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Physics Model Exam Question Paper | PDF

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Answer any 5 questions from 1-7 each carries 1 score

1. Besides the seven base units, there are two more units in SI. The unit of solid angle
(i) Radian (ii) Steradian
(iii) Degree (iv) Candela

2. Free fall is an example of ..... motion

3. What is the weight of the body at the centre of earth?

4. The reciprocal of bulk modulus is .........

5. Angle of contact of pure water is ..........

6. Temperature of a normal human body is 98.6 F. What is the corresponding tem-

perature in degrees Celsius?

7. What is the length of seconds pendulum?

Answer any 5 questions from 8-14 each carries 2 mark

8. The position - time graph of two objects A and B are shown below. Find the ratio
of velocities of A and B.

9. What is the kinetic energy and potential energy at the top most point of the
projectile motion

10. A heavy body and a small body have the same kinetic energy. Which one has
greater momentum? Why ?

11. (a) If |Ax

⃗ B|
⃗ = A.
⃗ B,
⃗ what is the angle between A
⃗ and B
⃗ ?
⃗ · (A
(b) Find the value of A ⃗ × B)


Based on the graph explain anomalous behaviour of water

13. (a) State first law of thermodynamics

(b) For an ideal gas undergoing isothermal process, ∆U =

14. At what temperature the rms speed of hydrogen is double its value at STP?

Answer any 6 questions from 15-21 each carries 3 marks

15. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 20 m s − 1 from the top of a
multistorey building. The height of the point from where the ball is thrown is 25.0
m from the ground.
(a) How high will the ball rise ?
(b) How long will it be before the ball hits the ground? Take g = 10 m s − 2.

16. Derive an expression for maximum permissible speed of a car on a circular level

17. (a) State the law of conservation of angular momentum

(b) Write the relation between torque and angular momentum
(c) If polar ice caps melt and spread uniformly, how the moment of inertia of the
earth would change? What will be its effect on the duration of a day?

18. (a) For small deformation stress is directly proportional to strain. This statement
is based on.....
(b) A steel rod has a radius of 10 mm and a length of 1 m . A 100KN force stretches
it along its length. Calculate the elongation of steel rod. (Young’s modulus of
steel is 2 × 10 N/m2 )

19. The schematic diagram of a machine is shown below.

(a) Name the device, state the principle behind this

(b) In the figure, mass of the car 3000 kg . The area of cross section of the piston
carrying the car is 425 cm 2 . What is the pressure on the smaller piston ?
(g = 9.8 m/s2)

20. (a) Derive the expression for variation of g with altitude

(b) At what height g will be half of that of the surface of earth?

21. Derive an expression for the work done in isothermal process

Answer any 3 questions from 22-25 each carries 4 score

22. (a) Check the dimensional correctness of the following equations

1/2mv 2 = mgh

V = GM/R

(b) Consider a simple pendulum having a bob attached to a string that oscillates
under the action of the force of gravity.suppose that the period of simple pen-
dulum depends on
mass of the bob (m)
length of the pendulum (l)
acceleration due to gravity

23. (a) Explain different types of collision

(b) Prove the law of conservation of mechanical energy in the case of freely falling

24. Simple pendulum in oscillatory motion is shown in the figure.

(a) Mark the different forces acting on the Bob

(b) Derive an expression for time period of simple pendulum ?
(c) The bob of a simple pendulum is a ball filled with water. As it is oscillating
water flows out through a hole at the bottom. What happens to the period?

25. (a) A steel wire 0.72 m long has a mass of 5.0 × 102 kg. If the wire is under a
tension of 60 N , what is the speed of transverse waves on the wire ?
(b) Find equations of the first, second and third harmonics of standing waves
formed in an open pipe and show that

ν1 : ν2 : ν3 = 1 : 2 : 3.

Answer any 3 questions from 26-29 each carries 5 score

26. (a) Derive the expression for centripetal acceleration

(b) An insect is trapped in a circular groove of radius 12 cm moves along the groove
steadily and complete 7 revolutions in 100 sec
(i) What is the linear speed of the motion.
(ii) Find the centripetal acceleration

27. (a) State law of conservation of linear momentum and prove it mathematically
(b) Prove that momentum of bullet and gun are equal in magnitude and opposite
in direction
(c) A shell of mass 0.020 kg is fired by a gun of mass 100 kg . If the muzzle speed
of the shell is 80 m/s, what is the recoil speed of the gun?

28. (a) Moon has no atmosphere why ?

(b) Derive the expression for escape speed.
(c) A Saturn year is 29.5 times the earth year. How far is the Saturn from the sun
if the earth is 1.5 × 109 km away from the sun

29. (a) Derive the expression for capillary rise.

(b) What is the phenomenon responsible for it.
(c) What happens to the capillary height, when a capillary tube is placed inside a
lift which is moving upward with uniform acceleration

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