4. B - Grammar Review
Grammar Review (Part 1)
Basic Sentence Structure
Introducing Verbs
Simple Tenses (Past, Present, Future)
Continuous Tenses (Past, Present, Future)
Perfect Tenses (Past, Present, Future)
Perfect Continuous Tenses (Past, Present, Future)
Summary of Tenses
Stative Verbs (Non Progressive Verb)
Passive Voice
Tenses for Passive Voice
Basic of Modals
Modals of Advice
Modals of Certainty
Passive with Modals
Subject-Verb Agreement
Subject-Verb Agreement (Common Mistakes)
Grammar Review (Part 2)
Adjectives and Verbs
Prepositions and Interjections
Clauses and Sentences
Grammar Review (Part 3)
Introduction to Relationship betwee Clause or Sentences
Cause and Effect between Clauses
Cause and Effect with Noun Phrases
Cause and Effect between Sentences
Contradictions between Clauses
Contradictions with Noun Phrases
Contradictions between Sentences
Time Relationship
Addition and Condition
Example, Conclusion, Emphasis
Adjective Clause (Relative Clause)
Adjective Clause (That & Which)
Adjective Clause (Who, Whom, Whose)
Adjective Clause (When, Where, Why)
Adjective Clause (Quantity of + Which & Whom)
Reduced Adjective Clause
5. C - Vocabulary Learning
Effective Vocabulary Building
Parts of Speech for Vocabulary Building
Root Words and Affixes to Derive Meaning
Root Words Originating From Latin
Root Words Originating From Latin (Part 2)
Root Words Originating From Greek
Suffixes to Form Nouns
Suffixes to Form Verbs
Suffixes to Form Adjectives
Deriving Meaning from Root Words and Affixes
Vocab Learning Tips
How to Memorize
The Learning Process
Exposure to More Words
Contextual Learning
Contextual Learning (Part 2)
Processing New Vocabularies
Modify the Vocabularies
Vocab-Building (Prefixes and Suffixes)
Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes
Common Prefixes
Suffixes to Form Adjectives
Suffixes to Form Verbs
Suffixes to Form Adverbs
Suffixes to Form Nouns
1. Postulat Dasar
2. Persamaan Garis
3. Eksponen dan Logaritma
4. Persamaan Kuadrat
5. Fungsi Kuadrat
6. Pertidaksamaan
7. Barisan dan Deret Bilangan
8. Trigonometri
9. Matriks
10. Program Linear
11. Peluang
12. Statistika
13. Limit
14. Turunan
15. Integral
16. Suku Banyak
17. Lingkaran
18. Vektor
19. Dimensi Tiga