I -qw



.=..,.<;2;=:2s;:".:;:.;&#39;.".>-....1.--;;;;,&#39; 1.-;-. .,..... wu_M 1-.<:-.1-.;l.~. . ........ we4;, ~ -_

:&#39;Y?q.92a __ o.


?. Zia

pcion armed of robbery.

ii"!zw,4; E with we iaw --who

LopezarresiedJaome was nea Fitlday
sayisw u -I ru I41"-**- H: 1/-1 forens-

and shooting.

&#39; -

Balcony on Julian Lounge East stheetjwhen Kr-

weagxm took- outside &#39; incigient _.-. _ -_~ "TeFeb.-26 place the &#39;

of attempted asgaull. murder with and adeadly

Beltran were for and Lopezbooked suspicion

t Nuestra aprison-based Familia, Chicano

d last ape to week be believed connectedtzlviuv

8- .__ "_"" , J,

streets. as Morgan g oth as crimes the well Hill

The 4incidentthe of March involved stabbing Leonard23, Spring Mejia, near and Heddjng


thur Hernandezwith was a.80-caliber shot hand-


l . .,>.-...-.>,..~ . .._ --~-~ ~~~~~~ -._.i._..- l -,:i:;;;::z::;;=.;ix::;:~:rl:::a.-.r.=s>u>wz2=:e.:::==92 ~.. -=.---=-<~--~~ 1~

" &#39;:::s .,. - !&#39;< .-I.:lI~5 .~ ,....

" J "-> "

I l

-1 ..,:r


Mount ClippingSpace In Below!

on---- nI!

speeted &#39;Prison~Gang Enforcer; A

Arrested Near Home of Witness 111--=
By BILL ROMANO smo vamrode away lrom home. A the victim&#39;s u ! l 92

Four alleged Nucstra Familia ed found in their automobile. N.F.i enforcers suspected of Lt. Don Ewing saidthe quartet tr ng to intimidate a witness wasseenthreetimesdrivingslowwe e scooped by San Josepo- aly pastthe victim&#39;s up residence. lic andjailed Thursday. People in the nelghhorh d e group was arrested on an East Side street corner as they
have been on the lookoutfor-s i-

There were no weapons report-

_ tlndlcutn mime 9:10, at

ueilipuper, upon-1 lltttu.!

} W


cious activity and they called s

immediately. A unit in the field nearby at the time made the

&#39; JoseMereur; San

San Jose, Calif.
r --

stop."he said. Police suspect the t mpting to frlgh o Arturo o"

acted trial to at soon e

tran.a high.
ng . . . Beltran and a fellow member f and assault in connectionwith the

re atrsonex-

the sameprison-based streetg Phillip PabloLopez. have 25. charged with attempted murd

-1-. ~ -*1 l

shooting stabbing two NI . and of outcasts herein recentweeks._ Paroled from state prisonlast November.Beltran was reported

tohave been assigned task the of


gttting an NF. chapter started a nong gang members llvlng in S Joaquin County.
is name has been linked with the death of an N.F. "soldier"

1"-= 5-13-11 l

slainthere earlierthis year.

a lIn

were arrested later andchai-ge|_

ing for which two Gllroy mien

Author: Editor:
Title: Character: or Clasaitlccmm: Sohmmlnq Omen

Edition: Morning

1 1 t I3

l d 911 VI I248 Motal I fa

Thmeday oncfustody e I}; here

cuaass. _- ose ta -

vgarrant lng Paehe. while over dri


here March Beltran plckgq 25. was "Ptwo days later. a $100,099 on

San police Jose arrested , 1,9

&#39; ec 1 " -5157


I l 1


5753 gahc ~&#39;- qt P3111 ez varez


0? 0 n Apez. noaddress 28




-.-....&#39;~ -.5 &#39;2:_&#39;uzsunhA$65a&#39;r 41:s&#39;4:n<1w}.-sin !v-#A$s;&3Iit&=1nn92|u 51viii$biB1iLIbr&#39;.nu~1*:~92->>.~,,..:.:-ac, ~_ ..::.-.; . -~1.-........92.92.--._.92........__.....______._._s..... . ,_s..-t-..n........ ..

