Physics Model Exam Question Paper | PDF
Physics Model Exam Question Paper | PDF
Physics Model Exam Question Paper | PDF
1. Besides the seven base units, there are two more units in SI. The unit of solid angle
(i) Radian (ii) Steradian
(iii) Degree (iv) Candela
8. The position - time graph of two objects A and B are shown below. Find the ratio
of velocities of A and B.
9. What is the kinetic energy and potential energy at the top most point of the
projectile motion
10. A heavy body and a small body have the same kinetic energy. Which one has
greater momentum? Why ?
14. At what temperature the rms speed of hydrogen is double its value at STP?
15. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 20 m s − 1 from the top of a
multistorey building. The height of the point from where the ball is thrown is 25.0
m from the ground.
(a) How high will the ball rise ?
(b) How long will it be before the ball hits the ground? Take g = 10 m s − 2.
16. Derive an expression for maximum permissible speed of a car on a circular level
18. (a) For small deformation stress is directly proportional to strain. This statement
is based on.....
(b) A steel rod has a radius of 10 mm and a length of 1 m . A 100KN force stretches
it along its length. Calculate the elongation of steel rod. (Young’s modulus of
steel is 2 × 10 N/m2 )
Answer any 3 questions from 22-25 each carries 4 score
(b) Consider a simple pendulum having a bob attached to a string that oscillates
under the action of the force of gravity.suppose that the period of simple pen-
dulum depends on
mass of the bob (m)
length of the pendulum (l)
acceleration due to gravity
25. (a) A steel wire 0.72 m long has a mass of 5.0 × 102 kg. If the wire is under a
tension of 60 N , what is the speed of transverse waves on the wire ?
(b) Find equations of the first, second and third harmonics of standing waves
formed in an open pipe and show that
ν1 : ν2 : ν3 = 1 : 2 : 3.
27. (a) State law of conservation of linear momentum and prove it mathematically
(b) Prove that momentum of bullet and gun are equal in magnitude and opposite
in direction
(c) A shell of mass 0.020 kg is fired by a gun of mass 100 kg . If the muzzle speed
of the shell is 80 m/s, what is the recoil speed of the gun?