,y 92


_ i _ V Mount V Clipping!"Spnee Below!

nous-,4 &#39;1 I

Deuol Removes Inmates &#39;

Q-_I__ {I

I ToAvoidBloodbath
Some 40 inmates of Dene! Voca

tional Institute in &#39;l a strongraey._ hold ol the Numtra Familla prison gang,wereshippedoft to other dotention facilities Thursday to defuse an explosivesituation among the 1.200-man population.
Correctional officials earlier

Reesaaatirststepinputting the
prisonbeck on a normal touting.

,,,_._.._._.....-___-..i_._...._ Indicate puqe. name :09

newspaper, city an: ltre.!

Reportsboth from


prison otiicials say e numberof whites have been placed on {the NuestraFamllla s hit ,. ~ &#39; A spokesman reported Thursday
that 99 NF members and associates have been relocated in two


Sunlesv. Menus-

$~;92.loa1 o_u.92F.

had expressedfear of a bloodbath unlessthose responsiblefor a ent prison yard fight were

separate, self-contained eellblocks. awaytrommostot the otherprooners.


he violence threepersons left

h and has resulted in a prisonthe fourth ~ wide lockdown for straight week .

They were both vacant. both recently renovated and ready to go so we moved them in there."
said Robert Walraven. Rees aesistmtt. Another 100 Mexiean-American

Unconfirmed reports indicate the June 0 clash, between NF

members and white inmates

eruptedovera grabtorcontnoioi gamblinginsidethe institution. "I&#39;m_to get peoplekilled ll going I open this place." Superintendent Reessaid, and the departm t State Department of Cor-

continue to be housedwith the

Of those transferred. 27 were

inmates with no gang afiiliation

pl killed." day l Quentin,Sol San The transfers were ordereg..h;t._.,;lad.Vacavillc and Chino.

to turmoil. the on-going Pons! want get doesn&#39;t directly J to peo


reputed NF leaders. The remainder were white prisoners, linked

92 -- -

Theyweremoved duringthej out

Doio:_ 7- f- &#39;1"

Edition: 92 Author: Editor:

Character: or Claonitied non: Submitting Omee:

1 BeingInvgl!lqQ89d

1 x 177 I "" _ .


L7i*.%i :&#39;=4.i=.i ...x..J-...-.,.,tx5w.1.. -. _1,&- ,. E ;;;;;.E;ii&5:ii;2: ...:.;. :1

:::;&#39; .r .._.,_


murder wasit,tg,;: victim on

symcxmalm sunwmc
pa:-dy, said he Hl emeu mvic m rHernandez.lsinept Inlaolatiuuby the Deparhmht Correc om. wmalaouutheliat. That la in cunnec mit
osepln Heruamla,carhcingamm a-chaxgeha uttmdhuday

Waited figure list: say

auapuotwhosatdlu:a sawed-o allege ly used gaugaahotgun theNucstraFan BaandReyna caliber:-evolve:-. .

U500"? cuppingIn Spam


i f


witlnthealayingofonelarryllmr mlnsanloaqnln omty. &#39;l rylngtodim&#39;editEerna|ulaz&#39;

r l

testimnnay,Roo.ha&#39;sa orney,1 exry read mm Grew.ta mutt a

{ht-;xsu:l|atu!aeo92:rtproeeedlag1n minty.
pm _

wonl<lbemppa<l!Hamam!es Page 2. bes edlnmmilercasshereand lnctlmeoun as. .

,, San

said themm-der charge there


lndlccuapaqn, name: nawnpuput, any on: Mum.!

Jose Mercury



i i

M Al 9292I!Hm&#39;mnQ!l&#39;lN8glll

elm-gall: w1t!Il

s h!t esacu oa

Dapartmentoi orreetions t Garza was on the prison-


Jose, Calif.




mm Matias!, am who was



-__-_ 92 --2


D o:



:,,.,.__ ,,,_,_."_, .-. 1&#39;4 ,,,, ..,. .._...,..



_,. -.-.-~:---~~,.....,:...:.-:.=..w

M81$mmu 7G?um or ngtw lfythatha wan though NJ .hemapeds"lre member, hash&#39;ia!ds4hu

tran&#39;ahomoIugg&#39;utad&#39;i Boltran an-awaa~kme|l&#39; &#39; utgun mtghtheata ax aebatw

hlastto nabddnaiindwasalao womded"mtI:_echaltanlmmth


v mead llamas whom

-~m|ea Hllplllltwhm i egged,_4he
cat&#39;overhism1dsecca-._ car

Riva that

tlyrrezastheysa nthac

asquaaarmstad ochaand

-whohad ellwas byanotherol eerwhoiollo



-.:;;;:..#.;3.&#39;;;w;;::;::;:>r;;:;;::.:;= ;-=.-.,_.;;==;.1;=:;=,;-.1:-1;<@;.=,a;.;:=&#39;;>,;,@,.,,&#39; "&#39;::>:&#39;.1:.;%::iL&#39;I::;... .. .~1 ;;;.;;:<.x;:.;:;:. ::*~..:m"u&#39;51 L5&#39;z. i!l:iiL~=-.s1i=5%i2


92 Q


. W

?%C&#39; *&#39;ur!: sezmsentensing date W

H HV: Quill qlpplng Spnco In Ba-3



kn .

,mem;;~92_gm1ty ofex_ec1g
mv1w =H*=1vwWdn=dav0f-

1 _ -

ltadeeond aayotaezmm-amIn1* 31&#39;, ""<1 -

nmbdegrl:emm 92:re;:rinthe_& fI 1ii0 49 __Page M01-gan &#39;@1 _ leleetronicspggms-empbye Anine-man, three-womm Wm! "I9B105
agalnalCaarBamnGu&#39;aw= 35.f3 192@1&#39;;


indicate paqn, nmnopf newlaapor, cm-mu nun.!

mm gg, we. ,-an Tm 3,7,, angry Antonio 25,o&*1314&#39;8aatee

muriie} % %
n 92 -

San Jose Harcur,

mu 8 saw..,gg w-and armed ggm found diapSn riorcw: mgeumlxrn Pww wzewwsvt

;namm,ghe~jm-y@d!2u e:1&#39;ezgulltg|:!pm.

mgagmulmmgmnquwbelm oftrial. -me pmeys vex-gm; warm! u! day 24th

asat us a.m. rm m 0!wmm repm m
~ San Jose, Calif

T119 N959 of IP10 March ere I2 of l Flavlo an,-ax Oarzz, his

"E?3&#39;r=zsawed-of! I was iT&#39; 1&#39;l acculll 8 12GIIL. .


BochaslttinguinacarUl92f 1!I98b0_0 ng80mamomentabeinre ill-ll|&#39;l9ll~ the I HeanestedRochaanl&l m-rezaa aeysat ustbefux-etetl{at,Vas lI!=II_l|.bebadbaeu: qan I Dale: " 1 andhadseentwomaniindnngareeawalk c_-1 6

wl;iorganI 11O cer|!l:hrdVaqaazsaldhesaw

mddrlvlngwhal Fm9ldd!3t|l1l&#39;8392[l9-Y

,1m|;gmm|3yna 32-csllberrovolvenand

Simon: ,,mff.1egged,tl;e-otuqlrpnllinghlseoatoverhis -Morning i Anthem _

1 1


Ww>w:.%tz 1m1ax:akmimu:;?&iJ1$J>>2i::%:=:;~.&#39;r.:;:;z:.:.-;;::<:e -~,--.< ,. ----------" *&#39; W

ixmddmvebackthathesawlhnc driveway. _
Hzhesama rnemesawtheotherltwo

Tidsactlonwhe::tJ1eysm_t1:__? ata~o!aa1-. Nasquezsalditwaaafber eturne ihls

handgunandpotntit,heardaahnt.tlnunawtha.d pullwhatlookedhkeashotgunandhamdtvvobl


{WbanRa~yeasawh1m,saidtha enea. Anotkerof mrclwsedhlman|ly


pecttostapforwam-d.Rqesemergedl romnea shed,imnds!ntheair.A.22-caliheu-mvoiverwa

f0undabont100eett about3oBesldeshearlng eer&#39;al>es l: w=.i mwny&#39;
ontl92eNuut92-aFamil!ahitHsL"- t
thej92|ryheardh|m1lnkedtoa&:lcanAmeriprlsangangbyawltaasawboca iu&#39;lh1mae1I N0.

vlctimGsnawasontheNI"s !|It"_ naecutInn!!"& whlchiseomplledouthebaalso a dmemh

toobeyorders. >L &#39; r HeraandezsaidArlumBe!tranhatfbiinm- eradto am!headoH:he.NFintheSauJwaa:m.&#39;. 1

ed nt

hit Garza."Heidea

edBanaas~an1NF ca|Inh:

tempted murder and asaaultibntwmm aarmmln

Benran,25,andanothe1-magarnlhnrge wiyhah

Fabruaryand lamh. _
He:-aandezadmitmedl;e.wasthef&#39;wh:n1mau luone oi aoseattemplx , ., _ Rocha&#39;s attorney,Terry Green,trluilda discredit 1-Iernaadera testimonyby pointingout-In a&#39; tran-

scr1ptofaeourtprocaed1ngln8anJ0aq1ninUtmn1y a


to:- s stgtanentthata murdai-chrga


9hp ~ W,

,,. ...-. . w;:;..~..,...., ....._,......_..,. ..._... ..-.,... ,,.-,..

M er->2 -.


MountClipping In SpaceBelow!

&#39; : _

i 1

-i e

A N0 witness, no cos
GILROY -&#39;Charges conspir- a restaurant at 7140 Ch h St. of missed acy to commitmurderandassault Vacs has since been . with a deadly weapon naming from the hospital. Ruben Ga:-nica, 29, of 4747 El A woman impllc ed in the
Monte St. Fresno. were dismissed

F" e

I_L_ W-IIIIIII 1; note. &#39; &#39; 1t"_ Q. --n-ea

lntllcale par;-, nvnan at newspaper,city GnuI!~l_1v&#39;.]

Page 73
. San Jose Mercury

Garntca was to have faced e

shooting, A elina 1 21. of 539 E. ar . , was also released ear r from similar

Sen Jose, Calif.

-n-at -

preliminary hearing on the charges GilroyJmtlceCourt. in

But the District Attorney : Office was forced to seek a dismissal

charges &#39; Garnlca, who has the words

Nuestra Famllla tattooed across

his back,was arrestedby Giiroy after Gilroypolicewere unable to, policelast Aprllps the aftermath servesubpoenas witnesses on who oi an incident In which ve shotwould have testified about the gun blasts were pumpedinto a Aug.25 shotgun shoothig Man- homeat258E.8lxthSt.,narrowly of
uel Vacs, 17. Police said the witVaeawasshotintheheadinthe

essea simply had"disappeared." arIy~mornlng hours therear of at

This case was also dismissed

92 -_-~ 92

auseof the unavailability wit of


Date: 9-Za11 &#39;

Benton: Morning
&#39; Aether: Editor: Title:


Character: or _ Clan! tlconom

Suh "Inn l lllr-0

.-".4 ;" 7 w V .. ..W._;__/_;_,_;_-amt!v I4tow"t!&#39;u-w<w92&#39;"""*""&#39; . ,ieae.;i.;...=.i....,...~i=t..w *1



. ,i

i i

;na/of iiy iuexlcanetmertcans-retain C&#39;Ul&#39;lU authority. gS

92 i

filiiideagrii ehggrS?-it tg,enitEnlntellige reP0i&#39;l&#39;is is estl believeor Nucstra aknu-oiled Idmi! tors92t ligebsstrewill by Gonzales the the Farn e shots 13- iiiliiigiio w_&#39;e8 &#39; NI- . iiriiiieig :2}; min &#39;_&#39;23 eiiiiea siggss- -mo: ffamfewfaggw om" p giiiii lnsidelzgfuggtgrxsotla onwa s._ six &#39; mon sotedad mdthemsmiii:llw92iF is . mo : constitution in-x !d{&#39;l{fY Soleggg murSaImh.:littgllqt&#39;o ers _ in are _ S1352ii? Ji attempted bee FgmmaY stgiwsltshlziB haw Nuesm "Memeimd1;to and. _ 3 anti"icer peitfttiiorities 5 Mb past",whlclim remainmhlqusill1is ;Q eight comprig prison t&#39;b-er, mmh&#39; -I who iiliatcs mu. ? Nuestra Fainilia stmiiursnuestro . -1 -0 ow is led , inside &#39; llemuigm; taint! must3enerag, to an &#39; B
., -&#39; i.f.&#39;irn .&#39; I!

e ---, . gang ;i lggtlga -1tifiedP c ggrndg&#39 *Z 2 "53 ti&#39;:ll ?;b|?SO:lS iIl.|0 $,&#39;?.&#39;; %l;i92g=Sag :iiw % ,Ai.&#39;i - to iioimbiqi=;; i;.....ei Cam-om-ia twohave Gonzales. "Meme &#39;mMemcaqland both now ." &#3 Pmns&#39;gangs said -ishasuschlcyms of Dop=1l&#39;" Evenit becommgmss-6&#39;7 now areentirgtsnas atcormare um both been Dot: in Prisons II1e|nV0ational the he ficcr rm morethat aglparent theiangls imprisoned which
. ~. &#39;. :1 &#39;

""1? nqtjes Northern "col from BY?%rural Stntcsoi-ateiig RODltlGUEZ areas and

|Nuesviriijyifdfi lili "51 4.I" &#39;1 fa " K H

. 3~ -_.&#39;lc &#39;77? I_

are even prisons thestreets to amazesactivities frightened to hot,man.".~;i_92&#39;s omCommunications from high- "It&#39;s ranigingmemberscarried "Don task." NF are said in throuch variety methods Rodriguez that thetria of count? slightly than area, office such visits, as coded letters,350 ons his sup:-rviso-. rn% hone or calls parolees. te and who inside through com- civil addicts who not theassimple. considered but :ire" prisons, 150 felons have nunication isjust be questions it about even enforcement law personnel. asked

DVtheword sag.the touched Nuestra ."aspokesman by I-amilia How spreafrom

onthestreet whose they&#39;ve been transferredPeople been may F to lives have or he

had lothere awhile a tor but

Joe unit estimated than per for Rodriguez.supervisor that less tea tri-county ofli t parole c. cent the of prison2,400 s inmate the acknowledges that. "over 5 pogomation is gang-affiliated. years has is-c a Zsdadnolonger. gust increase been was considered two there by aNF efinite ofactivity stronhold, but We this inthe gang Salinas urea." &#39;

management units. control He

i _1_ 5

Date: 3


Edition: if &#39;_ r-[noon A-nhw tick to< r1

&#39;1 ._.

v--lEdna" E." "3: . .~o -4 ~

rltlo: _,;_1!g&#39;~ 11 i. &#39; tr-&#39;1 F1

_ .-~ 1._ I.

st-o k page but




Continuedornie from N9na.--5 f_, we todissuade ail can parolees lttedt theC from involvement in criminality awnCznter&#39;t"vii<ibehavior. n are by the ._oranyunproductive ln , ,,&#39;- l treated as this context. 3 variety we use of certain l$ esbi;&#39;: P8! 3.Y of monitoring behavior and I identit&#39;ied_aS 89748 be; ,3 He takingiorcefui actionas hecan&#39;tdivulB1g:"gg mn action &#39; necessary f. Forceiui could be placing in n&#39;it:tsESth:l e:% pendingthem jailcustody ptreated "mllch investigation and-or s i1Te1-entiy routine pending revocation I parolees." than lurthcr actionbythe. "" Authority."
Rodriguez sa&#39;
l8 3

"ffertainly purpose do our isto

Character: Q!

Classi cation: I
submitting ce: Ot ._~

6l i"{ mm Si

methods the degree trom of counselingcasework and tothat

__ Bern;Investigated .

. I a1.


. ., q .._ 4. . ,. N:;1=;t:y;,:q;;&9,:~ V,___ , _ ___ _____. . . ..:4 ,. _.._....<.. ----"&#39;-" 7!:&#39;<: "_~ 4 _4}Q92 4 __ . .. - ::.&#39;-&#39;-:"&#39;m.~"&#39;-2~.-;~- ...a ""7ur.e.e.a.."" &#39;"L11!51llBt::&#3 :4? -&#39;J&#39; "F""3">92n~vu nu .... M- ML ..~i " a.92..-tr "&#39;EF?Ef.:?;ui:l?anuwmew-.aam~.......;....:A::r:i:l:92uu:xmmw-uu~-~-~--~- -~-<-- .,... - .. -- ara...-gws... . _ * *1? "1 --T: "

!qsiqr1i"p&#39;mi%]:noi olann &#39;Pf; 1 ,";?,w?u E5? 3.151% 3orcemcnt The llrst the st " ""&#39; we. oi 8SEWOi8:l.Iildmove for eventualmmQ, toil peacepaymentled oflicerstreet -aandwmg d . a c"soidados rem, mm, mg,mm-the and ht necessarily has to work to
I ? t I ,, l , 1 x




closely and coordinate &#39;ve a member mm enforcementwith-iawwbuidi 8"the&#39;8&#39;-riminal andagencies20 8"" Z2;maygoodarid otherol Y9!0111102 went an&#39;llt1&#39;6l re&: l&#39;m"fhaveillf; we 9"ll? social service Rodriguezroupsvafe also 3?. uni, activityassociation. Allnoted. Soldado,&#39;,gang ill" - mi- lillllo aroleeswith must maintaindocumentllet: n contact vdth cal or theircc. says. 3 ;-1 _ &#39;al parole agents who generally _ M,

I t

Mum, ClipylngIn Spoco B-low!

-&#39;1therela A ? 7 think vol


!initiat theconta ld.tintheii naroctlcs.__ le soperv. anti 6! Pam , "We a f 0

- ues a a

i z F |

ev&#39;=-"*&#39;*="&#39;"* % bers and building us i t h%%.;s .&#39;it292 92$r&#39;fel. e! the of the B. organization on the outsi e into a
strong and
lamtlla." -"A larniliano

ta wid, Rh "" gttr cti mg tls erlora.sta "" eu :&#39;second ::tnb::::_ to establish whohavemsummr g:92:d rs.rtli 92 eh"heady"tor :i:uts,,|:: The gays set"main banlt. 6 was fant rcement ageac goals are lorth hvtakeover e spam an hll rimary purpose of constitution: Law es on -The the &#39;4.": &#39;::.t oi mg foals organization willmove eioiwl "I oi ; till beThe rumored NPR a be
.t levelshavo or the bettermentof its meni-

N ,1la niem ,.,.- iliii"lig ;;l%Jp 8?erll -i%l?= 1 at iron: r. ventures .. wmmfllbeaim ted e _ > is estimated 400-50% without authorization-" * with
pqqg, mama 0| er, city and alote-l

sell -supporting
will not be

mlhigggndnvolvantent59 servee 88 BI in. of 5"which !Nmam the Force 5 d

gangs has basically been in the . em mt; um

involvement spreadln ::,g mam ;; ; Aqmmiguationrh

released lromhis obligations to

the organization because he is see that a famllia is

established andworks in hand with the organization already

established behindthe walls." will be put on a lamlliano
- A automatic death sentence.

hard to

ll. f:arg:tl&#39;i2:r: 1 0011158.! a oi nerally been lot beingereleased fromgylnsparmink prison and will expected to work twice as
0 &#39; er . .

i t i" h?&#39;EZ&#39;1= I;

. "the seem." Tni&#39;n:&#39;.:n"s:z::$% &#39; a alifcrnia turns traitor, desercoward or


".:.:..= "MW?tah|-ignite lust because 1,i ,, *::",t"t*,:::,.*:; *v?=l:.";i * somebod "iinas County Asst. D 131$

&#39;:*.:.:.&#39;t#::.=&#39;::.:".:.t l...=

1% dbcljament outlines

And a September, 1975, NF

a ol


"_ &#39; ro wgtabllshing ortlng mm: 11:5: tor Mm a self~su a iamilia iregimentljlac area {hm tame l;1~ "e

&#39;~".s.;;,g>;*,;g,=g;&#39;;=mm,s,5,ti5 i . ,il3 3{?- - r ~n: {>"=l


gamilia think wlwage; are an Salinas"1 mambo-s re deallni *5" area.bethelt&#39;s&#39;extrelll9!9 would haveto be I fairsaysomeitSalinas peopleriot an to -but ereceive f,lt&#39;s 08.87 aame fwd- not


! 2 a

- gm stance, San Jose. from A ll, Editor: "- l l&#39;!il2.... i basisl&#39;i.5li. um n oath * &#39; %"" -===mw?=2 h1 11" 9" **=~====~=1I~ .i &#39;.l.l it have with&#39;a a ba-nk oi &#39;5. . don&#39;tknow." T hauestraorr
less$1,000 and have than shall -y

Aftrrnocn .i.c=< .&#39;.-:>::

. i~

hv:5:t&#39;1nto ormethe mobile. This were part businessosin so or are so masons is

The .

ire conjue

.-.-=.--...e;.a.&#39;..==. 7,f._,,,,,,._.,,,5,;,,;,,.-l.aaz=za-as-.;=-=i=<&#39;=ii--:~&#39;2=:&#39; t.- .. , ..


. 7 a..

r-- 7:: -

pug Clipping |-nice ~ In &#39;Below! i



&#39;. i ""s* gang "Prison %*m;esri__nds power1 . l

no peqo, mane novopcpor, city ~ one of n92ote.l

iii11oVaIIeg e t&#39;?.. i ... &#39 v,_=ii?i, *%%i<"&. > "8 1:2. a:&#39;t&#39;.= sass
La Nuestra Familia,rlgun. a deaths seven of one
_ Califorul s 3 rnet:: tw :"po1,wm 3

,The .

By RODRIGUEZ family"! N-ch. mcx Mafia, km git?" pm believed be as .N,,,.,,,,,,,the and __ "811! montgi_our ._ also in to rivaltheGamma arm the Mexican um 3-"mm, Eme N mas "Q3 are

a|eSalinasValley, 8 *

=25, establishing a racketaeexgiggbag :::.&#39;a:.%::.:&#39;:""* .2 .&#39;",f. """ndnrosntution. """&#39;,,..&#39;:."=;*;.;Y- Ii? 92 ,{&#39;19of growth gng.i;,nueme
1 Salinas .

:&#39;:.:&#39;:&#39;.":&#39;;.*.. Jew ?- ware Mexican basically eaad is Mafia isum.t8dty n 92&#39;9Il01


an effort NF uweak by to

Wings have reportedly come in

Klegitra Farmha hits The &#39;3P11iletter NF! the 8 Of "|n&#39; do t

221.12%:-&#39;.:::.i::::s" &#39;~i&#39;"


ss1l ===ra.tne1-&#39;3&# Stockton and Central other and afamlizgear-old Donald Lee J08l92;1asEme-lmkql, h ltl 8 Dawg er romrtgggginvolvement"Bl. 37-year-o galinas .Butfor thethe lieutenant. 8cum a most t=.:i.&#39;;a".:vt:*".;&#39;i=~

ggltl Ill the linas Valley which it F :5is sm "d gain " &#39; control San Jose. Fresno attempting to I1
are keenly aware of rumors of
part, the

corroboratedhard facts. _ by
Monterey County Asst. Dist.

rumors are



Area law enforcement officials

we may have to gangsters for

1 Eamon: .f&#39;.IB1"l lOO1&#39;l

y that there IS possible gang activity in our area - in the Salinas-county area -and the is
information that receiving, again

Atty. Dean Fllppo acknowledges

we are uncorroborated,

violence may overcomuerill to

the point where pay these

if left unchecked. this organized

Author: ?~iCk
saw: .;arry
rum Prison



-1.. Zior

that the

gangs are involved in going on by the

that there&#39;s a war

between rival Salinas area.

various crimes. Idon&#39;t think we&#39;ve received information any gangs in the

protection to live here." Street talk has it that NF is

i 1&#39;ittto &#39; &#39;1 0"-::" 0}

seeking loa potentia ly control valleys the heroin traffic.

lucrative groposition."
about an

1 Cnarocter: or
. Ctustftcasnonr i Eahmttllnq Dtltce:

Letters reccived

s i

Californian express growing fear on the streets. One woman wrote. lFerro&#39;r lS rampant streets in the and barrios of Salinas and l fear

"With t e Salinas Valley being on the main road from San Francisco "to L.A.. there&#39;s a tremendous amount of narcotics awful lot of information l don t

that comes through andwe getan awful lot of people being involved. Somesay people from the
gangs, but

I: Bole: l.&#39;.veatlctod .T&#39;_"""" &#39;

estimate at all." about

think we

volved, lippo Information has enforcement that

alleged Fgang-nrcrrrl irs are in

reached law Nueslra 185

how many


A am .....uu ~=

_ - &#39;4->



" &#39;

p it ig 3

iil?ltl l0D_s~vili&#39;rs. Randall, Ild _ an. l"|il:_l_;%,Q91$55-!lll Larry |8_ ihtwmlamd av "11"" ",1 digit i"Pi Thomas as,
cnnfriinlzgion _bf"liWl gvimfk:en%3| I> um;-, _ ; mom 3 Q Oi" &#39;81! an 23 On I time; n :1;-asriaoand shot

.. . &#39; had history oi _mill ! 1""?. .ti m &#39;i" also narcotics~.,$angnyle gm ""&#39;92" t a om Law en. ,orcenient officials won&#39;t com

rw... f&#39;l|--|-|- 1--..

-92 ____J

wt .1&#39; i1I"i"""" "Y ma-1" Salinas, known l_||y oi a narcotics .early

tails linksthe followingmurders to theprison-based gang:

iiient on pending casesbut street

Foley and Btli&#39;k.Cai&#39;ltlV8l July 18, Therv have &#39;P"s 50" 9! reportedly been at fired while on He Pas! f92"&#39; &#39;3?E. """"" NF &#39;5 Street about Market a week 1976.died from braindamage attemptinf to moveinto the gel-_ ea -paused by bullet two wounds to &#39; lower So cdad _Streei to _ Adam cemeno 30, of he head. area Flores. M, of control prostitution. _ _ pnmda|_ whose was Raul Ralphconvicted by body Salinas, was a "We haveto stress"*8! "Fdiscovered on Old Natividad pone, nuse oi _ MontereySuperior_,________.._..._..... Countiy"I Court 921l181lb8i=mll8lPd- 5m"bdY "_ Road across from Sheriff&#39;s the ||y hug slate.! soy something than &#39;"lPosseoi-ourids March lury of second agree iniirder in and 12. liedied zhe case Nov. 3, 1976. back ll AndWe h-&#39;*."" two close-range shotgun Rice on "ll &#39; he? from

- Jack Jr., shim. It appears that 1""! Plaza l-iotel, re so Market,Saiinas, Samuel Rice at27.of E. St., who was shot the

alliiivolv l

March 5. Randall had

ditectprooi." saw S mlas P1&#39;reportsby the slaying to a NF hit, no motive Toxicolo the.T38crimes - --Cali R0l&#39;"=!""=* drugwas broughtin a coroner&#39;s gyfice that only acli out evidence. trial show becauseo of solid Me which dis aeiiim hada have positive -Richard Cano Hernandez.
was to FAl92lll-Y ===&#39;>=&#39;l* ofOct.i7. 1976, hisstabbed Pm giine nsrvoii 21. Salinas,inwho Soledad and in his death system. &#39; _arcotics paraphernalia was
found at the scene of the Randall

able to hack

any of it up W_l1.hbtasts_

Despite rumors linking the

theinosl attention been have ihemmen test showed Whig, mm-.

i 1

irug violations, had been housed yet for8 little while he dared an had en eight-man cell. Reluctance 1 S;1inas to believe, to hopein our future it any of thei7_inmates on the Californian together, only to have his dream

Moreno! had known or the threat to his life for some time

in Some oi &#39;l a i;feted the ctims knew they awaitingtrialthe case. Gavino"Porky" Valdez, 30, were targeted for death. One of Salinas who was strangled woman wrote, Alejandro

term for attem ted murder and several of the other serving a victims had needle tracks. parol Dec. iii. Two men are

prison cell.l-Iernamlez, who was

robbeg, was have &#39;to &#39;iI:een

ie .t. 29. whohad history of 1976 in a Monte:-ey County la Valdez,

The problem making in cases he is is an_arrest is concerned. it was that potential witnesses aren&#39;t first murder in the jail s iistory. 5 talking. who "We are having an extreme -Alexander Moreno, 37,


to speakhas led shattered by shadowshisentire cellblocli dead-endas far the of nvestigators to a

irug was stabbed to forward and testify n court. ieathviolations. of a inthe bathroom Fontes 3/:3/Y" Why? l suppose we could .&#39;1T:i &#39; Lane Dee. 22, = ..... Xi speculate as whetherthey&#39;ve laborpcamp was 1976 to where he apparently lured to
been threatened

also time difficulty in peoiplehad having come served prison for

or are

for policeagencies in ese typeiamaged by ambulance at-151531 ! of cases because the witnesses .endants whoresponded tothe c-*: 112:; are notcoming forward,"Flippo :ail_ and ar-rived before insays.

Potential evidence frightened for their ownsafety orbe executed. accidentally H-try it the scene was

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whatever. It&#39;s extremely difficult

"What we&#39;re to do is that trying
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-..F|.% _lspec",, Captnannahis trial gawk igainst in and I-flores
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V8$ll58l0!_ S. ll!!! loria Rocha iii.liedtion 2 Rice,



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